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13 Cytoskeletal Systems

The Cytoskeleton.
Fibroblast cells stained for
DNA (magenta), tubulin
(yellow), and F-actin
(blue) (fluorescence

T he cytosol of the eukaryotic cell was originally regarded as the generally uninteresting,
gel-like substance in which the nucleus and other organelles were suspended.
Advances in microscopy and other investigative techniques have revealed that the cytosol is
anything but uninteresting: The interior of a eukaryotic cell is highly structured and dynamic.
Part of this structure is provided by the cytoskeleton, a complex network of interconnected
filaments and tubules that extends throughout the cytosol, from the nucleus to the inner
surface of the plasma membrane.
The term cytoskeleton accurately expresses the role of this polymer network in providing
an architectural framework for cellular function. It confers a high level of internal organization

on cells and enables them to assume and maintain complex shapes that would not
otherwise be possible. The electron micrograph in Figure 13-1 shows just how dense and
fibrous this network can be. The name does not, however, convey the dynamic, changeable
nature of the cytoskeleton and its critical involvement in a great variety of cellular processes.
The cytoskeleton plays important roles in cell movement and cell division, and in
eukaryotes it actively moves membrane-bounded organelles within the cytosol. It plays a
similar role for messenger RNA and other cellular components. The cytoskeleton is also
intimately related to other processes, such as cell signaling and cell-cell adhesion. The
cytoskeleton is altered by events at the cell surface and, at the same time, appears to
participate in and modulate these events. 375

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In addition to the three fundamental polymer systems
within eukaryotic cells, other polymer networks are located
within cells. One of these networks is composed of proteins
called septins. Originally identified in yeast, septins are some-
times called “the fourth cytoskeleton.” They are closely as-
sociated with the contractile ring, a structure involved in the
pinching off of daughter cells during cell division. You have
already encountered other proteins that act via polymeriza-
tion (see Chapter 12): many proteins that bend membranes do
so by forming large polymers. Each monomer imparts a slight
bend to the membrane, but many can collectively impart large
bends to the plasma membrane or internal membranes.

Bacteria Have Cytoskeletal Systems That Are

Structurally Similar to Those in Eukaryotes
0.5 mm Cytoskeletal proteins were once thought to be unique to
eukaryotes. However, it is now clear that bacteria and ar-
Figure 13-1 The Cytoskeleton. In this colorized electron micro- chaea have polymer systems that function similarly to mi-
graph, the three major elements of the eukaryotic cytoskeleton can crofilaments, microtubules, and intermediate filaments.
be seen together. Yellow: actin microfilaments; blue: intermediate
Figure 13-2 illustrates three examples. Based on the effects of
filaments; pink: microtubules (deep-etch TEM).
mutating prokaryotic cytoskeletal proteins, it is clear that they
play roles similar to those of their eukaryotic counterparts.
13.1 Major Structural Elements of For example, the actin-like MreB protein helps establish cell
shape and is involved in DNA segregation during cell division;
the Cytoskeleton the tubulin-like FtsZ protein is involved in determining where
A fundamental feature of the cytoskeleton in both eukaryotes bacterial cells will divide; and the intermediate filament-like
and prokaryotes is its modularity; that is, a small number of crescentin protein is an important regulator of cell shape.
cytoskeletal elements are deployed in different locations and Significantly, the FtsZ protein is produced by certain eu-
arranged in different ways to meet the needs of a particular karyotic organelles, such as chloroplasts and mitochondria,
cellular structure. In this way the cytoskeleton is very much and localizes to sites where these organelles divide. This find-
like the skeleton of the human body, in which only a few ele- ing provides further evidence for the endosymbiont theory
ments (bone, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments) are used re- (discussed in Chapter 4). Although prokaryotic cytoskeletal
peatedly to give the body its overall shape and structure. We proteins are not very similar to their eukaryotic counterparts
now turn to the basic elements of the cytoskeleton in eukary- at the level of amino acid sequence, X-ray crystallography
otes and prokaryotes. has shown that when they are assembled into polymers, their
overall structure is remarkably similar (Figure 13-2b). More-
over, the equivalent proteins bind the same phosphonucleo-
Eukaryotes Have Three Basic Types
tides (for example, GTP, ATP) as their eukaryotic equivalents,
of Cytoskeletal Elements indicating striking similarities at the biochemical level.
The three major structural elements of the cytoskeleton in eu-
karyotes are microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate fila-
ments. The existence of three distinct systems of filaments and The Cytoskeleton Is Dynamically Assembled
tubules was first revealed by electron microscopy. Biochemi- and Disassembled
cal and cytochemical studies then identified the distinctive The cytoskeleton is perhaps best known for its roles in cell mo-
proteins of each system. The technique of immunofluorescence tility. For example, microfilaments are essential components of
(see Figure 1-A3 and the Appendix) was especially important muscle fibrils, and microtubules are the structural elements of
in localizing specific proteins to the cytoskeleton. cilia and flagella, appendages that enable certain cells to either
Each structural element of the cytoskeleton has a char- propel themselves through a fluid environment or move fluids
acteristic size, structure, and intracellular distribution, and past the cell. These structures are large enough to be seen by
each element is formed by the polymerization of a differ- light microscopy and were therefore known and studied long
ent kind of protein subunit (Table 13-1). Microtubules are before it became clear that the same structural elements are
composed of the protein tubulin and are about 25 nm in di- also integral parts of the cytoskeleton in most cells.
ameter. Microfilaments, with a diameter of about 7 nm, are With the advent of sophisticated microscopy techniques,
polymers of the protein actin. Intermediate filaments have it eventually became clear that most cells dynamically regu-
diameters in the range of 8–12 nm. Intermediate filament sub- late where and when specific cytoskeletal structures are
units differ depending on the cell type. Each type of cytoskel- assembled and disassembled. Recent progress in understand-
etal filament has a number of other proteins associated with it. ing cytoskeletal structure relies heavily on a combination of
These accessory proteins account for some of the remarkable powerful techniques. Along with chemical disruption of the
structural and functional diversity of cytoskeletal networks. cytoskeleton (which we discuss below), modern cell biologists

