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The key to making the maximum score improvements in a limited time will be to use a more
targeted approach.
Kunci untuk mencapai peningkatan skor maksimal dalam waktu terbatas adalah dengan
menggunakan pendekatan yang lebih terarah.
1. According to the passage (i.e., “Did the passage say these ideas?”)
Menurut bagian tertentu (yaitu, "Apakah bagian ini menyatakan ide-ide ini?")
2. Inference (i.e., “Can the passage 100% prove these ideas?”)
Inferensi (yaitu, "Apakah bagian ini dapat membuktikan ide-ide ini 100%?")
3. Main idea/purpose questions (i.e. “Why did someone write this?”)
Pertanyaan tentang ide utama/tujuan (yaitu, "Mengapa seseorang/penulis teks menulis

Hal lain yang perlu diperhatikan

1. Scope: The who/what/when/where
Lingkup: Siapa/Apa/Kapan/Dimana
2. Intensity
There is a hierarchy created by these proportionality words:
None < Some < Many < Most or “The Majority” < “The Vast Majority” or “Nearly All”
< All/Every
2. Intensitas
Ada hierarki yang dibuat oleh kata-kata proporsionalitas ini:
Tidak Ada < Beberapa < Banyak < Sebagian Besar atau "Mayoritas" < "Mayoritas Besar"
atau "Hampir Semua" < Semua/Setiap

These differences may seem trivial, but they often contain the key to unlocking the
difference between right and wrong answers in Reading Comprehension (and Critical
Perbedaan ini mungkin terlihat remeh, tetapi seringkali mengandung kunci untuk memahami
perbedaan antara jawaban yang benar dan yang salah dalam Pemahaman Bacaan (dan Penalaran

Question 1
Dear Editor of IJELS,
I hope this email finds you well. I submitted a manuscript titled “Developing Mobile-based
Application Using Case-Method on Local Wisdom in Indonesia,” which I submitted to IJELS on
December 1, 2023. I understand that the publishing process requires careful consideration and often
takes time. However, the status of my manuscript has remained unchanged on the submissions
platform for an extended period.
I appreciate the efforts of the editorial team and reviewers in evaluating manuscripts, and I
understand the workload involved in managing the publication process. I wanted to inquire if there
are any updates regarding the review or decision for my manuscript.
I have included the relevant details below:
Manuscript Title: Developing Mobile-based Application Using Case-Method on Local Wisdom in
Manuscript ID: 7349852
Corresponding Author: Ahmad Hafidz
Submission Date: December 1, 2023
If possible, could you please provide an estimated timeline for the next steps or any information
regarding the review process? I would be grateful for any updates that can be shared.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon. If there is any
additional information or materials I can provide to assist in the review process, please do not
hesitate to let me know.


Ahmad Hafidz
Universitas ABCDE

1. What is the purpose of the author in writing this email to journal editor?
A. To greet the journal editor and express hope that they are well.
B. To Clearly mention the manuscript title, date of submission, and, if available, the manuscript
C. To show appreciation for the time and effort invested by the editorial team and reviewers in
evaluating manuscripts.
D. To politely inquire about the current status of his manuscript and express his concern about
the lack of updates.
E. To thank the editor for their time and consideration, express your anticipation of their
response, and provide your contact information.

Discussion Q1
Dear Editor of IJELS,
Kepada Redaksi IJELS,

I hope this email finds you well. I submitted a manuscript titled “Developing Mobile-based
Application Using Case-Method on Local Wisdom in Indonesia,” which I submitted to
IJELS on December 1, 2023. I understand that the publishing process requires careful
consideration and often takes time. However, the status of my manuscript has remained
unchanged on the submissions platform for an extended period.
Semoga Anda dalam keadaan baik. Saya mengirim naskah yang berjudul "Pengembangan
Aplikasi Berbasis Seluler Menggunakan Metode Kasus pada Kearifan Lokal di Indonesia," yang
saya kirimkan ke IJELS pada 1 Desember 2023. Saya memahami bahwa proses penerbitan
memerlukan pertimbangan yang teliti dan seringkali membutuhkan waktu. Namun, status naskah
saya tetap tidak berubah di platform pengiriman untuk jangka waktu yang cukup lama.
I appreciate the efforts of the editorial team and reviewers in evaluating manuscripts, and
I understand the workload involved in managing the publication process. I wanted to
inquire if there are any updates regarding the review or decision for my manuscript.
Saya menghargai upaya tim redaksi dan para reviewer dalam mengevaluasi naskah, dan saya
memahami beban kerja yang terlibat dalam mengelola proses publikasi. Saya ingin menanyakan
apakah ada pembaruan mengenai tinjauan atau keputusan untuk naskah saya.
I have included the relevant details below:
Manuscript Title: Developing Mobile-based Application Using Case-Method on Local
Wisdom in Indonesia
Manuscript ID: 7349852
Corresponding Author: Ahmad Hafidz
Submission Date: December 1, 2023
Berikut saya sertakan rincian relevan di bawah ini:
- Judul Naskah: Pengembangan Aplikasi Berbasis Seluler Menggunakan Metode Kasus pada
Kearifan Lokal di Indonesia
- ID Naskah: 7349852
- Penulis Koresponden: Ahmad Hafidz
- Tanggal Pengiriman: 1 Desember 2023
If possible, could you please provide an estimated timeline for the next steps or any
information regarding the review process? I would be grateful for any updates that can be
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon. If
there is any additional information or materials I can provide to assist in the review
process, please do not hesitate to let me know.
Jika memungkinkan, bisakah Anda memberikan perkiraan jangka waktu untuk langkah
selanjutnya atau informasi mengenai proses tinjauan? Saya akan bersyukur atas setiap
pembaruan yang dapat dibagikan.
Terima kasih atas waktu dan pertimbangannya. Saya menantikan kabar dari Anda segera. Jika
ada informasi atau materi tambahan yang bisa saya berikan untuk membantu proses tinjauan,
tolong beri tahu saya.


Ahmad Hafidz
Universitas ABCDE
Dengan hormat,

Ahmad Hafidz
Universitas ABCDE

Kunci Jawaban Q1:

1. What is the purpose of the author in writing this email to journal editor?
A. To greet the journal editor and express hope that they are well.
B. To Clearly mention the manuscript title, date of submission, and, if available, the manuscript
C. To show appreciation for the time and effort invested by the editorial team and reviewers in
evaluating manuscripts.
D. To politely inquire about the current status of his manuscript and express his concern
about the lack of updates.
E. To thank the editor for their time and consideration, express your anticipation of their
response, and provide your contact information.

1. Apa tujuan penulis dalam menulis email ini kepada editor jurnal?
A. Mengucapkan salam kepada editor jurnal dan menyatakan harapannya bahwa mereka baik-
baik saja.
B. Secara jelas menyebutkan judul naskah, tanggal pengiriman, dan, jika tersedia, ID naskah.
C. Menunjukkan penghargaan atas waktu dan usaha yang diinvestasikan oleh tim redaksi dan
para reviewer dalam mengevaluasi naskah.
D. Dengan sopan menanyakan tentang status saat ini dari naskahnya dan menyatakan
kekhawatirannya tentang kurangnya pembaruan.
E. Mengucapkan terima kasih kepada editor atas waktu dan pertimbangannya, menyatakan
antisipasi terhadap respons mereka, dan memberikan informasi kontak.

Pembahasan Q1:
The purpose of the author in writing this email to the journal editor is:
D. To politely inquire about the current status of his manuscript and express his concern about the
lack of updates.

The email is written with the primary intention of seeking information about the status of the
submitted manuscript. The author acknowledges the time and effort invested by the editorial team
and reviewers, expressing understanding of the publishing process's time-consuming nature.
However, the key focus is on politely inquiring about any updates regarding the review or
decision for the manuscript. The author provides specific details such as the manuscript title,
submission date, and manuscript ID to facilitate a more efficient response. The closing expresses
gratitude for the editor's time and consideration while also indicating an anticipation of a response
and offering further assistance if needed.

Tujuan penulis dalam menulis email ini kepada editor jurnal adalah:
D. Dengan sopan menanyakan tentang status terkini naskahnya dan menyatakan kekhawatirannya
mengenai kurangnya pembaruan.

Penjelasan Q1:
Email ini ditulis dengan tujuan utama untuk mencari informasi tentang status naskah yang telah
diajukan. Penulis mengakui waktu dan usaha yang diinvestasikan oleh tim redaksi dan para
reviewer, menyatakan pemahaman akan sifat waktu yang dibutuhkan dalam proses penerbitan.
Namun, fokus utamanya adalah dengan sopan menanyakan apakah ada pembaruan mengenai
tinjauan atau keputusan untuk naskahnya. Penulis menyediakan rincian spesifik seperti judul
naskah, tanggal pengiriman, dan ID naskah untuk memudahkan respon yang lebih efisien.
Penutup menyatakan rasa terima kasih atas waktu dan pertimbangan editor sambil juga
menunjukkan antisipasi terhadap respons dan menawarkan bantuan lebih lanjut jika diperlukan.

Question 2
In 2014, Amelia Quon and her team at NASA set out to build a helicopter capable of flying on
Mars. Because Mars’s atmosphere is only one percent as dense as Earth’s, the air of Mars would
not provide enough resistance to the rotating blades of a standard helicopter for the aircraft to stay
aloft. For five years, Quon’s team tested designs in a lab that mimicked Mars’s atmospheric
conditions. The craft the team ultimately designed can fly on Mars because its blades are longer
and rotate faster than those of a helicopter of the same size built for Earth.
2. According to the text, why would a helicopter built for Earth be unable to fly on Mars?
A. Because Mars and Earth have different atmospheric conditions
B. Because the blades of helicopters built for Earth are too large to work on Mars
C. Because the gravity of Mars is much weaker than the gravity of Earth
D. Because helicopters built for Earth are too small to handle the conditions on Mars
E. Because Mars's atmosphere is only one percent as dense as Earth's, providing sufficient
resistance to the rotating blades of a standard helicopter for it to stay aloft.

Discussion Q2
In 2014, Amelia Quon and her team at NASA set out to build a helicopter capable of flying
on Mars. Because Mars’s atmosphere is only one percent as dense as Earth’s, the air of
Mars would not provide enough resistance to the rotating blades of a standard helicopter
for the aircraft to stay aloft. For five years, Quon’s team tested designs in a lab that
mimicked Mars’s atmospheric conditions. The craft the team ultimately designed can fly on
Mars because its blades are longer and rotate faster than those of a helicopter of the same
size built for Earth.

Pada tahun 2014, Amelia Quon dan timnya di NASA memulai pembangunan helikopter yang
mampu terbang di Mars. Karena atmosfer Mars hanya satu persen dari ketebalan atmosfer Bumi,
udara di Mars tidak akan memberikan cukup hambatan terhadap baling-baling berputar dari
helikopter standar agar pesawat tersebut tetap terbang. Selama lima tahun, tim Quon menguji
desain-desain di laboratorium yang meniru kondisi atmosfer Mars. Pesawat yang tim akhirnya
desain dapat terbang di Mars karena baling-balingnya lebih panjang dan berputar lebih cepat
daripada helikopter berukuran sama yang dibangun untuk Bumi.

Kunci Jawaban Q2
2. According to the text, why would a helicopter built for Earth be unable to fly on Mars?
A. Because Mars and Earth have different atmospheric conditions
B. Because the blades of helicopters built for Earth are too large to work on Mars
C. Because the gravity of Mars is much weaker than the gravity of Earth
D. Because helicopters built for Earth are too small to handle the conditions on Mars
E. Because Mars's atmosphere is only one percent as dense as Earth's, providing sufficient
resistance to the rotating blades of a standard helicopter for it to stay aloft.

