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lves were the first people of Valerna, born Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
from the magic of Protogons during the Darkvision. Elves love the stars and the moon,
earliest ages of history. They ruled western and this love allows them to see in dim light out to
Valerna from their fabled Ellari Kingdoms — 60 feet as if it was bright light. In darkness, elves
enchanted realms built out of Dream Magic, whose see as if it weas dim light, without colors — only
wizard-lords wrote reality as they saw fit through shades of gray.
their ancient art of Dreamshaping. For millennia
these realms withstood dragon incursions, human Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the
invasions and monster attacks, until a magical Perception skill.
cataclysm known as the Dreambleed destroyed the Fai Ancestry. Built from the Dream itself, you
ancient world, and elven civilization with it. have advantage on saving throws against becoming
After the Dreambleed hit, many elves escaped Charmed or Unconscious.
Valerna, by sea or by the dark paths of the Trance. Elves don’t sleep like other mortals;
subterranean world, and were lost to history. The instead, they enter a meditating state in which they
few surviving Ellari kingdoms were forced to strike can dream and retain lucidity. You remain aware
a truce with their human neighbors, founding while you sleep.
the human-elf states that would become the
Kingdom of Allaria. Today, no large-scale elven People. Once, there was only one elven people
nations remain on Valerna outside of Allaria in — the Ellari of the silver kingdoms. Across the eras,
the Westerlands, and the Sikarian Dominion in they diverged into three separate branches. Choose
the North Sea; but elves can be found everywhere one of the peoples described below.
as travelling artists, daring explorers, dedicated
researchers or mighty wizards. Ellari
The Ellari, or silver elves, were the first of their
Long-lived Dreamers people, and so perhaps the first of all Valernian
While mortal, elves remain the most long-lived, peoples. Tradition holds that they were dreamed
carefree, patient and untroubled of all peoples. into being by the lingering power of the Protogons.
Slender and delicate, they like beauty in all its Once, glorious Ellari kingdoms dotted Valerna,
forms, particularly if it comes from art or nature. each more splendorous and peaceful than the rest.
Their Vaala tends to be stronger in the Fai aspect, But they fell during the cataclysm known as the
and their innate abilities lend themselves to Dream Dreambleed, and they dwindled as other peoples
magic, but they can become very powerful in any rose to power. Today most Ellari live in human or
form of spellcasting. Allai realms, save for small forest clans that retain
All elven breeds have lifespans of hundreds of years, their ancestral identity at a much smaller scale.
which gives them rich lore and culture. For the
same reason, their customs are varied and colorful, THE CURSE OF DREAMS
with as many different elven cultures as there are elf All Ellari have the ability to share their dreams
settlements in Valerna. with others of their kind, a gift they once used
to communicate and establish bonds across their
ELF TRAITS civilization. The elvish magic of Dreamshaping is,
Elves were the first mortal peoples of Valerna, in fact, based on this ability.
which is reflected in their dream-related abilities Sadly, dreams were one of the most common
and affinity with nature. gateways for the devastating force known as the
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity and Null to manifest into the world. After the global
Charisma score increase by 1 point each. conflict known today as the First Null War, the
Allarian Kings blamed silver elves both for the

