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7400 English Spelling Exercises in

Unique Formats to Help you Enhance

your English Language Writing and
Reading Skills
Janette Robinson

The first impression one makes is always crucial. Whether it's a

prospective employer, or a new personal connection, making a

good initial impression is key to a good long term relationship.

In an increasingly virtual word, the first impression you make on

someone is usually through the medium of the written word.

Whether it's a job application or a dating app, text is the first level.

Therefore, it is very important that your spelling skills are as strong

as possible. Strong spelling skills can lead to better grades on tests

and examinations, to a better professional future, and to a more

kind assessment of your overall desirability.

This book will strengthen your English spelling skills.

It contains a very large number of puzzles, in each if which you are

given a series of words, and asked to find the word which is
wrongly spelled (and to correct its spelling). This is a good format
for many reasons: chief among which is the fact that, in addition to
being exposed to a word which is commonly misspelled, you will

also encounter a large number of difficult words which are

correctly and accurately spelled, in each puzzle. This will help you
update both correct and incorrect spellings in your mental database,
and will exponentially multiply the speed of your orthography

Go ahead, get ready to make a great first impression!

Table of Contents

Puzzle Set 1

Answers: Puzzle Set 1

Puzzle Set 2

Answers: Puzzle Set 2

Puzzle Set 3

Answers: Puzzle Set 3

Puzzle Set 4

Answers: Puzzle Set 4

Puzzle Set 5

Answers: Puzzle Set 5

Puzzle Set 6

Answers: Puzzle Set 6

Puzzle Set 7

Answers: Puzzle Set 7

Puzzle Set 8

Answers: Puzzle Set 8

Puzzle Set 9

Answers: Puzzle Set 9

Puzzle Set 1

In each of the word sets below, your task is to find the word whose spelling

is incorrect, and to correct that spelling. About 70% of the questions are
simple, but some are definitely a real challenge!

Answers can be found in the next chapter. All the best!

1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. ubiquitous

B. diaphanous
C. transient

D. allmost
E. salient

F. dissemble


2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. adumbrate
B. athist

C. assiduous

D. neophyte

E. multifarious

F. upbraid

3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. limpid

B. guage
C. reprobate

D. veracity

E. ruse

F. fastidious


4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. torpid
B. morass
C. diffident

D. transient

E. veracity

F. intelligance


5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. diaphanous

B. acerbic

C. palliate

D. experiance

E. rescind

F. fetid


6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. effulgent
B. prosaic

C. pejorative
D. iniquity

E. realy

F. propitious

7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. insidious

B. seperate

C. largess

D. largess

E. garrulous

F. exculpate


8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. mawkish

B. opulent

C. iniquity

D. hackneyed
E. mercurial

F. equiptment


9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. odious

B. stupefy

C. deride

D. professer

E. evince
F. nascent


10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. promulgate

B. punctilious

C. morass

D. eschew

E. guidence
F. effulgent

Answers: Puzzle Set 1

1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. ubiquitous

B. diaphanous
C. transient

D. allmost
E. salient

F. dissemble

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *allmost*. The correct

spelling of that word is *almost*.


2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. adumbrate

B. athist
C. assiduous

D. neophyte

E. multifarious

F. upbraid

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *athist*. The correct

spelling of that word is *atheist*.


3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. limpid

B. guage

C. reprobate

D. veracity

E. ruse

F. fastidious

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *guage*. The correct

spelling of that word is *gauge*.

4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. torpid

B. morass

C. diffident
D. transient

E. veracity

F. intelligance


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *intelligance*. The

correct spelling of that word is *intelligence*.


5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. diaphanous

B. acerbic
C. palliate

D. experiance

E. rescind
F. fetid


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *experiance*. The

correct spelling of that word is *experience*.


6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. effulgent

B. prosaic

C. pejorative

D. iniquity

E. realy

F. propitious


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *realy*. The correct

spelling of that word is *really*.


7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. insidious

B. seperate

C. largess

D. largess

E. garrulous

F. exculpate


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *seperate*. The correct

spelling of that word is *separate*.


8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. mawkish

B. opulent

C. iniquity

D. hackneyed

E. mercurial

F. equiptment

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *equiptment*. The

correct spelling of that word is *equipment*.


9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. odious

B. stupefy

C. deride

D. professer

E. evince

F. nascent


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *professer*. The correct

spelling of that word is *professor*.


10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. promulgate

B. punctilious
C. morass

D. eschew

E. guidence

F. effulgent


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *guidence*. The correct

spelling of that word is *guidance*.

Puzzle Set 2

In each of the word sets below, your task is to find the word whose spelling

is incorrect, and to correct that spelling. About 70% of the questions are
simple, but some are definitely a real challenge!

Answers can be found in the next chapter. All the best!

1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. munificence

B. limpid
C. antipathy

D. consious
E. desecrate

F. aspersion


2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. demure
B. replete

C. egregious

D. tenuous

E. turgid

F. conceed

3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. winsome

B. sacrosanct
C. verdant

D. obdurate

E. apparant

F. propensity


4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. implacable
B. rancor
C. antipathy

D. dacquiri

E. pariah

F. inchoate


5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. stupefy

B. inure

C. juxtaposition

D. mischevous

E. florid

F. vilify


6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. fetid
B. desecrate

C. concomitant
D. imperious

E. diffrence

F. boon

7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. egregious

B. arguement

C. reprove

D. harangue

E. conundrum

F. upbraid


8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. credulity

B. legerdemain

C. pertinacious

D. fastidious
E. florid

F. higeine


9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. miniscule

B. fatuous

C. diaphanous

D. viscous

E. mercurial
F. sacrosanct


10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. pithy

B. conflagration

C. impertinent

D. occurrance

E. perfidious
F. dither

Answers: Puzzle Set 2

1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. munificence

B. limpid
C. antipathy

D. consious
E. desecrate

F. aspersion

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *consious*. The correct

spelling of that word is *conscious*.


2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. demure

B. replete
C. egregious

D. tenuous

E. turgid

F. conceed

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *conceed*. The correct

spelling of that word is *concede*.


3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. winsome

B. sacrosanct

C. verdant

D. obdurate

E. apparant

F. propensity

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *apparant*. The correct

spelling of that word is *apparent*.

4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. implacable

B. rancor

C. antipathy
D. dacquiri

E. pariah

F. inchoate


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *dacquiri*. The correct

spelling of that word is *daiquiri*.


5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. stupefy

B. inure
C. juxtaposition

D. mischevous

E. florid
F. vilify


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *mischevous*. The

correct spelling of that word is *mischievous*.


6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. fetid

B. desecrate

C. concomitant

D. imperious

E. diffrence

F. boon


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *diffrence*. The correct

spelling of that word is *difference*.


7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. egregious

B. arguement

C. reprove

D. harangue

E. conundrum

F. upbraid


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *arguement*. The correct

spelling of that word is *argument*.


8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. credulity

B. legerdemain

C. pertinacious

D. fastidious

E. florid

F. higeine

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *higeine*. The correct

spelling of that word is *hygiene*.


9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. miniscule

B. fatuous

C. diaphanous

D. viscous

E. mercurial

F. sacrosanct


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *miniscule*. The correct

spelling of that word is *minuscule*.


10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. pithy

B. conflagration
C. impertinent

D. occurrance

E. perfidious

F. dither


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *occurrance*. The

correct spelling of that word is *occurrence*.

Puzzle Set 3

In each of the word sets below, your task is to find the word whose spelling

is incorrect, and to correct that spelling. About 70% of the questions are
simple, but some are definitely a real challenge!

Answers can be found in the next chapter. All the best!

1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. vicarious

B. conflagration
C. wistful

D. nascent
E. ommision

F. somnolent


2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. fetid
B. brusque

C. paucity

D. assiduous

E. quagmire

F. humerous

3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. acrimony

B. munificence
C. wilfull

D. tenuous

E. ostensible

F. effulgent


4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. opulent
B. repudiate
C. surfeit

D. privelege

E. puerile

F. portent


5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. approbation

B. insidious

C. upbraid

D. paucity

E. munificence

F. neice


6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. pellucid
B. wizened

C. wistful
D. ephemeral

E. playwrite

F. dissemble

7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. primeval

B. reprobate

C. punctilious

D. deprecate

E. becuase

F. quagmire


8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. aspersion

B. imperious

C. cogent

D. opulent
E. laconic

F. wellfare


9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. zenith

B. implacable

C. prosaic

D. pallid

E. evince
F. hygine


10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. sanguine

B. miniture

C. hegemony

D. extol

E. rancor
F. turgid

Answers: Puzzle Set 3

1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. vicarious

B. conflagration
C. wistful

D. nascent
E. ommision

F. somnolent

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *ommision*. The correct

spelling of that word is *omission*.


2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. fetid

B. brusque
C. paucity

D. assiduous

E. quagmire

F. humerous

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *humerous*. The correct

spelling of that word is *humorous*.


3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. acrimony

B. munificence

C. wilfull

D. tenuous

E. ostensible

F. effulgent

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *wilfull*. The correct

spelling of that word is *wilful*.

4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. opulent

B. repudiate

C. surfeit
D. privelege

E. puerile

F. portent


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *privelege*. The correct

spelling of that word is *privilege*.


5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. approbation

B. insidious
C. upbraid

D. paucity

E. munificence
F. neice


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *neice*. The correct

spelling of that word is *niece*.


6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. pellucid

B. wizened

C. wistful

D. ephemeral

E. playwrite

F. dissemble


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *playwrite*. The correct

spelling of that word is *playwright*.


7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. primeval

B. reprobate

C. punctilious

D. deprecate

E. becuase

F. quagmire


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *becuase*. The correct

spelling of that word is *because*.


8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. aspersion

B. imperious

C. cogent

D. opulent

E. laconic

F. wellfare

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *wellfare*. The correct

spelling of that word is *welfare*.


9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. zenith

B. implacable

C. prosaic

D. pallid

E. evince

F. hygine


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *hygine*. The correct

spelling of that word is *hygiene*.


10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. sanguine

B. miniture
C. hegemony

D. extol

E. rancor

F. turgid


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *miniture*. The correct

spelling of that word is *miniature*.

Puzzle Set 4

In each of the word sets below, your task is to find the word whose spelling

is incorrect, and to correct that spelling. About 70% of the questions are
simple, but some are definitely a real challenge!

Answers can be found in the next chapter. All the best!

1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. probity

B. insidious
C. fetid

D. sanctimonious
E. twelth

F. decry


2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. extinguish
B. vouchsafe

C. desolate

D. changable

E. regression

F. livelihood

3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. anterior

B. luxurious
C. experience

D. welfair

E. obliging

F. comprobation


4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. temporize
B. barbarous
C. compulsion

D. obedience

E. jewelery

F. imbecile


5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. worthless

B. immunity

C. affinity

D. flummery

E. asperity

F. pronounciation


6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. monarchical
B. desparate

C. extinction
D. perpetuity

E. critical

F. locomotion

7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. complimentary

B. adventurous

C. bickering

D. dismember

E. vaccuum

F. squander


8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. emergency

B. parliment

C. adaptation

D. dialogue
E. hereditary

F. discreet


9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. vacillate

B. apportion

C. passable

D. sophisticate

E. concensus
F. elaborate


10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. repercussion

B. tolerant

C. comitted

D. innocuous

E. adversity
F. redundant

Answers: Puzzle Set 4

1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. probity

B. insidious
C. fetid

D. sanctimonious
E. twelth

F. decry

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *twelth*. The correct

spelling of that word is *twelfth*.


2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. extinguish

B. vouchsafe
C. desolate

D. changable

E. regression

F. livelihood

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *changable*. The correct

spelling of that word is *changeable*.


3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. anterior

B. luxurious

C. experience

D. welfair

E. obliging

F. comprobation

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *welfair*. The correct

spelling of that word is *welfare*.

4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. temporize

B. barbarous

C. compulsion
D. obedience

E. jewelery

F. imbecile


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *jewelery*. The correct

spelling of that word is *jewelry / jewellery*.


5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. worthless

B. immunity
C. affinity

D. flummery

E. asperity
F. pronounciation


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *pronounciation*. The

correct spelling of that word is *pronunciation*.


6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. monarchical

B. desparate

C. extinction

D. perpetuity

E. critical

F. locomotion


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *desparate*. The correct

spelling of that word is *desperate*.


7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. complimentary

B. adventurous

C. bickering

D. dismember

E. vaccuum

F. squander


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *vaccuum*. The correct

spelling of that word is *vacuum*.


8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. emergency

B. parliment

C. adaptation

D. dialogue

E. hereditary

F. discreet

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *parliment*. The correct

spelling of that word is *parliament*.


9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. vacillate

B. apportion

C. passable

D. sophisticate

E. concensus

F. elaborate


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *concensus*. The correct

spelling of that word is *consensus*.


10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. repercussion

B. tolerant
C. comitted

D. innocuous

E. adversity

F. redundant


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *comitted*. The correct

spelling of that word is *committed*.

Puzzle Set 5

In each of the word sets below, your task is to find the word whose spelling

is incorrect, and to correct that spelling. About 70% of the questions are
simple, but some are definitely a real challenge!

Answers can be found in the next chapter. All the best!

1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. interrupt

B. mellifluous
C. exercise

D. equiptment
E. inflection

F. theoretical


2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. fruitful
B. philosopher

C. labyrinth

D. sieze

E. mysterious

F. premature

3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. inventor

B. adequate
C. allotment

D. apparant

E. embitter

F. proficiency


4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. corruption
B. appetite
C. heighth

D. chicanery

E. blessing

F. condescend


5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. experienced

B. elongation

C. co-operate

D. coalesce

E. vaccuum

F. important


6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. seperate
B. security

C. restoration
D. preamble

E. promotion

F. junction

7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. secluded

B. significant

C. impetrate

D. momento

E. consolidate

F. expensive


8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. integrity

B. violence

C. sublimate

D. abcense
E. blockhead

F. remittent


9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. apologue

B. celerity

C. conscious

D. acommodate

E. equanimity
F. reprobate


10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. perceivable

B. advisable

C. noticable

D. predatory

E. watchful
F. barbarous

Answers: Puzzle Set 5

1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. interrupt

B. mellifluous
C. exercise

D. equiptment
E. inflection

F. theoretical

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *equiptment*. The

correct spelling of that word is *equipment*.


2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. fruitful

B. philosopher
C. labyrinth

D. sieze

E. mysterious

F. premature

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *sieze*. The correct

spelling of that word is *seize*.


3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. inventor

B. adequate

C. allotment

D. apparant

E. embitter

F. proficiency

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *apparant*. The correct

spelling of that word is *apparent*.

4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. corruption

B. appetite

C. heighth
D. chicanery

E. blessing

F. condescend


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *heighth*. The correct

spelling of that word is *height*.


5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. experienced

B. elongation
C. co-operate

D. coalesce

E. vaccuum
F. important


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *vaccuum*. The correct

spelling of that word is *vacuum*.


6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. seperate

B. security

C. restoration

D. preamble

E. promotion

F. junction


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *seperate*. The correct

spelling of that word is *separate*.


7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. secluded

B. significant

C. impetrate

D. momento

E. consolidate

F. expensive


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *momento*. The correct

spelling of that word is *memento*.


8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. integrity

B. violence

C. sublimate

D. abcense

E. blockhead

F. remittent

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *abcense*. The correct

spelling of that word is *absence*.


9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. apologue

B. celerity

C. conscious

D. acommodate

E. equanimity

F. reprobate


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *acommodate*. The

correct spelling of that word is *accommodate*.


10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. perceivable

B. advisable
C. noticable

D. predatory

E. watchful

F. barbarous


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *noticable*. The correct

spelling of that word is *noticeable*.

Puzzle Set 6

In each of the word sets below, your task is to find the word whose spelling

is incorrect, and to correct that spelling. About 70% of the questions are
simple, but some are definitely a real challenge!

Answers can be found in the next chapter. All the best!

1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. comfortable

B. beneficent
C. cemetary

D. princely
E. aggregate

F. nobility


2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. international
B. accidentaly

C. oblivion

D. alternative

E. misappropriate

F. expatiate

3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. tolerant

B. extravagant
C. insubordinate

D. remainder

E. humerous

F. discrepancy


4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. conducive
B. aparent
C. categorical

D. desolate

E. appraise

F. intensity


5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. transcendent

B. intrigue

C. initiative

D. absentse

E. depopulate

F. reparable


6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. rectilinear
B. reprobate

C. rapidity
D. daquiri

E. sacrifice

F. auxiliary

7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. complement

B. prevaricate

C. commodity

D. pronounciation

E. acrimonious

F. experiment


8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. inconvenience

B. fortitude

C. memorial

D. thraldom
E. revelant

F. new-fangled


9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. supernal

B. regenerate

C. facinating

D. mephitic

E. conservative
F. corpuscle


10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. thankless

B. rectilinear

C. champion

D. hygine

E. respective
F. accusation

Answers: Puzzle Set 6

1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. comfortable

B. beneficent
C. cemetary

D. princely
E. aggregate

F. nobility

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *cemetary*. The correct

spelling of that word is *cemetery*.