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Table 13-1 Properties of Microtubules, Microfilaments, and Intermediate Filaments

Microtubules Microfilaments Intermediate Filaments

Polymer Subunit

10 mm
25 nm
8–12 nm
7 nm


Chapter 13

a b a b a b

ab-tubulin heterodimers G-actin monomers IF dimer

|Cytoskeletal Systems
Structure Hollow tube with a wall consisting of typically Two intertwined chains Eight protofilaments joined end to end with
13 protofilaments of F-actin staggered overlaps
Diameter 25 nm 7 nm 8–12 nm

Monomers a-tubulin, b-tubulin G-actin Six classes of proteins; see Table 13-4, page 397
Polarity Plus, minus ends Plus, minus ends No known polarity
Nucleotide GTP ATP None
Functions Cytosolic MTs: Muscle contraction Structural support
Organization and maintenance of animal cell Cell locomotion Maintenance of animal cell shape
shape and polarity
Chromosome movements Cytoplasmic streaming Formation of nuclear lamina and scaffolding
Intracellular transport/trafficking, and movement Cytokinesis Strengthening of nerve cell axons
of organelles (neurofilament protein)
Axonemal MTs: Cell motility Maintenance of animal Keeping myofibrils in register (desmin)
cell shape
Intracellular transport/

use fluorescence microscopy, digital video microscopy, and and disassembled. In each case, we will consider the chemistry
various types of electron microscopy to study the cytoskeleton of the subunit(s), the structure of the polymer and how it is
(Table 13-2, page 379). (Each of these techniques is described polymerized, the role of accessory proteins, and some of the
in more detail in the Appendix.) In parallel with increasing- structural and functional roles each component plays within
ly sophisticated biochemical studies, modern visualization the cell. In doing so, we will be discussing microtubules, mi-
techniques have revealed the incredibly dynamic nature of crofilaments, and intermediate filaments as though they were
the cytoskeleton and the remarkably elaborate structures it separate entities, each with its own independent functions. In
comprises. reality, the components of the cytoskeleton are linked together
In this chapter, we will focus on the structure of the cyto- both structurally and functionally, as we will see in the last
skeleton and how its components are dynamically assembled section of this chapter.

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Rod Curved Two Types of Microtubules Are Responsible
(E. coli, B. subtilis) (C. crescentus)
for Many Functions in the Cell
Microtubules can be classified into two general groups, which
differ in both degree of organization and structural stability.
(S. aureus) MreB The first group comprises an often loosely organized, dynamic
network of cytosolic microtubules. The existence of cytosolic
MTs was not recognized until the early 1960s, when better fixa-
FtsZ tion techniques permitted direct visualization of the network of
MTs now known to pervade the cytosol of most eukaryotic cells.
(a) Prokaryotic Since then, fluorescence microscopy has revealed the diversity
cytoskeletal and complexity of MT networks in different cell types.
proteins Cytosolic MTs are responsible for a variety of cellular
functions. In animals, for example, crosslinked bundles of
cytosolic MTs are required to maintain axons (specialized
extension of nerve cells). In plant cells, cytosolic MTs gov-
ern the orientation of cellulose microfibrils deposited during
GTP the growth of cell walls. Significantly, cytosolic MTs form the
GDP mitotic and meiotic spindles that are essential for the move-
ment of chromosomes during mitosis and meiosis. Cytosolic
microtubules also contribute to the spatial disposition and
directional movement of vesicles and organelles by providing
an organized system of fibers to guide their movement.
GTP The second group of microtubules, axonemal micro-
tubules, includes the highly organized, stable microtubules
found in subcellular structures specialized for cellular move-
ment, including cilia, flagella, and the basal bodies to which
these appendages are attached. The central shaft, or axoneme,
of a cilium or flagellum consists of a highly ordered bundle
of axonemal MTs and associated proteins. (You have already
encountered an example of such a structure; the axoneme of
the sperm tail shown in Figure 4-13 consists of MTs.) Given
FtsZ ab-tubulin their order and stability, it is not surprising that the axone-
mal MTs were the first of the two groups to be recognized and
(b) Structure comparison studied.
Figure 13-2 Cytoskeletal Proteins in Prokaryotes Are
Similar to Those in Eukaryotes. (a) The distribution of several
Tubulin Heterodimers Are the Protein Building
bacterial cytoskeletal proteins is shown. Blue: the microtubule- Blocks of Microtubules
like FtsZ protein; yellow: the actin-like MreB protein; red: the MTs are straight, hollow cylinders with an outer diame-
intermediate-filament-like protein crescentin. (b) Comparison of the ter of about 25 nm and an inner diameter of about 15 nm
structure of FtsZ homodimer (left) and an ab-tubulin heterodimer (Figure 13-3). Microtubules vary greatly in length. Some are
(based on X-ray crystallography). Note the similarity in monomer less than 200 nm long; others, such as axonemal MTs, can be
folding and filament structure.
many micrometers in length. The MT wall consists of longitu-
dinal arrays of linear polymers called protofilaments. There
are usually 13 protofilaments arranged side by side around
the hollow center, or lumen, of the MT. Although some MTs in
some animals contain more or fewer protofilaments, 13 is by
Cytoskeletal polymers are modular, and their assembly is
far the most common number.
reversible. What advantages do you think there are to using
As shown in Figure 13-3, the basic subunit of a protofila-
repeating structural elements to construct the cytoskeleton?
ment is a heterodimer (from hetero, “different” and dimer, refer-
ring to two subunits) of the protein tubulin. Protofilaments
13.2 Microtubules are composed of one molecule of a-tubulin and one molecule
of b-tubulin. As soon as individual a- and b-tubulin mole-
Microtubules (MTs) are the largest structural elements of cules are synthesized, they bind noncovalently to each other
the eukaryotic cytoskeleton (see Table 13-1, page 377). They to produce an ab-heterodimer that does not dissociate un-
function in a wide array of cellular processes whose common der normal conditions.
theme is movement—either moving components within cells Individual a- and b-tubulin molecules have diameters
or moving fluid outside of cells. In this chapter, we will con- of about 4–5 nm and molecular weights of 55 kDa. Struc-
sider MTs structurally, and in Chapter 14, we will consider the tural studies show that a- and b-tubulins have nearly identi-
mechanisms by which MT-dependent movement is achieved. cal three-dimensional structures, even though they share only

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Table 13-2 Techniques for Visualizing the Cytoskeleton

Technique Description Example

Fluorescence Fluorescent compounds directly A fibroblast stained with

microscopy on fixed bind to cytoskeletal proteins, or fluorescent antibodies directed
specimens* antibodies are used to indirectly against actin shows bundles of
label cytoskeletal proteins in actin filaments.
chemically preserved cells,
causing them to glow in the
fluorescence microscope.

