Bowl and Scrub

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Wednesday 08/17/2022

Present simple:
- Do a list of your routine.
I wake up at 6:30 A.M, but
I get up at 7:00, then
I take a shower around 7:10 A.m.
Next, I put on my clothes at 7:25 a.m.
Then I have my breakfast at 7:35 a.m.
Next, I enter the zoom class at 7:45 a.m.
At noon I have my lunch at 12:20 P.m.
I enter again to class at 12:55 p.m
Next, I finish my class at 5:00 pm
Then, I going to play basketball around 5:45 p.m
Next, I return to my home and take a shower at 7:00 pm
Then, I have my dinner at 8:00 p.m
last, I

adverbs of frequency:
- I often read my scriptures in my home.

Thursday 08/18/2022
First, you need a bowl
Then, put water in the bowl,
Next, put detergent in the water, then, introduce the t-shirt inside the
bowl and scrub.
then, handle the t-shirt
finally, rinse the t-shirt in clean water and lay the clothes out.

Present simple

Past simple
Affirmative: s + verb in past + complement
Negative: s + didn’t + verb infinitive + complement
Interrogative: Did + S + verb infinitive + complement?

Time expressions:
- Yesterday
- Last week
- Last month
- Last year
- A Little while ago
- An hour ago
- *this morning
- In the past
- A long time ago
- The dar before yet
- Recently
- In 1900
- One week ago

Present perfect
Auxiliary: have – has
- Have you seen any good films recently?
- Yes, I have seen…
- No, I haven’t …
Week 2

Wednesday 08/24/2022 <<<link of DO and

MAKE < <<exercise about Do and Make

Thursday 08/25/2022
Indefinite pronouns.

Like vs As

1- As can mean “because”

- As it was raining, we stayed at home.

- As we Were in the church, we couldn’t play football.
- As you Were studying, you could pass the test.

Mr. Customer as you missed the last payment, the credit card was blocked.

2- “As” can meanwhile or at the same time

- As I was walking, I saw Julie.

- The wind blew as the leaves fell.
- We go to the park as she goes to school.
Mr. Customer as I’m working on your account can I place you on hold for a few minutes?

3- We use “AS” to talk about how one thing is like another.

- John loves spicy food, as I do.

- You dance so well, as your dad did.
- The students should speak Good English as the teacher does.

Mr. Customer you can have the same plan as you currently do, but with better features.

4- In the phrases “as much as” and “as + adjective + as”

- Peter loves chocolate as much as I do.

- Nancy travels as much as I.
- She’s as Smart as her sister.
- Guatemala isn’t as big as Mexico.

1- I use “like” to give examples, “for example”.

- I love cakes, like chocolate cake.

2- Compare one thing with another thing when They are similar.

- Colombia has Good coffee like Guatemala.

- Peter is a busy man like you.

Like your mother, I’m telling you the truth. / As your mother, I’m telling you the truth.

Look – you look like your dad

Sound - that sounds like a chicken
Smell – the room smells like flowers.

- She Works as the manager, - role

- She Works like the manager. Comparing the lady with the manager.
When we were dancing my brother asked Dana out, because he was in love.
The class finished, and

Friday 08/26/2022
Palabra aprendida; would you rather/que prefieres?

Week 3
Thursday 08/31/2022
Expression to the day.

- “I’m counting on you.”

- Tell me about yourself?
Skill – I’m good at
Hobbies – I like to dance
Passion – I have a passion for learning
Creative, fast learner, hard worker

- How did you hear about this position?

Through a friend, social media, websites, and radio. English academy recommended your company to

- Why do you want to work at this company?

I’m looking to be the best – build a career – achieve my goals.
Develop myself, my knowledge about…
And I know this is the perfect place to do it.



Padre celestial, te damos gracias por un nuevo dia que nos has dado, gracias por la oportunidad de ver
el día, gracias por tu misericordia, gracias por la expiación de tu hijo Jesucristo, Gracias por la
oportunidad de estudiar ingles, Padre te pedimos que nos puedas dar la guía de tu espíritu, y que nos
bendigas con el don de lenguas Padre, derrama fortaleza sobre nosotros/ Mi. Padre pido esto y que se
haga tu voluntad en el nombre de Jesucristo Amen.

