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5/01/24- Production meeting

11.04- Music. We listened to a potential opening music for the play. The song is ‘The visitors’
by ABBA. This song is quite eerie and could set the scene well for the beginning of the play.
On stage could be different coloured lights and projections, potentially of different facts and
stats projected in text boxes on the flats or the back of the stage. Then we could fade out
and begin the play.
We were thinking we could have different projections of text and facts about bullying and
different aspects of the play, and are showed slowly, then speed up and start firing facts on
the projections and the flats. They could then speed up and cut out when the beat drops on
the song. Then Cora could walk on, and the music slowly fades out as the scene begins.

11.12- Lighting. Could use UV lighting in scene 12 when they’re at the monolith to make this
look interesting. Emillie shared photo of monolith. Also having weird lighting and projections
on the flats

11.13- Set and props. Monolith in the middle of the stage with pieces of glass and cracked
mirror to reflect light in an interesting way. Play around with having drapes over the
monolith that we move throughout the play, so by the end the monolith has been fully
revealed. There are blocks that as well can be used for staging. Potentially having black
drapes and painting the mirror black so that cracks of colour are reflected by the glass. Bits
of the mirror potentially coming out to show colour. Lillie has the idea to have a sign to
represent going down to the cave, so it makes sense when Sam says about the sign for when
they go down to the cave. The sign could be hanging off barbed wire and look dodgy.

11.16- Direction. For the scene between Alex and Auden, the first line ends with Auden
saying, “You’re not going to hit me, are you?”. I think that during this line Alex should be
moving closer to Auden as they have their back to Alex, so they realise that Alex is sat right
behind them and then feel threatened. This could also help to show how popular Alex is and
how threatening Alex can seem to more unpopular people like Auden.

11.21- Marketing. Sophie has been looking into doing the poster, a few different concepts of
what she’d like to create with the poster. Concept one is showing the steps to where Sam
and Cora go in the last scene, with the danger of death sign, with Replica written at the top.
Concept two, having the monolith in the centre of the picture, with Sam stood there with his
head down, having a little Sam with a big monolith could be cool and very effective, also
shows the most memorable scene. Concept 3 is similar bit incorporating a mirror, having a
weird version of Sam that he dreamt of in the mirror, or using reflections in some way. The
fuel for the rumours in the play is the dream, so this could represent the play well. Concept 4
has the monolith in the centre, with different lights on both sides, so one side is quite
natural with the sun etc, and the other side is sort of purple clouds and weird looking skies.
Concept 5 is like 3, with the mirror again but not a literal mirror, it’s another image of Sam
that is mirrored. A large Sam facing forward and then a smaller Sam is in the foreground but
facing the other Sam, like the mirrored version of him in the dream.
11.26- Costume. Taylor made mood boards for the character’s costumes. Sam is quite
casually dressed, not ugly but not cool as he is represented as not being popular. Cora
wearing lighter coloured clothes and having sort of bows in her hair and looking a bit nicer.
Alex is wearing cooler clothes, perhaps leather jacket and popular clothes. Cool hair. Auden
could wear sweater vests, grandpa jumpers and shirts with collars, potentially a dungaree
but not q cool or trendy one. Mika could wear grungy looking outfits, with dark makeup and
quite a lot of jewellery. Ash could be wearing some cool hippie clothes that resemble the
contrast between Ash and Mika. Quite old-style cool clothes for Ash. Chris wears quite baggy
clothes, tracksuits maybe. He dresses cool but he’s not a top popular kid. Baggy jeans, puffer
jackets etc. Jude could be very similar to Chris as they want to be like Jude, but perhaps not
as cool. Tucker could also be a bit like this, similar styles but not the same as you need to
represent status.

11.31- Marketing. Ben suggested doing an Instagram takeover quite close to doing the play.
Perhaps doing it on a day of a dress rehearsal so we can show was a show day is like. A few
of us could do different ones to show different perspectives so people can see lots of
different scenes and give a whole look of the play. We could potentially do some interviews
with Steve and Jamie to see their point of view on it. We could all film our rehearsals and
share this too. We could do a week takeover and have 2 people on each day.
We could go into Bodmin or surrounding areas to promote the play more and get more
people to come to it. Bodmin seem to be focusing more on new things so this could be a
good place to start. We could go into schools and do workshops to promote it, particularly as
this play has never been seen before.
We could make a trailer and put it on YouTube and social media to advertise the play.
Potentially get a media student to do this. If someone is filming the trailer we could try and
have costume sorted so whether the play is ready or not, it looks like it for the trailer. Maybe
create a TikTok account and share things on there, would have to check with college media
team. Potentially a replica Instagram account where we all do videos in character sort of
telling the story but not giving anything away. This would also be beneficial for logbooks as
we’d have a track of everything we’ve done from the beginning to the final product. Should
book a meeting with the social media team and talk to them about marketing and the initial
of doing different things.
Targets for next week
Marketing- Arranging a meeting to talk about social media and promotion of the play
regarding the college. Beginning to work on the posters digitally so they’re closer to being
ready to publish.
Props- Getting a list together of the props needed for the play.
Music- Ideas for other songs and try to figure out scenes that they could be used in, also
finding more songs that are apparent to the play and match the tone and themes of the play.
Set- Create a booklet of all ideas so that they’re in one place and easy to see.
Lighting- To have a basic plan of all the lighting for the scenes, to know what colours and
theme that we’re going for.
Costume- Finish off doing the mood boards so that everyone has an idea for their characters
and can begin to look for things.
Assistant director- To have an idea of which scenes are going to be directed by Steve, and
which ones are going to be directed by other people. And to have ideas for these scenes
ready to start working on.

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