Live-cell fluorescence Fluorescent versions of Fluorescent tubulin molecules

microscopy* cytoskeletal proteins are made were microinjected into living
and introduced into living cells. fibroblast cells. Inside the cell,
Fluorescence microscopy and the tubulin dimers become
video or digital cameras are used incorporated into microtubules,
to view the proteins as they which can be seen easily with a
function in cells. fluorescence microscope.
0 sec 145 sec

Computer-enhanced High-resolution images from a The two micrographs show

digital video video or digital camera attached several microtubules. The image

Chapter 13
microscopy to a microscope are computer on the right was processed
processed to increase contrast to make the details of the
and remove background features microtubules more visible.
that obscure the image.

|Cytoskeletal Systems
Unenhanced Enhanced
Electron microscopy Electron microscopy can resolve A fibroblast cell prepared by the
individual filaments. Cells to be quick-freeze deep-etch method.
visualized may be prepared by Bundles of actin microfilaments
thin section, quick-freeze deep- are visible.
etch, or direct-mount techniques.

*Confocal, deconvolution, multiphoton, and total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy are often used to improve detection of fluorescent signals.
See the Appendix for more details.

40% amino acid sequence identity. Each has (1) a GTP-binding Microtubules Can Form as Singlets, Doublets,
domain at the N-terminus, (2) a domain in the middle to which or Triplets
colchicine, an MT poison, can bind, and (3) a third domain
Cytosolic MTs are simple tubes, or singlet MTs, built from 13
at the C-terminus that interacts with MT-associated proteins
protofilaments. Some axonemal MTs are more complex, how-
(MAPs). (You will learn about MAPs later in this chapter.)
ever: they can contain doublet or triplet MTs. Doublets and
This uniform orientation of tubulin dimers means that
triplets contain one complete 13-protofilament microtubule
one end of the protofilament differs structurally from the
(the A tubule) and one or two additional incomplete tubules
other. Because the orientation of tubulin dimers is the same
(called B and C tubules) consisting of 10 or 11 protofilaments
for all of the protofilaments in an MT, the MT itself is also a
(see Figure 13-3c). Doublets are found in cilia and flagella;
polarized structure, with a plus (+) end and a minus ( - ) end,
triplets are found in basal bodies and centrioles. (You will learn
whose properties we will examine shortly.
about cilia and flagella in much more detail in Chapter 14.)
Most organisms have several closely related but nonidenti-
cal genes for each of the a- and b-tubulin subunits. These slightly
different forms of tubulin are called tubulin isoforms. In the mam- Microtubules Form by the Addition of Tubulin
malian brain, for example, there are five a- and five b-tubulin Dimers at Their Ends
isoforms. These isoforms differ mainly in the C-terminal domain, Microtubules form by the reversible polymerization of tubulin
which suggests that various tubulin isoforms may interact with dimers. The polymerization process has been studied exten-
different proteins. In addition to different isoforms, tubulin can sively in vitro; a schematic representation of MT assembly in
be chemically modified. For example, acetylated tubulin tends to vitro is shown in Figure 13-4. When a solution containing a
form more stable MTs than nonacetylated tubulin does. sufficient concentration of tubulin dimers, GTP, and Mg2+ is

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25 nm
15 nm

8 nm

a B B
b C
a Doublet


(a) Microtubule structure (b) Microtubules in an 100 nm (c) Different types of microtubules

Figure 13-3 Microtubule Structure. (a) A schematic diagram showing a microtubule (MT) as a cylinder
enclosing a hollow lumen. The outside diameter is about 25 nm, the inside about 15 nm. The wall of the cylinder
consists of 13 protofilaments, one of them indicated by an arrow. A protofilament is a linear polymer of tubulin
dimers, each consisting of two polypeptides: a-tubulin and b-tubulin. All heterodimers in the protofilaments
have the same orientation; the plus (+) and minus ( - ) ends are indicated. (b) MTs in a longitudinal section of
an axon (TEM). (c) MTs can form as singlets (13 protofilaments around a hollow lumen), doublets, and triplets.
Doublets and triplets contain one complete 13-protofilament microtubule (the A tubule) and one or two ad-
ditional incomplete tubules (called B and C tubules) consisting of 10 protofilaments.

warmed from 0°C to 37°C, the polymerization reaction begins. an MT has been nucleated, it grows by addition of subunits at
(MT formation in the solution can be readily measured as an either end, via a process called elongation.
increase in light scattering with an instrument called a spec- Microtubule formation is initially slow, a period referred
trophotometer.) A critical step in the formation of MTs is the to as the lag phase of MT assembly. This period reflects the rela-
aggregation of tubulin dimers into clusters called oligomers. tively slow process of MT nucleation. The elongation phase of
These oligomers serve as “seeds” from which new microtubules MT assembly—the addition of tubulin dimers—is relatively
can grow; hence this process is referred to as nucleation. Once fast compared with nucleation. Eventually, the mass of MTs

Lag phase Elongation Plateau

(nucleation) phase phase

Figure 13-4 The Kinetics of Microtubule

Assembly In Vitro. The kinetics of MT assem-
Percent tubulin in microtubules

Microtubule with bly can be monitored by observing the amount

subunits coming of light scattered by a solution containing
on and off GTP-tubulin after it is warmed from 0°C to 37°C.
- + (Microtubule assembly is inhibited by cold and
activated by warming.) Light-scattering mea-
surements reflect changes in the MT population
Growing as a whole, not the assembly of individual mi-
microtubule crotubules. MT assembly exhibits three phases:
lag, elongation, and plateau. The lag phase is
Individual Protofilaments the period of nucleation. During the elongation
dimers phase, MTs grow rapidly, causing the concen-
tration of tubulin subunits in the solution to
0 Oligomers decline. When this concentration is low enough
to limit further assembly, the plateau phase is
0 60
reached, during which subunits are added and
Time (min) removed from MTs at equal rates.

