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The given graph illustrates the number of products that were transported by four

different modes of transport in the UK between 1974 and 2002. Overall, the number
of goods transported by four types of transportation fluctuated throughout the given
period, with the highest number carried by the road while the opposite was true for

Regarding the pipeline, in 1974, only 5 million metric tons of goods were transferred
by it. This figure gradually grew to 20 million metric tons and remained unchanged
until the end of the period. The railroad, at first, had 40 times as many products
carried by it as the pipeline did. This number started to decrease, fluctuated between
38 million metric tons, and finally finished at the starting point.

Considering the waterway, even though its starting point was the same as the railroad,
the amount of goods transferred by it tended to rise to 60 million metric tons and
remained stable until it significantly dropped to 50 million in 1998. Lastly, the figure
rose to 65 million metric tons in 2002. The road, which had the highest number of tons
of products transported by it at 70 million in 1994, fluctuated between 71 million and
75 million throughout the years and finally reached approximately 100 million metric
tons in 2002.
The given table depicts the percentage of household earnings that five European
countries expend on food and drink, housing, clothes, and entertainment each month.

Overall, it is apparent that all five European countries spend a large portion of their
money on food, beverages, and housing expenses, whereas little of their income is
allocated to clothes and recreation.

In terms of housing, most people living in France, Germany, and the UK spend around
one third of their income on this part, at 31%, 33%, and 37%, respectively. In contrast,
they devote only a quarter of their earnings to food and beverages. The reversed
pattern is true for Turkey and Spain, which spend around a fifth of their incomes on
housing and more than a third on food and drinks.

All five countries allocate less of their expenditures to the two remaining items.
Regarding clothing, it contributes only 7 percent of the French income, and Spain also
witnesses a similar trend, with 8% spend on this category. Whereas the three other
countries share the amount, ranging from 11% to 15%. All five countries spend less
than one fifth of their incomes on entertainment, with Germany spending the highest,
at 19%, and the others at around 13%
Bài 1:The given pie charts illustrate the mean proportion of three distinct types of
nutrients, all of which might be harmful if consumed in excess.

Regarding the sodium, while the dinner contributes nearly half of the percentage of
nutrients, (43%), the lunch only contains 29% of the sodium. Both of the figures for
breakfast and snacks share a similar proportion of 14%.

In terms of saturated fat, the largest contribution to this figure is still dinner, which
makes up 37 percent. Lunch and snacks similarly account for one fifth of the total
chart, at 26% and 21%, respectively, whereas the percentage for breakfast stays at the
lowest (16%) compared to other meals of the day.

In relation to meals with added sugar, snacks now take up the greatest part of the sugar
added, which is 42%. The figure for dinner is nearly a quarter, and those for lunch and
breakfast are less than a fifth.
The given pie charts illustrate the mean proportion of three distinct types of nutrients,
all of which might be harmful if consumed in excess.

Overall, it is apparent that people usually ingest dinners and lunches that are
substantial in salt and saturated fats, while their snacks tend to be high in added sugar.
The breakfasts they consume have the lowest levels of the three types of nutrients

Regarding breakfasts, they contain less than one fifth of all three types of nutrients,
including 14% of sodium, 16% of saturated fat, and added sugar. By contrast, dinners
are the meals that consist of the highest sodium, which is 31% higher than breakfasts;
moreover, the percentage of saturated fat they involve is the largest, at 37%. However,
the added sugar they have is not significantly remarkable, at only 23%.
In terms of lunches, the amount of sodium and saturated fat they include is similarly
the same at around 27% for each, whereas the sugar they contain is approximately a
fifth. The fact that the sodium and saturated fat that snacks have are relatively low, at
14% and 21%, respectively. By contrast, the amount of sugar that snacks involve is
greatly high, at about 42 percent.

The bar graph illustrates the annual choices of transportation for youngsters in four
different nations.

Overall, it is apparent that cars are the most preferred type of transportation in most
countries, with the exception of France. It is also notable that Italy witnesses a
significantly wide gap among the figures for automobiles and the two remaining

In terms of cars, while there are a huge number of young people who adore driving
cars in the UK, US (both of which are around 60%), and Italy (which stayed at the
highest rank with 75 percent), France only has 40% of its teen residents who are fond
of driving.

Regarding motorbikes, the figure for this kind of vehicle is found in all given
countries except for the US. All three countries, namely the UK, France, and Italy,
have no more than one tenth of their young population commute by motorcycle;
however, the US has a three times higher rate for this type of vehicle. Out of the four
countries, the percentage of young French who prefer to ride a bike is noticeably
greater, at approximately 45%, while those figures for the British, American, and
Italian are at 30%, 10%, and 12%, respectively.

Overall, it is apparent that most of the places in the school are planned to change in
2024. Moreover, the number of students is predicted to increase in the future.

Before the innovations in 2004, the school pupils accessed the institution through a
main road that directly headed to the car park and the main entrance. Two school
buildings were erected along a path that led to a sports field at the end. To the south of
the school, numerous trees were planted in order to serve more than 600 students
enrolled in that school.

For future renovations, the principals of the school forecast that approximately 1000
students will participate in that school. In the eastern part of the school, the car park
and the main entrance are planned to remain unchanged, while the path along the
institutions would be demolished to make way for a new road that would lead to a
new, second car park at the end of the school. School building 1 is thought to be
connected with building 2; even though school building 3 would be a separate
building, it might be connected with the other buildings by a new path. while the
sports field is predicted to be minimized in size and located nearby the new carpark,
the southern forest would stayed untouched.

The given diagram illustrates the procedure for creating electricity via water.

Overall, the method contains more than 7 steps, starting with the evaporation by the
sun and ending with the transfer of electricity to use.

Initially, with exposure to the sun, seawater evaporates and forms clouds. Then, the
clouds are full-filled of water and start to downpour into a reservoir with a massive
dam to block the water flow out. Later, water now flows through a valve, which is
controlled to open or close. After that, the water runs via a turbine, and the turbine
generates electricity by using it. Simultaneously, the water is pumped back to the prior
reservoir for later usage.
At the next stage, electricity runs to a transformer station via a high voltage cable that
is constructed near the dam. At that time, the electricity is modified to make sure that
it is safe for domestic, institutions, hospital, and factory use.

The given diagram illustrates the procedure for arranging items in a single-flow
recycling system. Overall, it is apparent that this progress includes seven main stages,
starting with offloading assorted recyclables and ending with arranging plastic based
on category.

