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M a n a g e m e n t o f Vas c u l a r

Injuries in Penetrating
Trau m a
a a,
Nicolas A. Stafforini, MD , Niten Singh, MD *

 Penetrating vascular injuries  Management  Trauma

 The approach to penetrating trauma has been driven by historical military experience.
 The approach to penetrating vascular trauma is often with open techniques necessitating
an understanding of exposures.
 Endovascular interventions continue to evolve with experience.


Management of vascular trauma remains a challenge and traumatic injuries result in

significant morbidity and mortality. Vascular trauma can be broadly classified accord-
ing to the mechanism of injury (iatrogenic, blunt, penetrating, and combination in-
juries). In addition, this can be further classified by anatomical area (neck, thoracic,
abdominal, pelvic, and extremities) or contextual circumstances (civilian and military).
Over the years, the management of vascular trauma has evolved with significant
improvement in patient outcomes. Most of the advances in the management of
vascular trauma have been driven by past military experiences. During World War
II, the amputation rate from vascular injuries was greater than 40%.1 With advances
in surgical techniques, anesthesia, patient management, and logistics during the
Korean and Vietnam conflicts, the amputation rates decreased to approximately
13%.2,3 Despite the advances in technology, prehospital systems protocols, and
vascular surgery techniques, penetrating vascular trauma management can lead to
significant morbidity and mortality if not managed expeditiously and appropriately.
The lessons learned in military environments are also applicable to civilian set-
tings—in urban areas, penetrating vascular trauma has been shown to account for
50% of deaths and majority of these injuries were caused by firearms.4 The aim of

Division of Vascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Washington, 325 9th
Avenue, Box 359908, Seattle, WA 98104, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Surg Clin N Am 103 (2023) 801–825
0039-6109/23/ª 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
802 Stafforini & Singh

this article is to outline the approach, diagnosis, and management of penetrating

vascular trauma.


Standard Advance Trauma Life Support protocols should be initiated with all patients.5
The prompt diagnosis of penetrating vascular injuries requires knowledge of the
mechanism and anticipation of the expected vessel that could be injured.
Vascular injuries can be classified into soft or hard signs. Hard signs suggesting a
vascular injury include pulsatile bleeding, expanding hematoma, palpable thrill, audible
bruit, and stroke. In addition, signs of ischemia are often evident to include pulseless-
ness, pain, pallor, paralysis, and poikilothermia (5 Ps). Soft signs of vascular injuries
include moderate hemorrhage at the scene of injury, non-expanding hematoma, and
decreased but present pulse. Penetrating vascular injuries are often accompanied by
hard signs.6
Extremity pulse exam should be confirmed with Doppler interrogation when feasible
with an ankle-brachial index (ABI). An ABI less than 0.9 is considered to be abnormal
and should lead to further imaging or exploration in the operating room depending on
the clinical stability.7 Patients with penetrating extremity injuries often will present with
tourniquet control of hemorrhage that precludes further testing and necessitates

Cervical Injuries
Penetrating trauma to the neck describes an injury that has breached the platysma
muscle and represents 5% to 10% of all trauma cases.9 If not diagnosed and treated
in a timely manner, these injuries carry a high incidence of morbidity and mortality as
high as 10%.10
Carotid artery injuries
Internal carotid artery injuries carry a high incidence of morbidity with a reported
mortality of 50% in some series.11 The neck is divided into three anatomic zones
that help guide therapy (Fig. 1). Zone 1 extends from the sternal notch to the cricoid
cartilage. Zone 2 extends from the cricoid cartilage to the angle of the mandible.
Zone 3 extends from the angle of the mandible to the skull. Zone 2 injuries are
most accessible to surgical exploration whereas Zones 1 and 3 often require more
extensive exposure or endovascular approaches.12 Patients who are hemodynami-
cally stable and without hard signs of vascular injury should undergo computed
tomographic angiography (CTA) which has a 90% sensitivity and 100% specificity
to identify significant vascular injuries.13 Duplex ultrasound has been used to eval-
uate and diagnose penetrating neck trauma.14 However, it is operator-dependent
and can be limited by bone fragments and subcutaneous air as well as immediate
availability of the sonographers.

Surgical management. The patient should be placed on a radiolucent operating table

for potential imaging and the neck and chest should be prepped in the operating field
along with the proximal thigh for potential saphenous vein harvest. For Zone 1 injuries,
proximal control should include the ability to enter the chest if needed, for Zones 2 and
3, proximal and distal control should be obtained in the neck. Carotid injuries in Zones
1 and 3 present unique challenges. For Zone 1 injuries, if proximal control cannot be
obtained through a cervical incision, a median sternotomy or a clavicular resection
should be performed (Fig. 2).
Management of Vascular Injuries 803

Fig. 1. Three-dimensional volume-rendering technique (3D VRT) of MDCTA performed on a

young male victim of a stab wound to the neck demonstrating the anatomical trauma zones
in the penetrating injury of the neck. In this young patient, the cricoid cartilage has not yet
calcified and therefore is not visualized on the VRT but the thyroid gland is visible (the lower
border of the cricoid cartilage will be located just above the level of the isthmus of the thy-
roid gland). (From Offiah, C., Hall, E. Imaging assessment of penetrating injury of the neck
and face. Insights Imaging 3, 419–431 (2012); with permission.)

