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Embryology Of Respiratory System

By; Tefera B.(MSc.)

At the end of the lecture the students should be able to:
Identify the development of the laryngeotracheal
(respiratory) diverticulum
Identify the development of the larynx
Identify the development of the trachea
Identify the development of the bronchi & Lungs
Describe the periods of the maturation of the lung
Identify the most congenital anomaly
Respiratory System:
Upper respiratory tract:
Nasal cavity & paranasal
Lower respiratory tract:
Development Of The Lower Respiratory Tract
Begins to form during the 4th week of development.

Beginsasas aa
Begins median
median The groove
outgrowth Envaginates and
(the forms the
caudal1 partfrom
of the
the Laryngotrachel
ventral2 wall of the
caudal part of the (respiratory)
primitive pharynx
wall of the diverticulum.
primitive pharynx
Development Of The Lower Respiratory Tract
• A longitudinal tracheo-esophageal septum (esophagotracheal)
develops and divides the diverticulum into a:

Dorsal portion:
Ventral portion: primordium* of
primordium* of - Larynx
- trachea

The proximal part

of the respiratory Oropharynx
- Bronch esophagus
- Lungs
remains tubular
The distal endof the and forms
diverticulum dilates to larynx & trachea.
Form lung bud,which
Divides to give rise to 2
lung buds(primary
bronchial buds)
Laryngotracheal Diverticulum

The endoderm lining the

laryngotracheal diverticulum gives
rise to the: Epithelium &Glands of
the respiratory tract

Surrounding splanchnic mesoderm

gives rise to the: Connective
tissue, Cartilage & Smooth muscles
of the respiratory tract
Development Of The Larynx
The opening of the laryngotracheal
diverticulum in to the primitive
foregut becomes the laryngeal
The epithelium&glands are
derived from endoderm.
Laryngeal muscles& the cartilages
of the larynx (except Epiglottis)
develop from the mesoderm of 4th
& 6th pairs of pharyngeal arches.
It develops from the caudal
part of the hypopharyngeal
eminence, a swelling formed
by the proliferation of
mesoderm in the floor of the
Growth of the larynx and
epiglottis is rapid during the
first Three years after birth. By
this time the epiglottis has
reached its adult form.
Recanalization of larynx
The laryngeal epithelium
proliferates rapidly resulting in
temporary occlusion of the
laryngeal lumen
Recanalization of larynx
normally occurs by the 10th week.
Laryngeal ventricles, vocal folds
and vestibular folds are formed
during recanalization.
Development Of The Trachea
The endodermal lining of the
laryngotracheal tube distal to
the larynx differentiates into
the epithelium and glands of
the trachea and pulmonary
The cartilages, connective
tissue, and muscles of the
trachea are derived from the
Development Of The Bronchi & Lungs
The 2 primary bronchial buds grow laterally into the
pericardio-peritoneal canals (part of the intraembryonic
celome), which is the primordia (early form) of pleural
At the beginning of the 5th week, each of these buds
enlarges to form right and left main bronchi.
Bronchial buds divide and re-divide to give rise to the
bronchial tree.
The right main bronchus is slightly larger than the left
one and is oriented more vertically.
The embryonic relationship persists in the adult
The main bronchi subdivide into
secondary and tertiary (segmental)
bronchi which give rise to further
The segmental bronchi, 10 in right
lung and 8 or 9 in the left lung
begin to form by the 7th week
The surrounding mesenchyme also
Each segmental bronchus with its
surrounding mass of mesenchyme
is the primordium of a
bronchopulmonary segment
• By 24 weeks, about 17 orders of branches have formed
and respiratory bronchioles have developed.
• An additional seven orders of airways develop after

