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Engineering Procedure

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Engineering Procedure
EPD 0011


Version 2.1

Issued June 2012

Owner: Manager, Engineering Standards and Configuration

Approved Jagath Peiris Authorised Natalie Richardson

by: Manager by: A/General Manager
Engineering Standards and Chief Engineers

This document was prepared for use on the RailCorp Network only.
RailCorp makes no warranties, express or implied, that compliance with the contents of this document shall be
sufficient to ensure safe systems or work or operation. It is the document user’s sole responsibility to ensure that the
copy of the document it is viewing is the current version of the document as in use by RailCorp.
RailCorp accepts no liability whatsoever in relation to the use of this document by any party, and RailCorp excludes
any liability which arises in any manner by the use of this document.
The information in this document is protected by Copyright and no part of this document may be reproduced, altered,
stored or transmitted by any person without the prior consent of RailCorp.


RailCorp Engineering Procedure — Common
Design Verification EPD 0011

Document control
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Version Date Summary of change
1.0 — First issue
Section numbering updated, Reference corrections and
1.1 —
Document Control Page added.
1.2 — Replace reference from RIC to RailCorp
1.3 August 2005 Standardising Format
3 yearly review – General editing
authorised engineer replaced with authorised person and
2.0 May2009 design engineer with designer
replace ‘qualifications’ with ‘competencies’.
Responsibilities of design team leaders, supervising
engineers and professional services providers added.
2.1 June 2012 See Table below

Summary of changes from previous version

Summary of change Section
General editing; updating of references General
Reference to TMA 421 replaced EPD 0001 for glossary.
Terms and definitions added. Changes to terms:
– “Chief Engineer” was “discipline head”
– under validation: “client” was “customer”
Engineering authority added 5.1
AS/NZS ISO 9001 added
“design brief or requirements specification” was “user specification”
Design inputs (green) expanded; General editing Fig 1
“General” Section added and text changed 5.3.1
TMA 413 added 5.3.2
Version 2.1
Design checking - text changed – “review” changed to “check”;
“includes”, “to ensure” added; 5.3.3
“approved” added (paragraph 4)
“the same” was “similar”.
Deleted: “Checks shall include … or safety related systems”
(covered by “the same”)
“Chief Engineer” was “discipline head”
“Chief Engineer” was “discipline head” 6.1
Heading was “Design team leaders and supervising engineers”.
Text added on engineering authority, stages. 6.2
“design personnel” previously “designers (including contract staff)”
“Alliances” added. Reference to TIDC removed 6.3

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Issued June 2012 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Version 2.1
RailCorp Engineering Procedure — Common
Design Verification EPD 0011

1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................4
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2 Scope........................................................................................................................................4
3 Referenced documents ..........................................................................................................4
4 Terms and definitions.............................................................................................................4
5 Requirements ..........................................................................................................................6
5.1 Engineering authority ................................................................................................................6
5.2 Design verification and validation processes ............................................................................6
5.3 Verification methods..................................................................................................................8
5.3.1 General.......................................................................................................8
5.3.2 Technical reviews.......................................................................................8
5.3.3 Design checking .........................................................................................8
5.3.4 Independent design checks .......................................................................9
5.3.5 Development tests, simulation and modelling............................................9
5.3.6 Use of verification records for design validation ........................................9
6 Responsibilities.......................................................................................................................9
6.1 Chief Engineers.........................................................................................................................9
6.2 Design approvers ....................................................................................................................10
6.3 Professional service providers ................................................................................................10
Appendix A Sample — Design verification and approval checklist ......................................11

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RailCorp Engineering Procedure — Common
Design Verification EPD 0011

1 Introduction
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Verification of design work represents an essential step in ensuring that all design tasks
are completed in accordance with the requirements of the specification or the design
brief, are carried out in accordance with appropriate standards and methods, and take
account of all statutory requirements applicable to the task.

Verification of design work leads to design approval of that element of the design, as
defined in EPD 0010.

2 Scope
This procedure sets out requirements for verification of designs carried out for RailCorp
either by internal RailCorp design groups or by external service providers.