In the first step, the items that were collected are put onto a conveyor belt. As these
items run through the belt, the workers remove the enormous items. Then these items
are moved to a screen where big cartons are picked out and the rest of the items fall
through the screen. These things continue on the conveyor belt to another screen, in
which the paper is discarded and the remaining items carry on falling through that

In the next stage, a magnet is used to sort out all the steel cans, and simultaneously,
glass bottles are dismissed from the belt and crushed into debris. From then on, the
only things left over on the belt are plastic bottles, and in the final step, they are
moved through an optical sorting machine, which divides the plastic into categories.
The provided diagrams illustrate the transformations that occurred in the locality of
Youngsville within New Zealand over a span of two decades, spanning from 1980 to
2005. Overall, it is apparent that Youngsville witnessed several conversions over the

In 1980, Youngsville was split into two parts, joined by a bridge over the Alanah
River. Up north, a few houses were built close to the sea by the local people, and the
hospital was put up in the west. This side had lots of trees and a lake in the middle
where people swam and fished. The southern part was mainly for living and getting
around. They made an airport in the woods, away from the town center. A school was
to the west, near the river, and the train station took up the whole beach area.

In 2005, many trees were cut down, and all the houses in the city were torn down. The
train track that went from the north to the south was made longer, and on its east side,
a Marina was built. Up north in the city, a stadium took the place of some houses by
the lake's eastern side. Down south in the city, there was a warehouse in the middle,
and some factories were spread around that area. Over to the east of the warehouse,
two really tall buildings were put up instead of a bunch of houses and trees.
In the last decade, there has been a great increase in the number and variety of
online courses available to adults. This has been welcomed as a great opportunity
by many students; however, other students see these courses as less effective than
classroom teaching. What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying an
online course?
In this day and age, education has diversified its methods of educating learners. While
some people neglect the efficacy of virtual learning when compared to a traditional
approach, others believe that online classrooms offer students significant learning
opportunities. This essay delves into the advantages and disadvantages of studying
online courses, highlighting the multifaceted nature of this educational evolution.

Regarding the plus point of this issue, perhaps the most remarkable advantage of
online courses is their flexibility. For example, adult learners often have to face
various responsibilities, such as work and family, so distance learning, which allows
them the flexibility to learn wherever and whenever, is a significant perk. This
advantage of virtual education permits individuals who have hectic schedules to
customize their learning schedule to fit their lifestyle. Moreover, this flexibility helps
rural students, or those who live far away from schools, eliminate geographical

On the other hand, some disadvantages might arise when choosing to learn through
the internet. A common criticism of online learning might be the absence of real-time
interaction with educators and peers. While classroom settings facilitate immediate
clarification whenever doubts or questions appear, online education might find it hard
to replicate it. Additionally, virtual learning demands a high level of self-discipline
and motivation. As a consequence, students might struggle with staying organized and
committed to studying if it had not been for the classroom background.

In summary, a new age in education has begun with the popularity of online
classrooms, which bring both distinctive opportunities and risks. Even though íts
flexibility, and personalized learning cannot be ignored, we should also acknowledge
that the disadvantages of limited interaction,and self-discipline demands might arise
while using this practice.

Influences of human beings on the world’s ecosystem is leading to the extinction

of species and loss of biodiversity. What are the primary causes of loss of
biodiversity? What effects could it bring to life? What solutions can you suggest?
In this day and age, the activities of humans have led to an alarming rate of
biodiversity loss, which might result in the extinction of species and the disruption of
ecosystems. This essay will delve into the culprit behind this issue, its profound effect
on human life, and suggest potential solutions to address this global problem.

Regarding the underlying reason for this matter, several causes should be named.
Firstly, excessive production is the most significant factor contributing to this issue.
As the demand for food and other items significantly rises after the Covid 19
pandemic, some factories are producing in excess of what is needed, which
consequently leads to redundancies in production. These products finally discharge
into the local environment and cause pollution. Secondly, overexploitation and habitat
destruction are also the roots of this issue. Human activities such as deforestation,
urban expansion, and industrial development have resulted in the destruction and loss
of natural habitats. Consequently, the diversity of species is becoming extinct as their
homes and ecosystems are deprived.

Biodiversity loss would result in countless effects on both human beings and the
environment. Firstly, as the environment is seriously deteriorating, human well-being
would be severely threatened. Nowadays, more people are living in urban areas,
where the atmosphere is significantly sabotaged, and as a result, there is a high risk of
suffering from respiratory diseases, which might critically damage human health.
Moreover, as the natural environment is drastically undermined, natural disasters are
more likely to appear, destroy the urbanization area, and finally trigger casualties.

In order to solve this problem, both the government and individuals should take
responsibility. For the government, new regulations should be informed with a view to
pronouncing a sentence on the offender. Additionally, the authorities should invest
more in natural reserves and securing rare species. For individuals, awareness should
be raised about protecting ecosystems and rare animals.

To conclude, the loss of biodiversity is a grave concern with devastating

consequences. Even though this issue is hard to fully stop, it is not unsolvable if
everyone takes responsibility and acts now to preserve the diversity of life on our
There are a number of skin-whitening products available in the market. State the
reasons why people are using these products? Discuss the possible negative
outcomes of using these products.
In this day and age, the requirement for self-beautification has significantly increased,
which drives a higher demand for skin-lightening cosmetics. The motivations behind
this issue may be deeply rooted in the influences of culture as well as an individual’s
self-perception along with social pressure. Despite its possible merits, the pursuit of
whitening skin might come with a host of negative outcomes.
The culprits behind the ubiquitous use of skin-lightening products are multifaceted.
Firstly, as aforementioned, cultural perceptions of beauty play a pivotal role. In certain
societies, prejudice took the form of judging some people‘s appearance through their
skin, which means that those who have fair skin are often associated with privilege
and a higher status, and vice versa. As a consequence, people might consider that
having lighter skin would make them more attractive, self-confident and, most vital -
successful. Additionally, some social networks, such as media, advertisements, and
applications, further reinforce this notion, creating a powerful incentive for people to
However, the use of skin-whitening cosmetics is raising several remarkable concerns,
which are primarily related to individuals’s well-being and society as a whole.
Regarding the consumer’s health, some of these products are severely contaminated
with hazardous ingredients. Prolonged use of these substances can result in skin
irritations, allergies, or more severe issues: skin cancer and blood relation infections.
As a result, the pursuit of beauty should not come at the cost of compromising
someone’s health. Moreover, the societal implications should be equally
acknowledged. The obsession with white skins has long perpetuated colorism, a form
of discrimination based on skin color, or, in other words - racism. This deepens the
division within societies, which reinforces negative stereotypes and creates a
hierarchy of beauty. This would heavily impact both physical and mental health.
In summary, the use of skin-lightening products reflects a complex interplay between
cultural beliefs as well as societal pressures. However, it would be such a high price to
pay to conform to these standards, as it would be detrimental to one’s well-being and
society as a whole.
Economic progress is often used to measure a country’s success. However, some
people believe that other factors are more important. What other factors should
also be considered when measuring a country’s success? Do you think one factor
is more important than others?
In this day and age, to determine whether a country is successful or not, economic
progress is conventionally used as a significant benchmark. However, some
individuals concur that the evaluation of a nation's accomplishments should
encompass a host of factors that extend beyond the economic indicators. Several other
criteria deserve consideration when assessing a country’s success, and while some
argue for the prominence of one factor over others, it is cooperation that truly defines
a nation’s achievements.