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MT minus ends Basal body MT plus ends

0.5 mm

Figure 13-5 Polar Assembly of Microtubules In Vitro. The polarity of MT assembly can be demonstrated
by adding basal bodies to a solution of tubulin dimers. The dimers add to the plus and minus ends of the MTs
in the basal body. However, MTs that grow from the plus end are much longer than those growing from the
minus end.

Chapter 13
increases to a point where the concentration of free tubulin a given tubulin molecule incorporated at the plus end is dis-
becomes limiting. This leads to the plateau phase, where MT as- placed progressively along the MT and eventually lost by de-
sembly is balanced by disassembly. polymerization at the opposite end (Figure 13-6). By examin-

Microtubule growth in vitro depends on the concentra- ing fluorescently labeled MTs, treadmilling has been observed

Cytoskeletal Systems
tion of tubulin dimers. The tubulin heterodimer concentra- in living cells, although it is uncertain how important it is to
tion at which MT assembly is exactly balanced with disassem- overall MT dynamics.
bly is called the overall critical concentration. MTs tend to
grow when the tubulin concentration exceeds the critical con- Drugs Can Affect the Assembly and Stability
centration and depolymerize when the tubulin concentration of Microtubules
falls below the critical concentration.
A number of drugs affect microtubule assembly (Table 13-3,
Addition of Tubulin Dimers Occurs More page 382). One well-known drug of this sort is colchicine,
Quickly at the Plus Ends of Microtubules a naturally occurring compound from the autumn crocus,

The inherent structural polarity of microtubules also means

that the two ends differ chemically. An important difference - +
between the two ends of an MT is that one can grow or shrink
much faster than the other. This difference in assembly rate
can readily be visualized by mixing the MT-associated struc-
tures found at the base of cilia, known as basal bodies, with
tubulin heterodimers. Microtubule nucleation and assembly
occur at both ends of the basal body, but the MTs grow much
faster from one end than from the other (Figure 13-5). The
rapidly growing end of a microtubule is called the plus end,
and the other end is the minus end. As will be discussed be-
low, minus ends of MTs are often anchored at the centrosome;
in this case, MT dynamics are confined to plus ends.
The different growth rates of the plus and minus ends
of microtubules reflect the different critical concentrations
required for assembly at the two ends of an MT. The critical
concentration for the plus end is lower than that for the mi-
nus end. If the free tubulin concentration is higher than the
Figure 13-6 Treadmilling of Microtubules. Microtubule as-
critical concentration for the plus end but lower than the criti-
sembly occurs more readily at the plus end of an MT than at the
cal concentration for the minus end, assembly will occur at minus end. When the tubulin concentration is higher than the critical
the plus end while disassembly takes place at the minus end. concentration for the plus end but lower than the critical concentra-
This simultaneous assembly and disassembly produces the tion for the minus end, the MT can add tubulin heterodimers to its
phenomenon known as treadmilling. Treadmilling arises when plus end while losing them from its minus end.

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Table 13-3 Chemical Agents Used to Perturb the Cytoskeleton

Agent Source Effect

Agents Affecting Microtubules

Colchicine, colcemid Autumn crocus, Colchicum autumnale Binds b-tubulin, inhibiting assembly

Nocadazole Synthetic compound Binds b-tubulin, inhibiting polymerization

Vinblastine, vincristine Periwinkle plant, Vinca rosea Aggregates tubulin heterodimers

Paclitaxel (taxol) Symbiotic fungi in bark of the Pacific yew Stabilizes microtubules
tree, Taxus brevifolia

Agents Affecting Microfilaments

Cytochalasin D Fungal metabolite Prevents addition of new monomers to plus ends

Latrunculin A Red sea sponge, Latrunculia magnifica Sequesters actin monomers

Phalloidin Death cap fungus, Amanita phalloides Binds and stabilizes assembled microfilaments