2. Menurut teks, mengapa helikopter yang dibangun untuk Bumi tidak dapat terbang di Mars?
A. Karena Mars dan Bumi memiliki kondisi atmosfer yang berbeda
B. Karena baling-baling helikopter yang dibangun untuk Bumi terlalu besar untuk bekerja di
C. Karena gravitasi Mars jauh lebih lemah daripada gravitasi Bumi
D. Karena helikopter yang dibangun untuk Bumi terlalu kecil untuk mengatasi kondisi di Mars
E. Karena atmosfer Mars hanya satu persen dari ketebalan atmosfer Bumi, memberikan
hambatan yang cukup terhadap baling-baling berputar dari helikopter standar agar tetap

Penjelasan Q2
Choice A is the best answer because it presents an explanation about a helicopter that is
directly supported by the text. The text states that Mars’s atmosphere is much less dense
than Earth’s, and as a result, the air on Mars doesn’t provide the resistance required to
support the blades of a helicopter built for Earth and to keep the helicopter aloft. In other
words, a helicopter built for Earth can’t fly on Mars because of the differences in the two
planets’ atmospheres.
Pilihan A adalah jawaban terbaik karena memberikan penjelasan tentang helikopter yang
didukung langsung oleh teks. Teks menyatakan bahwa atmosfer Mars jauh lebih kurang tebal
dibandingkan dengan atmosfer Bumi, dan sebagai hasilnya, udara di Mars tidak memberikan
hambatan yang diperlukan untuk mendukung baling-baling helikopter yang dibangun untuk Bumi
dan agar helikopter tetap terbang. Dengan kata lain, helikopter yang dibangun untuk Bumi tidak
dapat terbang di Mars karena perbedaan dalam atmosfer kedua planet tersebut.

Choice B is incorrect because instead of stating that the blades of helicopters built for Earth
are too large to work on Mars, the text indicates that the helicopter built to fly on Mars
actually has even longer blades than a helicopter built for Earth.
Pilihan B salah karena daripada menyatakan bahwa baling-baling helikopter yang dibangun untuk
Bumi terlalu besar untuk bekerja di Mars, teks menunjukkan bahwa helikopter yang dibangun
untuk terbang di Mars sebenarnya memiliki baling-baling yang lebih panjang daripada helikopter
yang dibangun untuk Bumi.

Choice C is incorrect because the text never addresses the role of gravity on Mars or on
Earth; instead, it focuses on atmospheric conditions.
Pilihan C salah karena teks tidak pernah membahas peran gravitasi di Mars atau di Bumi;
sebaliknya, fokusnya adalah pada kondisi atmosfer.

Choice D is incorrect because the text doesn’t indicate that helicopters built for Earth are
too small to operate in the conditions on Mars. In fact, the text states that the size of the
helicopter built to fly on Mars is the same size as a helicopter built for Earth, even though it
has longer blades that rotate faster.
Pilihan D salah karena teks tidak menunjukkan bahwa helikopter yang dibangun untuk Bumi
terlalu kecil untuk beroperasi dalam kondisi di Mars. Bahkan, teks menyatakan bahwa ukuran
helikopter yang dibangun untuk terbang di Mars sama dengan helikopter yang dibangun untuk
Bumi, meskipun memiliki baling-baling yang lebih panjang yang berputar lebih cepat.

Choice E is incorrect because it is insufficient, not sufficient.

Pilihan E salah karena istilah yang benar adalah "insufficient" (tidak cukup), bukan "sufficient"

Question 3
Dark Snow Most of Greenland’s interior is covered by a thick layer of ice and compressed snow
known as the Greenland Ice Sheet. The size of the ice sheet fluctuates seasonally: in summer,
average daily high temperatures in Greenland can rise to slightly above 50 degrees Fahrenheit,
partially melting the ice; in the winter, the sheet thickens as additional snow falls, and average
daily low temperatures can drop to as low as 20 degrees.

3. Which choice most accurately and effectively represents the information in the graph?
B. to 12 degrees Fahrenheit
C. to their lowest point on December 13
D. to their highest point on December 13
E. to 10 degrees Fahrenheit and stay there for months

Discussion Q3
Dark Snow Most of Greenland’s interior is covered by a thick layer of ice and compressed
snow known as the Greenland Ice Sheet. The size of the ice sheet fluctuates seasonally: in
summer, average daily high temperatures in Greenland can rise to slightly above 50 degrees
Fahrenheit, partially melting the ice; in the winter, the sheet thickens as additional snow
falls, and average daily low temperatures can drop to as low as 20 degrees.
Dark Snow Sebagian besar bagian dalam Greenland tertutup oleh lapisan tebal es dan salju yang
terkompres yang dikenal sebagai Lembaran Es Greenland. Ukuran lembaran es ini berfluktuasi
musiman: di musim panas, suhu harian rata-rata tertinggi di Greenland bisa naik sedikit di atas 50
derajat Fahrenheit, sebagian melelehkan es; di musim dingin, lembaran ini menebal karena salju
tambahan turun, dan suhu harian rata-rata terendah bisa turun hingga serendah 20 derajat.
Pilihan yang paling akurat dan efektif mewakili informasi dalam grafik tersebut adalah B) hingga
12 derajat Fahrenheit.

Kunci Jawaban Q3
3.Which choice most accurately and effectively represents the information in the graph?
B. to 12 degrees Fahrenheit
C. to their lowest point on December 13
D. to their highest point on December 13
E. to 10 degrees Fahrenheit and stay there for months

3. Pilihan mana yang paling akurat dan efektif mewakili informasi dalam grafik?
B. hingga 12 derajat Fahrenheit
C. hingga titik terendah mereka pada 13 Desember
D. hingga titik tertinggi mereka pada 13 Desember
E. hingga 10 derajat Fahrenheit dan tetap di sana selama berbulan-bulan

Penjelasan Q3
Choice B is the best answer because the graph clearly indicates that, on March 5, average
low temperatures are at their lowest point: 12 degrees Fahrenheit.
Choice A is incorrect because the phrase “as low as” suggests that the temperature falls no
lower than 20 degrees Fahrenheit, but the chart shows that in January, February, and
March, the temperature frequently falls below that point.
Choices C, D and E are incorrect because the information each provides is inconsistent with
the information on the chart.
Pilihan B adalah jawaban terbaik karena grafik dengan jelas menunjukkan bahwa pada 5 Maret,
suhu rendah rata-rata berada pada titik terendahnya: 12 derajat Fahrenheit.
Pilihan A salah karena frasa "as low as" menunjukkan bahwa suhu tidak turun lebih rendah dari
20 derajat Fahrenheit, tetapi grafik menunjukkan bahwa pada Januari, Februari, dan Maret, suhu
sering turun di bawah titik itu.
Pilihan C, D dan E salah karena informasi yang disediakan oleh masing-masing tidak konsisten
dengan informasi pada grafik.

Questions 4-5
Problem-oriented project work, also known as problem and project-based learning (PBL),
is a popular educational approach in engineering education. However, the focus of the literature
on the implementation of PBL has been at the course and institutional levels. Scant attention has
been paid to the student experience, especially regarding student conceptions of PBL. This is a
phenomenographic study of student conceptions of PBL in a Danish engineering program that
uses a systemic PBL model. This study follows a phenomenographic qualitative design. Sixteen
participants from four different engineering disciplines were asked to share their views and
experiences with PBL. The interview transcripts were analyzed to identify emerging variations in
the student conceptions of PBL. The outcome space suggests three levels of students' conceptions
of PBL: individual, group and society levels. Within the categories of description, sublevel
variations appear: PBL as an unsupportive process and environment, PBL as a supportive process
and environment, and PBL as a structured education method. These conceptions were organized
hierarchically from a narrow individual to a broader society level.
One must be careful to outline what is meant by problem-oriented project work since
other student-centered pedagogies with different practices also use the acronym PBL, including
problem-based learning and project-based learning. Perhaps the choice of an acronym is
unfortunate in its propensity to sow confusion, but as it has been used in engineering education
literature for 30 years, we will do so in this article. In this paper, PBL designates a method of
learning whereby students work in groups on lengthy projects (between 1 month and 1 semester)
under the guidance of one or two project supervisors (Kolmos, 1996). In PBL, the projects are
problem-based rather than task-based, as in project based learning (De Graaff & Kolmos, 2003).
This means that students examine real-life situations and formulate problems to work on by
themselves instead of following instructions from a teacher. In theory, projects in PBL should be
interdisciplinary, although, in practice, this is not always the case (Guerra, 2014). PBL has been
implemented in all forms of hybrid ways, where project work accounts for less than 20% of
student learning credits, fits into a single course, or combines with other pedagogies (Kolmos,
2017; Servant-Miklos, 2019). In recent years, to clarify the practices behind the acronym, some
scholars refer to systemic PBL to designate a curriculum that is structured around project work
(Kolmos, 2017).
Downloaded from

4. The author provides specific information to answer which of the following research question?
A. What are the qualitatively different conceptions of problem-oriented project work that
engineering students hold in the context of a systemic PBL environment?
B. What are the quantitatively different conceptions of problem-oriented project work that
engineering students hold in the context of a systemic PBL environment?
C. How many engineering students participated in the study on problem-oriented project work
conceptions within a systemic PBL environment?
D. What are the qualitatively similar conceptions of problem-oriented project work that
engineering students hold in the context of a systemic PBL environment?
E. What are the quantitatively similar conceptions of problem-oriented project work that
engineering students hold in the context of a systemic PBL environment?

5.How does the passage describe the projects in problem-oriented project work (PBL) in
comparison to project-based learning (PBL), and what distinguishes PBL from other pedagogies?
A. PBL projects are task-based, while project-based learning projects are problem-based.
B. PBL projects involve interdisciplinary work, unlike other types of learning.
C. PBL projects are instructor-driven, contrasting with project-based learning.
D. PBL projects are short-term, unlike the lengthy projects in project-based learning.
E. PBL projects focus on individual learning, unlike project-based learning that emphasizes
group work.

Discussion Q4-5
Problem-oriented project work, also known as problem and project-based learning
(PBL), is a popular educational approach in engineering education. However, the focus of
the literature on the implementation of PBL has been at the course and institutional levels.
Scant attention has been paid to the student experience, especially regarding student
conceptions of PBL. This is a phenomenographic study of student conceptions of PBL in a
Danish engineering program that uses a systemic PBL model. This study follows a
phenomenographic qualitative design. Sixteen participants from four different engineering
disciplines were asked to share their views and experiences with PBL. The interview
transcripts were analyzed to identify emerging variations in the student conceptions of PBL.
The outcome space suggests three levels of students' conceptions of PBL: individual, group
and society levels. Within the categories of description, sublevel variations appear: PBL as
an unsupportive process and environment, PBL as a supportive process and environment,
and PBL as a structured education method. These conceptions were organized
hierarchically from a narrow individual to a broader society level.
Pekerjaan proyek berorientasi masalah, juga dikenal sebagai pembelajaran berbasis
masalah dan proyek (PBL), adalah pendekatan pendidikan yang populer dalam pendidikan teknik.
Namun, fokus literatur tentang penerapan PBL berada di tingkat kursus dan kelembagaan. Sedikit
perhatian telah diberikan pada pengalaman siswa, terutama mengenai konsepsi siswa tentang PBL.
Ini adalah studi fenomenografi tentang konsep PBL siswa dalam program teknik Denmark yang
menggunakan model PBL sistemik. Penelitian ini mengikuti desain kualitatif fenomenografi.
Enam belas peserta dari empat disiplin ilmu teknik yang berbeda diminta untuk berbagi
pandangan dan pengalaman mereka dengan PBL. Transkrip wawancara dianalisis untuk
mengidentifikasi variasi yang muncul dalam konsepsi siswa tentang PBL. Ruang hasil
menyarankan tiga tingkat konsepsi siswa tentang PBL: tingkat individu, kelompok dan
masyarakat. Dalam kategori deskripsi, muncul variasi sublevel: PBL sebagai proses dan
lingkungan yang tidak mendukung, PBL sebagai proses dan lingkungan yang mendukung, dan
PBL sebagai metode pendidikan terstruktur. Konsepsi ini disusun secara hierarkis dari individu
yang sempit ke tingkat masyarakat yang lebih luas.

