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Amanda Boren 01/02/2023

Meet the Teacher

Mrs. Boren
ECSE Teacher

About Me
Hello, students! I'm Mrs. Amanda Boren, your Early Childhood Special
Education teacher. I'm passionate about advocating for inclusion and
ensuring every student has what they need to be successful in the
classroom. I have a Masters in Applied Psychology and have 7 years
experience working with adults with disabilities.

Classroom Procedures
Breakfast will be served in the cafeteria unless alternate arrangements
have been made based on your students needs. We will beging each
morning with a hygiene routine before beginning instruction. We will have
a morning meeting followed by instruction in our core subjects. Students
are not expected to be perfect but they are expexted to put forth effort.

Grading Contacts
Grading will be based on a scale Please reach out to me if you
of 1-4., one meaning your student have any questions about your
is just begining to understand a child. Here are all the ways you
goal and 4 being mastery. can contact me:
If a student is absent, they will be
provided with the opportunity to
make up work. (123) 456-7890
We will not be giving out
homework :) but will send home
tip sheets of things that can be
done at home to reinforce what
is taught in class.

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