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Hi, my name is Mide and it’s an absolute pleasure to share my journey with you in hopes that you
can learn from it and find financial freedom, just as I have.
2015 was the year I realized I needed to start making certain changes to my life.
As a mother of two who wanted to maintain her career and stay home with her kids at the same
time, I figured I had to make some changes. At the time, I had already been working as a content
writer at a media house for about six years. I needed to stay on that path and I needed to
continue to earn.
I considered starting a business too but that would also require some time, and a lot of funds,
before I could generate anything close to what I was earning, and that was if I was lucky. So my
only option seemed to be to figure out how to work from home. That way, I continued to earn, I
stayed home with my kids, and the status quo remained, for the most part.
Here was the thing, though. Nigerian companies were not very eager to pay someone who spent
all day at home, no matter how productive she was. When I approached my boss with this idea,
they insisted they would have to cut my salary in half, despite the fact that that I was expected to
meet my full-time workload at home. To them, if I wasn’t coming to the office, I didn’t deserve full
The situation did not work for me so I quit the job and started looking out for something else. I did
get the opportunity to write for other companies on a freelance (work-from-home) basis. They
assigned me a certain number of articles daily and paid at the end of the month. It wasn’t exactly
what I was originally earning but it was a start.
Incidentally, I found my very first international remote job on Jobberman, a Nigerian job board. It
was a Russian company that apparently realized they could get a cheaper workforce here in
Nigeria and still get the talent they needed.

I started the job in May 2015 at $450 monthly (which was about N150,000 at the time). For me, it
wasn’t just about the money. It sparked the idea that if I could get this one, then other foreign jobs
were within my reach.
I got my second full-time remote job a year later at $600 monthly. I worked both these jobs for
about three years. In the meantime, I kept up with the remote work trend just to see if there were
other things I could do. I had to say no to a couple of job offers since my hands were full but I
also learned that a lot more companies were willing to give international talents a chance.
It’s been over six years since I started working from home and things have only gotten better.
Now, I no longer take whatever is in front of me. I’ve been able to settle into a career in
scriptwriting which is what my two current jobs are based on.
People often call me lucky when they hear what I do but I assure you, these opportunities do not just fall
on my lap. I consider myself an average writer actually, so I didn’t get this far because of some special
skills I have. I simply saw a possibility and went for it.
I’m also not so arrogant as to think that my achievement is a fluke or that someone else cannot do what
I have. I’m sure that with the right attitude and determination, you too can land a remote job that pays
well and lets you stay home with your family. Or at least, give you the flexibility to create a much better
work-life balance.
And the best thing is, inflation in this country will no longer be a source of fear. Higher dollar rates simply
mean more money for you so you can still keep up.
My goal for this eBook is for it to be short in length but massive in value. I personally hate reading books
that take forever to get to the point. And if you can relate, then you’ve purchased the right eBook. I have
structured each section and compiled the information in ways that are easy to digest. The goal is not to
overwhelm you but to let you understand all the possibilities that are out there.
Speaking of possibilities, I have also outlined the different (and most lucrative) job areas. You don’t have
to go through every single path. You can simply start by realizing what interests you, where your
experience lies and choose a job role based on that.
Introduction 1

Chapter 1 6
Content Creation 6
Types of Content Writing 6
Blogging 6
Who hires bloggers 6
Copywriting 7
Who hires copywriters 7
Technical writing 7
Who hires technical writers? 7
Social media content creation 7
Who hires social media content creators? 8
Scriptwriting 8
Who hires scriptwriters 8
Ghostwriting 8
Who hires ghostwriters 8
How to be a writer 9
Read like a writer 9
Start writing 9
Watch like a writer 9
Create a space 10
Write for one person 10
Call yourself a content writer 10
Types Of Visual Content 11
Photographic content: 11
Video Content: 11
Proving You’re Good Enough To Be Hired 12
Your Portfolio 12
Get a website 12
Social media portfolio 13
Guest Blogs and Free Services. 13

Chapter 2 14
Administrative Jobs 14
Types Of Remote Admin Jobs 14
Virtual Assistant 14
How To Become a Virtual Assistant 14
Data Entry Specialist 15
How To Become a Data Entry Specialist 15
Customer Service Specialist 15
How To Become A Customer Service Specialist 16

Chapter 3 17
IT Jobs 17
Types of Remote IT Jobs 17
Support Specialists 17
Computer Programmer 17
Quality Assurance Tester 17
Web Developer 17
Systems Analyst 17
Network Engineer 18
How To Become a Remote IT Specialist 18

Chapter 4 19
Managerial Jobs 19
People Manager 19
Project Manager 19
Product Manager 19

Chapter 5 21
How To Find An International Remote Job 21
Your CV 21
How does your past education/experience fit in with this role? 21
What tasks have you done in the past that can be directly useful in this position? 21
What is ATS? 21
Your Cover Letter 22
Remote Jobs Websites 23
How To Navigate These Websites 23
General Job Websites 24
Create A Golden List 24
Cold-Emailing 25
Online stalking 25
Search Through Hashtags 25

Chapter 6 26
Earn As An Online Tutor 26
Do You Need A Certificate To Be Eligible? 26
Here Are Some Websites That Pay You To Teach English 26
Italki 26
Cambly 26
Preply 27

Chapter 7 28
Let's Talk Freelance 28
A Tough Road 28
Fiverr 28
Promote Your Gigs 29
VPN 29
Upwork 29
Pitching Your Ideas as A Content Creator 30
Get right to the point 30
Provide a hook 30
Make it easy to contact you. 30
Link to writing samples. 31
Offer a proposed deadline alongside your article idea 31
Wait a few weeks, then follow up if you don’t hear back. 31

Chapter 8 32
The Golden List 32

One Last Thing… 37


Chapter 1

Content Creation
As they say, “content is king.” And someone has to create this content.
Advertising agencies, media houses, or even private brands are always on the lookout for good
content creators.
Content creations can be generally divided into written and visual content.
Content writing is just that: writing content. Once you realize these vast possibilities and avenues
you can earn money from as a writer, you can't help but want to be great at it. I have done
nothing but write for over a decade now. Starting with short articles, to blog posts, eBook writing,
and now scriptwriting, I've never found myself at a career dead-end.
Visual content, on the other hand, refers to any online content that is primarily image-based.
Some common types of visual content are pictures, graphics, videos, infographics, screenshots,
So, let’s start by breaking down the most common forms of content writing.

