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The Behavior Analyst 2004, 27, 133-151 No.

2 (Fall)

Individual Behavior, Culture, and Social Change

Sigrid S. Glenn
University of North Texas
The principle of operant selection is examined as a prototype of cultural selection, and the role of
the social environment is suggested as the critical element in the emergence of cultural phenomena.
Operant contingencies are compared to cultural selection contingencies, designated as metacontin-
gencies. Both of these types of contingency relations result in evolving lineages of recurrences that
can become increasingly complex in the number and organization of their elements. In addition to
its role in the recurring interlocking behavioral contingencies that constitute cultural organization,
operant behavior plays another role in cultures. Although the operants of individuals are functionally
independent of one another, the behavior of each person may contribute to a cumulative effect that
is relevant to the well-being of many people. Similarly, the outcomes of metacontingencies may
also contribute to a cumulative effect. The relation between independently evolving operant lineages,
or between independently evolving cultural lineages, and their cumulative effect is identified as a
macrocontingency. Macrocontingencies do not involve cultural-level selection per se. Effective cul-
tural engineering requires identifying the macrocontingencies that produce less than desirable effects
and altering the relevant operant contingencies or metacontingencies to produce change in the cu-
mulative effects.
Key words: operant contingencies, macrocontingencies, metacontingencies, cultural selection, op-
erant selection

Learned behavior is the substructure one another how to produce fire and to
of human cultures, and the transmis- fashion simple tools, to huge nation-
sion of learned behavior powers the states in which the integrated activities
evolution of human cultures. Human of hundreds of people participate in
behavior produces cumulative change producing the fabric used to make
in human environments, and continu- clothing sold as Brand X or to make
ally changing environments require the laws by which millions of people
continuing behavioral adjustments. live. Decades of education, formal and
Successful adjustments can become informal, are now required to develop
embedded in cultural practices and and maintain the behavioral repertoires
transmitted to later generations. needed to participate in the vast webs
Increasingly complex cultures have of interrelated human behavior that
emerged from the interplay among the constitute modern culture.'
human capacity for learning, the con- Most of the features of modern cul-
tingencies of reinforcement that ac- tures were not planned. Rather they
count for the learned behavior of in- simply emerged as a result of the con-
dividuals, and the cultural transmission tingencies of selection that supported
of learned behavior all in the forma- the behavior of individuals (cf. John-
tive context of physical features of lo- son, 2001). Systematic planning seems
cal environments. Over a period of lit- to begin when cultural practices have
tle more than 10,000 years, human cul- unpredicted, undesired, or belatedly
tures have evolved from small bands of recognized suboptimal results. Unin-
hunter-gatherers, presumably showing tended and culturally damaging results
of ongoing human behavior are first
I am deeply indebted to Leslie Burkett for her identified, then bemoaned and, some-
multiple readings of the manuscript while it was times, finally dealt with. But can they
in preparation. Her critical feedback was invalu-
Address correspondence to the author at the
Department of Behavior Analysis, P.O. Box ' The foregoing paragraphs draw on the work
310919, University of North Texas, Denton, of Bonner (1980), Harris (1989), and Diamond
Texas 76205 (e-mail: (1997).

be dealt with fast enough to ensure sur- the relation between the verbal practic-
vival? es of the experimental analysis of be-
Almost 20 years ago, B. F Skinner havior and a theoretical interpretation
(1987) asked why we were not acting of culture.
to save the world. His answer was that
the cultural practices of most of the hu- THE PRINCIPLE OF
man race did not include the verbal be- OPERANT SELECTION
havior required to properly analyze the
problems and plan the changes in the Behavioral principles describe the
environment needed to promote cultur- relations between behavior and envi-
al (and possibly species) survival. The ronment that account for the acquisi-
missing verbal cultural practice, Skin- tion and maintenance of learned behav-
ner suggested, was the language of the ior. The principle of operant selection
experimental analysis of behavior- is the bedrock on which other behav-
specifically, the practice of analyzing ioral principles rest. Like other scien-
the contingencies of reinforcement that tific principles, its simple form masks
support the behavior of members of a the complexity of the universe it de-
culture and predict the results of scribes. The principle of operant selec-
changing those contingencies. He fur- tion is sometimes stated as "behavior
ther suggested that the experimental is a function of its consequences."
analysis of behavior would support a Such a bald statement makes no men-
theory of cultural evolution in the same tion of the different roles played by
way that Darwin's theory of biological time in the selection process described
evolution is supported by the experi- by the principle. The statement also
mental science of genetics. obscures the fact that the words behav-
Skinner's (1987) analogy offers a ior and its, which appear to refer to the
starting point for exploring in this pa- same thing, actually refer to different
per at least one way of using the lan- things. Let us unpack the statement in
guage of the experimental analysis of order to lay the groundwork for a sim-
behavior to support an interpretive the- ilar unpacking of cultural selection.
ory of culture. Although Skinner's ul- Figure 1 is a schematic of operant se-
timate interest was in bringing about lection as it goes on in time.2
changes that would improve the lives The schematic shows, first, that the
of people, the point of his paper was universe in which behavioral selection
that the path to effective action begins occurs is localized in the actions and
with effective verbal practices. In events outside those actions (environ-
2004, the 100th anniversary of his ment) of a single organism (let us say
birth, humans need more than ever a a young child learning to stack blocks).
language that will help them to analyze Of course, we would not be particular-
their problems in ways that guide ef- ly interested in this universe if operant
fective action. selection affected only this organism's
In the sections below, I review the behavior. As it turns out, the process
principle of operant selection and the appeared early enough in the evolu-
role of human social environments in tionary history of the earth to predate
behavioral contingencies. I then define humans by millions of years and there-
culture and cultural practices and con- fore is a behavioral characteristic
sider the role of operant behavior in
them. Two types of cultural-level re- 2 This
example is made as simple as possible
lations-macrocontingencies and me- and is not meant to suggest that the principle
tacontingencies are distinguished, requires simple responses, that instances are in-
and the role of behavioral contingen- stantaneous, that bouts or sequences of respons-
es cannot undergo selection, and so on. The
cies in each type is explained as a pre- function of S I is not discussed because the sche-
lude to accomplishing social change. matic does not show differential control over
Finally, I return to Skinner's views on RI.
Extended Time
Person P --------------------------1 minute-------------------------------------------------------
Situation S ................ . ...................................................... Environment
g Occurrences R R2 R3 R4 R2 R5 I R6 R7 R8 1 R9 1 RIO RI Behavior
H Consequences Ci 1CI C Cl Cl Environment