Null Invasion and the Dreambleed itself, using Male names: Adamai, Aelei, Arlaii, Aunai, Bali,
the Ellari’s pupil-less ‘Null-eyes’ as so-called proof Breonai, Daraei, Ei, Eldai, Endu, Ennai, Feali, Finnai,
of their ‘innate’ tendency towards nightmare and Galai, Hanai, Iannai, Idai, Kelai, Lannai, Maladi,
unlife. Thus, most silver elves in Valerna were Malei, Malekei, Mali, Manali, Mannai, Menassai,
cruelly made to ‘pay their debt’ through forced Minei, Nai, Qai, Qi, Taei, Tarai, Vali, Yi, Ynai, Zai
labor, and subject to the Dreamless Treatment, Female names: Adyse, Aie, Allae, Alde, Alyme,
a magical drug that inhibited their ability to Anyse, Arle, Aunne, Edae, Ende, Ennae, Elyse,
communicate through dreams. This situation lasted Galae, Hannae, Ile, Laenne, Malae, Manise, Mawe,
for centuries until the rise of the Ellari Dragon Namae, Nie, Nisse, Qie, Senide, Teryane, Terye,
Queen, who abolished the Treatment and restored Ynise, Yunne, Xe, Zie, Zielle
rights to the oppressed Ellari.
Age. Silver elves can live up to 400 years, and
While they can be found all across the are considered mature by 16 years.
Westerlands, Ellari are most numerous in Allaria,
where they are free citizens by law, but still vassals Size. Silver elves tend to be slender, averaging
in practice. Most Allarian silver elves live as 1.6 meters in height. Your size is Medium.
humans and among humans, and many still carry Dreamsharing. While you take a long or short
the sequels of the Dreamless Treatment across rest, you may use the message cantrip on other
generations of their ancestry. Ellari characters or any creature of an alignment
A few silver elves managed to establish hidden with the Dream aspect (see the Alignment section).
forest communities during Allarian rule, and When you take a short rest, every Ellari
never submitted to the Allai’s civilization or character or creature of an alignment with the
their Dreamless Treatment. Today, these sylvan Dream aspect within 30 feet of you regains 1
settlements are no longer outlaws, but they still additional hit point per hit die spent.
refuse Allarian rule, and many urban-dwelling
Ellari are seeking their freedom in these remote When you reach 7th level, you may use sending
communities rather than in the cities where their once during a long rest. This ability may only target
ancestors suffered. other Ellari characters or creatures of an alignment
with the Dream aspect.
APPEARANCE Languages. You may speak, read and write
Common, Allarian and Ellari.
Most Ellari have pale skin and white hair, which
they traditionally decorate with natural dyes. Their
eyes are white with no pupils inside the iris. Sikari
The only elven breed that was created by their
ELLARI NAMES own hand, Sikari blue elves were once ellari, which
Silver elves retain the naming customs of the mutated themselves through the life-altering form of
ancient Ellari kingdoms. They prefer descriptive alchemy they call Zoethurgy, or Creature alchemy.
names, with meanings such as ‘bright star’, or The first Sikari were silver elves during the
‘blade of grass’. Some have adopted or received Allarian oppression, who fled the Dragon Kingdom
Allai names (see the ‘Half-Elf names’ section). and sought shelter in the neighboring nation of
Silver elves have lost the use of last names, adopting Nahuac. There, they misused Nahuac sacred magic
instead the Allai custom of using their profession or to alter their own nature, becoming a new breed
duty before their given name (for example Hazai Hai, altogether — the Blue Elves.
‘Hai the sculptor’; Qan Elyse, which means ‘Queen
Elyse’; or Lein Mu, which means ‘Senator Mu’).

A LIFE OF RESEARCH Last Names: Antigoneis, Anairamis, Antakis,
Exiled from both Allaria and Nahuac, blue elves Bellas, Dias, Gadamantis, Palaseis, Parakaimis,
migrated to the arctic poles of Valerna, where they Praefektis, Prakabes, Thalais, Vastakis
established the Arkane Dominion of Sikaria, a
nation of independent research centers that double SIKARI TRAITS
as opulent cities. There, the Sikari experimented on Age. Blue elves can live up to 500 years, and are
other lifeforms with zoethurgy, building their own considered mature by 14 years.
civilization through study and research.
Size. Altered by zoethurgy to your own
Besides their variant appearance, Sikari like to specifications, your height may be anywhere
use magic to further modify their bodies, giving between 1.4 and 2 meters. Your size is Medium.
themselves small alterations such as ornamental
Amphibious. You have a swim speed equal to
tentacles, skin pouches, nictitating eyes, tails, or
your base speed, and you can breathe both air and
even additional arms or legs. No two blue elves are
alike, and no blue elf resembles anybody else.
Body Modification. Through the art of
APPEARANCE Zoethurgy, you have altered your body for utility
or aesthetics. Choose one skill, whether you have
Sikari have a passing resemblance to Ellari, but proficiency in it or not. You have advantage on all
their skin and hair have become vivid blue, their checks using that skill.
bodies have become amphibious, with gills and
webbed limbs, and they have greater sailing, Geni Stone. You own a stone charged with
swimming and alchemy skills than other elf breeds. source energy, which allows you to focus your
innate kaab abilities. You can use your geni stone as
Sikari resemble other elves, except they have a spellcasting focus.
blue-green skin, with hair and eyes of a darker tone
of blue-green. Choose a 1st level spell, from any spell list, that
may be cast as a ritual. While you have your geni
SIKARI NAMES stone, you may cast that spell as a ritual.