Historically, the recommendation for Zone 2 penetrating injuries was surgical

exploration. However, several studies have reported that more than a half of these ex-
plorations were negative for injuries.15,16 Exploration of Zone 2 injuries is conducted
via a cervical incision anterior to the sternocleidomastoid muscle similar to a carotid
endarterectomy exposure. If the injury is more distal in Zone 2 and there is a pulsatile
hematoma, a proximal transverse incision above the clavicle and between the two
heads of the sternocleidomastoid can be performed to obtain common carotid con-
trol prior to hematoma exploration similar to a transcervical carotid artery revascular-
ization exposure.
For Zone 3 carotid injuries, to obtain vascular control, there are several maneuvers
that can be implemented that are analogous to performing a carotid endarterectomy in
a patient with a high bifurcation. These maneuvers include nasotracheal intubation,
complete mobilization of the hypoglossal nerve, ligation of the posterior auricular ar-
tery, division of the posterior belly of the digastric muscle, and anterior displacement
of the mandible. In the scenario where it is not possible to obtain distal control with a
clamp, a Fogarty balloon can gently be placed within the field of view. In this scenario,
ligation of the distal internal carotid artery (ICA) is often required due to the back
bleeding from the ICA and potential for continued hemorrhage.
After obtaining vascular control, the decision to repair is made based on the extent
of the injury, the stability of the patient, and the availability of appropriately sized
conduit. Small partial lacerations can undergo a primary repair with or without a patch
angioplasty. Repair of more extensive injuries will require an interposition graft or a
bypass graft. Vein graft is the conduit of choice given the decreased rate of infection
804 Stafforini & Singh

Fig. 2. (A) The left innominate vein may be ligated and divided to allow for greater expo-
sure to the aortic arch and proximal innominate artery. (B) Dissection and division of the left
innominate vein. (C) Improved exposure of the aortic arch and its branches after division of
the left innominate vein. CCA, common carotid artery; SCA, subclavian artery. (From Deme-
triades D, Chong V, Varga S. Thoracic Vessels. In: Demetriades D, Inaba K, Velmahos G, eds.
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press;
2020:118-129; with permission.)

compared to prosthetic grafts. For proximal injuries, another option is to perform an

external carotid artery transposition to the distal internal carotid artery (Fig. 3). Patients
presenting with injuries at the base of the skull often require carotid artery ligation
which is associated with a 45% risk of mortality.17,18

Endovascular. In the modern era, endovascular interventions have become more pop-
ular for the treatment of penetrating carotid injuries particularly the more challenging
Zones 1 and 3 injuries. Endovascular techniques can be utilized to obtain proximal
balloon control for open repair as well as treat pseudoaneurysms, dissections, and
arterial venous fistulas.19 For over 25 years, case reports of endovascular repair
have been described including Parodi’s description of covered stent repair.20 If a
repair is performed with covered stents, these patients should be followed closely
Management of Vascular Injuries 805

Fig. 3. (A) Internal carotid injury. (B) External carotid artery transposition to the internal ca-
rotid artery. (From K.L. Mattox, E.E. Moore, D.V. Feliciano. Trauma. (7th ed.), McGraw-Hill
Medical, New York (2013), pp. 471-472; with permission.)

due to the thrombotic nature of covered stents in this area and often it is considered a
temporizing procedure until the patient is stable for an open repair (Fig. 4).

Cervical venous injuries

Venous injuries are caused almost exclusively by penetrating trauma and internal ju-
gular vein injuries represent 20% of all injuries to the neck.21 These injuries differ
from arterial injuries as they represent injuries to a low-pressure system that can

Fig. 4. Treatment of a false aneurysm of the proximal left carotid artery. (A) Selective com-
mon arteriogram demonstrating the false aneurysm (arrow); (B) Completion arteriogram
showing exclusion of the false aneurysm and stent (arrow). (From du Toit DF, Coolen D, Lam-
brechts A, de V Odendaal J, Warren BL. The endovascular management of penetrating
carotid artery injuries: long-term follow-up. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2009 Sep;38(3):267-
72; with permission.)
806 Stafforini & Singh

tamponade with no major hemorrhage and mortality has been reported to be as low as
2.6%.22,23 As opposed to arterial injuries, the venous injuries in the neck can be ligated
with impunity. Madsen and colleagues reported that performing a selective non-
operative management for cervical venous injuries is applicable to a well-defined
subset of patients with thrombosed isolated penetrating cervical venous trauma to
the internal jugular vein (IJV) identified on CTA.22

Thoracic Injuries
Great vessels
About 90% of great vessel injuries are caused by penetrating trauma.2 The mortality
for penetrating thoracic aortic injuries has been reported to be greater than 90%
and for subclavian artery injuries greater than 65%.24 The premise of treating injuries
to the great vessels is understanding the exposures to obtain control of these vessels.

