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Assignment 1

1a)Features of a personal essay include:

It is based on the personal experiences of the writer.
It is written in first-person narrative

Making poetry pay cold be considered a personal essay because:

it shares the writer’s feelings, personal opinions, and experiences
It talks about life experiences that were the turning point for the writer or resulted in
some major lessons and growth. It is a work of creative nonfiction autobiography
narrated in a way that the reader feels as if he experienced it himself.
It is written in first-person narrative

b) One of the major social issues Hughes draws attention to in his poetry is the
poor working conditions the negroes face on the farm with no decent pay to show
for all the plowing, planting and yielding they have done “Bossman takes the
money and you get none” He sought to honestly portray the joys and hardships of
working-class black lives. he also talks about women domestics, workers on Florida
roads, poor black students and sharecroppers of Mississippi.

c)Hughes expected laughter, applause,a sigh or occasionally an “AMEN!’’ from his

audience. Hughes audience and essay reader are similar in the aspect that both can
hear how his writing has improved and grown and both are enlightened on racial
issues. Yes, I believe Hughes was successful in making poetry pay Although Hughes
had trouble with both black and white critics, he was the first black American to
earn his living solely from his writing and public lectures. Part of the reason he
was able to do this was the phenomenal acceptance and love he received from
average black people.

2)The three words Hughes used that marked a change in time were in the eighth paragraph:
transition words are used to link words, phrases or sentences.
I use transition words to help the reader to progress from one idea (expressed by
the author) to the next idea. Thus, they help to build up coherent relationships
within the text.

3)a. Water is one of the basic necessities for human survival,not only is water
becoming scarce but only 1 percent of this scarce water is safe to drink. Although
water is a free resource it’s difficult to get. The essay ‘’Blue Gold’’ highlights the
fact that today, we face the problem of not only poorer countries not being able to
attain water, but now large cooperation are trying to privatize our drinking water.-
which is wrong. Water should be an available resource to everybody.

b) Is Canada being selfish with its Blue Gold- Yes and No- Countries with more
than half of Canada’s population are in dire need of water and Canada seems to
have more than enough, but if they do give in to the demands of other countries
they may run out of water for themselves. If Canada begins to make a profit from
their water poor countries will be unable to buy the water anyway. Countries that
need the water the most might not be able to afford it ‘‘ Privateers will deliver the
water to whoever will pay the most…’’

c)Citezenary vigilance is important to the issue of water trade because water is

not only a scarce resource but it is a valuable one. If water is not managed
properly it will run out, in Blue gold, it is stated that ‘‘worldwide, the consumption
of water is doubling every 20 years’’.Water is an everyday basic necessity and
the trade should be taken seriously. There is no assurance that if this valuable
resource is traded it will get to the countries that need it the most.

6. a. According to Kingwell our bonds of belonging are now

connected to Corporations and firms. They have seized humans
private selves and public spaces.No I don’t believe our bonds of
belonging are connected to corporations and firms.

b. I don’t think we have the power to resist these bonds because these
corporations and firms that our “bonds of belonging’’ are connected to
are growing more powerfull every year and they are everywhere. I
don’t want to resist these bonds beacuse it will take more wil to
oppose than to accept. These bonds are evident from the food we
consume,to the entertainment,to our beliefs and so much more.So it is
almost impossible to resist except you become an uncontacted

c.It is troubling that most of these big corporations have more power
than the government, and if they are not properly restricted by the
government they might soon be above the law. These corporations do
bring lots of benefits to any country they reside in but anyting that has
an advantage also has a disadvantage. For example these
corporations and firms expoit labour- people work below minimum
wage, in inhumane conditions and are sometimes not given proper
saftey gear, all of this happens because these corporations and firms
desire to lower production cost so they can deliver cheap goods to the

d. Sky people according to Kingwell are basically nomadas. People

whose work or lifestyles require them to move from one city to another
or one country to another frequently. Sky people do not have a fixed

1.After the Ghost disappears, Horatio explains how King Hamlet (Prince
Hamlet's father) had murdered King Fortinbras of Norway in combat and
reclaimed land for Denmark ‘Did slay this Fortinbras, who by a sealed
compact Well ratified by law and heraldry,Did forfeit, with his life, all those
his lands Which he stood seized of to the conqueror,’.
He adds that young Fortinbras "Of unimproved mettle hot and full" is
gathering an army to posses back the land that King Hamlet had taken.
King Claudius addresses the threat from Prince Fortinbras, and he reveals
that Fortinbras is seeking his revenge on Denmark without the knowledge
of the sitting king of Norway, Fortinbras' uncle:
Norway, uncle of young Fortinbras,
Who, impotent and bed-rid, scarcely hears
Of this his nephew's purpose.
Claudius decides to send Cornelius and Voltimand with a letter to the king
of Norway, requesting he restrain his hot-blooded young nephew.

