Oxford Talk Women

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How many of you have women around you? Raise your hand.

And do you know which is the true

meaning of a women? There are thousands of definitions for the real meaning of a woman.
According to the Cambridge dictionary, a woman is a female human being. But is that it? Women
are so much more.

Cher once said…

Wimen have been fighting for their rights since 1848 when the first attempt to organize a national
movement for wimen's rights occurred in Seneca Falls, New York. Margaret Mead said… She was a
key figure in the second wave of feminist anthropology, that was an approach to anthropology
(archaeological, biological, cultural, linguistic) that seeks to reduce male bias in research findings,
anthropological hiring practices, and the scholarly production of knowledge.

1848- started the first movement for wimen’s rights

1893- wimen are granted the right to vote
1911- the first international wimen’s day is marked in Europe
1945- the United Nations is formed with women involved
1948- the un adapts the universal declaration of human rights thanks to Eleanor Roosevelt
1975- occurs the first world conference on wimen
1975-1985- occurs the United Nation’s decade for woman
1995- the UN’s fourth world conference on wimen is held in Beijing with 189 countries

Women have fought su much, but they need to keep fightings. Because how would you feel like, to
work the same as others and earn less money, just because your not a man? This is a graph made
by The Business Insider that shows the different salaries between men and women.

Do you know which are the most common jobs for wimen? According to the US department of
labor, the most common occupation for wimen is nursing. 86.0% of all nurses are wimen, while
14.0% are men. Another common job for wimen are secretaries and administrative assistants. This
is very sad, because why couldn’t wimen be doctors or heads of companies? Fortunately,
according to a new report from the Association of American Medical Colleges, wimen now
outnumber men in medical schools. The problems is that all this wimen don’t make it to working
as doctors.
If I ask you to name of famous scientists, you would probably say Einstein, Newton, Galileo Galilei.
But what about women? There are also Marie Curie, Rosalind Franklin, and Rachel Carson. Same
happens with artists, the only ones aren’t just Picasso, Van Gogh, da Vinci, Rivera. What about
Frida Khalo, Leonora Carrington, Remedios Varo, and Mary Cassatt?

So what is the true meaning of a wimen? They are people who inspire like Carrie Fisher, create like
Frida Khalo, speak like Malala, write like Joy Harjo, discover like Marie Curie, dissent like Ruth
Bader, soar like Amelia Earhart, resist like Rosa Parks, fight for their freedom like Harriet Tubman.

But mostly, they are what they want to be. They can be presidents, doctors, managers, astronots,
bakers, and more. They are the ones that have fought the most, and will continue fighting,
because that’s what they are, they are wimen that never give up, until they achieve what they
want. Women are leaders, fearless, and I hope they become proud of being a woman.

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