Arthur Bennett Gaymon El Termination of of All Corporate Mortuum Stuprum Contracts 1.3.2023

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WHYS Jamade +- Tan LL Allodium Moorish Praedium Argen’tum Aw’rum Ante South Carolina a provincial state government under the existing ant preexisting treaties of the Mosish Empire. > ~ Societas Republicae et al Maurikanos ~ »- Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World Amara Sukh Southeast Amara Inkha/ Portheast Amara Inkha/ Central and Western Amare inkba/ and A Adjoining Adantis Amare Znkba Tstands AMPAAAS 000000005 universal affidavit of termination of Corporatefomporate/ mortnum stuprum contracts, 2greements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contracts, Joinders, finger print scans, Allonges, retinal/eye scans, “cri peopled documents: a mogireb saga “th north a’ the moorth emp / continental united sates temo ofthe sun and moor [urea fon. domestic nonresident non sutjct mrs / moor bg th cs and primapetre Uetgh ert of he ad eS eo > ~is.La.m.~ »& For the purpose of this document the definition of the words and; DUNN AND BRADSTREET NUMBERS of the Bankrupt District of Columbia D.B.A. United States (U.S.) and its subsidiary of Chartered Colonies belaw are as follows: ‘The Constitution for the United states for America signed on September 17, 1787 in independence Hall Lat. 39” 56’ 56” N Long. 75° 9’ 0” W by the representatives of (13) Thirteen Charted Colonies granted permission to conduct commerce on the land of Amaru Kha. The United states for America is the contracting state in 2ll Treaty obtigatinns past amd present. The Constitution for The United states for ‘America supersedes all other treaty obligations. ‘Act of Congress Chap. LXll February 21, 1871 estalilished the corporate headquarters known as ‘Washington District of Cotumbia (D.C) Lat 38° 53° 51” N Long. 77° 02" 11” W. District of Columbia Municipal Corporation Doing Business as (DBA) the Bankrupt United States 052714196. All part of the territory of the United States included within the limits of the District of Columbia, and the same is hereby, created into a government by the name of the District of Columbia {Within the ten (10) mite square of Washington District of Columbia (D.C il by which name itis heretby constituted a Body corporate for Municipal purposes, and may contract and|tte contracted with, sue and be sued, Plead and be impleaded, have a seal and exercise all other powers of a municipal corporation not inconsistent with the laws of the UNITED states and the provisions of this act. The UNITED STATES (U.S.) Corporation Company registered in Austria, operating and administering out of Davous Switzerland has been dissolved. It’s Senate and Coneress board of directors for the United States Corporation Company 052714196, geographical location Headquartered at Lat. 38° 53’ 51” N Long. 77° 2’ 11” W with colorable maritime, political and civil jurisdiction operating on the land of North America, is bankrupt. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit. This fraud and AMPAAAS 1009000005 universal affidavit of termination of Corporate/comporate/ mortuum stuprum contracts, ‘agreements, subcontracts, paro! contracts, verbal contracts, loinders, finger print scans, Allonges, retinal/eye scans, facial recognition/scans, electronic/forged/altered signatures and electronic/forged/altered documents. “erga pepe? documents: aimaphebalasa ‘ha nat at the month empire content cate satan temp ef the sun td moot [tre and an demestis non rede non suber: mats / az bung the gl is and panageiare Bg nhrtrs of teland los 44 semantic deceit is primarily focused against the organic to the land sovereign natural people. ‘The United States Municipal Corporation has relinquished its right to extraterritorial jurisdiction in Morocco in October 6, 19568 Stat. 484; Treaty Series 24442. mothe Amaru inh, Arana ans rican] isa seven expat Eschens[ofus} has mare cxiipowerand suthorsyonthe land han te etre “UNTED STATES US. Government has evar had er exe ae. DUNS Numbers of the Bankrupt District of Columbia Corporation (DBA) the dissolved United States (US) and Most of its Major Agencies: ‘North American Land Company: Chartered in 1734 ‘THE UNITED STATES case 191” 1248 Decision read by Theo Hi. McCaleb (iudge}, declared “the United States does not own the land of the Ancient Mound Builders of North America.” “Muurs/ Moors are the Title holders.” Bankrupt US Department of Defense (DOD) 030421397 Bankrupt US Department of the Treasury 026651067 Bankrupt US Department of Justice (DOJ) 011659674 Bankrupt US Department of State 026276522 Bankrupt US Department of Education 942419592 Us Department of Energy 932010320 Bankrupt US Department of Homeland Security 937394187 Bankrupt US Department of the Interior 020246010 Bankrupt US Department of Labor 029536183, Bankrupt US Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) Office of the Secretary 030945779 Bankrupt US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) 921691211 Bankrupt US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) 050297655 Bankrupt US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 056522429 Bankrupt Bureau of Customs & Border Protection (CBP) 795730922 Bankrupt Federal Bureau of immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) 130221646 Bankrupt US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 057944910 Bankrupt National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) 003259074. Bankrupt National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 079933920 Bankrupt US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC} 36421923 Bankrupt Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 037751583 Bankrupt Federal Communications Commission (FOC} 020303969 Bankrupt US Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) 003475175 Bankrupt US Public Health Service (USPHS) 039294216 Bankrupt National institutes of Health (NIH) 051232000 Bankrupt US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) 927645465 Bankrupt US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) 138182175 Bankrupt US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) 040539587 Bankrupt Federal Reserve Board of Governors (Fed) 001959410 Bankrupt Federal Bureau of investigation (FB!) 87865674 Bankrupt National Security Agency (NSA) 617395215 Bankrupt US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) 167247027 Bankrupt Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms & Tobacco (BAFT) 132287310 Bankrupt Federal Bureau of Land Management (BIN!) 926038563, Bankrupt Federal Bureau of indian Affairs (BIA) 926032407 DUNS Numbers of Each et wae espe Rereathers vested] the ENTIRE cv goverementon the fd cf Aiacher al Agia verted ins cbigaton tote Ara lta, Arora ans etitral people Inhaiting tho land each [arian] isa sovereg“orgeic Sate [ofthe wien) Each one of us hasmorecie power and ‘thority on the land than te ene “UNITED STATES US. Govermwe~t has ever Bader exer caste. Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Alabama 004027553 AMPARAS r000000005 universal affidavit of termination of Comporate/corporate/ mortuum stuprum contracts, agreements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contracts, loinders, finger print scans, Allonges, retinal/eye scans, facial recognition/scans, electronic/forged/attered signatures and electronic/forged/altered documents. ‘orgs! peepee’ documents: maghrebal aia “the nonh gate the moorsh enpie/conUnentl vated ates; Terps ofthe sn ond moon’ / Tuten’ on domes nan etident nan_subjec, azus/ moors beng the Hh heirs and prinapenture Bitrigatinhertes of the and Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Alaska 078198983 Bankrupt City of Fairbanks 079261830 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Arizona 058300170 Bankrupt Gity of Phoenix 030002236 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Arkansas 619312569 Bankrupt City of Little Rock 055303794 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Califomia 07154000 Bankrupt Gity of Los Angeles 1591665271 Allodium Moorish Preedium Ante Colorado Bankrupt Former Chartered Colony of Colorado 076438621, Bankrupt Chartered Cotony of Connecticut 016167285 Bankrupt Gity of Bridgeport 156280596 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Delaware 037802962 Bankrupt Gity of Wilmington 057393900 Bankrupt District of Columbia 949056860 Bankrupt City of Washington 073010550 Chartered Colony of Florida 004078374 Bankrupt Gity of Miami 965299576 Allodium Moorish Praedium Ante Georgia Bankrupt Former Chartered Colony of Georgia 059230183 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Hawaii 077676997 Bankrupt Gity of Honolulu 828979612 Bankrupt State of idaho 071875734 Bankrupt City of Boise 070017017 Bankrupt Chartered Cofony of illinois 065232498 Bankrupt City of Chicago 556057205 =MARU* Bankrupt Chartered Colony of indiana 071789435 Bankrupt City of Indianapolis 954647155 Bankrupt Chartered Cotony of lowa 828089701 Bankrupt Gity of Davenport 953855494 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Kansas 827975009 Bankrupt Gity of Wichita 059862755 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Kentucky 828008883 Bankrupt City of Louisville 943445093 ANPAAAS r000000005 universal affidavit of termination of Corporate/eorporate/ mortuum stuprum contracts, ‘agreements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contracts, Joinders, finger print scans, Allonges, retinalfeye scans, facial recognition/scans, electronic/forged/altered signatures and electronic/forged/altered documents. ‘orgnalpsople docamentalmaghvebalage the arth gate’ the oarsh empire continental ued states, Yempis ofthe sun and mort / tur snd fon. domest on resident, nan subject ms too being te ight hes ad prmepenitare right nhc of he ad Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Louisiana 0512389911 Bankrupt City of New Orleans 033692404 