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A Priceless Gift

* 관계대명사 What * 지각동사

명 명
i) 구성 : ☆ t ☆ i ) 형태 : St 지각 ④ t 0 t O C .

선행사 완 불완 t S는 O가 0.C 하는 것을 지각 ④ 하다
☆ t 관대 ☆

불완 불완 ii) 구성 : 지각 @ t 어 0.C
☆ t What ☆

ii) The Thing which
u (that) n = What adj
선행사 관대 V i

iii) 해석 : u
것 iii) 종류
IV) 문장내 역할
Listen to
주목 .
보 Watch
단수취급 ( 명사) See'dliketo .

현대 영어는
미래도 사용
과거 미래
Some da y One da,

Long ago, an honest merchant lived in Genoa, Italy. 부양하다

도시 국가

His name was Antonio, and he went to different places to support his family by trading.
to 부정사부사적용법 中 목적 : n 하기 위해서,
One day, he filled his ship with goods and visited a faraway island.
어느 날 A with B :
A를 채우다 B를 가지고 ( =
A with B) 멀리떨어진
to VR
There he traded tools for spices and books for nuts. =
in Order to V12
거기에서 Trade A for B :
A를 바꾸다 B로
= So as to V12
Thanks to Antonio, the islanders could get what they needed.

to Is Spice
Books nuts

One night, Antonio had dinner with the island's queen at her palace.
접속절 들쥐 형용사 有 →

( When dinner was served,) rats appeared, and some servants chased them away with sticks.
have ITTE
접속사 설쑤X 수동태 have BreakFast Chase A Away :
A를 쫓아내며
부사는 수동태 사이

Antonio was greatly surprised that there were rats in the palace.
감정 ④ t 사람 → ed 유도부사
He asked, "Are there no cats on this island?" The queen looked puzzled.
섬 땅 앞에
. 이용 감각 ④ 혼란스러운
"What is a cat?" she asked. +
감정 ④ t 사물 → i
동사 not I Never t ④

명사 not N / N One

동일한 구성단위에서 대상이 2개

i) 재귀적 용법 ex )

생략X 목적어 역할 " 자신
, ,
ii) 강조적 용법 스스로

생략이 부사역할
The merchant said to himself, ① 사역동사
재귀대명사 Make
"What the islanders here need is not tools or books, but cats." have t 0 t O (

S not A but B : A가 아니라 B / et adj

He brought two cats from his ship and let them run free. V12
② 과거시제라서 3인칭 단수 '

V2 S
"What amazing animals!" cried the queen when she saw all the rats run away.
소리치다 지각@ 2

She gave Antonio a chest that was filled with jewels. A11복E단
수여 I0 D.0 니로 채워진 0 0.C
What 형 명 (주 동)
감탄문 보어구도치 : ts

How 형 1부 ( 주동 ) !
분사구문 Back in Italy, Antonio told his friends about his good fortune.
이탈리아로 돌아오고
Luigi, the richest merchant in Genoa, heard the story and was jealous.
동격의컴마 동격의컴마 V1 V2

"Cats are worthless," Luigi thought. I'll bring the queen what is really valuable.
쓸모없는 수여 I0
4 4 70

I'm sure that the queen will give me more jewels." that 절= 명사절 ,

난 (that절이해라고 S V I0 D.0 완전해야함

Luigi packed his ship with wonder ful paintings and other works of art.
④ 운반하다. 배송하다 to 부정사의 형용사적용법 : 여왕을 만날 예술작품
He took the gifts to the island. To get a chance to meet the queen,
to 부정사의 부사적용법 中 목적 : "
he told the islanders a lie that he was a good friend of Antonio's.
te " A B A에게 B라고 말하다 동격의 접속사 that
: 중에서 Friends ( 생략 ) "

When the queen heard about Luigi, she invited him to her palace for dinner.

Before sitting down at the table, Luigi presented the queen with all his
접속사1동영사 현재선물 보여주다 주었다
. .

gifts, and the queen thanked him again.

"I'll repay you with a priceless gift," said the queen.
Luigi watched the queen whisper in a servant's ear.
지각 @ I0 D.0
He became excited and hopeful. He was sure that he would receive more
수동태 감정 Wii의 과거형 many
More -

ftp.p jewels than Autonio.

After a while, the servant returned with a box, and the queen presented it to
Luigi. 잠시 뒤에
when Luigi opened the box, he was speechless.
말문이 막힌 말을 할수 없는
There was a kitten in the box.
유도부사 수여 @ I0 D.0

"Antonio gave us the priceless cats, and we now have some kittens,"
귀중한 값을 매길수 없는
said the queen. "In return for the wonderful gifts you gave us,
니에 대한 보답으로

We want to give you what is most valuable to us."

Wonderful s and
other Works for Art

Luigi realized that, in the queen's mind,

타동사 : 목적절데리고옹 전치사규삽입어구 생각 꺼려하다

the kitten was worth far more than all the jewels in the world.
가치가 있다

He tried to look pleased with the gift. He knew that was the right thing to do.
n 하려고 애쓰다 감각 @ tadj 如畦 강조부사 대에 접속사7 S V
문장은 단수 취급
성공하고자 함 감정Pt 수동태
: Much 10t .