Eventhough economic progress does play a vital role in characterizing a nation's

prosperity, social well-being and living standards should not be neglected. Elements
such as education, health care, and social equality significantly contribute to the
success of a country. Suppose that a country where the economic lines are always in
the right direction, but the people are uneducated, the health care system is constantly
crumbling, and social issues like racism and inequality are pervasive, Will that
country become successful? The answer would be No, since nobody wants to stay in a
society where delinquency and social evils are ubiquitous. In conclusion, the higher
the level of citizen satisfaction, safety, as well as access to fundamental services, the
more successful a country will likely be.

As to whether one factor holds more importance than others, it is crucial to observe
the interrelationship between these factors. Economic progress might advance
modifications in education, health care, and social issues. Social stability and excellent
governance are definitely required with a view to inducing both economic growth and
residents well-being. Thus, all of the related aspects must be valued equally, as the
interrelationship between these factors in fostering a country’s flourishing.

In summary, though economic advancement acts as a critical indicator of a nation’s

achievement, it is also essential to consider other factors when measuring a country’s
success. Moreover, rather than uplifting one factor above the rest, a fair approach
should be used to provide a more accurate assessment of a country’s
In recent times, economic growth has helped many become richer, both in
developed and developing countries. However, those in developed countries are
not as happy as they were in the past. Why is this? What can be learned from
In this day and age, economic progress has undoubtedly led to increased prosperity in
both developing and developed nations. Nevertheless, a new paradox has emerged as
residents in those countries find themselves less content and consenting than in the
previous time despite the enhancement in economic trends. This essay will delve into
the underlying reason and the lesson it conveys.

The key culprits for this paradox might be the shifting focus towards individualism
and materialism. As the country improves economically, there will be a tendency for
individualism to flourish as the time needed to devote to working becomes more
required than ever. Consequently, individuals have to sacrifice their strong bonds and
community cohesion with a view to accumulating their possessions. Then, materialism
would be the next stage of individualism, as people now prioritize pursuing their own
ambition over building meaningful relationships. This focus on wealth finally led to a
constant desire for more, creating a cycle of dissatisfaction and unfulfillment.

Lessons to be gleaned from this phenomenon are indispensable. Underscoring the

importance of striking a balance between material pursuits and emotional well-being
is vital to solving this issue. Even though economic development is crucial, fostering
strong communities is also vital. Encouraging people to participate in community
engagement or social activities like volunteering can counteract this problem. Each
individual needs to cultivate mindfulness in order to shift their goals from continuous
striving to appreciating the present moment. These approaches can lead to improved
well-being and job satisfaction.

In conclusion, while economic growth has undeniably advanced living standards, it

does not necessarily transform into heightened happiness and satisfaction. However,
this paradox is not unsolvable if each person values their own relationships as well as
cultivates their own mental well-being.


Words Def. Ex.

Food mile Food mile is a term that I want to reduce the food
refers to the distance that miles of my family by
food travels from the buying local products.
place where it is produced
to the place where it is

Microplastic extremely small pieces of Microplastics typically

plastic that are harmful to come from plastic used in
the environment, used in exfoliating face and body
cosmetics, or formed products
when plastic waste
material breaks down.

Disposal the act of getting rid of the disposal of hazardous

something, especially by substances
throwing it away

Biodegradable able to decay naturally Biodegradable packaging

and in a way that is not helps to limit the amount
harmful of harmful chemicals
released into the

Compost decaying plant material -

that is added to soil to
improve its quality

Contaminate to make something less to make something less

pure or make it poisonous pure or make it poisonous
Acid rain - -

Leach -when a chemical The calcium, potassium,

substance leaches or is and magnesium ions are
leached from a material, leached or washed out of
especially soil, it is the top soil into lower
removed by the action of inaccessible subsoil
water passing through the
- bị rò rỉ

dump – -

Genetic engineering is an important issue in society today. Some people think

that it will improve people’s lives in many ways. Others feel that it may be a
threat to life on earth. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Manipulating genetics has emerged as a profound technological advance these days.

This state-of-the-art field holds immense potential in numerous ways, from enhancing
crop yields to medical treatment. However, it also raises some long-term concerns and
hidden risks that may thoroughly impact human society. This essay will delve into
both perspectives, and personally, I do argue that more research is needed in order to
widen our knowledge about this state-of-the-art method.

Proponents of genetic engineering may argue that it holds the key to addressing some
of humanity's most pressing challenges. Regarding the agricultural fields, some types
of crops may be genetically modified with a view to withstanding harsh environmental
conditions as well as pests, thus increasing yields and ensuring food security for the
upcoming famine. For example, scientists will collect, modify, and integrate dominant
genes in some kinds of crops, which will result in those beneficial traits. Moreover,
genetic modifications can intensify the number of nutrients encompassed in crops,
thereby combating vitamin deficiencies and alleviating allergies. This will hold great
promise for those who have been suffering from allergies, offering them another
chance to ingest more proteins that are required to live a healthier life. Throughout the
issues provided, genetic engineering would be indispensable.

Despite the advantages that genetic engineering might bring, some critics express
concerns about the lack of long-term data for this new advancement. As manipulated
genetics has just recently been invented, it could be such a difficult problem to predict
how this invention will affect humanity's well-being. It would take years or even
decades to accumulate comprehensive data on potential health as well as horticulture;
thus, this method will encounter numerous hidden risks when applied to humans' daily

From my personal standpoint, although I concur that genetic engineering might offer
us remarkable opportunities, it would be crucial to approach it with caution. The
potential benefits of it are undeniable, from improving livestock productivity to
innovative medical treatments; however, it should acknowledge the uncertainties and
hidden risks. More research needs to take place in order to broaden our knowledge
about this method.

To conclude, manipulated genetics could be a dual-sided sword, embodying both

merits and demerits. Its potential for revolutionizing agriculture and medicine cannot
be underestimated, yet its long-term data still require more thorough research in order
to fully apply this method to daily life, as I had mentioned before.