2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. international

B. accidentaly
C. oblivion

D. alternative

E. misappropriate

F. expatiate

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *accidentaly*. The

correct spelling of that word is *accidentally*.


3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. tolerant

B. extravagant

C. insubordinate

D. remainder

E. humerous

F. discrepancy

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *humerous*. The correct

spelling of that word is *humorous*.

4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. conducive

B. aparent

C. categorical
D. desolate

E. appraise

F. intensity


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aparent*. The correct

spelling of that word is *apparent*.


5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. transcendent

B. intrigue
C. initiative

D. absentse

E. depopulate
F. reparable


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *absentse*. The correct

spelling of that word is *absence*.


6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. rectilinear

B. reprobate

C. rapidity

D. daquiri

E. sacrifice

F. auxiliary


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *daquiri*. The correct

spelling of that word is *daiquiri*.


7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. complement

B. prevaricate

C. commodity

D. pronounciation

E. acrimonious

F. experiment


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *pronounciation*. The

correct spelling of that word is *pronunciation*.


8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. inconvenience

B. fortitude

C. memorial

D. thraldom

E. revelant

F. new-fangled

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *revelant*. The correct

spelling of that word is *relevant*.


9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. supernal

B. regenerate

C. facinating

D. mephitic

E. conservative

F. corpuscle


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *facinating*. The correct

spelling of that word is *fascinating*.


10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. thankless

B. rectilinear
C. champion

D. hygine

E. respective

F. accusation


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *hygine*. The correct

spelling of that word is *hygiene*.

Puzzle Set 7

In each of the word sets below, your task is to find the word whose spelling

is incorrect, and to correct that spelling. About 70% of the questions are
simple, but some are definitely a real challenge!

Answers can be found in the next chapter. All the best!

1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. inimitable

B. crassitude
C. postpone

D. circumlocution
E. beleive

F. sanctuary


2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. perdition
B. amature

C. outbreak

D. structure

E. muscular

F. prefiguration

3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. replenish

B. traverse
C. posterity

D. inexorable

E. aweful

F. abundance


4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. accommodate
B. interior
C. dismantle

D. suprise

E. exquisite

F. excommunicate


5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. celebrity

B. consciencious

C. irremovable

D. incontestable

E. preliminary

F. acquirement


6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. infinitesimal
B. distinguished

C. arrogate
D. progress

E. specimen

F. ommision

7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. pathetic

B. importunate

C. justification

D. necessary

E. adviseable

F. purblind


8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. monitory

B. sustenance

C. foriegn

D. surrender
E. corporation

F. correlation


9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. questionaire

B. circumlocution

C. consecutive

D. expediency

E. consider
F. nodosity


10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. incendiarism

B. constituent

C. finished

D. discreet

E. protestor
F. presumption

Answers: Puzzle Set 7

1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. inimitable

B. crassitude
C. postpone

D. circumlocution
E. beleive

F. sanctuary

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *beleive*. The correct

spelling of that word is *believe*.


2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. perdition

B. amature
C. outbreak

D. structure

E. muscular

F. prefiguration

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *amature*. The correct

spelling of that word is *amateur*.


3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. replenish

B. traverse

C. posterity

D. inexorable

E. aweful

F. abundance

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aweful*. The correct

spelling of that word is *awful*.

4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. accommodate

B. interior

C. dismantle
D. suprise

E. exquisite

F. excommunicate


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *suprise*. The correct

spelling of that word is *surprise*.


5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. celebrity

B. consciencious
C. irremovable

D. incontestable

E. preliminary
F. acquirement


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *consciencious*. The

correct spelling of that word is *conscientious*.


6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. infinitesimal

B. distinguished

C. arrogate

D. progress

E. specimen

F. ommision


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *ommision*. The correct

spelling of that word is *omission*.


7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. pathetic

B. importunate

C. justification

D. necessary

E. adviseable

F. purblind


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *adviseable*. The correct

spelling of that word is *advisable*.


8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. monitory

B. sustenance

C. foriegn

D. surrender

E. corporation

F. correlation

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *foriegn*. The correct

spelling of that word is *foreign*.


9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. questionaire

B. circumlocution

C. consecutive

D. expediency

E. consider

F. nodosity


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *questionaire*. The

correct spelling of that word is *questionnaire*.


10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. incendiarism

B. constituent
C. finished

D. discreet

E. protestor

F. presumption


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *protestor*. The correct

spelling of that word is *protester*.

Puzzle Set 8

In each of the word sets below, your task is to find the word whose spelling

is incorrect, and to correct that spelling. About 70% of the questions are
simple, but some are definitely a real challenge!

Answers can be found in the next chapter. All the best!

1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. projection

B. relevant
C. obliging

D. condition
E. underate

F. respective


2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. circumference
B. affection

C. relevent

D. separable

E. superlative

F. gelatinous

3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. quantity

B. aweful
C. restrain

D. ignominious

E. vexation

F. classification


4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. elementary
B. defendant
C. virulence

D. mischevous

E. machination

F. passible


5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. exultation

B. aggression

C. correction

D. vertical

E. sargent

F. precocious


6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. question
B. literary

C. intersperse
D. virulence

E. congestion

F. inteligence

7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. intricacy

B. devotion

C. appellation

D. allmost

E. beholden

F. comparative


8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. development

B. declivity

C. charlatan

D. restoration
E. anually

F. blasphemy


9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. luscious

B. passable

C. opposite

D. solicitude

E. colleague
F. existance


10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. capability

B. timeserving

C. despotic

D. tommorrow

E. directly
F. inheritor


11. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. transparent

B. categorical

C. assistant

D. aknowledge

E. plenitude

F. prosecute


12. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. judicious

B. shocking

C. countless

D. interest

E. perfectly

F. athist

13. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. corrugate

B. apothegm

C. quarentine

D. dissemble
E. plurality

F. platonic

14. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. eviscerate

B. challenge
C. collected

D. relevent
E. mischief

F. untrodden
15. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. agressive

B. standard
C. garrulity

D. inthrall
E. negotiate
F. consequently


16. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. captivated
B. apathetic

C. exponent
D. annualy

E. continue
F. majority


17. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. conclave
B. foriegn

C. celestial
D. prevalence

E. renounce
F. declivity


18. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. querulous
B. indite

C. threatening
D. president

E. retaliation
F. amenable

19. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. reparation
B. immigration

C. agglomerate
D. anually

E. becoming
F. antagonist

20. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. virulence

B. alacrity
C. denominate

D. advizable
E. eventful

F. assemble

21. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. affiance

B. occupancy
C. reversible

D. reproach
E. posterior

F. withold

22. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. provisional

B. indestructible
C. altitude

D. provident
E. foriegn

F. assistant

23. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. enormous
B. diagnostic
C. cross-grained

D. wierd
E. periodical
F. penetration


24. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. absolute
B. intestate

C. locomotive
D. germinate

E. equipage
F. refrence


25. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. construction
B. outragous
C. renitent
D. impudent

E. resurrection
F. discover


26. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. confidant
B. protrusion

C. denounce
D. instalment

E. mideval
F. violence


27. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. traditional
B. annoyance

C. expostulate
D. probable
E. forgotten

F. personell

28. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. confront
B. paradise

C. indigestible
D. inteligence
E. preponderate
F. promotion


29. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. moderate
B. subsidence

C. dacquiri
D. discomfort
E. rectitude
F. booklist


30. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. relinquish
B. heigth

C. etiquette
D. advertise
E. retentive
F. inviolable

Answers: Puzzle Set 8

1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. projection

B. relevant
C. obliging

D. condition
E. underate

F. respective

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *underate*. The correct

spelling of that word is *underrate*.


2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. circumference

B. affection
C. relevent

D. separable

E. superlative

F. gelatinous

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *relevent*. The correct

spelling of that word is *relevant*.


3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. quantity

B. aweful

C. restrain

D. ignominious

E. vexation

F. classification

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aweful*. The correct

spelling of that word is *awful*.

4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. elementary

B. defendant

C. virulence
D. mischevous

E. machination

F. passible


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *mischevous*. The

correct spelling of that word is *mischievous*.


5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. exultation

B. aggression
C. correction

D. vertical

E. sargent
F. precocious


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *sargent*. The correct

spelling of that word is *sergeant*.


6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. question

B. literary

C. intersperse

D. virulence

E. congestion

F. inteligence


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *inteligence*. The

correct spelling of that word is *intelligence*.


7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. intricacy

B. devotion

C. appellation

D. allmost

E. beholden

F. comparative


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *allmost*. The correct

spelling of that word is *almost*.


8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. development

B. declivity

C. charlatan

D. restoration

E. anually

F. blasphemy

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *anually*. The correct

spelling of that word is *annually*.


9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. luscious

B. passable

C. opposite

D. solicitude

E. colleague

F. existance


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *existance*. The correct

spelling of that word is *existence*.


10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. capability

B. timeserving
C. despotic

D. tommorrow

E. directly

F. inheritor


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *tommorrow*. The

correct spelling of that word is *tomorrow*.


11. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. transparent
B. categorical

C. assistant
D. aknowledge

E. plenitude
F. prosecute

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aknowledge*. The
correct spelling of that word is *acknowledge*.

12. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. judicious

B. shocking
C. countless

D. interest
E. perfectly
F. athist

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *athist*. The correct

spelling of that word is *atheist*.


13. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. corrugate

B. apothegm
C. quarentine

D. dissemble
E. plurality
F. platonic

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *quarentine*. The correct

spelling of that word is *quarantine*.


14. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. eviscerate
B. challenge

C. collected
D. relevent

E. mischief
F. untrodden

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *relevent*. The correct

spelling of that word is *relevant*.


15. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. agressive

B. standard
C. garrulity

D. inthrall
E. negotiate

F. consequently
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *agressive*. The correct

spelling of that word is *aggressive*.


16. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. captivated

B. apathetic
C. exponent

D. annualy
E. continue

F. majority
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *annualy*. The correct

spelling of that word is *annually*.


17. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. conclave

B. foriegn
C. celestial

D. prevalence
E. renounce

F. declivity

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *foriegn*. The correct

spelling of that word is *foreign*.


18. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. querulous

B. indite
C. threatening
D. president

E. retaliation
F. amenable

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *indite*. The correct

spelling of that word is *indict*.


19. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. reparation
B. immigration

C. agglomerate
D. anually

E. becoming
F. antagonist

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *anually*. The correct

spelling of that word is *annually*.

20. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. virulence

B. alacrity
C. denominate

D. advizable
E. eventful

F. assemble

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *advizable*. The correct

spelling of that word is *advisable*.


21. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. affiance
B. occupancy

C. reversible
D. reproach
E. posterior
F. withold

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *withold*. The correct

spelling of that word is *withhold*.

22. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. provisional

B. indestructible
C. altitude
D. provident
E. foriegn

F. assistant
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *foriegn*. The correct
spelling of that word is *foreign*.


23. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. enormous
B. diagnostic

C. cross-grained
D. wierd
E. periodical
F. penetration

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *wierd*. The correct
spelling of that word is *weird*.

24. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. absolute
B. intestate
C. locomotive
D. germinate

E. equipage
F. refrence
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *refrence*. The correct

spelling of that word is *reference*.


25. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. construction
B. outragous

C. renitent
D. impudent
E. resurrection
F. discover

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *outragous*. The correct
spelling of that word is *outrageous*.

26. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. confidant
B. protrusion
C. denounce

D. instalment
E. mideval
F. violence

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *mideval*. The correct

spelling of that word is *medieval*.

27. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. traditional
B. annoyance
C. expostulate
D. probable
E. forgotten

F. personell
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *personell*. The correct
spelling of that word is *personnel*.

28. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. confront
B. paradise

C. indigestible
D. inteligence
E. preponderate
F. promotion

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *inteligence*. The
correct spelling of that word is *intelligence*.

29. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. moderate
B. subsidence
C. dacquiri

D. discomfort
E. rectitude
F. booklist
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *dacquiri*. The correct
spelling of that word is *daiquiri*.


30. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. relinquish
B. heigth

C. etiquette
D. advertise
E. retentive
F. inviolable

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *heigth*. The correct

spelling of that word is *height*.
Puzzle Set 9

In each of the word sets below, your task is to find the word whose spelling

is incorrect, and to correct that spelling. About 70% of the questions are
simple, but some are definitely a real challenge!

Answers can be found in the next chapter. All the best!

1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. proficient

B. indiscriminate
C. quantity

D. privelege
E. cheerful

F. ignominious


2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. peculiarity
B. redundant

C. curiosity

D. momento

E. banishment

F. pathless

3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. impudent

B. beneficial
C. precipitous

D. succesful

E. presumptive

F. posterior


4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. audacity
B. confluence
C. confront

D. delinquent

E. comming

F. prevaricate


5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. complaint

B. remembrance

C. withhold

D. cogitate

E. tentative

F. apparant


6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. divination
B. insolence

C. remedial
D. noticable

E. gregarious

F. glabrous

7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. sieze

B. practicable

C. tautology

D. desuetude

E. sluggish

F. transact


8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. providence

B. refraction

C. amputate

D. garantee
E. declamatory

F. sedentary


9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. confidential

B. transcend

C. immeasurable

D. opportune

E. welfair
F. detractor


10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. compliment

B. affright

C. apparant

D. judicious

E. falsehood
F. confront


11. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. distinguished

B. irreducible

C. principal

D. liberry

E. candidate

F. possible


12. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. desuetude

B. structure

C. rotation

D. aperture

E. allmost

F. ambiguous

13. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. accompany

B. integrate

C. cheif

D. ineffectual
E. extermination

F. follower

14. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. insinuate

B. blasphemy
C. philanthropy

D. vindictive
E. firey

F. ignominious
15. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. insidious

B. despotic
C. congress

D. conference
E. changable
F. denominate


16. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. illuminate
B. redundant

C. prevention
D. monarchical

E. experience
F. reciept


17. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. additament
B. fallible

C. sequacious
D. recreant

E. acheive
F. invincible


18. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. redolence
B. numbness

C. regarding
D. camoflage

E. regarding
F. absterge

19. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. misacceptation
B. burlesque

C. resignation
D. incarcerate

E. ebullition
F. aparrent

20. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. simultaneous

B. diplomatic
C. encircle

D. necessery
E. abstemious

F. handsome

21. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. adumbration

B. advizable
C. paganism

D. reiterate
E. pellucid

F. harbinger

22. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. punctilious

B. ineffectual
C. declivity

D. endanger
E. harrass

F. celestial

23. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. intercede
B. sluggish
C. captious

D. deliberate
E. calender
F. ignominious


24. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. variance
B. immolate

C. convenient
D. collaegue

E. romantic
F. abstersive


25. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. honorary
B. chivalrous
C. semblance
D. recieve

E. punctual
F. refinement


26. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. extravagance
B. grat

C. president
D. universal

E. insolence
F. imposing


27. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. exudation
B. derisive

C. thankless
D. inorganic
E. acceptible

F. new-fangled

28. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. inexperience
B. marriage

C. allegaince
D. seniority
E. superlative
F. speculation


29. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. gigantic
B. joviality

C. occassionally
D. thankless
E. imperious
F. establish


30. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. sacerdotal
B. authoritative

C. frippery
D. religius
E. configuration
F. outshine


31. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. disability
B. standard
C. seasonable

D. intimidate
E. grounded
F. Carribean


32. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. triumphant
B. inveterate
C. possible

D. restaraunt
E. conscription
F. inexhaustible

33. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. suitable
B. mispell
C. vigorous

D. audacious
E. standard
F. penetrable

34. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. agreeably
B. peculiarity
C. sacrifice

D. sublimate
E. camoflague
F. pertinacious

35. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. antagonist
B. pacification
C. artic
D. pleasant

E. monotheism
F. describe
36. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. imbecile
B. indispensable

C. assembly
D. breeding
E. advizable
F. retrieve


37. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. aculeated
B. hesitate

C. querlmonlous
D. precursor
E. parliment
F. negative


38. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. ascertain
B. minister

C. phlegmatic
D. superable
E. heirarchy
F. inconsolable


39. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. concoction
B. esoteric
C. absentse

D. distinctness
E. belonging
F. prevailing

40. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. infelicity
B. mansuetude
C. constitution

D. grotesque
E. ignorence
F. complicated

41. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. cogitate
B. discomfort
C. upholstry

D. encircle
E. figurative
F. rehabilitate

42. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. superintendent
B. equipage
C. dominion

D. underhand
E. percieve
F. indestructible

43. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. dominance
B. overjoyed
C. captivated
D. eversion