Heavenly Father, we thank you for a new day you have given us, thank you for the opportunity to see the
day, thank you for your mercy, thank you for the atonement of your son Jesus Christ, thank you for the
opportunity to study English, Father we ask you to you can give us the guidance of your spirit, and that
you bless us with the gift of tongues Father, pour out strength on us / My. Father, I ask this and that you
will be done in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.


Much – uncountable/questions and negative sentences.

Information – equipment – water – ice cream – food – milk – education

- How much information do you have about our company?

- I don’t have much information about your company but I’m ready to learn.
- Do you have enough equipment to work from home?
- Well, I don’t have much equipment, I’ll need a new computer.

How much knowledge do you have about computers?

Many – plural countable nouns/ mainly negative and questions.

- How many years of experience do you have? - I have many years of experience, almost 7
- In how many cities have you lived before? - I’ve lived many months in New York, and then in 7
different cities.

A lot of – lots of
Plural countable and uncountable nouns
Positives sentences

- I have a lot of experience in this matter.

- She’s lots of skills using the language.
- I’ve practiced this sport for a lot of years.
- I’m good at completing lots of tasks in a short time.

Few – negative scenarios

- I studied a few chapters of this book.

(I didn’t study enough)

A Few – positive scenarios

- I studied a few chapters of this book.

(I study the correct chapters, I’m ready)

- I had few jobs before applying to this company.

- I had a few jobs before applying for this company.

“I have a few dreams as means to guide me”

Little and A little - uncountable nouns

- I have little information about this position. {negative

- I have a little information about this position, {positive

I’m 22 years old

I graduated four years ago.
I like to dance, but I don’t dance very well.

“to” express
- Going to - gonna
- Want to – wanna
- Wants to – wansta
- Have to – hafta
- Has to – jasta
- Like to – laikta
- Trying to – trayna

- Would – wouldja


Wednesday 09/01/2022 < about the stress

ugh! Thank god, it’s Friday!
No kidding! Are you going out tonight?
No way! I’ve got FNL –
Have fun—


Either – Neither
1. Either option A or option B (tanto..)
- Either chocolate cake or vanilla cake is delicious.
( tanto como el pastel de chocolate o el de vainilla es delicioso)

- Either Alorica or Teleperformance is a Good place to apply.

2. Either + singular noun (cualquiera)

- Either drink is fine. I like everything

- We could go to either place.
- Either t-shirt is good! Thanks!

3. Either + plural nouns/pronouns. (Cualquier option)

- Either of my students is ready to take the test.

- Either of us can go to the interview.
- Either of them applied for the job yesterday.
4. A: I don’t like coffee.
B: I don’t either

A: I won’t go to the beach.

B: I won’t either

A: I haven’t traveled to Filipinos

B: I haven’t either.

A: My daughter doesn’t want to dance with your son.

B: My son doesn’t either because he is shy.

Neither > ninguno / ni esto ni lo otro

1. Neither option A “nor” option B

- Neither the recruiter nor the applicant speaks French.

Ni el reclutador ni el aplicante habla ingles.

- Neither Juan nor Cesar is from Guatemala, they’re Dominicans!

- Neither reading nor travel is interesting like dance


2. Neither + singular noun

- Neither applicant was ready. They spoke Spanglish

Ningun aplicante estaba listo, ellos hablaron spanglish.
- Neither place is comfortable, let’s go to the last row.

Neither house interests me, I need to buy a great house for my family.


3. Neither + plural nouns/pronouns

- Neither of us was in the accident.

Ninguno de nosotros estaba en el accidente.

- Neither of the employees were in the company when I arrived.

- Neither of the interviews was at night, they were at

4. Expression
- I like neither coffee nor tea. >> No me gusta ni el café ni el té.
- I’m not at home, nor John. >> No estoy en casa, tampoco John.

- A: I don’t like coffee.

- B: Neither do I. >>>> Me neither (informal)


A: I don’t know where she is.