Some people believe that developments in the field of artificial intelligence will
have a positive impact on our lives in the near future. Others, by contrast, are
worried that we are not prepared for a world in which computers are more
intelligent than humans. Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a pervasive advancement these days. This
state-of-the-art field holds immense potential in numerous ways, especially has
significant impacts on humanity. However, it also raises some long-term intellectual
concerns and hidden risks that may thoroughly influence human society. This essay
will delve into both perspectives, and from my personal standpoint, I do argue that AI
will definitely profoundly assist human beings if it is well-handled.

Proponents of AI may be inclined to think that it holds the key to addressing some of
humanity’s most pressing challenges. Regarding the medical field, AI has the
potential to revolutionize healthcare by aiding doctors in diagnosis as well as
surgeries, drug discovery, and personalizing treatment plans. AI machines that are set
up with algorithms like ChatGPT can analyze a diversity of datasets to identify new
bacteria or viruses and eventually suggest treatment options, improving patient care
and outcomes. Furthermore, AI can be harnessed to address critical environmental
issues, including climate change, which is an alarming problem these days. Using
AI-powered simulations and databases, scientists can analyze and develop more
sustainable solutions, optimize energy consumption, and manage environmental
resources more efficiently. Within those reasons provided, AI would be indispensable
for humanity in the future.

Despite the advantages that AI has, some critics express concerns about a dearth of
jobs and security risks associated with this new advancement. It is predicted that AI
would finally replace humans in some types of work that previously required human
judgment, such as analyzing documents, reading legal contracts, etc. This is by virtue
of the automation and efficiency of AI in various sectors, which would decisively lead
to the elimination of low-skilled workers and by far exacerbate income inequality in
the hierarchy. However, according to recent research, it has been proven that the
number of jobs is fixed; they just change from one position to another. The
implication of this is a greater need for training and skilled development among
employees. Additionally, as AI becomes more advanced, it could be used for
malicious purposes, such as cyberattacks or discrimination. Villains can take
advantage of AI with a view to stealing personal information for vicious actions.
Notwithstanding, users can put an end to these activities by thoroughly securing their
personal data and raising awareness about this criminal.

I personally believe that developments in artificial intelligence have the potential for
both positive and negative impacts, depending on how they are managed and
integrated into society. The key lies in the responsible development and regulation of
AI technologies.

In summary, while there are valid concerns about the potential risks of AI supremacy,
with responsible development, we can harness the power of AI to enhance our lives
and address some of the world's most pressing challenges. The key is to strike a
balance between innovation and safety, ensuring that AI remains a tool that serves
humanity's best interests.

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7.5 Writing đơn giản
Task 1: (20 minutes)

The given chart illustrates the length of telephone calls (in billion minutes) in the UK,
commencing in 1995 and ending in 2002.

Overall, even though the national and international - fixed line and mobiles seemed to
rise significantly, the local - fixed line witnessed solely a slight decrease over the
7-year-period. It is also clear that most of the telephone calls in the UK were through
the local - fixed line.

From 1995 to 1998, mobile calls seemed to be the least popular type since there were
not yet 10 billion minutes of telephone calls made this way. The local - fixed line was
by far the most common call type at that time, with more than 70 billion minutes of
calls made this way. This figure significantly grew to approximately 90 billion
minutes of calling in 1998, while only 48 billion minutes were made by national and
international -fixed line.

From 1999 to 2002, the local - fixed line saw a sharp drop and returned to its starting
point, at nearly 70 billion minutes. The use of mobiles, however, started to boom from
not yet 10 billion minutes to approximately 50 billion minutes in the last year of the
period. The national and international - fixed line witnessed the same upward trend, it
gradually rose to more than 60 billion minutes in the final year of the period.

Task 2: (40 minutes)

Some people think that people who choose a job early and keep doing it are more
likely to get a more satisfying career life than those who frequently change jobs. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is a widely debatable issue about whether those who choose a job early and
stick with it may have a higher level of satisfaction in their career than those
who are likely to “Job hopping”. Even though I have to acknowledge that
keeping a job would finally result in some merit for individuals, the pros of
changing jobs frequently should not be neglected.

To begin with, proponents of sticking firmly to a job might be inclined to think

that it allows individuals to develop a sense of purpose, meaning, and
fulfillment in the work. This is due to the fact that those who have worked in a
company for a lifetime may have a strong bond with their colleagues, or
pursuing their passion in that area might be the top one reason why they decline
to change their job. For these individuals, job stability and expertise in their
field might lead to a deeper sense of accomplishment and job consent.

On the other hand, frequent job changes might also have their own advantages.
It allows individuals to be exposed to a diversity of work environments,
industries, and responsibilities, which would definitely foster personal growth,
experience, as well as personality traits. While for some office employees, it is
considered needless and a redundancy, for new entrepreneurs, it is vital for their
career since it will help them achieve their career goals. (Why do entrepreneurs
need this job changing?)

In summary, of course, the idea that individuals who choose a job early and
remain in it are more likely to have a satisfying career is an oversimplification
of a complex issue. Career satisfaction is influenced by a multitude of factors,
depending on each individual’s preferences and goals. In my personal
standpoint, rather than solely focus on the duration of employment on a job, it
would be much better if society rates the satisfaction on the quality that each
employee makes.
Task 2: (40 minutes)

The increase in the production of consumer goods results in damage to the natural
environment. What are the causes of this? What can be done to solve this problem?

Due to the dense population worldwide, the demand for consumer goods is
significantly rising, which has resulted in excessive production in some
factories. Even though some might argue that this is a positive phenomenon,
nature is tremendously harmed by this problem. Implementing stricter laws and
policies with a view to regulating production might be the key solution to
solving this problem.

One of the culprits might be those who want to satisfy their needs and desires;
in order to meet purchaser’s demands, for some factories, excessive production
might be the solution. This is due to the fact that if there is a redundancy of
goods, the prices will be lower, and finally, many people, especially the
underprivileged, can afford to meet their demand for goods; the opposite trend
would happen if there is a deficiency in products. Even though mass production
might be beneficial for humanity, it does more harm than good for the
environment. The increase in production means more resources are extracted
from the earth, more energy is required, and more waste is generated and
disposed of. A pertinent example of this is the production of plastic, which is
widely used in products, has severely contaminated the water environment and
caused other types of pollution.

One possible solution to this issue is to implement stricter laws and policies that
regulate the mass production of goods. Governments should enforce the
environmental standards and impose penalties for those who violate them.
Awareness among citizens needs to be raised, as well as promoting more
biodegradable products. Investing more in innovation to invent more green
products might be optimal for promoting a greener lifestyle.

