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Task 1 Guidance – Jurisdiction of the Legal System

- Explain what your report will contain.


Criminal Court Process (P2)

- Include the criminal court hierarchy (diagram)
- Explain the process for below (and apply to the scenario):
 summary offences (Fernando*)
 triable either way offences (Tom*)
 indictable offences (Pete*)
- Explain the Youth Court and the process in this court (Caspar*)
- Explain the criminal appeal system.

Evaluation of the Criminal Court System (D1) - min 600 words

- Advantages and disadvantages of choosing the Magistrates’ Court over the Crown Court (vice versa) (*Tom)


Civil Court Process (P1) (*Shivani and Bill)

- Include the civil court hierarchy (diagram).
- Explain the civil court process.
- Explain the jurisdiction of the civil courts.
- Explain the civil appeal system.

Alternative Dispute Resolution (P3) (*Regine and Mihai)

 Mediation
 Conciliation
 Arbitration
 Tribunal

Evaluation of the Civil Court System and ADR (D1) - min 600 words
- Identify the advantages and disadvantages of the civil court system (refer to the Woolf Reform)
- Identify the advantages and disadvantages of mediation, conciliation, arbitration and tribunals.
- Compare the advantages and disadvantages of litigation with ADR.
*Apply to Shivani & Bill and Regine & Mihai.


Compare the civil and criminal courts (M1) – min 800 words
- General differences (e.g. purpose, outcome of the case, etc.)
- Differences in the civil and criminal and civil process.
- Differences in the civil and criminal appeal process.
- Use case law to compare the differences between civil law and criminal law (also refer to the concept of
double liability when doing this).

- Apply the civil and criminal court systems to the scenarios.


- Summarise your findings

- Include a list of references of the resources you have used.

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