FEA Report 4

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Finite Element Analysis Lab


Submitted by Arqam Ahmad

Class / Section ME 12 C
CMS ID 334444
Submitted to LE Ibrahim Khan

School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering


The document demonstrates the FEA analysis on a particular

truss problem and use of common sections to make the truss
as stable as possible (eliminating red zones) and improving
factor of safety.


Introduction to FEA
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a powerful numerical technique that has revolutionized the field of
engineering and computational science. It serves as a virtual laboratory, enabling engineers and
researchers to simulate and analyze complex physical phenomena across various disciplines, from
structural mechanics and heat transfer to fluid dynamics and electromagnetics. FEA breaks down intricate
real-world systems into smaller, manageable elements, allowing for the accurate prediction of how these
systems will behave under different conditions. As a cornerstone of modern engineering design and
analysis, FEA empowers professionals to optimize structures, products, and processes, ultimately leading
to safer, more efficient, and cost-effective solutions in an ever-evolving technological landscape. In this
exploration of Finite Element Analysis, we delve into its principles, applications, and the profound impact
it has had on the way we conceive, design, and innovate in the world of engineering.

Introduction to Roof Truss

A roof truss is a structural framework designed to support the weight of a roof. It plays a crucial role in the
construction of buildings, providing stability, strength, and durability to the roof structure. Roof trusses
are commonly used in residential, commercial, and industrial construction, and they come in various
shapes and designs to suit the specific requirements of a building. There are other types of trusses like
bridge truss (forming structural framework in bridges, supporting vehicular or pedestrian traffic), tower
truss (construction of transmission towers, radio and TV towers), aerospace truss, industrial trusses etc.
The way engineers study and model complex structures has recently undergone a revolution thanks to
cutting-edge computational tools like COMSOL Multiphysics. Engineers may conduct thorough
investigations into the behavior of trusses using COMSOL's finite element analysis (FEA) capabilities, which
enable them to forecast stress distributions, axial forces, and deflections under various loading situations.
In this study, truss analysis using COMSOL is explored, with a particular emphasis on in-plane and space
trusses in the context of straightforward geometric structures with circular cross-sections. The main goal
is to investigate and comprehend how trusses behave in two dimensions, with a focus on the stresses
created, axial forces produced, and deflections seen within the truss geometry.


The dimensions of the geometry were provided in the figure of the problem. The bottom-left node was
pinned, and the bottom-right was given a roller support. Furthermore, point loads were applied
accordingly. For this particular problem, the material was Structural Steel. Here is the figure of our

For thickness and area, built-in properties were used, and Finer mesh was used for analysis.

Default Area of members is set to be 0.01 𝑚2.

Results and Discussion

Firstly, the results for Von-Mises stress distribution is shown below:

Now, our task was to change the load member sections and thickness to make the truss as stable as
possible (eliminating red zones) and improving factor of safety. For this, three iterations were performed,
and results were taken.

Cross-section Type Dimensions Maximum Stress 𝑵/𝒎𝟐 Minimum Stress 𝑵/𝒎𝟐

Default Area = 0.01 m2 2.8E5 2.12E-11
Manual Area = 0.02 m2 1.75E5 2.12E-11
Square 0.1 x 0.1 2.8E5 2.12E-11
Circle ∅ 0.1 𝑚 3.56E5 2.12E-11

Pipe ∅𝑖𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑟 = 0.05 𝑚 4.75E5 2.12E-11

∅𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑟 = 0.1 𝑚

Default Section (Area = 0.01 m²): The default section has a relatively high maximum stress. This indicates
that the member is under significant loading, potentially reaching or exceeding its yield strength.

Square Section (0.1 x 0.1): The square section doesn't seem to provide a significant improvement in terms
of maximum stress compared to the default section.

Manual Section (Area = 0.02 m²): Increasing the area has led to a reduction in the maximum stress, which
is a positive outcome. The member can now withstand higher loads before reaching critical stress levels.

Circle Section (∅ 0.1 m): The circular section results in a higher maximum stress compared to both the
default and manual sections. This suggests that, in this case, a circular cross-section might not be the most
effective choice for improving stability.

Pipe Section (∅𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒓 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟓𝒎, ∅𝒐𝒖𝒕𝒆𝒓 = 𝟎. 𝟏𝒎): The pipe section, with an inner and outer diameter,
results in the highest maximum stress among the tested sections. It seems that this particular
configuration may not be the most effective in reducing stress concentrations.

In summary, the manual section with an increased area appears to be the most effective in
reducing the maximum stress, indicating improved stability. However, it's crucial to consider other factors
such as weight, cost, and manufacturability when selecting the final design.


The FEM analysis performed on the space truss undergoing various types of natural and essential
boundary conditions gives us an understanding regarding the displacement of individual vertices and axial
force members. The contour plots were helpful in determining which member has the maximum stress
and by changing the shape of that member, the truss structure was optimized making it more stable and

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