In summary, even though excessive production might result in harsh damage to

the natural environment, new regulations can be informed with a view to
alleviating this issue.
Task 2 (40 minutes)

Some people think that all teenagers should be required to do unpaid work in their
free time to help the local community. They believe this would be benefit both the
individual teenager and society as a whole
Do you agree or disagree?

Whether obliging teenagers to volunteer in their free time or not has recently
emerged as a debatable issue. Some might hold a firm belief that the effects of
requiring teenagers to volunteer will be beneficial to both the volunteers and
society. From my personal standpoint, I fully agree with this statement because
of the benefits mentioned above.

Firstly, proponents of requiring children to do non-profit activities in their teen

years assert that this significantly contributes to personal development of
teenagers. Engaging in these campaigns often instills essential life skills such as
teamwork, communication, and leadership. These activities also foster their
sense of responsibility, which serves as the foundation not only for their current
life but also their future occupation.

Secondly, mandatory teenage volunteering is believed to be advantageous for

society as a whole. Local communities often heavily rely on the support of
volunteers to address various needs. These needs range from assisting
vulnerable people to improving public space. That is, teenagers can play a
crucial role in meeting these needs by virtue of their huge population and
vigorous well-being. In this way, this policy can help foster social responsibility
and solidarity among young citizens, potentially leading to more engaged and
active residents in the long term.

In conclusion, by making volunteering an integral part of a teenager's life, we

not only nurture responsible, engaged, and compassionate citizens but also build
stronger, more vibrant communities.

- 234 words ⇒ Task response issue

Task 2 (40 minutes)
In the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing. What
problems will this cause for individuals and society? Suggest some
measures that could be taken to reduce the impact of ageing populations.

In contemporary society, developed nations are experiencing an extraordinary

phenomenon—dramatically extended life expectancy. While this remarkable
shift in humanity may hold the promise of numerous benefits and opportunities,
it also raises concerns for both individuals and society in the financial and
healthcare fields. However, this social issue can be mitigated with the assistance
of the government.

The effects of an extended average life span are detrimental to people and
communities. In terms of individuals, a long life expectancy means their
retirement time is extended, demanding better financial planning. Insufficient
finances can lead to instability in old age, as the older you are, the higher
healthcare costs you have to pay, consequently placing financial burden on
elderly people without comprehensive insurance. Regarding society, pensions
and healthcare systems can be inadequately provided for a rising demand over a
long period of time.

Measures need to be taken in order to overcome this phenomenon. The

government can raise the retirement age so that older workers can sustain
themselves for a longer time. Investment in healthcare systems might be a
profound solution with a view to lowering the exorbitant costs and making them
more affordable. Early financial planning should be promoted among residents
by introducing more education in the finance areas. The government takes the
biggest responsibility for solving this debatable issue.

In conclusion, the ramifications of average expanded life expectancy would be

adverse if it had not been for the helpful solutions. It is the government that
holds the key to ironing out this issue.
The given line chart illustrates the proportion of people owning four different
types of electronic devices at home in a ten-year period, commencing in 1995
and ending in 2015.

Overall, no type of household electronic device witnessed a downward trend

throughout the period, with mobile phones staying at the highest and the
opposite being true for the MP3 Player.

The percentage of people having mobile phone or computer bears a resemblance

in the starting point and ending point; both begin at approximately 10 percent in
1995 and reach nearly 100 percent ten years later. However, it can easily be seen
that the mobile phone seems to boom faster than the computer’s.

Despite being the highest in 1995, at 20%, the rate of owning an MP3 player
experienced a steady increase compared to the tablet. While it / tablet stood at 0
percent at first, the figure boomed up to more than 80 percent in 2015, which is
twice as much as the rate for the MP3 Player.
Some people think that good health is a basic human need, so medical services
should not be run by profit-making companies.

Do the advantages of private health care outweigh the disadvantages?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge or experience.

There has been a debatable controversy over whether health services should be
managed by for-profit companies. Although this offers society numerous merits,
demerits also come as another facet of the problem. From my personal
standpoint, the advantages would definitely overshadow the disadvantages.

On the one hand, allowing private health care to contribute to medical services
might relieve stress over financial problems. In terms of individuals, especially
the elderly, the costs of having a medical check are exorbitant, consequently
placing the financial burden on those without comprehensive insurance. The
implication of this is the eruption of well-being in people, as only a small
percentage of those can afford such unaffordable fees. By permitting non or less
profit companies, these costs can be cut down, and finally, individuals can take
advantage of the health care system, leaving alone the fear of having no money
to pay.

On the other hand, private health care will also have a variety of beneficial
effects on society. Due to the fact that people’s health is fully strengthened, they
can devote more dedication to society, from helping vulnerable populations to
improving public spaces; in other words, it is society that benefits the most.
Furthermore, less money is charged by the health care system, which means it
can be used for other purposes. Those funds can again be invested in the
medical field with a view to lessening the current fee or inventing a more
effective way to eliminate diseases.

In conclusion, permitting more private health care will not only benefit
individuals but also society. Less money used in this field means more money
can be invested in others, which then opens up more opportunities for a broader
The given bar chart illustrates six different developed nations’ aid to developing
one in a two-year period, commencing in 2008.

Overall, while the USA was the most prominent nation assisting developing
countries, the opposite was true for Sweden. It is also apparent that no country
mentioned above gave the developing nations less than 5 billion dollars
throughout the period.

The USA, Germany, and Japan bear a resemblance trend - all of which
witnessed a noticeable drop in 2009. However, the foreign aid of the USA is
twice as much as that of the two remaining countries, with more than 20 billion
dollars, 16 billion dollars, and 25 billion dollars in 2008, 2009, and 2010,
respectively. The dollars given by Germany and Japan were similar to each
other in 2008, at more than 10 billion. However, the dollars offered by Germany
were minimally higher than Japan’s in the two remaining years.

Regarding the three remaining countries, UK’s aid was twice as much as
Netherlands and Sweden’s. Furthermore, UK was the sole nation whose aid
fund escalated throughout the period, starting at nearly 10 billion dollars in 2008
and rising to about 4 billion per year. Netherlands and Sweden were quite
similar to each other in the first two years, at more than 5 billion and 7 million
in 2008 and 2009, respectively. However, there was a 3 billion gap between
these nations in the last year.