Operant X
Figure 1. Recurrences of RI that occur with increasing frequency as a result of the operant con-

shared by many species, perhaps hu- cy and by the end of the minute, RI
mans most significantly. predominates in Person P's behavior
In the schematic, three types of stream.
events are shown to be occurring in re- Assume that R 1 has rarely, if ever,
lation to one another in local time. One occurred previously in Person P's be-
type of event comprises the actions of havior stream. The schematic repre-
Person P, whose responses are desig- sents the acquisition of an operant we
nated by the letter R followed by a have labeled Operant X (in this case a
number. Each numbered R is a differ- "block-stacking" operant). The reli-
ent way of manipulating a block. To able temporal relation between RI and
make the example as simple as possi- Cl (together with the absence of such
ble, all Rs occur during a 1-min period a temporal relation between other Rs
in a stable Situation S, which is present and Cl) is the contingency that is caus-
when each R occurs (blocks are on a ing an increase in the frequency with
flat surface and everything in the play- which RI occurs in Person P's behav-
room remains constant). In that situa- ior stream in a stable environment.
tion, the actions that an observer iden- Recall the principle "behavior is a
tifies as RI (e.g., placing a block function of its consequences." The
squarely on top of another) are reliably particular behavior that is a function of
followed by a particular type of stim- consequences in this example is Op-
ulus change, Cl (a tower appears). erant X (a lineage of RI responses).
That consequence does not follow the The "it" that is followed by a conse-
other actions occurring in Situation S. quence is occurrences of RI (each
Situation S and the consequences rep- stacking response). The temporal (and
resented by Cl are environmental var- usually causal) relation between occur-
iables. rences of R1 and occurrences of Cl
The local temporal arrangements be- has generated a lineage of RI that we
tween each occurrence of RI and the have labeled X. Both the lineage (the
subsequent C I in Situation S are child's block-stacking operant) and the
shown in the diagonal arrangements of individual responses (each instance of
those letters. The recurring temporal stacking) are behavior-specifically,
relation between instances of RI (but the behavior of Person P. But they are
not other Rs) and Cl is typically des- two different kinds of things. More-
ignated as a two-term contingency. The over, the principle itself is content free
behavior identified as RI is shown to and refers to any and all lineages, and
occur several times. Only one other be- their component responses, that have
havior occurs more than once (R2), been generated by contingencies be-
and it occurs only twice. Within the 1- tween responses and consequences.
min period of observation, RI can be The value of the principle as a scien-
seen to occur with increasing frequen- tific generality depends on the variety

of the content that fits the formula and The actions that recur in operant lin-
the variety of organisms whose behav- eages change over time as the contin-
ior can be predicted, changed, or use- gencies of selection develop and
fully interpreted in terms of the prin- change. One way the operant lineages
ciple. change is that the component actions
The 1-min slice of a behavior stream become more complex. For example, a
portrayed in Figure 1 shows a stable child may learn to plug cords into wall
situation that is present when all the sockets, and to turn dials such as on
responses occur, and it shows a certain the kitchen timer, and to press hand-
kind of environmental change follow- kerchiefs when his dad has finished
ing some of the responses. Changing ironing his shirt. In a situation calling
the situation to S2 during the next min- for a pressed shirt, variations of the
ute and ensuring that no responses are three responses may occur in a novel
followed by CI in Situation S2 can add sequence, resulting in a pressed shirt.
a level of complexity. Let us say that This coming together of responses
in Situation S2, the surface on which from operant lineages learned at dif-
the blocks rest is not flat. Alternation ferent times has been termed contin-
of S1 and S2 at varying intervals, with gency coadduction (Layng & Andron-
C1 occurring after R 1 only in S1, typ- is, 1984). The relation between the
ically results in high frequencies of RI novel (adduced) response sequence
in S 1 and low frequencies of RI in S2. and the environmental consequence
The relation among S1-RI-Cl is then may increase the likelihood of repeti-
specified as a three-term contingency. tions of the sequence, eventually re-
In this case, the particulars of the three- sulting in a new operant lineage in the
term contingency are "on flat surfaces child's repertoire. Call it ironing. The
(but not on sloping surfaces), placing ironing lineage is a recurring sequence
blocks squarely on top of one another of actions, each instance of the se-
results in towers." quence composed of elements origi-
In a more dynamic and complete nally recruited from earlier acquired
portrayal of a behavior stream, ele- operant lineages. Because all the com-
ments of the situation are usually ponents of the sequence are required in
changing moment to moment and most each occurrence to produce the conse-
responses would be followed by a quence, the sequence of components
stimulus change of some kind (cf. Ray, acquires a functional integrity of its
Upson, & Henderson, 1977). The re- own. The nesting or embedding of oc-
sulting interplay between environmen- currences of one lineage in more com-
tal changes and moment-to-moment plex occurrences of another lineage is
changes in a behavior stream is iden- a highly consistent characteristic of hu-
tified as Person P's behavior.' man behavior. An example of such
nesting is shown in Figure 2. Note that
3Specific or particularized operant lineages the lineage is always composed of re-
(and their component occurrences) often are curring events, and the increasing com-
identified colloquially as behaviors, implicitly
signifying their ontological status as individually plexity is seen in the increasing num-
identifiable. For example, "The child engaged in ber of components in the occurrences
two problem behaviors" could mean he was ob- of the hierarchical lineages.
served repeatedly to hit other kids at lunch and
also to scream when recess ended. On the other
hand, everything one or all organisms do is des- ENVIRONMENTAL CONTENT
ignated as behavior (a mass noun). Friman IN OPERANT CONTINGENCIES
(2004) eloquently defended both usages on prac-
tical grounds. Here it is suggested that the dif- The only necessary feature of the
ferent usages also respect an ontological distinc- environmental events in three-term
tion. Specifically, the mass noun refers to a type
of empirical phenomenon (i.e., activity) and the contingencies is that they be empirical
plural usage suggests localization with respect to events. For everyday purposes, humans
a specific person. have found it useful to categorize em-

