DB RPG Adept

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alerna is a world without gods, but not The Adept
Valernian adepts, seekers of philosophical
Spellcasting, Belief
tenets and spiritual truths, run the gamut from 1st +2
religious teachers to debate scholars, from warrior
Channel belief, Word
zealots to saintly hermits. 2nd +2
of Truth
Adepts are mighty spellcasters, their magic power 3rd +2 -
derived from their faith — but not faith to a
divinity or pantheon, but to a specific ethos and set 4th +2 Ability score increase

of values. Adhering to your own philosophy, and 5th +3 Belief school feature
getting others to agree with it, turns your beliefs 6th +3 Channel belief (2/ rest)
into reality, and makes each of your followers
exponentially more powerful. Word of Truth (Char-
7th +3
As an adept, you gain the following class features: 8th +3 Ability score increase

9th +4 Belief school feature

Word of Truth
Hit Dice: 1d6 per adept level 10th +4
Hit Points as 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution 11th +4 Statement
12th +4 Ability score increase

Armor: Light armor 13th +5 Belief school feature

Weapons: Simple weapons Word of Truth
14th +5
Tools: Two artisan’s tools
15th +5 -
Saving throws: Wisdom, Charisma
16th +5 Ability score increase
Choose 2 skills from this list:
17th +6 Belief school feature
18th +6 Channel belief (3/ rest)
19th +6 Ability score increase
Persuasion 20th +6 Sweeping Statement


You start with the following equipment, in addition
to the equipment granted by your Background:
• A quarterstaff or a simple melee weapon
of your choice
• A light crossbow and 20 bolts
• A holy symbol of your faith
• A suit of leather armor
• A priest’s pack

Adept Spellcasting
LEVEL CANTRIPS 1ST 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st 3 2 - - - - - - - -

2nd 3 3 - - - - - - - -

3rd 3 4 2 - - - - - - -

4th 4 4 3 - - - - - - -

5th 4 4 3 2 - - - - - -

6th 4 4 3 3 - - - - - -

7th 4 4 3 3 1 - - - - -

8th 4 4 3 3 2 - - - - -

9th 4 4 3 3 3 1 - - - -

10th 5 4 3 3 3 2 - - - -

11th 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 - - -

12th 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 - - -

13th 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 - -

14th 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 - -

15th 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 -
16th 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 -

17th 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1

18th 5 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1

19th 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1

20th 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1

SPELLCASTING Preparing and Casting Spells

Your core feature is your ability to turn your belief The Adept Spellcasting table shows how many
into magic. You can cast spells based on what you spell slots you have at each level. To cast an Adept
know to be true. spell, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or
higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you
Cantrips finish a long rest.
You know three cantrips of your choice from Choose a number of Adept spells equal to your
the adept spell list. You may choose and learn Wisdom modifier + your Adept level. These spells
additional cantrips as you progress in level, as must all be from levels you have available spell slots
shown in the Cantrips Known column of the for. These are the spells you have prepared; when
Adept Spellcasting table. you cast a spell, you choose it from your list of
prepared spells and then spend a spell slot of the
appropriate level or higher.