Some people think that it is a waste of money for countries to host

big sporting events like the world cup, and that the money would be
better spent on other things. However, others think that hosting
large sporting events has a clear, positive impact on a country.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion

There has been a debatable controversy over whether money should be devoted
to sporting event organizing or whether it would be better to invest it in other
fields. Even though I have to acknowledge the financial effects and the tourism
it provided, I concur that investing too much in holding these events would be a
double-edged sword.

Hosting a worldwide sporting event can be beneficial to the host nation for
several reasons. Being a host nation means these countries have a better chance
for tourism improvement. In other words, if that country held a worldwide
sports event such as World Cup, audiences worldwide would pay a visit to that
country with a view to enjoying such a hustle and bustle atmosphere. By all
means, they will have to expend on the accommodations as well as other things
in that country. This profoundly contributes to that country’s finances, and it
would be such a bargain for the host nation.
Proponents of allocating those funds for other purposes may think that it would
grant society prosperity and eliminate numerous alarming issues. Given that
those funds are invested in the health care system, a wide range of people,
including the underprivileged, can have a chance to be fully checked up,
preventing such savage illnesses. Suppose that those funds are devoted to
wiping out the famine worldwide; fewer people will have a chance to relive and
enjoy the rest of life. (Đoạn này lại bị lỗi đưa ra nhiều ví dụ quá, mà chưa liên
kết được nó với đề bài là hosting sports event)

In my perspective, I strongly detest that money is spent on those events because

of the adverse backwashes they bring to a nation. Even though I admit that
holding these events may be profitable, it comes with the compromise of natural
environment. Afterwards, more funds are allocated to regenerate the
environment, and it would cost nations an enormous amount of money. Thus,
this action does more harm than good.

In conclusion, although holding these events may have some positive outcome,
the potential consequences of this should not be neglected. Rather, restricting
these events can be a good idea to maximum limit the detrimental implication of
Any country should be able to sell goods to other countries without the restrictions of the
government. Do you agree or disagree?

The question of whether or not the government should forbid the exchange of products
between nations has been up for debate. While this action can be beneficial to both
purchasers and economic growth, from my personal standpoint, policies need to be
imposed with a view to limiting its detrimental impact on domestic industries and
consumers' welfare.

Advocates for unforbidden international trade may argue that this action will foster that
country’s prosperity. Firstly, when a country allows free flows of international goods,
products are by far more competitive with the others, which simulates innovation and
efficiency in each domestic business due to the fact that every factory, if they want to
survive in the economic battle, must at least sell their products. The ramifications of this
would be higher productivity, leading to a development in economic trends. Secondly, it
is the consumer who benefits the most from the competition between domestic and
international goods. It allows consumers to access a wider range of products at a
competitive price, leading to greater demand among purchasers and potentially lowering
the prices of imported goods.

Besides the beneficial repercussions, free trade among countries might result in
numerous adverse backwashes. When the government loosens trade laws and policies,
criminals can take advantage of this to smuggle drugs and heroin from foreign nations to
domestic markets, which inevitably increases the number of lawbreakers in that country.
Moreover, overreliance on foreign products may collapse domestic industries, thus
eroding the country’s economic development. A remarkable growth in the range of
goods does not mean that their qualities would be better. Excessive low-quality products
can creep into markets and gradually degrade consumer’s well-being.

In conclusion, granting permission to freely sell goods to other countries might seem
beneficial; from my perspective, in fact, this action would do more harm than good. In
other words, it would be a double-edged sword for a nation without implementing
policies and laws to regulate trade among countries.

Some people think that people should be given the right to use fresh water as they like.
Others believe governments should strictly control the use of freshwater. Discuss both
views and give your own opinion
It has been becoming a debatable issue about whether the government should
implement laws and policies to regulate pure water usage or not. This essay will delve
into both views, and, from my personal standpoint, a balanced approach accompanied
by responsible governance is required to ensure the longevity of this resource.

On the one hand, advocates for the unforbidden use of fresh water may argue for
individual rights and autonomy. They contend that everyone should have the freedom to
use water whenever they want because, rudimentarily, it is a necessity for humanity’s
well-being. This action profoundly emphasizes personal responsibility and liberty,
permitting individuals to use water to prioritize their unique needs.

On the other hand, proponents of imposing strict laws regulating the free use of water
may endeavor to convince others that this action inevitably helps to stop the world from
being exposed to inequity and environmental contamination. In terms of inequity, critics
argue that water is a basic human need, and unrestricted use of this might lead to
inequalities in access, with some corporations and people using an excessive amount
while others are in deficiency. Furthermore, unconfined use of water can then lead to
overexploitation and environmental degradation, as they believe pure water is finite and
a fundamental human need that must be thoroughly managed.

From my perspective, the best approach lies somewhere between these two views,
along with the responsibility of the government. Individuals can freely use this kind of
source, but only to an appropriate extent. Besides, implementing new laws and policies
is required of the government with a view to long-term sustaining this finite resource.

In conclusion, while allowing people to use water autonomously will result in merit, its
demerits cannot be neglected. Rather, a balanced approach accompanied by
responsible governance can act as an alleviation to this action as well as sustain it alive.
The given bar chart illustrates six different metropolises’ water levels in Australia in
October 2009 and 2010.

Overall, while Sydney’s water level was the highest compared to the others in October
2009, it was true for Canberra’s a year later. Melbourne’s water level was the lowest in
October 2009; however, it was replaced by Darwin in October 2010. It is also apparent
that Darwin was the sole city that witnessed a significant drop in October 2010,
compared to the year before.

As can be seen, in October 2009, Sydney was recorded at the top of the list with nearly
80% of water, followed by Canberra and Brisbane at approximately 75% and 58%,
respectively. Moreover, Melbourne’s figure took up the lowest total of all, at only 20%,
which was half of that for Perth and Darwin.

Regarding October of next year, Brisbane was the only city that remained unchanged.
Water reserves in Darwin significantly dropped to half of their level in the year before.
Melbourne, Perth, and Canberra witnessed the same upward trend; the figure for all of
them was noticeably increased to 40%, more than 75%, and nearly maximum,
respectively. However, the figure for Sydney minimally rose to 80% in 2010, 2% greater
than the previous year.

Some people say advertising has positive economic effects. Others

think it has negative social effects because it will make people
dissatisfied with who they are and what they have. Discuss both
views and give your own opinion.

It has been a debatable issue whether advertisements will result in an upward

economic trend or adversely sabotage society as they act as a sense of
discontentment in individuals. This essay will delve into both views, and, from
my personal standpoint, advertising will not only contribute to the nation’s
prosperity but also serve as motivation for each person.