As the lungs develop they

acquire a layer of visceral
pleura from splanchnic
The thoracic body wall
becomes lined by a layer of
parietal pleura derived
from the somatic
Maturation of Lungs
• Maturation of the lungs is divided into four stages:
Terminal sac
Pseudoglandular Stage (6 to 16 Weeks)
During this stage the developing lungs histologically
resemble exocrine glands.
By 16 weeks, all major elements of the lung have formed,
except those involved with gas exchange.
Fetuses born during this period are unable to survive
Canalicular Stage (16 to 26 Weeks)
This period overlaps the pseudoglandular stage because
cranial segments of the lungs mature faster than caudal
During the canalicular stage
The lumina of the bronchi and terminal bronchioles become
The lung tissue becomes highly vascular.
By 24 weeks
Each terminal bronchiole has given rise to two or more
respiratory bronchioles
Each of which then divides into three to six passages —
primordial alveolar ducts.
Respiration is possible at the end of the canalicular stage
This is because some thin-walled terminal sacs
(primordial alveoli) have developed at the ends of the
respiratory bronchioles and The lung tissue is well
Although a fetus born toward the end of this period may
survive if given intensive care (but usually die because of
the immaturity of respiratory as well as other systems)
Terminal Sac Stage(26 Weeks to Birth)
During this period
Many more terminal
sacs(saccules) develop
Their epithelium becomes very
Capillaries begin to bulge into
these sacs (developing alveoli).
The intimate contact between
epithelial and endothelial cells
The blood– air barrier,
This permits adequate gas
exchange for survival of the
fetus if it is born prematurely
By 26 weeks
The terminal sacs are lined mainly by squamous
epithelial cells of endodermal origin— type I
pneumocytes—across which gas exchange occurs.
The capillary network proliferates rapidly in the
mesenchyme around the developing alveoli,
There is concurrent active development of lymphatic
Scattered among the squamous epithelial cells are
Rounded secretory epithelial cells— type II
These secrete pulmonary surfactant, a complex
mixture of phospholipids and proteins.
Surfactant forms as a monomolecular film over the
internal walls of the alveolar sacs and counteracts surface
tension forces at the air-alveolar interface.
This facilitates expansion of the sacs by preventing
atelectasis (collapse of sacs during exhalation).
The maturation of type II pneumocytes and surfactant
production varies widely in fetuses of different
gestational ages.
The production of surfactant increases during the
terminal stages of pregnancy , particularly during the
last 2 weeks.
Surfactant production begins at 20 to 22 weeks
But it is present in only small amounts in premature
It does not reach adequate levels until the late fetal
By 26 to 28 weeks after fertilization, the fetus usually
Weighs approximately 1000 g
Sufficient alveolar sacs and surfactant are present
to permit survival of a prematurely born infant.
Before this, the lungs are usually incapable of providing
adequate gas exchange, partly because the alveolar
surface area is insufficient and the vascularity
Adequate pulmonary vasculature and sufficient
surfactant are critical to the survival and
neurodevelopmental outcome of premature infants.
Fetuses born prematurely at 24 to 26 weeks after
fertilization may survive if given intensive care
However, they may suffer from respiratory distress
because of surfactant deficiency.
Survival of these infants has improved with the use of
antenatal corticosteroids, which induces surfactant
production, and also with postnatal surfactant
replacement therapy.
• Alveolar Stage (32 Weeks to 8 Years)
At the beginning of the alveolar stage, each respiratory
bronchiole terminates in a cluster of thin-walled
alveolar sacs, separated from one another by loose
connective tissue.
These sacs represent future alveolar ducts
Sacs analogous to alveoli are present at 32 weeks.
The epithelial lining of the terminal sacs attenuates to a
thin squamous epithelial layer.
The type I pneumocytes become so thin that the
adjacent capillaries bulge into the alveolar sacs
By the late fetal period, the lungs are
Capable of respiration.
The reason behind this is because the alveolo-
capillary membrane (pulmonary diffusion barrier or
respiratory membrane) is sufficiently thin to allow
gas exchange.
Although the lungs do not begin to perform this vital
function until birth
At this stage they are well developed
Capable of functioning as soon as the baby is born
• The transition from dependence on the placenta for gas
exchange to autonomous gas exchange requires the
following adaptive changes in the lungs:
Production of surfactant in the alveolar sacs
Transformation of the lungs from secretory into
gas exchanging organs
Establishment of parallel pulmonary and
systemic circulations
Approximately 95% of mature alveoli develop
Before birth, the primordial alveoli appear as small