Types of Content Writing

I always say, if you can speak, you can write. Your real talent lies in the type of writing you're
comfortable with. Considering the fact that there are so many types of content writing out there, I
have no doubt you'll find a niche to learn, hone and make money from.
I’m only going to explore six of the most popular and marketable writing niches and how you can
earn from them.

Creating blog posts is one of the easiest and most convenient types of content writing. Usually,
you find a topic you're familiar with and just write about it. Because you're comfortable with the
topic, it becomes easier to find the words to express yourself. In addition, since there are a lot of
writing styles out there, you don't have to worry about sounding like Hemmingway. In fact, your
own unique style could be what your readers will enjoy.

Who hires bloggers

Companies that are all about sharing articles and posts on their websites are always in need of
bloggers. Entertainment, lifestyle, fashion and beauty websites, for instance, rely on the creative
works of their bloggers to keep their sites intriguing, engaging and informative.
Copywriting is a bit more technical and usually requires a level of formality. In this case, you're
writing text (AKA copy) for the purpose of advertising and marketing. The point of this type of
content is to increase brand awareness and persuade the audience to do something.

Who hires copywriters

Based on the definition, you can probably tell that copywriters are usually hired by advertising
agencies. However, you can also be hired directly by a manufacturer if you have a knack for
persuading people to buy a product or service. Since virtually everyone is selling something
these days, you can certainly see the limitless opportunities.

Technical writing
Technical writing is done to educate, inform or direct someone on how to do something.
Examples include instruction manuals, how-to guides and case studies. It's often very
detail-oriented and involves writing within fields where advanced knowledge is required.
However, having this knowledge is not always necessary. For instance, if you take a job where
you have to provide how-to guides for an iPhone brand, you can easily come up with content just
by doing your research on the product and perhaps interviewing an expert. In this case, being an
iPhone guru is not an automatic prerequisite for writing a detailed piece.
A necessary skill for this type of writing is the ability to describe complicated terms using simple

Who hires technical writers?

When you start searching for international remote jobs, I guarantee you'll find hundreds of
"Technical Writer" vacancies. This is because they are useful to virtually all companies with an
online presence. Technical writers may be needed to create press releases, FAQs, informational
guides for product manufacturers and so on.

Social media content creation

This is pretty straightforward and easy to understand. Post captions, graphics content, direct
messages, comments, etc, are all examples of social media content creation. You might assume
that since almost anyone knows how to share posts and captions, this cannot be a marketable
skill, right? Wrong. Here's the thing, most people who post for personal reasons often don't do so
regularly. This is because coming up with daily content is just not easy.
Business owners who want to maintain a solid social media presence also often face the
challenge of balancing running their business and posting online. And the truth is, you need
consistency for social media to actually improve your business. This is where a social media
manager comes in. Their main job is to come up with useful and effective content aimed at
increasing followership, engagement and overall revenue.
They don't just share posts willy-nilly, though. They also keep track of page growth and analyse
how well each content is doing to ensure the company is on the right track.

Who hires social media content creators?

Everybody who runs a business with an online presence will be in need of a social media
specialist at one point or another. The struggle is that, in Nigeria, social media expertise is not
generally valuable. I once had someone offer me N30,000 monthly to run up to four different
platforms. When I received a similar offer from a Ukrainian company, I was offered N300,000 just
to run their Facebook account. Pretty crazy, right?

Any video that involves the use of words, either in text or speaking form, is made with the help of
a scriptwriter. You can't just turn on the camera and start talking without at least an outline of what
you're going to say. While many video creators create scripts themselves, most companies
actually outsource this area.
One of my jobs right now is scriptwriting for voiceover videos. Basically, I write out what they
should say and when. Then the voiceover artist takes over.

Who hires scriptwriters

Any organization that shares videos constantly will require a few scriptwriters on their team. If
you're determined to grow in this area, you may also get the chance to work with movie
producers and other big-time video makers.

A ghostwriter is hired to write literary or journalistic works, speeches, or other texts that are
officially credited to another person as the author. Did you know that just because an author's
name is on a book does not mean they are actually the one who wrote that book? In fact, many
famous novelists often hire and pay creative ghostwriters a lot of money to write on their behalf.
Thanks to Kindle and other eBook purchasing platforms, self-publishing a novel or an eBook is
very lucrative. The catch here is that, to make a lot of money, you have to write a lot of books,
and that can get exhausting. As a result, people in the business often hire ghostwriters to take
the stress off them.

Who hires ghostwriters

Anybody who is building a career as an author might need to hire ghostwriters to help move the
process along. In most cases, this is usually a freelance gig. However, because it's so
well-paying, just one of these gigs in a month can earn you up to N500,000.
How to be a writer
Now that you know the possible ways to earn money as a content writer, you might be
wondering, how can I become good enough to impress international organizations and convince
them to hire me?
As it turns out, becoming a skilled content writer is not difficult at all. Like dieting, it just takes a
few lifestyle changes. Let's break it down.

Read like a writer

You can't create a movie if you don't watch movies. You cannot become a cook without watching
someone do it. So, yes, you cannot become a writer if you don't read. I'm not just talking about
reading for fun. You're reading as a writer, which means you're reading for the purpose of
Find a genre you're interested in going into and get to reading. So, let's say you want to become
a blogger, start by reading a lot of blogs. In the process, pick out the blog posts that got your
attention and try to determine why. Was it the title that drew you in? Was it because the content
was relatable? Or did you enjoy the writer's style so much that you couldn't stop reading until the
very end?
When you figure out what kind of writing interests you, you start to understand where your
passion might lie. Not only will this give you a niche to focus on, but it also gives you a chance to
see the expert at work and that takes me to my next point.