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Maine 051207536 Bankrupt City of Portland, Maine 071747802 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Maryland 847612442 Bankrupt City of Baltimore 052340973 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Massachusetts 138090548 Bankrupt City of Boston 007277284 Allodium Moorish Praediurm Ante Michigan Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Michigan 054698428 Bankrupt Gity of Detroit 021733631 Bankrupt Chartered Cotony of Minnesota 050375465 Bankrupt Gity of Minneapolis 003201959 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Mississippi 008210592 Bankrupt City of Jackson 020364955 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Missouri 6169635965 Bankrupt City of Kansas (City) 232496868 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Montana 945782027 Bankrupt City of Billings 055925759 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Nebraska 041472307 Bankrupt City of Omaha 926604690 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Nevada 123259447 Bankrupt City of Las Vegas 019342317 Bankrupt Chartered Cotony of New Hampshire 056760232 Bankrupt City of Manchester 045009073 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of New Jersey 057373258 Bankrupt City of Newark 019092521 Bankrupt Chartered Cotony of New Mexico 007111818 Bankrupt City of Albuquerque 129962246 ‘Anu Manahatta Preedium Ante New York Bankrupt Chartered Colony of New York 041002973, Bankrupt Gity of New York 021741036 *SCARUP Bankrupt Chartered Colony of North Carolina 830979667 Bankrupt Gity of Chartotte 809275006 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of North Dakota 092564300 AMPAAAS 000000005 universal affidavit of termination of Comporate/corporate/ mortuum stuprum contracts, ‘agreements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contracts, Joinders, finger print scans, Allonges, retinal/eye scans, facial recognition/scans, efectronic/forged/altered signatures and electronic/forged/altered documents. ‘erga peopes documents: maghrebalagsa ‘the north gate’ the mocsh empire continental united states: "weep f the sun and mat trl land’ ‘man_demesic non residet, non_suSjct:maurs/ moors being the rightful hers and prieagentare it inkeritrs ofthe and e® oe Bankrupt City of Bismarck 050245640 Bankrupt Chartered Cofony of Ohio 034309165 ‘Bankrupt City of Columbus 010511869 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of OKzhoma 050411725 Bankrupt City of Oklahoma (City) 073131542 New Mecca Bankrupt Former Chertered Colony of Oregon 932534998 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Pennsylvania 933882784 Cepital of the organic to the Land Republic of the United states of America (Major) Independence Hall GPS Coordinates 39° 56’ 56” 75° 9’ 0" W Bankrupt Gity of Philadelphia 929068737 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Rhode Island 002421763 Bankrupt Gity of Providence 059853752 Allodium Moorish Praedium Argen’tum Au’rum Ante South Carolina ANPARAS 1000000005 universal affidavit of termination of Corporate/corporate/ mortuum stuprum contracts, ‘agreements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contracts, Joinders, finger print scans, Allonges, retinal/eye scans, “orignal people documents: almaghreb a gs ‘thenort at’ the moar empire / continental united states; temple ofthe sun and moor” / url isan: ‘en, domesti non resident non. subject muss moor, being the rill and prinogenitre bright nhertors of te and. ANSPAAAS r000000005 universal affidavit of termination of Corporate/corporate/ mortuum stuprum contracts, ‘2greements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contracts, Joinders, finger print scans, Allonges, retinal/eye scans, facial recognition/scans, electronic/forged/altered signatures and electronic/forged/altered documents. “erga peores documents: al maghrebalagsa ‘the north gate’ the moush empite/ continental united tates tence of Ue sun and moor’ | tule and ‘an, domesti nan eden non, pbject mrs mors, bing the gh hls and prmogeitare Bagh herr ofthe tnd. ‘he natara popie hating the land exch [Arercan a sovereign “xgarc state” [ef the mon] Each ene [af] has mone ced power od sary on the land than the entie “UNTED STATESUS. Govermnert har exes had or ever contac Bankrupt Gy of Columbia 878281562 ‘This termination of 2ll corporate mortaum stuprum contracts is also addressed to the following offices: ‘The office of Lords Propryators Province of carclana aad Board of Governors Subjects to the King of England ‘The Fundamental Coastitutions of carolana 1665 ‘The Office of President Commander and Chie ‘The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United states of America 1787 ‘The Sovereign republican state South Carolina Constitution 1776 ‘The Dissolved Office of President Commander and Chie ‘The Dissolved Office of Governor ‘The Dissolved Office of Privy Counsel ‘The Sovereign republican state Dissolved chartered colony of South Carolina znd state of South Carolina Constitution 1778 ‘The Dissolved Office of Governor Democratic [-] Republican Pasty ‘The State Dissolved Chartered Coloay of South Carolina Constitution 1790 ‘The Office of President (Ordinances and Constitution of the State Dissolved Chartered Colony of South Carolina: with the (Constitntion of the Provisional Government And of the Confederate States Dissolved Chartered Coloay of America 1861 The Dissolved Office of governor Constitution of the commonwealth Dissolved Chartered Colony of South Carolina 1868 TOGETHER WITH ‘THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ‘The Dissolved Governorship of South Carolina 1876 - 1877 Dissolved government of South Carolina ‘The Dissolved Office of governor 1395 (Chief Magistrate Styled “The Governor of the State Dissolved chartered colony of South Carolina 1972" ‘The State Dissolved Chartered Colony of South Carolina Constitution 1895 ‘The Office of Attorney General STATE dissolved chartered coloay of South Carolina was founded AWPABAS 000000005 universal affidavit of termination of Corporate/eorporate/ mortuum stuprum contracts, facial recognition/scans, electronic/forged/altered signatures and electronic/forged/altered documents. ‘orignal peoples document: al magheh alagia ‘thenarth gst’ the mosrsh expire continental united states ie ofthe sun and mon’ / ure land’ on, dome nen resident nan_subjecs mrs / moors being the righ his and primegentae Bhi nherars of helo on February 5, 1698 ‘The South Carolina Attomey General office is far older than the United States itself. Trained at the Inner ‘Temple of London, in England, the Attorney General was the legal officer representing the Crown. Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Tennessee 04143882 Bankrupt Gity of Memphis 051386258 “ipTe* ‘Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Texas 002537595 Bankrupt City of Houston 967421590 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Utah 009094301 Bankrupt Gity of Salt Lake City 017096780 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Vermont 056760240 Bankrupt City of Burlington 037442977 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Virginia 047850373, Bankrupt Giy of Virginia Beach 074736299 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Washington 079248936 Bankrupt City of Seattle 009483561 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of West Virginia 828092515 Bankrupt City of Charleston {West Virginia) 19793161 Bankrupt Chartered Colony of Wisconsin 001778349 Bankrupt Gity of Milwaukee 004779133 Bankrupt Chartered Cotony of Wyoming 832826015 Bankrupt City of Cheyenne 021917273 DUNS Numbers of the United Nations Corporation and Some of Its Major Corporate Agencies United Bankrupt Nations (UN) 824777304 Bankrupt UN Development Program (UNDP) 793511262 Bankrupt UN Educational Scientific, & Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 053317819 Bankrupt UN World Food Program (UNWFP) 054023952 Bankrupt UN Intemational Children's Education Fund (UNICEF) 017698452 AMPARAS 000000005 universal affidavit of termination of Corporate/corporate/ mortuum stuprum contracts, facial recognition/scans, electronic/forged/altered signatures and electronic/forged/altered documents. “erigins! peoples documents: cl moghveb slags ‘the rth gate’ the moorish empire / continental united tates; Yee of the sun and moon’ /urtisland ‘son_damosi nonresident nan_ subject; murs moars being the rghtul hers and primagenieue brhight inheritors ofthe and. Bankrupt UN World Health Organization (WHO) 618736326 ‘word definitions: ALLODIAL Free BL 1" Pg. 62 ALLODIUM. Land held absolutely in one’s own right. BL 1° Pg. 62 ‘Artificial person person. Means a fictitious; decoy in public employment. Anderson 1889 page 771 Black as an option to choose as a nationality i fictitious, Fraud and Deceit. ‘White as an option to choose as a nationality is fictitious, Fraud and Deceit. Natural person. As one with god in nature. ‘Natural people. As one with god in nature original from the land HAERES. Attomey. A person employed by another to attom affairs of law. Anderson 1889 page 91 ‘Atom. Twist to one’s advantage. Blacks law 4" edition. Bond means. A writing under seal. TOMLINS 1838 dictionary page 102 Consanguinity means. is kindred by blood. TOMUNS 1233 dictionary page 144 Consul. An officer appointed by government to reside in foreign countries for the purpose of extending. ‘and facilitating commerce and communication between the two countries. TOMLINS 1838 dictionary page 150 ‘courts. Are places where justice is administered. TOMLNS 1838 dictionary page 172 County. Means a civil division of the territory of England. Anderson 1839 dictionary page 271. Corporation. Means a creature of the crown. An artificial being, indivisible, intangible, existing only in “contemplation”. Black's faw 4° edition Contact. A deliberate engegement between two competent parties with full disclosure. Blacks law fourth edition page 826 Debt. Means a sum certain