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1. What was your overall impression of the museum

My overall impression of the virtual museum is that it is really clean and organized when you enter. They
really show that it is an important part of a country that needs to be clean and safe, and it is just the same
as the national museum in the Philippines.

2. What was your favorite part?

My favorite part is that I discover new artwork that I didn’t know and some that I also thought was weird
to be part of because I didn’t understand its meaning, but it is still my favorite part that I now know more
about different kinds of art.

3. What was your favorite artwork or one that drew you to it?

The art that drew me in is ‘The Great Wave Off the Coast of Kanagawa, since even though it's just a
representative of the wave with the view of Mount Fuji, I still find it beautiful.

4. What did you discover?

The thing that I discover is that when I compare the museums here in the Philippines and in Japan, they
both preserve the art of the past that is a part of the country, and this art is also what made the country
as it is today. That discovery made me realize that museums should be protected since they are full of the
history of a country, and we should never neglect protecting them.

5. Reflect and write a paragraph about your experience today.

My experience today when I visited the Japan National Museum virtually was that I realized the
importance of keeping something that is part of history. And also, there are a variety of arts that each one
of us likes, dislikes, and finds weird at some point, but every one of them is important. I realize that art is
the very essence of what we are now because there are some arts that depict the lives of people before
and how they overcame the struggles of their time. Art is so complex that even I still do not understand
everything, but even with that, I’m still learning little by little and interested in knowing more about it.

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