Start writing
As you read like a writer, there's going to come a time that ideas start floating in your head. Put
those ideas on paper. The key to becoming a writer is to actually write. The goal isn't to be
perfect from the start, not at all. The goal is to start getting comfortable with words.
To prevent burnout way too early, start writing in little increments. A paragraph a day, two a day, a
chapter a day, and so on. Keep it at a comfortable pace. If you combine this with consistent
reading, you'll start to see your skills grow over time.

Watch like a writer

Would you believe it if I told you that one of the ways I boosted my writing was by watching TV
shows? In fact, this was what propelled me into scriptwriting (I had been a blogger for years).
When you consider that everything your favourite character is saying was actually written by
someone, you start to realize the power of words. And since most of us already find it easy to
watch TV, it makes sense to learn from it too.
So, focus on the writing that goes into it. Those hilarious dialogues, epic comebacks, powerful
speeches, etc. Why do you love them? What special words did they use to convey what they
meant? Can you incorporate some of those words in your writing?
Create a space
Writing is mental, physical, and yes, psychological. Create a writing space in your home (or
anywhere you're comfortable working). This way, whenever you sit on that chair or go to that
place, your mind automatically revs up. Do whatever you can to make this space as inspirational
or as comfortable as possible. On my desk, for instance, I have a lot of books I love. So,
whenever I'm feeling mentally exhausted, looking at how hard others worked to get their creative
effort on paper keeps me inspired.

Write for one person

It can be so distracting when you fill your head with the idea that you're writing something that
hundreds or even millions of people will read. Instead, pretend you're writing for one person.
Think about it, when you tell a story to your best friend, you're energetic, fun, and comfortable.
But tell the same story to an actual audience of thousands and suddenly you start to overthink,
have stage fright and even lose confidence. Why? You're distracted by the fact that there are a lot
of opinions to consider. At that point, it's not about the story, it's about who's listening and thinking
about them can mess up your concentration.
The same is true for writing. As you write, pretend you're only talking to one person. It takes the
pressure off and lets you focus on what you're saying. Find your average target audience and
simply talk to them.

Call yourself a content writer

Trust me, there's power in saying those words out loud. When I wanted to make the move into
scriptwriting, I started referring to myself as a scriptwriter. Something about that inspired me to
keep learning all I could about scriptwriting to ensure I lived up to that title. The declaration isn't
just for yourself but for others in your life as well. When your friends and family start getting
comfortable with the term, they will use it to describe you and this will keep increasing your

Writing is an art form. And just like any art from - cooking, dancing, singing, etc - it can be learned
and improved on. However, the special thing about writing is that you don't need to pay someone
or find a mentor to walk you through. Just start doing it. The more you practice, the better you
Types Of Visual Content
Many visual content creators do not really need to declare a niche as is the case with written
content creators. This is because graphics and video makers can easily filter between several
genres. For instance, the graphic designer that creates content for a copywriting company can
also create graphics for a media house and vice versa.
Visual content can be generally divided into two major forms: Photographic and Videos.

Photographic content:
In addition to being able to take awesome pictures or find cool graphics, the most important part
of being a photographic/graphic content creator is to also edit them to fit what your client needs.
There is a huge range of photo editing software options out there these days. If you want to be
successful in this area, it’s important to practice with as many of them as possible. Of course, this
might take some time, so here are the five most common software remote companies generally
expect their editors to be familiar with.
● Photoshop CC.
● Affinity Photo.
● PhotoDirector 365.
● Luminar AI.
● inPixio Photo Studio 11.
Getting good at any of these software simply takes practice. Theory can only take you so far.
These platforms are generally user friendly which means you can easily download them and start

Video Content:
Creating videos also follows the whole ‘practice makes perfect’ philosophy. With social media
platforms like Instagram and TikTok being all the rage right now, many social media users already
have a general idea of how to create videos at a basic level. But of course, you want to get good
enough to be able to earn thousands of dollars monthly from your craft. So here are some
common software to start getting comfortable with.
● Adobe Premiere Pro.
● CyberLink PowerDirector.
● Pinnacle Studio.
● Final Cut Pro.
● Corel VideoStudio Ultimate.

Because these software generally have similar features, you can get away with learning one or
two to get started.
Proving You’re Good Enough To Be Hired
Once you’ve figured out what kind of content you want to create, let's get to the fun part; making
money from your skill. Looking for jobs as a content creator is a double-edged sword. The good
news is that you don't necessarily need a degree or extensive work experience. This then begs
the question, how will a prospective employer know I'm good enough to be chosen over someone
else? That's the bad news. You now have to think of ways to really prove yourself other than the
traditional method of First Class degrees and 10 years of work experience.
Don't fret. The answer is simple. If a dance company wants to hire a dancer, they will ask the
dancer to dance. An actor will be asked to audition and a model will be asked to show artistic
pictures as proof of their skill. The same goes for a content creator. You have to show what
you've done. And that brings us to...

Your Portfolio
If you're serious about content creation, you absolutely need a portfolio. This is a section of the
online world where people can find all (or most) of the things you've created. There are a couple
of ways to get this done.

Get a website
You don't need to immediately shell out a pile of money to get a professional website. Many
blogging platforms offer the option of creating a free blog. However, this means their blog name
will be attached to your URL, for example, as opposed to
Don't worry though, if that's what you can afford at the moment, then start from there. Companies
are more interested in seeing your samples than some fancy URL, especially when it's an
entry-level position.
Once you've chosen the content creation platform to use, the next step is to design it. Usually,
they have made it so user-friendly that you don't need additional coding skills to get that website
up and running. However, if you encounter a problem, the solution is just a google search away.
It's better to keep the website as simple as possible especially when you're still getting a handle
on how to set it up. Just create the page and start uploading your content.
Now, the goal here is to showcase what you can do so you must only upload your very best work.
whether or not it's been previously published. It also must be your original work. Plagiarism is a
huge no-no.
As for writing, the topics you choose don't matter either. In fact, it's preferable to write what
inspires and excites you. This way, no matter what your subject matter is, your writing should be
so full of life and passion that a recruiter can’t help but enjoy it. Regardless of your topic, your
writing style will certainly seep through and that's what a company is looking out for anyway.
Social media portfolio
Not sure if you can handle creating a website at this point? Then sure, you can create a social
media portfolio. The important thing is to make sure there's enough writing, graphics and videos
on there for a prospective employer to gauge your skills. For instance, many image content
creators opt for Instagram while video editors go for Instagram and TikTok as a portfolio platform.
It’s not about views and followership. If your social media posts are consistent and interesting
enough, you just might end up impressing an international organization.

