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Extra practice C9


A) Circle the adjectives and underline the adverbs in the paragraph below

Derrick is incredibly fascinated by codes. He and several friends who use codes with letters, numbers,
very simple pictures and invisible ink. Sometimes, they carefully copy old codes that they have studied.
Derrick, Ramon, Scott and Chris have become skilled and enthusiastic makers and breakers of codes as a
result. No one was surprised yesterday when Mrs. Charlie asked the boys for help with a mysterious letter
she had recently found in her mailbox. The boys helped her and surprisingly found that the letter was
mysteriously sent from Japan. Nobody knew that she had worked abroad.

B) Provide the appropriate form of the adjective or adverbs as in the example.

E.g. She is a ________ (careful) student. She always does her homework _______ (careful).

She is a careful student. She always does her homework carefully.

1.- The baseball player hit the ball _______ (hard).

2.- Come _____ (quick). We need your help.

3.- The old man walks very _____ (slow)

4.- Mr. Gonzalez has a _____ (permanent) visa.

5.- He hopes to remain in this country ______ (permanent)

6.-This is an ______ (easy) exercise.

7.- You walk very _____ (fast).

8.- She always speaks ______ (soft) to the children.

9.- This pen does not work ______ (good)

10.- Our lesson today was very _______ (good)

C) Complete the paragraph with the correct adjective or adverb form of the words in parentheses.

I´m on vacation! It´s____________(real great) - Look at my pictures! We go to the beach every day. There are
two beaches: Sandy Beach and Rocky Beach.

Sandy Beach is more ______________ (beautiful) than Rocky Beach, but Sandy Beach is also _____________
(dangerous). You can´t swim____________(good) in the ocean. Rocky is ___________ (small) and
_____________ (dirty), and there are lots of people. I prefer Sandy Beach than Rocky Beach. I can swim
really________________(good) there. I had a________________(greatful) time there.
D) Check the correct word for each person.

1.- It was (honest\impossible\competitive) to sleep because of the noise.

2.- Mari is (uncertain\pretty\helpful) whether to go to Sweden or not.

3.- It´s totally (serious\irrational\practical) but I’m afraid of spiders.

4.- I like my teacher but she is a bit (honest\unfriendly\impatient) with slow learners.

5.- Bob has been (dishonest\friendly\unrealible) in his dealings with us.

6.- It´s (ilegal\dishonest\organized) to drive through a red light.

E) Rewrite these negative sentences. Add a prefix to the adjectives to give the opposite meaning and use the
words in parentheses.

1.- Charlie isn´t friendly. _______________________________________________ (totally)

2.- Children aren´t considerate.__________________________________________(pretty)

3.- They aren´t honest._______________________________________________(really)

4.- My brother isn´t organized. __________________________________________(extremely)

F) Write a 100 word essay talking about a person you really admire. Write comments to support your ideas.
What he or she did and you admire, and explain his or her personality. Use adverbs and adjectives.

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