2. Gertrude marries Claudius, the brother of her late spouse. To say

Hamlet is dissatisfied would be an understatement. The immoral
behaviors of Hamlet's mother and uncle irritate him greatly. His
mother's quick marriage to her brother-in-law offends him greatly. In
his soliloquy in Act I Scene 2, he expresses his scorn for this
union.Overthinking is a feature of Hamlet's character that suggests a
tragic weakness, as it leads to procrastination, which finally leads to
his demise.

1. The news from Norway concerning Fortinbras was delivered by the

two ambassadors to Norway(Voltemand and Cornelius). They tell
Cladius that Fortinbras planned attack against Denmark has been
disclosed to the King of Norway and the old king rebukes his nephew
from attacking Denmark. The ailing king request that Fortinbras has
a safe passageway to Poland as Fortinbras will be attacking the poles
instead. The story of Hamlet and Fortinbras differ because Fortinbras
wastes no time in making up a plan to avenge his father’s death he
acts with great conviction but Hamlet, on the other hand, struggles
with the decision of avenging the death of his father or not. While
Fortinbras father was killed by an enemy during war Hamlet’s father
was killed by his own blood (his brother).

2. Polonius’s attempt to have a conversation with the mad Hamlet was

to no avail as he indirectly makes remarks concerning Polonius’ old
age and pomposity ‘‘old men have grey beards...and that they have a
plentiful lack of wit, together with most weak hams’’. The purpose of
Hamlet’s madness is to distract Claudius from what is actually going
on so he doesn’t get suspicious of him it is a hoax to avenge the death
of his father.


4. Because the king's soul will go to heaven, Hamlet resolves not to

kill him during prayer. It will not be a fitting act of vengeance if his
father's killer goes to heaven. ‘‘He took my father grossly,full of
bread,with all his crimes broad blown,as flush as May. And now his
audit stands,who knows save heaven” Hamlet wishes Claudius to
spend eternity in torment for his faults. Hamlet may have decided not
to kill the king because he was unwilling to confess he was not ready.
Hamlet's philosophical behavior is highlighted in this moment, which
leads to his incapacity to make significant decisions. The irony of this
situation is that Claudius is well aware that his prayers would not
reach heaven because they are not sincere

6. The two events that characterize Hamlets tragic flaw is his

indecisiveness to kill Claudius during prayer because of his
philosophical belief that his soul will go to heaven.Hamlet's hasty,
violent act of stabbing Polonius exemplifies his failure to synchronize
his thoughts and actions, which could be termed his tragic defect.
Even when the opportunity to revenge his father's death by killing
Claudius presents itself, Hamlet is too preoccupied with moral
considerations and doubts in his passive, reflective mood. When he
does act, he does so blindly, stabbing his "adversary" through a
curtain. It's as though Hamlet is so skeptical of the ability to behave
logically that he believes his vengeance will happen by chance rather
than on purpose.This reveals that hamlet does have more than one
tragic flaw.


1. The Queens betrayal of her son, exposing him to the king after
promising to help him, is the focus of Act IV's first scene. While
she keeps her commitment not to reveal that Hamlet was
simply acting insane, the fact that she tells Claudius about
Hamlet's conduct and his murder of Polonius in such a direct
and forthright manner suggests that she sees herself as aligned
to the king rather than her son. It's impossible to tell whether
Gertrude truly believes Hamlet is insane or has just realized
that allying herself with Claudius is in her best interests,
regardless of what she believes, from this moment, and it's
primarily a matter of one's personal interpretation of the
2. Hamlet's major foil is Laertes. Shakespeare included Laertes in
the play so that Hamlet would have someone to fight at the
play's conclusion. Both Hamlet and Laertes seek vengeance for
the deaths of their fathers. Laertes, on the other hand, seeks
vengeance on Hamlet. Hamlet accidentally killed Polonius while
in his mother's room, mistaking him for the king. Laertes' sister
Ophelia was a favorite of Hamlet and Laertes. When Laertes
discovered out, he was furious and determined to murder
Hamlet. Laertes held Hamlet responsible for the death of his
sister death. To see Laertes as a foil for Hamlet, you must first
look at the parallels between the two characters. Both Hamlet
and Laertes are men. Both of their fathers have passed away.
Hamlet was the murderer who killed Laertes' father. One
significant distinction between Laertes and Hamlet is that
Laertes did not waste time in his quest for vengeance. One of
the distinctions between Laertes and Hamlet is that Laertes
expresses his grief and anger at his father's death. When
Hamlet's father died, he shied away from everyone and was
labeled insane.