One must be careful to outline what is meant by problem-oriented project
work since other student-centered pedagogies with different practices also use the acronym
PBL, including problem-based learning and project-based learning. Perhaps the choice of
an acronym is unfortunate in its propensity to sow confusion, but as it has been used in
engineering education literature for 30 years, we will do so in this article. In this paper, PBL
designates a method of learning whereby students work in groups on lengthy projects
(between 1 month and 1 semester) under the guidance of one or two project supervisors
(Kolmos, 1996). In PBL, the projects are problem-based rather than task-based, as in
project based learning (De Graaff & Kolmos, 2003). This means that students examine real-
life situations and formulate problems to work on by themselves instead of following
instructions from a teacher. In theory, projects in PBL should be interdisciplinary, although,
in practice, this is not always the case (Guerra, 2014). PBL has been implemented in all
forms of hybrid ways, where project work accounts for less than 20% of student learning
credits, fits into a single course, or combines with other pedagogies (Kolmos, 2017; Servant-
Miklos, 2019). In recent years, to clarify the practices behind the acronym, some scholars
refer to systemic PBL to designate a curriculum that is structured around project work
(Kolmos, 2017).
Uraian tentang apa yang dimaksud dengan pekerjaan proyek berorientasi masalah harus
dilakukan secara hati-hati karena pedagogi yang berpusat pada siswa lainnya dengan praktik yang
berbeda juga menggunakan akronim PBL, termasuk pembelajaran berbasis masalah dan
pembelajaran berbasis proyek. Mungkin pilihan akronim sangat disayangkan karena cenderung
menimbulkan kebingungan, tetapi karena akronim telah digunakan dalam literatur pendidikan
teknik selama 30 tahun, kami akan melakukannya di artikel ini. Dalam makalah ini, PBL
menunjuk metode pembelajaran dimana siswa bekerja dalam kelompok pada proyek yang
panjang (antara 1 bulan dan 1 semester) di bawah bimbingan satu atau dua pengawas proyek
(Kolmos, 1996). Dalam PBL, proyek lebih berbasis masalah daripada berbasis tugas, seperti
dalam pembelajaran berbasis proyek (De Graaff & Kolmos, 2003). Ini berarti bahwa siswa
memeriksa situasi kehidupan nyata dan merumuskan masalah untuk dikerjakan sendiri alih-alih
mengikuti instruksi dari guru. Secara teori, proyek dalam PBL harus bersifat interdisipliner,
meskipun dalam praktiknya tidak selalu demikian (Guerra, 2014). PBL telah diterapkan dalam
semua bentuk cara hibrid, di mana pekerjaan proyek menyumbang kurang dari 20% dari kredit
pembelajaran siswa, cocok menjadi satu mata pelajaran, atau digabungkan dengan pedagogi
lainnya (Kolmos, 2017; Servant-Miklos, 2019). Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, untuk
mengklarifikasi praktik di balik akronim, beberapa sarjana merujuk PBL sistemik untuk
menunjuk kurikulum yang terstruktur di sekitar pekerjaan proyek (Kolmos, 2017).
Diunduh dari
Kunci Jawaban
4. The author provides specific information to answer which of the following research question?
A. What are the qualitatively different conceptions of problem-oriented project work that
engineering students hold in the context of a systemic PBL environment?
B. What are the quantitatively different conceptions of problem-oriented project work that
engineering students hold in the context of a systemic PBL environment?
C. How many engineering students participated in the study on problem-oriented project work
conceptions within a systemic PBL environment?
D. What are the qualitatively similar conceptions of problem-oriented project work that
engineering students hold in the context of a systemic PBL environment?
E. What are the quantitatively similar conceptions of problem-oriented project work that
engineering students hold in the context of a systemic PBL environment?

4. Penulis memberikan informasi khusus untuk menjawab rumusan masalah mana yang paling
A. Apa konsep yang berbeda secara kualitatif dari pekerjaan proyek berorientasi masalah
yang dimiliki mahasiswa teknik dalam konteks lingkungan PBL yang sistemik?
B. Apa konsep kuantitatif yang berbeda dari pekerjaan proyek berorientasi masalah yang dimiliki
mahasiswa teknik dalam konteks lingkungan PBL yang sistemik?
C. Berapa jumlah mahasiswa teknik mesin yang berpartisipasi pada pekerjaan proyek berorientasi
masalah yang dimiliki mahasiswa teknik dalam konteks lingkungan PBL yang sistemik?
D. Apa konsepsi serupa secara kualitatif dari pekerjaan proyek berorientasi masalah yang dimiliki
mahasiswa teknik dalam konteks lingkungan PBL yang sistemik?
E. Apa konsep kuantitatif serupa dari pekerjaan proyek berorientasi masalah yang dimiliki
mahasiswa teknik dalam konteks lingkungan PBL yang sistemik?

4. A. What are the qualitatively different conceptions of problem-oriented project work that
engineering students hold in the context of a systemic PBL environment?
The author's study focuses on exploring and understanding the qualitatively different
conceptions of problem-oriented project work (PBL) held by engineering students in the
context of a systemic PBL environment. The paragraph mentions that the study follows a
phenomenographic qualitative design, emphasizing the exploration of variations in student
conceptions rather than quantitative measures.
Studi penulis berfokus pada menjelajahi dan memahami konsepsi yang berbeda secara kualitatif
tentang pekerjaan proyek berorientasi pada masalah (PBL) yang dimiliki oleh mahasiswa teknik
dalam konteks lingkungan PBL sistemik. Paragraf tersebut menyebutkan bahwa studi ini
mengikuti desain kualitatif fenomenografik, menekankan eksplorasi variasi dalam konsepsi
mahasiswa daripada pengukuran kuantitatif.

Kunci Jawaban
5. How does the passage describe the projects in problem-oriented project work in comparison to
project-based learning (PBL), and what distinguishes PBL from other pedagogies?
A. PBL projects are task-based, while project-based learning projects are problem-based.
B. PBL projects involve interdisciplinary work, unlike other types of learning.
C. PBL projects are instructor-driven, contrasting with project-based learning.
D. PBL projects are short-term, unlike the lengthy projects in project-based learning.
E. PBL projects focus on individual learning, unlike project-based learning that emphasizes
group work.

5. Bagaimana teks menggambarkan proyek dalam problem-oriented project work dibandingkan

dengan project-based learning (PBL), dan apa yang membedakan PBL dari pedagogi lainnya?
A. Proyek PBL berbasis tugas, sedangkan proyek pembelajaran berbasis proyek berbasis masalah.
B. Proyek PBL melibatkan kerja lintas disiplin, tidak seperti jenis pembelajaran lainnya.
C. Proyek PBL didorong oleh instruktur, berbeda dengan pembelajaran berbasis proyek.
D. Proyek PBL bersifat jangka pendek, tidak seperti proyek berbasis pembelajaran yang panjang.
E. Proyek PBL berfokus pada pembelajaran individu, tidak seperti pembelajaran berbasis proyek
yang menekankan kerja kelompok.

5. Answer: B. The passage indicates that PBL projects involve interdisciplinary work,
distinguishing PBL from other pedagogies.
Explanation: The passage mentions that in PBL, projects are problem-based rather than task-
based (eliminating option A). It also states that, in theory, PBL projects should be
interdisciplinary (supporting option B). This distinction helps differentiate PBL from other
5. Jawaban: B. Teks menyatakan bahwa proyek PBL melibatkan pekerjaan lintas disiplin,
membedakan PBL dari pedagogi lain.
Penjelasan: Teks menyebutkan bahwa dalam PBL, proyek berbasis masalah daripada berbasis
tugas (menghilangkan opsi A). Ini juga menyatakan bahwa, dalam teori, proyek PBL seharusnya
bersifat lintas disiplin (mendukung opsi B). Perbedaan ini membantu membedakan PBL dari
pedagogi lain.

Questions 6-9 refer to this passage

The study of cetacean intelligence has added to our understanding of dolphin behavior.
Even though cetaceans, which are marine animals including dolphins, whales, and porpoises, are
widely considered intelligent species, conclusions about the type and extent of dolphin
intelligence have not yet been reached. However, there are several things that we do know about
the ways in which dolphins communicate and behave in groups.
Researchers study the level of communication among dolphins because communication
systems can offer insight into an animal’s intelligence. Dolphins produce two primary types of
vocalizations called clicks and whistles. Dolphins generally use clicks for the purposes of
echolocation and whistles for communication. Dolphins emit clicks as rapid broadband bursts that
are sent out into their environment and then echo back, giving them information about their
surroundings. Whistles differ from clicks by being sent out as narrow-band frequency modulated
signals, which are for communications such as contact calls. Strong evidence supports the idea
that dolphins use signature whistles to identify and call to each other.
One hypothesis called the “acoustic flashlight” hypothesis maintains that dolphins may be
able to learn passively about their surroundings by listening in on the echolocative inspections of
other dolphins. Scientists are researching this idea by looking at how dolphins participate in
postural pointing, an activity that humans perform when they point a finger to direct another
person towards an object or location.
Communication is also an important part of how dolphins behave in groups, which can
range in size from a pair of dolphins to a pod of hundreds of individuals. Researchers have
noticed that large packs rely on a highly organized method of communication when responding to
predators, such as sharks. When a group of dolphins reacts to an unexpected disturbance, it will
quickly move in near-unison to avoid the threat. In this way, dolphins rely on visual and auditory
cues to communicate their location and to interpret the locations of others in the pod.

6. It can be inferred from the passage that a dolphin would use clicks instead of whistles to…
A. call to another member of the same pod
B. locate a possible route through an underwater obstacle
C. communicate a perceived threat to other dolphins
D. contact other dolphins when separated from a group
E. identify itself to another calling dolphin

7. According to the passage, rapid communication enables dolphins to…

A. work in unison to locate food sources
B. move quickly as a group to escape a perceived threat
C. establish relationships quickly with their peers
D. have more highly organized hunting patterns
E. establish their territories when other cetaceans are present

8. It can be inferred from the passage that if another animal does not have a communication
system as highly advanced as that of a dolphin, then…
A. the other animal will be less likely to survive a shark attack
B. the other animal is probably a whale or porpoise
C. the other animal probably does not travel in a group with others of its kind
D. the other animal does not engage in postural pointing
E. the other animal is likely considered less intelligent than the dolphin

9. The author of this passage is primarily concerned with…

A. contrasting dolphin communications with those of other cetaceans
B. defining the term “cetacean intelligence” by offering an example of dolphin communication
C. offering an example of how dolphins used highly-developed communication patterns to escape
D. explaining how dolphins communicate and behave in groups
E. providing an in-depth analysis of a disputed claim

Discussion Q6-9
The study of cetacean intelligence has added to our understanding of dolphin
behavior. Even though cetaceans, which are marine animals including dolphins, whales, and
porpoises, are widely considered intelligent species, conclusions about the type and extent of
dolphin intelligence have not yet been reached. However, there are several things that we do
know about the ways in which dolphins communicate and behave in groups.
Studi tentang kecerdasan mamalia laut telah menambah pemahaman kita tentang perilaku
lumba-lumba. Meskipun mamalia laut, yang meliputi lumba-lumba, paus, dan pesut, umumnya
dianggap sebagai spesies yang cerdas, kesimpulan tentang jenis dan sejauh mana kecerdasan
lumba-lumba belum tercapai. Namun, ada beberapa hal yang kita ketahui tentang cara lumba-
lumba berkomunikasi dan berperilaku dalam kelompok.
Researchers study the level of communication among dolphins because
communication systems can offer insight into an animal’s intelligence. Dolphins produce
two primary types of vocalizations called clicks and whistles. Dolphins generally use clicks
for the purposes of echolocation and whistles for communication. Dolphins emit clicks as
rapid broadband bursts that are sent out into their environment and then echo back, giving
them information about their surroundings. Whistles differ from clicks by being sent out as
narrow-band frequency modulated signals, which are for communications such as contact
calls. Strong evidence supports the idea that dolphins use signature whistles to identify and
call to each other.
Para peneliti mempelajari tingkat komunikasi di antara lumba-lumba karena sistem
komunikasi dapat memberikan wawasan tentang kecerdasan hewan. Lumba-lumba menghasilkan
dua jenis vokalisasi utama yang disebut klik dan siulan. Lumba-lumba umumnya menggunakan
klik untuk tujuan ecolokasi dan siulan untuk berkomunikasi. Lumba-lumba mengeluarkan klik
sebagai serentetan suara lebar yang dikirim ke lingkungannya dan kemudian memantul kembali,
memberikan informasi tentang sekitarnya. Siulan berbeda dari klik karena dikirim sebagai sinyal
modulasi frekuensi pita sempit, yang digunakan untuk komunikasi seperti panggilan kontak.
Bukti kuat mendukung gagasan bahwa lumba-lumba menggunakan siulan tanda tangan untuk
mengidentifikasi dan memanggil satu sama lain.
One hypothesis called the “acoustic flashlight” hypothesis maintains that dolphins
may be able to learn passively about their surroundings by listening in on the echolocative
inspections of other dolphins. Scientists are researching this idea by looking at how dolphins
participate in postural pointing, an activity that humans perform when they point a finger
to direct another person towards an object or location.
Salah satu hipotesis yang disebut "hipotesis senter akustik" menyatakan bahwa lumba-
lumba mungkin dapat belajar secara pasif tentang sekitarnya dengan mendengarkan inspeksi
ecolokasi lumba-lumba lain. Ilmuwan sedang meneliti ide ini dengan melihat bagaimana lumba-
lumba berpartisipasi dalam penunjukan postur, kegiatan yang dilakukan manusia saat menunjuk
dengan jari untuk mengarahkan orang lain ke arah objek atau lokasi.
Communication is also an important part of how dolphins behave in groups, which
can range in size from a pair of dolphins to a pod of hundreds of individuals. Researchers
have noticed that large packs rely on a highly organized method of communication when
responding to predators, such as sharks. When a group of dolphins reacts to an unexpected
disturbance, it will quickly move in near-unison to avoid the threat. In this way, dolphins
rely on visual and auditory cues to communicate their location and to interpret the locations
of others in the pod.

