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10573 W Pico Blvd, # 186, Los Angeles, CA 90064-2333

Luis Parra Statement Period

Account #: 9540030196170603 Nov 01, 2023 to Nov 30, 2023
2795 S Goship Ln, Magna, UT 84044-1457

Account Summary
Beginning balance on Nov 01, 2023 14,850.30

Credits + 3,500.00
Debits - 3,845.10

Ending balance on Nov 30, 2023 $14,505.20

Transactions (No transactions found in the given period)


11/05 Withdrawal ACHTRANS CO: PAY PLUS Purchase -$ 520.22 $ 14,330.08

11/08 Withdrawal PAY-BY-PAY CO: ADP PAY-BY-PAY Purchase -$ 651.48 $ 13,678.60
11/10 Withdrawal WAGE PAY CO: ADP WAGE PAY Purchase -$ 100.20 $ 13,578.40
11/15 Withdrawal HCCLAIMPMT CO: Sunshine State H Money Sent -$ 700.00 $ 12,878.40
11/18 Withdrawal 1294132 CO: BLUESNAP INC. Money Sent -$ 480.00 $ 12,398.40
11/21 Deposit HCCLAIMPMT CO: BCBSF Money Received +$ 3,500.00 $ 15,898.40
11/24 Withdrawal Bill Payment 17850669001 Money Sent -$ 600.00 $ 15,298.40
11/25 Withdrawal ELEC PYMT CO: FPL DIRECT DEBIT Purchase -$ 202.90 $ 15,095.50
11/27 Withdrawal ADP FEES CO: ADP PAYROLL FEES Purchase -$ 90.30 $ 15,005.20
11/28 Withdrawal HCCLAIMPMT CO: Optum VA CCN Reg Money Sent -$ 500.00 $ 14,505.20

Ending ba la nce $0.00

PrideCa rd is a fi na ncia l tec hno l ogy co mpa ny a nd not a ba nk. C hec ki ng accou nts a nd t he PrideCa rd Visa De bit Ca rds a re provided a nd issued by Lewis & C l a rk Ba nk, Me mbe r FD I C .

I n Case of Erro rs o r Questio ns A bout You r E l ect ro nic Tra nsfe rs, te l e pho ne us at +1 4159 99 6409 o r e mai l us at rya n@ l i as soo n as you ca n, if you t hi nk you r state me nt o r recei pt is w ro ng o r if you need mo re i nfo rmatio n
a bout a t ra nsfe r o n t he state me nt o r recei pt. We must hea r f ro m you no l a te r t ha n 60 days afte r we se nt you t he F I RST state me nt o n w hic h t he e rro r o r pro b l e m a ppea red.

(1) Te l l us you r na me a nd accou nt nu mbe r (if a ny).

(2) Desc ri be t he e rro r o r t he t ra nsfe r you a re u nsu re a bout, a nd ex p l ai n as c l ea r l y as you ca n w hy you be l i eve it is a n e rro r o r w hy you need mo re i nfo rmatio n.

(3) Te l l us t he do l l a r a mou nt of t he sus pected e rro r.

We wi l l i nvestigate you r co mp l ai nt a nd wi l l co rrect a ny e rro r pro mpt l y. I f we ta ke mo re t ha n 10 busi ness days to do t his, we wi l l c redit you r accou nt fo r t he a mou nt you t hi nk is i n e rro r, so t hat you wi l l have t he use of t he mo ney
du ri ng t he ti me it ta kes us to co mp l e te ou r i nvestigatio n.

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