Exposures. Surgical exposure to the ascending aorta and branches with the exception
of the left subclavian artery is facilitated through a median sternotomy. To obtain a
complete proximal exposure from the ascending aortic arch, the pericardium should
be opened in a vertical fashion to avoid phrenic nerve injury. After the ascending aorta
is localized, it can be followed cephalad to obtain control of the origin of the great ves-
sels (Fig. 5).
Injuries to the proximal descending aorta should be exposed via a left 4th or 5th inter-
costal space posterolateral thoracotomy (Fig. 6). After obtaining access to the pleural
cavity, the left lung is retracted inferiorly and blunt dissection performed medially and
cephalad to identify the distal aortic arch and the origin of the left subclavian artery.
Exposure of the left subclavian artery is one of the most challenging exposures in a
trauma setting. When an injury to the proximal left subclavian artery is suspected, a left
anterior 3rd or 4th intercostal space thoracotomy should be performed. After obtaining

Fig. 5. Median sternotomy. (A) The median sternotomy incision extends from the suprasternal
notch to the xiphoid and (B) is carried down to the sternum. (From Demetrios D, Forestiere M.
J., Gelbard R. Chest. In Demetriades D, Inaba K, & Velmahos G, eds, Atlas of Surgical Techniques
in Trauma (pp. 95-170). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; with permission.)
Management of Vascular Injuries 807

Fig. 6. Intercostal space posterolateral thoracotomy. (From Hazim J. Safi and Anthony L. Es-
trera Direct Surgical Repair of Aneurysms of the Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Aorta. In:
Chaikof, Elliot L. Atlas of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy, Elsevier, 2014, Pages
216-231; with permission.)

access to the pleural cavity, digital compression should be applied on the left supra-
clavicular fossa. If proximal control cannot be obtained via this incision, performing a
median sternotomy and extending the anterior thoracotomy incision medially can
allow for adequate exposure. If a supraclavicular incision is utilized as well, the entire
left subclavian artery can be visualized (trapdoor thoracotomy) (Fig. 7).
Another advantage of performing a left anterolateral thoracotomy is the incision can
also be extended across the sternum and converted into a "clamshell thoracotomy" to
provide access to the right pleural space. This incision brings excellent exposure to
the ascending aorta, aortic arch, and major aortic branches but at a high morbidity.25

After performing adequate vascular exposure, injuries to the thoracic aorta can be
controlled digitally or with a side-biting vascular clamp. Small injuries can be repaired
primarily taking large bites with pledget reinforcement as needed.
Endovascular repair is the treatment of choice for blunt thoracic aortic injuries and is
associated with a clear reduction in mortality.26,27 Several reports have shown the

Fig. 7. “Trapdoor” thoracotomy. (From Imazeki T, Yamada T, Irie Y, Katayama Y, Kiyama H.

Trapdoor thoracotomy as a surgical approach for aortic arch aneurysm. Ann Thorac Surg.
1998 Jul;66(1):272-4; with permission.)
808 Stafforini & Singh

successful treatment of penetrating aortic injuries with endovascular techniques28–30

(Fig. 8) When planning an endovascular repair, a CT angiogram is required for correct
stent-graft sizing or intraoperatively intravascular ultrasound can be utilized.31 Finally,
when performing an endovascular treatment, consideration should be taken to avoid
covering the left subclavian artery, however, in a life-threatening circumstance, it can
be covered with impunity without the need for revascularization.32

Innominate (brachiocephalic) artery

When exposing the innominate artery, the innominate vein must be ligated and
vascular control can be achieved digitally or with a side-biting clamp. Aberrant anat-
omy such as a bovine arch anomaly (common origin of the innominate and left com-
mon carotid arteries) should be recognized to avoid clamping both carotid arteries.
Small injuries can be repaired primarily or with a patch angioplasty, and major in-
juries require an interposition graft or a bypass grafting. In the cases where the patient
is hemodynamically unstable surgical options include ligating the innominate artery
and performing an extra-anatomic bypass including a carotid-carotid, carotid-subcla-
vian bypass.33
Several reports have shown successful endovascular treatment of innominate artery
injuries using stent grafts, however, in distal innominate injures, these repairs require
careful placement of the stent grafts in a “kissing” configuration extending each stent
into the right subclavian and common carotid artery to avoid potential coverage of
these vessels34 (Fig. 9).

Subclavian artery
Exposure of the proximal left and right subclavian artery has been previously
described. Injuries to the second portion of either of the subclavian arteries can be

Fig. 8. (A) Perioperative angiogram shows contrast extravasation (arrows). (B) Angiogram
shows total exclusion of the penetrating injury without endoleak. (From Ding X, Jiang J,
Su Q, Hu S. Endovascular stent graft repair of a penetrating aortic injury. Ann Thorac
Surg. 2010 Aug;90(2):632-4; with permission.)
Management of Vascular Injuries 809

Fig. 9. (A) Initial angiogram showing a lesion near the innominate artery bifurcation (ar-
row). (B) Innominate artery repair with kissing stent technique. (C) Completion angiogram
showing total exclusion of the injury. (Courtesy of Dr. Singh, N. Professor of Surgery and
Associate Chief of the Division of Vascular Surgery. University of Washington, Seattle, WA.)