Operant Lineages Elements ofEach Occurrence

(Recurring operant acts)
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Figure 2. The components of occurrences in earlier lineages become integrated with the compo-
nents of occurrences in later lineages of more complex occurrences.

pirical events in myriad ways: visual or "yes" or the sound of the duet func-
auditory, temporally extended or punc- tions like C1 in Figure 1 is an empin-
tate, verbal or nonverbal, social or non- cal question. If they do, we consider
social, and so on. Any single event can them as belonging to yet another cat-
be categorized in many different ways. egory: reinforcer.
Lightning as an event in one's environ- The social environment is defined,
ment is visual, punctate, nonverbal, for present purposes, as the behavior of
and nonsocial. In a child's environ- other people as it relates to the behav-
ment, my humming a tune can be cat- ior of a learner or performer. Your
egorized as auditory, extended, non- question "What is your name?" is part
verbal, and social. Another way that of my social environment. My answer-
empirical events can be categorized is ing with my name is a social event in
in terms of their temporal relation to your environment. For any particular
the behavior of a learner or performer. occurrence of an operant response, the
The lightning may be a situation (an- situation may involve social and non-
tecedent) in which the behavior of ask- social events. One or more conse-
ing "lightning?" results in the conse- quences also may be either social or
quence of "yes." My humming may nonsocial. Figure 3 provides examples
be the situation in which the child's of three-term contingencies in which
humming results in the sound of our various combinations of social and
duet (consequence). Whether the nonsocial events might function as sit-

Situation Response Consequence

Drink machine Deposit coins Cold drink

Five cups on table "One-two-three-four- Teacher nods and smiles

five cups"
Friend says "turn left" Turn left Arrive at destination

Friend asks "What time is it?" "Six-fifteen" Friend says "Thanks"

Figure 3. Antecedent (situation) and consequent events may be nonsocial (italicized) or social
(boldface) or a combination of social and nonsocial for responses in an operant lineage.

uation and reinforcing consequence in lost so much direct control over the
operant contingencies. Environmental survival of one of its creations? And
events are italicized, and boldface what genetically transmitted human
identifies social events. characteristics lengthened the leash of
The everyday distinction between natural selection so dramatically?
social and nonsocial events has en-
couraged some authors to distinguish BIOLOGICAL INHERITANCE
between "social learning" and "indi- AND CULTURE
vidual learning," the implication being
that they involve different learning In addition to a distinct combination
processes (e.g., Box, 1984). But such of anatomical and physiological char-
implication is not warranted because it acteristics such as opposable thumbs,
confuses process and content. All bipedal locomotion, acute hearing and
learning is individual learning (Galef, vision, a highly plastic brain, and an
1988); that is, the locus of learning intricate and flexible vocal apparatus-
comprises the events in the behavior the human species has several geneti-
stream of an individual organism as cally transmitted behavioral character-
they relate to environmental events. istics that appear to have underpinned
The social character of some or all en- the emergence of culture. The first be-
vironmental events in behavioral con- havioral characteristic that made hu-
tingencies distinguishes the content of man cultures possible is their sociali-
the environment, not the process by ty-the strong tendency of humans to
which that environment affects behav- spend most of their time in close prox-
ior. The behavioral processes are the imity to one another. Without this ten-
same, whether the environment that dency, there would be little possibility
functions to select the behavior is so- for social events (i.e., the behavior of
cial or nonsocial, and those processes conspecifics) to serve as environmental
are a biological given. events having function with respect to
The social content in the contingen- human behavior.
cies that support most of the learning Skinner (1984b) identified two other
accomplished by humans is a defining behavioral characteristics that together
feature of human cultures. Although constitute what may be called, some-
rudimentary cultures are seen in other what vaguely, "learning potential."
species (Bonner, 1980; Harris, 1989), First, humans are born with a reper-
only humans depend almost entirely on toire of "uncommitted behavior,"
cultural transmission of behavioral which distinguishes them from social
content for the survival of their spe- species such as ants, whose specific be-
cies. How could natural selection have havior-environment interactions are

highly constrained by inheritance. of learned behavior transmitted social-

Whereas ants, for example, inherit spe- ly, as well as the products of that be-
cific behavioral patterns in response to havior (objects, technologies, organi-
specific social events, human behavior zations, etc.)."
becomes related to any of a wide va- Culture begins with the transmission
riety of environmental events, depend- of behavioral content, learned by one
ing on the particulars of the social and organism during its lifetime, to the rep-
nonsocial environment in which the ertoires of other organisms. Thus, the
human lives. To be sure, human action locus of cultural phenomena is su-
is constrained by human biology; but praorganismic. Unlike learning, which
in each generation, humans have to is localized in repeated temporal rela-
learn all over again what their ances- tions between the actions of a single
tors learned-a laborious process in- organism and other empirical events,
deed, but one that allows the behavior the locus of cultural things is supraor-
of each generation to become adapted ganismic because it involves repeti-
to current environmental events. And tions of the interrelated behavior of
those environmental events can change two or more organisms; one organism's
from generation to generation and have behavior functions as the situation or
done so at a steadily increasing pace. consequences in the operant contingen-
By outfitting humans with a largely cies accounting for the behavior of the
uncommitted behavioral repertoire, other. Such transmission requires no
natural selection gave our species a new biological trait or behavioral pro-
long leash for local behavioral adap- cess, but it does initiate a new kind of
tations. But the uncommitted repertoire lineage: a culturo-behavioral lineage
of humans would be lethal without the (Glenn, 2003).
second characteristic of human learn- Culturo-behavioral lineages extend
ing potential-the susceptibility of hu- deeply into human history, and they
man behavior to operant selection. Al- also occur in rudimentary form among
though this behavioral characteristic is nonhuman species (Kawamura, 1959).
shared by many species, humans ap- A curious fact about human cultures is
pear to be most exquisitely sensitive to that after anatomically modern humans
behavioral contingencies of selection spent tens of thousands of years in ru-
(Schwartz, 1974). This characteristic dimentary cultures, human cultures be-
does not depend on whether the envi- came quite complex in little more than
ronmental events in the behavioral se- 10,000 years-an extraordinarily short
lection contingencies are social or non- period of evolutionary time (Harris,
social, but the preponderance of social 1989). This suggests that long before
events in the behavioral contingencies cultural takeoff, humans had the ana-
all but guarantees the emergence of tomical, physiological, and behavioral
cultural phenomena. characteristics (delineated above) that
they needed for the emergence and
EMERGENCE OF evolution of complex cultures. Missing
CULTURAL PHENOMENA were the changes in environmental
events (social and material) that could
The combination in humans of enter into operant contingencies across
learning potential and sociality set the generations, supporting individual be-
stage for the emergence of culture-a havior that differed from generation to
novel kind of phenomenon. Like the generation.
word behavior, culture is a mass noun,
a category word, and also a word that Cultural Practices and
refers to the particulars that are mem- Macrocontingencies
bers of that category (specific cul-
tures). As a category of phenomena, Much of the behavioral content of
we will define culture here as "patterns individual human repertoires is similar

