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University of Cagliari

Faculty of Engineering and Architecture

Chemical Engineering and biotechnological processes

Course of Safety and Environmental Chemical Engineering

Exercise-1 (Environmental)

BY Tiegisti Fessehaie Embaie Matricola 70/88/65277

Date 29/12/2022
Exercise 1_1
A large municipal solid waste combustor emits a flue gas having a temperature of 150 °C and a pressure of
1.2 atm. Moreover, the flue gas has a humidity of 10 %vol and an oxygen content of 9%vol. Periodic
analyses performed on samples of 150 mL show that the flue-gas has a high content of solid particles having
an average density of 2.65 g/cm3 and the granulometric composition reported in the following table (see
attached excel file).

Mean diameter of Number of

Size Class particles particles
i dp,i ni
(um) (/)
1 0 0 0
0-2 1 40
2 2-3 2.5 52
3 3-5 4 80
4 5-7 6 81
5 7 -9 8 38
6 9 - 11 10 34
7 10 - 14 12 93
8 14-16 15 31
9 16-20 18 40
10 20-35 27.5 52
11 35-50 42.5 2
12 > 50 0 0

The local regulatory limits corrected to 7% oxygen for total particulate matter, PM10 and PM2.5 are, 20
mg/dscm, 150 g/ dscm and 35 g/ dscm, respectively.
Evaluate whether the emissions from the plant are compliant with the local regulation for these parameters.

First we calculate weight of each particle by multiplying the given density and the volume which is
calculated from the given diameters of the sphere. And we can also calculate the total weight of particles in
each class by multiplying with the number of particles, then we calculate cumulative weight by adding the
successive total weights

=> =>
After that we need to calculate the concentration at particle size of 10, 2.5 and total, by dividing the
cumulative weight to the volume, but before that we need to calculate the dry volume using the formula
Then it is necessary to evaluate the corrected concentration considering the oxygen dilution using the
formula below:-

Finally we can do the comparison among the Cdscm, Cr and the limte concentrations which are given. And
we can conclude that the Ctot and CPM10 has exceeded the limit.

The numerical results are listed in the table below:-

limit given calculated corrected remark

Ctot-(mg/dscm) 20 21.997223 25.66342683 exceded
PM10(µg/dscm) 150 934.616558 1090.385984 exceded
PM2.5(µg/dscm) 35 10.3576964 12.08397911 not exceded

Exercise 1.2
Consider the 85 percent-efficient natural gas (consisting only of CH4) -fired water heater in the figure. For
this second energy system, consider 1.5 % methane leakage to the atmosphere during the mining,
transportation, and storage of natural gas (CH4). Evaluate the equivalent carbon dioxide emission rate
(gCO2-eq/MJ) for the gas water heater after 30 yrs.

Assume the natural gas consists of only CH4 and that the integral below has a value of 18.1 yrs

 R ( t ) dt  18.1 yrs

Use information and Tables in the slides of Chapters 1 and 2. The carbon dioxide emission rate is defined as
the ratio between the emitted CO2 (gCO2 or gCO2-eq) and the produced energy (MJ).

First we calculate GWP
The Potential GWP determines the CO2 concentration remaining in the atmosphere.

Where :

Then The ratio between FCH4 and FCO2 is calculated using the following formula


Where:-  R ( t ) dt  18.1 yrs


Finally we can obtain:-

Carbon from CH4= 30.6 gc

The emission from leakage ECO2 =1557 gco2

The emission from boiler, ECO2 =5525.85 gco2,

𝑮𝑾𝑷30𝑪𝑯𝟒= 51.168

Total CO2 emitted = 84.59 g/MJ

Exercise 2-1
Consider the simplified model of a one-layer absorbing atmosphere.

a) Evaluate the absorptivity 𝑓 for which the Outgoing Longwave Radiation (𝑂𝐿𝑅) is
340 (𝑊 𝑚 −2 ) under the assumption that 𝑇1 is equal to 260 °𝐾 .
b) Using the value of 𝑓 and the temperatures found at the previous point evaluate if the system (Earth+
atmosphere) is at the radiative equilibrium. If yes discuss the answer, if no evaluate the temperatures
𝑇0 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑇1 which would guarantee the radiative equilibrium.
c) Suppose that, at a certain point, the equilibrium temperatures are established, and the radiative
equilibrium is achieved. Assume that at this point a specific amount of greenhouse gas is added in
the atmosphere leading the absorptivity to increase by 5%. Evaluate the Earth’s temperature (soil)
increase determined by such addition.
d) Evaluate also the total feedback gain.

First calculate earth temperature

= 309K
Having To we can find absorptivity (f) = 0.688 by the formula below:-

Then from Kirchoff's law the incident solar radiation must be equal to the sum of the reflected radiation
and the outgoing terrestrial radiation ,so in order to satisfy that we need to calculate new To and T1:-

= 285.18K and T1new= 239.8K

Taking a new absorption value, it is necessary to evaluate a new value of OLR ;.

And we need to consider a new parameter, the Sensitivity λ, which is a measure of how much the earth's
surface will cool or heat up after a specific factor causes a change in its climatic system.

= 0.897m2K/W

Parallelly, I can find new earth temperature that is the summation of ∆𝑇𝑜 (The increase in the earth's
temperature )and Tonew

That is 287.05K

Finally we can find the gain by :-

g= 0.068

Where λB is the black body sensitivity

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