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This might be for a pvc printer?

"first you need to create the "halftone dots" effect that you see on the finished ID.
for florida UV, copy your picture from the template and paste it into a new photshop document.

1) go to image>mode>grayscale

2) go to image>mode>bitmap...

3) select the resolution of your tempate.

4) in the box below select "halftone screen.."

5) set frequency from between 15-25 ( play around with it)

6) set angle to 45, shape diamond.

NOW, here's the clever part:

7) copy your halftone image, go back to your ID template.

8) paste it where it needs to go.

9) go to the CHANNELS box (it's behind the layers box) your template should be set to CMYK. if it isn't
then convert it to CMYK. (image>mode>CMYK color)

10) select the CYAN channel. make it darker using brightness/contrast.

11) DELETE the MAGENTA and YELLOW channels completely. they should be WHITE.

12) darken the K channel using brightness/contrast.

13) INVERT (ctrl+I) both the cyan and K channels.

14) print.

15) shit your pants at how awesome it looks."

this technique works, however there's a couple of things you have to do to make sure you get best

BEFORE STEP ONE: go to the levels and make sure that you "oversaturate" your image, so that whites
are REALLY white and the darks are black. this will make it easier for you. then go ahead and complete
steps 1-6.

you have to use the levels window to double-check what you're doing, hover over the part of the image
you want to check, and it will give you values for CMYK in percent.

in the white spaces you want both C and K to be 0% (but a value of anywhere from 2-9% is fine).

in the black spaces obviously you want it to be 100% C and K.

then go ahead with 7 through 15.

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