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Application Activity: Wellness Plan

Name: Sample

Wellness Plan
Create a simple wellness plan to help you through the current term. You will be setting
goals for two different areas of health from those that were discussed in the lesson
material: physical, spiritual, social and mental health. As you set your goals you will be
asked to set SMART goals.

Go on to the Wellness Plan on next page

Wellness Plan
Use this template to set two goals. Remember to make them SMART goals!
• Choose TWO of these categories: physical, spiritual, social, mental health •
Insert your choices at the top of the columns. Then fill in the rest.
Physical Goal Spiritual Goal

State the goal → Drink the recommended amount Read Scriptures each day for
of water each day 21 days.

How is your goal I need to drink 8 glasses of 8 I need to have a daily habit to
Specific? ounces of water a day to make read the scriptures for 15
sure I am getting enough water minutes a day so that I can
to feel good. increase my spiritual

How is your goal Calculate the recommended Begin with a one-week time frame
Measurable? amount of water needed each day and will keep track of my reading
and begin with a one-week time by using a scripture calendar app.
frame. I will know I have been I can measure my progress by the
successful if I can be consistent amount of days and minutes I read
with my efforts for one week. at the end of the week and
Evaluate the benefits after one continue week by week after that
week. for three weeks.
How is your goal I will use a water bottle that The scripture calendar app will
Attainable? measures the amount of water I help me each day. I will also
drink each day. It is reasonable to add a reminder to my phone
drink 64 ounces a day. When I each day at 6 am. It is
drink all the water, I can see
reasonable to read for a short
time each day and the short
time of 15 minutes will help me
feel successful.

How is your goal I currently do not drink enough Regular scriptures study is
Relevant? water and often have bad relevant to my life. It is something
headaches as a result. This goal is I have been asked to do by the
relevant to my life right now prophet and will greatly bless my
because having headaches life, especially as an online
continually could affect my student.
academic success.

How is your goal I will start on Monday, Jan. 1st To get into the habit of regular
Time Bound? and complete by Sunday, Jan. scripture study I will take the 21-
6th. day challenge beginning on
Monday, the 13th and will
complete by the 2nd of the
following month.

Save this document with your name in the filename, and follow the instructions in your
course to submit it for grading and feedback.

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