As everything with their culture, Sikarians built Languages. You may speak, read and write
their own language and naming customs. They use Common, Ellari and Sikarian.
long and pompous names, which speak of their
genius and majesty. Contrary to other elven breeds, Z’aari
they do use last names, although these have less to
do with one’s family and more with the Akademia The elves of the underworld, created by the dark
you belong to. forces of the Hollowdepths, Z’aari are ruthless
hunters and able sailors, with magic floating ships
Male names: Apisios, Akaios, Akarios, Atalaeon, by which they sail the great underground oceans,
Dimeas, Ekestes, Elegios, Epimides, Exenas, caves and chasms of the world.
Galantes, Gaenis, Ilmarantes, Kaimeres, Kaestes,
Karbos, Komenes, Maekenas, Metakis, Ornelis, Once Ellari survivors, who went underground
Paegos, Palantis, Palos, Piraes, Vaedos, Vastides, seeking refuge from the Dreambleed cataclysm,
Yaetes the Z’aari fell under the sway of the Daimos lords
of the Hollowdepths, which twisted them into a
Female names: Agentia, Aleia, Anaeria, Atalea, violent, hostile people.
Dikaia, Galaea, Gaenetia, Elekta, Exea, Ixara,
Kaera, Katonia, Kistesia, Makae, Nadeia, Paegea, After centuries of slavery under the Daimoi, the
Pankara, Saele, Takeia, Taelonia, Thaia, Uneia, Z’aari rebelled and created their own civilization,
Urgaeia, Zoetia dedicated to ‘sailing’ the great caves below the
Earth and hunting their former masters — the
Daimoi and their servants.

COMPETING CIVILIZATIONS Female names: Adyu, Aju, Allu, Alyu, Amnu,
There are two separate, competing Z’aari Baeru, Cuu, Daeru, Devanu, Endu, Elju, Gallu,
civilizations — Clear Z’aari, who are freedom- Hanu, Ilu, Kiu, Lalau, Mau, Manu, Niu, Shiu,
loving and warlike, and Haze Z’aari, who are Taiu, Tarju, Ynju, Ziju
introspective and domineering.
Clear Z’aari follow the immortal warlord known
as the Autarch, and Haze Z’aari worship the rule of Age. Z’aari live up to 200 years, and are
the manipulative, pragmatic Magisteria. Both tribes considered mature by 14 years.
live to outdo the other’s in their hunting methods Size. You are wiry and lanky, around 1.7 meters
and results. in height. Your size is Medium.
Flying Sailor. You have proficiency in Vehicles
ROOTWEAVING (Air) and Navigator’s tools.
The most important skill of Z’aari elves is Root Bond. You have a close bond with the
rootweaving — the ability to create magical armor deep roots of trees and other underground nature.
and tools from the roots of underground trees. When you are underground, you have advantage
when a z’aari elf comes of age, they must spend on Survival and Nature checks.
at least one year meditating under the roots of an
underground tree, which slowly grow around their Carapace. Your body is permanently covered
body, forming a customized carapace that will in a pattern of roots and branches, which count as
cover the z’aari elf for the rest of their life. Once the a suit of light armor. You are considered proficient
carapace is finished, the elf wakes from their trance with it.
and is ready to join their people. You have Resistance to bludgeoning damage
These root carapaces are like a second skin to the and a base Armor Class equal to 10 + half your
z’aari, and the focus of all their spellcasting abilities. proficiency bonus + your Dex modifier.
You may not fully remove your carapace or wear
APPEARANCE any other armor. You may still benefit from a shield
Z’aari resemble tan or green-skinned elves or other protective items, spells or effects. The
with natural ‘tattoos’ or skin marks, like those carapace does not hinder sleeping, eating or any
of amphibians, and eyes adapted to see with other activity, lightly shifting its form as needed.
no light sources. They are always covered in If you gain the Source Aspect of your alignment
twisting, hardened tree roots with function as (see the Alignments section) in a spellcasting class,
permanent armor. you may use your carapace as a spellcasting focus.
Root Growth. When you earn an ability
Z’AARI NAMES score increase or a feat, you may forgo the ability
Z’aari use single descriptive names derived score increase or feat and instead increase your
from both the Ellari and Wadeep tongues. They carapace’s base AC by 2 points. You may only use
rarely share their real name with outsiders, using this ability once.
nicknames such as ‘spear-caster’ or ‘root-bender’ to Languages. You speak Common and Wadeep.
hide their true name.
Male names: Akhai, Ashlai, Balari, Balvi, Cui,
Dahei, Dosti, Elgi, Fagi, Haji, Igdi, Jai, Jokai,
Madai, Miagi, Nagi, Ogi, Osvi, Rjai, Ravai,
Ravanei, Shagati, Vrali, Volji, Yaji, Zaji

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