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Body Temperature

Momen Elsayed
ØTemperature regulating centers.
ØTemperature decreasing mechanisms activated by
ØTemperature increasing mechanisms activated by
ØFever (Pyrexia).
Temperature regulating centers
(thermostatic function of the hypothalamus)

The anterior hypothalamus-preoptic area.

The posterior hypothalamus.

Temperature regulating centers
(thermostatic function of the hypothalamus)
1.The anterior hypothalamus-preoptic area:
Two types of neurons (sensors):

A.Heat-sensitive receptors and it lowers the

temperature to the normal range.

B.Cold-sensitive rceptors and raise the temperature to

the normal range.
Temperature regulating centers
(thermostatic function of the hypothalamus)
1.The anterior hypothalamus-preoptic area:

This area is responsible for the cooling mechanisms for

decreasing the body temperature.
Temperature regulating centers
(thermostatic function of the hypothalamus)
2.The posterior hypothalamus:

This area is responsible for the heating mechanisms to

raise body temperature.
Peripheral receptors
Peripheral receptors for detection of temperature:

A.The skin (shell temperature):

In it cold receptors abundant on the skin.

B.The deep body tissues:

Mainly in the spinal cord, in the abdominal viscera and
around the great veins.
Temperature decreasing mechanisms
activated by heat.
In crease heat loss:

1.Cutaneous vasodilatation:
Cutaneous vasodilatation increase the rate of heat
transfer to the skin.
Temperature decreasing mechanisms
activated by heat.
In crease heat loss:

Through the sympathetic cholinergic fibers to the sweat
glands to increase their secrtion.

This is turn increases the evaporative heat loss.

Temperature increasing mechanisms
activated by cold
Decrease heat loss:

1.Cutaneous vasoconstriction:
This decreases the rate of heat transfer to the skin.

2.Behavioral responses:
To put on heavy clothes.
Fever (Pyrexia)
Fever (Pyrexia)
Thermostatic center it will be specific set point in 37ºC
and what’s going on fever it’s changing set point it
reaches 41ºC.
Consequently, all temperature mechanisms it raises the
temperature to 41ºC because set point changed to
ØTemperature regulating centers.
ØTemperature decreasing mechanisms activated by heat.
ØTemperature increasing mechanisms activated by cold.
ØFever (Pyrexia).

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