to the content of many other humans. of them may be able to produce a sim-
The term cultural practices refers to ilar result for their own patrons. These
similar patterns of behavioral content, cases involve cultural transmission.
usually resulting from similarities in Any cultural practice may be made up
environments. The term metabehavior of independently generated behaviors
has been suggested to identify the class and also socially transmitted behaviors.
of behaviors that constitute a cultural The point of these two examples is that
practice (Mawhinney, 1995). The need similarity in behavioral content of
for a term subsuming a supraorganis- many individuals is sufficient to con-
mic class of behaviors is recognized, sider the aggregate behavior a cultural
but we will use the term macrobehav- practice, but is not sufficient to assume
ior here because it is consistent with cultural transmission, and is even less
the other terminology in this paper. sufficient to assume a common origin.
Cultural practices may be important Another way of distinguishing
or unimportant for the survival of a among cultural practices is in terms of
culture. An example of a practice not the complexity of the behavioral con-
likely to be critical for cultural survival tent that constitutes the practice. The
is hairstyling. Many hairdressers may macrobehavior that constitutes a spe-
style hair similarly, and this similarity cific cultural practice may be straight-
of behavioral content constitutes a cul- forwardly identifiable operants such as
tural practice. Important to note is that smoking cigarettes; or multioperant
such similarity does not imply that the patterns of behavior such as styling
practice is a functional cultural unit. In hair, driving to work, or recycling; or
other words, the behavior of the vari- very complex patterns of interlocking
ous hairdressers is not necessarily behavior of many individuals, such as
functionally related to the behavior of that involved in auto manufacturing.
any other hairdressers. Individual hair- Whether comprising simple or com-
dressers simply may learn over time to plex elements, cultural practices all
cut certain types of hair in certain ways have two characteristics that are im-
as a result of the consequent look of portant for the present discussion.
the product and approval of their pa- First, they involve many people en-
trons. The resulting products (hair- gaged in the same repeated actions (be-
styles) consequently look alike. Nei- having individually or in relation to
ther the hairstyles nor the behavior of one another) and, second, those actions
the hairdressers are functionally related have consequences-often several dif-
to one another, even though the behav- ferent consequences.
ior of each hairdresser interrelates with Consider the behavior of driving to
the behavior of each of his or her pa- work. A consequence essential to its
trons. In this case, the similar behavior continuing repetition in an individual's
of many individuals constitutes a cul- behavior stream is arrival at work. But
tural practice, but there is no evidence in most cases, there are other behaviors
of cultural transmission and, therefore, that could result in arriving at work
no culturo-behavioral lineage exists. (e.g., carpooling, using mass transpor-
On the other hand, there may be a tation, bicycling, or walking). The fact
point of cultural transmission that links that most people drive to work rather
the behavior of two or more hairdress- than getting there some other way sug-
ers. For example, Hairdresser A may gests that additional consequences are
demonstrate to other hairdressers a involved and that they differ for dif-
way to style hair, and the others may ferent behaviors. Figure 4 shows some
reproduce the style under the watchful likely consequences of driving to work
eye of the originator and later with versus carpooling.
their own patrons. If the hair styled by Note that all of the consequences
A is featured in a magazine or seen on shown in italics depend only on the be-
customers by other hairdressers, some havior of the individual worker, and

Behavior iConsequences Likely to Consequences Likely Contribution to

Increase Frequency to Decrease Frequency Cumulative Effect

iDriving to- work Most convenient Highest cost More pollution

Takes less time

Carpooling to Lower cost Least convenient Less pollution

Work Takes more time
Figure 4. Effects of behavior that can function as behavioral consequences are in italics and those
that cannot function as behavioral consequences are in boldface; there is no contingency between
the operant and the cumulative effect.

they are experienced within a short W. Malott & Suarez, 2004). There is
time after the behavior occurs. Al- something else that sets apart the effect
though the worker does not control the on air pollution from the other effects
cost of gasoline, he or she does have of the two behaviors. To wit, even if,
control over whether more or less of by some magic, we were able to give
his or her paycheck goes for gasoline, this consequence a powerful function,
and whether he or she takes more or the consequence itself can be nullified
less time, with more or less conve- by the behavior of other people. Our
nience, in getting to work. Because of worker, mightily motivated to have
the correlation between the behavior cleaner air, can carpool for the next 20
and those consequences, those conse- or 30 years, but if a lot of other people
quences have some potential to in- do not do the same thing, the air is not
crease or decrease the relative proba- going to be any cleaner. In other
bilities of driving or carpooling. When words, cleaner air is simply not under
multiple consequences have conflicting our worker's control. That is, as Hardin
functions, the overall effect of the con- (1968) succinctly put the matter, the
sequences may be the algebraic sum- tragedy of the commons. No matter
mation of their individual effects (see how much one behaves for the com-
Skinner, 1953, pp. 218-223). And the mon good, the behavior of others can
effect of each of these consequences is undo it all. That is the critical differ-
relative. For example, if a worker who ence between the italicized and bold-
drove to work was transferred to a faced consequences listed in Figure 4.
work site much farther from home, the Ulman (1998, p. 209) suggested the
change in relative value of gasoline term macrocontingency to define "a
cost versus convenience might make set of differing actions (topographies)
carpooling more likely than before, es- of different individuals under common
pecially because the time involved in postcedent control." The term and the
carpooling versus driving might not definition suggest the standard defini-
differ much for the longer drive. tion of an operant writ large. It could
The effect of our worker's behavior be parsed in two ways. Macrocontin-
on air pollution, shown in boldface in gencies could refer to commonalities in
Figure 4, is a very different kind of behavior-consequence relations across
consequence. It is not only a matter of many individuals, or it could refer to
the consequence being too small, too the control exercised by the cumulative
delayed, or too cumulative for it to effect of all the topographies on the to-
have a behavioral function, although pographies. Ulman makes it clear that
all of that is true and important (see R. the "common postcedent control" is