Komunikasi juga merupakan bagian penting dari cara lumba-lumba berperilaku dalam
kelompok, yang dapat bervariasi dari sepasang lumba-lumba hingga kumpulan ratusan individu.
Para peneliti telah menyadari bahwa kelompok besar mengandalkan metode komunikasi yang
sangat terorganisir saat merespons predator, seperti hiu. Ketika sekelompok lumba-lumba
merespons gangguan yang tidak terduga, mereka akan bergerak dengan cepat hampir serentak
untuk menghindari ancaman. Dengan cara ini, lumba-lumba mengandalkan isyarat visual dan
auditori untuk berkomunikasi lokasi mereka dan untuk mengartikan lokasi orang lain dalam pod.

Kunci Jawaban
6.It can be inferred from the passage that a dolphin would use clicks instead of whistles to…
A. call to another member of the same pod
B. locate a possible route through an underwater obstacle
C. Communicate a perceived threat to other dolphins
D. Contact other dolphins when separated from a group
E. Identify itself to another calling dolphin

6. Dapat disimpulkan dari teks bahwa seekor lumba-lumba akan menggunakan klik daripada
siulan untuk…
A. Memanggil anggota lain dari pod yang sama
B. Menemukan rute mungkin melalui rintangan bawah air
C. Mengkomunikasikan ancaman yang dirasakan kepada lumba-lumba lain
D. Menghubungi lumba-lumba lain ketika terpisah dari kelompok
E. Mengidentifikasi dirinya kepada lumba-lumba yang memanggil

Penjelasan Q6
The correct answer is (B). Paragraph 2 discusses how dolphins use clicks and whistles.
Notice that the passage states that dolphins "generally use clicks for the purposes of
echolocation and whistles for communication." Since we are being asked to infer when a
dolphin would use clicks, we're looking for an answer choice that offers an example of when
a dolphin would want to locate something and eliminate examples of when a dolphin would
want to communicate.
Jawaban yang benar adalah (B). Paragraf 2 membahas cara lumba-lumba menggunakan klik dan
siulan. Perhatikan bahwa teks menyatakan bahwa lumba-lumba "umumnya menggunakan klik
untuk tujuan ecolokasi dan siulan untuk berkomunikasi." Karena kita diminta untuk
menyimpulkan kapan lumba-lumba akan menggunakan klik, kita mencari jawaban yang
memberikan contoh kapan lumba-lumba ingin menemukan sesuatu dan mengeliminasi contoh
kapan lumba-lumba ingin berkomunikasi.

Kunci Jawaban
7. According to the passage, rapid communication enables dolphins to:
A. work in unison to locate food sources
B. move quickly as a group to escape a perceived threat
C. establish relationships quickly with their peers
D. have more highly organized hunting patterns
E. establish their territories when other cetaceans are present

7. Menurut teks, komunikasi cepat memungkinkan lumba-lumba untuk:

A. Bekerja bersama untuk menemukan sumber makanan
B. Bergerak cepat sebagai kelompok untuk menghindari ancaman yang dirasakan
C. Membangun hubungan dengan cepat dengan teman sejawat mereka
D. Memiliki pola perburuan yang lebih terorganisir
E. Membuat wilayah mereka ketika mamalia laut lain hadir

Penjelasan Q7
The correct answer is (B). The phrase "according to the passage" provides a clue to look
directly to the passage for the answer. Notice that paragraph 4 discusses an example when
dolphins move "quickly in near-unison to avoid a threat." This example explains how
dolphins use rapid communication to move as a group to escape.
Jawaban yang benar adalah (B). Frasa "menurut teks" memberikan petunjuk untuk melihat
langsung ke teks untuk menemukan jawaban. Perhatikan bahwa pada paragraf 4 dibahas contoh
ketika lumba-lumba bergerak "cepat hampir serentak untuk menghindari ancaman." Contoh ini
menjelaskan bagaimana lumba-lumba menggunakan komunikasi cepat untuk bergerak sebagai
kelompok untuk menghindari.

8.It can be inferred from the passage that if another animal does not have a communication
system as highly advanced as that of a dolphin, then:
A. the other animal will be less likely to survive a shark attack
B. the other animal is probably a whale or porpoise
C. the other animal probably does not travel in a group with others of its kind
D. the other animal does not engage in postural pointing
E. the other animal is likely considered less intelligent than the dolphin

8. Dapat disimpulkan dari teks bahwa jika hewan lain tidak memiliki sistem komunikasi
seadvanced yang dimiliki lumba-lumba, maka:
A. Hewan lain akan kurang mungkin bertahan dari serangan hiu
B. Hewan lain mungkin adalah paus atau pesut
C. Hewan lain mungkin tidak melakukan perjalanan dalam kelompok dengan sesama jenisnya
D. Hewan lain tidak terlibat dalam penunjukan postur
E. Hewan lain kemungkinan dianggap kurang cerdas daripada lumba-lumba

Penjelasan Q8
The correct answer is (E). This question is testing our ability to make a general inference
about dolphin communication and dolphin intelligence. Notice that the first sentence in
paragraph 2 states that "researchers study the level of communication among dolphins
because communication systems can offer insight into an animal’s intelligence." It can be
inferred from this statement that dolphins are considered highly intelligent because they
have a highly organized communication system. Therefore, if an animal does not have a
communication system as highly advanced as a dolphin's, then the other animal is likely
considered less intelligent than the dolphin.
Jawaban yang benar adalah (E). Pertanyaan ini menguji kemampuan kita untuk membuat
inferensi umum tentang komunikasi lumba-lumba dan kecerdasan lumba-lumba. Perhatikan
bahwa kalimat pertama pada paragraf 2 menyatakan bahwa "peneliti mempelajari tingkat
komunikasi di antara lumba-lumba karena sistem komunikasi dapat memberikan wawasan
tentang kecerdasan hewan." Dapat disimpulkan dari pernyataan ini bahwa lumba-lumba dianggap
sangat cerdas karena memiliki sistem komunikasi yang sangat terorganisir. Oleh karena itu, jika
suatu hewan tidak memiliki sistem komunikasi seadvanced seperti lumba-lumba, maka hewan
lain tersebut kemungkinan dianggap kurang cerdas daripada lumba-lumba.

Kunci Jawaban
9.The author of this passage is primarily concerned with:
A. contrasting dolphin communications with those of other cetaceans
B. defining the term “cetacean intelligence” by offering an example of dolphin communication
C. offering an example of how dolphins used highly-developed communication patterns to
escape predators
D. explaining how dolphins communicate and behave in groups
E. providing an in-depth analysis of a disputed claim
9. Penulis dari teks ini pada dasarnya tertarik pada:
A. Membandingkan komunikasi lumba-lumba dengan komunikasi mamalia laut lainnya
B. Mendefinisikan istilah "kecerdasan mamalia laut" dengan memberikan contoh komunikasi
C. Memberikan contoh bagaimana lumba-lumba menggunakan pola komunikasi yang sangat
dikembangkan untuk melarikan diri dari predator
D. Menjelaskan bagaimana lumba-lumba berkomunikasi dan berperilaku dalam
E. Memberikan analisis mendalam tentang klaim yang dipertanyakan

Penjelasan Q9
The correct answer is (D). The text as a whole discusses how dolphins communicate and
behave in groups. It covers echolocation, signature whistles, and group communication of
dolphins. Although some information compares their communication to other marine
mammals, the main focus is to provide an understanding of dolphin behavior and
Jawaban yang benar adalah (D). Teks ini secara keseluruhan membahas cara lumba-lumba
berkomunikasi dan berperilaku dalam kelompok. Ini membahas ecolokasi, siulan tanda tangan,
dan komunikasi kelompok lumba-lumba. Meskipun beberapa informasi tentang komunikasi
dibandingkan dengan mamalia laut lainnya, fokus utama adalah memberikan pemahaman tentang
perilaku dan komunikasi lumba-lumba.

Question 10

10.The following graph offers evidence that gift-givers base their predictions of how much a gift
will be appreciated on…
A. the appreciation level of the gift-recipients.
B. the monetary value of the gift.
C. their own desires for the gifts they purchase.
D. their relationship with the gift-recipients.
E. more expensive gift shows less appreciation.

Discussion Q10
Kunci Jawaban
10. The following graph offers evidence that gift-givers base their predictions of how much a gift
will be appreciated on…
A. the appreciation level of the gift-recipients.
B. the monetary value of the gift.
C. their own desires for the gifts they purchase.
D. their relationship with the gift-recipients.
E. more expensive gift shows less appreciation.
10. Grafik berikut menunjukkan bukti bahwa pemberi hadiah mendasarkan prediksi mereka
tentang seberapa dihargai suatu hadiah pada...
A. Tingkat penghargaan dari penerima hadiah.
B. Nilai uang dari hadiah.
C. Keinginan mereka sendiri terhadap hadiah yang mereka beli.
D. Hubungan mereka dengan penerima hadiah.
E. Hadiah yang lebih mahal menunjukkan apresiasi yang kurang.

Penjelasan Q10
Choice B is the best answer. The graph clearly shows that gift-givers believe that a “more
valuable” gift will be more appreciated than a “less valuable gift.” According to the graph,
gift-givers believe the monetary value of a gift will determine whether that gift is well
received or not. Choice A is incorrect because the graph does not suggest that gift-givers are
aware of gift-recipients’ appreciation levels. Choices C and D are incorrect because neither
the gift-givers’ desire for the gifts they purchase nor the giftgivers’ relationship with the
gift-recipients is addressed in the graph.
Jawaban terbaik adalah Pilihan B. Grafik dengan jelas menunjukkan bahwa pemberi hadiah
percaya bahwa hadiah yang "lebih bernilai" akan lebih dihargai daripada hadiah yang "kurang
bernilai." Menurut grafik, pemberi hadiah percaya bahwa nilai uang dari suatu hadiah akan
menentukan apakah hadiah tersebut diterima dengan baik atau tidak. Pilihan A tidak benar karena
grafik tidak menunjukkan bahwa pemberi hadiah menyadari tingkat penghargaan penerima
hadiah. Pilihan C dan D tidak benar karena baik keinginan pemberi hadiah terhadap hadiah yang
mereka beli maupun hubungan pemberi hadiah dengan penerima hadiah tidak dibahas dalam
grafik. Pilihan E ditambahkan untuk memperluas pilihan jawaban.

Question 11
The closest planet to our sun and the smallest in the solar system, Mercury is also one of
the least understood. Compared to more glamorous planets like Mars, Jupiter and Saturn,
Mercury has received much less attention from scientific study mission. But NASA’s Messenger
prove is set to reveal the secrets behind the odd planet.
Mercury, due to its Closeness to the Sun, is not nearly as dense as the core ratio of the
Earth. The iron core makes up most of the planet’s mass. The "density" of something is a measure
of how much it weighs (technically, its mass) per amount of space it takes up (its volume).
The planet Mercury is so small and so close to the Sun that it does not have any
atmosphere. Perhaps Mercury has no atmosphere because of the weak gravity of the planet which
prevents any gases from getting trapped near its surface.
Lastly, the surface of Mercury is smooth and devoid of craters, which is strange because it
was long suspected that the surface had been bombarded with space rocks and other falling debris.
If one were to compare Mercury to another planet, it could be compared to the planet Mars, which
is also smooth.

11.Which of the sentences above best expresses the essential information in the highlighted
sentences in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out
important information
A. Neither Mercury not Earth has a significant core density.
B. Earth is less dense than Mercury insomuch as it is closer to the Sun.
C. Earth is farther away from the Sun, so it has a higher density than that of Mercury.
D. Mercury is closer to the Sun than Earth.
E. Earth is closer from the Sun, so it has a higher density than that of Mercury.

12. What is the main reason suggested in the passage for Mercury's lack of atmosphere?
A. The weak gravity of Mercury prevents gases from being trapped near its surface.
B. Mercury is too small to have an atmosphere.
C. The iron core of Mercury affects its atmospheric composition.
D. Mercury's proximity to the Sun causes atmospheric depletion.
E. The surface smoothness of Mercury hinders atmospheric formation.