Agents Affecting Intermediate Filaments

Acrylamide Synthetic compound Causes loss of intermediate filament networks

Colchicum autumnale. Colchicine binds to the b-subunit of tu- GTP molecules. The a-tubulin binds one GTP; b-tubulin binds
bulin heterodimers. Colchicine binding strongly inhibits incor- the other. Although the GTP bound to the a subunit is not hy-
poration of tubulin heterodimers into microtubules. The result- drolyzed, the GTP bound to the b subunit can be hydrolyzed to
ing tubulin-colchicine complex can still add to the growing end GDP sometime after the heterodimer is added to an MT. Hydro-
of an MT, but it then prevents any further addition of tubulin lysis of GTP is not necessary for assembly, because MTs polym-
molecules and destabilizes the structure, thereby promoting MT erize from tubulin heterodimers bound to a nonhydrolyzable
disassembly. Vinblastine and vincristine are related compounds analogue of GTP. However, MT assembly apparently requires
from the periwinkle plant (Vinca rosea) that bind and seques- that GTP be present in both the a- and b-subunits because the
ter tubulin dimers inside the cell. Nocodazole (a synthetic association of GDP-bound tubulin heterodimers with each
agent) is another compound that inhibits MT assembly and is other is thought to be too weak to support polymerization.
frequently used in experiments instead of colchicine because its Studies of MT assembly in vitro using isolated centrosomes
effects are more readily reversible when the drug is removed. (a structure we will discuss in detail below) as nucleation sites
These compounds are often called antimitotic drugs be- show that some microtubules can grow by polymerization at
cause they disrupt the mitotic spindle of dividing cells, block- the same time that others shrink by depolymerization. As a re-
ing the further progress of mitosis. The sensitivity of the mi- sult, some MTs effectively enlarge at the expense of others. To
totic spindle to these drugs is understandable because spindle explain how both polymerization and depolymerization might
fibers are composed of microtubules. Indeed, vinblastine and occur simultaneously, Tim Mitchison and Marc Kirschner pro-
vincristine find application in medical practice as anticancer posed the dynamic instability model. This model presumes
drugs because cancer cells divide in an uncontrolled fashion two populations of microtubules, one growing in length by
and are therefore preferentially susceptible to drugs that inter- continued polymerization at plus ends and the other shrink-
fere with the mitotic spindle. ing in length by plus-end depolymerization. The distinction
In contrast, paclitaxel, or taxol (originally isolated from between the two populations is that growing MTs have GTP
the bark of the Pacific yew tree, Taxus brevifolia) binds tightly bound to the b-tubulin at their plus ends, whereas shrinking
to microtubules and stabilizes them, causing much of the free MTs have GDP instead.
tubulin in the cell to be locked up within microtubules. Within Heterodimeric tubulin complexed with two GTPs, re-
mitotic cells, paclitaxel blocks MT disassembly and arrests cell ferred to as GTP-tubulin, is thought to protect MTs by prevent-
division. Thus, both paclitaxel and colchicine block cells in mi- ing tubulin from peeling away from their plus ends. This GTP
tosis, but they do so by opposing effects on MTs and hence on cap provides a stable MT tip to which further dimers can be
the fibers of the mitotic spindle. Paclitaxel is also used in the added (Figure 13-7a). Hydrolysis of GTP by b-tubulin even-
treatment of some cancers, especially breast cancer. tually results in an unstable tip, at which point depolymeriza-
tion may occur rapidly.
The concentration of GTP-tubulin is crucial to the dy-
GTP Hydrolysis Contributes to the Dynamic namic instability model. When GTP-tubulin is readily avail-
Instability of Microtubules able, it is added to the microtubule quickly, creating a large
In the previous section, you saw that tubulin can assemble GTP-tubulin cap. If the concentration of GTP-tubulin falls,
in vitro in the presence of Mg2+ and GTP. In fact, GTP is re- however, the rate of tubulin addition decreases. At a suf-
quired for MT assembly. Each tubulin heterodimer binds two ficiently low concentration of GTP-tubulin, the rate of

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GTP cap which shows that dynamic instability is a key feature of
MTs in living cells. An individual MT can undergo alternat-
ing periods of growth and shrinkage (Figure 13-7b). When
an MT switches from growth to shrinkage, an event called
microtubule catastrophe, the MT can disappear completely, or
it can abruptly switch back to a growth phase, a phenomenon
known as microtubule rescue. The frequency of catastrophe
GTP-tubulin added is inversely related to the free tubulin concentration. High
HIGH tubulin concentrations make catastrophe less likely, but it can
concentration still occur. When catastrophe does occur, higher tubulin con-
- + centrations make the rescue of a shrinking MT more likely. At
any tubulin concentration, catastrophe is more likely at the
plus end of an MT—that is, dynamic instability is more pro-
GTP-tubulin GTP hydrolyzed; nounced at the plus end of the MT.
concentration GTP cap depleted

Microtubules Originate from Microtubule-

Organizing Centers Within the Cell
In previous sections, we primarily discussed properties that
tubulin and microtubules exhibit in vitro, providing a founda-
CATASTROPHE tion for understanding how MTs function in the cell. However,
MT formation in vivo is a more ordered and regulated process,
(a) Model for how the GTP cap functions one that produces sets of MTs in specific locations for specific

Chapter 13
cell functions.
1 GROWTH: 2 CATASTROPHE: 3 RESCUE: Microtubules commonly originate from a structure in the
GTP-tubulin added GTP hydrolyzed, MT Growth resumes cell called a microtubule-organizing center (MTOC). An
depolymerizes rapidly
MTOC serves as a site at which MT assembly is initiated and

acts as an anchor for one end of these MTs. During interphase

Cytoskeletal Systems
of the cell cycle, many cells have an MTOC called the centro-
Length change

some that is positioned near the nucleus. During cell division,

Plus end centrosomes are duplicated, creating new MTOCs for each of
the daughter cells.
Minus end
The centrosome in an animal cell is normally associ-
ated with two structures called centrioles surrounded by
a diffuse granular matrix known as pericentriolar material
15 30 45 (Figure 13-8a). In electron micrographs of the centrosome,
Minutes MTs can be seen to originate from the pericentriolar material
(Figure 13-8b). The symmetrical structure of centrioles is re-
(b) Evidence for dynamic instability
markable: As Figure 13-8c shows, their walls are formed by
Figure 13-7 The GTP Cap and Its Role in the Dynamic nine sets of triplet microtubules. In most cases, pairs of cen-
Dynamic Instability of Microtubules. (a) When the tubulin concentration is trioles are oriented at right angles to one another; the signifi-
Instability of high, GTP-tubulin is added to the microtubule tip faster than the in- cance of this arrangement is still unknown.
corporated GTP can be hydrolyzed. The resulting GTP cap stabilizes Centrioles are known to be involved in the formation of
the MT tip and promotes further growth. At lower tubulin concentra-
basal bodies, which are important for the formation of cilia and
tions, the rate of growth decreases, thereby allowing GTP hydrolysis
flagella (see Chapter 14). The role of centrioles in nonciliated
to catch up. This creates an unstable tip (no GTP cap) that favors MT
depolymerization. (b) In an individual MT observed by light micros-
cells is less clear. In animal cells, centrioles may serve to recruit
copy, ➊ growth and ➋ catastrophic shrinkage can occur. Plus and pericentriolar material to the centrosome, which then nucle-
minus ends grow and shrink independently; changes in length are ates growth of microtubules. When centrioles are removed
much more dynamic at the plus end. ➌ Rescue involves the switch from many animal cells, microtubule-nucleating material dis-
from shrinkage to growth. perses, and the MTOCs disappear. Cells lacking centrioles can
still divide, probably because chromosomes can recruit MTs to
some extent on their own. However, the resulting spindles are
poorly organized. In contrast to animal cells, the cells of higher
hydrolysis of GTP on the b-tubulin subunits near the tip of plants and most fungi lack centrioles; their absence indicates
the MT exceeds the rate of addition of new GTP-tubulin. This that centrioles are not essential for the formation of MTOCs.
results in shrinkage of the GTP cap. When the GTP cap disap- g-Tubulin, a form of tubulin found only in centrosomes,
pears, the MT becomes unstable, and loss of subunits from its has been implicated in MT nucleation. In conjunction with a
tip is favored. number of other proteins called GRiPs (gamma tubulin ring
Direct evidence for dynamic instability comes from obser- proteins), g-tubulin forms large, ring-shaped structures called
vation of individual microtubules in vitro via light microscopy, g-tubulin ring complexes (g-TuRCs), which can be seen at