Operant Selection
P1 ...... Bx (1) -> C ............ Contributes to cumulative effect
P2 ...... Bx (1') -> C ............. Contributes to cumulative effect
P3 ...... Bx (1) -> C .............. Contributes to cumulative effect
P4 ...... Bx (1') -> C ............ Contributes to cumulative effect
Pn ...... Bx(1,1') -> Cn ............ Contribute to cumulative effect

* Cumulative effect
Cultural Practice 1
Figure 5. Temporally unrelated operants of different people (macrobehavior) that produce behav-
ioral consequences and also contribute to a cumulative effect.

the cumulative effects of those differ- That being said, the notion of some
ing actions. As mentioned above, how- kind of relation that is bigger than op-
ever, the cumulative effects cannot be erant contingencies seems useful. So I
in a contingent relation with the behav- will define a macrocontingency as the
ior of any individual; therefore they relation between a cultural practice and
cannot control (as operant consequenc- the aggregate sum of consequences of
es) the behavior of individuals. And al- the macrobehavior constituting the
though there may be a contingent re- practice. Figure 5 shows the relations
lation between the sum of the topog- in a macrocontingency as here defined.
raphies and the cumulative effect, the The recurring behavior of each person
summed topographies are not part of a has its own effects, and the relation be-
lineage that can wax or wane together tween the behavior and that effect can
as a function of the postcedent. If the
postcedent has any effect at all on any
operant lineages of individual people, the aggregate results of which are a change in
the environment of many people. Todorov, Mor-
that effect is independent of any effect eira, and Moreira (2004) provide examples of
it may have on operant lineages of oth- such relations. The aggregate results of the dif-
er people.4 fering topographies in their examples, as in the
air pollution example here, cannot have a selec-
tive function on those topographies because of
4Macrocontingencies as here defined can in- the poor correlation between the behavior of any
volve different topographies of different people, individual and the aggregate result.

alter the probability of the recurrence ible effects of cultural practices are
of that individual's behavior (as in Fig- even more difficult to reconcile than
ure 1). For example, if the behavior is similar incompatible effects of individ-
driving to work, then each person's ual behavior. That is because the mul-
driving-to-work operant is a function tiple cumulative effects of any given
of the contingency between driving to cultural practice are likely to be more
work and the operant consequences of advantageous to some people and more
that behavior. In addition to those in- disadvantageous to others. In the case
dividuated consequences, the com- of individual behavior, at least the costs
bined behavior of all the people (the and benefits affect the same person.
macrobehavior) has a cumulative ef- Discussion of macrocontingencies
fect. This effect cannot function as a has centered on the cumulative effect
behavioral consequence because it is of many people "doing the same
not contingent on the behavior of any thing" (allowing for a broad range of
individual driver. It is contingent on topographies). The people could be
the macrobehavior of the cultural prac- acting individually (e.g., smoking), or
tice. their behavior could be interrelated
An important feature of macrocon- (e.g., carpooling). Either way, the sim-
tingencies is that their cumulative ef- ilarity in operant content of many peo-
fects are additive. The more wide- ple is what warrants our calling it a
spread a practice, the greater its cu- cultural practice. Each time the behav-
mulative effects; the greater the cu- ior occurs, it adds to the cumulative ef-
mulative effects, the more important fect. So the cumulative effect depends
they are to the well-being of large on the number of times the act occurs,
numbers of people. Each person con- and that number is a function of the
tributing to the cumulative effect con- number of people who engage in the
tributes in direct proportion to the fre- act and the frequency of the behavior
quency of his or her behavior. It is the of each person.
cumulative effect of the behavior in a The relation between any particular
cultural practice that constitutes a cultural practice and its cumulative ef-
problem for the people of a culture. To fect may be critically important to the
continue with the example, the driving welfare of the people of the culture,
behavior of each individual is as it is and even to the survival of that culture.
because of the relative effects of its But a cultural practice (as here defined
multiple behavioral consequences: ar- and as generally, albeit vaguely, un-
riving at work in good time with min- derstood) cannot participate in a selec-
imum difficulty and the money spent tion process. That is so because a cul-
on gasoline. These consequences that tural practice is a class of acts that are
maintain the driving behavior contrib- functionally independent of one anoth-
ute to the probability of driving, but er. In other words, recurrences of the
they are not the culturally relevant cu- acts do not participate in a lineage.
mulative effects: gasoline consumption They are classified as "the same" in
and associated environmental effects. terms of their form and their effects,
Further, the behavior is not a problem but the members of the class are not
for the individuals behaving-rather it necessarily related by descent, which is
is a solution, albeit not an ideal solu- a defining feature of evolution by se-
tion, to the problem posed by their dis- lection (Hull, Langman, & Glenn,
tance from work. As in the case of the 2001). In short, a cultural practice does
behavior of individuals, cultural prac- not evolve as a result of cultural selec-
tices also have multiple consequences. tion, but rather as a result of behavioral
For example, two effects of consumer contingencies of selection operating on
behavior are that it helps to create jobs the behavior of many individuals; as a
and it contributes to degradation of the result, a different cultural practice
physical environment. Such incompat- comes to exist. For example, the cul-