Discussion Q 11-12
The closest planet to our sun and the smallest in the solar system, Mercury is also
one of the least understood. Compared to more glamorous planets like Mars, Jupiter and
Saturn, Mercury has received much less attention from scientific study mission. But
NASA’s Messenger prove is set to reveal the secrets behind the odd planet.
Planet terdekat dengan matahari dan yang terkecil dalam sistem tata surya, Merkurius juga
salah satu yang paling tidak dipahami. Dibandingkan dengan planet yang lebih glamor seperti
Mars, Jupiter, dan Saturnus, Merkurius telah menerima perhatian yang jauh lebih sedikit dari misi
penelitian ilmiah. Namun, pesawat ruang angkasa Messenger milik NASA diatur untuk
mengungkap rahasia di balik planet yang aneh ini.
Mercury, due to its Closeness to the Sun, is not nearly as dense as the core ratio of
the Earth. The iron core makes up most of the planet’s mass. The "density" of something is
a measure of how much it weighs (technically, its mass) per amount of space it takes up (its
Merkurius, karena kedekatannya dengan Matahari, tidak sepadat rasio inti Bumi. Inti besi
membentuk sebagian besar massa planet. "Kepadatan" dari sesuatu adalah ukuran seberapa berat
(secara teknis, massa) per sejumlah ruang yang diambilnya (volumenya).
The planet Mercury is so small and so close to the Sun that it does not have any
atmosphere. Perhaps Mercury has no atmosphere because of the weak gravity of the planet
which prevents any gases from getting trapped near its surface.
Planet Merkurius begitu kecil dan begitu dekat dengan Matahari sehingga tidak memiliki
atmosfer. Mungkin Merkurius tidak memiliki atmosfer karena gravitasinya yang lemah mencegah
gas-gas tertahan di dekat permukaannya.
Lastly, the surface of Mercury is smooth and devoid of craters, which is strange
because it was long suspected that the surface had been bombarded with space rocks and
other falling debris. If one were to compare Mercury to another planet, it could be
compared to the planet Mars, which is also smooth.
Terakhir, permukaan Merkurius halus dan tidak memiliki kawah, yang aneh karena sudah
lama dicurigai bahwa permukaannya telah diserang oleh batuan luar angkasa dan puing yang
jatuh. Jika dibandingkan dengan planet lain, Merkurius bisa dibandingkan dengan planet Mars,
yang juga halus.

Kunci Jawaban
11. Which of the sentences above best expresses the essential information in the highlighted
sentences in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out
important information
A. Neither Mercury not Earth has a significant core density.
B. Earth is less dense than Mercury insomuch as it is closer to the Sun.
C. Earth is farther away from the Sun, so it has a higher density than that of Mercury.
D. Mercury is closer to the Sun than Earth.
E. Earth is closer from the Sun, so it has a higher density than that of Mercury.

11. Kalimat mana di atas yang paling baik menyatakan informasi penting dalam kalimat yang
disorot dalam teks ini? Pilihan yang salah mengubah arti dengan cara yang penting atau
menghilangkan informasi penting.
A. Baik Merkurius maupun Bumi tidak memiliki kepadatan inti yang signifikan.
B. Bumi kurang padat daripada Merkurius karena lebih dekat ke Matahari.
C. Bumi lebih jauh dari Matahari, sehingga memiliki kepadatan yang lebih tinggi daripada
D. Merkurius lebih dekat dengan Matahari daripada Bumi.
E. Bumi lebih dekat dari Matahari, sehingga memiliki kepadatan yang lebih tinggi daripada

Jawaban 11: C. Bumi lebih jauh dari Matahari, sehingga memiliki kepadatan yang lebih tinggi
daripada Merkurius.
The highlighted sentences in the passage explain that Mercury, due to its proximity to the
Sun, is not as dense as the Earth's core ratio. This implies that the density of Mercury is
lower than that of Earth. Option C accurately captures this essential information, stating
that Earth, being farther away from the Sun, has a higher density than Mercury. The other
options either provide incorrect comparisons or change the meaning in important ways.
Penjelasan: Kalimat yang disorot menjelaskan bahwa Merkurius, karena kedekatannya dengan
Matahari, tidak sepadat inti Bumi. Ini menyiratkan bahwa kepadatan Merkurius lebih rendah
daripada Bumi. Pilihan C dengan akurat mencerminkan informasi penting ini, menyatakan bahwa
Bumi, karena lebih jauh dari Matahari, memiliki kepadatan yang lebih tinggi daripada Merkurius.
Pilihan lainnya memberikan perbandingan yang salah atau mengubah arti secara signifikan.

Kunci Jawaban
12. What is the main reason suggested in the passage for Mercury's lack of atmosphere?
A. The weak gravity of Mercury prevents gases from being trapped near its surface.
B. Mercury is too small to have an atmosphere.
C. The iron core of Mercury affects its atmospheric composition.
D. Mercury's proximity to the Sun causes atmospheric depletion.
E. The surface smoothness of Mercury hinders atmospheric formation.

12. Apa alasan utama yang disarankan dalam teks untuk kurangnya atmosfer di Merkurius?
A. Gravitasi lemah Merkurius mencegah gas tertahan di dekat permukaannya.
B. Merkurius terlalu kecil untuk memiliki atmosfer.
C. Inti besi Merkurius memengaruhi komposisi atmosfernya.
D. Kedekatan Merkurius dengan Matahari menyebabkan penyusutan atmosfer.
E. Kelancaran permukaan Merkurius menghambat pembentukan atmosfer.

Penjelasan Q12
Answer: A. The weak gravity of Mercury prevents gases from being trapped near its
Explanation: The passage indicates that Mercury, being small and close to the Sun, lacks an
atmosphere, and a suggestion is made that this could be due to the weak gravity of the
planet. Option A accurately reflects this information, emphasizing the role of weak gravity
in preventing the retention of gases near Mercury's surface. The other options either
provide incorrect reasons or are not supported by the information given in the passage.
Jawaban: A. The weak gravity of Mercury prevents gases from being trapped near its surface.
Penjelasan: Teks mengindikasikan bahwa Merkurius, karena kecil dan dekat dengan Matahari,
tidak memiliki atmosfer, dan disarankan bahwa ini mungkin disebabkan oleh gravitasi yang
lemah dari planet ini. Pilihan A dengan akurat mencerminkan informasi ini, menekankan peran
gravitasi yang lemah dalam mencegah retensi gas di dekat permukaan Merkurius. Pilihan lainnya
either memberikan alasan yang salah atau tidak didukung oleh informasi yang diberikan dalam

Question 13
Many animals also directly use heat energy to control their body temperatures. Reptiles,
such as snakes, lie out in the sun to warm up their bodies. While this heat helps to warm the
bodies of animals, there is not enough energy to meet all the needs of an animal. To obtain this
energy, the animal requires food, which can be broken down in the animal's body to provide the
necessary energy for the animal's life processes.
Only plants can capture light energy directly. Through the process of photosynthesis,
plants convert the light energy into stored energy. Because green plants can manufacture their
own food, plants are called autotrophs or self- nourishing. Photosynthesis is possible because
green plants contain an energy- capturing substance called chlorophyll. The plant gets its green
color because chlorophyll is green. Many seaweeds and other plants that do not appear to be
green also have chlorophyll and therefore can convert the sun's energy into food. In these plants
the greenness is hidden by other pigments.

13. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted
sentence in the passage?
A. Animals do not need food that they can change into energy.
B. Warmth from the sun gives animals all the energy they need to sustain their lives.
C. Life processes for animals are provided by breaking down the sunlight into essential energy.
D. Animals need food that they can change into life-surviving energy.
E. Animals have the ability to break down their bodies, which releases chemicals later
converted into energy.

Discussion Q13
Many animals also directly use heat energy to control their body temperatures.
Reptiles, such as snakes, lie out in the sun to warm up their bodies. While this heat helps to
warm the bodies of animals, there is not enough energy to meet all the needs of an animal.
To obtain this energy, the animal requires food, which can be broken down in the animal's
body to provide the necessary energy for the animal's life processes.
Banyak hewan juga menggunakan energi panas secara langsung untuk mengatur suhu
tubuhnya. Reptil, seperti ular, berbaring di bawah sinar matahari untuk menghangatkan tubuh
mereka. Meskipun panas ini membantu menghangatkan tubuh hewan, energi yang ada tidak
cukup untuk memenuhi semua kebutuhan hewan. Untuk memperoleh energi tersebut, hewan
memerlukan makanan yang dapat diuraikan dalam tubuh hewan untuk menyediakan energi yang
diperlukan bagi proses kehidupan hewan.
Only plants can capture light energy directly. Through the process of photosynthesis,
plants convert the light energy into stored energy. Because green plants can manufacture
their own food, plants are called autotrophs or self- nourishing. Photosynthesis is possible
because green plants contain an energy- capturing substance called chlorophyll. The plant
gets its green color because chlorophyll is green. Many seaweeds and other plants that do
not appear to be green also have chlorophyll and therefore can convert the sun's energy into
food. In these plants the greenness is hidden by other pigments.
Hanya tumbuhan yang dapat menangkap energi cahaya secara langsung. Melalui proses
fotosintesis, tanaman mengubah energi cahaya menjadi energi yang tersimpan. Karena tumbuhan
hijau dapat membuat makanannya sendiri, maka tumbuhan disebut autotrof atau swadaya.
Fotosintesis dimungkinkan karena tumbuhan hijau mengandung zat penangkap energi yang
disebut klorofil. Tumbuhan mendapatkan warna hijau karena klorofil berwarna hijau. Banyak
rumput laut dan tumbuhan lain yang tampaknya tidak berwarna hijau juga memiliki klorofil
sehingga dapat mengubah energi matahari menjadi makanan. Pada tumbuhan ini kehijauan
disembunyikan oleh pigmen lain.
Kunci Jawaban
13. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted
sentence in the passage?
A. Animals do not need food that they can change into energy.
B. Warmth from the sun gives animals all the energy they need to sustain their lives.
C. Life processes for animals are provided by breaking down the sunlight into essential energy.
D. Animals need food that they can change into life-surviving energy.
E. Animals have the ability to break down their bodies, which releases chemicals later
converted into energy.

13. Manakah dari kalimat di bawah ini yang paling mengungkapkan informasi penting dalam
kalimat yang disorot dalam bagian ini?
A. Hewan tidak membutuhkan makanan yang dapat diubah menjadi energi.
B. Kehangatan matahari memberi hewan semua energi yang mereka butuhkan untuk
mempertahankan hidup mereka.
C. Proses kehidupan hewan disediakan dengan memecah sinar matahari menjadi energi esensial.
D. Hewan membutuhkan makanan yang dapat diubah menjadi energi kelangsungan
E. Hewan memiliki kemampuan untuk mengurai tubuhnya, yaitu melepaskan bahan kimia yang
kemudian diubah menjadi energi.

Penjelasan Q13
Pilihan D. pada paragraf pertama, kalimat ketiga. Untuk memperoleh energi tersebut, hewan
memerlukan makanan yang dapat diuraikan dalam tubuh hewan untuk menyediakan energi yang
diperlukan bagi proses kehidupan hewan.

Question 14
Great Britain Ireland Germany Italy Asia
1820 2,400 3,600 970 30 —
1830 1,150 2,720 1,900 9 —
1840 2,600 39,430 29,700 37 1
1850 51,000 164,000 72,000 431 7
1860 30,000 48,700 54,500 1,019 5,476
Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Historical Statistics of the United States from Colonial Times
to 1970.
14. According to the table shown above, the greatest numerical increase in immigration was
A. Asia between 1850 and 1860
B. Ireland between 1830 and 1840
C. Ireland between 1840 and 1850
D. Germany between 1830 and 1840
E. Germany between 1840 and 1850

Discussion Q14 dan Kunci Jawaban

14. According to the table shown above, the greatest numerical increase in immigration was
A. Asia between 1850 and 1860
B. Ireland between 1830 and 1840
C. Ireland between 1840 and 1850
D. Germany between 1830 and 1840
E. Germany between 1840 and 1850

14. Berdasarkan tabel di atas, peningkatan numerik terbesar dalam imigrasi berasal dari....
A. Asia antara tahun 1850 dan 1860
B. Irlandia antara tahun 1830 dan 1840
C. Irlandia antara tahun 1840 dan 1850
D. Jerman antara tahun 1830 dan 1840
E. Jerman antara tahun 1840 dan 1850

Penjelasan Q14
14. The correct answer is C. Immigration from Ireland between 1840 and 1850 increased from
just over 39,000 to 164.000, a far larger increase than that of any other country listed.
14. Jawaban yang benar adalah C. Imigrasi dari Irlandia antara tahun 1840 dan 1850 meningkat
dari sedikit di atas 39.000 menjadi 164.000, peningkatan yang jauh lebih besar daripada negara
lain yang tercantum.