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+ + +
+ +


Centriole Centrosome +
+ + g-tubulin


Microtubule g-TuRC 100 nm

Figure 13-9 G-Tubulin Ring Complexes (G-TuRCs) Nucleate

Microtubules. (a) g-TuRCs are found at centrosomes, where the
minus ends (−) of MTs are anchored. The enlargement shows a
single g-TuRC. The plus end of the MT is oriented away from the g
-TuRC. (b) An MT in vitro, visualized by metal shadowing. Here a
GRiP component of the g-TuRC (Xgrip109) was labeled with antibod-
Centrioles ies to which small particles of gold were attached. These particles
appear as bright spheres (TEM).

Pericentriolar the base of MTs emerging from the centrosome (Figure 13-9).
The importance of g-TuRCs in MT nucleation has been demon-
strated by depleting cells of g-tubulin or other components of
Microtubule the g-TuRC. In the absence of these proteins, centrosomes can
no longer nucleate MTs. In addition to the centrosome, some
types of cells have other MTOCs. For example, the basal body at
the base of each cilium in ciliated cells also serves as an MTOC.
(b) TEM 0.5 mm
MTOCs Organize and Polarize Microtubules
Within Cells
MTOCs play important roles in controlling the organization of
microtubules in cells. Most important is probably the ability
of MTOCs to nucleate and anchor MTs. Because of this ability,
MTs extend outward from an MTOC toward the periphery of
the cell. Furthermore, they grow out from an MTOC with a
fixed polarity—their minus ends are always anchored in the
MTOC, and their plus ends always point outward toward the
cell membrane. It is for this reason that dynamic growth and
shrinkage of MTs tend to occur at the periphery of cells. The
relationship between MTOCs and the distribution and polarity
of MTs within nondividing cells are shown in Figure 13-10.
The MTOC also influences the number of microtubules
(c) Centriolar structure (TEM) 50 nm in a cell. Each MTOC has a limited number of nucleation and
anchorage sites at which MTs can form. However, the MT-
Figure 13-8 The Centrosome. (a) In animal cells, the centro-
nucleating activity of the MTOC can be modulated during
some contains two centrioles and associated pericentriolar mate-
rial. The walls of centrioles are composed of nine sets of triplet
certain processes such as mitosis, during which the organiza-
microtubules. (b) A centrosome showing the centrioles and the tion of MTs changes dramatically (Figure 13-11). For exam-
pericentriolar material. Notice that microtubules originate from the ple, centrosomes associated with spindle poles in mitotic cells
pericentriolar material. (c) A closeup of the centriole. Centrioles have the highest MT-nucleating activity during prophase and
form a characteristic “pinwheel” structure. metaphase, when the mitotic spindle is forming.

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+ + + + Apical end
Basal bodies
(MTOCs) +
- - - - -
Centrosome - - - -
(MTOC) + -
- +
+ + + -
+ -+ +- +
Axon - Marginal bundle
of microtubules
Basal end (mixed polarity)
(a) Nerve cell (b) Ciliated epithelial cell (c) Red blood cell

Figure 13-10 Microtubule Polarity in Nondividing Animal Cells. In the cell, the distribution of most
microtubules is determined by microtubule-organizing centers (MTOCs). MT orientation in a cell (shown in
orange) may vary with that cell’s function. (a) Nerve cells contain two distinct sets of MTs, those of the axon
and those of the dendrite. Axonal MTs are attached at their minus ends to the centrosome, with their plus
ends at the tip of the axon. Dendritic MTs are not associated with the centrosome and are of mixed polarities.
(b) Ciliated epithelial cells have many MTOCs called basal bodies, one at the base of each cilium. Ciliary MTs
originate with their minus ends in the basal bodies and elongate with their plus ends toward the tips of the cilia.
(c) Mature human red blood cells have no nucleus or MTOC. MTs of mixed polarities persist as a circular band
at the periphery of the cell. This band helps maintain the cell’s disklike shape.

Chapter 13
Centrosome Centrosomes
+ + + +
+ + + (MTOCs)
-- + - +
+ -
- - -- - - -+ - -- + +
- + -- -
+ - - -- +

- -- -- -

Cytoskeletal Systems
+ +
- - - -
+ - - -- -
- +
+ + +
+ +

+ + + + + + Chromosomes

(a) Interphase (b) Early prophase (c) Metaphase

a-tubulin DNA g-tubulin

(d) Cell stained for spindle components 5 mm

Figure 13-11 Changes in Microtubule Orientation During Mitosis. MTs in a dividing cell are oriented
with their minus ends anchored in the centrosome and their plus ends pointing away from the centrosome.
(a) Cell division is preceded by the division of the centrosome. (b) The daughter centrosomes then separate, each
forming one pole of the mitotic spindle. (c) At metaphase, the two centrosomes are at opposite sides of the cell.
Each spindle pole anchors half of the spindle MTs. (d) A cell stained for spindle components. g-tubulin (yellow)
marks centrosomes, a-tubulin (red) marks spindle MTs, and DNA is stained blue (fluorescence micrograph).