시험삼아 해보다 Luigi did not return home a richer man. But he was surely a wiser one. = man

오히려 것 (대명사)
성공에 실패에 비교급
⑦ 집
advo 집으로
※ 동사 뒤에 home 오면 부사로 쓰이는 경우 多

The Science Project :

The Amazing Ants
* 분사 * 주절E종속절 / 鸞넨幟
i) 종류 현재분사 ( King ) 형태 접속사 十自 n
, ,

과거분사 ( 주S 접속사 十自 n

☆ 접속사의 의미에 따라 종속절의 종류 결정

ii) 역할 :
adj 역할 ( 명사 수식 아 보에

iii) 의미 현 :
능동진행 n
한 말 하는 양보부사절
. . *

① de site
과 수동완료 n 된 니되어진

접속사 : t.hough.although.euen thought + N

In site of
iv) 명사수식 V캐9
의미 : n
임에도 불구하고 니일지라도,

전치수식 t N

p.pl후치수식 N +
* 이유부사절

접속사 :

because ,


Now that
④ because
of + N
의미 : n
때문에 , 니이므로

• They are very social.

• They are as old as the T-Rex.

원급 비교

• They appear in Aesop’s stories.

등장하다 .

• They use a special chemical to communicate.

⑦ to 부정사의 부사적용법 中 목적 : n 하기 위해서

For the science project, our group has chosen very special insects.
을 위한 의 주 동 현재완료
Can you guess what they are? Yes, the answer is ants.
간접의문문 관대
We want to share with you what we have learned about these insects.
sh are A with B : A를 B와 공유하다 → share with B A - 올드한 표현

[ How Many Ants Are on Earth? ]

지각④ Earth
전세계의 ,
도대체 →

We often see ants come out of nowhere. 2

빈도부사 : 조 be뒤일앞 아무데서나 느닷없이 .

④ Ali Ice Like humans, they live almost everywhere in the world,
비슷한 전치사 : n
처럼 "

except a few extremely cold places including Antarctica.

전치사 분사 남극대륙
As of 2018, there were over 7 billion people on Earth.
의 일자로
불필요한 부분
Then, how about ants? According to scientists,
(수식어귀 에 따르면
속성 ⑦ 대상 ④ 비교 " t 권위가 있는 사람이나 매체

명사데리고옴 there are about one million ants for every human in the world.

Though each ant hardly weighs anything,
A11복E단 부정이 ng : 거의 n 하지 않는
one million ants are as heavy as a human being weighing about 62 kilograms.
사람 1명 @ 존재
[ What Is the Ant Society Like? ]
선행사복수 → 복수 @
Ants live in colonies which have lots of residents living together.
안에서 살고있다 집단식민지 주격 관대 거주자 분사 3개 !

Within a colony, there are usually three different types of ants.

안에 +시간1장소 반복되는 것 현재시제 사용 종류의 Kind of 종류
There is the queen, and what she does 4her entire life isVlay eggs. I type of 형태 분류
① What 절을 S로
The second typeS of
( ant is) the male ( Arts )
1 ex ) Two
loss of The des k were Broken
that helps the queen produce these eggs. The third type of ant is the worker.
준사역 ④
부정사의 to 생략0
* 형태 : S V12
의미 : S가 0를 0.C하도록 돕다
Worker ants are all female and do very important jobs, like caring for eggs,
Arts ) * 현재분사 vs 동명사
defending the colony, and collecting food.


품사 adj n

의미 "
하는 .tn 할 n 것
[ How Do Ants Communicate? ] with @ Wing King + n
nt 목 새를 하는 것 )
Though ants do not speak like humans, v0 생략 which is 주격 관대 tbe
they actually have a “language.”
Ants produce a chemical called a pheromone
목적에 2개 A를 B라고 부르다

to communicate with one another. By using the chemical, 함으로써
they can exchange information about food or danger.
Ants also use touch for communication. For example, if an ant finds food, More Touch For in Stand
문장위치 ! :

it passes on the good news by rubbing its body on its neighbor.

Since an ant has legs 人
covered with very sensitive hairs,
이래로 which are 과거분사
it can sense even the smallest touch.

[ Fun facts about ants ]

1. Some queen ants live up to 30 years.
너까지 +숫자 ( 공간 시간 사용시

2. Some ants can carry things that are 50 times their own body weight.
주격관대 선행사 &④ 수일치
3. Ants do not have lungs but breathe through small holes in their body.
강조 !

4. An ant has two stomachs.

전치사의 목적어로 쓰인 재귀적 용법 :
자신을 위해서
One stomach holds food for itself, and the other holds food to share with others.
동물차물 tomach 생략 하기위해서 다른개제들 "

5. Most ants can swim and live 24 hours underwater.

처음 I 중간 I 끝
, ,
i ,

단 One i Another : The other

, ,

복 Some : other I The other


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