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2017 16th International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering and Science

Comparison of several implied volatility models

Ying Zhuang Meiqing Wang

College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Fuzhou College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Fuzhou
University University
Fuzhou, Fujian, China Fuzhou, Fujian, China
yingyun0213@163.com mqwang@fzu.edu.cn

Abstract—The implied volatility is an important parameter volatility inspired (SVI) and exponential semi-parametric
when the trader need to quote the prices of options. The (ES) model are common used ones of this sort of method.
famous B-S Model assumes that the implied volatility surface The model based on the inverse problem fits the function
is a constant independent of the option’s strike and time to by using lots of market data which makes it more feasible
maturity. But empirical analysis has proved that implied and better forecast performance. The classical model was
volatility surface is a non-flat function. There are several proposed by Ronald Lagnado and Stanley Osher (OS).
popular methods to construct the implied volatility surface.
In this paper, the parameter affection and performance of II. MODELS TO CONSTRUCT IMPLIED VOLATILITY
several models are compared and tested by using empirical SURFACES
A. A class of Stochastic Volatility Inspired models
Keywords- implied volatility surface, SVI model,
exponential semi-parametric model, Osher model ˈ no- 1) SVI model
arbitrage condition The stochastic volatility inspired (SVI) was originally
developed at Merrill Lynch in 1999[1]. The SVI’s essence
I. INTRODUCTION (HEADING 1) is by using a hyperbola to represent the implied variance
asymptotically, which meets the Roger Lee’s lemma [2].
The volatility of underlying assets is an important The raw parameterization of SVI total implied variance has
parameter in option pricing. The implied volatility is the following form:
calculated from an option pricing model, such as the well-

known Black-Scholes (B-S) pricing Model. B-S Model ߪఛ ሺ݇ሻ ൌ ටܽ ൅ ܾሼߩሺ݇ െ ݉ሻ ൅ ඥሺ݇ െ ݉ሻଶ ൅ ܿ ଶ ሽ (1)
assumes that the implied volatility surface is a constant ௄
independent of the option’s strike and time to maturity. But where moneyness ݇ ൌ Žሺ ሻ,‫ ܨ‬ൌ ܵ݁ ௥ఛ ,ܵ is the underlying
more and more empirical analysis has proved that implied asset price, ‫ ܭ‬is the strike price of the option, ‫ ݎ‬is the risk-
volatility surface is a non-flat function with respect to strike free interest rate, ߬ is the time to maturity.
and time to maturity, that is, the implied volatility surface 2) E-SVI model
is curved with smile skew and term structure. So how to Daglish [3] proposed the stationary square root of time
construct the implied volatility surface, that is, construct a rule, which suggested that the implied volatility was a
function to fit the surface, becomes a hot topic in ௄
function of the combination of the moneyness ݇ ൌ Žሺ ሻ
mathematic or finance field. ி
and the time to maturity߬:
The methods of constructing an implied volatility (IV) ௞
surface can be classified into two main types: one is using ߪ ൌ ߶ሺ ሻ (2)
statistical regression method, such as the parameter model, According to this rule, Zhuang et al. [4] proposed a Time-
non-parametric model and semi-parametric model; the Exponential SVI (E-SVI) model that logarithmic strike
other is using the methods of the inverse problem to model price is replaced with the particular combination of the
implied volatility. In this paper, the influences of logarithmic price and maturity, and also add a new
parameters and the performance of several models are parameter to adjust the combination.
compared and tested by using empirical analysis, including
௞ ௞
the deterministic semi-parametric models and the inverse ߪఛ ሺ݇ሻ ൌ ඨܽ ൅ ܾ ቊߩ ቀ െ ݉ቁ ൅ ටሺ െ ݉ሻଶ ൅ ܿ ଶ ቋ (3)
ఛഁ ఛഁ
problem models.
The deterministic volatility models only just simply
consider using a deterministic function to describe the B. Semi-Parametric Model
relationship of the implied volatility with the time to 1) Exponential Semi-Parametric Model(ES)
maturity, strike price or moneyness. Fitting the implied In 1998, Dumas et al. [5] proposed a deterministic
volatility surface can also be tackled by a semi-parametric parameterization model in which implied volatilities are
model which is constituted by several parametric functions described as a quadratic function depending on maturity
for each maturity ߬ in a trading day. The stochastic and strike price. Cassese and Guidolin [6] then found that
MIBO (written on the MIB30, the most important Italian