tural practice of smoking in public organizational structures and functions

buildings has been replaced in many that have become increasingly com-
areas by a practice of going outside plex throughout human history. The
public buildings to smoke. The change concept of metacontingencies may
in the cultural practice is a behavior help us to understand how that com-
change of many individuals, each re- plexity evolved.
sponsive to his or her own social en-
vironment. When there is change in the METACONTINGENCIES
practices that constitute a culture, the
change is an emergent side effect of A clear distinction between the con-
concurrent changes in behavioral line- cepts of metacontingencies and macro-
ages of many individuals. The causal contingencies is needed, because early
mechanism is behavioral selection (i.e., papers introducing the concept of me-
the principle of reinforcement). tacontingencies (Glenn, 1986, 1988)
If certain human cultural practices, combined terminology suitable for dis-
or their cumulative outcomes, threaten cussion of macrocontingencies (as here
the safety of the world, then saving the defined) and metacontingencies (as
world will necessarily entail altering here defined). The prefix meta- togeth-
the operant contingencies that maintain er with the root contingencies is in-
the behavioral lineages that contribute tended to suggest selection contingen-
to those outcomes. Such action re- cies that are hierarchically related to,
quires interpretation of complex phe- and subsume, behavioral contingen-
nomena in the language of the experi- cies. They represent "a different kind
mental analysis of behavior (see Palm- of selection," although "no new be-
er, 1991). Cultural change will be dif- havioral process" is involved (Skinner,
ficult to accomplish, as Skinner (1987) 1984a, p. 504). Metacontingencies are
suggested, when the verbal practices of not a matter of an enlarged class of be-
those cultures do not include the lan- havior or more widespread behavioral
guage of the experimental analysis of contingencies; rather, they are the en-
behavior. On the positive side, when gine of a different kind of selection.
that language does guide action de- The metacontingencies of cultural se-
signed to bring about changes in ma- lection emerged only after social
crobehavior, those actions can be quite events become prevalent in the behav-
successful. ioral environment of a species that has
What about Skinner's (1987) sug- the human combination of physical and
gestion that the experimental analysis behavioral traits.
of behavior would support a theory of The concept of metacontingencies
cultural evolution in the same way that addresses evolution by selection when
Darwin's theory of biological evolu- the lineages that evolve are not the re-
tion is supported by the experimental curring acts of individuals (as sche-
science of genetics? This suggestion matized in Figure 1), but rather are re-
needs a great deal of clarification be- curring interlocking behavioral contin-
cause the relations between genes and gencies (IBCs) that function as an in-
the species that carry them are ex- tegrated unit and result in an outcome
tremely complex, as are the scientific that affects the probability of future re-
fields of evolutionary biology and ex- currences of the IBCs. Figure 6 is a
perimental genetics. Perhaps most im- schematic of the metacontingencies of
portant to the present discussion is the cultural selection as it goes on in time.
increasing complexity (of organisms' The recurring IBCs comprise operant
structure and function as well as eco- contingencies in which the behavior of
logical relations among them) that has two or more people functions as envi-
characterized the evolution of organic ronmental events for the behavior of
phenomena. It appears that human cul- the others. The outcomes produced by
tures, too, have been characterized by recurrences of the IBCs are not the cu-
Extended Time

Persons P1I and P2 -------------------------- I year----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Condition S ....... Environment

. u Outcomes 0 01 01 01 01 Environment

Cultural Lineage X
Figure 6. Recurrences of IBC 1 that occur with increasing frequency as a result of metacontingency.

mulative effect of the participants be- Those behavioral contingencies are

having individually, but rather the ef- necessary for the continuation and evo-
fect of their interrelated behavior. For lution of Todd's and Marta's operants,
example, Marta and Todd regularly and thus of the IBCs; but they are not
cook meals together. Marta prepares necessarily sufficient for the IBCs. The
entrees, sauces, and vegetable dishes outcome of the IBCs must be more
with Todd serving as helper, and Todd than or different than the meals that ei-
prepares appetizers and desserts with ther Todd or Marta could produce by
Marta serving as helper. The timing of themselves to maintain the recurrences
each of their activities is based on what of the IBCs. It is this "more than" or
they observe the other one doing "different than" that is the source of
throughout meal preparation. The out- cultural evolution and what distin-
come of their interrelated behavior is a guishes it from behavioral evolution.
meal with perfectly timed courses of
perfectly prepared dishes. The meal CULTURAL COMPLEXITY
could not be produced by Todd and
Marta working in separate kitchens and Cultural complexity is the outcome
combining the results of their individ- of cultural selection that results in nest-
ual behavior. Thus, it is not the cu- ed hierarchies of IBCs (Glenn & Mal-
mulative effect of their individual be- ott, in press). For example, Todd and
haviors. It is the outcome of their in- Marta may open a restaurant where
terrelated behavior. cooking meals is part of a larger pat-
Metacontingencies, then, are the tern of recurring IBCs. Figure 7 shows
contingencies of cultural selection. a nesting of IBC relations in increas-
They give rise to the organized collec- ingly complex cultural lineages.
tions of behavioral contingencies that Whether the larger pattern continues to
constitute increasingly complex cultur- recur and evolve depends on the out-
al-level entities. Let us continue with comes of cooking but also on the out-
the example of the relation between comes of other IBCs in the situation.
Todd's and Marta's IBCs and the re- The behavior of other people may be-
sulting meals. Variations in the features come part of the larger pattern and
of the IBCs will result in variations in contribute substantially to the outcome
the outcome, and if the difference in that maintains the continuing recur-
outcomes perpetuates some patterns of rences of the IBC that constitute "the
the IBCs more than others, cultural- business." Finally, although the IBCs
level selection has occurred. Note that must continue to recur for the cultural
Todd's behavior is a function of behav- lineage to remain in existence, it is not
ioral contingencies that might include necessary that Todd's or Marta's be-
the taste of the meals cooked, and Mar- havior continues to participate. The be-
ta's behavior is a function of other be- havior of other individuals can replace
havioral contingencies that might in- one or both of theirs as long as that
clude the taste of the meals cooked. behavior fits well enough into the IBCs

IOrganisms Cultural Lineages Some Elements of Each Occurrence

(Recurring Interlocking
Behavioral Contingencies)
'Todd & Marta Cook meals Many behaviors of each person having
function with respect to behaviors of other
Todd, Marta, Operate a restaurant Cook meals
2 waiters, Serve diners

Ilbookkeeper Manage cash flow

Todd, Marta, many Run a franchise chain Operate restaurants
waiters, bookkeepers,,
other personnel

Figure 7. The components of occurrences in earlier IBCs become integrated with the components
of occurrences in later IBCs of more complex occurrences.