upon a lawful contract free of fraud. Black's law 4" edition Escheat. An obstruction of the course of descent. Black’s law 4" edition Esquire. An officer of trust under the crown. Anderson 1289 Law Dictionary Pg. 413 Estate. Status. Anderson 1289 Law Dictionary Pg. 415 FEUD. Opposed to allodium Fraud and deceit. As the law impliedly prohibits all dishonest practices, through a fraud be committed bya principal or agent. TOMLINS 1838 dictionary page 249 Free. Means Unconstrained; enjoying full civic rights. Black’s law 4° edition page 5184519 ‘Government. At aii times means Government De Jure. A Government of right. Black’ law 4" edition page 825 Hypothecate means. To pledge a thing in the absence of the owner. Black’s law 4" edition Hypothecation means. A contract of mortgage in which the subject or matter is not delivered to the pledgee or pawnee. Black's law 4" edition Inalienable. That which connot be bought sold or transferred. Black's law 4° edition Pg. 1301 Inland. Within a country or state. Jurisdiction. The power and authority constitutionally conferred. Black’s law 4" edition Pg. 903 LAW: Land Air Water organic established by the creator. LAW of nations: A system of rules and principles established among nations for the regulation of their ‘mutual intercourse. Blacks law first edition page 693 AMPAAAS r000000005 universal affidavit of termination of Corporate/corporate/ mortuum stuprum contracts, greements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contracts, Joinders, finger print scans, Allonges, retinal/eye scans, ‘Facial recognition/scans, electronic/forged/altered signatures and electronic/forged/altered documents. ‘origins peoples documents al maghreh ol agua “The narth gate’ the moovish empire /eontnentel unt state, ‘templa ofthe sun and moow’ [ture aed on_domesti on reside, nan subjct; murs mons, beng th ight hire end primopenitre bright inheritors ofthe an LAWFUL MONEY. Nothing s Lawful money of the United States treasury notes, or fractional currency. National bank notes are not money. Legal means. Implied or imputed; opposed to actual. Anderson 1859 page 610 ACTUAL means. Existing in fact. Mace. An emblem of authority. Money means. Coined metal gold or silver. Black’s law 4 edition constitution for the Unites States of ‘America. Miltary tenures. FEUD ANDERSON 1889 Pg. 674 (Oath. Any form of attestation by which a natural person signifies that he or she is bound in conscience ‘to perform an act faithfully and truthfully, Blacks lave fourth edition page 1220 Office. Right to exercise public or private. Blacks law fourth edition page 1234 Officer at all times means: “officer de jure”: one who is constitutionally [legally] appointed and qualified. Blacks law fourth edition page 1236 ‘status. One's lawful position zt all points in time. Blacks law 4" edition. ‘Sheriff. The constitutional chief law enforcement oath of office officer. Blacks law first edition page 1030 ‘Sheriff Office. Right to exercise public or private. Blacks taw fourth edition page 1234 “The Office of Sheriffs a constitutional aath of office position.” He or She shall have a copy of their oath of office on their natural person and shall present it upon request. Deputy sheriff. One who acts officially for the office of the sheriff. “This is a oath of office position.” Each Deputy sheriff shall have a copy of their oath of office on their natural person and shall present it upon request. Sheriff Department. A function of that branch of administrative “govemment”- Police Department. A function of that branch of administrative “government”. BLL first edition page 905 ‘Traffic means: Commerce. Blacks Law fourth edition page 1657 ‘State means: Political ‘State. means: Party state. natural person state. means: Sovereignty & independence state. means: Constitution state. means: Contracting Party State. means: Paramount ‘State. means: Triple Principle state. means: Jurisdiction state. means: Civil & Criminal Jurisdiction state. means: Freedom Allodiat ‘state Sovereign Immunity. states are sovereign and cannot be sued in federal court without a contract. Heir. atall times means HZEBES. to whom land by act of the universal creator and right of blood to descend of status (estate] of mheritance. Descend. Means: be inherited by. ‘ the Roman Law, anything which is floated upon the waters and is an accessory to commerce (a) Citizenship (b) Execatorship {c} Guardianship ANAPAAAS r000000005 universal affidavit of termination of Corporate/corporate/ mortuum stuprum contracts, ‘agreements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contracts, Joinders, finger print scans, Allonges, retinal/eye scans, facial recognition/scans, electronic/forged/altered signatures and electronic/forged/aitered documents. ‘ergs peoples docomants af maghrebalagss herent gate the macish expire continental uted sates: empleo thesun and mort turtle land: ‘pen_demestic nonresident nan subject mrs / mans boing the ight hers and primagarure btn inheriors ofthe land. S (4) Heirship {e.)Judgeship (f) Mastership (¢) Membership (h.) Partnership (i) Receivership () Solicitorship (k,) Suretyship {U) Survivorship (m.) Township {n.) Trusteeship (0) Wardship (p.) Governorship sovereign natural people. The organic to the land nztural peoples origin and culture, in a particular geographic location and their descendants. sovereign right. A right of the state alone. ‘Tax. a taxis not.a “debt “means: an obligation upon laveul contract. Anderson 1889 page 1006 ‘Theft. The fraudulent taking of property belonging to another. Anerson law dictionary 1889 Pg. 1028 ‘Treaty. A contract between nations not a legislative act. Anderson 1889 page 1051 ‘Trustee ex maleficio means: one who by wrongful or illegal conduct becomes oris held to be a trustee. Unconscionable Bargain. A contract which no man in his senses would make. Wardship. in military tenures, to have custody as guardian of the body and lands of the infant heir. Blacks law 4" ed. Pg. 1775 Warrant. A writing by a competent constitutional authority. Anderson 1859 page 1103 ‘Authority. Atall times means power vested through constitution, or treaty. Anderson 1889 page 97 facial recognition/scans, electronic/forged/altered signatures and electronic/forged/altered documents. ‘ergs peoples documents: sl maphrebalaqsa ‘thenarh gat’ the maorsh expire / continental uted sate, Temple of thesum and moon’ [urs eland’s ‘pon. demestic non resident nan_subjet; murs moors, being the right hers and prinaper tare ich inheritors ofthe land, All Rise and Stand. ‘This is a sovereign living avticle tii Moorish Amur Inca (Al Muvocean/ Amaru Khan) consular court action. J am the sovereign living justice Arthur Bennett Gapmon El in capitis dimintio nolo, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, and in proprio berebes. Gniversal atfivabit of termination of all presumed Corporate/corporate/ Mortuum Stuprum contracts, agreements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal Contracts, finger print scans, Allonges, retinal/eye scans, facial recognition, electronic/forged/altered ‘Signatures electronic/forged/altered documents. In the name of Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON, [Arthur Bennett Gaymon], [Arthur 8. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account number 248+39+0982, 248398982, 248 039 0982. along with my ancestors, descendants, heirs appellations: All Registered Agent contracts in the Nom De Guerre of the collective organic to the land sovereign natural people are terminated Nunc pro tunc. daisy el bey matriarch daisy bell pringle OTA Tim FwWaNS Apart of the collective organic to the land sovereign natural people. Juris privati Juris et de jure. [ex. rel. DAISY P. GAYMON, Daisy Pringle and all derivatives thereof] taft bey patriarch ancestor ‘taft gaymon senior paNo pina 322 CBG gate yy AMPAARS 000000005 universal affidavit of termination of Corporate/eorporate/ mortuum stuprum contracts, ‘agreements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contracts, Joinders, finger print scans, Allonges, retinal/eye scans, facial recognition/scans, electronic/forged/altered signatures and electronic/forged/altered idocuments. “crginal peoples documents: al maghrebl aqme ‘Thenorth gee’ the roars empire / continental united states; tems ofthe sun and moon / tute land: 'on_ domestic nonresident nan_subjecr mutrs /macrs being ta ight hers and primogenture Bach icheritos of the and. on Taft Gaymon estate A portof the collective organic to the land sovereign naturel people, Juris privat. Juris et de jure. HARES [Heirs] of Taft Gaymon suijuris GAYMON TAFT [exrel. TAFT GAYMON SENIOR/Sr. TAFT GAYMON and all derivatives thereof] taft el bey haereo legitimus sanguis taft gaymon junior/jr. 20WR noYowWY IN. es taft gaymon jr. Apartof the collective organic to the land sovereign natural people. juris privati. Juris et de jure. {ex rel. TAFT GAYMON JUNIOR/JR. TAFT GAYMON JUNIOR/ and all derivatives thereof] taft terrell el bey per decems sanguis taft terrell gaymon terrell gaymon 2QwR TNR novowy C85 Taft Terrell + Terrell gaymon Apart of the collective organic to the land sovereign nzturel people. Juris privati. Juris et de jure. [ex. rel. TAFT TERRELL GAYMON, and all derivatives thereof] Tapheal el bey haereo legitimus senguis rapheal gaymon A partof the collective organic to the land sovereign natural people. Juris privat. Juris et de are. wPaeN nowy JLEb gt [ex rel. RAPHEAL GAYMON, and all derivatives thereof] dexter dontrell el bey per decems sanguis dexter dontell gaymon A ppartof the collective organic to the land sovereign natural people. Juris privati.Suris et de jure. TpRopa Tima Nowe slit detigs sins [ex rel. DEXTER DONTELL GAYMON, and ail derivatives thereof] latia tamesh el bey per decems sanguis latia tamesh gaymon A part of the collective organic to the land sovereign natural people. Juris privati. Juris et de jure. WNW] TPYWR nowy sli gas Ly {ex rel. LATIA TAMESH GAYMON, and all