B: I don’t either
- Me neither
- Neither do I


A: I like to run at 6:00 am

B: me too!
- So do I


- I don’t agree with you.

- I totally disagree.
- However…
- With all due respect…


- Exactly
- That’s true
- You’re absolutely right.
- I’m with you
- I totally agree.

Both – Ambos

1. Option A and option B

Primero va
Both Brazil and Portugal speak Portuguese.
sub + both
2. Both + plural noun
- Both students won the test last week.
- Both students won the test last week.
3. Plural object pronouns.
Sub + to be
- Both raised the band.
- May I talk with both of you? + both
4. In the middle.
- They both passed the test.
- They were both happy.


Plural countable nouns

Few – A Few

Few >> not many – negative feeling A Few >> some but a small amount. Positive!

- He has few good friends. - He has a few friends who can help.

Uncountable nouns!

Little >> not much – negative A little >> some but small amount – positive

- There was little time to finish the test - I have a little time to relax now

SOME >> Affirmative ANY >> negative

Questions (yes expectation) Questions (no expectation)
Offerings and requests
- I don’t have any shoes.
- I need some shoes. - I didn’t drink any water.
- I drink some water. - Do you have any money in your pocket
- Would you like some tea? now?
- Could I have some of you help me?

FEWER – countable LESS – uncountable

- February has fewer days than September.
- Alorica has fewer job options than - My cousin has less money than me.
Teleperformance - Sandra drinks less water than my son.

Words to join ideas, sentences, words, etc.

- I Think
- I believe
- I feel
- In my opinion
- In my view
- As far as I know
- It seems likely
- It seems to me
- In my point of view

Sequence connectors – to tell stories, and give instructions.

- First of all
- Firstly
- Secondly
- Then
- Next
- Afterwards
- Finally
- Eventually
- Previously

- And
- Also
- In addition
- Further
- Furthermore
- As well as
- And then
- Too

Emphasis – to give importance

- Above all
- Especially
- More importantly
- Indeed
- Significantly
- Notably
- In particular

Contrast – to give examples

- However
- Nevertheless – a pesar de eso, no obstante
- Alternatively
- Despite this
- On the contrary
- Yet
- Whereas
- Apart form

Illustration – to give examples

- For example
- Such as
- For instance
- In other words
- As instance
- As revealed by
- To show that

-As far as I know, is necessary to continue studying throughout life.

-He did a great job, and finally, they hired him.
-My sister asked me about my girlfriend; indeed, I answer her.
-nevertheless, my family fight, I love them
.I need to work to show that I can get over myself in my life.

Friday 09/02/2022

1- Joining two ideas in conjunction. << and, but, for, or, nor, so, yet.

- The game was over, but the crowd refused to leave.

- Yesterday was my brother’s birthday, so he ate a cake.

2- Lists

- She studies English, French, German, and Spanish

3- 2 ideas. While, because, if, when (conditional sentences)

- While I was eating, someone knocked on the door.

- Because I lost the bus, I was late for school.
- If you sleep 8 hours, you’re healthy.
- When you travel, you spend money.

4- Adjective clause

- Peter, who is the boss, came late to the meeting.

5- Before a direct quote.

- The teacher said, “please do your homework”.

- Russel M. Nelson taught, “If you keep the commandments…..”
6- Following a transition word.

- James practice English every day. Therefore, he got a great score.

- Nevertheless, they decided to follow Christ.
- Well, I think that’s stupid.

1-When I arrived to my sister’s house, there was a big mess.

2-I bought for my class, pencil, notebook, eraser and various bookmarks.
3-If I don’t deliver homework, I can lost the class.
4-My sister, who is the oldest, discussed with my mother.
5-The teacher, he taught us about the comma, he said, “is very important put tha comma
in the statement”.
6-We need to continue in the world of learning. Thus, we’ll get a great opportunity in the
world of work.

Gerund and infinitive

-My pets are eating very fast, because they have hunger.
-Memorizing verbs, is the only form how the people become understand the language.
-My sister is fighting with her friend, because they have a problem.

Extra rules:

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