9473ramanujan Application Format

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Nomination letter format for Ramanujan Fellowship

The Secretary,
Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB),
5 & 5A, Lower Ground Floor,
Vasant Square Mall,
New Delhi 110 070

I wish to nominate Dr. …………………………………………. for Ramanujan

Fellowship of SERB, Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi, who is

presently working at ………………………………………….. and is not employed in India.

This is to certify* that if the fellowship is offered to Dr. ……………………………………….,

the institute/ University will provide office and laboratory space along with the

necessary facilities to carryout research described in the proposed project. Institute/

University has carried out internal evaluation of the applicant before forwarding the

application for the government’s prestigious fellowship.

Date :

Place: Signature of the Head of the Institute/


(Nominations must be sent only by Head of the organization/ Institute/ University or
the person authorized by Head of the organization/ Institute / University, since this is
an academic position)

*The institute/ University are expected to have their own selection mechanism to
decide the criteria for selection and apply the same before forwarding the
application for the Ramanujan fellowship.

** This fellowship is meant for working in new areas and laboratories in order to
expand their research capabilities, other than the one where the candidate
obtained the doctorate degree from.

1. Broad subject area (Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Earth &
Atmospheric Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, Engineering Sciences).

2. Area of specialization:

3. Name of the candidate:

4. Mailing address (must indicate Telephone, Fax and e-mail address):

5. Date of Birth:

6. Educational qualifications:

(From Bachelor’s degree onwards)

Sl. No. Degree University Year Subjects Percentage

1. 2. 3 4 5 6
. . . .

7. (a) Details of professional training and research experience, specifying period

(b) List of significant publications during the last 5 years.

8. Details of employment.

9. Professional recognitions, awards, fellowships received.

10. Proposed area of research and brief outline of proposal (specify the research work at
present engaged in, future plans, prospects after the fellowship, how will the work strengthen
basic research in the country, etc. – not more than 5 pages).

11. Name of the institutions where the fellowship will be availed.

12. Institution’s recommendations

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