derivatives thereof] chenina monique el bey per decems sanguis chenina monique pringle A part of the collective organic to the land sovereign natural people. ANAPAAAS 000000005 universal affidavit of termination of Corporate/corporate/ mortuum stuprum contracts, agreements, subcontracts, parol contracts, vertzal contracts, Joinders, finger print scans, Allonges, retinal/eye scans, ‘facial recognition/scans, electronic/forged/altered signatures and electronic/forged/altered documents. “erignst people# documents: maphreS al aia ‘herorth ga’ the oorish empire continental unted sates temple of the sun and moor” [ute land’ ‘pen_domestic non resident non subject; mars / moors, beng the fight airs and primoganitae bitnight inheritors ofthe and. Juris privat. suris et de jure. wnppP2 Moy/m PAN stl disoe giatl [ex rel. CHENINA MONIQUE PRINGLE, and all derivatives thereof] alonzo jeremiah el bey per decems sanguis alonzo jeremiah mequillar A part of the collective organic to the land sovereign natural people. juris privati. Juris et de jure. Bmoqw wyppn aw slot Least siigti ex, rel. ALONZO JEREMIAH MCQUILLAR, and zl derivatives thereof] arthur bennett gaymon haereo legitimus sanguis A part of the collective organic to the land sovereign natural people. juris privati. Juris et de jure. WAINW wpanp novowy ge die UI reginald jerome el bey haereo legitimus sanguis reginald jerome gaymon Apart of the collective organic to the land sovereign natural people. Juris privat. Juris et de jure. aqwnyMN pxmpn novowy wt J! poste LLises) [ex. rel. REGINALD JEROME GAYMON, and all derivatives thereof] jillian el bey per decems sanguis Jillian gaymon filfian price A part of the collective organic to the land sovereign naturel people. juris privati Juris et de jure. nyMIN novewy pana shitt olitie [ex.rel. JILLIAN GAYIMON, JILUAN ‘PRICE, and all derivatives thereof] deion el bey per decems sanguis deion price A partof the collective organic to the land sovereign natural people. Juris privati. Juris et de jure. moj pana slot oss [ex. rel. DEION PRICE, and all derivatives thereof] Ssabastien el bey per decems sanguis sabastien gaymon Apartof the collective organic to the land sovereign natural people. Juris privat. Juris et de jure. DWNT poxvwy git olitelins [ex rel. SABASTIEN GAYMON, and all derivatives thereof] ANMPARAS 1000000005 universal affidavit of termination of Corporate/corporate/ mortuum stuprum contracts, ‘agreements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contracts, Joinders, finger print scans, Allonges, retinal/eye scans, ‘facial recognition/scans, efectronic/forged/altered signatures and electronic/forged/altered documents. “est pele decane sh moghreaagsa he rerth a! theron enpze/ comin ued ate tengo! the sun and moor [uri an ‘son domes nn resident on stacy mrs / moar bigest vig nbarton ot aos daniel el bey per decems sanguis daniel gaymon A part of the collective organic to the land: ‘sovereign natural people. rte priest artes Trine novowy gL Staite [ex rel. DANIEL GAYMON, and all derivatives: thereof] audrey mercedes el bey haereo legitimus sanguis, audrey mercedes gaymon audrey mercedes baker A part of the collective organic to the land sovereign natural people. Juris privat. Juris et de jure. Daw Taprpy noxwwy Ww Fk yoke Tg [ex. rel. AUDREY MERCEDES GAYMON, AUDREY BAKER, and zll derivatives thereof] bridgette nicole el bey per decems sanguis bridgette nichole gaymon bridgette nichole baker bridgette nichole Williams Apart of the collective organic to the Iend sovereign natural people. Juris privati.suris et de ure. PRNPAWP 7710" Novowy Ip2w “TWIT SL SeSe5 Sertay? [exrel. BRIDGETTE NICOLE GAYMON, BRIDGETTE NICOLE BAKER, BRIDGETTE NICOLE WILUAMS, and all derivatives thereof] carter aryeh el bey per decems sanguis, carter aryeh williams Apart ofthe collective organic to the land sovereign natural people. juris privati Juris et de jure. JRNwa pow ‘yw LS 4yi ol ex. rel. CARTER ARYEH WILLIAMS, and all derivatives thereof] quint fritzgerald el bey per decems sanguis ‘quint fritegerald baker A part of the collective organic to the land sovereign naturel people. Juris privati. Juris et de jure. ADP WPUMp PLA st Oi pejind cing [ex rel. QUINT FRITZGERALD BAKER, and all derivatives thereof] 208 rose el bey per decems sanguis 208 rose baker Apart of the collective organic to the land sovereign natural people. Juris privati. Juris et de jure. pot pM Pw slot 595 995 facial recognition/scans, electronic/forged/altered signatures and electronic/forged/altered documents. ‘ergs pecples’ documents: maphreb al age he north ste’ the moarich empire / continental united states: "temple cf the sun and moon | ture lan’ ‘non. domestic nonresident nan_subject urs /coars_boing the rightful heir and pimogenture betrghtinheritorsf the and. ete! aaa ® {ex rel. ZOE ROSE BAKER, and all derivatives thereof] Isabella grace el bey per decems sanguis Isabella grace baker A part of the collective organic to the id sovereign natural people. Juris privati. Juris et de jure. AarN on RI [ex. rel. ISABELLA GRACE BAKER] francis el bey per decems sanguis francis harvin A part of the collective organic to the land sovereign natural people. Joris privat Juris et de jure. Tanna nMw* Slt pits a fex. rel. FRANCIS HARVIN, and all derivatives thereof] emest el bey per decems sanguis emest harvin Apart ofthe collective organic to the led sovereign natural people. “tis privet dors de are. IPM P Mw elt Gass! [ex. rel. ERNEST HARVIN, and all derivatives thereof] alexis harvin per decems sanguis A part of the collective organic to the land sovereign natural people. juris privet. suri et de jure TPW AMY gL pest [ex rel. ALEXIS HARVIN, and all derivatives thereof] willian curtis el bey decems sanguis william curtis pringle A part of the collective organic to the land sovereign natural people. juris privati.Suriset de jure. ‘UM TPAD PONS elt onal [ex. rel. WILLIAM CURTIS PRINGLE, and all derivatives thereof] willian curtis el bey per decems sanguis william curtis pringle junior A part of the collective organic to the land sovereign natural people. Juris privati Juris et de jure. “WM TpAR FwWnNA IN. sti US wip plitis ex. rel. WILUAM CURTIS PRINGLE JUNIOR, and all derivatives thereof] sherry el bey per decems sanguis sherry pringle AMPAAAS r000000005 universal affidavit of termination of Corporate/corporate/ mortuum stuprum contracts, ‘agreements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contracts, Joinders, finger print scans, Allonges, retinal/eye scans, facial recognition/scans, electronic/ forged/altered signatures and electronic/forged/ altered documents. “original peoples documents: 2! maghzeD al oq ‘the narth gate’ the mearsh emp continental united states Tepe ofthe sun and moon’ tution: non domestic non resent, nan_subjecs re / mans, beng the right hers and pomogenture Brhrihtinbaries ofthe and, Apart of the collective organic to the land. ‘sovereign natural people. Juris privat. Suris et de jure. onptpwnna sll spd [ex. rel. SHERRY PRINGLE, and all derivatives thereof] Constance el bey per decems sanguis constance pringle Apart of the collective organic to the land ‘sovereign natural people. Juris privati. Juris et de jure. pAnwRTMOA WANA Jano GLI pilings [ex. rel. CONSTANCE PRINGLE, CONSTANCE OLIVER and all derivatives thereof] eartha lee el bey decems sanguis eartha lee pringle eartha lee hill Apart of the collective organic to the land sovereign natural. ‘people. Juris privati. Juris et de jure. wanwp am mwana ne etot 2 Us! [ex. rel. EARTHA LEE PRINGLE, EARTHA LEE HILL, and all derivatives thereof] Joyce hill per decems sanguis Apartof the collective organic to the tand sovereign natural people. Joris privati. Juris et de jure. pavon nr slit! deo oer ex. rel JOYCE HILL, and all derivatives thereof] dorothy pringle decems sanguis Apart of the collective organic to the land sover Juris privati. Juris et de jure. paemm pans APM elt c39)99 [ex, rel. DOROTHY PRINGLE, DOROTHY REEVES, and ali derivatives thereof] natural people. LENORA REEVES per decems sanguis A partof the collective organic to the land sovereign natural people. juris privat. Juris et de jure. wnanm wap slit tosis [ex rel, LENORA REEVES, and all derivatives thereof] arthur lee el bey decems sanguis arthur lee pringle arthur lee childs Apart of the collective organic to the land sovereign natural people. Juris privat. Juris et de jure. www pF PWaNs DyA ABAPAAAS 000000005 universal affidavit of termination of Corporate/corporate/ mortuum stuprum contracts, ‘agreements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contracts, Joinders, finger print scans, Allonges, retinal/eye scans, facial recognition/scans, electronic/forged/altered signatures and electronic/forged/altered documents. ‘orignal peoples documents: al magires lags ‘the orth gat’ thermcnrsh empire / continental unted states tree cf the sun and moon’ J turtle ean non domestic non resent, non subjct maurs/ maar, beng the ightul els and praganinare ight inheritors ofthe land. Sigh 2 5 Te, rel. ARTHUR LEE PRINGLE, ARTHUR LEE CHILDS, and all derivatives thereof] daniel el bey per decems sanguis daniel rose A partof the collective organic to the land sovereign naturel people. Juris privati. Juris et de jure. mea pmo stl JLisis {ex-rel. DANIEL ROSE, and all derivatives thereof] “in capitis nolo” 11.03.2024 ccy 1401 mcy 1444 mmcy 57840nnw pnw minora regalia repletion IogE ww noMSM eAEel 6 peat! Of Lett! 1am Arthur Bennett Gaymon El, in capitis nolo, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, and in proprio heredes. We are the original imperium Xi Olmec, Cataweba, Yamasee, Moorish Amaru Khan, Amaru Inkha organic to the land nationals who are part and parcel of the imperium original natural divine zodiacal cyclical revolution retumed. We are spiritualis et semini returned alive’ and the et semini of the Breat pharaohs of Kemet and of the ancient Moorabites and Canaanites organic to the land natural peoples. As