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I. June 18, 1815, the Battle of Waterloo.

A. Napoleon looses the battle and everyone realizes that he is not human as he rises up into the
air and begins chanting in some horrid sounding language.
1. As napoleon chant nearly reaches its crescendo, thousands of beings from myth and
folklore appear on the battlefield and start a counter chant in another unknown language
(Though the Irish troops can nearly understand).
a. The beings look like elves, trolls, various types of goblins, nightmare horses,
mermaids, giants, all beings from the various European stories.
B. At the end of both chants there is a brilliant flash of light and everyone was back at the
home countries, sort of .
1. Many of the countries of the world are now in “Some Where Else”, as the British
called it.

2. A good portion of the different nations where some how scooped up and sent here.
a. The land masses just floated in space. There was a sun in the middle, looking
similar but different than old Sol.
1. There were also large swathes of asteroids belts. These were parts of the
our continents and “other” places.
b. The populations went with them and survived for the most part, except for the
random heart attach and such.
3. The surrounding “space” was filled with breathable air and stars could be seen in the
distance. Not our stars, but stars non the less.
C. Below is an example of what things look like.
II. The changes.
A. Besides going to Some Where Else (S.W.E.), things began to change quite rapidly.
1. The Beings who arrived to do the counter chant against Napoleon turned out to be the
a. There were of the Seele and Unseele Courts, also called the Summer and Winter
2. They explained that they came to stop Napoleon from opening a rift to let in the Demons
from the Outer Dark.
a. Napoleon turned out to be a Greater demon who was trying to take control of the
world. When he was stopped by common Humans and grew irate and decided to do
it with his brethren.
3. The Fae could not let this happen, as they were created to fight the Demons of the Outer
a. The Fae promptly left the Humans and went about their own hunt for demons.
B. Other changes.
1. Magic now works!
a. Humans, some, began to be able to manipulate reality with magic.
b. Some were able to find Fae to teach them, most learned on their own or sponsored by
their governments.
c. There are still a great many spells that Humanity does not know.
2. People began to change into Fae. Some time before the Fae left to where ever they
went to (not one will say where) there was some intermingling of the species.
a. Now that magic worked those with Fae in their past turned back into them.
1. Humans turned into Elves, Dwarves, Orks, and Trolls.
a. These are the only Fae either able to or willing to mate with Humans and
3. New “tech has emerged.
a. Flying ships.
b. Coherent light fire arms.
c. Fae weapons.
III. What has been going on since Humanity, Fae, and Demons have arrived in SWE?
A. After 5 years France began to aggressively move about the SWE space.
1. They began to attack any of the Nations of the Sixth Coalition Nations and try to make
allies against the Coalition (Austria, Prussia, Spain, The United Kingdom, Portugal,
Sweden, and a number of German States).
B. By the 4th year the Coalition got together and began to make their decisions on what to do.
1. They agreed to form multi-national teams that would move about SWE and stop the
actions and plans being set forth by the Ministry of Police while the Coalition Nations
would use their military to defeat Frances military adventures.
IV. Characters. 150Pts with 45pts of disads, 195 total.
A. Players can choose between Human or Fae changed.
1. Humans can be of any nationality except French. Not even French Resistance.
a. The only disadvantage for Humans is that they can be possessed by demons.
b. Humans can be mages as well. Changelings can only have 2 colleges.
1. Regular mages, hedge mages, ritual mages, etc.
2. Fae Changed, either Elf, Dwarf, Ork, or Troll.
Fae Changed

Dwarf (38 Points) Elf (50 Points)

Stats Stats
ST +1 (10) DX +1 (10)
Fatigue +3 (9)
DX -1 (-10)
Manual Dexterity +2 (6) Advantages
Will +2 (8) Attractive +1 (5), Charisma +2 (10),
HT +2 (20) Combat Reflexes (15), Night Vision
Hit Points -1 (-5) (10), Longevity (5)

Advantages Disadvantages
Extra Encumbrance (5), DR +1 (3), Vegetarian (-5)
Infravision (15), Resist Disease +2 to
Disadvantages 1.9m, 70kg (6'2", 160lbs)
Inconvenient Size (-7), Jump -4 (-3),
Move -1 (-5)

1.2m, 50kg (4', 110lbs)
Ork (25 Points) Troll (87 Points)

Stats Stats
ST +2 (20) ST +2 (20)
IQ -1 (-10) ST +6 (46) Natural: No fatigue
HT +2 (20) bonus, No jumping bonus (-35%)
DX -1 (-10)
IQ -2 (-15)
Advantages HT +4 (45)
Night Vision (10) Hit Points +3 (15)

Disadvantages Advantages

Unattractive -1 (-5), Charisma -1 (-5), Extra Encumbrance (5), DR +3 (9),

Social Stigma (-5) Infravision (15), High Pain Threshold
(10) Move +50% (No Dodge Bonus)
(5), Reach +1 Hex (5), Teeth do
Notes Cutting Damage (5) Cast Iron
Stomach (15), Temperature Tolerance
1.95m, 95kg (6'3", 205lbs) (mod = HTx5 Degrees + 55, range =
65 - mod) (5)

Charisma -2 (-10), Ugly -2 (-10),
Inconvenient Size (-10), Big Hands (-
15) Weakness: Sunlight 1d Fatigue/30
min exposure (-8), Bad Temper (-10),
Social Stigma (-5), Short Lifespan 2 (-

2.8m, 225kg (9'2", 495lbs)

New Disadvantages

Big Hands (-15 Points)

Big Hands can be a difficult problem. Ultra fine manipulation is extremely difficult and is
equivalent to -4 Manual Dexterity, if it's at all possible. Examples include: buttoning shirts,
zipping zippers, sewing, tying knots, typing, pushing most small machine buttons, weapon
triggers, magazine release buttons, etc. Usually the handicapped person must use a pencil or
some other instrument to activate any push-button not designed with such peole in mind (most
modern equipment is, wherever possible).
Luckily, most equipment can be retro fitted to accommodate large users: weapon trigger
guards can be filed off and triggers elongated, buttons can be made larger by adding expansion
plates, Velcro instead of snaps, etc. This usually costs from 10%-60% the cost of the item. A full
weapon conversion costs +50%.
One advantage however is a single large hand can effectively grasp most items as if by two
human sized hands, at a penalty of -4 (e.g. ST-4). This means a big handed individual can
strangle a man one-handed. Kind of intimidating....
B. The Fae Changed will have some problems.
1. The Fae consider them to be second class citizens and because they were not born Fae.
a. They still have their Human souls and are mortal.
2. Humans do not fully trust them because of how the Fae act.
a. The Fae, either court, do not go out of the way to help Humanity. Some times
they do, some times not.
b. In fact, depending on which court and how a Fae is feeling, they may just attack.
1. This happens more often with the Winter Court than the Summer Court, but
not by much.
2. The Winter Court has been known to fight through Human forces just to come
to grips with demons that much faster.
c. Many Humans think the Fae changed know things and choose not to tell their
former brethren.
1. The Fae are horrible about sharing information, though sometimes they tell it
in rhyme or weird prophecy speech.
2. The Fae Changed cannot be possessed. This is their major advantage.
C. No matter what race a player chooses, they will be a representative of their respective
1. Their country will demand things and it is up to the player to decide how much they
will tell the rest of the party about these extra goals.
2. These goals will include but be limited to....
a. New spells, information on other countries abilities and plans, military
information (on French and other countries), etc.

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