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Studying the Dynamic Cytoskeleton

PROBLEM: Cytoskeletal systems are dynamically involved Each kind of agent can be used in a “wash-out” experiment.
in many cellular functions (summarized in Table 13-1, page 377). When the chemical is applied, a particular cytoskeletal system
But to determine exactly how a particular cytoskeletal system is is blocked from forming (or, conversely, is blocked from disas-
required for a particular process, researchers need to be able sembling). When the chemical is washed out of the medium
to follow where and when cytoskeletal polymers assemble in surrounding the cells, normal cytoskeletal dynamics will resume
living cells. over time.
Consider how researchers learned
SOLUTION: Chemical agents that that the centrosome is a microtubule-
disrupt specific cytoskeletal elements organizing center (MTOC) in the
can quickly help identify whether or not mid-1970s. When a microtubule-
a cytoskeletal system is required for a depolymerizing drug called colcemid
particular process. was applied to cells, their cytosolic
microtubules disappeared, as veri-
fied by immunofluorescence micros-
copy using MT-specific antibodies
Key Tools: (1) Chemicals that (Figure 13A-1a). After the colcemid
disrupt the cytoskeleton, (2) was washed out, MTs began to
fluorescently labeled cytoskeletal reform, but always at the centrosome
monomers and/or cytoskeletal
(Figure 13A-1b). Such experiments
binding proteins, and (3) a
provided powerful evidence that the
fluorescence microscope and sensitive
plus ends of MTs are oriented away
from the centrosome in cells.
Details: Different chemical agents Human keratinocyte (green, DNA; Antibody staining, however, has a
10 mm drawback: It requires killing and chemi-
are known to affect the assembly or yellow, microtubules; white, actin)
disassembly of specific cytoskeletal cally preserving cells before they can
elements at the biochemical level (see Table 13-3, page 382). be analyzed. An even more powerful
Some bind to monomers, taking them out of commission, or approach is to observe formation and disassembly of cytoskel-
block addition of new monomers to a polymer. These agents etal elements in living cells. In this method, fluorescently labeled
are useful for studying whether new polymer assembly is nec- building blocks of a particular cytoskeletal element are intro-
essary for a particular cellular event. Conversely, others bind to duced into cells, either by injecting labeled monomers directly or
assembled polymers, preventing them from being disassem- by genetically engineering cells to express monomers to which
bled. Such agents are useful for determining whether a preex- a fluorescent protein such as GFP has been attached. As Figure
isting cytoskeletal element must be dismantled for a cellular 13A-2 shows, this approach was crucial for establishing that
process to proceed. dynamic instability of MTs occurs in living cells.

The picture we have developed thus far is that MT networks distributed and short-lived MTs, but not for organized and
arising from MTOCs are highly organized. Equally important is stable arrays of MTs within cells. Indeed, cells regulate the as-
that they are dynamic systems. Techniques mentioned so far, such sembly and structure of MTs with great precision. To do so,
as electron microscopy, however, are limited in that they cannot they use a variety of MT-binding proteins. Some MT-binding
be used to analyze the dynamic cytoskeleton. Fortunately, mod- proteins act as ATP-driven motors that transport vesicles and
ern cell biologists have other tools to study the dynamic assembly organelles or generate sliding forces between MTs. These pro-
and disassembly of highly organized arrays of MTs. These include teins will be discussed in detail in Chapter 14. Here we will fo-
the use of filament-perturbing chemical agents (see Table 13-3, cus on proteins that regulate MT organization and structure.
page 382), high-resolution fluorescence microcopy (see Table
13-2, page 379), and genetically engineered cells expressing fluo- Microtubule-Stabilizing/Bundling Proteins. Microtu-
rescent proteins. In some cases, combinations of such tools can bule-associated proteins (MAPs) account for 10–15%
be used to study MTs in action (see Key Technique, above). of the mass of MTs isolated from cells. MAPs bind at regular
intervals along the walls of MTs, allowing interaction with
other filaments and cellular structures. Most MAPs have been
Microtubule Stability Is Tightly Regulated shown to promote MT stability by preventing the severing of
in Cells by a Variety of Microtubule-Binding MTs and by keeping heterodimers locked into the MT. They
Proteins can also affect the density of bundles of MTs. MAP function
You have seen that cellular microtubules exhibit dynamic has been studied extensively in brain cells, as they are the
instability—they can grow out from the centrosome and most abundant source of these proteins. Neurons have axons,
then disassemble. This process could account for randomly which carry electrical signals away from the cell body of the

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0 sec

32 sec

(a) 0 minutes of recovery (b) 30 minutes of 10 mm

Figure 13A-1 A Wash-out Experiment Shows That Centro-
somes Polarize Microtubules in Cells. (a) Cells treated with

Chapter 13
colcemid, then immunostained to visualize MTs. Only MTs associ- 1 mm
ated with the centrosome (which are resistant to colcemid) persist
Figure 13A-2 Dynamic Instability of Microtubules In Vivo.
(arrowheads). (b) Another cell fixed 30 minutes after washing out
MTs visualized by live-cell fluorescence microscopy exhibit dynamic
the colcemid. New MTs are growing away from the centrosome.
instability in vivo. Here, two individual MTs (A, B) have been labeled.

Over a 32-second time span, MT B grows whereas A shrinks.