3 Reference documents
EGA 601 Glossary for Design Management Framework
EPA 241 Engineering Authority for Design
Standards Australia
AS/NZS ISO 9001 Quality management systems – Requirements
HB 90.3 The Construction Industry – Guide to ISO 9001:2000

4 Terms and definitions

Terms used in this procedure are in accordance with the glossary in TMA 421. Terms
from TMA 421 that are used within this procedure are reproduced below.

approval see design approval

approved configuration the approved design plus all approved changes to the design
of any system, sub-system or item of rail infrastructure

Chief Engineer person recognised as having responsibility for assuring technical

integrity of a particular class of assets (e.g. Chief Engineer Track being responsible for
assuring technical integrity of track infrastructure) (previously “discipline head”)

client person that has a business need, and will use the project’s product, service or
Note: The client is responsible and accountable for realising and delivering the benefits
and is usually also the beneficiary of the benefits. The client may also be the sponsor.

competence the possession of defined skills and knowledge, and the application of
them to the standards required to safely and efficiently perform work

configuration interrelated functional and physical characteristics of a product defined in

product configuration information

constraints restrictions that will affect the scope of the project or the sequence of project

design (noun) the product of the process of designing that describes the solution
(conceptual, preliminary or detailed) of the system, system elements or system end items

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Design Verification EPD 0011

design approval process whereby an authorised person certifies that design outputs
have been verified as meeting design input specifications and requirements and that the
design has been completed in accordance with relevant regulations and standards, prior
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to the release of the design for construction or use

design brief a document (or documents) that describes the required product in sufficient
detail to permit the design task to proceed

design (configuration) change any change that affects the physical or functional
characteristics of the infrastructure including operating limitations and conditions of use,
hardware and software, including programmable electronic systems.

design personnel those involved in the design process making decisions affecting the
design and includes designers, checkers, verifiers and acceptors of designs, and others
that provide information and recommendations on which designs are based

design record provides traceability of the evolution of the approved design (including
design changes) from the specification to approved configuration documentation

design stage in the engineering design framework, normally concept design, preliminary
design and detailed design

design validation see validation

design verification see verification

drawings include but are not limited to, track, signalling and overhead wiring plans and
layouts, piping layouts and isometrics, civil and structural fabrication details, electrical
schematics, single line diagrams and terminations, instrument loop and hook-up
diagrams and vendor drawings

engineering authority the authority to make and approve engineering decisions

ensure to take all reasonable action insofar as controllable factors will allow

environmental design criteria the range of operating conditions related to either the
natural or built environment under which the item or system is designed to operate

hazard a condition that is a potential source of harm

interface common boundary or point of connection between two or more items or


may indicates the existence of an option

product configuration information requirements for product design, realisation,

verification, operation and support

project design manager person who manages and oversees the allocation of design
and investigation projects to deliver engineering solutions for projects and programs

reliability the probability that a specified item will perform a specified function within a
defined environment, for a specified length of time

risk effect of uncertainty on objectives

risk analysis process to understand the nature of and to deduce the level of risk

safety the safety of people, including passengers, rail safety workers, other users of
railways, users of rail or road crossings and the general public

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Design Verification EPD 0011

shall indicates that a statement is mandatory

should indicates a recommendation

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specification a document that fully describes a design element or its interfaces in terms
of requirements (functional, performance, constraints, and design characteristics) and
the qualification (validation) conditions and procedures for each requirement

sponsor person accountable for the initiative, ensuring that all objectives are met and
benefits are able to be realised as defined in the sponsor’s brief and business case.
Note: The sponsor drives the outcome of the project, rather than managing the project
and may not necessarily be the beneficiary of the benefits (unless they are also the

technical review review of proposed concepts and key design assumptions against
specified requirements at each design stage

validation (design) the process of ensuring that the final product conforms to defined
client needs and requirements

verification (design) the process carried out to ensure that the output of a design stage
(or stages) meets the design stage input requirements

5 Requirements

5.1 Engineering authority

Design personnel carrying out design verification shall have the appropriate competences
and if external to RailCorp, shall have been delegated engineering authority to do the role
of design verifier. Refer EPA 241 for further information.