Guest Blogs and Free Services.

Another way to improve and prove your skills is by offering your services for free. This might not
sound appealing but it does pay off in the long run. For example, I used to coach a lady who had
never had any works published before. One of the assignments I gave her was to approach
media houses like and and offer to guest-blog for them. She started
doing this after I felt her writings had improved. As a result, several of her posts were published
on these platforms. This not only increased her confidence but also helped her build a portfolio
that came in handy later.
Since she had virtually no writing experience, her guest writing efforts meant she had something
to include in her resume. And since she didn’t have a website, she was able to add links to these
posts to her CV as well.
In addition, offering her writing to family and friends for free meant that she received great
feedback to include in the testimonial section of her portfolio when the time came.
This lady eventually got her first remote international job by directing the employer to these
published samples where they could not only see her work, but also the great comments that
came with it.
A lot of websites in Nigeria and even abroad will happily post your content for free as long as you
have a great idea. Reach out to them. Trust me. It’s worth it.

Chapter 2

Administrative Jobs
Administration is one of the most important areas of any company. Roles relating to running the
day-to-day affairs of any company make up a significant percentage of remote jobs out there. One
main reason for this is that all companies need administrative stars, and remote companies even more

Types Of Remote Admin Jobs

Virtual Assistant
A virtual assistant is someone who provides administrative services to clients while operating
outside of the client’s physical office. Despite working remotely, a virtual assistant has access to
the necessary planning documents such as shared calendars, organizational software, and so
The good news about this role is that it doesn’t require any special skills. You can easily find
entry-level virtual assistant positions where you’re simply expected to have some organizational
In addition, some virtual assistants are expected to have basic skills in social media, content
management and blog post writing. This is because certain companies expect their VAs to also
handle their online presence in addition to their admin duties.
As remote work becomes even more mainstream, the demand for virtual assistants is expected
to keep growing.

How To Become a Virtual Assistant

Focus on what you offer: As a VA, you can do everything from writing, emailing, calendar
management, bookkeeping, social media and more. However, this doesn’t mean you have to be
good at everything. Start by focusing on the skills you have and the things you actually enjoy
doing. So, when searching for jobs, keep an eye out for the roles that align with your niche.

Create an online presence: Having an online presence can help set you apart from other
candidates during the job search process. It can be as simple as having a Facebook or Instagram
page where people can get an insight into your expertise. You can also invest in a website that
showcases what you can do for a potential employer. This establishes you as an expert and
builds your own confidence at the same time.

Expand your skills: While having a niche keeps you from experiencing burnout, it also doesn’t
mean you should let yourself get stuck. To increase your chances of finding a good job with really
good pay, it’s important that you keep learning. If social media management isn’t your forte, for
example, you can take free online classes to get better at it. The more you have to offer a
company, the higher your value.

Data Entry Specialist

A data entry specialist is someone who essentially organizes and stores data for a company. In
the case of remote data entry jobs, you’ll be expected to record, file and organize data on a
computer. Remote data entry jobs usually require you to operate equipment (often a keyboard)
for inputting alphabetic, numerical or symbolic data into the system of a company from a remote
In addition, they might also be required to edit or validate data while entering them. When these
data come in audio form, they might need to transcribe it to text as well.
Data entry specialists often work for corporations that have a need for crowdsourcing or audience
analysis. On the other hand, you might also work for conventional data entry firms that make their
money by providing data entry services for various organizations.

How To Become a Data Entry Specialist

When you apply for an entry-level role, you’re usually provided training on software and working
concepts. As a result, this job doesn’t require a lot of experience, especially at first. It is, however,
important to have strong typing and numeric key entry skills. You should also have a general
knowledge of database applications, word processing and spreadsheets.
It’s also important for DE specialists to have good grammar skills such as sentence formation,
punctuation and sound reading comprehension.
To be successful in a remote data entry job, you must be detail-oriented. Having high attention to
detail is crucial. They expect you to be able to focus intensely on the action and concentrate on
your tasks.

Customer Service Specialist

Most duties performed by customer service agents can be done from a home office using the
internet to connect to communication tools. Customer service professionals are the first point of
contact for customers. They provide information or answer questions about products and
services, and resolve complaints to provide a positive customer service experience.
Online customer service agents are in high demand these days. Currently, there is a steady
increase in the number of companies hiring for customer service representative jobs.

How To Become A Customer Service Specialist

Do you have customer service or support experience? If not, you can emphasize your
transferable skills. Hiring managers are always on the lookout for critical thinking skills,
communication skills, empathy and a genuine interest in the customer.
These core skills aren’t unique to customer service. They are transferable skills that can be
gathered from all kinds of work experiences; teaching, marketing, human resources, and so on.
Ultimately, companies are looking for someone who can serve as a committed customer
advocate. Your character and willingness to learn are the most important factors in your ability to
thrive as a home-based customer service specialist.

Chapter 3

IT Jobs
Information Technology (IT) professionals are responsible for helping organizations maintain their
digital infrastructure and providing troubleshooting assistance to technology consumers. Seeing
as we’re currently in the digital age, IT employees (both remote and on-site) are always in
demand to help others keep up with technological advances and security procedures.

Types of Remote IT Jobs

Support Specialists
These guys are responsible for reviewing and solving computer network and hardware problems
for all kinds of businesses. Since it’s now possible to gain remote access to computers from the
comfort of your own home, this is a remote work idea worth considering.

Computer Programmer
Computer programmers basically write new computer software using coding languages like
HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.

Quality Assurance Tester

They check software products to determine if they are up to industry standards and free of any
problems. These professionals are often hired by the gaming industry and mobile application

Web Developer
They design the appearance, navigation and content organization of a website. They also use
coding language to manage graphics, applications and content that are focused on improving
user experience.