You may change your list of prepared spells by CHANNEL BELIEF
meditating as part of a long rest. Some belief-based spellcasters, like the adept and
Spellcasting paladin, gain the ability to channel their beliefs into
magical effects related to your philosophy.
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for adept spells.
You channel Vaala by meditating and focusing on At 2nd level, you can Channel your Belief into
your beliefs. the Word of Truth effect, or into a specific effect
determined by your Belief Doctrine. When you
Spell save DC = 8 + your Proficiency bonus + use Channel Belief, you choose which effect to use,
your Wisdom modifier and then you must finish a long or short rest before
Spell attack bonus = your Proficiency bonus + using the ability again.
your Wisdom modifier Starting at 6th level, you can Channel Belief
Ritual Casting twice between rests, and at 18th level you can
Channel Belief three times. You regain all uses of
You may cast any spell you know as a ritual if that Channel Belief when you finish a long or short rest.
spell has the ritual tag.
Channel Belief: Word of Truth
Spellcasting Focus
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel
You can use a symbol of your faith as a spellcasting Belief ability to infuse your words with magic
focus for your adept spells. power. As an action, you speak the tenets of your
faith. Every intelligent creature within 30 feet that
BELIEF DOCTRINE can hear you must succeed on a Wisdom saving
As an adept, you belong to a specific Belief throw against your spell save DC or have their
doctrine, which focuses your values and principles speed reduced to 0 until the end of your next turn.
into a set of associated powers. Any creature whose speed is reduced to 0 by
Choose a Belief doctrine from Ancestry, which your Word of Truth is also Deafened until the
teaches worship of your ancestors; Flame, which effect ends. Starting at 7th level, you can have
teaches self-purification through ordeal; Honor, them become Charmed instead; starting at 10th
which focuses on correct behavior, or Kindling, level, you can choose to have them Frightened;
which imparts the tenets of the Light. These belief and starting at 14th level, you can choose to make
doctrines are described starting on page 7. them Incapacitated.
Your chosen doctrine grants you an Alignment
Affinity (see the Alignment section) and gives you
powers and abilities based on its tenets. Your Belief When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th,
doctrine shapes your spell list and your Channel 16th and 19th level, you may increase one of your
Belief feature, and you gain further Doctrine ability scores by 2 points, or two ability scores by
features at 5th, 9th and 17th level. 1 point each. You may not increase an ability score
above 20 by using this feature.
Doctrine Spells
Each Doctrine has its own lists of spells, which you
gain access to when you choose the school. Your
Doctrine spells are always in your list of prepared
spells, they always count as adept spells for you,
and they don’t count towards your maximum
number of prepared spells per day.

STATEMENT • a 30-foot area around you temporarily gains
Starting at 10th level, your belief can directly total cover from outside effects.
alter reality. • a fresh corpse you touch is returned to life.
As an action, you can state a fact about a person, • a single intelligent creature you touch must
object or area you can touch, and that fact will follow a course of action you suggest until it’s
become reality. Your GM has the final word on fulfilled.
what can happen, but the effects cannot surpass the • a single intelligent creature you touch
power of a 6th-level spell. permanently believes a single statement you tell
After using this ability, you must finish a long them to be true.
rest before using it again. • an object or creature you touch has its full hit
If the effect you choose cannot be reproduced by points restored.
an adept spell you have prepared, you automatically • a creature’s lost limb regrows when you touch
gain 1d4 Exhaustion levels when using this ability. the stump.
Objects and creatures affected by your • a creature you touch is permanently
Statement must be of a size that you can fully polymorphed into a beast or humanoid of the
perceive at the moment of touching them (usually same hit dice or lower.
up to Large size).
• a creature you touch has their gender or species
Unwilling targets of this effect are allowed a permanently changed.
Wisdom or Constitution saving throw against
your spell save DC to negate your Statement’s • An object you touch permanently transforms
effects on them. into any other object of roughly the same size
and gp value.
The following are good examples of what you can state:
• An object you touch temporarily transforms into
• The effects of a cantrip or 1st-level spell become any other object of a different size or gp value.
permanent until dispelled.
Temporary effects from this ability end when
• The effects of a 2nd or 3rd-level spell last until you finish a long or short rest, or when you
you finish a long or short rest. fall Unconscious. Permanent effects from this
• all harmful conditions and diseases disappear ability end when you die or end them by another
from a target you touch. Statement.
• a magical effect in a space or target you can Sweeping Statement
touch automatically ends.
When you reach 20th level, you no longer need
• you create a temporary object out of nothing in to touch the target of your Statement, instead
a space you can touch. affecting any target you can see up to 120 feet
• you create a permanent object out of raw away. Also, you are no longer Exhausted when
materials in a space you can touch. using this ability.
• A creature you touch has one of its ability
scores permanently reduced to 1.
• A creature you touch temporarily gains a feat or
skill proficiency.
• An object you touch is destroyed.
• A damaged object you touch is repaired.
• A single living creature you touch dies.

