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Conde Labac Integrated School

Junior High School

Cayenne Pepper
Pest Reppelant
A Science Investigatory Project

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A.) Background of the Study

Controlling pesky bugs on your garden plants or on other surfaces does not have
to mean using toxic chemical sprays that pose hazards to children or pets. Instead,
use natural ingredients like garlic, which repel bugs without the risks of harmful
poisons. Use fresh bulbs of garlic to repel bugs on plants without harming the plant
and without the need for toxic chemicals or commercial insecticides. The sulfur
compounds in the garlic keep bugs away by simply producing an odor that pesky
garden pests do not like. Mixed with garlic, cayenne pepper adds an extra layer of
protection to homemade bug sprays. The spiciness of cayenne peppers and all other
hot peppers comes from a natural chemical called capsaicin, which exists in the
pepper's flesh and seeds. Cayenne pepper powder will further discourage bugs from
chomping on your prized vegetables and plants by making them unpalatable without
affecting the taste of the vegetables or look of the plant.

B.) Statement of the Problem

1. The product has a really foul odor that could be a reason to refusal to the product.
2. Avoid direct contact to the skin because some ingredients might trigger someone’s
3. Acute Dangers such as nerve, skin and eye irritation and damage, headaches,
dizziness, and nausea.

C.) Formulation of the Hypothesis

We can avoid the danger of the product by using proper protective equipment like
gloves, mask and eye protection. Place the product away from children because they
might play with it. We cannot really avoid the foul odor because most ingredients
possessed it. That’s why we are advising to use mask for the users.
D.) Significance of Study
Nowadays many farmers are having a problem on how can they control the
numbers of pests and insects in their farm or garden, in our research we have
focused on this issue. The solution we have conducted is to create a pesticide using
Garlic and Cayenne Pepper. Garlic can repel bugs without blending toxic or
chemicals. Both plants have sulfur compound that creates an odor that keeps pesky
bugs away.

E.) Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The things ingredients to be used in our pesticide are: Garlic and Cayenne
Pepper. First thing to do is to boil water. Second is to chop the garlic to small pieces.
When the water boils put the chopped garlic into the boiling water and add the
cayenne pepper. Wait for 30 minutes until the sap extracts and it is ready to go.

F.) Definitions of Terms

Garlic - (Allium sativum) is a species in the onion genus, Allium. Its close
relatives include the onion, shallot, leek, chive, and Chinese onion. Garlic is native
to Central Asia and northeastern Iran, and has long been a common seasoning
worldwide, with a history of several thousand years of human consumption and use.

Cayenne Pepper - is usually a moderately hot chili pepper used to flavor dishes.
Cayenne peppers are a group of tapering, 10 to 25 cm long, generally skinny, mostly
red-colored peppers, often with a curved tip and somewhat rippled skin, which hang
from the bush as opposed to growing upright.

Repellant - are substances that are meant to repel and control pests, including
weeds. The term repellant includes all of the following: pesticide,herbicide,
insecticides nematicide, molluscicide, piscicide, avicide, rodenticide, bactericide,
insect repellent, animal repellent, antimicrobial, and fungicide.


Controlling pesky bugs on your garden plants or on other surfaces does

not have to mean using toxic chemical sprays that pose hazards to children
or pets. Instead, use natural ingredients like garlic, which repel bugs without
the risks of harmful poisons. Garlic might be tasty ingredients in your
favorite spaghetti sauce, but they will also help to keep bugs at bay. Use
fresh bulbs of garlic to repel bugs on plants without harming the plant and
without the need for toxic chemicals or commercial insecticides. The sulfur
compounds in the garlic keep bugs away by simply producing an odor that
pesky garden pests do not like. Garlic extract can be mixed with water in a
spray bottle and then applied to plants or they can be used alone. Liquefy
fresh garlic in a blender, or just use garlic powder steeped with water to
make a garlic "tea" that can be sprayed onto plants or outdoor surfaces
where you want to keep bugs away. In addition, to keep insects out of your
garden, plant plants that are hated by pest near your other plants. This will
naturally repel insects and won't make any extra work for you.

Mixed with garlic, cayenne pepper adds an extra layer of protection to

homemade bug sprays. The spiciness of cayenne peppers and all other hot
peppers comes from a natural chemical called capsaicin, which exists in the
pepper's flesh and seeds. Cayenne pepper powder will further discourage
bugs from chomping on your prized vegetables and plants by making them
unpalatable without affecting the taste of the vegetables or look of the plant.
A teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder can be steeped with garlic to create a
bug spray with multiple layers of protection.

This garlic-based homemade pest spray is designed for use on plants, not
on your skin or on pets. The mixture is mildly irritating to skin, eyes and
mucus membranes, so use gloves when you spray it, and avoid breathing it
in as it could cause discomfort.

Taken from:

Leeann Teagno
Courtesy of: Tea, Lee. "Onion & Garlic for Bug Spray." Home Guides | SF Gate,
garlic-bug-spray-73217.html. Accessed 14 October 2019.
Chapter III


A1.) Ingredients

 Neem Leaves - Azadirachta indica, commonly known as

neem, nimtree or Indian lilac, is a tree in the mahogany
family Meliaceae. It is one of two species in the genus
Azadirachta, and is native to the Indian subcontinent, i.e.
India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and
 Cayenne Pepper - The cayenne pepper is a type of
Capsicum annuum. It is usually a moderately hot chili
pepper used to flavor dishes.
 Garlic - Garlic is a species in the onion genus, Allium. Its
close relatives include the onion, shallot, leek, chive, and
Chinese onion. Garlic is native to Central Asia and
northeastern Iran, and has long been a common
seasoning worldwide, with a history of several thousand
years of human consumption and use.
 Water - Water is an inorganic, transparent, tasteless,
odorless, and nearly colorless chemical substance, which
is the main constituent of Earth's hydrosphere, and the
fluids of most living organisms. It is vital for all known
forms of life, even though it provides no calories or
organic nutrients.