Question 15
The venom of the rattlesnake is injected through fangs which fold back when the mouth is
closed. The venom gland is located between each eye, and a duct carries the venom from the
gland to the fang at the front of the jaw on the same side. When venom is squeezed out of the
gland by muscles, it enters the fang through an opening at the upper end, and venom is then
injected into the prey by an opening near the tip of the fang. The rattlesnake will usually strike its
prey with a venomous bite and then retreat until the toxin has had an opportunity to work. The
snake will then use its heat sensing ability to find the wounded prey and proceed to swallow its

15. Which of the sentences above best expresses the essential information in the highlighted
sentence in the passage?
A.Rattlesnakes usually squeeze their prey before poisoning them with their fangs.
B.The muscles force the poison out of the gland and through the pointed teeth, after which the
tips of the teeth put the poison into the victim.
C.The venom comes from the fangs and is squeezed into the muscles of the snake's prey.
D.Rattlesnakes sometimes fight other animals, so they rise up at their upper end to bite the prey.
E. The venom’s muscles cannot force the poison out of the gland and through the pointed teeth,
after which the tips of the teeth put the poison into the victim.

Discussion Q15
The venom of the rattlesnake is injected through fangs which fold back when the
mouth is closed. The venom gland is located between each eye, and a duct carries the venom
from the gland to the fang at the front of the jaw on the same side. When venom is squeezed
out of the gland by muscles, it enters the fang through an opening at the upper end, and
venom is then injected into the prey by an opening near the tip of the fang. The rattlesnake
will usually strike its prey with a venomous bite and then retreat until the toxin has had an
opportunity to work. The snake will then use its heat sensing ability to find the wounded
prey and proceed to swallow its catch.
Racun ular derik disuntikkan melalui taring yang terlipat ke belakang saat mulut tertutup.
Kelenjar racun terletak di antara setiap mata, dan sebuah saluran membawa racun dari kelenjar ke
taring di bagian depan rahang di sisi yang sama. Ketika racun dikeluarkan dari kelenjar oleh otot,
ia memasuki taring melalui lubang di ujung atas, dan racun kemudian disuntikkan ke mangsa
melalui lubang di dekat ujung taring. Ular derik biasanya akan menyerang mangsanya dengan
gigitan berbisa dan kemudian mundur sampai racunnya memiliki kesempatan untuk bekerja. Ular
itu kemudian akan menggunakan kemampuan penginderaan panasnya untuk menemukan mangsa
yang terluka dan melanjutkan untuk menelan hasil tangkapannya.

Kunci Jawaban
15. Which of the sentences above best expresses the essential information in the highlighted
sentence in the passage?
A.Rattlesnakes usually squeeze their prey before poisoning them with their fangs.
B.The muscles force the poison out of the gland and through the pointed teeth, after which
the tips of the teeth put the poison into the victim.
C.The venom comes from the fangs and is squeezed into the muscles of the snake's prey.
D.Rattlesnakes sometimes fight other animals, so they rise up at their upper end to bite the prey.
E. The venom’s muscles cannot force the poison out of the gland and through the pointed teeth,
after which the tips of the teeth put the poison into the victim.

15. Manakah dari kalimat di bawah ini yang paling mengungkapkan informasi penting dalam
kalimat yang disorot dalam bagian ini? Pilihan yang salah mengubah makna dengan cara yang
penting atau menghilangkan informasi penting.
A. Ular derik biasanya meremas mangsanya sebelum meracuni mereka dengan taringnya.
B.Otot memaksa racun keluar dari kelenjar dan melalui gigi runcing, setelah itu ujung gigi
memasukkan racun ke dalam korban.
C. Racunnya berasal dari taringnya dan dimasukkan ke dalam otot ular mangsanya.
D. Ular derik terkadang berkelahi dengan hewan lain, jadi mereka naik ke atas untuk menggigit
E. Otot ular derik tidak dapat memaksa racun keluar dari kelenjar dan melalui gigi runcing,
setelah itu ujung gigi memasukkan racun ke dalam korban.

Penjelasan Q15
The highlighted sentence explains the process of venom injection in rattlesnakes. Option B
accurately conveys the essential information by stating that muscles force the poison out of
the gland, it travels through the pointed teeth (fangs), and then the tips of the teeth inject
the poison into the victim. This aligns with the original sentence's description of the venom
delivery mechanism. Options A, C, D, and E either introduce irrelevant information or
distort the described process, making them incorrect.
Kalimat yang disorot menjelaskan proses penyuntikan bisa pada ular berbisa. Pilihan B dengan
tepat menyampaikan informasi inti dengan menyatakan bahwa otot memaksa racun keluar dari
kelenjar, melalui gigi runcing (taring), dan kemudian ujung gigi menyuntikkan racun ke mangsa.
Ini sejalan dengan deskripsi kalimat asli tentang mekanisme penyampaian racun. Pilihan A, C, D,
dan E entah memasukkan informasi yang tidak relevan atau memutarbalikkan proses yang
dijelaskan, sehingga tidak benar.

Questions 16 - 17
Title: Understanding the impacts of floods on learning quality, school facilities, and educational
recovery in Indonesia
The findings pertaining to the Jakarta floods of 2013 confirm recent findings from Metro
Manila, Philippines: the net effects of floods on school communities (students, teachers, and other
members of staff) cannot be underestimated because such risks go beyond present understanding
of disaster impacts on education (Cadag et al., 2017). Further documentation of school losses and
disruptions is needed in different contexts, such as small towns and rural settings. Indonesian
national disaster statistics often provide very rough data on affected school buildings.
There is a need to include schools in disaster statistics, and new variables need to be considered in
advocating for the use of a CSS framework to inform data collection. A CSS framework can help
local and national governments thoroughly assess the effects of disasters on schools.
Our research indicates that schools and local governments did not have the guidance needed
to anticipate and introduce risk reduction measures to cope with floods or other natural hazards.
Guidance for schools on risk reduction and educational continuity planning, response, and
recovery are needed from the national and district level.
Our assessment also reveals that to ensure the regaining of access to quality education,
schools adopted various strategies, including providing extra time to students to complete
minimum requirements and accelerated lessons by teachers to finish the existing syllabus.
Interestingly, the majority of the school principals perceived that the flood had little or no impact
on student learning outcomes when measured by the rate of success in the final national
examinations and grades achieved. Although some recommended that learning time lost to the
floods should be compensated by adding extra time to prepare for the national assessment.

16. Which of the sentence fits into the gap in the following research article excerpt?
A. Over the past two decades, a disproportionate number of boys and girls have been killed by
natural hazards (Kousky, 2016).
B. For example, data suggest that at least 35,300 schools were affected by multi-hazard disasters
(Amri et al., 2022).
C. During the flood emergency of 2013, 95 percent of school principals (74 of 80) reported
losses and damage to school buildings and educational facilities to their supervisory agency.
D. We found that one out of every two students in Jakarta was affected by the floods in 2013.
E. The effects are mostly underestimated by various parties.

17. What does the passage recommend regarding the inclusion of schools in disaster statistics,
and why is it necessary?
A. Schools should not be included in disaster statistics as it complicates the data collection
B. The inclusion of schools in disaster statistics is unnecessary, as their losses are adequately
documented by national disaster statistics.
C. The passage does not make any recommendations regarding the inclusion of schools in
disaster statistics.
D. Schools need to be included in disaster statistics, and new variables should be considered for
a comprehensive understanding of the impact on education.
E. The inclusion of schools in disaster statistics is only relevant for urban settings.

Discussion Q16-17
Title: Understanding the impacts of floods on learning quality, school facilities, and
educational recovery in Indonesia
Judul: Memahami Dampak Banjir pada Kualitas Pembelajaran, Fasilitas Sekolah, dan Pemulihan
Pendidikan di Indonesia
The findings pertaining to the Jakarta floods of 2013 confirm recent findings from
Metro Manila, Philippines: the net effects of floods on school communities (students,
teachers, and other members of staff) cannot be underestimated because such risks go
beyond present understanding of disaster impacts on education (Cadag et al., 2017).
Further documentation of school losses and disruptions is needed in different contexts, such
as small towns and rural settings. Indonesian national disaster statistics often provide very
rough data on affected school buildings.
There is a need to include schools in disaster statistics, and new variables need to be
considered in advocating for the use of a CSS framework to inform data collection. A CSS
framework can help local and national governments thoroughly assess the effects of
disasters on schools.
Temuan yang berkaitan dengan banjir Jakarta tahun 2013 mengonfirmasi temuan
terkini dari Metro Manila, Filipina: dampak bersih banjir pada komunitas sekolah (siswa, guru,
dan anggota staf lainnya) tidak boleh dianggap enteng karena risiko tersebut melampaui
pemahaman saat ini tentang dampak bencana pada pendidikan (Cadag dkk., 2017). Dokumentasi
lebih lanjut tentang kerugian dan gangguan sekolah diperlukan dalam konteks yang berbeda,
seperti kota kecil dan daerah pedesaan. Statistik bencana nasional Indonesia seringkali
memberikan data yang sangat kasar tentang bangunan sekolah yang terkena dampak.
Diperlukan untuk menyertakan sekolah dalam statistik bencana, dan variabel baru perlu
dipertimbangkan dalam advokasi penggunaan kerangka CSS untuk menginformasikan
pengumpulan data. Kerangka CSS dapat membantu pemerintah lokal dan nasional secara
menyeluruh menilai dampak bencana pada sekolah.
Our research indicates that schools and local governments did not have the guidance
needed to anticipate and introduce risk reduction measures to cope with floods or other
natural hazards. Guidance for schools on risk reduction and educational continuity
planning, response, and recovery are needed from the national and district level.
Penelitian kami menunjukkan bahwa sekolah dan pemerintah daerah tidak memiliki
panduan yang diperlukan untuk mengantisipasi dan memperkenalkan langkah-langkah
pengurangan risiko untuk mengatasi banjir atau bahaya alam lainnya. Panduan untuk sekolah
tentang pengurangan risiko dan perencanaan, tanggapan, dan pemulihan pendidikan diperlukan
dari tingkat nasional dan kabupaten.
Our assessment also reveals that to ensure the regaining of access to quality
education, schools adopted various strategies, including providing extra time to students to
complete minimum requirements and accelerated lessons by teachers to finish the existing
syllabus. Interestingly, the majority of the school principals perceived that the flood had
little or no impact on student learning outcomes when measured by the rate of success in the
final national examinations and grades achieved. Although some recommended that
learning time lost to the floods should be compensated by adding extra time to prepare for
the national assessment.
Evaluasi kami juga mengungkapkan bahwa untuk memastikan kembali akses ke
pendidikan berkualitas, sekolah mengadopsi berbagai strategi, termasuk memberikan waktu
ekstra kepada siswa untuk menyelesaikan persyaratan minimum dan pelajaran yang dipercepat
oleh guru untuk menyelesaikan kurikulum yang ada. Menariknya, sebagian besar kepala sekolah
merasa bahwa banjir memiliki sedikit atau tidak ada dampak pada hasil belajar siswa ketika
diukur oleh tingkat keberhasilan dalam ujian nasional akhir dan nilai yang dicapai. Meskipun

beberapa merekomendasikan bahwa waktu belajar yang hilang karena banjir harus dicompensasi
dengan menambah waktu ekstra untuk mempersiapkan penilaian nasional.

Kunci Jawaban
16. Which of the sentence fits into the gap in the following research article excerpt?
A. Over the past two decades, a disproportionate number of boys and girls have been killed by
natural hazards (Kousky, 2016).
B. For example, data suggest that at least 35,300 schools were affected by multi-hazard
disasters (Amri et al., 2022).
C. During the flood emergency of 2013, 95 percent of school principals (74 of 80) reported
losses and damage to school buildings and educational facilities to their supervisory agency.
D. We found that one out of every two students in Jakarta was affected by the floods in 2013.
E. The effects are mostly underestimated by various parties.