to produce the outcome. Perhaps it is cultural selection are the basis for the
worth noting that such replacement of evolution of cultural complexity as
one participant's behavior for another's well as the maintenance (survival) of
in a cultural lineage virtually always evolving organizational lineages. Just
causes some adjustments in the IBCs as components of one operant lineage
and thus always presents both oppor- become embedded in operant lineages
tunity and threat to the continuing sur- of more complex components (as in
vival of the lineage. Figure 2), components of one lineage
Like the responses in operant contin- of IBCs can become embedded in
gencies, the IBCs in metacontingencies IBCs of greater complexity (as in Fig-
can result in both automatic outcomes ure 7). These more complex cultural
and socially mediated outcomes that entities are the individually identifiable
depend on the features of the automatic evolving units we know as organiza-
outcome. For example, Todd's and tions: individual companies, their par-
Marta's IBCs at first had automatic ent corporations, schools, school dis-
outcomes-meals-that differentially tricts, universities, university depart-
perpetuated some variations of the ments, government agencies, and so
IBCs. Eventually, the IBCs constitut- on. Each of these units exists as long
ing their restaurant were maintained by as it consists of IBCs that produce an
the ordering behavior of customers. As outcome that can increase the likeli-
in the case of social reinforcers for in- hood that the IBCs will recur. These
dividual behavior, the socially mediat- are all entities that can change or
ed relation between the IBCs of the evolve over time or that can disappear
restaurant and the sustaining income as a whole. They are not themselves
generated from customer purchases cultural practices, because each orga-
provides a foundation for more com- nization is an entity-an evolving lin-
plex relations. eage of IBCs.
The nested metacontingencies of Before proceeding to the engineer-

ing of cultural change, let us review the behavior of other humans. Only in the
similarity in relations that constitute 20th century of the current era, how-
operant contingencies and metacontin- ever, has scientific understanding been
gencies. Whether or not a behavioral brought to bear on these engineering
lineage continues to exist and evolve practices. Cultural engineering has not
depends on the automatic or socially yet found sure scientific footing. A
mediated consequences that follow the necessary first step is to understand the
recurring behavioral instances. This phenomena to be engineered. From the
means that behavior change requires present perspective, engineering can
that consequences be variable; that is, occur with respect to two kinds of phe-
the consequences can either occur or nomena: macrobehavior and metacon-
not occur, or can occur in differing tingencies.
amounts or after differing time lags, The macrobehavior of cultural prac-
depending on the characteristics of the tices can be identified as a problem
behavioral instances that produce the only when its cumulative effects are
changes in the environment. An ante- recognized, and it often takes a long
cedent event, endogenous or exoge- time to gain understanding of the many
nous to the behaving organism, can af- effects of specific cultural practices.
fect a given occurrence, but recurrenc- The only way to do something about
es are a function of consequences. So the cumulative effects of macrobehav-
behavior changes the environment, and ior is to find ways to alter the behavior
the resulting changes may, in turn, alter of as many individual participants as
the future probability of that kind of possible. For example, the more indi-
behavior. Another way of saying this is viduals who carpool or take public
that behavioral instances cause envi- transportation to work rather than drive
ronmental changes, and systematic re- alone, the greater is the improvement
lations between behavior and conse- in air quality (or the slower the wors-
quences feed back into the ongoing ening of air quality). When the number
system, causing changes in the fre- of participants in a practice is large, a
quency and characteristics of future in- change in the behavior of a small per-
stances (i.e., continuation and adapta- centage of them can make an important
tion of the lineage). difference. If 10% of the drivers in the
The relation between IBCs and their U.S. carpooled with two other people,
outcomes has functional parallels to a noticeable reduction in air pollution
the complex relations of behavioral might result. What could bring about
contingencies. The IBCs produce out- such a change in the behavior of 10%
comes, variations in instantiations of of drivers? Considering that each driv-
IBCs cause differential outcomes, and er's behavior is a function of the op-
the future frequency of the IBCs as erant contingencies in effect, we must
well as their characteristics are a func- consider the consequences of the be-
tion of the differential relation between havior of driving to work versus the
instantiations and outcomes. Changes consequences of carpooling, as dis-
endogenous or exogenous to the IBCs cussed previously and shown in Figure
may result in a variation that produces 4. The assumption is made, for pur-
a different outcome, and that outcome poses of discussion, that the effects of
can increase or decrease the probability the behaviors listed in Figure 4 could
of recurrences of the IBCs. function as behavioral consequences,
with the exception of the effect on air
As matters now stand, attempts by
Humans have been engaged in be- society to engender alternative macro-
havioral engineering since they began behaviors are implemented with little
functioning as the environment in the understanding of the potential cumu-
operant contingencies that support the lative effects (Nevin, 1998), and little

attention is paid to the many operant environment and, therefore, are an im-
contingencies that may be maintaining portant part of the larger culture,
the operant behavior of individual par- whether or not alternative organiza-
ticipants in the current practice. Be- tional structures are considered more
cause the macrobehavior of cultural desirable. Engineering, then, can also
practices is a function of operant con- occur with respect to the IBCs in me-
tingencies that operate independently, tacontingencies.
but concurrently and similarly, on the IBCs can be changed in two ways
behavior of many people, behavior an- that are analogous to the two ways that
alysts have rightly called for analysis species characteristics can be altered.
of the contingencies that maintain the The first is by altering the external se-
behavior that constitutes the practice. lecting environment and waiting for
Mattaini (1995), in particular, has ar- variations in the IBCs to produce out-
gued that behavior analysts should be comes suitable to the new selection
trained specifically to focus on behav- contingencies. This amounts to altering
ior with cumulative effects that affect the contingencies of selection and let-
the viability of the culture. When in- ting the chips fall where they may. The
terventions are designed to alter the cu- second way is similar to ascertaining
mulative effect of a cultural practice, and altering the genetic characteristics
they must necessarily identify the op- that are endangering a species' exis-
erant contingencies that account for the tence given the current selecting envi-
behavior of individuals who participate ronment. This tactic entails altering the
in the practice. The more individuals components of the IBCs so that they
whose behavior changes, the greater is are better adapted to the current se-
the impact on the cumulative effect. lecting environment. Planned varia-
This method of cultural intervention tions of the recurring IBCs can be de-
entails modifying the operant contin- signed to produce outcomes more suit-
gencies that are likely to maintain the able to the demands of the external en-
behavior of large numbers of people. vironment.
Biglan (1995) described many of the Engineering change to enhance the
behaviors of modern American cultural survival of organizations (recurring ar-
practices that result in undesirable cu- rangements of IBCs) requires analyses
mulative effects, and he identified of current metacontingencies and also
many of the socially mediated behav- analyses of the specific behavioral con-
ioral contingencies that support those tingencies that affect the outcome of
behaviors. Other authors (e.g., Gold- IBCs. It should be obvious that all of
stein & Pennypacker, 1998; R. W. Mal- the IBCs and the operant contingencies
ott, 1998) have offered interpretations in complex organizations cannot be an-
of various specific macrobehaviors and alyzed. There must be some way to
suggestions regarding intervention. distinguish between those that can be
Under the editorial guidance of Rich- ignored and those that must be ad-
ard Rakos, Janet Ellis, and Mark Mat- dressed. M. E. Malott (2003) described
taini, the journal Behavior and Social an approach to organizational change
Issues has devoted several issues to that combines a behavioral systems en-
analyses of macrobehaviors with high- gineering model with metacontingency
ly destructive cumulative effects. analysis. Her collaborations with the
Because much of the operant behav- personnel in business organizations as
ior of modern humans is embedded in well as in at least one institution of
organizations that have recurring IBCs, higher education (M. E. Malott & Sa-
survival of those organizations is, at las-Martinez, 2004) demonstrate the
the very least, important to those hu- importance-indeed, the necessity-of
mans. The fact that the organizations isolating the IBCs that fail to meet se-
exist at all, however, suggests that their lection contingencies and then identi-
IBCs were selected by their external fying the operant behavior that must be