3.Hamlet's comrades and close advisors were Rosencrantz and

Guildenstern. They were killed by Hamlet after a note sent by Claudius to
the King of England was discovered, ordering Hamlet's execution once he
arrived in his realms. On the letter, Hamlet crossed out his name and
replaced it with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.The major reason that holds
justification is friendship treason. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, in
Hamlet's perspective, have committed treason against his heart. To make
matters worse, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern betrayed Hamlet in favour of
Claudius, Hamlet's arch-enemy. The only retribution for this personal
attack and double cross is death once Hamlet discovers the treason.When
he tells Horatio about his action he speaks with so much pride. He later
expresses his lack of sympathy for Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to

1.Ophelia did not try suicide because she was in a bad mood following her
father's death, and Hamlet's acts against her made it worse, and the action
that led to her death, drowning after falling from a broken branch of the
tree, was not her own and hence not considered suicide.
Ophelia's death was significant to the plot because it was the catalyst for
several events in the book, including Laertes challenging Hamlet to a duet,
Laertes attempting to kill Hamlet with a poisonous sword involving
Claudius, and finally the battle between Hamlet and Laertes, which resulted
in their deaths.
Chapter 1-6

2. Although Baba sees his son Amir as his polar opposite they are alike in
some ways .Amir and Baba are similar in the way they view their
relationships with their servants. During Baba’s childhood, Ali is taken in
by Amir's grandfather, and Ali and Baba grow up together. Baba, on the
other hand, never refers to Ali as a friend. Amir claims he never thought of
Hassan as a buddy as a child because of their ethnic and religious
differences. Amir's actions during the unfortunate incident in the alley with
Assef revealed how cowardly he was. Amir spent his entire life living with
the guilt of knowing Hassan was raped without him interfering, much like
Baba spent his entire life living with the guilt of stealing Ali's truth by
committing adultery. Baba hid the truth, to safeguard the family name,
even if it meant betraying his closest friend- which he and Amir did.

5.The novel's important events are set in the context of Amir's life, but they
also track Afghanistan's transformations. We see the placid state of Kabul
during the monarchy, the formation of the republic, and then watch as the
Soviet invasion and feuds between competing Afghan groups destroy the
country in Amir's childhood memories. These events play an important role
in the plot of the novel and have a big impact on the lives of the characters
involved. Because Assef's father knows the new president, the founding of
the republic provides an opportunity for Assef to harass Amir. Baba and
Amir are forced to move to California after Kabul is destroyed. When the
Taliban take over, Hassan is murdered, and Assef is given a position that
allows him to indulge in his sadism and sexual desires without fear of
repercussions.Both of these incidents play a role in Amir's effort to save
Sohrab and his atonement through confrontation with Assef.

Chapter 7-10
11. The pomegranate tree is a reoccurring symbol in The Kite Runner,
reinforcing the importance of friendship.When Amir and Hassan were
younger, the pomegranate tree was a special place where they read books
and played. The pomegranate tree that Amir and Hassan visited was a
favorite spot for them because it symbolized their friendship. Hassan and
Amir's friendship deteriorated after Hassan was raped and Amir witnessed
the terrible sight. Amir returns to the hill near his house in Afghanistan as
an adult decades later. When Amir visits the pomegranate tree he states
”The droughts have dried the hill and the tree hasn't borne fruit in years”.
The nature of Amirs and Hassans frienship deteriorated and so did the tree.
The unfruitful pomegranate tree now becomes a symbol of the unfortunate
end of their friendship.

9. Hosseini creates Hassan as Amirs best friend, and anytime Hassan

receives Amir's father's adoration(for being more like him), Amir alternates
between acting as a loyal friend and attacking Hassan out of envy. Amir’s
strong desire to please his father is the driving force behind his early
actions, and it is also the reason he permits Hassan to be raped.The novel's
antagonist and Hassan and Sohrab's rapist. Assef is a symbol for everything
that is wrong in Afghanistan. He is a racist who wants to expel Hazaras
from Afghanistan. He has no remorse and enjoys inflicting violence and
sexual abuse on the defenseless.The rape of Hassan by Assef is a vivid and
blatant illustration of people who have social privilege abusing those who
do not.Assef seeks revenge after Haasan threatens to give him one eye with
his slingshot “If you make a move, they'll have to change your nickname
from Assef the Ear Eater' to One Eyed Assef,’’. Amirs inability to save his
friend from sexual assult reveals cowardice is his great weakness.