approached via a supraclavicular incision. If the incision is behind the clavicle and is
difficult to obtain adequate exposure, a resection of a segment of the clavicle can
be performed. Injuries to the third segment of the subclavian artery can be usually
controlled via a supraclavicular approach, however, an infraclavicular incision and a
clavicle resection can also be performed (Fig. 10).
After obtaining vascular control, the decision should be made to repair or ligate the
affected artery. For small injuries, primary repair can be performed. For more exten-
sive injuries, an interposition graft or bypass graft should be done with either a vein
or prosthetic grafts. If the patient is hemodynamically unstable, the subclavian artery
can be ligated and it is usually well tolerated.35 With advances in endovascular tech-
niques, there are several reports that describe the endovascular treatment of subcla-
vian arteries injuries.36–40 Endovascular repair can be achieved by deploying 7 to 8 mm
stent grafts. This is reported to be more successful in patients with focal injuries that
are able to be crossed with a guidewire41 (Fig. 11).
Abdominal Injuries
Penetrating trauma to the abdomen is classified by the anatomic location of the in-
juries and separated into four zones (Fig. 12). Zone I includes the aortic hiatus and

Fig. 10. Satisfactory exposure of the left subclavian artery may require a combination of a
median sternotomy with a left clavicular incision. Note the junction of the left internal ju-
gular and left subclavian vein to form the left innominate vein. IJV, internal jugular vein;
SCV, subclavian vein. (From Demetriades D, Chong V, Varga S. Thoracic Vessels. In: Deme-
triades D, Inaba K, Velmahos G, eds. Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma. 2nd ed. Cam-
bridge: Cambridge University Press; 2020:118-129; with permission.)
810 Stafforini & Singh

Fig. 11. (A) Perioperative angiogram shows contrast extravasation on the right subclavian
artery (arrow). (B) Completion angiogram after treatment with cover stent shows total
exclusion of the penetrating injury. (Courtesy of Dr. Singh, N. Professor of Surgery and Asso-
ciate Chief of the Division of Vascular Surgery. University of Washington, Seattle, WA.)

extends down to the sacrum. This area can be further divided into the supramesocolic
and inframesocolic. The vascular structures in Zone I include the aorta, inferior vena
cava (IVC), and their major branches. Zone II is lateral Zone I and contains the hilar ves-
sels, kidneys, and the paracolic gutter. Zone III includes the pelvic retroperitoneum
below the sacrum and includes the iliac vessels and its branches. Finally, Zone IV in-
cludes the hepatic artery, portal vein, hepatic veins, and the retro-hepatic IVC. In
contrast to blunt abdominal injuries, all penetrating injuries require surgical

Fig. 12. The three anatomical zones of the retroperitoneum. (From Marcus Cleanthis,
Michael Jenkins. Abdominal Aortic Trauma, Iliac and Visceral Vessel Injuries. In: Todd E. Ras-
mussen, Nigel R.M. Tai, Rich’s Vascular Trauma (Third Edition), Elsevier, 2016, Pages 113-125;
with permission.)
Management of Vascular Injuries 811

exploration. The exception to this rule is the Zone IV penetrating injuries that are not
expanding or pulsatile hematomas or actively bleeding.
The initial approach to patients with penetrating abdominal injuries is a wide oper-
ative field with the chest, abdomen, and proximal thighs prepped for potential prox-
imal clamping of the descending thoracic aorta and potential saphenous vein
harvest. Penetrating injuries to the abdomen are often associated with bowel and co-
lon injuries and any immediate vascular repair will likely be in a contaminated field,
therefore, an autogenous conduit is preferred with tissue coverage utilizing omentum
or local or rotational muscle flap.
As a general concept, for Zone I supramesocolic injuries and left Zone II injuries, a
left visceral rotation (Mattox maneuver) should be performed and for suspected IVC
and for right Zone II injuries, a right visceral rotation (Cattel-Braasch maneuver) should
be performed.42

Surgical exposure
Zone I injuries. If a Zone I injury is encountered, the approach depends on whether the
injury is supramesocolic or inframesocolic. For supramesocolic injuries, a left visceral
rotation should be performed (Fig. 13). This approach requires transection of the peri-
toneal reflection (the line of Toldt) of the left colon, dividing the lienosplenic ligament
and elevating the left colon, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, and the stomach medially.
This exposure allows access to the supraceliac aorta from the aortic hiatus and in-
cludes exposure to the origin of the celiac axis, SMA, and the left renal vascular
For inframesocolic injuries, exposure differs whether it is the infrarenal aorta or the
IVC that requires control or repair. Aortic exposure is achieved mobilizing the trans-
verse colon cephalad, mobilizing the small bowel to the right and transecting the lig-
ament of Treitz until the left renal vein is visualized similar to an open infrarenal
For IVC exposure, a right medial visceral rotation should be performed (Fig. 14). This
consists of mobilizing the right colon, and mobilizing the proximal duodenum and
pancreatic head (Kocher maneuver). A complete right medial visceral rotation exposes

