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Initially, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to our lecturer, Miss. Upeka,
for her continuous support and guidance throughout this assignment. And also, she has
significantly encouraged and motivated me to conclude this assignment. Furthermore, I would
like to express my sincere thanks to the entire ICBT campus management for providing us with a
conducive environment and abundant resources that facilitated the successful completion of this
task. Lastly, I would like to extend my deepest respect and appreciation to my family and friends.
Their unwavering kindness, encouragement, and guidance have been a constant source of
inspiration throughout this assignment.


AI in facial recognition is an innovative biometric technology that employs sophisticated

scientific methods to identify and verify individuals based on their unique physical
characteristics. By analyzing facial features and patterns, this technology has rapidly evolved to
become a powerful tool in various sectors, including law enforcement, security, and consumer
applications. Facial recognition technology has become a ubiquitous presence in our daily lives,
from unlocking our smartphones to monitoring public spaces. In urban living, face recognition
systems are frequently used and chosen for security cameras and people. These technologies are
been used for security operations like person verification, video surveillance, and crime
prevention. It is extremely beneficial in a variety of contexts and applications, particularly when
dealing with safety and control issues related to large crowd movements. However, along with its
numerous benefits, the widespread implementation of facial recognition raises significant ethical,
social, legal, and professional concerns that demand thorough investigation. Facial recognition
raises a number of issues and difficulties that require thoughtful consideration and mitigation.
Such as concerns with data security and privacy, accuracy and bias, lack of informed consent,
and transparency. This report determines the problems and assesses them by applying the
appropriate ethical guidelines, acts, and professional code of conduct.

Task A
1. Ethical Issues
1.1. Privacy and Surveillance Concerns
Facial recognition technology requires the collection and processing of biometric data, which can
infringe on people's privacy rights. As AI-powered facial recognition technologies grow more
common in public environments, there are concerns that people will be constantly monitored
without their permission or agreement. Considering a shopping Centre that has facial recognition
cameras placed across its premises. As consumers walk around the shopping Centre, these
cameras continuously scan and analyze their faces. In 2019, a major UK property developer
employed facial recognition cameras in a London shopping mall without notifying the public.
(reuters, 2023) This generated serious privacy issues because customers' faces were being
captured and evaluated without their knowledge. The use of facial recognition technology in
public places raises legal privacy and surveillance challenges. Individuals have an equitable
assumption of privacy in public places, and placing facial recognition cameras without their
authorization breaches their right to privacy. The fact of firms and governments deploying face
recognition systems instead of appropriate authorization indicates a lack of transparency and
accountability in the deployment of such technology. According to deontological theories of this
scenario comprises the possible misuse of facial data for surveillance purposes. This amount of
surveillance poses major privacy concerns, as people's right to privacy in public places is at risk.
Employing facial recognition technology in public places instead of notified permission can
result in ongoing monitoring, undermining the assumption of privacy in daily actions. Because
consumers are unaware that their personal information is being gathered and analyzed, the
hidden surveillance of people's behaviors and conversations provides major ethical concerns.
Additionally, the exploitation of this data by the government or third parties for causes other than
public safety could result in violations of freedoms against specific groups. In accordance with
consequentialist theory suggests deploying facial recognition cameras at a shopping mall can
assist in identifying possible dangers or criminal behavior in real-time, therefore it provides a
safer shopping environment for customers. One of the primary benefits of deploying facial
recognition cameras in a shopping store is the ability to track and recognize potential dangers or
criminal activity in real-time. Facial recognition technology can instantly analyze the faces of

people who enter or move through a building and compare them to a record of known criminals
or persons of interest. This real-time analysis enables security professionals to respond quickly to
any doubtful behavior or recognize persons with a criminal background. (xailient, 2023)

1.2. Bias and Discrimination

AI algorithms employed in facial recognition systems are developed on huge data sets that may
have intrinsic bias. These biases may be influenced by race, gender, ethnicity, or several
demographic elements. As a result, facial recognition technology may be more accurate for
several individuals and less accurate for other individuals, thus this leads to discrimination. This
is especially concerning in law enforcement and security applications since prejudiced results
could lead to false arrests or unfairly focusing on specified societies. In order to recognize
suspects in a criminal inquiry, a law enforcement agency employs facial recognition technology.
The facial recognition AI system was trained on biased datasets, arising in a higher rate of
misidentification for specific populations, such as individual’s color. In 2018, researchers at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology discovered that facial recognition systems sold by major
technology companies were less accurate in detecting the gender of darker-skinned persons,
emphasizing the issue of bias. (, 2018) As a result of this, those with darker skin tones
are more likely to have their gender misidentified or incorrectly classified by the facial
recognition algorithm. This raises the possibility of discrimination. In 2019, a study indicates that
Amazon's technology has a more difficult time differentiating gender in darker-skinned and
women faces. (theverge, 2023) These biases can be caused by unbalanced testing records that
inappropriately reflect specific racial or gender groupings, resulting in inconsistent accuracy in
recognizing and identifying people from various backgrounds. According to deontological
theories Bias and discrimination exist whenever innocent people from specific demographic
categories are wrongfully accused or punished as an impact of algorithmic biases. Having greater
failure percentages for certain racial or ethnic groups can lead to misidentifications and unfair
effects, such as innocent people being faced with inappropriate worry, tracking, or even false
arrest. When it is more accurate for numerous individuals, consequentialist theory suggests that it
can improve efficiency and convenience in a variety of industries. Individuals with facial
features that match the algorithm's training data may benefit from faster and more accurate
identification processes. This can result in more smooth and seamless experiences in areas such

as identity verification, access control, and user authentication, minimizing waiting hours and
increasing customer satisfaction. (theregreview, 2023)

2. Legal Issues

3. Professional Issues

4. Social Issues

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Task B
1. Ethical Issues of AI by

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2. Legal Issues of AI by

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3. Social Issues of AI by

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4. Professional Issues of AI by

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Task C
1. Ethical Issue - Mitigation

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2. Legal Issue - Mitigation

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3. Professional Issue - Mitigation

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4. Social Issue - Mitigation

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Task D
Ethical approach in AI and how it is helping an IT professional for his professional development.

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