5.2 Design verification and validation processes

RailCorp has adopted the descriptions used in AS/NZS ISO 9001 and HB 90.3 to define
design verification and validation as it applies in RailCorp. The essential difference
between the two processes is that:

design verification is the part of the process whereby design outputs (including
staged outputs where applicable) are progressively checked to confirm that they meet
the design input requirements.

design validation represents the final stage in the process of ensuring that new
designs, systems and equipment are fit for the intended purpose, before release of the
item or system for use. In most disciplines this is finalised during the commissioning

Some checks and tests that are likely to be carried out as part of the verification process
may also contribute to validation of the final design. However, this is dependent to a large
extent on the actual configuration of the design at the time the verification check was
performed. Only the results of tests or checks that are carried out on documentation or
equipment that is representative of the final design are acceptable evidence for validation
purposes. Section 5.3.6 and EPD 0012 provide additional information on this aspect.

Both processes also serve as risk reduction measures during the design process. They
provide a means of progressively checking that the proposed design solution is
consistent with design inputs and is likely to meet the requirements of the design brief or
requirements specification.

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RailCorp Engineering Procedure — Common
Design Verification EPD 0011

Figure 1 provides a schematic representation of the verification and validation processes.

It shows the relationship between the processes and typical design stages for a major
design project or task. The requirements in Section 5.3 establish criteria under which the
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processes may be simplified for minor projects.

The process model in Figure 1 also shows design approval points. EPD 0010 sets out
specific requirements for approval of design tasks.

Figure 1 Design Verification and Validation Process Model

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RailCorp Engineering Procedure — Common
Design Verification EPD 0011

5.3 Verification methods

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5.3.1 General
Methods that may be used as part of the process of verifying design output include those
described in the following Sections. The methods used for design verification of the
various elements of a design would determine whether the design output fulfils the
requirements in the design stage input, for example, confirming that each of the
requirements in the Systems Requirement Specification have been or are in the process
of being fulfilled in the design.

5.3.2 Technical reviews

Technical reviews provide the means of assessing progress toward achievement of
operating, engineering and support objectives, progressively throughout the life of a
design project. Each review provides the means to assess aspects appropriate to a
specific stage of the task. This in turn provides opportunities to identify and to correct
deviations from the specified requirement and to highlight potential problems and risks in
meeting project objectives.

Technical reviews serve as a top-level review of the design approach and progress and
do not normally involve detailed consideration of calculations and other data in support of
design decisions for individual elements of the design. However, they are particularly
useful in providing the means to review key assumptions, integration, interface and
system design issues (such as compliance of all elements with environmental design
criteria). In addition they provide the means to review the contribution of individual design
elements to overall performance requirements, such as system reliability and safety.

Technical reviews do not replace the requirement for detailed checking and approval of
design data. The starting assumption for each review is that the detailed checking has, or
will, take place and that detailed design information will be subject to design verification
and approval processes detailed in this procedure and in EPD 0010.

EPD 0013 and TMA 413 provide more detailed information about technical reviews.

5.3.3 Design checking

Design checking includes the systematic check of design assumptions, calculations,
methodology and use of standards to ensure compliance with mandatory requirements as
part of the design process by a person who holds the necessary competencies to check
design work for the discipline concerned and has not been directly responsible for
producing the design.

Design checks shall be carried out progressively for major projects. Formal checks will be
aligned with identified design stages for the specific contract involved and shall be
completed before release of drawings, specifications and reports for each stage. For
example, a formal design check will be required before release of drawings and other
documentation for the concept design and again at the preliminary design stage. These
checks should be completed in preparation for formal review of the design through
technical review or other means.

Design checks shall, as a minimum, cover the aspects included in the verification
checklist at Appendix A. This checklist or similar shall be used by all disciplines, and has
been designed for use in conjunction with checklists employed by individual disciplines
covering specific criteria that are relevant for that discipline. The checklist may be used
for either final verification or stage verification, as appropriate.

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Design Verification EPD 0011

A final design check shall be carried out prior to approval and release of design
documents “approved-for-construction”. For minor projects this may be the only formal
check carried out, other than those checks which may be necessary as part of the normal
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supervision process. The sample verification checklist in Appendix A is intended to
provide a suitable basis for authorised persons to determine whether the design is of a
suitable standard for approval.