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2473-3636/17 45
DOI 10.1109/DCABES.2017.18
stock index) implied volatility surface has a rich structure III. INFLUENCES OF PARAMETERS OF ABOVE MODELS
which inspired them to develop a host of alternative The SVI and ES models are the semi-parametric models
reduced form models of implied volatility. which come with certain advantages. We first analyze the
ߪሺ݇ǡ ߬ሻ ൌ ߚ଴ ൅ ߚଵ ݇ ൅ ߚଶ ݇ ଶ ൅ ߚଷ ߬ ൅ ߚସ ሺ݇ ‫߬ כ‬ሻ ൅ ߝ (4) influence of parameters on every model. Two methods are

௟௡ሺ ሻ used to analyze the influences of the parameters. The first
with moneyness ݇ ൌ ಷ
ξఛ one is to calculate the partial derivative of every parameter
Borovkova and Permana [7] considered that the shapes of to find the change trends and directions of IV smiles. The
the implied volatilities vary with different time-to- second one is to change the value of a parameter when
maturities and may not be captured by a surface accurately. fixing other parameters to compare the function image.
So, when fixing the time-to-maturity, the implied volatility The influence of the parameters of the models are
can be considered as a function of the moneyness which is displayed on Table 1 and demonstrated in Fig.1. Table 1
a semi-parametric model: listed the movements of IV smile controlled by the
ߪఛ ሺ݇ሻ ൌ ߚ଴ ൅ ߚଵ ݇ ൅ ߚଶ ݇ ଶ ൅ ߝ (5) parameters of two models. Fig.1 demonstrated translations
2) Gaussian Semi-parametric model(GS) of IV smile. Vertical direction translation is moving the IV
As the ES model modeling the implied volatility with a smile upwards or downwards. Horizontal direction
polynomial or fractional order polynomial, the highest translation is translating the IV smile to the left or right.
degree with the moneyness is an important factor to Increasing left and right-wing slops will tighten the smile.
influence the curvature. In order to obtain a continuous and And increasing left wing slops and decreasing right wing
differentiable smooth function to fit implied volatility, Wu slops will rotate the smile in counter-clockwise direction.
et al. proposed ta Gaussian semi-parametric model in which
the Gaussian function is used to construct a new function
to substitute the quadratic term of moneyness in ES model IV. COMPARISON OF ERRORS
: For the SVI and ES models, when fix the maturity, using
ሺೖషഁమ ሻమ
ଵ ି మ the time-dependent parameters to fit the market data can be
ߪఛ ሺ݇ሻ ൌ ߚ଴ ൅ ߚଵ ሺ݇ െ ߚଶ ሻ ൅ ߚଷ ሾ݉ܽ‫ ݔ‬൭ ݁ మഁర ൱െ obtained several curves to fit the smile in a trading date. We
ఉర ξଶగ
ሺೖషഁమ ሻమ may find that the different curves have line crossing while
ଵ ି
݁ మഁర

ሿ ఉఱ
൅ߝ (6) there has point of intersection. Obviously, no arbitrage is
ఏξଶగ equivalent to no lines crossing as we use the time-
C. Option Inverse problem model dependent parameters for each model [12].
1) Osher model˄OS˅ In fact, Roper had proved that time-dependent implied
In 1998, Ronald Lagnado and Stanley Osher [9] proposed volatility parameterized function is free of arbitrage if and
that if the implied volatility of a new option is used to only if the total implied variance function meets the
calculate the option price, then the price must be between Durrleman’s Condition [13]:
the ask price and bid price. ߱ఛ ሺ݇ሻ ൌ ߪఛ ሺ݇ሻଶ ߬ (10)
ሺƒሻ‫ ߬׊‬൐ Ͳǡ ߥሺήǡ ߬ሻ‹•–™‹ ‡†‹ˆˆ‡”‡–‹ƒ„Ž‡Ǣ
ܸ௜௝௕ ൑ ܸሺܵ଴ ǡ ͲǢ ‫ܭ‬௜௝ ǡ ߬௜ ǡ ɐሻ ൑ ܸ௜௝௔ (7) ‫ۓ‬ሺ„ሻ‫݇׊‬
‫ א‬Թǡ ƒ†߬ ൐ Ͳǡ ߱ሺ݇ǡ ߬ሻ ൐ ͲǢ
௔ ௕ ۖ
where ܸ௜௝ is ask price, ܸ௜௝ is the bid price,ܵ଴ is the ۖሺ ሻ‫ א ݇׊‬Թǡ ߬ ൐ Ͳǡ
underlying asset price at initial time. ௞డ ఠሺ௞ǡఛሻ ଶ
ೖ డమ ఠሺ௞ǡఛሻ ଵ ଵ డ ఠሺ௞ǡఛሻ
‫݃۔‬ሺ݇ሻ ൌ ቀͳ െ ଶఠሺ௞ǡఛሻ ቁ ൅