16. Manakah kalimat yang sesuai untuk mengisi kekosongan dalam kutipan artikel penelitian
A. Dalam dua dekade terakhir, sejumlah besar anak laki-laki dan perempuan tewas akibat
bencana alam (Kousky, 2016).
B. Sebagai contoh, data menunjukkan bahwa setidaknya 35.300 sekolah terkena dampak
bencana multi-hazard (Amri dkk., 2022).
C. Selama keadaan darurat banjir tahun 2013, 95 persen kepala sekolah (74 dari 80) melaporkan
kerugian dan kerusakan pada bangunan sekolah dan fasilitas pendidikan kepada lembaga
pengawas mereka.
D. Kami menemukan bahwa satu dari setiap dua siswa di Jakarta terkena dampak banjir pada
tahun 2013.
E. Efeknya sebagian besar diabaikan oleh berbagai pihak.

Penjelasan Q16
The most suitable sentence to fill the gap in the research article excerpt is:
B. For example, data suggest that at least 35,300 schools were affected by multi-hazard disasters
(Amri et al., 2022).
Explanation: The research article discusses the need for further documentation of school losses
and disruptions due to floods, emphasizing the importance of including schools in disaster
statistics. Option B supports this context by providing specific data that suggests the impact of
multi-hazard disasters on schools, aligning with the article's focus on the consequences of floods
on educational institutions. The other options introduce different aspects or do not directly
contribute to the context of documenting school losses and disruptions.
Kalimat yang paling sesuai untuk mengisi celah dalam kutipan artikel penelitian tersebut adalah:
Penjelasan: Artikel penelitian membahas kebutuhan untuk dokumentasi lebih lanjut tentang
kerugian dan gangguan sekolah akibat banjir, dengan menekankan pentingnya menyertakan
sekolah dalam statistik bencana. Pilihan B mendukung konteks ini dengan memberikan data
spesifik yang menunjukkan dampak bencana ganda pada sekolah, sejalan dengan fokus artikel
pada konsekuensi banjir terhadap lembaga pendidikan. Pilihan lain memperkenalkan aspek yang
berbeda atau tidak langsung berkontribusi pada konteks mendokumentasikan kerugian dan
gangguan sekolah.

Kunci Jawaban Q17
17. What does the passage recommend regarding the inclusion of schools in disaster statistics,
and why is it necessary?
A. Schools should not be included in disaster statistics as it complicates the data collection
B. The inclusion of schools in disaster statistics is unnecessary, as their losses are adequately
documented by national disaster statistics.
C. The passage does not make any recommendations regarding the inclusion of schools in
disaster statistics.
D. Schools need to be included in disaster statistics, and new variables should be
considered for a comprehensive understanding of the impact on education.
E. The inclusion of schools in disaster statistics is only relevant for urban settings.

17. Apa yang direkomendasikan bagian ini mengenai dimasukkannya sekolah ke dalam statistik
bencana, dan mengapa hal ini perlu?
A. Sekolah tidak boleh dimasukkan dalam statistik bencana karena akan mempersulit proses
pengumpulan data.
B. Memasukkan sekolah ke dalam statistik bencana tidak diperlukan, karena kerugian sekolah
telah didokumentasikan secara memadai dalam statistik bencana nasional.
C. Bagian ini tidak memberikan rekomendasi apa pun terkait dengan dimasukkannya sekolah ke
dalam statistik bencana.
D. Sekolah perlu dimasukkan dalam statistik bencana, dan variabel-variabel baru harus
dipertimbangkan untuk memahami dampaknya terhadap pendidikan secara
E. Dimasukkannya sekolah dalam statistik bencana hanya relevan untuk wilayah perkotaan.

Penjelasan Q17
17. D. Schools need to be included in disaster statistics, and new variables should be considered
for a comprehensive understanding of the impact on education.
The passage suggests that there is a need to include schools in disaster statistics, and new
variables need to be considered for a comprehensive understanding of the impact on education.
This is crucial for advocating the use of a Comprehensive School Safety (CSS) framework to
inform data collection. Option D accurately reflects this recommendation, while the other options
either misinterpret or contradict the passage's message.
Bagian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada kebutuhan untuk memasukkan sekolah ke dalam statistik
bencana, dan variabel-variabel baru perlu dipertimbangkan untuk mendapatkan pemahaman
komprehensif mengenai dampaknya terhadap pendidikan. Hal ini penting untuk mendukung
penggunaan kerangka Keamanan Sekolah Komprehensif (CSS) untuk membantu pengumpulan
data. Opsi D secara akurat mencerminkan rekomendasi ini, sementara opsi lainnya salah
menafsirkan atau bertentangan dengan pesan bagian tersebut.

Question 18

Considering a large sample of companies, economics experts Maria Guadalupe, Julie Wulf, and
Raghuram Rajan assessed the number of managers and leaders from different departments who
reported directly to a chief executive officer (CEO). According to the researchers, the findings
suggest that across the years analyzed, there was a growing interest among CEOs in connecting
with more departments in their companies.

18. Which choice best describes data from the graph that support the researchers’ conclusion?
A. The average numbers of managers and department leaders reporting directly to their CEO
didn’t fluctuate from the 1991–1995 period to the 2001–2008 period.
B. The average number of department leaders reporting directly to their CEO rose over the two
periods studied.
C. The average number of managers reporting directly to their CEO was highest in the 1996–
2001 period.
D. The average number of department leaders reporting directly to their CEO rose over the three
periods studied.
E. The average number of department leaders reporting directly to their CEO was greater than
the average number of managers reporting directly to their CEO in each of the three periods

Discussion Q18
Considering a large sample of companies, economics experts Maria Guadalupe, Julie Wulf,
and Raghuram Rajan assessed the number of managers and leaders from different
departments who reported directly to a chief executive officer (CEO). According to the
researchers, the findings suggest that across the years analyzed, there was a growing
interest among CEOs in connecting with more departments in their companies.
Mengingat sampel perusahaan yang besar, pakar ekonomi Maria Guadalupe, Julie Wulf, dan
Raghuram Rajan menilai jumlah manajer dan pemimpin dari berbagai departemen yang melapor
langsung ke chief executive officer (CEO). Menurut para peneliti, temuan ini menunjukkan
bahwa selama bertahun-tahun yang dianalisis, terdapat peningkatan minat di antara para CEO
untuk terhubung dengan lebih banyak departemen di perusahaan mereka.

18. Which choice best describes data from the graph that support the researchers’ conclusion?
A. The average numbers of managers and department leaders reporting directly to their CEO
didn’t fluctuate from the 1991–1995 period to the 2001–2008 period.
B. The average number of department leaders reporting directly to their CEO rose over the two
periods studied.
C. The average number of managers reporting directly to their CEO was highest in the 1996–
2001 period.
D. The average number of department leaders reporting directly to their CEO rose over
the three periods studied.
E. The average number of department leaders reporting directly to their CEO was greater than
the average number of managers reporting directly to their CEO in each of the three periods

18. Pilihan mana yang paling menggambarkan data dari grafik yang mendukung kesimpulan
A. Jumlah rata-rata manajer dan pemimpin departemen yang melapor langsung kepada CEO
mereka tidak berfluktuasi dari periode 1991–1995 hingga periode 2001–2008.
B. Jumlah rata-rata pemimpin departemen yang melapor langsung kepada CEO mereka
meningkat selama dua periode yang diteliti.
C. Jumlah rata-rata manajer yang melapor langsung kepada CEO mereka paling tinggi pada
periode 1996–2001.
D. Jumlah rata-rata pemimpin departemen yang melapor langsung kepada CEO mereka
meningkat selama tiga periode yang diteliti.
E. Jumlah rata-rata pemimpin departemen yang melapor langsung kepada CEO mereka lebih
besar daripada jumlah rata-rata manajer yang melapor langsung kepada CEO mereka pada
masing-masing dari tiga periode yang diteliti.

Penjelasan Q18
Choice D is the best answer because it describes data from the graph that support the
researchers’ conclusion that there is a growing interest among CEOs in connecting with
more departments in their companies. The graph shows the average number of individuals
reporting directly to CEOs during three different time periods: the individuals are divided
into managers and department leaders. The average number of department leaders directly
reporting to their CEO during the 1991–1995 period was slightly more than three, during
the 1996–2001 period it was four, and during the 2001–2008 period it was almost seven.
Thus, the average number of department leaders reporting directly to their CEO rose over
the three periods studied, which suggests that CEOs were connecting with more
departments. Choice A is incorrect because the average number of managers and
department leaders reporting directly to their CEO rose for both categories between the
1991–1995 and 2001–2008 periods; thus, it isn’t true that the average numbers didn’t
fluctuate. Choice B is incorrect because the average number of managers reporting directly
to their CEO was highest in the 2001–2008 period, not in the 1996–2001 period.
Pilihan D merupakan jawaban terbaik karena menggambarkan data dari grafik yang mendukung
kesimpulan peneliti bahwa terdapat peningkatan minat di kalangan CEO untuk terhubung dengan lebih
banyak departemen di perusahaannya. Grafik menunjukkan jumlah rata-rata individu yang melapor
langsung kepada CEO selama tiga periode waktu berbeda: individu tersebut dibagi menjadi manajer dan
pemimpin departemen. Jumlah rata-rata pemimpin departemen yang melapor langsung kepada CEO
mereka selama periode 1991–1995 sedikit lebih dari tiga orang, selama periode 1996–2001 berjumlah
empat orang, dan selama periode 2001–2008 jumlahnya hampir tujuh orang. Dengan demikian, jumlah
rata-rata pemimpin departemen yang melapor langsung kepada CEO mereka meningkat selama tiga
periode yang diteliti, yang menunjukkan bahwa CEO terhubung dengan lebih banyak departemen. Pilihan
A salah karena jumlah rata-rata manajer dan pemimpin departemen yang melapor langsung kepada CEO
mereka meningkat untuk kedua kategori tersebut antara periode 1991–1995 dan 2001–2008; oleh karena
itu, tidak benar bahwa angka rata-rata tidak berfluktuasi. Pilihan B salah karena jumlah rata-rata manajer

yang melapor langsung kepada CEO mereka paling tinggi pada periode 2001–2008, bukan pada periode

Questions 19-20
UK Students Protest Covid-19 Measures
5th October 2020
A group of UK university students are demanding partial refunds of their university fees,
due to the coronavirus restrictions which have severely limited their university experience. This
comes at a time when over 2,600 students and staff in 50 UK universities have confirmed cases of
Covid-19. Thousands of students have been told to self-isolate, while face-to-face lessons have
been replaced by online lectures. The group, Refund Us Now, has been asking for a 15% cash
refund for all students who have been told lies and forced to comply with strict rules by their
universities. The fifteen percent corresponds to the amount by which online learning was found to
be less effective than in-person teaching, according to one international study.
At the beginning of the term, students were encouraged to attend campus. They were
promised a safe university experience involving a blend of online and face-to-face teaching.
Instead, many have been forced to stay inside halls of residence, socialising only with the students
with whom they share kitchen and bathroom facilities. Many of them feel they have been
abandoned and mistreated. At Manchester Metropolitan University, where 1,700 students in two
accommodation blocks were told to self-isolate after more than 120 tested positive, there are
reports of security guards stopping students from leaving their halls, even when they were no
longer required to self-isolate. Meanwhile, students at Leeds University were left without
cleaning supplies or information about how to buy food or take out rubbish. They were also
prevented from using laundry services and instead were told to buy more clothes or wash their
clothes in the sink. Many students question why they were encouraged to return to university at
all, given the availability of online learning. Outbreaks at universities were, they say, inevitable,
and students shouldn’t have been encouraged to attend in person.
University staff, meanwhile, have their own concerns. Staff at Northumbria University,
for example, want more Covid-19 testing and more online teaching to allow for thorough cleaning
and support teaching to take place and protect the health of themselves and their families.
They have cause for concern. Covid-19 can spread very easily in student accommodation.
It’s also very hard to monitor and enforce students’ activities there, unlike in the bars and
restaurants that they are forbidden to visit. Despite hefty fines for breaking government rules of
remaining in household groups, some students are organising parties for 20-25 people. The
students who have tested positive for the virus feel most free to socialise with others who test
positive. Some students feel they are better off catching the disease while they are among other
young, healthy people and away from more vulnerable family members. Other students, however,
keep to the rules. They use their isolation to bond with housemates or entertain themselves online.
But inevitably, some are feeling mental and emotional strain, as well as anger and frustration over
their less-than-perfect university experience.
Will they get a refund? There are calls for students to get money back if the quality of
their learning is severely impacted by the new conditions. However, students receiving adequate
online learning and access to appropriate library and research facilities are ineligible. Meanwhile,
students who have been told to self-isolate at short notice in student accommodation are receiving
food, essential items and some financial assistance. It seems that students will have to accept their
unfortunate university experience as just another unwelcome impact of the Covid-19 outbreak.
19. What is the main demand of the group "Refund Us Now," as mentioned in the passage?
A. Full reimbursement of university fees
B. 10% cash refund for all students
C. 15% cash refund for students facing severe restrictions
D. Free access to library and research facilities
E. Online learning for all students
20. What is one concern raised by university staff, particularly at Northumbria University,
regarding the current situation?
A. Lack of online teaching
B. Inadequate cleaning in student accommodation
C. Insufficient Covid-19 testing for staff
D. Security guards restricting student movements
E. Difficulty in monitoring and enforcing rules in student accommodation