bulges on the walls of respiratory bronchioles and
alveolar sacs.
After birth
The primordial alveoli enlarge as the lungs expand,
But the greatest increase in the size of the lungs
results from an increase in the number of respiratory
bronchioles and primordial alveoli rather than from
an increase in the size of the alveoli.
Alveolar development is largely completed by 3 years
of age, but new alveoli are added until approximately
8 years of age
Unlike mature alveoli, immature alveoli have the
potential for forming additional primordial alveoli.
As these alveoli increase in size, they become mature
The major mechanism for increasing the number of
alveoli is the formation of secondary connective tissue
septa that subdivide existing primordial alveoli.
Approximately 150 million primordial alveoli, one half
of the adult number, are present in the lungs of a full-term
On chest radiographs, therefore, the lungs of neonates
are denser than adult lungs.
Between the third and eighth years, the adult complement
of 300 million alveoli is achieved.
Molecular studies
Molecular studies indicate that lung development is
controlled by a cascade of signaling pathways that are
regulated by the temporal and sequential expression of
highly conserved genes
The commitment and differentiation of endodermal
foregut cells to form respiratory-type epithelial cells are
associated with expression of several transcription factors
• Thyroid transcription factor 1
• Hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF) 3β, and GATA-6
• Zinc-finger family members
• Retinoic acid receptors
• Homeobox (Hox) domain-containing genes
Hox genes specify the anteroposterior axis in the
Fibroblast growth factor 10 and other signals from
splanchnic mesenchyme probably induce the outgrowth
of the respiratory bud.
Branching of this bud (branching morphogenesis) and its
proliferation depend on epithelial (endodermal
foregut)– mesenchymal (mesoderm) interactions.
The Wnt signaling pathway plays an essential role in
the inductive interactions between epithelium and
• Recent studies suggest that Wnt7b signaling from the
epithelium regulates mesenchymal proliferation and
blood vessel formation in the lung.
• The patterning morphogen sonic hedgehog (Shh-Gli)
modulates the expression of fibroblast growth factor
10, which controls the branching of the bronchial buds
• Also, the morphogen retinoic acid regulates Hox a5,
b5, and c4, which are expressed in the developing lung.
Fetal breathing movements (FBMs)
• FBMs which can be detected by real-time
ultrasonography, occur before birth, exerting sufficient
force to cause aspiration of some amniotic fluid into the
• FBMs occur intermittently (approximately 30% of them
during rapid eye movement sleep) and are essential for
normal lung development.
• The pattern of FBMs is widely used in the monitoring of
labor and as a predictor of fetal outcome in a preterm
• By birth, the fetus has had the advantage of several
months of breathing exercise
At birth, the lungs are approximately half-filled with
fluid derived from
The amniotic cavity
Tracheal glands
Aeration of the lungs at birth is not so much the
inflation of empty collapsed organs but rather the rapid
replacement of intra-alveolar fluid by air
The fluid in the lungs is cleared at birth by three routes:
1. Through the mouth and nose by pressure on the fetal
thorax during vaginal delivery
2. Into the pulmonary arteries, veins, and capillaries
3. Into the lymphatics
Tracheoesophageal fistula
Is an abnormal commutations
(fistula) between trachea and
esophagus, which is caused by
improper formation of the
tracheoesophageal septum .
It is generally associated with
esophageal atresia and
The most common type (90%
of all cases) is esophageal
atresia with fistula b/n the
esophagus and the distal one-
third of trachea
Clinical features of tracheoesophagus include
Excessive accumulation of saliva or mucus in the
infant’s nose and mouth
Abdominal distention after crying
Reflex of gastric content the lungs causing pneumonitis
Agenesis of lungs/pulmonary agenesis
Involve the complete absence of lungs ,bronchi and
This condition is caused by failure of bronchial buds to
Unilateral pulmonary agenesis is compatible with life
Lung hypoplasia/pulmonary hypoplasia
Involves a poorly developed bronchial tree
It may be partial (involving a small segment of lung or
total(involving the entire lung)
It can be found in association with
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (i.e herniation of
abdominal contents into thorax compresses the
developing lung)
Bilateral renal agenesis which cause an insufficient
amount of amniotic fluid( oligohydramnios) to be
produced ,which in turn increase pressure on fetal
Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)
Is caused by a deficiency or absence of surfactant
Tracheal stenosis & atresia.
Stenoses and atresias probably result from unequal
partitioning of the foregut into the esophagus and
Accessory lungs

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