On the one hand, advocates for advertisements may argue that it would
absolutely help boost sales and products. By advertising through all types of
media, such as TV or social media like Facebook, numerous consumers can
be exposed to those products, and some of them can decide to purchase
them if those products meet their demand. However, in some circumstances,
people buy a kind of product just because the advertisements are so
appealing to them. Both of these inevitably contribute to the sales of factories,
thus strengthening the country’s affluence.

On the other hand, proponents who think that advertisements will negatively
affect society may contend that they will cause a sense of dissatisfaction
among people. Suppose that all a person’s asset is an old-fashioned mobile
phone, and a contemporary phone has been released recently and appears
everywhere, from the advertisements on TV to Facebook and Instagram. A
sense of envy is inevitable, and finally, it will foster discontentment in that

In my own perspective, advertisements will both lead to benefits for both

people and the economy. Firstly, as mentioned above, advertisements will
significantly contribute to the nation's economy by boosting sales of products.
Secondly, advertising will serve as motivation for each person, as it will make
them do everything in order to own it. By allowing advertisements, it would be
beneficial for both the nation and individuals.

In conclusion, while advertisements could negatively impact individuals, their

merits for a nation’s economy cannot be neglected. In my opinion, by
permitting more advertisements, not only it enhances the economy but also
creates motivation in each person.

Some people think that too much attention and too many resources
are given to the protection of wild animals and birds. Do you agree
or disagree?

It has been a debatable issue about people being too concentrated

and devoting too many resources in order to preserve wild animals
and birds. From my personal standpoint, I concur that it is right of
people to conserve the natural ecosystems because of their
indispensability to humanity.

Advocates for lessening attention and resources put on the natural

environment might argue that there are numerous things that are far
more important than the ecosystem. Those resources can be used
in order to eliminate famine worldwide or boost the world’s
economy. However, if it had not been for the natural ecosystem,
nothing could survive on Earth except for a few types of bacteria.
The role of the environment is fundamental, as it acts as a
rudimentary foundation for life on this planet. Neglecting the
ecosystem means humanity is putting itself in danger beyond the
edge of extinction, and when people realize how vital it is to protect
nature after adversely contaminating it, it will be too late.

By thoroughly preserving Mother Nature, it will foster humanity’s

prosperity. The ecosystem is granting and will grant humans many
positive things, and by taking advantage of these, they would help
humans enhance their well-being, boost the economy, and
vanquish famine across the world. However, this perspective only
happens if humans are aware of preserving it, and if not, the
opposite would appear.

In conclusion, it is essential for humanity to well-preserve nature

with a view to bettering humans' well-being. If not, they would have
to overcome an endangerment situation / disasters / alerts /
warnings / … and even extinction.

Many people argue that in order to improve educational quality, high

school students are encouraged to make comments or even
criticism of their teachers. Others think it will lead to a loss of
respect and discipline in the classroom. Discuss both views and
give your own opinion.

People hold conflicting views about whether undergraduates should comment on or

criticize their teachers. Some argue that this would boost educational quality, while
others claim that this may erode respect and discipline that have been implemented in
the classroom. This essay will delve into both views, and from my personal
standpoint, a balanced approach would be essential.

Advocates for students stating their opinion to their tutor may argue for an
enhancement in educational standards. During school time, teachers sometimes have
inappropriate teaching methods; by addressing students’ needs and preferences, tutors
can then alter their techniques or adopt a new approach to content their students’
demands. The implication of this can be an advancement in learners’ knowledge,
contributing to the betterment of the country’s education.

Proponents who are disputing this action contend that this will profoundly impact
discipline and respect in the class. Permitting students to openly give comments to
their teachers may disrupt the classroom’s educational progress, leading to a
deficiency in respect and discipline. Furthermore, not all the comments are
constructive; some can be biased and subjective, which could potentially hinder the
classroom’s overall process. This may lead to some comments being made just to
satisfy the students’ personal purposes, not the effectiveness of learning.

Personally, I contend that a balanced approach is fundamental. While it's crucial to

encourage students to provide feedback and comments on their teachers, the
comments given by them should follow certain guidelines. Those comments need to
be constructive and should not be offensive to the receivers; otherwise, they will be

In conclusion, while it is vital for students to make comments with a view to

improving their educational experience, inappropriate comments will inevitably result
in disrespect and indiscipline in class. A balanced approach should be applied in order
to flourish the country’s education.

Although there is a lot of translation software available, learning a

language could still be advantageous. To what extent do you agree
or disagree?

People hold conflicting views about whether being multilingual is still

beneficial for humans during the era in which translation programs flourish.
From my personal standpoint, while I acknowledge that translating applications
can offer humanity numerous merits, they cannot comprehensively replace the
numerous benefits that come with language learning.

Advocates for humans to fully count on translation applications might argue that
the emergence of those programs can cut down on time and money for language
learners. To be proficient in a certain language, it required prolonged time and
consistent practice, parallel with an enormous amount of money devoted to
language courses. However, by putting these software into practice, learners can
lessen the time necessary to master a language; all they need is literally at their
fingertips. Just a tap on their smartphones, and individuals can fully
comprehend what the foreigner is endeavoring to instill.
On the other hand, I contend with the idea that acquiring a language is still
fundamental to humans. Even if the world is now comprehensively covered by
network, there are still some rural areas that the network cannot access. The
ramifications of this are the unusability of devices, thus leading to the
consequence that translation software is unavailable. In these circumstances, it
is the mastery of a language that helps to eliminate these struggles. Furthermore,
language acquisition will inevitably be advantageous to learners' brains. Picking
up a new language will foster cognitive skills such as problem-solving, critical
thinking, and multitasking, as the brain is consistently exposed to that language.

In conclusion, while language software will offer humanity several merits,

individuals should not neglect the imperative of being bilingual or multilingual.
Rather than heavily depending on translation applications, humans should take
advantage of those software to gain expertise in a new language.

Some people believe that children that commit crimes should be

punished. Others think the parents should be punished instead.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

People hold conflicting views about the determination who should

take responsibility for children’s criminals. While some people hold
the view that they themselves should be the ones to receive
punishment, others think that it is their parents who should take
charge of it. This essay will delve into both views, and personally, I
believe that a balanced approach would be the solution to this matter.

Advocates for juvenile penalties might argue that punishments might

be essential for correcting youngsters’ actions. Through confinement,
children are instilled with a sense of responsibility from a young age,
thus potentially discouraging them from future reviolations of the
regulations. Punishment also provides a chance for rehabilitation and
behavior correction through interventions such as counseling,
community service, or youth detention centers.

Proponents of parental condemnation contend that parents should be

the ones held responsible for their children's crimes. Parents play a
fundamental role in nurturing their offspring, laying the foundation
for children’s behavior. If a child deeply sinks into criminal activities,
this could be perceived as a failure on the part of the parents, either
due to neglect, inadequate supervision, or improper guidance.