Systems Analyst
A system analyst reviews design components and uses their knowledge of IT to solve business
Network Engineer
They work on the day-to-day maintenance and development of a company’s computer network,
utilizing their skills to make the network available and efficient for all employees in an

How To Become a Remote IT Specialist

In addition to having a Bachelor’s degree, remote IT experts are often required to have other
professional certifications in their areas of interest. These courses give them a chance to learn
and practice skills in technical problem-solving, programming, design and development
Many remote workers in this sector also get the chance to grow on the job.
They might start out with a basic knowledge of programming but while carrying out their duties,
they practice their skills in other areas. It’s only a matter of time before they are considered
experts in a wide range of fields.

Chapter 4

Managerial Jobs
While remote entry-level jobs remain one of the easiest kinds to get, it’s also possible to snag
some managerial jobs that don’t require you to have extensive experience.
In cases like this, employers are searching for candidates that have an interest and skills relating
to managing tasks, people, and other aspects.
Even without past management experience, what’s important is that you can demonstrate that
you have the capabilities managers need in their day-to-day roles. This isn’t just about practical
skills such as time management, goal-setting and having difficult conversations. You’re also
expected to have vision, impact, and a deep drive for success.

People Manager
This term is used interchangeably with Human Resource Manager. People management is the
process of training, motivating and directing employees to optimize workplace productivity and
promote professional growth. These professionals often handle interpersonal conflicts, lead
employee training, manage deadlines and promote company culture.
To be a successful people manager, you need to understand the concept of empowering
employees, actively listening, solving conflicts, patience and communication. As you can see,
these skills might come naturally to some people without years of experience in the field.

Project Manager
A project manager is expected to effectively and efficiently guide all aspects of a project from
start to finish. To perform this role remotely, you’ll have to oversee teams from multiple
departments as well as work with teams from different companies. As a result, project managers
need to be able to communicate effectively across many disciplines and inspire unity of action
among many workers in order to deliver a successful project.

Product Manager
Although both product and project management focus on managing business endeavours, their
roles are a little bit different. While project managers manage projects, product managers are
responsible for an entire product and own its success as well as the maintenance of said product
from conception to result.

The job descriptions of any managerial role are mostly determined by the organization that is
hiring you. Companies often have different kinds of duties they assign to their managers.
However, any managerial role is based on being a leader, so be prepared to improve on your
leadership skills in addition to all the other skills mentioned above.

Chapter 5

How To Find An International Remote Job

This is where the tough job starts - getting your remote job dreams to become a reality. Before
you go out into the world and start sending out applications, the first step is to package yourself

Your CV
Your CV is one of the first things a company will see when you apply to work for them. It is what
lets them know whether to take you to the next step of the application or stop the whole process
cold. Basically, how you package yourself on paper is extremely important.
Here are two things a prospective employer is expecting to learn from your CV:

How does your past education/experience fit in with this role?

Never randomly apply for jobs you have no interest, experience, or skills in. You will get
automatically disqualified. An employer will first glance through your CV to satisfy themselves
that it was packaged specifically for this role. If there are no indications of that, they toss it out. It
doesn't matter if the company has another better-fit role for you because the fact that you're
blatantly ignoring instructions and acting so carelessly with your application doesn't exactly bode
well for your abilities as an employee.

What tasks have you done in the past that can be directly useful in this position?
This is why, for every job experience you have on your CV, there should be bullet points listing
the key responsibilities you had there. You have to be as comprehensive as possible. One piece
of advice I give to clients is to go online and look for the key responsibilities for that role and
compare them to what they have on their CV. If they come across a task during their research
that they don't already have listed, then they should include it.
Employers take this part very seriously. They feel more comfortable hiring someone that at least
has an inkling of what the job might entail.

What is ATS?
This is something a lot of Nigerians are unaware of and can affect how well your job application
does internationally.
The Applicant Tracking System, ATS, is a software used by many international companies
(especially in the US and UK) to analyse a CV even before it reaches the desk of an HR
manager. This means, before your CV gets to an actual human, it is analysed by the software to
determine whether or not you're fit for the role.
How does ATS work? After compiling and categorizing thousands of CVs, the ATS scans them by
searching for specific keywords and qualifications to see whether you match the job description
or not.

Here's an example:
You are applying for a content writer position.
Your work summary states:
“Highly-driven content writer with 5+ years of editorial experience in creating content. Proven
experience of success, employer satisfaction, and strong communication skills.”

ATS reads:
“Content writer”
“5+ years of experience”
“content creation”
“Employer satisfaction”
“Strong communication skills”
Then, matches it to the list of requirements:
CHECK: content writer
CHECK: 5+ years of experience
CHECK: employer satisfaction
CHECK: communication skills
NOT CHECK: Analytical skills
NOT CHECK: Microsoft Office

If your CV doesn’t match the basic list of requirements, it’s automatically discarded.
If it does, then it’s ranked by relevance (i.e. the best resume goes on top of the recruiter’s
An estimated 98% of First World Countries use ATS to track and scan the CVs they get because
it saves time and it makes for a smoother recruitment process.
This is why it's very important to ensure your CV contains the right keywords that match the job
you're applying for.
To apply for a content writing role, for example, you must have such keywords as writing, content,
editorial, published, etc.

Your Cover Letter

Creating a targeted cover letter is also an important part of the application process. Your CL gives
your employer a glimpse of your personality and it should portray your eagerness to work with the
These days, there are lots of online platforms that generate a cover letter for you. While I don't
advise against using these platforms, I do ask applicants to consider the fact that copying and
pasting an online-generated CL can be a problem. Because these sites are so popular, you're
likely to end up with a generic CL that looks like that of hundreds of people, and this isn’t a good
thing. A recruiter might wonder if you're hard-working enough to take the role if you're so lazy that
you couldn't even write your own cover letter.
So what can you do? You can use these cover letter writing platforms as an inspiration instead.
Read the samples you've been provided and look through as many of these websites as you can.
Once you do that, you start to get a sense of how you want to craft your own.
You should also include some information about why you, as a Nigerian, are looking to get hired
by a foreign company. In my cover letter, for example, I mentioned something about wanting to
expand my writing horizon and create content for a bigger audience.
Ready to start searching? Here are your options:

Remote Jobs Websites

There are websites that are specifically targeted at remote workers. The sites only share jobs that
can be done remotely and this is a great starting point for any content writer.
Here are some examples.