the ones who are the ancient ones bloodline right of EZERES., | and all Organic to the land Nationals are the rightful, lawful title heirs and possessors of the universal vast estate trust of the original organic to the land Yamasee, Moorish, Amaru khan, Amaru Inkha imperium of Al Maghreb al Aqsa. We are the universal imperium ministers, justices, executors, HASBES. claimants, beneficiaries, and possessors of our own vast estate allodial status. We are god, mother, father, and spiritual/spiritualis descendants/et semini retumed alive of the living original sovereign/imperium ancients/veteres. All exchanges in universal commerce shall be made in gold, silver and other natural resource/ resurgo, the Constitution for The United States of America predates and/et super _cedes/excedat all/omnis others/alii and/et is the/quod ‘supreme/supremus faw/juris offautem the/quod land/terra. Nunc pro tunc! Thereby terminate and abolish forever all contracts and offers to contract, with charters and Cestui Que vie trusts that exist in the name of ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON, Arthur B. Gaymon, Arthur Gaymon, and all derivatives thereof to include all heirs listed above also to include all offers issued by the Bankrupt District of Columbia, UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY, the UNITED STATES SERVICE CORPORATION, The United ‘States, The Northern Trust , The Depository Trust Company [DTC], Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation [DTCC] Cede and Company, Federal Reserve Association, and all TRIBUNALS, Tribunals, PROVINCES, Provinces, STATES, States, COUNTIES, Counties, PARISHES, Parishes, MUNICIPALITIES, Municipalities, TOWNSHIPS, Townships, CITY, Gty and all SUBSIDIARIES, Subsidiaries, Custodians, Custodial nominees, Agents, Transfer agents, Fund and Asset Managers, and Partnerships to indude the attached misrepresented instruments, nunc pro tunc: ANAPAARS 000000005 universal affidavit of termination of Comporate/corporate/ mortuum stuprum contracts, ‘agreements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contracts, Joinders, finger print scans, Allonges, retinal/eye scans, facial recognition/scans, electronic/forged altered signatures and electronic/forged/altered documents. ‘evldnal people? documents al magia sags “therarth pat’ the moo‘sh engi / continental untad ates, "tepie of the sun and oes tural ‘en_domestic nen resident nen subject murs / moors beirg the ighlulhets and primogentare Brthright inheritors ofthe land ‘THE US HUMAN Trafficking CERTIFICATES OF LIVE BIRTH issued fraudulently by The Chartered Colony [state] of SOUTH CAROUNA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIROMENTAL CONTROL stored in the Office of Under the following human trafficking account numbers numbers: © SC03191412. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit. © 139.63.002727. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated ‘transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit. % Registered Agent Contract with the State of South Carolina not to be confused with the republic South Carolina state ‘+ THE HUMAN TRAFFICKING DRIVER'S LICENSE #003238563 AM numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit issued fraudalentty by The Chartered Cotony [State] of SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES. Attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym IARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON}, [Arthur Bennett Gaymon], [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers are as follows 248+39+0982, 248398982, 248 039 0982, #008238563. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit % hitps://’545708228 South-Carolina-Drivers-License- ‘Termination-12-09-2021-Nune-Pro-Tune IDENTIFICATION AND PRIVILEGE CARDS issued fraudulently by the Bankrupt UNITED STATES UNIFORMED SERVICES CORPORATION, using Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon], [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Traflicking Account numbers are as follows 248+39+0982, 248398982. 248 039 0982. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit * All credit reports fraudulently issued using the Human Trafficking known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed above by TRANSUNION, EXPERIAN, and EQUIFAX. This is Notice of intent to lien each of the said CORPORATIONS in the favor of each and all sovereign ‘Moorish Amaru Khan, Amaru Inkha organic to the LAW natural peoples. AMPAAAS r000000005 universal affidavit of termination of Comporate/corporate/ mortuum stuprum contracts, agreements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contracts, Joinders, finger print scans, Allonges, retinal/eye scans, facial recognition/scans, etectronic/forged/aitered signatures and electronic/forged/altered documents. “erga peoples documents: slmaghrebalagsa ‘the rath gate’ the mocrish erie / continental united sates; Tem0 cf the sun and ment [turtle land’ on domestic non resent. non subject murs / mann being the ight heirs and prinagernare bethihtinhertrs of the and 4 AILIRS (DNS) # 040539587 All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit TAX FORMS, FILINGS, AND TRANSACTIONS fraudulently issued by the ‘Bankrapt HUMAN TRAFFIKING District of Columbia, UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY and any and all derivatives, agents, principals, and assigns. % STUDENT HUMAN TRAFFIKING IDENTIFICATION CARDS fraudulently issued by and + . all COLLEGES and UNIVERSITIES using the HUMAN TRAFFIKING IDENTICATION NUMBERS known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed above. US MILITARY HUMAN TRAFFIKING IDENTIFICATION AND PRIVILEGES CARDS fraudulently issued using the HUMAN TRAFFIKING IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed above. VOTER REGISTRATION HUMAN TRAFFIKING voter number: '“Termination-of-Voter- tion-12. 21 © 436919833 All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit. STUDENT LOAN BILLS fraudulently issued by the following HUMAN TRAFFIKING CORPORATIONS: > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. > AES AMERICAN EDUCATION SERVICES. > NAVIENT DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION LOAN SERVICING CORPORATION. > ASCENDIUM EDUCATION SOLUTIONS. FARMERS TELEPHONE COMPANY fraudulently issued ¢ HUMAN TRAFFIKING NUMBER: 803*481+2492-3. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is frand and semantic deceit © Under HUMAN TRAFFIKING ACCOUNT NUMBER 0005992 numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting uti guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit VERIZON WIRELESS fraudulently issued ¢ HUMAN TRAFFIKING PHONE NUMBER: 805 305.9981. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit © under HUMAN TRAFFIKING ACCOUNT NUMBER 0925547587000. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit all services have already been prepaid for all organic to the land natural peoples and at no time is any unauthorized surveillance or tracking allowed. % ALL HEALTH SERVICE CORPORATIONS and all agents, assigns, and derivatives, thereof fraudulently issued. All healthcare services including but not limited to. all healthcare services have already been prepaid for all organic to the land natural peoples. + All HUMAN TRAFFIKING DRIVERS LICENSES and TRANSPORTATION CONTRACTS fraudulently issued by ALL CORPORATIONS to include the ANIPAAAS r000000005 universal affidavit of termination of Corporate/corporate/ mortrum stuprum contracts, ‘agreements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contracts, Joinders, finger print scans, Allonges, retinal/eye scans, ‘facial recognition/scans, electronic/forged/altered signatures and electronic/forged/altered documents. “erin peoples! documents: sl maphrebalaqsa ‘the ert rte’ the mazrsh enpte | continental united on_domentic non resent subject; urs ers lng the right hairs ad primag=n feof the sun and moor J "nut Wand’ igi etertor ofthe and. ‘THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLIA DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES CORPORATION * HUMAN TRAFFIKING account #008238563. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit TERMANATION OF CONTRACTS UPS. ‘tracking number 1Z0YF364P229395415 https:/ Lenses /document/549673900/Arthur-Bennett-El-Bey.Contract-termination-South- Geroling-Department-of- Motor-Vehicles Right to travel documents httos://wenw /document/545709706/Arthur-El-Bey-Allodial-Travel-DocumentsNunc-Pro-Tunc ‘THE [STATE] Chartered Colony OF SOUTH CAROLINA. rn ed oy (STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA CORPORATION] ande all irs ssiznes prncipalls agents ands dsrvativs thereov Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) # 057006072 [Blcury McMaster dba GOVERNOR snd all bors assiancs principals agcaicsande derivativsthereow {1205 Pendleton Sint {[Cotuntbia, SC 29201] Phone: 803/734-2100 Fax: 803/734-5167 sovereor@govocpp.snte NORTH AMERICAN LAND COMPANY CONGAREE LAND TRUST, LOW COUNTRY LAND TRUST, PEE DEE LAND TRUST, LORD BERKLEY CONSERVATION TRUST, EAST COOPER LAND TRUST, EDISTO ISLAND OPEN LAND TRUST, OPEN LAND TRUST, AUDUBON SOUTH CAROLINA, THE TRUST FOR PUBLIC LAND, AIKEN LAND CONSERVANCY, (SOUTH CAROLINA) SC BATTLEGROUND PRESERVATION TRUST, UPPER SAVANNAH LAND TRUST, UPSTATE FOREVER, NATURALAND TRUST, CONSERVING CAROLINA, NATION FORD LAND TRUST, KATAWBA VALLEY LAND TRUST, SPARTANBURG AREA CONSERVANCY CHECKING, SAVINGS AND INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS AND ALL ATM AND CREDIT CARDS fraudulently issued by all BANK CORPORATIONS to include but not limited to ‘* NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION: ¢ HUMAN TRAFFIKING account #21 10549702. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit ¢ HUMAN TRAFFIKING account 22110549009. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit ° HUMAN TRAFFIKING account 2£3001504833717. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit ¢ HUMAN TRAFFIKING account [“credit card”] #9720 LAST 4. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit * UNITED SERVICES AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION BANK [USAA] ° HUMAN TRAFFIKING account # 0157594737. All numbers assigned to bonds against. the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit and any and all others using the EMPLOYEE HUMAN TRAFFIKING account IDENTICATION ANIPAARS 1000000005 universal affidavit of termination of Corporate/corporate/ mortwum stuprum contracts, ‘agreements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contracts, Joinders, finger print scans, Allonges, retinal/eye scans, facial recognition/scans, electronic/forged/altered signatures and electronic/forged/altered documents. “criginal people? documents: al mazires aleqsa ‘the north gate’ the moorsh empire continental united states ‘temple of the sun and moon ‘tue land non_domesti,non resident, non. subject murs / moors being therigill hers and pimogeniture bth ihertors ofthe land, NUMBERS known as Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON], {Arthur Bennett Gaymon], [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Haman Trafficking Account numbers are 2s follows 24813910982, 248398982, 248 039 0982. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit © Bank of America 35°13°37.92 N -30°50°35.098" W_ Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon], [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers are as follows 248+39+0982, 248398982, 248 039 0982. All numbers assigned to i ting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic ‘ United States Parcel Service 33°56°36.59 N -84°21°34.21" W Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon], {Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers are as follows 248+39+0982, 248398982, 248 039 0982. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit United States Postal Service 38°S3°2.786 N -77°1°33.505" W Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON}, [Arthur Bennett Gaymon], [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers are as follows 248+39+0982, 248398982, 248 039 0982. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit The Corporation of London 51°30°46.916 N -0°5°22.1" W Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon], [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers are as follows 248+ 390982, 248398982, 248 039 0982. All numbers assigned to bonds against the lrypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit The State of South Carolina (DUNS) # 067006072 34°0°34.823 N -81°2°23.019" W ein 248390982 quod nunc imperium resurg0. Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon]. [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers are as follows 248-390-0982, 248398982, 248 039 0982. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit > The County of Sumter South Carolina 33°55°21.196 N -80°20°26.196" W Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon], (Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers are as follows 248+39+0982, 248398982, 248 039 0982. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit AMPAAAS r000000005: Universal affidavit of termination of Comporate/corporate/ mortuum stuprum contracts, ‘2gFeements, subcontracts, perol contracts, verbal contracts, Joinders, finger print scans, Allonges, retinal/eye scans, “erga pele? documents smaghch slags thenerth gate the mcarah expe /connetal ued sates tpt the son end moor [ri land: ‘on. domenic,non resent nan sabjec mrs / mors, beg te ight as and pnagetae trig eros of Cad, @ ‘ Metropolitan Statistical Area Privateer South Carolina 33°49°11 N -80°20°26.196" W + Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de gueme homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon], [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers are as follows 248*39+0982, 248398982, 248 039 0982. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit * FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE 42°20°57.053 N -71°2°52.499" W * Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon], [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers are as follows 248+39+0982, 248398982, 248 039 0982. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit 33°49°11 N -80°20°26.196" W mailing location: nac 892ip nm2n Allodium Moorish Praeduim Argen’tum Au’rum Ante South Carolina Route I Box 144E sumter, South Carolina state usa’ Without the United States {3450 HWY 15 So. near. Chartered Colony of South Carolina] eooee © Springbrook Holding Company, LLC Foreign Limited Liability Company 45° 31° 0.948" N 122° 40" 50.016 " W | CT Corporation System AGENT: The GEARY LAW FIRM 33° 57 7,848"N 83°59" 25.116" W Entity ID Number 212901170 [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon], [Arthur B. Gaymon] GAYMON TAFT Heirs of and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers are as follows 248+39+0982, 248398982, 248 039 0982. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit Richland County South Carolina 34° 1° 18.48 N 80°54" 10.94" W ‘% Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon], [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers are as follows 24839-0982, 248398982, 248 039 0982. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit + City of Columbia South Carolina 34° 0° 1.71 N 81°2° 24.468" W Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon}, (Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers are as follows 248+39+0982, 248398982, 248 039 0982. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit City of Charleston, South Carolina 32°46'36.676 N ~79°55°S6.352" W Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon}, [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking AMPABAS (000000005 universal affidavit of termination of Corporate/corporate/ mortuum stuprum contracts, ‘agreements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contract, Joinders, finger print scans, Allonges, retinal/eye scans, facial recognition/scans, electronic/forged/aitered signatures and electronic/forged/altered documents. ‘rine peoples documents: maghreb at gs the rarth ge’ the mocrsh empire / continental united tater "ele ofthe sun and moon / trl land’ non, domes, non resident non_subjec: aur maars, being the right heirs and pimogenture brtght inheritors of the land. Account numbers are as follows 248~39+0982, 248398982, 248 039 0982. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit Internal Revenue Service (DNS) # 00539587 38°53°36.246 N -7°1°37.277" W + Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon], {Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers are as follows 248+39+0982, 248398982, 248 039 0982. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit © FIDELITY INVESTMENTS 42°20757.063 N ~71°2°52.499" W CONTINENTAL TIRE of THE AMERICAS LLC 34°59°S6.759 N -80°52°58.866" W ¢ HUMAN TRAFFIKING account 341417030. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit ¢ HUMAN TRAFFIKING account #248390982. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit * VOYA FINANCIAL 40°45°15.793 N -73°58°34334" W ‘Mercedes Benz Vans LLC 32°57°48432 N -80°6'27.622" W © Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON]., [Arthur Bennett Gaymon]. [Arthur B. Gaymon} and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account ‘numbers are as follows 248-39=0982, 248398982, 248 039 0982. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit © Daimler HUMAN TRAFFIKING id #811299 All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit CASHAPP 37°46°33.37 N -122°25°4.576" W © Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon], [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account ‘numbers are as follows 248~39~0982, 248398982, 248 039 0982. All numbers assigned to ‘bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit % Zelle 33°34°44.887 N -111°S3'11.675" W © Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon], [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers are as follows 248-39-0982, 248398982, 248 039 0982. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit % PAYPAL 37°22°33.955 N -121°S5'16.605" W © Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon], [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers are as follows 248~39+0982, 248398982, 248 039 0982. All numbers assigned ANIPAAAS r000000005 universal affidavit of termination of Corporate/corporate/ mortuum stuprum contracts, ‘agreements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contracts, Joinders, finger print scans, Allonges, retinal/eye scans, facial reeognition/scans, electronic/forged/altered signatures and electronic/forged/altered documents. ‘erg peoples donmments al maghrebal gia he noth gate’ themontsh erie /eontnental uted sates ters Of the sn and moor [tured ‘on, domest non eidct nan sbjact mrs / moar beng th ghuhes ad pimagevre tote inher of he und © to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit © Depository Trast Company 40°42" 11.612 N-74°032.641" W © Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon}, [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account ‘numbers are as follows 248=39+0982, 248398982, 248 039 0982. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit + World Health Organization 46°13°56 N 06°08"03" E © Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON|., [Arthur Bennett Gaymon], [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers are as follows 248+39+0982, 248398982, 248 039 0982. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit + The Society of Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication S.W.LF-T 50°44°6.255 N -4°28°55.077" E © Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon], [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers are as follows 248+39+0982, 248398982, 248 039 0982. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit % Microsoft Corporation 47°63°96.30 N -122°12° 11.852" W © Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon], [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers are as follows 248+39+0982, 248398982, 248 039 0982. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit Amazon 47°37 20.382 N -122°20°11.492" W © Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON|]., [Arthur Bennett Gaymon}, [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers are as follows 248390982, 248398982, 248 039 0982, All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic. deceit Ebay 37°17'35.888 N -121°S 118.781" W ‘© Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GA YMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon], [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers are as follows 248~39~-0982, 248398982, 248 039 0982. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit Facebook 37°27 4.506 N -122°10°12.653" W ANPAAAS 1000000005 universal affidavit of terminztion of Corporate/corporate/ mortuum stuprum contracts, ‘agreements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contracts, Joinders, finger print scans, Allonges, retinal/eye scans, facial recognition/scans, electronic/forged/altered signatures and electronic/forged/altered documents. “eign peoples documents: al maphreb siagsa ‘tae north gate’ the moorsh expire /eontinetal united sete; template sun and moar [ure land: ‘en domestic non retentions: murs cos bangitheighfl heirs and pronogertie bois inherits ofthe lord, GS o& ‘* Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon], [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers are as follows 248390982, 248398982, 248 039 0982. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit Eyeque 37°30°35.268 N -121°59°46.208" W * Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon], [Arthur B. Gaymon} and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers are as follows 248+39+0982, 248398982, 248 0390982. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit REALPARS 51°54°44.274 N 4°25°46.658" E © Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon], [Arthur B. Gaymon} and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers are as follows 248+39*0982, 248 039 0982. All numbers assigned to nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic UBER 37°46°33.295 N -122°25°4.746" W ©. Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon], [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers are as follows 248390982, 248398982, 248 039 0982. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit Leadec 48°46°0.12 N -9°10°59.879" E Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON}, [Arthur Bennett Gaymon], [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers are as follows 248-39+0982, 248398982, 248 039 0982, All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit > Netflix 37°15°34.641 N -121°S7°45.644" W © Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon], [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers are as follows 248-39+0982, 248398982, 248 039 0982. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit % Patreon 37°25°31.106 N -122°8'22.223" W ‘* Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon}, [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers are as follows 248+39~-0982, 248398982, 248 039 0982. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit AMIPAAAS 1000000005 universal affidavit of termination of Corporate/corporate/ mortuum stuprum contracts, 2greements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contracts, Joinders, finger print scans, Allonges, retinal/eye scans, facial recognition/scans, electronic/forged/altered signatures and electronic/forged/altered documents. ‘cris peoples documents: sb maghrebal aga ‘the north gate’ the mocrh erie feantnental united sates: emis of the sun and mood [ute and: an. domestic nan rede an, sbject mut cars beng he ghar and proogaciire heeiga inert of tel. Caterpillar Pin Plant 33°S7'58 N 80-2141" W © Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GA YMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon), [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers are as follows 248-39-0982, 248398982, 248 039 0982. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit % Thompson Construction Group 33°55'18 N 80°20°30" W © Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GA YMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon], [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers are as follows 248390982, 248398982, 248 039 0982. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit % LS MECHANICAL SC LLC 33°1°42 N 80°22°38" W * Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GA YMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymonl, [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers are as follows 248+39~0982, 248398982, 248 039 0982. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit ALL INSURANCE CONTRACTS issued fraudulently to include all AUTO INSURANCE HUMAN TRAFFIKING CONTRACTS ALL HEALTH INSURANCE HUMAN TRAFFIKING CONTRACTS. PROPERTY INSURANCE HUMAN TRAFFIKING CONTRACTS ALLUFE INSURANCE HUMAN TRAFFIXING CONTRACTS Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMONI, [Arthur Bennett Gaymon], [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed above. * ALL BONDS, CITATIONS, TICKETS, CORPORATE CASES established fraudulently using the Using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon], [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers listed above. * all allodial conveyances with fraudulently issued vin numbers. © conveyance 2014 maxima IndaaSap7ec443655 quod nunc 4 imperium resurg6. * conveyance 1991 chevy Silverado c1500 Igedc14k9me103176 quod nunc imperium Tesurgo. the said conveyance are in the national organic to the land trust of the Allodium Muurish Praedium Argen’tum Au‘rim Ante South Caroling imperium property within the imperium Private not public amaru khan abnine common law irrevovable trust. the declaration of trust is under record number AIMIPAAAS r000000005. AWPAAAS 1900000005 universal affidavit of termination of Comporate/corporate mortuum stuprum contracts, ‘agreements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contracts, foinders, finger print scans, Allonges, retinal/eye scans, “crignal pple documents almagiveb ages "ena pa’ the moots empire continental ied sain tp cf the son and mca / tren: non. domest non redone, subjec; murs / moor beng the iit hai nd prinageniur ig iertars of he i. (Reference Exhibit A civil orders lune 10, 2014 line 49, 76, end 151+152+153+154+155+ 156+157+157+159) 28. tose semantic deca have pen ise exes confor spans ant ay, 76, Fraud has no Statute elimtatons 151, Because these “Sat” and Federal” exes have 2 inctioned inde emeons ef nan- 152. scone and semantic east serving prema res pon the orga sts andthe 152, too ial, Arma tca mc orgndc ron oople they ae a tobe considers ete syeScates to the exer that ay have 15, been sware ef hair status and have foe wo correct ‘her operations and representations AIISS. contracts held by these erpaictons erased tobe bed by Dee organizations eed 1356, void ec frau These rac cate tare not nine ms eeract for fr bbor, fr 257. rade, “Sesh” comets powers of ‘stormy, Deans, mrtgages, regicratins and 150 pplication sgreamers fonds A sigrtares ef Rca Nations, Amar ta and ‘panic Arerican sate Otis acing nr the 352 fnfuence of sera dao and ron ecionre are rescinded. % ALL BONDS, CITATIONS, TICKETS, CORPORATE CASES THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA SUMTER COUNTY QUITCLAIM DEED © mailing location: nac 892Ip nm2n ¢ Allodium Moorish Praeduim Argen’tum Au’rum Ante South Carolina * Route 1 Box 144E sumter, South Carolina state usa’ Without the United States © [3450 HWY 15 So. near. Chartered Colony of South Carolina] ‘MANNING MUNICIPAL COURT 33°41°43.054 N 80°12°42.395" W Traffic Ticket? 2019160002555 All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated ‘transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit M.O. 26037504641 All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit RN# 9733226 All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit * “COURT” OF COMMON PLEAS THIRD JUDICAL CIRCUIT Case No.2022-CP-14 33°41°40.329 N 80°12°40.737" W % COUNTY OF BERKLEY TRAFFIC COURT 33°11°57.264 N 80°0°23.472" W Traffic Ticket# 8102P 0840259 | 8102P 0840260 | 3102P 0840261 bttns:// Sheriff-Affidavit-Delivery https://veww.scribd com /document/571524220/DUANE-LEWIS.Doing-Business-as BERKLEY-COUNTY- SHERI httos:// ~ ALL LOAN SERVICING COMPANIES fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed above. + ALL MORTGAGE AND RENTAL SERVICES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO HH HUNT ABBERLY CROSSING 37°13°3.003 N-80°27'10.127" W © APT 20726 ¢ Human Trafficking ID #100824 14. all services have already been prepaid for all organic to the land natural peoples the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon], [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers are as follows 248+39+0982, 248398982, 248 039 0982. All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit % Fidelity National Financial 30°19°9.197 N -81°40°26.839" W Fidelity National Financial Orion Realty Group AMPAAAS r000000005 universal affidavit of termination of Corporate/corporate/ mortuum stuprum contracts, ‘agreements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contracts, Joinders, finger print scans, Allonges, retinal/eye scans, ‘original peopes' acumen: maphreb alaqsa ‘the north gate’ the earth empire continental united waters" of the sun nd moon "rte ian en doment non resident non subject; uu oars belng the rightful els and primagentre Sigh inheritors ofthe lad. Domicile morocco. Estate nac 8921p nm2np Allodiam Moorish Pracduim Argen’tum Au’rum Ante South Caroli Route 1 Box 144E sumter, South Carolina state USA/ Without the US [5450 HWY 15 So. Chartered Colony of South Carolina] cece + ALL THIRD-PARTY COLLECTION AGENCIES ACCOUNTS * fraudulently issued using the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon], [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers are as follows 248~39+0982, 248398982, 248 039 0982 All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit listed above. ALL CABLE CORPORATIONS included but not limited to ‘WOW! 39°37°26.585 N -104°59'3.613" W * HUMAN TRAFFIKING ACCOUNT NUMBER 285585. All numbers assigned to bonds ‘against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit oe > DUKE ENERGY CORPORATION 33°13°26.328 N 80°50°S4.456" W Human Traffiking account. #224#139+009. all services have already been prepaid for all organic to the Iand natural peoples the US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon}, [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human ‘Trafficking Account numbers listed above. ” DOMINION ENERGY CORPORATION 37°32°2.338 N -77°27 13.196" W. % Human Trafficking account. #6+2101+2034+8925. All numbers assigned to bonds against. the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is fraud and semantic deceit All services have already been prepaid for all organic to the land natural peoples. A social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym [ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymon], [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers listed above. CREDIT COLLECTION SERVICES ACCOUNTS fraudulently issued a US social security number attached to the Cestui Que vie trust with the nom de guerre homonym IARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON], [Arthur Bennett Gaymonl}, [Arthur B. Gaymon] and all derivatives thereof Attached to the Human Trafficking Account numbers listed above. all other CORPORATE, Corporate, mortuum stuprum contracts, agreements, subcontracts, Parol contracts, verbal contracts, Allonges, finger print scans, retinal/eye scans, facial recognition electronic/forged/altered signatures and electronic/forged/altered documents that exist in the name/ nom de guerre/ homonym of Arthur Bennett Gaymon/ Arthur B. Gaymon/ Arthur Gaymon and any and all of the aforementioned derivatives whether public, Private, known or unknown are hereby terminated. (Reference CIVILORDERS JUNE 10, 2014 line 49, 76, and 151+152+153+154+155+ 156+157+157+159) ¢9, exe serarcic deat hve genre to endies confusions, sserpatons, and cna. 76 rae fas no stats offiations 151, Bacaue these “Shen” ac Fedora” ents ave al fncioned ‘ede conditions ofon- 152. disclosure md semantic Socel sang to prema fraud upon the erga tates and the 153, moods rationals ad ganic American poop, thy ae 2 tobe corstered een sycates to a extra that they have 154, ben eware ofthe ‘Sats and have fed to come the operations and representations A155, enacts bi by tse cxpaizatins or assumed tobe held by ‘hese expmizaons are rl nd 155. il fr frac. These carats fc en srt ete to certs fe le lbs, fo 157 trade, “Gtaesigh cmt poses cf etomey, eras mongagns repstrtions and 158. 2ypSeation agreements of 2 nds Mstgarres of soci Nationals, rar a an exp America stat Czas acting ince the 259, nonce of semantic eet and nan acess are rescinded, ANPAAAS 000000005 universal affidavit of termination of Corporate/corporate/ mortuum stuprum contracts, ‘agreements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contracts, Joinders, finger print scans, Allonges, retinal/eye scans, facial recognition/scans, electronic/forged/ altered signatures and etectronic/forged/altered documents. ‘oignatpropey documents al magire slags ‘theron gat the moorshempe / coninenta united ater, tapi cf the sun and ao’ arin ‘nan. domestis non resident non sje usr moors, being the ight is and pmogenture Big ihertor of sland. All CORPORATE, Corporate, mortuum stupram Human Traffiking contracts, agreements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contracts, and electronic/forged/altered signatures electronic/forged/altered documents with any SOCIAL SECURITY Human ‘Trafficking account NUMBERS to incinde [248.039.0982], [2480390982], [248 039 0982] All numbers assigned to bonds against the hypothecated transmitting utility nom de guerre, is frand and semantic deceit and any derivatives thereof are hereby terminated and all CORPORATIONS established with these EMPLOYEE IDENTIFCATION NUMBERS listed under GMEL Utility website: [bttps://] % all of the fraudulent human trafficking contracts issued by the said CORPORATIONS, Corporate, mortuum stuprum human trafficking contracts, agreements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contracts, Allonges, finger print scans, retinaV/eye scans, facial recognition, electronic/forged/altered signatures and electronic/forged/altered documents in the name! nom de gueme of ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON, Arthur B. Gaymon, Arthur Gaymon, and any and all derivatives thereof have been terminated. I, author bennett el bey, am nota District of Columbia, UNITED STATES CORPORATION CITIZEN, nor a United States Citizen nor a citizen of the United States of America nor a citizen at all. 1 am the original natural divine imperium authority on this Jand of Amaru Inca and I possess lawful national, intemational and universal titles, charters, trusts and identification documents that are original, imperium, de jure Xi, Olmec, Catawba, Yamasec, Amaru Khan, Amaru Inkha titles, charters, trusts and identification documents of which I am part and parcel. All other foreign, CORPORATE, Corporate, and corporate contracts, trusts and documents are not withstanding. All CORPORATIONS, Corporate, Mortaam Stuprum human trafficking contracts, agreements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contracts, Allonges, finger prints, scans, retinaV/eye scans, facial recognition, electronic/forged/altered signatures and electronic/forged/altered documents are the trustees of their own debt at all times and at all points in time. Proper notification was given repeatedly of your unlawful acts against the de jure Amaru Khan, Amaru Inca, organic to the Jand natural peoples. Writs of discovery have been sent and stand as law on the record unrebutted. Affidavits of averments of jurisdiction stand as law on the record unrebutted. % this is a universal default judgement. Thereby claim, proclaim, fully access and declare my htful, lawful reversion of estate of all land, all natural resurg®, all hereditaments corpors et intellectualis, possessionem, and all commercial contracts, nunc pro tunc. No District of Columbia Corporation, UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY CITIZEN, UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY, UNITED STATES SERVICE CORPORATION, United States, The United States Service Trading Corporation Registration number 321823, The Northem Trust , The Depository Trust Company AIMPAAAS 1000000005 universal affidavit of termination of Corporate/corporate/ mortuum stuprum contracts, agreements, subcontracts, paral contracts, verbal contracts, Joinders, finger print scans, Allonges, retinal/eye scans, facial recognition/scans, electronic/forged/altered signatures and electronic/forged/altered documents. “eins people documents almagines ans ‘henarth pt th mearch emp conn nad sen temple ofthe nae oe [eae a: non dees non resceron_pibac mrs | ors, beg ie Fhe nd pinogentare ight hear ct te and of my imperium commands at all times. I am in propria persona, in proprio solo and in proprio heredes at this time and at all points in time. ‘Pore BeDW 5784 Teveth 22 nunc pro tunc chronos: 1.03,2023 1445 Jumada t-Tania 21 1402 Azar 13 AMARU, f Corporate/corporate/ mortuum stuprum contracts, ‘agreements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contracts, Joinders, finger print scans, Allonges, retinal/eye scans, facial recognition/scans, electronic/forged/altered signatures and electronic/forged/altered documents. asa ref : ‘erga poopie documents: Upon my inherited allodial status, | Arthur Bennett El Bey, being a descendant of the ancient Xi, Olmec, Catawaba, Yamasee, Amaru Khan, Amaru Inkha bloodline, and Muurish national, standing squarely affirmed upon my oath to the ‘five points of light’ — lobe, truth, peare, freedom, and justice; being competent {in my own Proper person) to attest to this affidavit upon which | place my imperium anibus; whereas, | state, proclaim, and declare the following to be true, correct, not misleading, and not intended, presented for any misrepresented, ‘colored’ or improper use or purpose. Tam Arthur Bennett El Bey appellatie= 2s ograph arthur bennett gaymon, arthur b. gaymon, arthur gaymon heres estasse in capitis diminution nolo, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, in proprio heredes the living organic to the land sentient man and rightful heir. ‘nunc pro tunc juris privati. Juris et de jure. Tex. rel. nom de guerre, homonym ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON] Amaru Inca national, Southeast Amaru Kha/ Amexem/ The North Gate autograph — omnia iura reservantis, Domicile morocco. Allodium Moorish Praeduim Argen’tum Au’rum Ante South Carolina Lat. 33.818096 Long. -80.364927 estate nac $92Ip nm2np mac 89p9e ngr4p Route 1 Box 44E Sumter, South Carolina state USA/ Without the United States [Political organization currently in operating area: Sumtec Sou Caroina c/o 3450 highway 15 south near. Corporate Privateer, Chartered Colony of South Carolina 29150] ‘ego sum minora regalia repletion DOR ETE Pe AMPAAAS 1000000005 universal affidavit of termination of Corporate/corporate/ mortuum stuprum contracts, ‘agreements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contracts, Joinders, finger print scans, Allonges, retinal/eye scans, facial recognition/scans, electronic/forged/altered signatures and etectronicl foes are }documents. “cigs pela daosmens: imsgvessiens Woerah ge toe ewes creel ot thes and moor / rte ad soap ef oi inheritors of the land,

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