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1. Read carefully and follow the instructions in each part of the
QUIZ. The score on that particular test part will be voided if
instructions will not be followed.
2. Use black ink pen.



TEST I: MULTIPLE CHOICE: Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Where we can find a lot of recyclable materials?
A. Urban B. Rural C. Urban & Rural D. City
2. Which of the following is not considered as common recyclable material?
A. Paper B. Plastic C. Wood D. Tin can
3. What is the first most abundant and available waste material?
A. Plastic B. Tin can C. Paper D. Fabric scrap
4. What is the second most abundant and available waste material?
A. Plastic B. Tin can C. Paper D. Fabric scrap
5. What is the third most abundant and available waste material?
A. Tin can B. Plastic C. Fabric scrap D. Plastic bottle
6. What is the fourth most abundant and available waste material?
A. Plastic bottle B. Fabric scrap C. Plastic D. Paper
7. What is the fifth most abundant and available waste material?
A. Fabric scrap B. Plastic bottle C. Paper D. Plastic
8. Which of the following is used in metal art?
A. Fabric scrap B. Tin cans C. Plastic D. Paper
9. What common recyclable material is used to make plan tags?
A. Paper B. Plastic container C. Plastic bottle D. Plastic bag
10. What common recyclable material can be used to make canisters?
A. Plastic bottle B. Plastic container C. Tin cans D. Paper
11. What is a recycled project you have done using mountain dew bottles?
A. Planters B. Lantern C. Rosary D. Wall decor
12. How many inches do you need to mark from the top of the mountain dew bottle before
A. 1 inch B. 2 inches C. 2 and 1/2 inches D. 3 inches
13. What size should be marked on the bottom of the bottle before cutting it into a star shape?
A. 1 inch B. 2 inches C. 3 inches D. 4 inches
14. How many mountain dew bottles do you need to make a star shaped lantern?
A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1
15. What is the common recyclable material used in making a paper quilled rosary?
A. Newspaper B. String C. Glue D. Toothpick


Direction: Arrange the steps in making Lantern. Where, A- is the first and E- is the last.

______ 16. Make a hole in the cap, put string, tie and apply design.
______ 17. Mark 2 1/2 inches from the top then cut.
______ 18. Cut the star into four equal parts.
______ 19. At the bottom mark 1 inch, cut a star shape.
______ 20. Connect the bottoms and all the parts, group it into five.

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