How To Navigate These Websites

All these websites provide similar work search processes. You’re given a list of categories to
choose from. So, if you’re interested in Accounting, for example, you click on that category or any
option that is close to it. Once you’re given a list of jobs, it’s now up to you to take a closer look at
each vacancy.
Several of these websites will indicate whether or not a role is open to international candidates.
They generally use terms like “International,” “Anywhere in the world,” “remote - anywhere,’ or
similar tags to let you know if you, as a Nigerian, can apply to these jobs based abroad.
Another term you should look out for is “EMEA.” This means, “Europe, Middle-East, Africa.” It
refers to a particular timezone.
Some European countries, for example, might want to open their vacancies to international
candidates but they want all their staff to work at the same time. Therefore, they will choose to
hire from regions that are in the same timezone as they are, and that includes Africa. So,
vacancies with the EMEA tags should definitely be on your application list.
General Job Websites
You can also find remote jobs on general job websites by tweaking the filter a bit. For instance, and both have a huge database of jobs worldwide. In the last
couple of years, they have also added the options for searching for remote-only jobs.
When you reach the job search section, there's usually a bunch of filters across the page where
you can adjust your parameters. This section also includes job types and gives the option of
viewing only remote jobs.
Now, with Glassdoor, you’re expected to choose a particular country in addition to the type of job
you’re looking for. So, searching on this platform means you might have to go country by country
if you’re interested in roles from virtually anywhere in the world.
LinkedIn makes things a little bit easier, though. Here, you input the job you’re interested in, (for
example “graphic design,” and where it asks for location, you simply type in ‘Worldwide.’ The
website will show you thousands of graphic design vacancies from all over the world. Then, you’ll
turn on the filter for “remote” so you will only be provided with remote vacancies.
Now, in these mainstream websites, there are usually no tags to indicate whether or not a role is
available to international candidates. It will then be up to you to read each job description and
requirement very closely. Usually, you’re free to apply to any position that does not specifically
indicate that their candidates have to be in a particular location.

Create A Golden List

Creating a database of companies that you could possibly work with can be a goldmine. The first
step is to determine what kind of companies hire for the role you’re interested in. You can also
keep an eye out for websites that have hired internationally in the past.
One way to do this is to search for the company on LinkedIn or any other platform that provides
general staff information about companies. What you're looking for here is diversity. If during your
research, you discover that they have some Africans or generally foreign remote workers on their
staff, then you have a good chance.
Another way to improve your chances is to find any job position they might have advertised. It
doesn't have to be recent or active. You only want to look into the job description to determine if
they are usually insistent on hiring people from their own countries. If you see previous job
vacancies where international applicants are welcome, then that company goes straight on your
You can also fill up your list by searching for companies located in non-English-speaking
countries. Here's how it works. A lot of companies, Russia and China for example, usually create
online platforms targeted at English speakers. But there is a problem. The majority of their best
people might speak English. In cases like this, one might think the Russian country would just go
hire from the UK or US. However, because of the high standard of living in that region, it might be
tough to find remote workers they can afford. As a result, they go a completely different way by
looking into countries with lower standards of living, like Africa. This way, they get the best talents
at an affordable cost.
To find these companies, you need to do some research as well. You can search for companies
that market to English speakers but their HQ is located in a non-English-speaking region (Russia,
China, Philippines, Ukraine, Switzerland, etc) and add them to your list.
Now, once you have this golden list of companies that can possibly hire you, you have two

This basically means you send an Email to the company expressing your interest in being a
member of their team. The body of the email should contain your Cover Letter including an
introductory paragraph about who you are and why you want to work for them. You're generally
writing to let them know that you're a fan of what they do and you have the skills to work for them.
You should also attach your CV to this email.

Online stalking
That's just what I call the process of checking the websites on my golden list every couple of days
or so to see if they have posted a new role. This was exactly how I got one of my current jobs. I
noticed the company some time ago and I would often check their career page for any vacancy
updates. As soon as the job I wanted popped up, I was one of the first to apply and ultimately
became the first Nigerian on their content writing team. They have hired two more Nigerians
since then.

Search Through Hashtags

Did you know that international remote job vacancies are often posted on social media too? So,
all it takes to find your dream job could simply be by following the right hashtags. I admit this was
something I just figured out earlier this year during my research. I currently follow several
hashtags relating to remote jobs.
Some examples are #remotewritingjobs #remotejobs #internationalremotejobs
#workfromhomejobs #workfromhomeopportunities #remotevacancies.
When you follow these hashtags, getting remote job alerts on your timeline will become a daily

Chapter 6

Earn As An Online Tutor

Working full time isn’t the only way to earn money online. Besides, while you’re searching for your
dream remote job, you might stay motivated if you have something on the side that’s earning you
some money, which brings us to the idea of earning as a remote English teacher.
Did you know you can build a really good career out of teaching English to non-English speaking
people? There are a good number of tutor platforms that are willing to pay $20 to $40 per hour for
your English language skills.
Some of these platforms are meant for teaching the English language to Chinese kids. It can be a
little bit tricky to work with Japanese or Chinese kids as their English vocabulary is not adequate.
If you have previous teaching experience, it will help you a great deal. However, for some of
these websites, having a previous experience is not a requirement.

Do You Need A Certificate To Be Eligible?

That’s the most common question that comes to mind when applying on these platforms. In most
cases, you do need a certificate, but that’s not the case in all of them. You can find some that
consider their tutors based on their English speaking skills. However, even when you do need a
certificate, getting it isn’t so difficult. You can easily acquire a TESOL, IELTS, or TEFL certificate
to boost your standing.

Here Are Some Websites That Pay You To Teach English

This is a popular online portal where students connect with teachers to learn more than 75
languages. You have the option to teach according to your own schedule. All you need is a laptop
with a good internet connection and a decent headset. Your computer must have a webcam with
Skype installed.
Italki pays its teachers in form of credits. 1 credit = $1 USD. When you teach students, you earn
credits. You can choose to withdraw those credits in form of cash. The platform supports payment
platforms like Paypal, Payoneer, Skrill, Alipay and Bank transfer.