Fig. 13. Left medial visceral rotation has been performed after division of the splenorenal
and splenophrenic ligaments. The pancreas and the spleen have been rotated medially.
The left kidney remains at its original position in the retroperitoneal. Note the left renal
vein crossing anteriorly over the aorta. (From Teixeira PG, Magee GA, Rowe VL. Abdominal
Aorta and Splachnic Vessels. In: Demetriades D, Inaba K, Velmahos G, eds. Atlas of Surgical
Techniques in Trauma. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2020:268-285; with
812 Stafforini & Singh

Fig. 14. Kocher maneuver: the duodenum is mobilized medially until the IVC and left renal vein
are encountered. (From Kwon E, Demetriades D. Duodenum. In: Atlas of Surgical Techniques in
Trauma. 1st ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2015:189-197; with permission.)

the IVC from the inferior border of the liver to its bifurcation and includes the entry of
the left renal vein to the IVC.42
Finally, if emergent supraceliac aortic control is required, the gastrohepatic ligament
should be divided, the distal esophagus and stomach should be retracted to the left,
and the crus of the diaphragm should be divided. A vascular clamp is then placed to
control the aorta (Fig. 15).
Zone II injuries. Zone II injuries are best approached through a right or left medial
visceral rotation as described above.

Zone III injuries. Zone III exposures can be achieved by dissecting the right or left co-
lons attachments and reflecting them medially utilizing a combination of blunt and
sharp dissection to locate the iliac vessels.43–45

Most aortic injuries are caused by penetrating trauma and the mortality has been re-
ported to be over 60%.46 Exposure of the abdominal aorta has been previously
described. After obtaining adequate vascular control, small injuries can be repaired
primarily. If there is a significant defect of the aorta, a patch angioplasty can be

Fig. 15. (A) With the esophagus retracted downward, a clamp is advanced into the esoph-
ageal hiatus of the diaphragm to facilitate the division of the muscle fibers. (B) The dia-
phragmatic crus is divided at the 2 o’clock position. (From Teixeira PG, Magee GA, Rowe
VL. Abdominal Aorta and Splachnic Vessels. In: Demetriades D, Inaba K, Velmahos G, eds.
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press;
2020:268-285; with permission.)
Management of Vascular Injuries 813

performed or the injured segment can be resected and the aorta can be mobilized for
an end-to-end repair. If these options are not available, the aorta can be repaired with
a 12 to 14 mm dacron or polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) graft. In the face of contam-
ination, soaking a dacron graft in rifampin (1200 mg of rifampin in 20 mL of saline) and
covering the repair with omentum has been utilized as well. Other described tech-
niques involve ligation of the aorta and an extra-anatomic bypass (axillo-bifemoral)
to maintain perfusion to the lower extremities.47
Endovascular treatment has emerged as an effective and minimally invasive alterna-
tive treatment option. The most frequent endovascular techniques include balloon oc-
clusion and stent-graft placements.48,49 The intra-aortic balloon occlusion of the aorta
(IABO) helps to temporize the hemorrhage and allows time for resuscitation and repair.
By inflating the balloon in the proximal aorta, one can replace the classic resuscitative
thoracotomy and aortic cross-clamping by proving endovascular proximal vascular
control prior or during the abdominal exploration.50
In the case of potential endovascular treatment, the repair should be considered a
temporizing measure as there is often bowel injury as well. Once the hemorrhage is
controlled and the contamination cleared, an open direct repair or extra-anatomic
repair should be performed.

Inferior vena cava

Penetrating IVC injuries carry a high mortality and one-third of the patients will die
before reaching the hospital.51 Exposure of the IVC is made via a right medial visceral
rotation. Exposure of the retro-hepatic IVC is technically more challenging and usually
requires extensive mobilization of the liver. Vascular control is often accomplished
with sponge sticks above and below the injury or using a side-biting clamp. In patients
presenting anterior wall injuries, it is important to remember to look for concomitant
posterior wall injury. Partial injuries can be repaired primarily and performing a trans-
verse closure of longitudinal injuries can prevent vessel stenosis. In the cases where
primary repair is not possible, a patch angioplasty, end-to-end anastomosis or inter-
position grafts can be performed. In the setting of concomitant hollow viscus injury, an
autogenous graft is preferred, usually from internal jugular vein, or external iliac vein.
The saphenous vein can also be utilized; however, it will require the construction of a
spiral vein graft that is time-consuming. In the cases where the patient is hemodynam-
ically unstable, a temporary shunt can be placed or the IVC can be ligated.51 Atriocaval
shunts may be a life-saving option, however, the survival in these patients has been
reported to be less than 20%52 (Fig. 16). In general, infrarenal IVC ligation is well toler-
ated and is not associated with an increased risk of mortality.53 However, ligation of
the suprarenal and retro-hepatic IVC is not well tolerated and carries significant hemo-
dynamic instability.54
Innovations in endovascular technology provide an alternative to the management
of IVC injuries. Several studies have reported the use of occlusion balloons to obtain
vascular control.55 In addition, stent-graft repair for IVC injuries has been reported in
highly selective patients.56,57

Celiac artery
Injury to the celiac artery is rare and is mainly associated with penetrating trauma.
Exposure and vascular control should be attempted through a supraceliac aortic
exposure. All branches from the celiac artery can be ligated with no major conse-
quences.58 If the hepatic artery is injured, it is preferable to ligate it prior to the origin
of the gastroduodenal artery. If this is not possible, a reconstruction should be consid-
ered to avoid possible ischemic sequelae.
814 Stafforini & Singh

Fig. 16. Atriocaval shunt. (Courtesy of the Baylor College of Medicine Archives.)