ቀ ൅ ቁ െ ೖೖ ൒ Ͳ
ସ ఠሺ௞ǡఛሻ ସ ଶ
In this way, an energy functional concerning implied ۖሺ†ሻ‫ א ݇׊‬Թǡ ߱ሺ݇ǡήሻ‹•‘Ǧ†‡ ”‡ƒ•‹‰ǡ ߲ ߱ሺ݇ǡ ߬ሻ ൒ ͲǢ
volatility can be generated, and the problem of solving the ۖ ఛ
‫ە‬ሺ‡ሻ‫ א ݇׊‬Թǡ ߱ሺ݇ǡ Ͳሻ ൌ ͲǤ
implied volatility function is transformed into the problem
of calculating the extremum of the energy functional.
ெ೔ The implied volatility surface under condition (d) could
‫ܧ‬ሺߪሻ ൌ σே ത ଶ
௜ୀଵ σ௝ୀଵሾܸ൫ܵ଴ ǡ ͲǢ ‫ܭ‬௜௝ ǡ ܶ௜ ǡ ɐ൯ െ ܸ௜௝ ሿ (8) be guaranteed to be free of calendar spread arbitrage.

ത ௔ ௕
where ܸ௜௝ ൌ ሺܸ௜௝ ൅ ܸ௜௝ ሻ is the arithmetic mean of the ask For every model, it can generate one slice of the implied

and bid price. volatility surface and the ݃ሺ݇ሻ for the fixed maturity. It can
2) K-Weight Osher model(KO) be tested that the implied volatility surfaces are absence of
In 2000, Chiarella [10] expanded the model of the Osher butterfly arbitrage when they consist with the condition (c).
model, using the implied volatility of an existence time to Fig.2 shows the total implied variance of AAPL call
represent the implied volatility of the option. Du [11] options on March 1, 2016 for different time-to-maturities.
proposed a new model with inverse problem based on the For all moneynesses, the total implied variance decreases
Osher model and the Chiarella model, which add the with respect to maturity which meet the condition (c).
weights related to the strike price. The weights describe the V. PREPARE YOUR PAPER BEFORE STYLING
importance of the option prices with different strike prices
to the implied volatility with a given strike. The longer In this section, the performance of above models are
distance between two strike prices implies less importance. tested by using empirical analysis. The analyzed data is the
The model is described as follows: data on the trading of options on the AAPL taken from the
‫ܧ‬ሺߪ௄ ሻ ൌ σே
ெ೔ ஶ ்೎ೠೝ
ሾܸ൫ܵ଴ ǡ ͲǢ ‫ܭ‬௜௝ ǡ ܶ௜ ǡ ɐ൯ െ ܸത௜௝ ሿଶ ݀ܵ݀‫( ݐ‬9) Nasdaq Market from Mar. 1st to Mar. 31st.
௜ୀଵ σ௝ୀଵ ߙ௄ ‫׬‬଴ ‫׬‬଴
We complete two groups of experiments. Firstly, the
fitting implied volatility is calculated by every model with