Chapter 11-13

14. To Amir and Baba, the move to America signifies two distinct things.
Baba feels cut off from the rest of the world in California.Baba has also lost
social status. In Kabul, he was wealthy and respected. In California, he
earns low wages working at a petrol station. These differences leave Baba
perpetually frustrated.Babas life in is used as a stark contrast to his life in
Kabul.Amir, too, feels disconnected from everything he knew in Kabul, but
his disconnection has a different significance for him. He sees it as a chance
for a fresh start, and he sees America as a place where he can literally forget
about his past. Most importantly, it's a place where he won't have to think
about Hassan or the rape incident.

17. Because it illustrates Amir's steady transition from infancy to adulthood,

The Kite Runner is an excellent example of a coming-of-age story. It depicts
his complex personality as he goes through a series of harrowing incidents
and how he deals with them. Most importantly, he learns something very
crucial in the end: he finally accepts who he is. Which is an essential
component of a coming of age story.Amir, the protagonist, grows into a
fully mature and enlightened adult by the end of Kite Runner. Just like any
typical coming of age story told in the form of a flashback Amir narrates the
story of his past. Change is an important theme in coming of age stories.The
change in Amir’s character we see in the novel centers on his growth from a
selfish child to a selfless adult.

Chapters 14-18

21.Sanaubar is described as ''a beautiful but notoriously unscrupulous

woman who lived up to her dishonorable reputation'' after marrying her
cousin, Ali. She is unhappy with her marriage arranged by her father to Ali
and continuously taunts him.''This is a husband?. . . I have seen old
donkeys better suited to be a husband.''.When she gives birth to Hassan she
is disgusted with hias cleft lip and abandons him five days later for a “clan
of travelling dancers and singers’’. Sanaubar is a terrible mother.Sanaubar
returns later shortly after the birth of Sohrab and redeems herself by being
a caring grandmother to him.

23. Baba doesnt tell anyone that Hassan is his son because it was a
shameful situation. “...but the Kabul we lived in those days was a strange
world,one in which some things mattered more than the truth’’ He is more
interested in protecting his reputation in Kabul. According to Rahim Khan's
note, Baba felt guilty about his affluent life because Hassan was unable to
partake in it.Baba was a man split between two halves, notably between
Amir and Hassan, as we discover through a note Rahim Khan writes to
Amir near the end of the novel. Baba has distanced his exterior appearance
from his innermost feelings, so Amir never sees Baba's inner strife. Baba,
for example, appears to create an orphanage as a simple act of kindness.
However, as Rahim Khan says, Baba founded the orphanage to atone for his
guilt about not being able to recognize Hassan as his son. The story of
Rostam and Sohrab is a thematic parallels in the father son theme in kite
runner.Where Rostam and Sohrab are unaware of the fact that they are
father and son.

Chapters 19-22

24. When Amir arrives at Farids brothers home he reveals to them why he
is back in Afghan. He tells them he is back to find a hazara boy- his
illegitimate half brothers son. Farids brother sees him as a hero for this,
Farids brother calls him a true Afghan and says he is proud to have him in
his home.He says this unaware of who Amir was in the past for example he
did not saving his half brother Hassan from being rape, was cruel to Hassan
due to jealousy and framed Hassan for stealing.But has become a better
person so he comes back for Sohrab

26. Throughout Amir's voyage, Hosseini creates suspense by depicting the

horrors of Taliban terror: demolished neighborhoods, orphaned children,
murders in the soccer stadium by the taliban, and, finally, an unexpected
meeting with Assef.The city has become a post-apocalyptic horror, littered
with wreckage and filled with beggars. This imagery exemplifies
Afghanistan's desperate situation. There are few indications of life left, as
evidenced by the fact that no trees have survived, leaving the environment
strangely bleak.As the suspense reaches a climax Amir learns that the
Taliban official from whom he must save Sohrab is the same person who
raped Hassan all those years ago.
Chapters 23-25

30. Later, while beating Amir, Assef splits Amir's lip, leaving Amir with a
permanent scar similar to Hassan's. Amir's identity is blended with
Hassan's in some ways. He learns to defend people he loves , like Hassan
did for him, and he takes on the role of a father figure for Sohrab like
Hassan. It also acts as a sign of Amir's redemption. This scar is also
significant for sacrifice and compares him to Baba.When he and Amir flee
Kabul, he is willing to give his life to prevent the Russian guard from raping
the woman with them, setting an example for Amir to follow when he must
choose between protecting himself and doing what he thinks is right.

34. In a variety of ways, Amir and Sohrab save each other. Sohrab's life is
actually saved by Amir, who rescues him from a war-torn Afghanistan.
Sohrab saves Amir by allowing him to atone for his previous misdeeds and
have a child for the first time. During the kite flying there seems to be
newfound hope in Amir and Sohrab’s relationship although Sorahb doesn’t
talk he smiles. Sorahb acts as an extension to Hassan and through saving
his son Amir is able to atone for his past sins. Both characters benefit from
the partnership in the end.

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