Superior mesenteric artery

Injuries to the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) are uncommon and highly lethal.
SMA injuries can be classified into four anatomical zones described by Fullen and col-
leagues.59 Zone I represents the proximal SMA, Zone II is between the pancreaticoduo-
denal and middle colic branches of the artery, Zone III is beyond the middle colic
branch, and Zone IV is at the level of the enteric branches (Fig. 17). All injuries to the
SMA should be repaired if possible based on the correlation between mortality and Full-
en’s classification of 100% for Zone I, 43% for Zone II, and 25% for Zones III and IV.60
Exposure of the SMA necessitates a left medial visceral rotation, however, Zone I
injuries may also be approached by dissecting the vessel directly through the lesser
sac or at the base of the transverse mesocolon61 (Fig. 18). After vascular control
has been achieved, for small partial injuries, a primary repair can be performed. In
the cases where this is not possible, an interposition graft or bypass graft with saphe-
nous vein or a prosthetic graft should be done. If the patient is unstable, another alter-
native is to place a temporary arterial shunt.62 All patients who undergo an SMA repair
should have a temporary closure and second-look laparotomy to ensure bowel
viability.63 Successful endovascular treatment of SMA penetrating injuries with
covered stents has also been described.64,65
Management of Vascular Injuries 815

Fig. 17. Fullen’s classification. (Fullen, William D. M.d.; Hunt, John M.d.; Altemeier, William A.
M.d.. The Clinical Spectrum Of Penetrating Injury To The Superior Mesenteric Arterial Circula-
tion. The Journal Of Trauma: Injury, Infection, And Critical Care 12(8):p 656-664, August 1972.)

Iliac artery
Penetrating trauma to the iliac arteries carries a high mortality. Mattox and colleagues
reported a 39% 30-day mortality for patients who presented with iliac artery injuries.66
Ligation of the internal iliac artery is well tolerated.67 On the contrary, given the risk of
limb ischemia, injuries to the common and external iliac artery require repair or ligation
and extra-anatomic bypass.68

Fig. 18. SMA in the lesser sac above the neck of the pancreas. CHA, common hepatic artery;
GDA, gastroduodenal artery; LGA, left gastric artery; PV, portal vein; SA, splenic artery.
(From Sanjay P, Takaori K, Govil S, Shrikhande SV, Windsor JA. ’Artery-first’ approaches to
pancreatoduodenectomy. Br J Surg. 2012 Aug;99(8):1027-35; with permission.)
816 Stafforini & Singh

Fig. 19. Iliac artery transposition technique. (A), Vascular control with adequate mobilization
is obtained, and an end-to-side tension-free anastomosis performed. (B) Completed transpo-
sition. (From Lee JT, Bongard FS. Iliac vessel injuries. Surg Clin North Am. 2002;82(1):21-xix; with

Another technique for common iliac injuries includes ligating the proximal injured
segment and rotational anastomosis to the aorta or contralateral iliac artery (Fig. 19).
This approach allows for the avoidance of prosthetic material in the face of possible
In the situation where the external iliac artery is injured, a repair can be performed by
ligating the distal ipsilateral internal iliac artery and performing a transposition of the
proximal internal iliac to the distal external iliac artery (Fig. 20).

Fig. 20. Ipsilateral hypogastric artery interposition. (From Lee JT, Bongard FS. Iliac vessel in-
juries. Surg Clin North Am. 2002;82(1):21-xix; with permission.)
Management of Vascular Injuries 817

Endovascular techniques to control bleeding from iliac vessels in association with

trauma are well documented and often easily achieved. This can be done with
stent-graft placement or internal iliac artery embolization.69,70 Studies have reported
that endovascular repair of iliac arterial injury, irrespective of mechanism, is associ-
ated with a significantly lower rate of amputation than open surgery.71 However, if
associated with a contaminated field, the endovascular repair is again considered
temporizing with planned open repair or extra-anatomic bypass when the patient’s
condition has stabilized.

Endovascular. As previously described, REBOA-intra-aortic balloon occlusion can be

used to obtain proximal vascular control. For pelvic vascular injuries, the balloon
should be inflated in the infrarenal aorta (Zone III), and should be deflated once hemo-
stasis has been achieved.
Current guidelines recommend that the intra-aortic balloon in Zone 1 should only be
performed if the anticipated time to start the operation is less than 15 minutes and that
in Zone 3 may be tolerated for longer periods, however, the balloon should be deflated
as soon as possible.72 For a trained team, REBOA placement has been reported to be
performed in less than 6 minutes and partial balloon inflation at either location may
prolong inflation time.72,73 After vascular control is achieved, the patient should un-
dergo expeditious and definitive endovascular or open treatment. Due to the potential
access-vessel complications, aortic dissections, vessel rupture, perforation, and pe-
ripheral ischemia, REBOA should only be performed by a trained team with the avail-
ability of a specialist who can deal with these complications if they are encountered.74