altered to bring about the kind of the individual behavior in operant con-
changes in IBCs required by the exter- tingencies, recur in lineages that evolve
nal environment. and change as a function of their se-
In summary, to bring about changes lecting environments. They are also
in the organized IBCs that function as alike in their relation to macrocontin-
evolving cultural units, it is necessary gencies. Just as the similar operant be-
to identify the IBCs that contribute to haviors of many people can contribute
an outcome and to identify the function to a cumulative outcome, the IBCs of
of the outcome in sustaining (or not) several different organizations may
recurrences of the IBC. Variations can also contribute to a cumulative out-
be made in the IBCs by systematically come, as shown in Figure 8. The be-
manipulating the behavioral contingen- havioral lineages of the different peo-
cies within them, and the variations ple who participate in a cultural prac-
may increase or decrease the probabil- tice evolve independently, as do the
ity of producing an outcome with a IBC lineages of the different organi-
sustaining function. zations. But both the behaviors and the
IBCs may also contribute to a cumu-
RELATION OF lative outcome that plays no direct role
METACONTINGENCIES in selection but nevertheless may be
TO OPERANT CONTINGENCIES important indicators of the viability of
The organizations in Figure 8 could
Metacontingencies, like behavioral be programs comprising IBCs that pro-
contingencies, involve two kinds of duce graduates trained as behavior an-
causality, as can be seen by comparing alysts. Each program produces gradu-
Figures 1 and 3. First, the recurrences ates (among other things) whose per-
of IBCs produce outcomes (analogous formance contributes directly and in-
to consequences produced by recur- directly to the selection of the recurring
rences of operant responses). Second, IBCs that produce cohort after cohort
the outcomes affect the future frequen- of graduates. The IBCs that produce
cy and other measures of the future re- behavior analysis graduates constitute
currences of those IBCs. The contin- a cultural practice and they have cu-
gencies of selection in metacontingen- mulative effects, including the number
cies are between cultural-level units of people prepared for academic ap-
(IBCs) and their selecting environ- pointments, the number of individuals
ments. Evolving cultural units are re- who can be served by professional be-
curring cycles of IBCs. Like operants havior analysts, the amount of federal
in a repertoire, the recurring entities funding likely to go to behavior-ana-
may become part of increasingly com- lytic researchers, and so on. Although
plex entities that form a lineage of their individual behavior analysts and the
own (see Figure 7). The outcomes pro- program faculty of individual programs
duced by a cycle of IBCs can affect can be moved to action by data on the
future cycles of IBCs, just as the con- cumulative effects of the summed be-
sequences of a behavioral occurrence havior or summed IBCs, those effects
can affect future occurrences of that cannot select any of the individual op-
behavior. If one is interested in altering erant lineages or the individual line-
the recurrences of IBCs, one can do so ages of IBCs, because there is no lin-
by altering the components of IBCs to eage of recurring entities that produces
better meet current selection require- those effects. If one is interested in al-
ments or by altering the selecting en- tering the cumulative outcomes of a
vironment. The former strategy would cultural practice, one must find a way
be comparable to genetic alteration and to alter the behavioral contingencies of
the latter to artificial selection. macrobehaviors or the metacontingen-
The IBCs in metacontingencies, like cies supporting the IBCs of organized


Organization 1... IBC (1) 0.Contributes to cumulative effect

Organization 2 ...... IBC (1) -> ......... Contributes to cumulative effect
Organization 3 ...... IBC (1') -> ......... Contributes to cumulative effect
Organization 4 ...... IBC (1) -> ......... Contributes to cumulative effect
Organization.5 ...n... IBC (1,1) -> 0 ......... Contribute to cumulative effect

(Organizational Practice)
Cumulative Effects
Cultural Practice X
Figure 8. Temporally unrelated IBCs of different organizations (organizational practices) that pro-
duce behavioral consequences and also contribute to a cumulative effect.

cultural complexity. The more individ- to the behavior of individual humans

ual contingencies or organizational and to organizations of IBCs in which
metacontingencies that are altered, the much human behavior is embedded.
greater the potential change in the cu- Cultural practices per se cannot evolve.
mulative outcome. The constituent members of cultural
The larger the number of organiza- practices do evolve, however, whether
tions characterized by the same kinds they are the operants of individuals or
of IBCs, the more likely we are to con- the IBCs of organizational entities with
sider those kinds of IBCs a cultural a life of their own, above and beyond
practice. Statements such as "the cul- the behavior of the particular people
tural practices of Japanese businesses who participate in them.
are different from the cultural practices Because cultures are human con-
of American businesses" refer to sim- structions, and their increasing com-
ilarities in the IBCs that characterize plexity arises from the increasing com-
American companies and similarities plexity of the entities that participate in
in the IBCs that characterize Japanese metacontingenices, it seems highly
companies, as well as the differences likely that humans can alter at least
between the American and the Japa- some elements of their cultures. Unless
nese companies. we understand how cultures arise and
evolve, however, it will be difficult to
CONCLUSION make wise choices regarding what can
be changed or should be changed.
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