real data to compare the root mean squared estimation error ACKNOWLEDGMENT
and the mean absolute estimation error. Secondly, we try to This work was supported by Natural Science
use the experimental data to compute the option price for Foundation of Fujian (China) under Grant No. 2015J01013
comparing with the market data. The results of these
experiments are listed on Table2.
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ො െ ߪȁ Ǣ
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‫۔‬ ଵ ଶ
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ۖ ௡ [3] Daglish T, Hull J, Suo W. Volatility surfaces: theory, rules of thumb,
ۖ ଵ ௡ and empirical evidence[J]. Quantitative Finance, 2007, 7(5):507-
‫ܧە‬ெ஺಴ ൌ ௡ σ௜ୀଵห‫ܥ‬መ െ ‫ܥ‬ห Ǥ 524.
where ߪ,‫ ܥ‬are the market data of implied volatility and [4] Ying Z, Wu X, Wang M. Time Index Extension of the SVI Implied
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[5] Dumas B, Fleming J, Whaley R E. Implied Volatility Functions:
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bases three new models are put forward: the Time- Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 53(6), 2009, 2022-2039.
Exponential SVI model (E-SVI), the Gaussian semi- [8] Wu X, Zhuang Y, Chen F, et al. A Gaussian semi-parametric implied
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[9] R. Lagnado, S. Osher (1991). A technique for calibrating derivative
with the particular combination of the logarithmic price and security pricing models: numerical solution of an inverse problem.
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adjust the combination. In the GS model, the Gaussian [10] C. Chiarella, M. Craddock, N. El-Hassan (2000). The calibration of
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experimental results show that E-SVI model is more 2010.
flexible and accurate then SVI model. Compare with ES and
GS model, the GS model can obtain a good performance in
fitting. Finally, the KO model is better feasibility and
accuracy then OS model in the market data.

ķ Vertical direction translation

ĸ Horizontal direction translation

Implied volatility

Ĺ left wing slops Ļ right wing slops

0.8 increases increases

Ľ ATM curvature reduces

ĺ left wing slops ļ right wing slops
decreases decreases

-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
moneyness k

Fig. 1. The influences of parameters

ķ Vertical direction translation: Move the IV smile upwards or downwards
ĸ Horizontal direction translation: Translate the IV smile to the left or right;
Ĺ left wing slops increases+Ļ right wing slops increases: Tighten the smile;
Ĺ left wing slops increases+ļ right wing slops decreases: Rotate the smile in counter-clockwise direction.

Translation parameter’s parameter’s parameter’s parameter’s
parameter parameter parameter parameter
change change change change
Vertical ܽ increasing ܽ increasing ߚ଴ increasing ߚ଴ increasing
translation ܽincreases the ܽ increases the ߚ଴ increases ߚ଴ increases the
of the smile general level general level the general general level of
of the smile of the smile level of the the smile
Horizontal ݉ increasing ݉ ݉ increasing ݉ -- -- ߚଶ increasing
translation translates the translates the ߚଶ translates
of the smile smile to the smile to the the smile to the
right right right
ATM ߪ increasing ߪ ߪ increasing ߪ -- ߚହ increasing
curvature reduces the reduces the ߚହ reduces the
translation ATM ATM ATM curvature
of the smile curvature of curvature of
smile smile
translation ߩ;ܾ decreasing ߩ ߩ;ܾ; ߚ decreasing ߩ, ߚଵ; ߚଶ decreasing ߚଵ ߚଵ;ߚଷ ;ߚସ decreasing ߚଵ ,
of the slope or increasing ߚor increasing or increasing ߚସ or
of left wing ܾ increase the ܾ increase the ߚଶ increase the increasing
slope of the slope of the slope of the left ߚଷincrease the
left wing left wing wing slope of the left
translation ߩ;ܾ increasing ߩ or ߩ;ܾ;ߚ increasing ߩ, ߚଵ; ߚଶ increasing ߚଵ ߚଵ;ߚଷ ;ߚସ increasing ߚଵ ,
of the slope ܾ increase the ߚor ܾ increase or ߚଶ increase ߚଷor decreasing
of right wing slope of the the slope of the the slope of the ߚସ increase the
left wing left wing left wing slope of the left
The total implied variance

moneyness k
Fig. 2. Total implied variance plot for AAPL call option data on March 1, 2016 (matu. =time-to-

model ࡱࡾࡹࡿ࣌ ࡱࡹ࡭࣌ ࡱࡾࡹࡿ࡯ ࡱࡹ࡭࡯
SVI 0.0265 0.0308 0.0822 0.4872
E-SVI 0.0126 0.0296 0.0278 0.4006
ES 0.0438 0.0410 0.2066 0.5209
GS 0.0403 0.0312 0.1019 0.4775
OS 0.1214 0.1095 1.4060 0.8632
KO 0.0940 0.0467 0.9027 0.4975


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