Extremity Vascular Injuries

Vascular injuries account for 6% of all traumatic injuries to extremities, with the femoral
artery being the most frequently injured vessel (35%).75 Extremity vascular injuries are
frequently associated with injuries to major veins (62%), nerves (34%), and bones
(19%).76 Combined major artery and vein injury are an indicator of poor limb salvage
prognosis.77,78 Multiple scoring systems have been created to predict limb salvage; how-
ever, the Mangled Extremity Severity Score (Table 1) is probably the most well-known.
These classification systems are used to determine if amputation is likely needed.79,80
Patients with extremity vascular injury can be divided into “hard” or “soft” signs of
injury as previously described. These findings will dictate if the patient requires an im-
mediate operation or if further study can be done. For diagnosis, CTA has become the
gold standard imaging modality and can show signs such as active extravasation of
contrast, loss of opacification, pseudoaneurysm, and arteriovenous fistula.81,82
When approaching a patient with an extremity vascular injury, successful manage-
ment requires hemorrhage control to prevent mortality, avoid limb loss, and finally
restore limb function. The majority of patients will have tourniquets in place if active
bleeding is noted at the scene. The tourniquet can be loosened to evaluate for active
hemorrhage and re-applied if bleeding is noted. In this scenario, the patient should be
taken to the OR immediately.

Operative planning
The patient’s extremity should be circumferentially prepped and draped and in the
case of lower extremity injuries the contralateral lower extremity as well. For upper ex-
tremity injuries the bilateral thighs should be prepped for potential saphenous vein har-
vest. In the scenario where a tourniquet is controlling hemorrhage in the proximal thigh
or upper extremity, it can be replaced with digital pressure over the injury and a sterile
tourniquet can be re-applied. If the patient has a concomitant fracture and there is no
818 Stafforini & Singh

Table 1
Mangled extremity severity score

Skeletal/soft-tissue Group
1 Low-energy Stab wounds, simple closed fracture, small 1
calliber gunshot wounds
2 Medium-energy Open or multiple level fractures, dislocations, 2
moderate crush injuries
3 High-energy Shotgun blast (close range) high-velocity 3
gunshot wounds, crush injuries
4 Very high-energy Above 1 gross contamination, soft-tissue 4
Shock group
1 Normotensive hemodynamics BP stable in field and in operation theatre 0
2 Transiently hypotensive BP unstable in field but responsive to 1
intravenous fluids
3 Prolonged hypotension Systolic BP <90 mm Hg in field and responsive to 2
intravenous fluids only in operation theatre
Ischemia group
1 None A pulsatile limb without signs of ischemia 0a
2 Mild Pulse reduced or absent but perfusion normal 1a
3 Moderate Pulseless; paraesthesia, diminished capillary refill 2a
4 Advanced Pulseless, cool, paralyzed and numb without 3a
capillary refill
Age group
1 <30 y 0
2 >30 - <50 y 1
3 >50 y 2
Points  2 if ischemia time exceeds 6 hours
Adapted from from Johansen K, Daimes M, Howey T, Helfet DL, Hansen ST. Objective criteria
accurately predict amputation following lower extremity trauma. J Trauma. 1990;30:568-73.

active hemorrhage, expeditious external fixation of the fracture should be performed

initially so the extremity is at length and it does not compromise the vascular repair. It
is important to follow this chronology, given that the use of external fixation will correct
the alignment, length, and rotation of the fractured limb to allow the vascular repair to
be performed in a controlled environment to protect the completed vascular repair
from disruption. In addition to ensuring no tension is on the vascular repair, stabilizing
the fracture can help control bleeding from the bone if the patient receives anticoagu-
lation during the procedure.
In a patient with a fracture with active arterial hemorrhage, the injury should be
explored, and the bleeding artery controlled. If possible, a shunt should be placed
to restore perfusion while the fracture is stabilized to avoid additional ischemic time.
Many types of commercial shunts are available and it is crucial that the shunts approx-
imate the diameter of the artery to prevent hemorrhage or thrombosis.83 These are
designed to avoid trauma to the intima of the artery and can be classified as straight
and looped shunts. Straight shunts are shorter and useful when operative space is
limited and when the gap in or injury to the vessel is short. They lie inside of the injured
vessel and are not likely to become compressed with wound dressing material, surgi-
cal retractors, or orthopedic fixator devices. These include the Javid (Bard Peripheral
Management of Vascular Injuries 819