E. miniture
F. probability

44. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. hesitate
B. superfluity
C. ingredient
D. apparant

E. ostensible
F. accustom

45. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. immitate
B. obdurate
C. continuation
D. perishable

E. handmaid
F. picturesque

46. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. venomous
B. rutilant
C. heigth
D. sacrifice

E. compassion
F. animation

47. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. meanness

B. compatible
C. pitiless
D. definitly
E. sophisticate

F. encroach

48. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. alarming

B. medeval
C. locomotive
D. indigestible
E. luscious

F. reciprocal

49. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. supervise

B. confident
C. curiosity
D. rehabilitate
E. youthful

F. beatiful

50. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. ingenious
B. obstruct

C. proscribe
D. conspicuous
E. beatiful

F. meretricious

51. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. tenacious
B. ordinary

C. extreem
D. handsome
E. commemorate
F. decrease


52. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. outspread
B. alienation

C. ostensible
D. variable
E. suprise
F. disruption


53. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. liesure

B. conterminous
C. dissemble

D. captivated

E. rubicund
F. practicable


54. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. instability
B. sophisticate

C. congenital
D. agression

E. abbreviate

F. conciliate

55. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. probability

B. exemplary
C. junction

D. permissable
E. maintnance

F. effective


56. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. puerility

B. troublesome

C. supercede
D. aggregate

E. extortionate

F. tremendous
57. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. witchery
B. obedience

C. demoniacal

D. animosity
E. reprobate

F. coaless

58. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. expediency

B. venturous
C. cordoroy

D. deportment

E. prevaricate
F. tranquil


59. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. fanciful
B. imitative

C. bloodthirsty
D. inclusive

E. franchise

F. appology

60. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. distinct

B. collected
C. farcical

D. prevaricate

E. decission
F. projection


61. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. companionable
B. sanctity

C. conosuer
D. ordinary

E. picturesque

F. atonement

62. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. tempestuous

B. commentator
C. serviceable

D. memorable
E. purblind

F. acordian


63. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. manifest

B. tarmigan

C. volunteer
D. factitious

E. admonition

F. deleterious

64. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. inventor

B. confound
C. seige

D. hereditary
E. handmaid

F. symmetry


65. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. yoman
B. desultory

C. blooming
D. jollification

E. proceeding

F. enthrone

66. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. captious
B. conclude

C. celestial

D. inversion
E. biyou

F. possible


67. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. variance

B. preceptor
C. affectation
D. exhilarate

E. legionair
F. dreadful


68. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. anwee
B. suppressible

C. coetaneous

D. agriculture
E. answerable

F. manageable


69. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. sagacious

B. denounce

C. abasement
D. coaless

E. reprobate
F. scourings


70. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. considerable
B. bouy

C. cabalistic

D. champion
E. seducing

F. premeditate

71. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. sensation

B. inspiration
C. bequeath

D. beginning
E. erudition
F. comotion


72. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. withdraw
B. weakness

C. inglorious

D. rhinosarus
E. proclaim

F. supercilious

73. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. primitive

B. disquietude
C. threshhold

D. variation

E. affluence
F. criminate


74. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. immature
B. youthful

C. ejaculation
D. prediction

E. industry

F. epitamy

75. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. irruption

B. commotion
C. moderator

D. dialate

E. circumstantial
F. eviscerate

76. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. competition
B. indelicate

C. bullevard
D. occupation

E. disappoint

F. critical

77. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. harmonious

B. fashon
C. wholesome

D. communion
E. gelatinous

F. pedantic

78. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. foretell

B. approach
C. omnipotent

D. companionship

E. acceptibly
F. heartbroken


79. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. suitable
B. annotation

C. benediction

D. desiderate
E. milyew

F. intricacy

80. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. reciprocal

B. lucubration
C. vicarious

D. fourty

E. execrable
F. backbiter


81. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. elucidate
B. consumption

C. allusion
D. corporation

E. definately

F. propitiate

82. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. restless

B. inundate
C. surreptitious

D. anticipate

E. conciliate
F. astarisk


83. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. aberration
B. sanguinary

C. tasteful
D. question

E. curiousity

F. monotony

84. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. religion

B. specimen
C. feasible

D. specktor

E. impressive
F. extravagant


85. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. simplicity
B. pardonable

C. chandeleer
D. factious

E. constituent

F. invincible

86. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. friction
B. egregious
C. inadvertent

D. generate
E. weppon

F. superior


87. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. righteous

B. levigate

C. humorous
D. necessary

E. wimmen

F. fluctuate

88. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. prerogative

B. undulation
C. supernal

D. strenuous
E. convenient

F. coaless


89. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. comprehension

B. benevolence

C. singlely
D. privation

E. indiscretion
F. controversy


90. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. luxurious
B. industrious

C. dreadful
D. president
E. diagnol

F. thraldom


91. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. excruciate

B. obliging

C. anfractuosity
D. preponderate

E. fictitious
F. corus


92. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. collusion
B. stranger

C. stubborn

D. scientific
E. ameba

F. multifarious


93. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. predaceous

B. notorious

C. condonation
D. collateral

E. adaquit
F. misappropriate


94. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. ansester
B. conversion

C. equipage

D. treatise
E. artificial
F. conterminous

95. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. exsufflation

B. personel
C. dissilience

D. inhesion

E. intoxication
F. prosecute


96. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. aneeling
B. classical

C. susceptible

D. aberration
E. mediocrity

F. frightful

97. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. sanctity

B. potential
C. ascertain

D. blandiloquence

E. desision
F. expensive


98. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. abeyance
B. predaceous

C. ameliorate
D. vaticination

E. familiar

F. accually
99. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. pharisaical
B. underling

C. denominate

D. oregeno
E. accessory

F. coxcombical


100. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. incivility

B. bayliwick

C. immaculate
D. ceremonial

E. premeditate
F. observation


101. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. delegate
B. coruscate

C. superseeded

D. formation
E. benefaction

F. transpose

102. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. prognosticate

B. reprieve
C. refractory

D. idiosyncracy

E. calliflower
F. abrogation


103. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. corporal
B. intermediate

C. spageti

D. adventure
E. adventure

F. verisimilitude

104. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. volition

B. ambadexterous
C. veneration

D. destructive

E. questionable
F. anonymous


105. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. abandoned
B. promotion

C. provision

D. vocation
E. paradime

F. analysis

106. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. diversify

B. conversation

C. communikay
D. precedent
E. infiltrate

F. transverse

107. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. weakness
B. integrate
C. frequent

D. capter
E. ambition
F. notorious


108. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. imminent
B. castigate

C. addition
D. handsome
E. suspision

F. expatiate

109. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. chattels

B. celebrated
C. aquit

D. inquisitorial
E. anticipation
F. currency


110. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. association
B. vermillion

C. capitulate
D. definite
E. configuration

F. agreeable

111. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. boisterous

B. mamento
C. premises
D. caducity
E. distinctness
F. declension


112. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. crapulence
B. reclaimable

C. curiosity
D. adjasant
E. suitable

F. refractory

113. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. ostensible
B. faithful

C. succession
D. conversion
E. brusk
F. treatise


114. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. industry
B. promulgate

C. transpose
D. forbidding
E. leutenant
F. convertible


115. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. intensity
B. colorable

C. preceptor
D. silabus
E. complicated
F. puerility


116. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. intensity
B. protrude

C. insensate
D. fewg
E. reluctance
F. progression


117. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. testimony
B. blooming

C. probable
D. redolence
E. fourty

F. funereal

118. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. affection
B. aracnid
C. outspoken

D. lenitive
E. comprehend
F. rotation


119. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. suseptable
B. sanctuary

C. confused
D. instruction
E. grandiloquence

F. retaliate
120. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. misacceptation
B. instability
C. proportion

D. conceited
E. communikay
F. confront


121. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. resuscitate
B. resource

C. conclusive
D. facility
E. balona
F. redolence


122. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. retaliate
B. separable
C. new-fangled

D. badminten
E. introductory
F. appliance


123. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. sustenance
B. counterpart

C. wholely
D. minister
E. inveterate
F. prediction


124. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. sophisticate
B. induction
C. pernicious

D. sentenal
E. tottering
F. ambagious

125. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. preliminary
B. assiduity
C. indignity

D. booklist
E. gastly
F. obstreperous


126. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. feminine
B. carnavor
C. temerity

D. sedentary
E. consolidate
F. dispatch

127. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. confiscate
B. effluence
C. sedentary

D. industry
E. dipthong
F. beholden


128. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. miasmatic
B. interlocution
C. classify

D. demoniacal
E. excelent
F. persecute

129. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. flounder
B. straight
C. crestfallen

D. infintesimal
E. meteoric
F. intermission


130. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. advantage
B. princely
C. artic
D. inadvertent

E. verisimilitude
F. fabulous

131. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. adventurous
B. preconcerted
C. exemplary

D. nugatory
E. embalance
F. recourse


132. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. peccable
B. projection

C. congestion
D. zookeenee

E. benefaction
F. effectuate

133. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. epitamy
B. fulminate
C. ruminate

D. presumptive
E. eversion
F. ordinance


134. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. finished
B. docsund

C. puerility
D. probability
E. breathless
F. concoction

135. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. incandescence
B. conflict
C. distinct

D. cookoo
E. frequent
F. superstition


136. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. prefatory
B. auxiliary

C. rotation
D. resident
E. squirel
F. preferment

137. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. incarnation
B. conservation
C. knowledge

D. notoriety
E. desireable
F. experience


138. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. corroborate
B. coetaneous

C. nocturnal
D. sensitive
E. extatic
F. illustrious

139. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. conscientious
B. sufferance
C. overzelus

D. alliance
E. incidence
F. repletion


140. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. vexation
B. rudiment
C. oleaginous

D. questionare
E. supremacy
F. abstruse

141. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. defineable

B. wholesome
C. exemption
D. importunate

E. penurious
F. amenable

142. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. ruthless
B. predecessor
C. indiscretion

D. ajurnment
E. needless
F. refinement


143. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. identical

B. reclaimable
C. continence
D. submission

E. pitiless
F. aroara

144. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. prosecute
B. capitulate
C. transpose

D. inspissation
E. twelth
F. elocution


145. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. probation

B. disability
C. literary
D. pospone

E. proclivity
F. contribution

146. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. propinquity
B. surreptitious
C. dereliction

D. congress
E. trepidation
F. ciotee


147. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. exemplify

B. consumption
C. oblivion
D. proposal

E. voyouristic
F. obsolete

148. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. manifest
B. indispensable
C. youthinasia

D. tolerant
E. serviceable
F. rectitude

149. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. consider
B. perceptive
C. associate
D. precedence

E. apauled
F. prohibition

150. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. effulgence
B. monitory
C. exceptionable

D. humorous
E. scandalize
F. pilgramidge

151. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. refinement
B. artifice
C. evesdrop
D. dismantle

E. generation
F. frightful

152. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. penetration
B. solicitude
C. contaminate
D. correograph

E. simultaneous
F. prospect

153. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. director
B. recreation
C. canidate
D. exudation

E. antipathy
F. treasure

154. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. mischieveous
B. abderite
C. fulminate
D. secession

E. commensurate
F. resident

155. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. martyrdom
B. agriculture
C. wressel

D. concourse
E. consider
F. electrify

156. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. manufacture
B. quandary
C. antecedence
D. medicate

E. delinquency
F. summersalt

157. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. undulation
B. refraction
C. germinate

D. pervious
E. disabuse
F. dessication

158. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. proclivity

B. intercede
C. adjative
D. passible

E. methodical
F. extinguish

159. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. peerless
B. probability
C. cleeshay

D. farcical
E. authenticate
F. progress

160. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. prevalence

B. madefaction
C. consequence
D. gaysha

E. irruption
F. trumpery

161. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. sustenance
B. justification
C. acceptence

D. tantalize
E. juvenile
F. compassion

162. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. deadness

B. privilege
C. concatinate
D. sapidity

E. correction
F. inversion

163. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. shocking
B. reverence
C. alcemy
D. augmentation

E. decorate
F. dereliction

164. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. intelligence

B. originate
C. reparation
D. prevalence
E. curiousity

F. dilatory

165. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. parallel

B. coolness
C. adheasive
D. predecessor

E. evaporate
F. contribution

166. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. satirical

B. miraculous
C. downwards
D. seraphic
E. forefend

F. finess

167. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. incurable

B. perceivable
C. dosseay
D. abomination

E. putative
F. complicated

168. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. responsive
B. diversity

C. abundent
D. demulcent
E. affection

F. preceptor

169. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. inthrall

B. cacoon
C. articular
D. concourse

E. enormity
F. procession

170. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. reorganize
B. eradicate

C. celler
D. proscribe
E. labyrinth

F. astonishing

171. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. banishment

B. predilection
C. articular
D. ambiguous

E. tommorow
F. invidious

172. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. precarious
B. perverse
C. humanity
D. verisimilitude
E. valediction

F. astarisk

173. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. inodorous

B. reciprocation
C. oppression
D. aboriginal

E. sensibility
F. discription

174. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. temperate
B. browbeat
C. azma
D. segregate
E. refractory

F. palliate

175. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. vehement

B. congestion
C. existance
D. regression

E. infidelity
F. resignation

176. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. ake
B. semblance
C. conclave
D. malversation
E. annoyance

F. bondsman

177. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. exemption

B. aberration
C. contrary
D. resurrection

E. benifit
F. dereliction

178. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. proficiency
B. chello
C. sonorous
D. emancipate

E. dismount
F. conservation

179. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. obstacle

B. brandish
C. compulsion
D. sequence
E. unctuous

F. carosel

180. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. supercilious

B. athletic
C. prediction
D. comotion

E. munificent
F. compound

181. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. percussion

B. inoculate
C. probability
D. rectilinear
E. spurious

F. aquit

182. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. tantamount

B. aspiration
C. embalance
D. distinguished

E. romantic
F. ideality
183. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. proclaim
B. dialogue

C. apocryphal
D. province
E. embaress

F. fundamental

184. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. introvert

B. countervail
C. ill-bred
D. hansome

E. abundance
F. abundant

185. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. sociable
B. irrecoverable

C. building
D. circulate
E. seperate

F. nutrition

186. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. euphonious

B. distraction
C. aspiration
D. celebrated
E. abstanence

F. regarding

187. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. comprehension
B. nobility

C. exception
D. coolness
E. critisize

F. cabalistic

188. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. entangle

B. precious
C. zookeenee
D. transfer
E. teaching

F. abdicate

189. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. addition
B. extortionate

C. rashness
D. lonesome
E. amatuer

F. integrate

190. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. building

B. batchleur
C. lethargy
D. perspicacity
E. reconcilable

F. appetite

191. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. lucubration
B. platitude

C. boganveelia
D. contribute
E. poisonous
F. emollient


192. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. practice
B. devotion

C. forbidding
D. behavoral
E. inosculate

F. artificial

193. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. reclaimable

B. bangquit
C. interpellation
D. understanding
E. impletion
F. subscribe


194. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. encumber
B. understanding

C. interpose
D. cercomstance
E. absolute

F. good-humored

195. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. inquisitorial

B. declaration
C. audacious
D. exemption
E. finess
F. amalgamate


196. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. invective
B. crassitude

C. judicious
D. reluctant
E. industry

F. caraboo

197. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. adulation

B. alacrity
C. delitescence
D. resident
E. Tootonic
F. incentive


198. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. incombustible
B. whimsical

C. perfidious
D. sicinctly
E. picturesque

F. contusion

199. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. imminent

B. regarding
C. effective
D. allowence

E. modulation
F. priggish


200. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. cheeta
B. qualification

C. affectation
D. outspoken
E. priggish

F. commotion

201. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. inveterate

B. structure
C. inglorious
D. intellect

E. coruscate
F. dessication

202. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. projection
B. deprecate

C. generation
D. inventor
E. conyak

F. countervail

203. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. shiftless

B. apportion
C. perennial
D. obdurate
E. curtesy

F. indelicate
204. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. reprobate
B. pertinacity
C. goverment

D. business
E. fluctuate
F. infliction


205. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. illustrate
B. consequent

C. specktor
D. sequestered
E. purgative

F. metaphorical

206. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. obstruct
B. transport
C. aqueus

D. indicate
E. consciousness
F. vivacious


207. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. beholden
B. transfer

C. Austrailia
D. propinquity
E. subscribe

F. agreeably

208. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. acclamation
B. indifference
C. aggrandize

D. playwrite
E. caducity
F. grievance


209. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. excogitation
B. intricate

C. assemalate
D. bondsman
E. currency

F. satirical

210. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. alliance
B. internal
C. effluence

D. extravagance
E. singlely
F. paternal


211. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. cratashous
B. converse

C. indifference
D. lustration
E. instruct

F. irruption

212. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. dissolute
B. interior
C. inheritance