Cantrips Prayer of Healing Hallucinatory Terrain Spirit Ally*
Guidance See Invisibility Phantasmal Killer True Seeing
Message Silence Private Sanctum 7th-level spells
Minor illusion Spiritual Weapon Resilient Sphere Etherealness*
Spare the dying Suggestion 5th-level spells Finger of Death
Thaumaturgy Zone of Truth Animate Objects Forcecage
True Strike 3rd-level spells Awaken Magnificent Mansion*
1st-level spells Beacon of Hope Commune* Mirage Arcane
Bane Bestow Curse Creation Resurrection
Bless Clairvoyance Dispel the Sequester*
Charm Person Counterspell Supernatural* Simulacrum
Command Create Food and Water Dominate Person Symbol
Comprehend Languages Dispel Magic Geas True Word*
Detect the Fear Greater Restoration World Jaunt*
Supernatural* Glyph of Warding Hallow
8th-level spells
Detect Magic Magic Circle Hold Monster
Antimagic Field
Essence strikes* Major Image Legend Lore
Guiding Bolt Mass Healing Word Modify Memory
Dominate Monster
Healing Word Remove Curse Raise Dead
Protection from the Revivify Scrying
Supernatural* Glibness
Sending Spirit Binding*
Sanctuary Holy Aura
Spirit Guardians Telepathic Bond
Shield of Faith Maze
Tiny Hut 6th-level spells Mind Blank
Silent image
Tongues Circle of Death Power Word Stun
2nd-level spells Contingency
4th-level spells 9th-level spells
Aid Disintegrate
Arcane Eye Foresight
Augury Eyebite
Banishment Imprisonment
Calm Emotions Find the Path
Compulsion Power Word Kill
Enthrall Forbiddance
Confusion Time Stop
Gentle Repose Globe of Invulnerability
Death Ward Weird
Hold Person Heroes’ Feast
Lesser Restoration Instant Summons
Locate Object Mass Suggestion
Freedom of Movement
Magic Mouth Programmed Illusion
Guardian of Faith
Magic Weapon

Adepts of the Ancestry Doctrine worship their Upon reaching 17th level, you may increase one of
culture, tradition and ancestors. The best known your ability scores by 2 points. You may increase
examples of this Doctrine are among the memory your ability score above 20 by this feature.
priests of the orc tribes from Sabaar to Gellanor,
who still pray to their Fallen Grand Realm. FLAME DOCTRINE
You have learned to worship your ancestors, As flame illuminates and gives warmth, it can
follow the traditions of your people, and gain also leave marks; as it burns the body, it also
power from that simple belief. burns memory.
Aspect Priests of the Flame, such as the snakefolk
followers of the Scourging, or the inspired djann
When you choose this Doctrine, you gain the Will
worshippers of the Flame Child, believe in using
aspect of your alignment (see the Alignment section).
fire as a way to improve themselves, cleansing their
Ancestry Doctrine spells minds and bodies through the symbolic flame of
self-challenge, or bringing the teachings of the
burning flame to their enemies.
1st identify, sanctuary Aspect
3rd augury, locate object
When you choose this Doctrine, you gain
5th speak with dead, spirit guardians
the Source aspect of your alignment (see the
7th divination, guardian of faith Alignment section).
9th commune, hallow
Flame Doctrine spells
Cultural Heritage ADEPT SPELLS
You are versed in your people’s ways. Starting
1st burning hands, guiding bolt
at 1st level, you gain proficiency in one skill of
3rd flame blade, lesser restoration
your choice.
5th dispel magic, fireball
Channel Belief: Ancestors’ Advice 7th fire shield, wall of fire
Starting at 2nd level, you may use your Channel 9th flame strike, greater restoration
Belief to reroll any d20 roll once. If you have more
Friend of Fire
than one use of Channel Belief, you may repeat
the same roll as many times as your Channel Belief When you deal any damage with a Adept spell,
allows. You always have to abide by the result of the you may change its type to fire damage.
last roll.
Channel Belief: Scourging Flame
Awakened Lineage Starting at 2nd level, you may Channel Belief to
Starting at 6th level, you may choose any one skill summon a scourging flame that cleanses and burns
you’re proficient with. Your proficiency bonus with the target. Choose a living creature within 20 feet
that skill is doubled. of you. The target takes 2d8 fire damage, and you
may end one magical effect, condition or disease
Channel Belief: Ancestors’ Presence affecting it. The target is allowed a saving throw
Starting at 8th level, you may use your Channel against the effect; if it chooses to make a save and
Belief to choose one ability score as an action. You succeeds, the damage is halved and you may not
gain advantage on all checks, attack rolls and saving end any effect, condition or disease affecting it.
throws using that ability for 10 minutes.