Cambly is an Android and iOS-based mobile application that enables students to study English
with tutors from around the world. Here, tutors can actually make money teaching students from
their mobile phones. Tutors are paid about $0.17 per minute, which equates to $10.20 per hour.
Preply is an online platform where students can take English lessons from private teachers.
Other languages are also supported. Once students have found the tutors they want, they can
request a lesson from them. The tutor accepts the request and then the student makes payment.
English speakers can benefit from this platform.
You can create your profile and search for English teaching jobs on the job offers page. You have
the option of choosing your own hourly rate and creating your own hours. The most popular
tutors earn up to $550 a week. Preply pays through Paypal, Payoneer and Skrill.

You can also discover other similar online tutor platforms on your own. For example, websites like
Engoo, Amazing Talker and SuperProf, also give you the opportunity to teach online and earn a
decent living.

Chapter 7

Let's Talk Freelance

Remote work skills are huge in the freelance market. The concept here is that you're hired and
paid to do a job on a temporary, contract basis. Let's say someone wants to hire an eBook writer.
The person approaches you and offers to pay you to do the job for them within an agreed-upon
There are several freelance websites that connect those who are searching for these services to
those who provide them. The majority of these websites are open to online service providers all
around the world. and are two popular freelance websites used in Nigeria.

A Tough Road
Making reasonable earnings just from freelance writing is very possible but it might take some
time. You see, when you set up an account on Fiverr, for example, you're joining millions of other
people providing a similar service. Yes, the competition is rough.
In addition, being a Nigerian makes the hustle that much harder. Clients are more inclined to
outsource certain jobs to countries like the United States and the UK. So, how can you, as a
Nigerian living in Nigeria, come out on top?
Let’s start with Fiverr.

The main upside to this website is that you get to make money by working remotely and doing
what you love.
The first step towards earning on Fiverr is to set up an account and create a catchy profile. Once
that's done, you have to set up your gig. A gig is a job description you can use to showcase your
services to buyers.
You'll be asked to include your Gig title, category, service type, gig metadata (you'll be provided
with some options), and search tags/keywords.
You will also be expected to include your pricing (from $5)
Content writing, IT, and editing, for instance, are lucrative gigs on the platform. These gigs can
earn you as high as $5,000 on just one job. However, getting this level of sales isn't something
that will happen overnight.
One great way to optimize your sales is to focus on creating an effective profile. Your profile
should be descriptive and detailed enough that buyers immediately understand what you're
selling. You can make your profile outstanding by uploading a professional photo or video
detailing your services.
If you're not sure how to do this, you can sign into Fiverr as a buyer and take a look at some of
the top earners on the platform (those who charge up to $100 or more). Observe how their
profiles were crafted to get some inspiration.
When you do start getting gigs, be sure to aim for a 5-star rating. Consistently deliver high-quality
services on the platform to earn good ratings from buyers. Feedback and reviews will not only
maintain your reputation on Fiverr but also help your gigs rank higher.
Now that you have a general idea of how to build a Fiverr brand, let's talk about how you can
bypass the stiff competition and gain success in as little time as possible.

Promote Your Gigs

Fiverr actually gives you the chance to boost and promote your gigs at a cost. Similar to how
Facebook ads work, advertising your gig on Fiverr can give you more exposure and revenue.
The good news here is that you can place ads according to your budget and Fiverr will not
charge you unless the ads are clicked. So you don't need to break the bank to get started.
I normally advise prospective advertisers to start small and observe the effect of the ads on
visibility. Increase your ad budget gradually until you feel you're gaining traction.

Okay, let's face it, even with ads, international clients are still hesitant to ask a Nigerian to
perform certain tasks for them. One thing that has worked for a lot of Nigerians is to use VPN to
mask their location and make it look like they are working from a different country.
NordVPN, for example, gives you the chance to choose any country you prefer and once
connected to the VPN service, you can sign up on Fiverr as if you're based in that country.
Now, bear in mind that Fiverr doesn't exactly encourage this. As a result, they use phone
verification methods to confirm your location.
In some cases, Nigerian Fiverr users use the phone numbers of people they know in a foreign
country and more or less set up the account using their account details as well. If you're going the
route, make sure you're working with someone you trust.
Once again, pretending to be from a different country isn't allowed on Fiverr and you might be
banned if caught. However, I feel compelled to share this with you because it's a practice that has
worked for a lot of Nigerians.


Upwork works similarly to Fiverr except that, in the case of Upwork, the clients are actually the
ones who post jobs and you can bid for them.
It's more or less like a job vacancy website except that the jobs are on a freelance basis.
After setting up a profile on the platform, you use your Connects to submit proposals for jobs in
your wheelhouse. Proposals should include an introductory letter, your desired fee and answers
to questions the client included in the posting. You can also send examples of any work you think
would be relevant.
Like Fiverr, success on Upwork is based on receiving good ratings from your employer. The more
great reviews you receive, the better your chances of getting more jobs in the future.
Unfortunately, Upwork currently doesn’t offer the chance to promote your services using ads.

Pitching Your Ideas as A Content Creator

Freelancing websites aren't the only way to earn money as a freelancer. You can also apply to
submit content to several media websites and get paid for it.
There are a lot of international websites that pay up to $100 or more for an article or visual
content and this journey starts with a pitch. The key to successfully freelancing for any
high-paying publication is the ability to effectively pitch your ideas.
In essence, your pitch is a possible idea that they might be interested in publishing. If they
approve your idea, you create your work, send it in, they publish and you get paid. It's that
Here's an example. Let's say you love writing about motherhood and you're a fan of a major
website that posts similar content. The first step is to look through the website to determine if they
take pitches or offer a "write for us" situation.
In many cases, websites that have a "write for us" or contributor section provide the format to
make your pitch. However, if all they give you is a contact email address to write to, then you
have to know how to craft an attractive pitch.