D. anomolous
E. deference

F. conceive

213. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. perfection

B. dimension
C. acrimonious

D. incessant

E. farcical
F. catagory


214. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. bondsman
B. mutinous
C. quittance

D. heartbroken
E. priviledge

F. illusive


215. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. priggish

B. inconsistant

C. misadventure
D. martyrdom

E. tantamount

F. oblation

216. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. repulsive

B. conversant
C. champain
D. affiliate

E. recapitulate

F. phantasm

217. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. affluence

B. oblation
C. magnanimous

D. knowlegable

E. querlmonlous
F. frippery


218. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. sequence
B. champion

C. illusion

D. priviledge
E. continue

F. perfidious


219. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. reorganize

B. reprobate

C. decrepit
D. inexplicable

E. catapiller

F. mansuetude

220. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. directly

B. surreptitious
C. aterny

D. sublimate

E. intestate
F. defendant

221. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. palpable

B. creater
C. inthrall

D. competitor

E. penitence
F. transaction


222. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. diptheria
B. finished

C. derision
D. aberrant

E. ineffectual

F. language

223. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. behavior

B. afficianado

C. confident
D. experience

E. gorgeous

F. acclamation

224. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. comprehension

B. multiplication
C. profitable

D. capitulate

E. drowt
F. incumbent

225. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. universal
B. retorical

C. ill-bred

D. dismount
E. heighten

F. precognition


226. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. colloquy

B. covetous

C. larinx
D. coadjutor

E. recommend

F. percussion

227. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. tutelage

B. vagabond

C. evesdrop
D. preconcerted

E. multitude

F. tortuous

228. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. incoherence

B. counterfeit
C. involution

D. credence

E. sedative
F. criteak


229. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. suscitate
B. squander

C. merciful

D. puritanical
E. correspondence

F. canay


230. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. habitual

B. miscible

C. mercantile
D. accomplice

E. rehersal

F. proficient

231. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. regarding

B. benefaction

C. derision
D. consequent

E. sensable

F. disputant

232. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. generation

B. composure
C. reclaimable

D. incidental

E. perceive
F. ampatheater


233. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. dethrone
B. indigestible

C. complete

D. inscrutable
E. complete

F. ake


234. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. cratashous

B. perfidious

C. deleterious
D. bickering

E. particular

F. negotiate

235. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. movement

B. destination
C. sovereign
D. developement

E. peerless

F. interrupt

236. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. problematical

B. guardian
C. incidental

D. vanquish
E. primevil

F. vagabond


237. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. fimbriated

B. attribute

C. funereal
D. interpolate
E. anomolous

F. transpose


238. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. extempore

B. programme

C. isolation
D. curmugeon

E. adversity

F. elevation

239. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. consideration

B. consolidate
C. restrain

D. allowence
E. corollary
F. enlighten


240. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. moderation
B. sprightly

C. irritate

D. interlace
E. meanness

F. camelion


241. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. resolution

B. infidelity

C. praiseworthy
D. autum

E. erudition
F. recrimination


242. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. encounter

B. countless

C. abdicate
D. aleged

E. magisterial

F. exponent

243. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. separable

B. refinement
C. illistrate

D. intimidate

E. impudent
F. criterion

244. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. immediate
B. indomitable

C. compromise

D. assimtote
E. distraction

F. underhand


245. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. electrify

B. peaceable

C. pre-eminent
D. retorical

E. changeless

F. deliberate
246. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. intuition

B. compilation

C. percolate
D. commiserate

E. propriatery
F. rectitude


247. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. ingenuous
B. profound

C. querlmonlous

D. sabatour
E. intellect

F. derogate


248. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. impassioned
B. backslider

C. mailstrum

D. scatheless
E. imbecility

F. protuberance


249. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. scandalize

B. brazeer

C. respective
D. official

E. numberless

F. admittance

250. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. sprightly

B. convolution
C. sanctuary

D. existance

E. alteration
F. thankless


251. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. annoyance
B. zylophone

C. ceremonious

D. overflow
E. affranchise

F. abnegation


252. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. atrocious
B. disputant

C. justification

D. mendacity
E. dependant

F. aspiration


253. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. enormous

B. cognizance

C. dedicate
D. sporatic

E. rectilinear

F. reparation

254. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. subscribe
B. irreligions
C. tantamount

D. azma

E. objective
F. concatenation


255. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. indelicate
B. contraposition

C. inquisitorial

D. milktoast
E. decision

F. aculeated


256. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. temporary

B. insubordinate
C. interloper

D. ambiguous
E. pertinate

F. excusable


257. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. brocher

B. subsidiary

C. abstemious
D. sanction

E. expostulate

F. director

258. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. demulcent

B. calculating
C. contumely
D. charizma

E. affectibility
F. universal


259. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. opportune
B. disquisition

C. comprise

D. dout
E. demarcation

F. vicissitude


260. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. wonderful

B. provincial

C. tollerable
D. function
E. excogitation

F. remunerate


261. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. perversion

B. descendant

C. caraff
D. figurative

E. boundless
F. repulsive


262. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. inexplicable
B. allready

C. promiscuous

D. fortitude
E. gracious
F. building


263. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. manageable
B. proportion

C. contribute

D. graceless
E. conciliate

F. casarole


264. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. preconception

B. exterior

C. wressel
D. sterling

E. detonate

F. potential

265. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. amenable

B. courtesy
C. ambadexterous

D. contraposition

E. infringe
F. booklist


266. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. apparent
B. category

C. overcast

D. advesary
E. aberrant

F. consistency

267. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. reluctance
B. loquacity

C. sentinel

D. temtation
E. antagonistic

F. epigrammatic


268. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. dethrone

B. travesty

C. beauracratic
D. impudence

E. assurance
F. strengthen


269. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. positive

B. fimbriated
C. puritanical

D. adulation

E. proficient
F. ajurnment


270. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. enervate
B. imperious

C. humorous

D. accomadate
E. advantage

F. intervention


271. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. crestfallen
B. presumption

C. pedantic

D. innoculate
E. prismatic

F. enervate


272. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. methodical

B. affection

C. sediment
D. Wendsday

E. abstruse
F. illustrate


273. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. habitual

B. arro
C. proposition

D. heterogeneous

E. saturnine
F. respectable


274. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. sociable
B. responsive

C. mischieveous

D. calculate
E. traditional

F. extravagance


275. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. individual
B. colaboration

C. renegade

D. immanent
E. insensate

F. dissolute

276. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. immemorial

B. indissoluble
C. austeer

D. composition

E. domestic
F. revulsion


277. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. efficacy
B. incurable
C. melancholy

D. fruitful

E. racoon
F. adversity


278. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. ceremonial
B. initiative

C. varient

D. suppress
E. imbecility

F. diminish


279. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. devotion

B. attainment

C. whereever
D. preceptor

E. prevailing

F. precedent

280. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. incapable

B. temporal
C. formalism

D. organization

E. vetran
F. nugatory


281. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. frequent
B. shocking

C. consternation

D. withhold
E. breef
F. accompany


282. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. ignorant
B. cheeta

C. monitory

D. vacillate
E. peremptory

F. intercurrence


283. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. reorganize

B. revelation

C. wressel
D. categorical

E. allegiance
F. aberration

284. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. outshine

B. wretched
C. humorous

D. contrary

E. jollification
F. wildebeast


285. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. pellucid
B. mansuetude

C. dissembler

D. zefer
E. promotion

F. secondary

286. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. lineament
B. vulnerable

C. academical

D. appendage
E. adaquit

F. conciliate


287. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. criminal

B. orcestrate

C. destination
D. transaction

E. effervesce
F. sprightly

288. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. rehearse

B. autum
C. innocence

D. purblind

E. conjuncture
F. monopoly


289. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. backaloriette
B. adventure

C. corpulent

D. hypocritical
E. obtestation

F. priggish


290. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. oblation

B. fortitude

C. laborious
D. tarmigan

E. intellect

F. princely

291. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. deficiency

B. discreet
C. disapointed

D. emollient

E. ceremonial
F. declivity


292. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. ultimate

B. eventful
C. sanctify

D. yoman

E. commence
F. blandiloquence


293. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. gratuitous
B. cross-grained

C. enormous

D. conchance
E. tutelage

F. tendency


294. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. criticise

B. perennial

C. involution
D. habitual

E. cloisonay

F. deference

295. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. inveterate

B. outspoken
C. transsend

D. rejoinder

E. necessary
F. desirable


296. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. dissembler
B. aswage
C. incursion

D. insinuate

E. imaginative
F. oversight


297. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. lucubration
B. capitulate

C. abortion

D. fashon
E. conducive

F. conclude

298. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. incoherence

B. veritable
C. contingent
D. contribution

E. obsolete

F. exilerate

299. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. metaphysical

B. credence
C. abstemious

D. cartledge

E. protrude
F. medicate


300. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. prerogative
B. intrigue

C. breeding
D. supress

E. permeable
F. meditate


301. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. privation
B. appetite

C. elamentry
D. meridian

E. discharge

F. physical

302. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. entangle

B. association
C. diversity

D. sanguine
E. dorment

F. strengthen

303. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. identity

B. involved
C. considering

D. entertain

E. asumtotic
F. indisposed


304. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. indifference
B. dosseay

C. internal

D. reception
E. aperture
F. critical


305. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. deportment

B. resident

C. probability
D. paganism

E. forhead

F. outstrip

306. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. delt

B. colloquy
C. valediction

D. lordship

E. acquiesce
F. infantile

307. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. appliance

B. distemper
C. obumbrate

D. cellabration

E. evidence
F. discrimination


308. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. ignorant
B. mispell

C. judgment

D. insurgent
E. forefend

F. hypocritical

309. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. iridescent

B. inculcate

C. acrost
D. proposal

E. trapping

F. material

310. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. detractor

B. irreligions
C. macack

D. valuable

E. indescribable
F. immunity


311. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. aspestus

B. accuracy
C. elaborate

D. bequeath

E. imperial
F. euphuism


312. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. overruling

B. eradicate

C. credulity
D. pathless

E. curvasious

F. chicanery

313. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. vagabond

B. proficiency

C. monastic
D. feasable

E. renounce

F. adventure

314. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. affright

B. pertinacity
C. nuisance

D. rusticity

E. vigilanty
F. vertical


315. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. incidental

B. pronounce
C. omnipotent

D. vallay
E. exterior

F. multitude


316. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. gorgeous

B. exultant

C. authenticate
D. aline

E. truculent

F. eradicate

317. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. affliction
B. prohibit

C. assistant
D. standard

E. zefer

F. quittance

318. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. miscible

B. editting
C. bewilder

D. belligerent

E. magniloquent
F. heterodox


319. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. magnificent
B. culpable
C. comprise

D. assistance
E. abstanence

F. organize


320. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. mannerly

B. overcast

C. infringe
D. predominance

E. liason

F. hospitable

321. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. writeable

B. ruthless
C. neutralize
D. conciliate

E. preposterous

F. libertine

322. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. expostulate

B. provident
C. conceous

D. strengthen

E. spontaneous
F. expostulate


323. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. industrious
B. resplendent

C. riddance
D. contortion
E. deturance

F. misacceptation


324. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. catechism

B. floride

C. jealousy
D. conjecture

E. indigent

F. irreprovable

325. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. proficient

B. paramount
C. illusion

D. diminish

E. omage
F. perverse

326. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. sobriety

B. embrio
C. inversion

D. diversify

E. illustrate
F. scrupulous


327. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. inconvenience

B. coincidence

C. inexperience
D. miasmatic

E. ajurnment

F. outspoken

328. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. opinionative

B. restoration

C. collection
D. connection

E. acknowledgement

F. conventional

329. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. redemption

B. chivalrous
C. incapable

D. kalidescope

E. religious
F. dependent

330. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. rubicund
B. prohibition

C. oregeno

D. catechism
E. occasionally

F. excogitation


331. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. permeable

B. croch

C. humanity
D. observance

E. impotent

F. promulgate

332. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. autotorium

B. retentive

C. depredation
D. apartment

E. distract

F. perfectly

333. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. hesitate

B. treatise
C. threatening

D. troglodite

E. dishevel
F. distemper


334. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. aperture
B. entrammel

C. detur

D. eligible
E. consummate

F. resolution


335. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. excogitation

B. learning

C. mischief
D. prosecute

E. interupt

F. comparable

336. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. immaculate

B. catastrofy

C. abominate
D. condescend

E. immission

F. obtestation

337. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. egregious

B. superior
C. tottering

D. abominate
E. colleage

F. incidence


338. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. sociable
B. profusion

C. sedative

D. senseless
E. reprieve

F. accomodate


339. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. corrigible

B. proficient

C. circumference
D. testimony

E. coregated

F. premeditate

340. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. profusion

B. adherence
C. seditious
D. corporation

E. inscrutable
F. persistance


341. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. altogether
B. conspiracy

C. discover

D. vawdville
E. literary

F. permissable


342. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. dethrone

B. interest

C. overjoyed
D. aspestus
E. chattels

F. cachinnation


343. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. tottering

B. prefiguration

C. squander
D. boorjwazee

E. intestate

F. sequacious

344. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. dicision

B. distinct
C. orthodox

D. solution
E. immodest
F. precarious


345. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. subsidiary
B. forfit

C. sanguinary

D. querulous
E. proficiency

F. rhetorical


346. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. methodical

B. obstacle

C. monstrous
D. perfectly

E. conventional
F. austeer


347. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. levigate

B. confidential

C. irreprovable
D. spageti

E. considerable

F. defalcation

348. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. disconsolate

B. allotment
C. superficial

D. centenal

E. imprison
F. inferiority

349. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. commentator
B. traverse

C. perpetual

D. acordian
E. gelatinous

F. vouchsafe


350. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. pragmatical

B. continuem

C. observant
D. eruption

E. intersperse

F. backslider
351. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. abortion

B. charlatan
C. untrodden

D. stubborn

E. lineament
F. oblisk


352. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. practicable
B. criticism

C. predilection

D. armistis
E. perceptive

F. peregrination


353. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. remember
B. prosecute

C. carrage

D. practicable
E. belligerent

F. vindictive


354. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. compartment

B. immaculate

C. oblivion
D. excessive

E. collone

F. nugatory

355. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. mendacity

B. veneration
C. affectation

D. auxilary

E. misanthropy
F. converge


356. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. ahmond
B. structure

C. insinuate

D. injunction
E. boisterous

F. exultant


357. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. consumption
B. modification

C. criminal

D. sagacious
E. disperse

F. corellation


358. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. inhabitant

B. reassure

C. mercantile
D. dieing

E. delineate

F. proposal

359. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. pardonable
B. converge
C. categorical

D. acceptibly

E. accuracy
F. positive


360. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. ostracism
B. detrimental

C. trepidation

D. conotation
E. gigantic

F. principle


361. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. interlocution

B. punctual
C. obdurate

D. perspicuity
E. calculate

F. reduceable


362. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. sequacious

B. mediation

C. sumptuous
D. perview

E. delinquent
F. inosculate


363. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. describe
B. hospitable

C. acquaint
D. sectarian

E. beleave
F. desuetude


364. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. charlatan
B. circumspect

C. algee

D. existence
E. concrete

F. transverse


365. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. consecrate

B. inutility

C. aggregate
D. attenuate
E. existance

F. receptacle


366. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. arbitrary

B. scientific

C. praiseworthy
D. insolvent

E. welp
F. commotion


367. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. efficacy
B. ridiculous

C. sentenal

D. stipulate
E. inarticulate
F. indisposed


368. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. behavoral
B. defection

C. submissive

D. adherence
E. communion

F. derogate


369. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. grievance

B. confety

C. fallible
D. tributary

E. abundant

F. confederate

370. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. grandeur

B. deprecate
C. acryllic

D. exceptional

E. contraband
F. questionable


371. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. disquietude
B. subsidiary

C. question

D. demolishon
E. colluctation

F. luminary

372. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. itinerant
B. extortionate

C. sustenance

D. confluence
E. superfluity

F. delimeter


373. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. celebration

B. benediction

C. dingee
D. impudent

E. expatiate
F. catechumen


374. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. ornament

B. fillement
C. effective

D. clergyman

E. declaration
F. remedial


375. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. aptitude
B. pregnant

C. benine

D. prevaricate
E. appearance

F. redouble


376. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. criminal
B. conquest

C. reprobate

D. vacination
E. perplexity

F. remember

377. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. antithesis

B. hesitate
C. elamentry

D. overcast

E. incendiarism
F. humanity


378. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. charlatan

B. agressive
C. celebrated

D. prevailing

E. avocation
F. inutility


379. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. pregnable
B. centralize

C. impotent

D. volatile
E. masterly

F. empressed


380. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. serpentine
B. treasure

C. demulcent
D. commentator

E. wich

F. consummate

381. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. altercation

B. crapulence
C. inherent

D. allegence

E. transact
F. compliance


382. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. avacado
B. legitimate
C. industrious

D. outlandish

E. accumulate
F. disseminate


383. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. sedentary
B. animated

C. prismatic

D. ligitamate
E. excitability

F. harmonious


384. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. proverbial

B. inglorious

C. obstruct
D. percussion

E. demolishon

F. distinction

385. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. flummery

B. classification
C. entrance

D. tributary

E. corollary
F. detur


386. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. deprecate
B. exquisite

C. adament

D. diminish
E. attenuate
F. assembly


387. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. declamation
B. tractable

C. anull

D. sectarian
E. disability

F. affectibility


388. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. interlocution

B. lineament

C. luscious
D. prevention

E. masstif
F. fallible

389. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. incarnadine

B. guage
C. deportment

D. carriage

E. reverberate
F. hypocritical


390. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. rejoinder
B. prominent

C. applause

D. corrective
E. huricane

F. allegiance

391. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. celebrity
B. permissable

C. cratashous

D. countervail
E. contract

F. blooming

392. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. gratuitous

B. correspond
C. pilgramidge

D. approximate

E. frivolous
F. interminable

393. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. sectarian

B. collocweall
C. conservation

D. funereal

E. insufferable
F. encircle


394. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. tolerate
B. deprecate

C. grammer

D. distance
E. poetical

F. assimilate


395. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. dilatory

B. justification

C. perennial
D. editting

E. contemptible

F. effectuate

396. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. lenitive

B. sensation
C. abstersive

D. anterior

E. larvay
F. browbeat


397. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. injunction

B. supposititious
C. competitor

D. nominate

E. abundent
F. significant


398. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. represent
B. revolting

C. expediency

D. indemnify
E. universal

F. brocher

399. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. cresent

B. iridescent

C. understanding
D. beneficial

E. obstacle

F. laborious

400. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. figurative

B. guage
C. standard

D. industrious

E. supernal
F. weakness

Answers: Puzzle Set 9

1. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. proficient

B. indiscriminate
C. quantity

D. privelege
E. cheerful

F. ignominious

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *privelege*. The correct

spelling of that word is *privilege*.


2. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. peculiarity

B. redundant
C. curiosity

D. momento

E. banishment

F. pathless

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *momento*. The correct

spelling of that word is *memento*.


3. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. impudent

B. beneficial

C. precipitous

D. succesful

E. presumptive

F. posterior

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *succesful*. The correct

spelling of that word is *successful*.

4. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. audacity

B. confluence

C. confront
D. delinquent

E. comming

F. prevaricate


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *comming*. The correct

spelling of that word is *coming*.


5. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. complaint

B. remembrance
C. withhold

D. cogitate

E. tentative
F. apparant


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *apparant*. The correct

spelling of that word is *apparent*.


6. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. divination

B. insolence

C. remedial

D. noticable

E. gregarious

F. glabrous


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *noticable*. The correct

spelling of that word is *noticeable*.


7. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. sieze

B. practicable

C. tautology

D. desuetude

E. sluggish

F. transact


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *sieze*. The correct

spelling of that word is *seize*.


8. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. providence

B. refraction

C. amputate

D. garantee

E. declamatory

F. sedentary

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *garantee*. The correct

spelling of that word is *guarantee*.


9. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. confidential

B. transcend

C. immeasurable

D. opportune

E. welfair

F. detractor


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *welfair*. The correct

spelling of that word is *welfare*.


10. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. compliment

B. affright
C. apparant

D. judicious

E. falsehood

F. confront


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *apparant*. The correct

spelling of that word is *apparent*.


11. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. distinguished
B. irreducible

C. principal
D. liberry

E. candidate
F. possible

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *liberry*. The correct
spelling of that word is *library*.

12. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. desuetude

B. structure
C. rotation

D. aperture
E. allmost
F. ambiguous

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *allmost*. The correct

spelling of that word is *almost*.


13. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. accompany

B. integrate
C. cheif

D. ineffectual
E. extermination
F. follower

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *cheif*. The correct

spelling of that word is *chief*.


14. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. insinuate
B. blasphemy

C. philanthropy
D. vindictive

E. firey
F. ignominious

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *firey*. The correct

spelling of that word is *fiery*.


15. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. insidious

B. despotic
C. congress

D. conference
E. changable

F. denominate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *changable*. The correct

spelling of that word is *changeable*.


16. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. illuminate

B. redundant
C. prevention

D. monarchical
E. experience

F. reciept
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *reciept*. The correct

spelling of that word is *receipt*.


17. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. additament

B. fallible
C. sequacious

D. recreant
E. acheive

F. invincible

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *acheive*. The correct

spelling of that word is *achieve*.


18. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. redolence

B. numbness
C. regarding
D. camoflage

E. regarding
F. absterge

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *camoflage*. The correct

spelling of that word is *camouflage*.


19. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. misacceptation
B. burlesque

C. resignation
D. incarcerate

E. ebullition
F. aparrent

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aparrent*. The correct

spelling of that word is *apparent*.

20. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. simultaneous

B. diplomatic
C. encircle

D. necessery
E. abstemious

F. handsome

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *necessery*. The correct

spelling of that word is *necessary*.


21. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. adumbration
B. advizable

C. paganism
D. reiterate
E. pellucid
F. harbinger

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *advizable*. The correct

spelling of that word is *advisable*.

22. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. punctilious

B. ineffectual
C. declivity
D. endanger
E. harrass

F. celestial
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *harrass*. The correct
spelling of that word is *harass*.


23. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. intercede
B. sluggish

C. captious
D. deliberate
E. calender
F. ignominious

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *calender*. The correct
spelling of that word is *calendar*.

24. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. variance
B. immolate
C. convenient
D. collaegue

E. romantic
F. abstersive
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *collaegue*. The correct

spelling of that word is *colleague*.


25. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. honorary
B. chivalrous

C. semblance
D. recieve
E. punctual
F. refinement

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *recieve*. The correct
spelling of that word is *receive*.

26. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. extravagance
B. grat
C. president

D. universal
E. insolence
F. imposing

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *grat*. The correct

spelling of that word is *great*.

27. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. exudation
B. derisive
C. thankless
D. inorganic
E. acceptible

F. new-fangled
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *acceptible*. The correct
spelling of that word is *acceptable*.

28. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. inexperience
B. marriage

C. allegaince
D. seniority
E. superlative
F. speculation

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *allegaince*. The correct
spelling of that word is *allegiance*.

29. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. gigantic
B. joviality
C. occassionally

D. thankless
E. imperious
F. establish
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *occassionally*. The
correct spelling of that word is *occasionally*.


30. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. sacerdotal
B. authoritative

C. frippery
D. religius
E. configuration
F. outshine

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *religius*. The correct

spelling of that word is *religious*.

31. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. disability
B. standard
C. seasonable
D. intimidate

E. grounded
F. Carribean
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *Carribean*. The correct

spelling of that word is *Caribbean*.


32. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. triumphant

B. inveterate
C. possible
D. restaraunt
E. conscription

F. inexhaustible
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *restaraunt*. The correct
spelling of that word is *restaurant*.

33. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. suitable
B. mispell
C. vigorous
D. audacious

E. standard
F. penetrable
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *mispell*. The correct

spelling of that word is *misspell*.


34. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. agreeably

B. peculiarity
C. sacrifice
D. sublimate
E. camoflague

F. pertinacious
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *camoflague*. The
correct spelling of that word is *camouflage*.


35. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. antagonist
B. pacification

C. artic
D. pleasant
E. monotheism
F. describe

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *artic*. The correct
spelling of that word is *arctic*.
36. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. imbecile
B. indispensable
C. assembly
D. breeding

E. advizable
F. retrieve
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *advizable*. The correct

spelling of that word is *advisable*.


37. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. aculeated

B. hesitate
C. querlmonlous
D. precursor
E. parliment
F. negative

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *parliment*. The correct

spelling of that word is *parliament*.

38. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. ascertain
B. minister
C. phlegmatic
D. superable

E. heirarchy
F. inconsolable
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *heirarchy*. The correct
spelling of that word is *hierarchy*.


39. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. concoction

B. esoteric
C. absentse
D. distinctness
E. belonging
F. prevailing

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *absentse*. The correct
spelling of that word is *absence*.

40. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. infelicity
B. mansuetude
C. constitution

D. grotesque
E. ignorence
F. complicated
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *ignorence*. The correct

spelling of that word is *ignorance*.


41. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. cogitate
B. discomfort

C. upholstry

D. encircle
E. figurative

F. rehabilitate

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *upholstry*. The correct

spelling of that word is *upholstery*.


42. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. superintendent

B. equipage
C. dominion

D. underhand

E. percieve
F. indestructible

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *percieve*. The correct

spelling of that word is *perceive*.


43. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. dominance

B. overjoyed

C. captivated
D. eversion

E. miniture
F. probability


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *miniture*. The correct

spelling of that word is *miniature*.

44. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. hesitate
B. superfluity

C. ingredient

D. apparant
E. ostensible

F. accustom

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *apparant*. The correct

spelling of that word is *apparent*.


45. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. immitate

B. obdurate
C. continuation

D. perishable
E. handmaid
F. picturesque


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *immitate*. The correct

spelling of that word is *imitate*.


46. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. venomous
B. rutilant

C. heigth
D. sacrifice

E. compassion

F. animation

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *heigth*. The correct

spelling of that word is *height*.


47. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. meanness

B. compatible
C. pitiless

D. definitly
E. sophisticate

F. encroach

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *definitly*. The correct

spelling of that word is *definitely*.


48. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. alarming

B. medeval
C. locomotive

D. indigestible

E. luscious
F. reciprocal

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *medeval*. The correct

spelling of that word is *medieval*.


49. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. supervise

B. confident

C. curiosity
D. rehabilitate

E. youthful

F. beatiful

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *beatiful*. The correct

spelling of that word is *beautiful*.


50. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. ingenious
B. obstruct
C. proscribe

D. conspicuous
E. beatiful

F. meretricious

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *beatiful*. The correct

spelling of that word is *beautiful*.


51. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. tenacious

B. ordinary
C. extreem

D. handsome

E. commemorate
F. decrease

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *extreem*. The correct

spelling of that word is *extreme*.

52. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. outspread

B. alienation

C. ostensible
D. variable

E. suprise

F. disruption

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *suprise*. The correct

spelling of that word is *surprise*.


53. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. liesure
B. conterminous

C. dissemble

D. captivated
E. rubicund
F. practicable

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *liesure*. The correct

spelling of that word is *leisure*.


54. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. instability

B. sophisticate

C. congenital
D. agression

E. abbreviate
F. conciliate


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *agression*. The correct

spelling of that word is *aggression*.


55. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. probability
B. exemplary

C. junction

D. permissable
E. maintnance

F. effective

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *maintnance*. The

correct spelling of that word is *maintenance*.


56. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. puerility

B. troublesome
C. supercede

D. aggregate

E. extortionate
F. tremendous

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *supercede*. The correct

spelling of that word is *supersede*.


57. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. witchery

B. obedience
C. demoniacal

D. animosity

E. reprobate
F. coaless


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *coaless*. The correct

spelling of that word is *coalesce*.


58. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. expediency
B. venturous
C. cordoroy
D. deportment

E. prevaricate

F. tranquil

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *cordoroy*. The correct

spelling of that word is *corduroy*.


59. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. fanciful

B. imitative
C. bloodthirsty

D. inclusive
E. franchise

F. appology

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *appology*. The correct

spelling of that word is *apology*.

60. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. distinct

B. collected
C. farcical

D. prevaricate

E. decission
F. projection


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *decission*. The correct

spelling of that word is *decision*.


61. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. companionable
B. sanctity

C. conosuer
D. ordinary

E. picturesque
F. atonement

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *conosuer*. The correct

spelling of that word is *connoisseur*.


62. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. tempestuous

B. commentator
C. serviceable

D. memorable

E. purblind
F. acordian

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *acordian*. The correct

spelling of that word is *accordion*.


63. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. manifest
B. tarmigan

C. volunteer
D. factitious

E. admonition

F. deleterious

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *tarmigan*. The correct

spelling of that word is *ptarmigan*.


64. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. inventor
B. confound

C. seige

D. hereditary
E. handmaid

F. symmetry

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *seige*. The correct

spelling of that word is *siege*.


65. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. yoman

B. desultory
C. blooming

D. jollification

E. proceeding
F. enthrone

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *yoman*. The correct

spelling of that word is *yeoman*.


66. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. captious

B. conclude
C. celestial
D. inversion

E. biyou
F. possible


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *biyou*. The correct

spelling of that word is *bayou*.


67. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. variance
B. preceptor

C. affectation

D. exhilarate
E. legionair

F. dreadful

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *legionair*. The correct

spelling of that word is *legionnaire*.

68. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. anwee

B. suppressible
C. coetaneous

D. agriculture

E. answerable
F. manageable

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *anwee*. The correct

spelling of that word is *ennui*.


69. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. sagacious

B. denounce

C. abasement
D. coaless

E. reprobate
F. scourings

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *coaless*. The correct

spelling of that word is *coalesce*.


70. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. considerable

B. bouy
C. cabalistic

D. champion
E. seducing

F. premeditate

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *bouy*. The correct

spelling of that word is *buoy*.


71. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. sensation

B. inspiration

C. bequeath
D. beginning

E. erudition
F. comotion


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *comotion*. The correct

spelling of that word is *commotion*.


72. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. withdraw
B. weakness

C. inglorious
D. rhinosarus

E. proclaim

F. supercilious
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *rhinosarus*. The correct
spelling of that word is *rhinoceros*.


73. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. primitive
B. disquietude

C. threshhold

D. variation
E. affluence

F. criminate

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *threshhold*. The correct

spelling of that word is *threshold*.


74. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. immature

B. youthful
C. ejaculation

D. prediction

E. industry
F. epitamy


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *epitamy*. The correct

spelling of that word is *epitome*.


75. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. irruption

B. commotion

C. moderator
D. dialate

E. circumstantial

F. eviscerate

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *dialate*. The correct

spelling of that word is *dilate*.

76. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. competition
B. indelicate

C. bullevard

D. occupation
E. disappoint

F. critical

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *bullevard*. The correct

spelling of that word is *boulevard*.


77. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. harmonious

B. fashon
C. wholesome

D. communion

E. gelatinous
F. pedantic

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *fashon*. The correct

spelling of that word is *fashion*.


78. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. foretell
B. approach

C. omnipotent

D. companionship
E. acceptibly

F. heartbroken

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *acceptibly*. The correct

spelling of that word is *acceptably*.


79. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. suitable

B. annotation
C. benediction

D. desiderate

E. milyew
F. intricacy

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *milyew*. The correct

spelling of that word is *milieu*.


80. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. reciprocal

B. lucubration

C. vicarious
D. fourty

E. execrable
F. backbiter

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *fourty*. The correct
spelling of that word is *forty*.


81. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. elucidate
B. consumption

C. allusion
D. corporation

E. definately

F. propitiate

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *definately*. The correct
spelling of that word is *definitely*.


82. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. restless
B. inundate
C. surreptitious
D. anticipate

E. conciliate
F. astarisk

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *astarisk*. The correct

spelling of that word is *asterisk*.

83. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. aberration
B. sanguinary
C. tasteful

D. question
E. curiousity
F. monotony

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *curiousity*. The correct

spelling of that word is *curiosity*.
84. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. religion

B. specimen
C. feasible
D. specktor

E. impressive
F. extravagant
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *specktor*. The correct

spelling of that word is *specter*.


85. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. simplicity

B. pardonable
C. chandeleer
D. factious

E. constituent
F. invincible
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *chandeleer*. The

correct spelling of that word is *chandelier*.


86. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. friction

B. egregious
C. inadvertent
D. generate

E. weppon
F. superior
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *weppon*. The correct

spelling of that word is *weapon*.


87. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. righteous
B. levigate

C. humorous
D. necessary
E. wimmen
F. fluctuate

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *wimmen*. The correct
spelling of that word is *women*.


88. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. prerogative
B. undulation

C. supernal
D. strenuous
E. convenient

F. coaless
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *coaless*. The correct

spelling of that word is *coalesce*.


89. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. comprehension

B. benevolence
C. singlely
D. privation
E. indiscretion

F. controversy
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *singlely*. The correct

spelling of that word is *singly*.


90. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. luxurious

B. industrious
C. dreadful

D. president
E. diagnol
F. thraldom

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *diagnol*. The correct
spelling of that word is *diagonal*.


91. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. excruciate
B. obliging

C. anfractuosity
D. preponderate
E. fictitious

F. corus
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *corus*. The correct

spelling of that word is *chorus*.

92. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. collusion
B. stranger
C. stubborn

D. scientific
E. ameba
F. multifarious

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *ameba*. The correct
spelling of that word is *amoeba*.

93. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. predaceous
B. notorious
C. condonation

D. collateral
E. adaquit
F. misappropriate

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *adaquit*. The correct

spelling of that word is *adequate*.

94. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. ansester
B. conversion
C. equipage

D. treatise
E. artificial
F. conterminous

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *ansester*. The correct
spelling of that word is *ancestor*.

95. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. exsufflation

B. personel
C. dissilience
D. inhesion

E. intoxication
F. prosecute
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *personel*. The correct

spelling of that word is *personnel*.


96. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. aneeling

B. classical
C. susceptible
D. aberration

E. mediocrity
F. frightful
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aneeling*. The correct
spelling of that word is *annealing*.

97. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. sanctity
B. potential
C. ascertain

D. blandiloquence
E. desision
F. expensive

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *desision*. The correct

spelling of that word is *decision*.

98. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. abeyance
B. predaceous
C. ameliorate
D. vaticination

E. familiar
F. accually
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *accually*. The correct

spelling of that word is *actually*.


99. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. pharisaical

B. underling
C. denominate
D. oregeno

E. accessory
F. coxcombical

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *oregeno*. The correct

spelling of that word is *oregano*.
100. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. incivility
B. bayliwick

C. immaculate
D. ceremonial
E. premeditate

F. observation
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *bayliwick*. The correct

spelling of that word is *bailiwick*.


101. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. delegate

B. coruscate
C. superseeded
D. formation
E. benefaction
F. transpose

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *superseeded*. The
correct spelling of that word is *superseded*.


102. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. prognosticate
B. reprieve

C. refractory
D. idiosyncracy
E. calliflower

F. abrogation
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *calliflower*. The

correct spelling of that word is *cauliflower*.


103. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. corporal
B. intermediate
C. spageti

D. adventure
E. adventure
F. verisimilitude

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *spageti*. The correct
spelling of that word is *spaghetti*.


104. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. volition
B. ambadexterous
C. veneration

D. destructive
E. questionable
F. anonymous

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *ambadexterous*. The
correct spelling of that word is *ambidextrous*.


105. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. abandoned
B. promotion

C. provision
D. vocation
E. paradime

F. analysis
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *paradime*. The correct
spelling of that word is *paradigm*.


106. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. diversify
B. conversation
C. communikay

D. precedent
E. infiltrate
F. transverse

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *communikay*. The
correct spelling of that word is *communiqué*.

107. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. weakness
B. integrate
C. frequent

D. capter
E. ambition
F. notorious

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *capter*. The correct
spelling of that word is *captor*.

108. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. imminent

B. castigate
C. addition
D. handsome

E. suspision
F. expatiate

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *suspision*. The correct

spelling of that word is *suspicion*.

109. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. chattels
B. celebrated
C. aquit

D. inquisitorial
E. anticipation
F. currency
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aquit*. The correct

spelling of that word is *acquit*.


110. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. association

B. vermillion
C. capitulate
D. definite

E. configuration
F. agreeable

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *vermillion*. The correct

spelling of that word is *vermilion*.

111. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. boisterous
B. mamento

C. premises
D. caducity
E. distinctness

F. declension
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *mamento*. The correct

spelling of that word is *memento*.


112. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. crapulence

B. reclaimable
C. curiosity
D. adjasant

E. suitable
F. refractory
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *adjasant*. The correct

spelling of that word is *adjacent*.


113. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. ostensible

B. faithful
C. succession
D. conversion

E. brusk
F. treatise

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *brusk*. The correct

spelling of that word is *brusque*.

114. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. industry
B. promulgate
C. transpose
D. forbidding
E. leutenant

F. convertible
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *leutenant*. The correct

spelling of that word is *lieutenant*.


115. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. intensity

B. colorable
C. preceptor
D. silabus
E. complicated

F. puerility
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *silabus*. The correct

spelling of that word is *syllabus*.

116. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. intensity
B. protrude

C. insensate
D. fewg
E. reluctance
F. progression

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *fewg*. The correct
spelling of that word is *fugue*.


117. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. testimony
B. blooming

C. probable
D. redolence
E. fourty
F. funereal

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *fourty*. The correct
spelling of that word is *forty*.

118. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. affection
B. aracnid
C. outspoken

D. lenitive
E. comprehend
F. rotation

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aracnid*. The correct
spelling of that word is *arachnid*.


119. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. suseptable
B. sanctuary
C. confused
D. instruction

E. grandiloquence
F. retaliate

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *suseptable*. The correct

spelling of that word is *susceptible*.

120. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. misacceptation
B. instability
C. proportion

D. conceited
E. communikay
F. confront

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *communikay*. The
correct spelling of that word is *communiqué*.

121. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. resuscitate
B. resource
C. conclusive

D. facility
E. balona
F. redolence

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *balona*. The correct
spelling of that word is *bologna*.


122. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. retaliate
B. separable
C. new-fangled
D. badminten

E. introductory
F. appliance

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *badminten*. The correct

spelling of that word is *badminton*.

123. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. sustenance
B. counterpart
C. wholely

D. minister
E. inveterate
F. prediction

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *wholely*. The correct

spelling of that word is *wholly*.
124. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. sophisticate

B. induction
C. pernicious
D. sentenal

E. tottering
F. ambagious
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *sentenal*. The correct

spelling of that word is *sentinel*.


125. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. preliminary

B. assiduity
C. indignity
D. booklist

E. gastly
F. obstreperous
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *gastly*. The correct

spelling of that word is *ghastly*.


126. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. feminine

B. carnavor
C. temerity
D. sedentary
E. consolidate

F. dispatch
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *carnavor*. The correct

spelling of that word is *carnivore*.


127. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. confiscate
B. effluence

C. sedentary
D. industry
E. dipthong
F. beholden

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *dipthong*. The correct
spelling of that word is *diphthong*.


128. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. miasmatic
B. interlocution

C. classify
D. demoniacal
E. excelent

F. persecute
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *excelent*. The correct
spelling of that word is *excellent*.


129. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. flounder
B. straight

C. crestfallen
D. infintesimal
E. meteoric

F. intermission
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *infintesimal*. The

correct spelling of that word is *infinitesimal*.


130. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. advantage

B. princely
C. artic

D. inadvertent
E. verisimilitude
F. fabulous

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *artic*. The correct
spelling of that word is *arctic*.


131. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. adventurous
B. preconcerted

C. exemplary
D. nugatory
E. embalance

F. recourse
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *embalance*. The
correct spelling of that word is *imbalance*.

132. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. peccable
B. projection
C. congestion

D. zookeenee
E. benefaction
F. effectuate

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *zookeenee*. The correct
spelling of that word is *zucchini*.

133. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. epitamy
B. fulminate
C. ruminate

D. presumptive
E. eversion
F. ordinance

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *epitamy*. The correct

spelling of that word is *epitome*.

134. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. finished
B. docsund
C. puerility

D. probability
E. breathless
F. concoction

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *docsund*. The correct

spelling of that word is *dachshund*.

135. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. incandescence

B. conflict
C. distinct
D. cookoo

E. frequent
F. superstition
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *cookoo*. The correct

spelling of that word is *cuckoo*.


136. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. prefatory

B. auxiliary
C. rotation
D. resident

E. squirel
F. preferment
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *squirel*. The correct
spelling of that word is *squirrel*.

137. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. incarnation
B. conservation
C. knowledge
D. notoriety

E. desireable
F. experience

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *desireable*. The correct

spelling of that word is *desirable*.

138. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. corroborate
B. coetaneous
C. nocturnal
D. sensitive
E. extatic

F. illustrious
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *extatic*. The correct

spelling of that word is *ecstatic*.


139. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. conscientious

B. sufferance
C. overzelus
D. alliance

E. incidence
F. repletion

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *overzelus*. The correct

spelling of that word is *overzealous*.
140. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. vexation
B. rudiment

C. oleaginous
D. questionare
E. supremacy

F. abstruse
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *questionare*. The

correct spelling of that word is *questionnaire*.


141. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. defineable

B. wholesome
C. exemption
D. importunate
E. penurious
F. amenable

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *defineable*. The correct
spelling of that word is *definable*.


142. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. ruthless
B. predecessor

C. indiscretion
D. ajurnment
E. needless

F. refinement
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *ajurnment*. The correct
spelling of that word is *adjournment*.


143. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. identical
B. reclaimable
C. continence

D. submission
E. pitiless
F. aroara

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aroara*. The correct
spelling of that word is *aurora*.

144. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. prosecute
B. capitulate
C. transpose

D. inspissation
E. twelth
F. elocution

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *twelth*. The correct
spelling of that word is *twelfth*.


145. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. probation
B. disability

C. literary
D. pospone
E. proclivity

F. contribution
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *pospone*. The correct
spelling of that word is *postpone*.


146. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. propinquity
B. surreptitious
C. dereliction

D. congress
E. trepidation
F. ciotee

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *ciotee*. The correct

spelling of that word is *coyote*.

147. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. exemplify
B. consumption
C. oblivion

D. proposal
E. voyouristic
F. obsolete

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *voyouristic*. The
correct spelling of that word is *voyeuristic*.

148. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. manifest

B. indispensable
C. youthinasia
D. tolerant

E. serviceable
F. rectitude

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *youthinasia*. The

correct spelling of that word is *euthanasia*.

149. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. consider
B. perceptive
C. associate

D. precedence
E. apauled
F. prohibition
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *apauled*. The correct

spelling of that word is *appalled*.


150. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. effulgence

B. monitory
C. exceptionable
D. humorous

E. scandalize
F. pilgramidge

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *pilgramidge*. The

correct spelling of that word is *pilgrimage*.

151. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. refinement
B. artifice

C. evesdrop
D. dismantle
E. generation

F. frightful
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *evesdrop*. The correct

spelling of that word is *eavesdrop*.


152. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. penetration

B. solicitude
C. contaminate
D. correograph
E. simultaneous

F. prospect
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *correograph*. The

correct spelling of that word is *choreograph*.


153. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. director

B. recreation
C. canidate
D. exudation

E. antipathy
F. treasure

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *canidate*. The correct

spelling of that word is *candidate*.

154. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. mischieveous
B. abderite
C. fulminate
D. secession
E. commensurate

F. resident
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *mischieveous*. The

correct spelling of that word is *mischievous*.


155. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. martyrdom
B. agriculture

C. wressel
D. concourse
E. consider

F. electrify
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *wressel*. The correct

spelling of that word is *wrestle*.

156. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. manufacture
B. quandary
C. antecedence

D. medicate
E. delinquency
F. summersalt

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *summersalt*. The
correct spelling of that word is *somersault*.


157. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. undulation
B. refraction

C. germinate
D. pervious
E. disabuse
F. dessication

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *dessication*. The
correct spelling of that word is *desiccation*.

158. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. proclivity
B. intercede
C. adjative

D. passible
E. methodical
F. extinguish

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *adjative*. The correct
spelling of that word is *adjective*.


159. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. peerless

B. probability
C. cleeshay
D. farcical

E. authenticate
F. progress

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *cleeshay*. The correct

spelling of that word is *cliché*.

160. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. prevalence
B. madefaction
C. consequence

D. gaysha
E. irruption
F. trumpery
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *gaysha*. The correct
spelling of that word is *geisha*.

161. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. sustenance
B. justification
C. acceptence

D. tantalize
E. juvenile
F. compassion

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *acceptence*. The
correct spelling of that word is *acceptance*.


162. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. deadness
B. privilege
C. concatinate
D. sapidity

E. correction
F. inversion

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *concatinate*. The

correct spelling of that word is *concatenate*.


163. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. shocking

B. reverence

C. alcemy
D. augmentation

E. decorate

F. dereliction

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *alcemy*. The correct

spelling of that word is *alchemy*.

164. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. intelligence

B. originate
C. reparation

D. prevalence

E. curiousity
F. dilatory


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *curiousity*. The correct

spelling of that word is *curiosity*.


165. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. parallel
B. coolness

C. adheasive

D. predecessor
E. evaporate
F. contribution


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *adheasive*. The correct

spelling of that word is *adhesive*.


166. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. satirical
B. miraculous

C. downwards

D. seraphic
E. forefend

F. finess

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *finess*. The correct

spelling of that word is *finesse*.


167. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. incurable

B. perceivable

C. dosseay
D. abomination

E. putative

F. complicated

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *dosseay*. The correct

spelling of that word is *dossier*.


168. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. responsive

B. diversity
C. abundent

D. demulcent

E. affection
F. preceptor

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *abundent*. The correct
spelling of that word is *abundant*.


169. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. inthrall
B. cacoon

C. articular

D. concourse
E. enormity

F. procession

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *cacoon*. The correct

spelling of that word is *cocoon*.


170. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. reorganize

B. eradicate
C. celler
D. proscribe

E. labyrinth

F. astonishing

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *celler*. The correct

spelling of that word is *cellar*.


171. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. banishment

B. predilection
C. articular

D. ambiguous

E. tommorow
F. invidious


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *tommorow*. The

correct spelling of that word is *tomorrow*.

172. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. precarious
B. perverse

C. humanity

D. verisimilitude
E. valediction

F. astarisk

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *astarisk*. The correct

spelling of that word is *asterisk*.


173. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. inodorous

B. reciprocation

C. oppression
D. aboriginal

E. sensibility
F. discription

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *discription*. The

correct spelling of that word is *description*.


174. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. temperate

B. browbeat

C. azma
D. segregate

E. refractory

F. palliate

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *azma*. The correct

spelling of that word is *asthma*.


175. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. vehement

B. congestion
C. existance

D. regression

E. infidelity
F. resignation


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *existance*. The correct

spelling of that word is *existence*.


176. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. ake
B. semblance

C. conclave

D. malversation
E. annoyance

F. bondsman

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *ake*. The correct

spelling of that word is *ache*.


177. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. exemption

B. aberration

C. contrary
D. resurrection

E. benifit

F. dereliction

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *benifit*. The correct

spelling of that word is *benefit*.


178. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. proficiency
B. chello
C. sonorous

D. emancipate

E. dismount
F. conservation


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *chello*. The correct

spelling of that word is *cello*.


179. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. obstacle
B. brandish

C. compulsion

D. sequence
E. unctuous

F. carosel

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *carosel*. The correct

spelling of that word is *carousel*.

180. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. supercilious
B. athletic

C. prediction
D. comotion

E. munificent

F. compound

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *comotion*. The correct

spelling of that word is *commotion*.


181. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. percussion

B. inoculate
C. probability

D. rectilinear

E. spurious
F. aquit

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aquit*. The correct

spelling of that word is *acquit*.


182. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. tantamount

B. aspiration
C. embalance

D. distinguished

E. romantic
F. ideality


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *embalance*. The

correct spelling of that word is *imbalance*.


183. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. proclaim
B. dialogue

C. apocryphal

D. province
E. embaress

F. fundamental

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *embaress*. The correct

spelling of that word is *embarrass*.


184. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. introvert

B. countervail

C. ill-bred
D. hansome

E. abundance

F. abundant
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *hansome*. The correct

spelling of that word is *handsome*.


185. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. sociable

B. irrecoverable
C. building

D. circulate

E. seperate
F. nutrition


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *seperate*. The correct

spelling of that word is *separate*.


186. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. euphonious
B. distraction
C. aspiration

D. celebrated
E. abstanence

F. regarding

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *abstanence*. The

correct spelling of that word is *abstinence*.


187. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. comprehension

B. nobility

C. exception
D. coolness

E. critisize

F. cabalistic

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *critisize*. The correct

spelling of that word is *criticize*.

188. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. entangle

B. precious

C. zookeenee
D. transfer

E. teaching
F. abdicate


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *zookeenee*. The correct

spelling of that word is *zucchini*.


189. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. addition
B. extortionate

C. rashness

D. lonesome
E. amatuer
F. integrate


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *amatuer*. The correct

spelling of that word is *amateur*.


190. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. building
B. batchleur

C. lethargy

D. perspicacity
E. reconcilable

F. appetite

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *batchleur*. The correct

spelling of that word is *bachelor*.


191. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. lucubration
B. platitude

C. boganveelia
D. contribute

E. poisonous

F. emollient

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *boganveelia*. The

correct spelling of that word is *bougainvillea*.


192. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. practice

B. devotion
C. forbidding

D. behavoral

E. inosculate
F. artificial

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *behavoral*. The correct
spelling of that word is *behavioral*.


193. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. reclaimable
B. bangquit

C. interpellation

D. understanding
E. impletion

F. subscribe

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *bangquit*. The correct

spelling of that word is *banquet*.


194. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. encumber

B. understanding
C. interpose
D. cercomstance

E. absolute

F. good-humored

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *cercomstance*. The

correct spelling of that word is *circumstance*.


195. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. inquisitorial

B. declaration
C. audacious

D. exemption

E. finess
F. amalgamate


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *finess*. The correct

spelling of that word is *finesse*.

196. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. invective

B. crassitude
C. judicious

D. reluctant

E. industry
F. caraboo

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *caraboo*. The correct

spelling of that word is *caribou*.


197. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. adulation

B. alacrity

C. delitescence
D. resident

E. Tootonic
F. incentive

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *Tootonic*. The correct

spelling of that word is *Teutonic*.


198. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. incombustible

B. whimsical

C. perfidious
D. sicinctly

E. picturesque

F. contusion

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *sicinctly*. The correct

spelling of that word is *succinctly*.


199. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. imminent

B. regarding

C. effective
D. allowence

E. modulation

F. priggish

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *allowence*. The correct

spelling of that word is *allowance*.


200. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. cheeta
B. qualification

C. affectation

D. outspoken
E. priggish

F. commotion

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *cheeta*. The correct

spelling of that word is *cheetah*.


201. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. inveterate

B. structure

C. inglorious
D. intellect

E. coruscate

F. dessication

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *dessication*. The

correct spelling of that word is *desiccation*.


202. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. projection

B. deprecate
C. generation
D. inventor

E. conyak
F. countervail


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *conyak*. The correct

spelling of that word is *cognac*.


203. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. shiftless
B. apportion

C. perennial

D. obdurate
E. curtesy

F. indelicate

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *curtesy*. The correct

spelling of that word is *courtesy*.

204. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. reprobate
B. pertinacity

C. goverment

D. business
E. fluctuate

F. infliction

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *goverment*. The

correct spelling of that word is *government*.


205. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. illustrate

B. consequent
C. specktor

D. sequestered

E. purgative
F. metaphorical

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *specktor*. The correct

spelling of that word is *specter*.


206. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. obstruct

B. transport
C. aqueus

D. indicate

E. consciousness
F. vivacious


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aqueus*. The correct

spelling of that word is *aqueous*.


207. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. beholden

B. transfer
C. Austrailia

D. propinquity

E. subscribe
F. agreeably


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *Austrailia*. The correct

spelling of that word is *Australia*.


208. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. acclamation
B. indifference

C. aggrandize
D. playwrite

E. caducity

F. grievance
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *playwrite*. The correct

spelling of that word is *playwright*.


209. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. excogitation

B. intricate
C. assemalate

D. bondsman

E. currency
F. satirical


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *assemalate*. The

correct spelling of that word is *assimilate*.


210. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. alliance
B. internal
C. effluence

D. extravagance

E. singlely
F. paternal

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *singlely*. The correct

spelling of that word is *singly*.


211. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. cratashous

B. converse

C. indifference
D. lustration

E. instruct

F. irruption

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *cratashous*. The correct

spelling of that word is *cretaceous*.

212. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. dissolute

B. interior

C. inheritance
D. anomolous

E. deference

F. conceive

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *anomolous*. The

correct spelling of that word is *anomalous*.


213. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. perfection

B. dimension
C. acrimonious

D. incessant

E. farcical
F. catagory


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *catagory*. The correct

spelling of that word is *category*.


214. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. bondsman
B. mutinous

C. quittance

D. heartbroken
E. priviledge

F. illusive

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *priviledge*. The correct

spelling of that word is *privilege*.


215. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. priggish
B. inconsistant

C. misadventure

D. martyrdom
E. tantamount

F. oblation

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *inconsistant*. The

correct spelling of that word is *inconsistent*.


216. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. repulsive

B. conversant

C. champain
D. affiliate

E. recapitulate
F. phantasm

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *champain*. The correct
spelling of that word is *champagne*.


217. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. affluence
B. oblation

C. magnanimous

D. knowlegable
E. querlmonlous

F. frippery

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *knowlegable*. The

correct spelling of that word is *knowledgeable*.


218. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. sequence

B. champion
C. illusion

D. priviledge
E. continue

F. perfidious

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *priviledge*. The correct

spelling of that word is *privilege*.


219. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. reorganize

B. reprobate
C. decrepit

D. inexplicable

E. catapiller
F. mansuetude


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *catapiller*. The correct

spelling of that word is *caterpillar*.

220. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. directly

B. surreptitious
C. aterny

D. sublimate

E. intestate
F. defendant


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aterny*. The correct

spelling of that word is *attorney*.


221. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. palpable
B. creater

C. inthrall

D. competitor
E. penitence
F. transaction

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *creater*. The correct

spelling of that word is *creator*.


222. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. diptheria

B. finished

C. derision
D. aberrant

E. ineffectual

F. language

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *diptheria*. The correct

spelling of that word is *diphtheria*.


223. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. behavior

B. afficianado

C. confident
D. experience

E. gorgeous

F. acclamation

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *afficianado*. The

correct spelling of that word is *aficionado*.


224. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. comprehension

B. multiplication
C. profitable

D. capitulate

E. drowt
F. incumbent

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *drowt*. The correct

spelling of that word is *drought*.


225. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. universal

B. retorical

C. ill-bred
D. dismount

E. heighten

F. precognition

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *retorical*. The correct

spelling of that word is *rhetorical*.


226. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. colloquy

B. covetous
C. larinx
D. coadjutor

E. recommend

F. percussion

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *larinx*. The correct

spelling of that word is *larynx*.


227. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. tutelage

B. vagabond
C. evesdrop

D. preconcerted
E. multitude

F. tortuous

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *evesdrop*. The correct

spelling of that word is *eavesdrop*.

228. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. incoherence
B. counterfeit

C. involution

D. credence
E. sedative

F. criteak

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *criteak*. The correct

spelling of that word is *critique*.


229. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. suscitate

B. squander

C. merciful
D. puritanical

E. correspondence
F. canay

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *canay*. The correct

spelling of that word is *canaille*.


230. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. habitual

B. miscible
C. mercantile

D. accomplice

E. rehersal
F. proficient


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *rehersal*. The correct

spelling of that word is *rehearsal*.


231. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. regarding

B. benefaction
C. derision

D. consequent

E. sensable
F. disputant


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *sensable*. The correct

spelling of that word is *sensible*.


232. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. generation
B. composure

C. reclaimable

D. incidental
E. perceive

F. ampatheater

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *ampatheater*. The

correct spelling of that word is *amphitheater*.


233. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. dethrone

B. indigestible
C. complete

D. inscrutable

E. complete
F. ake


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *ake*. The correct

spelling of that word is *ache*.


234. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. cratashous
B. perfidious
C. deleterious

D. bickering

E. particular
F. negotiate


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *cratashous*. The correct

spelling of that word is *cretaceous*.


235. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. movement
B. destination

C. sovereign

D. developement
E. peerless

F. interrupt

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *developement*. The

correct spelling of that word is *development*.

236. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. problematical

B. guardian

C. incidental
D. vanquish

E. primevil

F. vagabond

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *primevil*. The correct

spelling of that word is *primeval*.


237. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. fimbriated

B. attribute
C. funereal

D. interpolate

E. anomolous
F. transpose

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *anomolous*. The

correct spelling of that word is *anomalous*.


238. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. extempore

B. programme
C. isolation

D. curmugeon
E. adversity

F. elevation

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *curmugeon*. The

correct spelling of that word is *curmudgeon*.


239. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. consideration
B. consolidate

C. restrain

D. allowence
E. corollary

F. enlighten

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *allowence*. The correct

spelling of that word is *allowance*.


240. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. moderation

B. sprightly

C. irritate
D. interlace

E. meanness

F. camelion
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *camelion*. The correct

spelling of that word is *chameleon*.


241. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. resolution

B. infidelity
C. praiseworthy

D. autum
E. erudition

F. recrimination

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *autum*. The correct

spelling of that word is *autumn*.


242. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. encounter

B. countless
C. abdicate

D. aleged
E. magisterial

F. exponent

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aleged*. The correct

spelling of that word is *alleged*.


243. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. separable

B. refinement

C. illistrate
D. intimidate

E. impudent

F. criterion

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *illistrate*. The correct

spelling of that word is *illustrate*.

244. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. immediate

B. indomitable
C. compromise

D. assimtote

E. distraction
F. underhand


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *assimtote*. The correct

spelling of that word is *asymptote*.


245. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. electrify
B. peaceable

C. pre-eminent

D. retorical
E. changeless
F. deliberate


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *retorical*. The correct

spelling of that word is *rhetorical*.


246. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. intuition
B. compilation

C. percolate

D. commiserate
E. propriatery

F. rectitude

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *propriatery*. The

correct spelling of that word is *proprietary*.


247. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. ingenuous

B. profound

C. querlmonlous
D. sabatour

E. intellect

F. derogate

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *sabatour*. The correct

spelling of that word is *saboteur*.


248. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. impassioned

B. backslider
C. mailstrum

D. scatheless

E. imbecility
F. protuberance

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *mailstrum*. The correct
spelling of that word is *maelstrom*.


249. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. scandalize
B. brazeer

C. respective

D. official
E. numberless

F. admittance

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *brazeer*. The correct

spelling of that word is *brassiere*.


250. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. sprightly

B. convolution
C. sanctuary
D. existance

E. alteration

F. thankless

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *existance*. The correct

spelling of that word is *existence*.


251. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. annoyance

B. zylophone
C. ceremonious

D. overflow

E. affranchise
F. abnegation


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *zylophone*. The correct

spelling of that word is *xylophone*.

252. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. atrocious
B. disputant

C. justification

D. mendacity
E. dependant

F. aspiration

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *dependant*. The correct

spelling of that word is *dependent*.


253. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. enormous

B. cognizance

C. dedicate
D. sporatic

E. rectilinear
F. reparation

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *sporatic*. The correct

spelling of that word is *sporadic*.


254. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. subscribe

B. irreligions

C. tantamount
D. azma

E. objective

F. concatenation

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *azma*. The correct

spelling of that word is *asthma*.


255. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. indelicate

B. contraposition
C. inquisitorial

D. milktoast

E. decision
F. aculeated


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *milktoast*. The correct

spelling of that word is *milquetoast*.


256. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. temporary
B. insubordinate

C. interloper

D. ambiguous
E. pertinate

F. excusable

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *pertinate*. The correct

spelling of that word is *pertinent*.


257. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. brocher

B. subsidiary

C. abstemious
D. sanction

E. expostulate

F. director

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *brocher*. The correct

spelling of that word is *brochure*.


258. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. demulcent
B. calculating
C. contumely

D. charizma

E. affectibility
F. universal


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *charizma*. The correct

spelling of that word is *charisma*.


259. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. opportune
B. disquisition

C. comprise

D. dout
E. demarcation

F. vicissitude

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *dout*. The correct

spelling of that word is *doubt*.

260. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. wonderful

B. provincial

C. tollerable
D. function

E. excogitation

F. remunerate

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *tollerable*. The correct

spelling of that word is *tolerable*.


261. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. perversion

B. descendant
C. caraff

D. figurative

E. boundless
F. repulsive

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *caraff*. The correct

spelling of that word is *carafe*.


262. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. inexplicable

B. allready
C. promiscuous

D. fortitude

E. gracious
F. building


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *allready*. The correct

spelling of that word is *already*.


263. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. manageable
B. proportion

C. contribute

D. graceless
E. conciliate

F. casarole

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *casarole*. The correct

spelling of that word is *casserole*.


264. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. preconception

B. exterior

C. wressel
D. sterling

E. detonate

F. potential
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *wressel*. The correct

spelling of that word is *wrestle*.


265. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. amenable

B. courtesy
C. ambadexterous

D. contraposition

E. infringe
F. booklist


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *ambadexterous*. The

correct spelling of that word is *ambidextrous*.


266. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. apparent
B. category
C. overcast

D. advesary
E. aberrant

F. consistency

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *advesary*. The correct

spelling of that word is *adversary*.


267. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. reluctance

B. loquacity

C. sentinel
D. temtation

E. antagonistic

F. epigrammatic

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *temtation*. The correct

spelling of that word is *temptation*.

268. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. dethrone

B. travesty
C. beauracratic

D. impudence

E. assurance
F. strengthen


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *beauracratic*. The

correct spelling of that word is *bureaucratic*.


269. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. positive
B. fimbriated

C. puritanical

D. adulation
E. proficient
F. ajurnment


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *ajurnment*. The correct

spelling of that word is *adjournment*.


270. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. enervate
B. imperious

C. humorous

D. accomadate
E. advantage

F. intervention

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *accomadate*. The

correct spelling of that word is *accommodate*.


271. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. crestfallen
B. presumption

C. pedantic
D. innoculate

E. prismatic

F. enervate

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *innoculate*. The correct

spelling of that word is *inoculate*.


272. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. methodical

B. affection
C. sediment

D. Wendsday

E. abstruse
F. illustrate

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *Wendsday*. The correct
spelling of that word is *Wednesday*.


273. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. habitual
B. arro

C. proposition

D. heterogeneous
E. saturnine

F. respectable

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *arro*. The correct

spelling of that word is *arrow*.


274. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. sociable

B. responsive
C. mischieveous
D. calculate

E. traditional

F. extravagance

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *mischieveous*. The

correct spelling of that word is *mischievous*.


275. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. individual

B. colaboration
C. renegade

D. immanent

E. insensate
F. dissolute


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *colaboration*. The

correct spelling of that word is *collaboration*.

276. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. immemorial

B. indissoluble
C. austeer

D. composition

E. domestic
F. revulsion

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *austeer*. The correct

spelling of that word is *austere*.


277. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. efficacy

B. incurable

C. melancholy
D. fruitful

E. racoon
F. adversity

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *racoon*. The correct

spelling of that word is *raccoon*.


278. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. ceremonial

B. initiative

C. varient
D. suppress

E. imbecility

F. diminish

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *varient*. The correct

spelling of that word is *variant*.


279. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. devotion

B. attainment

C. whereever
D. preceptor

E. prevailing
F. precedent


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *whereever*. The correct

spelling of that word is *wherever*.


280. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. incapable
B. temporal

C. formalism

D. organization
E. vetran

F. nugatory

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *vetran*. The correct

spelling of that word is *veteran*.


281. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. frequent

B. shocking

C. consternation
D. withhold

E. breef

F. accompany

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *breef*. The correct

spelling of that word is *brief*.


282. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. ignorant

B. cheeta
C. monitory

D. vacillate

E. peremptory
F. intercurrence


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *cheeta*. The correct

spelling of that word is *cheetah*.


283. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. reorganize
B. revelation

C. wressel

D. categorical
E. allegiance

F. aberration

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *wressel*. The correct

spelling of that word is *wrestle*.

284. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. outshine
B. wretched

C. humorous

D. contrary
E. jollification

F. wildebeast

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *wildebeast*. The

correct spelling of that word is *wildebeest*.


285. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. pellucid

B. mansuetude
C. dissembler

D. zefer

E. promotion
F. secondary

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *zefer*. The correct

spelling of that word is *zephyr*.


286. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. lineament

B. vulnerable
C. academical

D. appendage

E. adaquit
F. conciliate


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *adaquit*. The correct

spelling of that word is *adequate*.


287. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. criminal

B. orcestrate
C. destination

D. transaction

E. effervesce
F. sprightly

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *orcestrate*. The correct

spelling of that word is *orchestrate*.


288. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. rehearse

B. autum

C. innocence
D. purblind

E. conjuncture

F. monopoly
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *autum*. The correct

spelling of that word is *autumn*.


289. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. backaloriette

B. adventure
C. corpulent

D. hypocritical

E. obtestation
F. priggish


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *backaloriette*. The

correct spelling of that word is *baccalaureate*.


290. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. oblation
B. fortitude
C. laborious

D. tarmigan
E. intellect

F. princely

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *tarmigan*. The correct

spelling of that word is *ptarmigan*.


291. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. deficiency

B. discreet

C. disapointed
D. emollient

E. ceremonial

F. declivity

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *disapointed*. The

correct spelling of that word is *disappointed*.

292. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. ultimate

B. eventful

C. sanctify
D. yoman

E. commence

F. blandiloquence

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *yoman*. The correct

spelling of that word is *yeoman*.


293. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. gratuitous

B. cross-grained
C. enormous

D. conchance
E. tutelage
F. tendency


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *conchance*. The correct

spelling of that word is *conscience*.


294. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. criticise
B. perennial

C. involution

D. habitual
E. cloisonay

F. deference

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *cloisonay*. The correct

spelling of that word is *cloisonné*.


295. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. inveterate
B. outspoken

C. transsend

D. rejoinder
E. necessary

F. desirable

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *transsend*. The correct

spelling of that word is *transcend*.


296. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. dissembler

B. aswage
C. incursion

D. insinuate

E. imaginative
F. oversight

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aswage*. The correct
spelling of that word is *assuage*.


297. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. lucubration
B. capitulate

C. abortion

D. fashon
E. conducive

F. conclude

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *fashon*. The correct

spelling of that word is *fashion*.


298. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. incoherence

B. veritable
C. contingent

D. contribution
E. obsolete

F. exilerate

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *exilerate*. The correct

spelling of that word is *exhilarate*.


299. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. metaphysical

B. credence
C. abstemious

D. cartledge

E. protrude
F. medicate


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *cartledge*. The correct

spelling of that word is *cartilage*.

300. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. prerogative

B. intrigue
C. breeding

D. supress

E. permeable
F. meditate


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *supress*. The correct

spelling of that word is *suppress*.


301. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. privation
B. appetite

C. elamentry

D. meridian
E. discharge
F. physical

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *elamentry*. The correct

spelling of that word is *elementary*.


302. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. entangle

B. association

C. diversity
D. sanguine

E. dorment

F. strengthen

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *dorment*. The correct

spelling of that word is *dormant*.


303. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. identity

B. involved

C. considering
D. entertain

E. asumtotic

F. indisposed

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *asumtotic*. The correct

spelling of that word is *asymptotic*.


304. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. indifference

B. dosseay
C. internal

D. reception
E. aperture

F. critical

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *dosseay*. The correct

spelling of that word is *dossier*.


305. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. deportment

B. resident

C. probability
D. paganism

E. forhead

F. outstrip

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *forhead*. The correct

spelling of that word is *forehead*.


306. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. delt

B. colloquy
C. valediction
D. lordship

E. acquiesce

F. infantile

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *delt*. The correct

spelling of that word is *dealt*.


307. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. appliance
B. distemper

C. obumbrate

D. cellabration
E. evidence

F. discrimination

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *cellabration*. The

correct spelling of that word is *celebration*.

308. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. ignorant
B. mispell

C. judgment

D. insurgent
E. forefend

F. hypocritical

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *mispell*. The correct

spelling of that word is *misspell*.


309. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. iridescent

B. inculcate

C. acrost
D. proposal

E. trapping
F. material

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *acrost*. The correct

spelling of that word is *across*.


310. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. detractor

B. irreligions
C. macack

D. valuable

E. indescribable
F. immunity


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *macack*. The correct

spelling of that word is *macaque*.


311. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. aspestus

B. accuracy
C. elaborate

D. bequeath

E. imperial
F. euphuism


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aspestus*. The correct

spelling of that word is *asbestos*.


312. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. overruling
B. eradicate

C. credulity

D. pathless
E. curvasious

F. chicanery
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *curvasious*. The

correct spelling of that word is *curvaceous*.


313. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. vagabond

B. proficiency
C. monastic

D. feasable

E. renounce
F. adventure


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *feasable*. The correct

spelling of that word is *feasible*.


314. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. affright
B. pertinacity
C. nuisance

D. rusticity

E. vigilanty
F. vertical


Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *vigilanty*. The correct

spelling of that word is *vigilante*.


315. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. incidental
B. pronounce

C. omnipotent
D. vallay

E. exterior

F. multitude

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *vallay*. The correct

spelling of that word is *valet*.

316. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. gorgeous

B. exultant

C. authenticate
D. aline

E. truculent

F. eradicate

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aline*. The correct

spelling of that word is *align*.


317. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. affliction

B. prohibit
C. assistant

D. standard

E. zefer
F. quittance

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *zefer*. The correct

spelling of that word is *zephyr*.


318. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. miscible

B. editting
C. bewilder

D. belligerent
E. magniloquent

F. heterodox

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *editting*. The correct

spelling of that word is *editing*.


319. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. magnificent
B. culpable

C. comprise

D. assistance
E. abstanence

F. organize

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *abstanence*. The

correct spelling of that word is *abstinence*.


320. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. mannerly

B. overcast

C. infringe
D. predominance

E. liason

F. hospitable
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *liason*. The correct
spelling of that word is *liaison*.


321. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. writeable
B. ruthless

C. neutralize

D. conciliate
E. preposterous

F. libertine

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *writeable*. The correct

spelling of that word is *writable*.


322. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. expostulate

B. provident
C. conceous

D. strengthen
E. spontaneous

F. expostulate

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *conceous*. The correct

spelling of that word is *conscious*.


323. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. industrious

B. resplendent

C. riddance
D. contortion

E. deturance

F. misacceptation

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *deturance*. The correct

spelling of that word is *deterrence*.

324. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?


A. catechism

B. floride
C. jealousy

D. conjecture
E. indigent

F. irreprovable
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *floride*. The correct

spelling of that word is *fluoride*.


325. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. proficient

B. paramount
C. illusion
D. diminish

E. omage
F. perverse

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *omage*. The correct

spelling of that word is *homage*.

326. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. sobriety
B. embrio
C. inversion

D. diversify
E. illustrate
F. scrupulous

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *embrio*. The correct
spelling of that word is *embryo*.


327. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. inconvenience

B. coincidence
C. inexperience
D. miasmatic
E. ajurnment

F. outspoken
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *ajurnment*. The correct

spelling of that word is *adjournment*.


328. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. opinionative

B. restoration
C. collection
D. connection

E. acknowledgement
F. conventional
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *acknowledgement*. The

correct spelling of that word is *acknowledgment*.


329. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. redemption

B. chivalrous
C. incapable
D. kalidescope

E. religious
F. dependent

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *kalidescope*. The

correct spelling of that word is *kaleidoscope*.

330. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. rubicund
B. prohibition
C. oregeno

D. catechism
E. occasionally
F. excogitation

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *oregeno*. The correct
spelling of that word is *oregano*.


331. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. permeable
B. croch

C. humanity
D. observance
E. impotent

F. promulgate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *croch*. The correct

spelling of that word is *crotch*.

332. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. autotorium

B. retentive
C. depredation
D. apartment

E. distract
F. perfectly

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *autotorium*. The

correct spelling of that word is *auditorium*.

333. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. hesitate
B. treatise
C. threatening

D. troglodite
E. dishevel
F. distemper

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *troglodite*. The correct
spelling of that word is *troglodyte*.


334. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. aperture
B. entrammel

C. detur
D. eligible
E. consummate

F. resolution
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *detur*. The correct

spelling of that word is *detour*.


335. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. excogitation
B. learning
C. mischief

D. prosecute
E. interupt
F. comparable

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *interupt*. The correct
spelling of that word is *interrupt*.

336. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. immaculate
B. catastrofy
C. abominate

D. condescend
E. immission
F. obtestation

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *catastrofy*. The correct
spelling of that word is *catastrophe*.

337. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. egregious
B. superior
C. tottering

D. abominate
E. colleage
F. incidence

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *colleage*. The correct
spelling of that word is *colleague*.


338. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. sociable
B. profusion
C. sedative
D. senseless
E. reprieve

F. accomodate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *accomodate*. The

correct spelling of that word is *accommodate*.


339. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. corrigible

B. proficient
C. circumference
D. testimony

E. coregated
F. premeditate

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *coregated*. The correct

spelling of that word is *corrugated*.
340. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. profusion
B. adherence
C. seditious

D. corporation
E. inscrutable
F. persistance

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *persistance*. The
correct spelling of that word is *persistence*.


341. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. altogether
B. conspiracy

C. discover
D. vawdville
E. literary
F. permissable
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *vawdville*. The correct

spelling of that word is *vaudeville*.


342. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. dethrone

B. interest
C. overjoyed
D. aspestus

E. chattels
F. cachinnation

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *aspestus*. The correct

spelling of that word is *asbestos*.

343. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. tottering
B. prefiguration

C. squander
D. boorjwazee
E. intestate

F. sequacious
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *boorjwazee*. The

correct spelling of that word is *bourgeoisie*.


344. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. dicision

B. distinct
C. orthodox
D. solution
E. immodest

F. precarious
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *dicision*. The correct
spelling of that word is *decision*.


345. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. subsidiary
B. forfit

C. sanguinary
D. querulous
E. proficiency

F. rhetorical
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *forfit*. The correct

spelling of that word is *forfeit*.


346. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. methodical

B. obstacle
C. monstrous
D. perfectly

E. conventional
F. austeer

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *austeer*. The correct

spelling of that word is *austere*.

347. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. levigate
B. confidential
C. irreprovable

D. spageti
E. considerable
F. defalcation

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *spageti*. The correct
spelling of that word is *spaghetti*.

348. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. disconsolate
B. allotment

C. superficial
D. centenal
E. imprison

F. inferiority
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *centenal*. The correct

spelling of that word is *sentinel*.


349. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. commentator

B. traverse
C. perpetual
D. acordian

E. gelatinous
F. vouchsafe

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *acordian*. The correct

spelling of that word is *accordion*.

350. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. pragmatical
B. continuem
C. observant

D. eruption
E. intersperse
F. backslider

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *continuem*. The correct
spelling of that word is *continuum*.


351. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. abortion

B. charlatan
C. untrodden
D. stubborn

E. lineament
F. oblisk

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *oblisk*. The correct

spelling of that word is *obelisk*.

352. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. practicable
B. criticism
C. predilection

D. armistis
E. perceptive
F. peregrination
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *armistis*. The correct

spelling of that word is *armistice*.


353. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. remember

B. prosecute
C. carrage
D. practicable

E. belligerent
F. vindictive

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *carrage*. The correct

spelling of that word is *carriage*.

354. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. compartment
B. immaculate
C. oblivion

D. excessive
E. collone
F. nugatory

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *collone*. The correct
spelling of that word is *cologne*.


355. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. mendacity
B. veneration

C. affectation
D. auxilary
E. misanthropy

F. converge
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *auxilary*. The correct

spelling of that word is *auxiliary*.

356. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. ahmond

B. structure
C. insinuate
D. injunction

E. boisterous
F. exultant

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *ahmond*. The correct

spelling of that word is *almond*.

357. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. consumption
B. modification
C. criminal

D. sagacious
E. disperse
F. corellation
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *corellation*. The
correct spelling of that word is *correlation*.


358. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. inhabitant
B. reassure

C. mercantile
D. dieing
E. delineate

F. proposal
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *dieing*. The correct

spelling of that word is *dying*.


359. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. pardonable
B. converge
C. categorical

D. acceptibly
E. accuracy
F. positive

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *acceptibly*. The correct
spelling of that word is *acceptably*.


360. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. ostracism
B. detrimental

C. trepidation
D. conotation
E. gigantic

F. principle
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *conotation*. The correct
spelling of that word is *connotation*.

361. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. interlocution
B. punctual
C. obdurate

D. perspicuity
E. calculate
F. reduceable

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *reduceable*. The
correct spelling of that word is *reducible*.


362. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. sequacious
B. mediation
C. sumptuous
D. perview
E. delinquent

F. inosculate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *perview*. The correct

spelling of that word is *purview*.


363. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. describe

B. hospitable
C. acquaint
D. sectarian

E. beleave
F. desuetude

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *beleave*. The correct

spelling of that word is *believe*.
364. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. charlatan
B. circumspect
C. algee

D. existence
E. concrete
F. transverse

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *algee*. The correct
spelling of that word is *algae*.


365. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. consecrate
B. inutility

C. aggregate
D. attenuate
E. existance
F. receptacle

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *existance*. The correct

spelling of that word is *existence*.

366. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. arbitrary
B. scientific
C. praiseworthy
D. insolvent

E. welp
F. commotion

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *welp*. The correct

spelling of that word is *whelp*.

367. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. efficacy
B. ridiculous

C. sentenal
D. stipulate
E. inarticulate

F. indisposed
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *sentenal*. The correct

spelling of that word is *sentinel*.


368. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. behavoral

B. defection
C. submissive
D. adherence

E. communion
F. derogate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *behavoral*. The correct
spelling of that word is *behavioral*.


369. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. grievance
B. confety

C. fallible
D. tributary
E. abundant

F. confederate
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *confety*. The correct

spelling of that word is *confetti*.


370. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. grandeur

B. deprecate
C. acryllic
D. exceptional

E. contraband
F. questionable

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *acryllic*. The correct

spelling of that word is *acrylic*.

371. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. disquietude
B. subsidiary
C. question

D. demolishon
E. colluctation
F. luminary

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *demolishon*. The
correct spelling of that word is *demolition*.

372. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. itinerant
B. extortionate

C. sustenance
D. confluence
E. superfluity

F. delimeter
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *delimeter*. The correct

spelling of that word is *delimiter*.


373. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. celebration

B. benediction
C. dingee
D. impudent

E. expatiate
F. catechumen

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *dingee*. The correct
spelling of that word is *dinghy*.


374. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. ornament
B. fillement

C. effective
D. clergyman
E. declaration
F. remedial

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *fillement*. The correct
spelling of that word is *filament*.


375. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. aptitude

B. pregnant
C. benine
D. prevaricate

E. appearance
F. redouble

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *benine*. The correct

spelling of that word is *benign*.

376. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. criminal
B. conquest
C. reprobate

D. vacination
E. perplexity
F. remember

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *vacination*. The correct

spelling of that word is *vaccination*.


377. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. antithesis

B. hesitate
C. elamentry
D. overcast

E. incendiarism
F. humanity

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *elamentry*. The correct

spelling of that word is *elementary*.

378. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. charlatan
B. agressive
C. celebrated

D. prevailing
E. avocation
F. inutility

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *agressive*. The correct
spelling of that word is *aggressive*.


379. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. pregnable
B. centralize

C. impotent
D. volatile
E. masterly

F. empressed
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *empressed*. The correct

spelling of that word is *impressed*.

380. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. serpentine

B. treasure
C. demulcent
D. commentator

E. wich
F. consummate

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *wich*. The correct

spelling of that word is *which*.

381. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. altercation
B. crapulence
C. inherent

D. allegence
E. transact
F. compliance
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *allegence*. The correct

spelling of that word is *allegiance*.


382. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. avacado

B. legitimate
C. industrious
D. outlandish

E. accumulate
F. disseminate

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *avacado*. The correct

spelling of that word is *avocado*.

383. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?
A. sedentary
B. animated
C. prismatic

D. ligitamate
E. excitability
F. harmonious

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *ligitamate*. The correct
spelling of that word is *legitimate*.


384. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. proverbial
B. inglorious

C. obstruct
D. percussion
E. demolishon

F. distinction
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *demolishon*. The
correct spelling of that word is *demolition*.

385. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. flummery
B. classification
C. entrance

D. tributary
E. corollary
F. detur

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *detur*. The correct
spelling of that word is *detour*.


386. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. deprecate
B. exquisite
C. adament
D. diminish
E. attenuate

F. assembly
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *adament*. The correct

spelling of that word is *adamant*.


387. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. declamation

B. tractable
C. anull
D. sectarian

E. disability
F. affectibility

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *anull*. The correct

spelling of that word is *annul*.
388. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. interlocution
B. lineament
C. luscious

D. prevention
E. masstif
F. fallible

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *masstif*. The correct
spelling of that word is *mastiff*.


389. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. incarnadine
B. guage

C. deportment
D. carriage
E. reverberate
F. hypocritical

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *guage*. The correct

spelling of that word is *gauge*.

390. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. rejoinder
B. prominent
C. applause

D. corrective
E. huricane
F. allegiance

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *huricane*. The correct
spelling of that word is *hurricane*.


391. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. celebrity
B. permissable

C. cratashous
D. countervail
E. contract

F. blooming
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *cratashous*. The correct

spelling of that word is *cretaceous*.


392. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. gratuitous

B. correspond
C. pilgramidge
D. approximate

E. frivolous
F. interminable
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *pilgramidge*. The
correct spelling of that word is *pilgrimage*.


393. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. sectarian
B. collocweall

C. conservation
D. funereal
E. insufferable

F. encircle
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *collocweall*. The

correct spelling of that word is *colloquial*.


394. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. tolerate

B. deprecate
C. grammer
D. distance

E. poetical
F. assimilate

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *grammer*. The correct

spelling of that word is *grammar*.

395. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. dilatory
B. justification
C. perennial

D. editting
E. contemptible
F. effectuate

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *editting*. The correct
spelling of that word is *editing*.

396. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. lenitive
B. sensation

C. abstersive
D. anterior
E. larvay

F. browbeat
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *larvay*. The correct

spelling of that word is *larvae*.


397. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. injunction

B. supposititious
C. competitor
D. nominate

E. abundent
F. significant

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *abundent*. The correct
spelling of that word is *abundant*.


398. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. represent
B. revolting

C. expediency
D. indemnify
E. universal

F. brocher
Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *brocher*. The correct

spelling of that word is *brochure*.


399. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus

points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. cresent

B. iridescent
C. understanding
D. beneficial

E. obstacle
F. laborious

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *cresent*. The correct

spelling of that word is *crescent*.

400. One of these six words is wrongly spelled. Which one? For bonus
points, can you also correct the spelling of that word?

A. figurative
B. guage
C. standard

D. industrious
E. supernal
F. weakness

Answer: The word that is wrongly spelled is *guage*. The correct

spelling of that word is *gauge*.


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