If you have more than one use of Channel Aspect
Belief, you may spend one additional use when you When you choose this Doctrine, you gain
use this ability to either deal an additional 2d8 fire the Dream aspect of your alignment (see the
damage to the target, or to remove all conditions or Alignment section).
diseases affecting it.
Honor Doctrine spells
Inner Flame
Starting at 6th level, you gain resistance to fire and LEVEL
cold damage. 1st heroism, shield of faith
3rd calm emotions, enhance ability
Bringer of Fire
5th beacon of hope, counterspell
Starting at 8th level, when a spell or effect cast by 7th death ward, freedom of movement
you deals fire damage, you may add your Wisdom 9th geas, telepathic bond
modifier to the damage dealt.
Unbroken Will
Channel Belief: Immolation At 1st level, you gain advantage on all saving
Starting at 17th level, you may immolate yourself throws against enchantment spells and effects.
at will as an action, using your Channel Belief. This
lasts for 1 minute and has the following effects: Channel Belief: Unbroken Discipline

• You gain immunity to cold and fire. As a free action, you may use your Channel Belief
to end one condition affecting you, even if you are
• You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing unconscious or incapacitated.
and slashing damage from nonmagical
weapons. Starting at 6th level, you may use Unbroken
discipline on a creature other than you.
• All your weapon attacks deal an additional 1d6
fire damage. Starting at 8th level, when you use Unbroken
discipline you end all harmful conditions affecting
• When you deal fire damage with a spell, that the target.
damage increases by 1d6 per spell level.
The Power of Honor
• At the start of every turn that you maintain
this effect, you lose 2d8 hit points, bypassing Starting at 17th level, you gain advantage on all
all your damage resistances or immunities. You Wisdom saving throws, and you may end one
may end this effect as a free action instead of condition on yourself as a free action at the start of
taking damage. your turn, without using your Channel Belief.


Many philosophies in Valerna value honor and The Kindling Doctrine promotes community,
discipline, from the Eliadu Code of Allarian Wardens coexistence, camaraderie and warmth. It is through
to the Path of Ascendancy of the Risen Altanesi. the Kindling that mortals create light in darkness,
and find survival in the wilds. The most famous
If you follow the Honor Doctrine, you are expected
followers of the Kindling are the Galadyan Priests
to be righteous and dutiful; your power depends on
of the Holy Light.
your own self-discipline.
The Kindling has taught you to help others,
worship the sanctity of a safe home and form a
warm-hearted, good-willed community.

Aspect While your Holy Flame is active, you emit
When you choose this Doctrine, you gain one bright light in a 10-foot radius. Any hostile creature
Aspect of your choice from Dream, Source or Will that starts its turn in this radius must succeed on
(see the Alignment section). a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save
DC, taking radiant damage equal to your Wisdom
Kindling Doctrine spells modifier on a failed save. Conversely, any friendly
ADEPT SPELLS creature that starts its turn within 10 feet of you
LEVEL regains hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier.
1st cure wounds, purify food and drink
3rd aid, continual flame
Rest by the Light
5th beacon of hope, create food and drink Starting at 6th level, when you take a short rest, all
7th control water, fire shield creatures that take a short rest within 20 feet of you
9th commune with nature, greater restoration
regain hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Bringer of Light The Light Within

Starting at 1st level, you know the produce Starting at 8th level, you gain advantage on all
flame cantrip. saving throws against effects that deal cold damage
or cause the Frightened condition.
Friend of Light
One With the Light
Also at 1st level, you gain the recognition of
other followers of the Kindling across Valerna. Starting at 17th level, you gain resistance to cold,
Whenever you encounter a community of Kindling fire and necrotic damage.
worshippers, they are expected to provide you with
food and shelter. You may receive further assistance,
as allowed by your GM.
Channel Belief: Holy Flame
Starting at 2nd level, you may use Channel
Belief to Kindle a holy fire that heals your friends
and burns your enemies. This ability lasts for a
number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier
(minimum of 1 round).

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