Vascular Inc. Tempe, Arizona, USA) and the Argyle (Kendall Healthcare Products,
Mansfield, Mass, USA). Looped shunts are longer and are more effective at bridging
longer injuries or segments of missing vessel, and this design may be preferable
when the vascular injury crosses an unstable fracture. In these instances, looped
shunts have a lower likelihood of being dislodged. These include the Sundt (Integra
Neurosciences, Plansboro, NJ, USA) or the Pruitt-Inahara (Horizon Medical, Santa
Ana, Calif, USA).
Arterial injuries from stab wounds can often be mobilized, debrided, and repaired in
an end-to-end fashion. Ballistic arterial injuries, in our opinion, require an interposition
graft as the zone of injury may be greater than what is visible requiring greater mobi-
lization and debridement.
When primary repair cannot be accomplished, a patch, interposition graft, or
bypass can be performed with vein or synthetic grafts. Autogenous veins are preferred
because of high patency rates and low incidence of secondary graft infection.84,85 The
best conduit for reconstruction is the great saphenous vein (GSV). Traditionally, the
contralateral GSV is the conduit of choice given the risk of occult ipsilateral deep
venous injury, however, several studies have showed that if no vein is available, and
there is no associated venous injury, ipsilateral GSV can be safely used.86 Prosthetic
grafts are not ideal in penetrating trauma as the wound may not be clean or may not
have adequate coverage which can lead to infection and potential blowout of the
anastomosis. If it is the only option, PTFE grafts have been shown to be effective
and more resistant to infections.87
In patients who are hemodynamically unstable, a vascular shunt should be placed
and it is associated with lower mortality and amputation rates versus ligation88 (Fig. 21).
After a penetrating extremity artery injury and repair, performing a fasciotomy is
strongly recommended. The majority of penetrating injuries occurs in young patients
with a moderate amount of muscle mass and the edema that occurs with reperfusion
will often lead to a compartment syndrome. Numerous studies have shown that early
fasciotomy reduces amputation rates.89,90 It is important to take into consideration
that despite the best efforts to perform a vascular reconstruction in a timely manner
to achieve limb salvage, functional outcomes will be harder to achieve.91
Open exposure
Upper extremity
Axillary and brachial arteries Vascular control of the axillary artery depends on the
location of the injury. The affected extremity, the chest, and neck should be prepped to

Fig. 21. (A) Shunt placed in the brachial artery. (B) Repair of Shunted Popliteal Artery. (Cour-
tesy of Dr. Singh, N. Professor of Surgery and Associate Chief of the Division of Vascular Sur-
gery. University of Washington, Seattle, WA.)
820 Stafforini & Singh

permit exposure if necessary. If the injury is to the proximal axillary artery, vascular
control should be achieved exposing the subclavian artery as described earlier.
For exposure of the axillary artery distal to the first rib, an infra-clavicular incision
should be done with extension along the deltopectoral groove. The exposure of the
axillary artery requires the dissection between the pectoralis major muscle fibers
and the retraction of the underlying pectoralis minor muscle. This incision can be
further extended into the proximal arm into the medial bicipital sulcus to obtain addi-
tional exposure of the distal axillary and brachial artery. Care should be taken to pre-
serve collateral branches and avoid brachial plexus injury.
When exposing the brachial artery, the incision should be done between the biceps
and triceps muscles. This incision can be extended proximally as previously described
or distally curving toward the radius in the antecubital fossa to gain access to the
brachial artery bifurcation.

Lower extremity
Femoral and popliteal vessels The majority of injuries that involve the proximal com-
mon femoral artery are highly lethal as they can result in hemorrhage that is non-
compressible. For proximal superficial femoral artery (SFA) and profunda injuries,
the exposure is similar for the common femoral artery and involves a vertical incision
halfway between the pubic tubercle and the anterior iliac spine below the inguinal lig-
ament. This incision can be extended proximally or distally if needed. When dissect-
ing, care must be taken to avoid injuring the greater saphenous vein.
In penetrating injuries, the thigh is often the location of the injury, and hence, the SFA
and above-knee popliteal arteries. In this scenario, if the vessel is completely trans-
ected, the injury can be approached directly. In the upper thigh, this exposure is
accomplished by rotating the sartorius muscle laterally to expose the SFA and for
more distal SFA or above-knee popliteal injuries approaching it via the muscular
groove between the sartorius and vastus medialis muscles. The below-knee popliteal
artery is approached in the same manner as an elective repair with a medial upper leg
incision to enter the popliteal fossa and divide the pes anserine superiorly.

Infra-popliteal vessels. The patency of one of the tibial vessels is sufficient to obtain
limb viability and vascular function. The posterior tibial and peroneal vessels can be
achieved via the medial incision previously described. In the case of the anterior tibial
artery, an approach to its origin can be achieved via the previously described medial
incision. These vessels can be explored from the fasciotomy incision. For the lateral
incision to decompress the anterior compartment, the anterior tibial artery and deep
peroneal nerve are between the tibialis anterior and the extensor hallucis muscle
bellies. In general, these vessels can be safely treated with arterial ligation if repair
is not feasible or the patient is unstable.92

With the advances of stent-graft technology and procedural techniques, endovascular
approaches in the management of upper and lower vascular trauma have significantly
increased.93 These techniques can be both diagnostic and therapeutic. Therapeutic
options usually include vascular control with a balloon, covered stent repair of an
injury, or embolization of a bleeding vessel.94,95
In this young patient population in whom these injuries most often occur, the long-
term patency of a stent-graft is unknown and long-term surveillance studies should be
done. Embolization techniques using different types of materials in smaller vessels
have also been described. This has been mainly used for the treatment of pseudoa-
neurysms and arteriovenous fistulas.96
Management of Vascular Injuries 821


The authors declared no commercial, or financial conflicts of interest or any funding



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