Get right to the point

Let your potential editor know what they’re getting right at the beginning. When sending out email
pitches, include your story topic in the subject line. Your pitch email should include your proposed
writing format (personal essay, interview, investigative report, opinion piece, etc.), a possible title,
your planned sources, and a written elevator pitch—a summary of your pitch that is so succinct it
can be told in the course of a brief elevator ride with a stranger.

Provide a hook
Explain (briefly) why someone would want to read the article you are pitching. If you have a target
readership, identify them.

Make it easy to contact you.

Make sure your pitch letter includes contact information such as your email, phone number, and
any relevant social media accounts. If you know a specific editor’s name, try sending your pitch
directly to them. For small publications, this may mean you’re reaching out to the actual
editor-in-chief. If you don’t know the name of the editor, send it to the magazine’s
general-purpose inquiry address, and indicate that your message should receive an editor’s

Link to writing samples.

Your potential employer is unlikely to hire you on a good pitch alone; they will want to see a past
completed piece with your byline—ideally from a freelance writing job that was similar to the one
you’re now pitching on. If you include any unpublished samples, make sure they are clear, clean
and error-free.

Offer a proposed deadline alongside your article idea

Although your freelance pitch will certainly not be accepted unless it’s a great story, landing
content creation gigs is also about being reliable. Naming your own ambitious deadline as part of
the writing pitch will show an editor that you’re serious and results-driven—valuable traits in the
publishing industry.

Wait a few weeks, then follow up if you don’t hear back.

An editor is a human being just like you are, and they may fall behind on work. If you haven’t
received a reply to your pitch letter within two weeks, write a short, polite follow-up email asking if
they’ve had a chance to review your work. If you still don’t get a response, you can try emailing
again. Sometimes you won’t get a reply, but if you’re confident that you have a good story to tell,
move on to other outlets.
The appeal of freelancing this way is that you don't have to do a ton of work to earn a good living.
Depending on the brand you're working for and how much they pay, you can get away with
writing a couple of articles a week and still make a decent living.
Another upside is that you get to write only what you're interested in. You may even write based
on your own life experience or share something relating to a skill you have.
Making it as a freelance writer is an erratic process in the beginning which is why I would advise
that you combine this with remote job-hunting. It is always best to keep all your options open at
the start and as time goes on, you will find something that fits perfectly into your lifestyle.

Chapter 8

The Golden List

We're finally here - the list you've been waiting for!

I have previously mentioned something about a golden list. This is generally a list of companies
that have been known to hire international remote workers. This is something I have been
developing since 2015. It started as a list of possible companies I could apply to and even after I
got my first full-time remote writing job, I continued to add to the list. Whenever I needed to
change jobs or add an extra one, I simply go on this list and check if any of them have a vacancy
that fits me.
So this is what I normally do. Whenever I find myself in need of a job, I go through these websites
on a daily basis. I also visit their career page to see if any new job has been posted.
In addition, I cold-email some of these websites. This is simply the idea of sending your resume
and cover letter to a company that does not actually have a vacancy for your skills. The goal here
is to impress them with your resume and they just might hold on to it until something comes up.
The fact is that HR departments often prefer to sift through the CVs they already have whenever
there's a vacancy. You want to make sure yours is one of them.
Now, on to my golden list. I'll be providing a direct link to their career pages since that's what you
need to get started. But feel free to look through the websites themselves to make sure this
company is the best fit for you. I'll also add the country that the company is based in, just in case
you have a preference in this regard.
Please bear in mind that what I’m providing here is a direct link to their job board websites and a
number of these companies use external websites like Workable, Breezy and Lever to post jobs.
These external job boards also include links to the company official websites which takes you to
where you can learn more about the organization itself.

Website’s Career Page Link Country

1 Cyprus

2 Ukraine

3 Philippines

4 Lithuania

5 Canada

6 US

7 Malta

8 Ukraine

9 Canada

10 UK

11 Japan

12 San Francisco

13 US

14 US

15 Ukraine

16 US

17 Greece

18 US

19 US

20 France

21 Canada

22 Canada

23 Estonia

24 Canada

25 US

26 Taiwan

27 Australia

28 US

29 US

30 Europe
31 India

32 Canada

33 US

35 US

36 US

37 US

38 New Zealand

39 US

40 Estonia

41 US

42 US

43 Switzerland

44 Indonesia

45 US

46 Latvia

47 Malta

48 Netherlands

49 Switzerland

50 Bosnia

51 US

52 US

53 Australia

54 US

55 Canada

56 US

57 US
58 Malta

59 Canada

60 US

61 Fully Remote

62 US

63 US

64 Hong Kong

65 US

66 US

67 Europe

68 US

69 US

70 Canada

71 US

72 US

73 US

74 Norway

75 US

76 UK

77 US

78 US

79 UK

80 US

81 Canada

82 US

83 Fully Remote

84 Australia

85 Fully Remote

86 Hong Kong

87 Canada

88 UK

89 US

90 US / UK

91 Spain

92 Germany

93 US

94 Ireland

95 Fully Remote

96 UK/US

97 US

98 US

99 Fully Remote

100 Bratislava

101 Fully Remote

To provide some context, at one point within the last month, every one of these companies
posted a job advertisement for the role of a full-time remote worker. It was specifically included in
their job description that employees can work from anywhere in the world.
Out of the101 websites listed, I have only applied to about 10 of them and subsequently got job
offers from six. I have also referred others to about 20 or so of these companies, and some of
them landed a job. That’s how I know it’s legit. And that’s why I’m confident that if you work your
way through this list, you’re very likely to get a high-paying remote job of your own.

One Last Thing…

Now that you’ve come to the end of this book, I'd like you to do something for me, tell me what
you think.
This eBook wasn’t something I threw together overnight. I spent countless hours doing additional
research despite my own one-on-one experience with the subject matter. I wanted to make sure
that I provided up-to-date information and that all the websites on the Golden List were still
So, I’d like to know if this eBook was of value to you. Did you learn something new? Are you
clearer about how the remote job industry works? Are there things you’re still confused about?
Good or bad, I really want to hear your thoughts.
If the information here helps you land a remote job (which is my hope, actually), then I would
absolutely love to know that too.
Thank you for buying.
Thank you for reading.
And I cannot wait to hear from you.

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