5.3.4 Independent design checks

Independent design checks are the same in scope and purpose to design checks except
that they are performed by suitably qualified and authorised persons who have had no
involvement in developing the design. Thus, the designer or supervisor of a team
responsible for developing a design cannot perform an independent design check, but a
competent and authorised person from another team may do so.

Independent checks shall be carried out for all critical or safety related systems and
elements of the design, including primary structure, interfaces and software but may be
employed for any element of the design designated by the Chief Engineer.

5.3.5 Development tests, simulation and modelling

The results of development tests, simulation or modelling may be used as a means of
verifying aspects of the design provided that the test, simulation or model is
representative of the specified design basis.

Where this approach is adopted the scope of the test and, where used, details of the
models and simulation programs, shall be fully documented. Results shall be
documented and included as part of the design record.

5.3.6 Use of verification records for design validation

Under some circumstances tests, checks or other action carried out as part of the design
verification process may be admissible for validation purposes.

This will be appropriate where:

• the test or check is carried out on documentation, hardware or software that is

representative of the intended final design configuration,


• the test or check covers the full scope of action that would be necessary for
validation purposes (refer EPD 0012),


• documentation requirements for validation checks are observed (refer EPD 0012).

6 Responsibilities

6.1 Chief Engineers

Chief Engineers shall ensure that design verification is carried out for designs undertaken
in their respective discipline areas and requirements for design verification are reflected
in their discipline specific design procedures. They are also responsible for allocation of
Engineering Authority to appropriately qualified and experienced external designers

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Design Verification EPD 0011

seeking to undertake a design verification role for designs developed by professional

services providers for RailCorp.
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6.2 Design approvers
Design approvers shall ensure that design stage outputs are verified:

• by persons with the appropriate engineering authority for design verification;

• at the stages defined by specifications or discipline procedures and prior to the

release of design documentation “approved for construction”, in accordance with
the requirements of this procedure;

• with a design verification and approval checklist (sample in Appendix A) completed

and certified by an authorised person for each task as prescribed in the respective
discipline design procedure.

6.3 Professional service providers

Professional services providers providing design services either through direct
engagement by RailCorp or through Alliances or other organisations that deliver projects
for RailCorp shall nominate appropriately qualified and experienced designers to
undertake the design verification role. They shall only undertake design verification tasks
following the allocation of engineering authority for the project.

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RailCorp Engineering Procedure — Common
Design Verification EPD 0011

Appendix A Sample — Design verification and approval checklist

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RailCorp Design Verification and Approval Checklist
This checklist is to be completed and certified by engineers responsible verifying and for approving design tasks.
A separate checklist is to be completed for design elements within the responsibility of each discipline.

Project Identification
Project No. or Project Progressive
Identification Name: Final
1 Design Design stage
Client : discipline ………………………….
Verification Checklist
Detailed design requirements in Attach copy of
accordance with discipline YES NO YES NO completed
checklist discipline checklist
Key design assumptions and
standards appropriate for
specification requirement and MANDATORY YES NO
intended use
Independent design checks YES NO
completed and report available Mandatory for YES NO
critical systems
Hazard and risk analysis
completed and results available MANDATORY YES NO
Interface requirements verified Track YES NO
Signals YES NO
NOTE: Boxes are to be Civil YES NO
completed for ALL applicable
Comms. YES NO
Power YES NO
Drainage YES NO
Operating YES NO
Safeworking YES NO
Software YES NO
Survey YES NO
Services YES NO
Other YES NO
Statutory approvals and licences
Design documentation for stage
completed and ready for release
Test requirements defined and
test plans available
Maintenance requirements
reviewed and updated

Training requirements updated YES NO YES NO

Spares requirements re-assessed YES NO YES NO

Operating and maintenance
manuals updated

Certification and Design Approval

I certify that all required actions have Signature Printed Name Date
been completed or are planned and
that the design is ready for release
to construction and/or use.

Client – person that has a business need, and will use the project’s product, service or result

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