Discussion Q19-20
UK Students Protest Covid-19 Measures
5th October 2020
A group of UK university students are demanding partial refunds of their university
fees, due to the coronavirus restrictions which have severely limited their university
experience. This comes at a time when over 2,600 students and staff in 50 UK universities
have confirmed cases of Covid-19. Thousands of students have been told to self-isolate,
while face-to-face lessons have been replaced by online lectures. The group, Refund Us Now,
has been asking for a 15% cash refund for all students who have been told lies and forced to
comply with strict rules by their universities. The fifteen percent corresponds to the amount
by which online learning was found to be less effective than in-person teaching, according to
one international study.
Sekelompok mahasiswa di Inggris menuntut pengembalian sebagian biaya universitas
mereka, karena pembatasan virus corona yang sangat membatasi pengalaman universitas mereka.
Hal ini terjadi ketika lebih dari 2.600 mahasiswa dan staf di 50 universitas di Inggris telah
mengonfirmasi adanya kasus Covid-19. Ribuan mahasiswa diimbau untuk melakukan isolasi
mandiri, sedangkan pembelajaran tatap muka digantikan dengan perkuliahan daring. Kelompok
tersebut, Refund Us Now, telah meminta pengembalian uang tunai sebesar 15% untuk semua
mahasiswa yang telah dibohongi dan dipaksa untuk mematuhi peraturan ketat oleh universitas
mereka. Lima belas persen tersebut setara dengan jumlah pembelajaran daring yang dianggap
kurang efektif dibandingkan pengajaran tatap muka, menurut sebuah penelitian internasional.
At the beginning of the term, students were encouraged to attend campus. They were
promised a safe university experience involving a blend of online and face-to-face teaching.
Instead, many have been forced to stay inside halls of residence, socialising only with the
students with whom they share kitchen and bathroom facilities. Many of them feel they
have been abandoned and mistreated. At Manchester Metropolitan University, where 1,700
students in two accommodation blocks were told to self-isolate after more than 120 tested
positive, there are reports of security guards stopping students from leaving their halls, even
when they were no longer required to self-isolate. Meanwhile, students at Leeds University
were left without cleaning supplies or information about how to buy food or take out
rubbish. They were also prevented from using laundry services and instead were told to buy
more clothes or wash their clothes in the sink. Many students question why they were
encouraged to return to university at all, given the availability of online learning. Outbreaks
at universities were, they say, inevitable, and students shouldn’t have been encouraged to
attend in person.
Pada awal semester, mahasiswa didorong untuk hadir di kampus. Mereka dijanjikan
pengalaman universitas yang aman yang melibatkan perpaduan pengajaran online dan tatap muka.
Sebaliknya, banyak yang terpaksa tinggal di dalam asrama, hanya bersosialisasi dengan siswa
yang berbagi fasilitas dapur dan kamar mandi. Banyak di antara mereka yang merasa ditinggalkan
dan dianiaya. Di Manchester Metropolitan University, di mana 1.700 mahasiswa di dua blok
akomodasi diminta untuk melakukan isolasi mandiri setelah lebih dari 120 mahasiswa dinyatakan
positif, ada laporan tentang penjaga keamanan yang melarang mahasiswa meninggalkan asrama
mereka, bahkan ketika mereka tidak lagi diharuskan untuk melakukan isolasi mandiri. Sementara
itu, mahasiswa di Universitas Leeds dibiarkan tanpa perlengkapan kebersihan atau informasi
tentang cara membeli makanan atau membuang sampah. Mereka juga dilarang menggunakan jasa
laundry dan malah disuruh membeli lebih banyak pakaian atau mencuci pakaian di wastafel.
Banyak mahasiswa mempertanyakan mengapa mereka didorong untuk kembali ke universitas,
mengingat tersedianya pembelajaran online. Menurut mereka, wabah penyakit di universitas tidak
dapat dihindari, dan para mahasiswa seharusnya tidak didorong untuk menghadirinya secara
University staff, meanwhile, have their own concerns. Staff at Northumbria
University, for example, want more Covid-19 testing and more online teaching to allow for
thorough cleaning and support teaching to take place and protect the health of themselves
and their families.
Staf universitas, sementara itu, memiliki kekhawatiran mereka sendiri. Staf di Universitas
Northumbria, misalnya, menginginkan lebih banyak tes Covid-19 dan lebih banyak pengajaran
online untuk memungkinkan pembersihan menyeluruh dan mendukung pengajaran berlangsung
serta melindungi kesehatan diri mereka sendiri dan keluarga mereka.
They have cause for concern. Covid-19 can spread very easily in student
accommodation. It’s also very hard to monitor and enforce students’ activities there, unlike
in the bars and restaurants that they are forbidden to visit. Despite hefty fines for breaking
government rules of remaining in household groups, some students are organising parties
for 20-25 people. The students who have tested positive for the virus feel most free to
socialise with others who test positive. Some students feel they are better off catching the
disease while they are among other young, healthy people and away from more vulnerable
family members. Other students, however, keep to the rules. They use their isolation to
bond with housemates or entertain themselves online. But inevitably, some are feeling
mental and emotional strain, as well as anger and frustration over their less-than-perfect
university experience.
Mereka punya alasan untuk khawatir. Covid-19 dapat menyebar dengan sangat mudah di
akomodasi mahasiswa. Di sana juga sangat sulit untuk memantau dan menegakkan aktivitas siswa,
tidak seperti di bar dan restoran yang dilarang untuk dikunjungi. Meskipun ada denda yang besar
jika melanggar peraturan pemerintah untuk tetap berada dalam kelompok rumah tangga, beberapa
siswa tetap mengadakan pesta untuk 20-25 orang. Siswa yang dites positif terkena virus merasa
paling bebas bersosialisasi dengan orang lain yang dites positif. Beberapa siswa merasa lebih baik
mereka tertular penyakit ini ketika mereka berada di antara orang-orang muda, sehat, dan jauh
dari anggota keluarga yang lebih rentan. Namun, siswa lain tetap mematuhi peraturan. Mereka
menggunakan isolasi mereka untuk menjalin ikatan dengan teman serumah atau menghibur diri
secara online. Namun mau tidak mau, ada pula yang merasakan ketegangan mental dan emosional,
serta kemarahan dan frustrasi atas pengalaman universitas mereka yang kurang sempurna.
Will they get a refund? There are calls for students to get money back if the quality
of their learning is severely impacted by the new conditions. However, students receiving
adequate online learning and access to appropriate library and research facilities are
ineligible. Meanwhile, students who have been told to self-isolate at short notice in student
accommodation are receiving food, essential items and some financial assistance. It seems
that students will have to accept their unfortunate university experience as just another
unwelcome impact of the Covid-19 outbreak.
Apakah mereka akan mendapatkan pengembalian dana? Ada seruan bagi siswa untuk
mendapatkan uang kembali jika kualitas pembelajaran mereka sangat terpengaruh oleh kondisi
baru ini. Namun, siswa yang menerima pembelajaran online yang memadai dan akses ke
perpustakaan dan fasilitas penelitian yang sesuai tidak memenuhi syarat. Sementara itu, siswa
yang diperintahkan untuk melakukan isolasi mandiri dalam waktu singkat di akomodasi siswa
menerima makanan, barang-barang penting dan sejumlah bantuan keuangan. Tampaknya para
mahasiswa harus menerima pengalaman buruk mereka di universitas hanya sebagai dampak
buruk dari wabah Covid-19.

Kunci Jawaban
19. What is the main demand of the group "Refund Us Now," as mentioned in the passage?
A. Full reimbursement of university fees
B. 10% cash refund for all students
C. 15% cash refund for students facing severe restrictions
D. Free access to library and research facilities
E. Online learning for all students

19.Apa tuntutan utama dari kelompok "Kembalikan Dana Kami Sekarang" seperti yang
disebutkan dalam bagian tersebut?
A. Penggantian biaya universitas secara penuh
B. Pengembalian uang tunai 10% untuk semua siswa
C. Pengembalian uang tunai sebesar 15% untuk siswa yang menghadapi pembatasan ketat
D. Akses gratis ke perpustakaan dan fasilitas penelitian
E. Pembelajaran online untuk semua siswa

Penjelasan Q19
Answer: C) The main demand of the group "Refund Us Now" is a 15% cash refund for all
students who have faced severe restrictions due to the limitations imposed by universities in
response to the Covid-19 pandemic. This corresponds to the perceived reduction in the
effectiveness of online learning compared to in-person teaching.
Explanation: The passage states that the group, Refund Us Now, is asking for a 15% cash refund
for students who have been subjected to strict rules and lies from their universities, reflecting the
perceived inadequacy of online learning. This demand is based on an international study that
found online learning to be less effective than in-person teaching by 15%.
Penjelasan Q19
Jawaban: C) Tuntutan utama kelompok "Kembalikan Dana Kami Sekarang" adalah pengembalian
uang tunai sebesar 15% untuk semua mahasiswa yang menghadapi pembatasan ketat karena
pembatasan yang diberlakukan oleh universitas sebagai respons terhadap pandemi Covid-19. Hal
ini sejalan dengan berkurangnya efektivitas pembelajaran daring dibandingkan dengan pengajaran
tatap muka.
Penjelasan: Bagian tersebut menyatakan bahwa kelompok tersebut, Refund Us Now, meminta
pengembalian uang tunai sebesar 15% bagi mahasiswa yang telah tunduk pada peraturan ketat
dan kebohongan dari universitas mereka, yang mencerminkan persepsi kurangnya pembelajaran
online. Tuntutan ini didasarkan pada studi internasional yang menemukan pembelajaran online
kurang efektif dibandingkan pengajaran tatap muka sebesar 15%.

Kunci Jawaban
20. What is one concern raised by university staff, particularly at Northumbria University,
regarding the current situation?
A. Lack of online teaching
B. Inadequate cleaning in student accommodation
C. Insufficient Covid-19 testing for staff
D. Security guards restricting student movements
E. Difficulty in monitoring and enforcing rules in student accommodation

Kunci Jawaban
20. Kekhawatiran apa yang muncul dari staf universitas, khususnya di Universitas Northumbria,
mengenai situasi saat ini?
A. Kurangnya pengajaran online
B. Kebersihan yang tidak memadai di akomodasi siswa
C. Tes Covid-19 yang tidak memadai untuk staf
D. Satpam membatasi pergerakan mahasiswa
E. Kesulitan dalam memantau dan menegakkan peraturan di akomodasi siswa

Penjelasan Q20
Answer: C) University staff, particularly at Northumbria University, express a concern
about the need for more Covid-19 testing to ensure the health and safety of themselves and
their families.
Explanation: The passage mentions that staff at Northumbria University want more Covid-
19 testing to take place. This concern is raised in connection to the need for thorough
cleaning and support for teaching, reflecting the staff's desire to protect their health and
that of their families amidst the challenges posed by the Covid-19 outbreak.
Penjelasan Q20
Jawaban: C) Staf universitas, khususnya di Universitas Northumbria, menyatakan
keprihatinannya tentang perlunya lebih banyak pengujian Covid-19 untuk memastikan kesehatan
dan keselamatan diri mereka sendiri dan keluarga mereka.
Penjelasan: Bagian tersebut menyebutkan bahwa staf di Universitas Northumbria ingin lebih
banyak pengujian Covid-19 dilakukan. Kekhawatiran ini muncul sehubungan dengan perlunya
pembersihan menyeluruh dan dukungan terhadap pengajaran, yang mencerminkan keinginan staf
untuk melindungi kesehatan mereka dan keluarga mereka di tengah tantangan yang ditimbulkan
oleh wabah Covid-19.
Do your best and let Allah do the rest.


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