Human Resource Management - Module I (BCOM)

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Module- I (Introduction to HRM)

Human resource management
According to Edwin B Flippo “HRM is the planning, organizing, directing
and controlling of the procurement, development, compensation,
integration, maintenance and reproduction of human resources to the
end that individual, organizational and social objectives are
Features of HRM
 Management function
 Action oriented
 Comprehensive function
 Individual consideration
 Continuous function
 Development of human resource
 Pervasive in nature
 Achievement of objectives
 Human behaviour
 New discipline
Scope of HRM
 Human resource planning
 Job analysis and design
 Recruitment and selection
 Placement and orientation
 Training and development
 Performance appraisal and Job evaluation
 Employees remuneration
 Motivation
 Communication
 Human welfare
 Industrial relations
Objectives of HRM
 General objectives
 Optimum individual development.
 Creation of good human relationship.
 Molding human resource to achieve maximum production.
 Specific objectives
 Selection of right individual to right job.
 Provision for training facilities.
 Provision for orientation to new employees.
 Provision for better working condition.
 Provision for fair wages, salary and other benefits.
 Provision for retirement benefits.
 Maintain good relation with trade union.
Functions of HRM
 Managerial functions
 Planning
 Organizing
 Directing
 Coordinating
 Controlling
 Operative functions
 Procurement
 Training and development
 Compensation
 Integration
 Maintenance
 Welfare activities
 Personal records
Need and Importance of HRM
 It provides manpower.
 It improves employees innovation and creativity.
 It ensure better standard of living to employees.
 It generate employment opportunities.
 It facilitate organizational success.
 It facilitate growth of entrepreneurship
Evolution of HRM
 Period of industrial revolution
 Convert agricultural economy to industrial based one.
 Emergence of personal management.
 A department was set up for workers.
 Labour union (1970)
 History of modern personal mgt began with the name of Robert
 Post industrial revolution
 Scientific management
 Industrial psychology
 Hawthorne studies
 Human relation movement
Approaches to HRM
 Behavioral approach
According to this approach employees are human beings and they have
motivations and aspirations. The behaviour of employees varies with
working condition, job description, amenities of work etc.
 Scientific management approach
F.W Tylor suggested this approaches to work and employees. This
approach makes HRM as a systematic function based on scientific
 System approach
According to this approach, HRM is considered as a major system and
which consist of number of subsystem. Every function under HRM is
considered as subsystem like, HR planning, recruitment, selection,
placement, induction etc.
 Human resource approach
This approach assumes people as resources or investments. These
resources are to be developed, maintained and carefully utilized for the
mutual benefits of employees and management.
Personal management
According to French Wendell “Personal management is the
recruitment, selection, development, utilization of an accommodation
to human resources by organization”
Characteristics of personal management
 Management of human resources
 Concerned with employees
 Continuous in nature
 Goal oriented
 Formulation of personal policies
 Ensure social, economic and individual satisfaction
 Creation of congenial atmosphere
Personal management V/S Human resource management
Personal management Human resource management
Employee oriented. Resource oriented.
Speed of decision making is low. High speed in decision making.
PM precedes HRM. It is emerged late 1970s.
Reactive to change in organization. Proactive to change in organization.
Short term perspective. Long term perspective.
Traditional approach. Modern approach.
Routine function. Strategic function.
Strategic human resource management (SHRM)
It is the branch of HRM. It is the process of linking the human resource
function with the strategic objectives of the organisation in order to
improve performance.
Strategic HRM V/S Traditional HRM
Strategic HRM Traditional HRM
It is concerned with all employees It is concerned with operational
and managers. and clerical employees.
It is concerned with strategic It is concerned with operational
objectives. issues.
It involved in making ongoing It makes operational decisions
strategic decisions. only.
It participate in formulating overall It is involved in operational
strategic plan. planning.
It has high status and authority. It has medium status and authority.
It is fully integrated with other It is not fully integrated with other
organizational functions. organizational functions.
Electronic human resource management (E-HRM)
E-HRM is the integration of all human resource system and activities
using the web based technologies.
Features of E-HRM
 It facilitate handling of large volume of data.
 Reporting and analyzing of data are done easily and quickly.
 It facilitate standardization and automation of HR process.
 It is a safe and secure system of maintaining employee information.
 It replaces conventional paper and file system of HRM.
 It offer transparent services to employees.
 It provides better working conditions.
Advantages of E-HRM
 It reduce cost of administration of HR department.
 It simplify the operations of HR department.
 It create more satisfied employees.
 It increases corporate image.
 It promotes better employer-employee relationship.
 It offer transparent services to employees.
 It is less costly and efficient.
 It uses uniform standardized practices in HR activities.
 It provides favorable work environment in the organisation.
Disadvantages of E-HRM
 It require huge implantation and maintenance cost.
 It is not much affordable to small organisations.
 It is difficult to get employees cooperation and support.
 There are more chances of errors and omissions.
 There is a chance of losing security and privacy informations.
 It reduces human relations in the organizations.
Types of E-HRM
1. Operational E-HRM
It is concerned with implementation of electronic human resource
management in the operational or administrative areas.
Activities of operational E-HRM
 E-recruitment
 E-selection
 E-employee profile
 E-training
 E-performance management
 E- compensation
 E-grievance redressal
2. Relational E-HRM
It is designed to manage and sustain relationship with employees by
improving HR services differently.
Objectives of relational E-HRM
 It build better employer- employee relationship and trust.
 It enable employee empowerment and recognition.
 It provides accurate and comprehensive employee data.
 It facilitate faster processing of information and data.
3. Transformational E-HRM
It is concerned with the use of information technology in areas like
employee development, employee motivation, knowledge
management, employee reorientation etc.

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