A2.) Materials

 Casserole - A casserole is a large, deep pan used both in

the oven and as a serving vessel.
 Spray Bottle - A spray bottle is a bottle that can squirt,
spray or mist fluids. A common use for spray bottles is
dispensing cool cleaners, cosmetics, and chemical
 Knife - A knife is a tool with a cutting edge or blade
attached to a handle.
 Strainer - A mesh strainer, also known as sift, commonly
known as sieve, is a device for separating wanted
elements from unwanted material or for characterizing
the particle size distribution of a sample, typically using a
woven screen such as a mesh or net or metal. The word
"sift" derives from "sieve".
B.) Procedure

1. Prepare all the materials and ingredients needed.

2. Chop or mince the garlic.
3. Boil three cups of water.
4. When the the water boils put the garlic followed by the
cayenne pepper and the neem leaves.
5. Let the ingredients boil for at least 5 minutes.
6. After 5 minutes let the product rest.
7. Use the strainer to strain the excess ingredients.
8. Transfer the finish product to the spray bottle and it’s
ready to use.
Chapter IV

(Data Gathering and Applications)


Trial 1


Neem Leaves
Cayenne Pepper Residues of
Dark Green Sticky ingredients floats
above the mixture

The table shows the first trial of the product. It was made from
Neem leaves, Cayenne Pepper powder, dehydrated Garlic and Water.
The product needs improvement in terms of color and texture

Trial 1: Effectiveness on killing common insects

As we can see on Table 1, the product did not meet our

expectations based on its appearance and texture. In this trial, we
intend to make the product by mixing all the ingredients on a pesticide
bottle with sprayer and leaving it soaked overnight. We tried to spray
the mixture on common pest, but the results are not that good, only
few insects were eliminated. Also, we had a difficult time on using the
sprayer because the residue of the ingredients gets stuck on the
sprayer’s tubing. The experiment needs improvement in order to give
good results.
Trial 2


Dried Neem
Leaves Foul odor
Cayenne Pepper Dark Green Viscous remains.
Garlic No. of eliminated
Water insects increased

The table shows the second trial of the product. It was made from
dried Neem leaves, Cayenne Pepper powder, finely chopped
dehydrated Garlic and Water. The product’s effectiveness increases
but the problem on the appearance and odor of the mixture remains

Trial 2: Effectiveness on killing common insects

As we can see on Table 2, the product’s effectiveness increases as

the number of insects that can be eliminated have a slight progress,
but the problem on the efficiency when used, presence of foul odor as
well as the appearance of the mixture remains unsolved. Researchers
will continue to improve the product in order to achieve the target
Trial 3


Dried and boiled All the discussed
Neem Leaves problems were
Cayenne Pepper Turbid Green Watery solved. Target
Garlic texture, color and
Water results were

The table shows the third trial of the product. It was made from
dry and boiled Neem leaves, Cayenne Pepper powder, finely chopped
dehydrated Garlic and Water. After boiling, the mixture was carefully
strained in order to remove the residues. The Researchers achieved
their goal on creating the product, therefore there won’t be any
adjustments needed.

Trial 3: Effectiveness on killing common insects

As we can see on Table 3, the product’s effectiveness was raised to

the highest rate, therefore it can eliminate a group of pests in your
backyard or garden. We found out that the best way to gather the
ingredient’s natural juices is bringing it to a boil, then after boiling we
strained out the residue and the remaining liquid is the final product.
We discovered that the presence of foul odor is cause by the floating
residues that remains soaked on the mixture. After straining the
residues, we let mixture rest for a while then we put it in the odor test.
The foul odor was gone but the strong smells for insects were present.

Chapter V


The following chapter concludes this report. A

summary of the research is presented, and findings
of the study are discussed and interpreted.

In the conclusion, Cayenne Pepper, Neem leaves

and Garlic extracts as an Alternative Pesticide was an
effective repellant because Cayenne Pepper contains
capsaicin that is a natural chemical isolated from red
peppers. It is most often found in animal repellents,
but some products kill mites and insects or keep
them from feeding on plants. In addition, Neem
Leaves reduce insect feeding and acts as a repellent.
It also interferes with insect hormone systems,
making it harder for insects to grow and lay eggs.
Azadirachtin can also repel and reduce the feeding of
nematodes. Other components of neem oil kill
insects by hindering their ability to feed. Also, the
sulfur compounds in the garlic keep bugs away by
simply producing an odor that pesky garden pests do
not like. Garlic can be mixed with water in a spray
bottle and then applied to plants or they can be used
alone. This will naturally repel insects and won't
make any extra work for you.
Chapter VI


We, the researchers would like

to recommend the future
researchers to follow the same
procedures of this experiment,
the just need to change and add
some ingredients in order to
improve it.

We recommend our product to

those people who are in to
gardening but don’t want to
spend too much on pesticides.
All you need are very simple
ingredients that you can find
mostly in the kitchen.









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