In my opinion, the approach to dealing with child offenders should be

a combination of both perspectives, depending on the severity and
nature of the crime. For minor offenses, a more rehabilitative and
supportive approach is often more effective. Punishing the child in
such cases can be counterproductive and may lead to the continuation
of criminal activities. Obviously, the opposite will be true for children
who commit serious crimes.

In conclusion, the issue of how to address child offenders is complex

and requires a balanced approach. While punishment is necessary in
some cases, it should be combined with rehabilitation and support for
the child.

Giving detailed descriptions of crimes in newspapers and on TV can

have negative consequences,so this kind of information should be
restricted in the media. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
People hold conflicting views about whether detailed descriptions of crimes
should be permitted to be shown in newspapers and on TV or not. Some argue
that this action might lead to negative consequences; others think otherwise.
From my personal standpoint, I partially agree with this statement.
On the one hand, informing residents of crimes via newspapers as well as TV
inevitably increases fear and anxiety. Images or videos of crimes might seem
normal to adults; however, children can perceive them in a different way. Due to
the fact that children at their young age have not yet comprehensively
developed their cognitive abilities, those videos and photos can be frightening to
them, leading to nightmares and obsessions. The implications of this would be a
degradation in their well-being, potentially impacting their future lives.

On the other hand, imposing policies to regulate this kind of information might
also result in adverse consequences. Concealing the truth can violate the rights
of residents to know, especially in a democratic society in which citizens have
the right to be notified about their surroundings. Hiding the fact might
encourage more criminals to occur since lawbreakers do not have to fear that
their identity will be revealed to everyone.

In conclusion, the unrestricted provision of detailed crime descriptions in the

media may have negative consequences, but it is essential to strike a balance
between respecting privacy and preserving the public's right to information.
Responsible and ethical reporting are key to achieving this balance.

If people could choose between a life without working or a life

spending too much time working, people would choose a life
without work. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Suppose that individuals could choose life and decide whether their days
are full-filled with working hours or their days are just free time. Most of
them, without hesitation, would choose a life without working. From my
personal standpoint, I completely disapprove of this statement.

Advocates for a life full of spare time might argue for their freedom. By
virtue of higher living standards, more and more people value their
downtime and work-life balance. They themselves believe that a
non-working life may pave the way for relaxation, hobby pursuits, family
reunions, and life-time enjoyment, which the modern era doesn’t allow
them to have. Furthermore, if people want to survive through this 4.0 era,
they definitely have to follow a career that the world is now deficient in,
and mostly that career has never been their passion. Without the
constraints of full-time jobs, individuals can explore their passions, pursue
them, and visualize their dreams, which has always sounded ridiculous in
reality, as the world hinders people from enjoying a fulfilling and enriched

Nevertheless, I contend that a world without work would presumably

result in a collapse in humanity’s well being. Given the fact that humanity
can enjoy a non-working life, who will contribute to society? No one, as if
they were busy appreciating their own lives, consequently leading to an
eruption in human beings. Numerous individuals will inevitably suffer
from catastrophic famines and diseases as the food production and medical
systems have been firmly paused. The extinction of humans is

In conclusion, whether one agrees or disagrees with the statement heavily

depends on the individual's priorities. Striking a balance between work and
recreational activities is a must; otherwise, an adverse outcome is

Art classes should be compulsory in high school. Do you agree or


People hold conflicting views about whether art classes need to be

obligatory in high school. From my personal standpoint, I
completely disapprove of this statement.

Proponents of mandatory art classes at high school may argue for

their help in fostering students’ intrinsic values. Art study serves as
an opportunity for students’ cognitive abilities to be promoted as
well as stress reduction. Art allows individuals to express
themselves in a unique and imaginative way, which is beneficial not
only for artistic pursuits but also for problem-solving in every issue
that they encounter. Furthermore, the arts can also become a
therapist for artists since art classes allow artists to relax and
unwind, potentially having a positive impact on their learners’
well-being whenever they face pressure and stress.

Nevertheless, I strongly contend that art is not always suitable for

everybody. This is due to the fact that not all students are artistically
inclined; rather, they may lay their passion upon other subjects or
just wish to focus on academic disciplines. Firmly forcing them to
follow an art class can be counterproductive since high school
curriculums are already packed with mandatory subjects; thus,
adding compulsory art classes could lead to time constraints and an
overwhelming schedule for students.

In conclusion, art classes should be elective in high school since

not every student has a strong interest in following this class, and
most high schools now are completely filled with many obligatory
subjects. From my perspective, art classes should only be
mandatory in elementary schools in which natural talents can easily
be found and promoted.

Describe a person you admire the most

● Who that person is

- ()Background: …
● How did you meet him / her
- ()Who introduced?: …
- ()On what occasion: …
● Why do you admire him / her?
● Explain why you want to befriend him / her?
- Idea generation + Vocab
- Conjunctions before / after ideas
People think that government should increase the cost of fuel for
cars and other vehicles to solve environmental problems. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
People hold conflicting views about whether petroleum costs for automobiles
and other transportation should witness an increase with a view to resolving
environmental issues. From my personal standpoint, I totally disagree with this

Initially, by implementing new policies to escalate the cost of fuel, it would

adversely impact the low-income individuals. For those who heavily rely on
automobiles to commute, a rise in gas prices will inevitably place a burden on
their economy since they do not have the ability to switch to cleaner
transportation options and upgrade fuel-efficient vehicles. Furthermore, a surge
in petroleum costs parallels an increase in the price of goods and services. This
might sound normal to the elite; however, for the impoverished, it would be a
challenge for them to survive in a world where everything is exorbitant.

In addition, there are numerous alternative solutions in order to resolve

environmental issues rather than heightening petroleum costs. First, if public
transportation infrastructure can be advanced by governments, a larger number
of commuters will turn to public transport as their main mode of transportation,
thus lowering fossil fuel consumption and preventing over-exploitation.
Moreover, recent research has shown that it is not automobiles that discharge
the most emissions into the environment but the industrial’s. As a result, rather
than imposing new policies to raise the price of fuel, authorities should regulate
the carbon dioxide that factories can discharge into the environment to figure
out current eco-system problems.

In conclusion, the escalation of fuel prices might serve as a solution to cope

with environmental obstacles; however, if this approach is applied to daily life,
it will unavoidably affect the underprivileged’s lives. The government should
consider more comprehensive strategies, such as public transport investment
and co2 emitted from industrialization limitations, to alleviate contemporary
environmental issues.

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