Cytoskeletal Systems
Labeling all polymers in a system can be effective for
studying cytoskeletal dynamics, but sometimes it is easier to
make sense of the fluorescent signal if a cytoskeletal element is monomer incorporated near the plus end of a cytoskeletal
only partially labeled. One such technique, speckle microscopy, filament will be displaced rearward as subunits are lost at the
involves introducing a limited amount of fluorescent monomer, minus end and additional monomers are added at the plus end.
which results in speckles of fluorescence along the length of
a cytoskeletal element. This technique has been very useful QUESTION: How could you use paclitaxel, which makes
for analyzing the flow of cytoskeletal elements. If, for exam- MTs less likely than normal to depolymerize, to study whether
ple, treadmilling of MTs or MFs occurs, speckles of labeled the completion of mitosis requires disassembly of MTs?

neuron, and dendrites, which receive signals from neighbor- of several diseases that result in dementia, such as Alzheimer
ing cells and carry them to the cell body. Within these project- disease, Pick disease, and several types of palsy. In the case
ing structures, or neurites, groups of microtubules are cross- of Alzheimer disease, these tangles contain large amounts of
linked into bundles. The bundles are characteristically denser hyperphosphorylated Tau protein, which forms paired helical
in axons than they are in dendrites. A MAP called Tau causes filaments. Mutations that result in defective Tau protein lead
MTs to form tight bundles in axons. Another MAP, MAP2, is to hereditary predisposition to form neurofibrillary tangles.
present in dendrites and causes the formation of looser bun- Such diseases are therefore sometimes called tauopathies.
dles of MTs. One portion of MAPs such as Tau and MAP2
binds along the length of an MT; another portion protrudes + −TIP Proteins. MTs are generally too unstable to remain in-
away from the microtubule, where it can interact with other tact for long periods of time and will depolymerize unless they
proteins (Figure 13-12a). The length of these “arms” con- are stabilized in some way. One way to stabilize MTs is to “cap-
trols the spacing of MTs within bundles. MAP2 has a longer ture” and protect their growing plus ends. To do so, +–TIP
arm than does Tau, and so MAP2 forms MT bundles that are proteins (+– end tubulin interacting proteins) associate with
less densely packed than those formed with Tau. MT plus ends. One important example of MT capture involves
The importance of MAPs can be demonstrated by forc- kinetochores during mitosis. Other +–TIPs associate with
ing non-neuronal cells to make Tau protein. When such cells the cell cortex, an actin-based network underneath the plasma
express large amounts of Tau, they extend single long pro- membrane, and can stabilize MTs that extend there. Some +–
cesses that look remarkably similar to the axons of neurons TIPs, including end-binding protein 1 (EB1), directly bind to
(Figure 13-12b). Tau is important in human disease. Dense tan- and stabilize plus ends, decreasing the likelihood that they will
gles of neurites, known as neurofibrillary tangles, are a hallmark undergo catastrophic subunit loss (Figure 13-12c).

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Tau (a MAP)

- +

40 mm
Normal Sf9 (insect) cells Sf9 cells expressing Tau
(a) MAPs
(b) Effects of Tau overexpression on insect cells
EB1 (a +–TIP)
- +

(c) +–TIPs

(a catastrophin)
- +

(e) Catastrophins (d) EB1 localization in an insect 5 mm


Figure 13-12 Microtubule-Binding Proteins Regulate Microtubule Function In Vivo. (a) Tau is a MAP
that binds along the length of an MT; another portion of Tau extends away from the MT, regulating MT spacing
in bundles. (b) The effects of Tau overexpression in a line of cultured non-neuronal cells called Sf9. (c) +–TIP
proteins, such as EB1, bind at or near the plus ends of MTs, stabilizing them. (d) An S2 cell stained for EB1
(green), MTs (red), and DNA (blue). (e) Catastrophins, such as MCAK (mitotic centromere-associated kinesin),
are kinesin family proteins that destabilize MTs.

EB1 associates with GTP-tubulin at MT plus ends, yield-

ing a characteristic “fireworks” pattern (Figure 13-12d). EB1
13.3 Microfilaments
protein that is tagged with the green fluorescent protein (GFP) With a diameter of about 7 nm, microfilaments (MFs) are
is an incredibly useful tool for following the plus ends of MTs the smallest of the cytoskeletal filaments (see Table 13-1,
dynamically (see Key Technique, page 386). page 377). Microfilaments are best known for their role in the
contractile fibrils of muscle cells, where they interact with
Microtubule-Destabilizing/Severing Proteins. Whereas thicker filaments of myosin to cause the contractions char-
some MT-binding proteins stabilize microtubules, making acteristic of muscle (see Chapter 14). MFs are not confined
them less likely to depolymerize, others promote depolymer- to muscle cells, however. They occur in almost all eukaryotic
ization of MTs. For example, the protein stathmin/Op18 binds cells and are involved in numerous other phenomena, includ-
to tubulin heterodimers, preventing them from polymerizing. ing a variety of locomotory and structural functions.
Other proteins act at the ends of MTs once they have poly- Examples of cell movements in which microfilaments play
merized, promoting the peeling of protofilaments and even- a role include cell migration via lamellipodia and filopodia, amoe-
tual loss of subunits from their ends. Several proteins of the boid movement, and cytoplasmic streaming, a regular pattern of
kinesin family, called catastrophins (Figure 13-12e), act in this flow in the cytosol of some plant and animal cells. (We will dis-
way. By tightly regulating where catastrophins act, a cell can cuss all of these phenomena in detail in Chapter 14.) MFs also
precisely control where and when MTs form and depolymer- produce the cleavage furrows that divide the cytosol of animal
ize. A prime example of such regulation is the mitotic spindle. cells during cytokinesis, and MFs are found at sites of attach-
Indeed, a catastrophin known as MCAK (mitotic centromere- ment of cells to one another and to the extracellular matrix.
associated kinesin) plays just such a role. Still other proteins In addition to mediating a variety of cell movements, MFs
sever MTs; one example of such proteins is katanin. are important in developing and maintaining cell shape. Most
animal cells, for example, have a dense network of microfila-
CONCEPT CHECK 13.2 ments within the cell cortex just beneath the plasma membrane.
The amount of dynamic instability exhibited by microtubules The cortex confers structural rigidity on the cell surface and facil-
varies depending on the kind of cell and whether it is divid- itates shape changes and cell movement. Parallel bundles of MFs
ing. Under what circumstances might you expect dynamic also make up the structural core of microvilli, the fingerlike exten-
instability to be greatest, and why? sions found on the surface of many animal cells (see Figure 4-4).

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