Teoría Del Color

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Teoría del color

What is color theory? 1 fernando

Color theory is one that is used to explain how the colors we know are generated. We
can find two theories in this regard, these are the additive synthesis and the subtractive
synthesis. Now, the reason why we distinguish colors has its reason for being due to the
rays of light that objects reject.

Additive synthesis theory 2 clarisa

Existence of primary colors that are red, green and blue,
also known as RGB colors. The mixture of the 3 results in
black. They are also called pigment colors.

Subtractive synthesis theory 2 clarisa

According to this model, the color of the object depends on
the parts of the electromagnetic. The mixture of the 3
primaries gives the white. The CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow,
Key) color model is explained with this theory.

History of color theory 3 nicol

Isaac Newton established the theory of color when he invented the color wheel in 1666,
because white light passed through a prism and allowed colors to be seen.
Color spaces; 3nicol
Color spaces are nothing more than working models on which different types of colors
are obtained,
One dimension: Grayscale…
Two dimensions: RG subspace…
Three dimensions: RGB…
Four dimensions: CMYK…

color qualities 4 abigail

The colors we perceive have three basic qualities or attributes. These are:
Tone: It is the color itself. It allows us to distinguish between warm and cold tones.
Saturation: It has to do with the purity of the color with respect to gray. It depends on
the amount of white you present.
Brightness: It is the light intensity of a color. It varies depending on how close the
color is to white or black.

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