3M Safety PPE - 1

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The hard hat

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3M XSOOO series

3M'M SecureFit'M Safety Helmet XSOOO

• Dua.I approved for work on -t-he grou.nd or at heioh·t.

• C·hi.nfl,..ps •r• i.ncluded. fitied Of"I dellv•f'Y

3M- SocureFh'""" XSOOOV

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3M"' Protective Coverall 4510

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3M™ Protective
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Coverall 4510
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Regulations and Standards

OSHA Regulates the Customers
29 CFR 1910.135 - Head Protection
• Required in areas where there is a possible danger of head injury from impact, or from falling or flying
objects, or from electrical shock and burns.

ANSI Regulates the manufacturer - ANSI 289.1-2014 - Industrial Head Protection

• General minimum performance and label requirements
• Hazards: Impact type, penetration, electrical, and high visibility in occupational &
educational environments.

Impact Types
Type I 7 Top impact
Type II 7 Top and side impact Marking Meaning
~ 7 Reverse Donning
Electrical Classes (contact) LT 7 lower Temperature
C 7 Not rated HT 7 Higher Temperature
G 7 2,200V HV 7 High Visibility

E 7 20,000V
3NI #3MSe[ene.ofSafety ••
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3M H- 700 and H-800 Hard Hat Series

Reflective Decals UVicator™
UV indicator
Custom Logos
Vented Type I, Class C Personalize
Non-vented Type I, Class G,E

Competitive Features Accessory Slot

- Suspension 3M earmuffs,
- Hard hat accessories face shields, etc.

4-pt or 6 pt Suspension
Comfortable & Secure
\ Integrated Eyewear

3M • #3MSel•nceofSafety I 12
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Discover the
3M'" Secure Click" Half Facepiece Reusable Respirator-

O~cd w:lh ;,ulllll~ tcim.11N. lll~ 3M'""&i~w~ Cilek"' H.;i!( Fx.ipiclOI': Rllullllblo hs;pit:rnw HF aoo Scil1!:t>Mlp,1
protcc.i "'"'*en hom 011r:t!cll.etes .a1'd ll wide varl.etvot q~c, 11t1d v.,pours wht11 u,cd v..fth o,pproye,d3M .. Sec.ure Clck'"
F-'lltcn. :ind CutrldQ,cs.


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3M #3MSci•ne.ofSafety I Hl
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Fitur Respirator Sekali Advanced Electrostatic

M-Nose Clip

Media (AEM) tv1-shaped nose clip
• Molds easily
• Unique ele.ctros1a.tic.a.llY. • Less cnmping
charged micro-fibers pull Benefits
parucies to me nner media
• Advanced Electrostatic Media • Ct,.:iram,com!Ott8'*' $nd ~cuft-Iii

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• Less filter media needed to • Oteaterco,ntorr.'fe,vero-a88tHe pc,:nrs

• Cool Flow Exhalation Valve ...

achieve filter efficiencies • R.ectuce<J POtennlll tor o;,ev.,wr /ogr;Jlll'fl
making brealhing easierand
• M - Nose Clip ~u ..a10-

cooler i,:.1:.1r.n
11~111 n~n

• Foam Face Seal 3M Welding Web

3M™ Cool Flow
• 3M Welding Web Flame res1f>tan1p,otectlvelayersas Exhalation Valve
demonslra!edper ASTM 02859-96
• Cake-Resistant Filter Media Benellts
Proprietary cne-wev exhatatton valve
requires uttte pressure to open
• Adjustable Buckle Straps • J11erea..'ied weME!rC011fldenr:e Benefits
• C:MT!Ot1
• Greaterworkeracreptarice
• Nuisance Odor Removing Filter Media n,11.,p111_,..,.
Weld'(l·l¥ttl ••

Cake-Resistant Fill!r Media

Foam FaceseaJ
Specially beated carbon traps Mi,ti-lttya-ed fine, Imps large ..._
...._,.._ Fully AdjustableStraps

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pamc;jegfol'S.i ant1 finer partfefeS PVC foam molt::l!J easily to 1he face

nuisance odors

fu!thW inside Simpte 10 use, dufeble
Be,nell"t! ~ bld!e and strap ass.embfy
• FM~•lXlo'r.f"~•lifi:rrl'f
• Camforl • ,\ti"' r.i:m'on.~t.'i,:
• tnc(eased PIO(l~l'<ry • ~·· -~f\'fi • Ea:flDtJ':r:
• !iU{ CIMdlt.'~tA,*'r; rMg ~1'fJ/h O( • Aoml'll)"Ol'ti;,.- J..'I~ wenri!.-:,r. •Ctn:1om.~n1

• Longer MifA'in"Of \'l'e, frpe/ csg.!3; • ~ ,'u lt'ilto ntr/911 t,ifr:,ct: •~es ,,ir1'Jt:Nlg mth.
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3NI #3MSclenc.ofSafoty
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3M DR 9501 V+ KN95

3M""' Particulate Respirator~

9501V+, KN95
082626-o~OCM'SIPflM"M KN9!.
AdJ1nt.11ble ,_., el!p
Venlc., l'lot•lotd dftJJ;yl
5,yh CCIY* -'1 ~ INI• PIMl•I
1(11ined comlO(Ullt)loA 11,,11:p It UIW loo,, typo
No w.eld<no line •I 11\e ~ c:hli,
Cool Flow"• £xh111:irlon Vol'fel
Slli11' - PttT. N)'lon, l!l..-1_.,,.
Note C1iP - Ai.in1Jnvm
Fil~ - PotJ'l)JVP'l"'1•e OON01U1•Fot
CovetWeb- f>ol1n•oD)'lene
V•lv• • Polyp<cpyNn• 11. Po>ly'~fl, ..>
00 NOT 11••for 9• .. • MWJ v...-.
D0 NOT \IM i11 .,,.,. m_, not lndic.tod in
Thit; ro,.1~10.-oom•ino no c:omoo,,.nt, ff'IOCM ttle U.Crh111ructio1M
from l\at..,...i rubb,Jt li•I••
A,c,ptOY1J, ond S~•rd•
Cou111ty of Origlt1 G8~2<1·20.00 •PPt'CWed KH9t:i
Mllde li, Chln1 Al 18••1 O!:i'X rut.. 11on •tf'",ei,enq, •;,_, tift.tld
\I•• UM
for .or1<1 a,oi,1c:1e1o •nd lic11,1id mist, web••
•nd IIQui~ 1111rotQII thl1 do l'IIOt CC,H\~!nen
ietilN 08 •~p,0-,,11 No.LA•06•3'1•20IOO\I
t'-• l•om'1"•~· und!~ •woopi,19.
UWll"l!f, ~Ing, or proc".1fn{:I minet.. t..
3 coat. WOl'I eee. nov,.met..l. wood.. i,ollen, ~

Ahot•y, f(lll(IW (I ..~ lffdtUl(;fi(i<"• ""du•• fl\

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3M #3MScl•nc.ofSafety ,o
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