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The Exploratory Advanced Research Program Fact Sheet

Coordinating High-Resolution Traffic Cameras

Developing Intelligent, Collaborating Cameras for Transportation Security and Communications

Exploratory Advanced Research . . . Next Generation Transportation Solutions

position, velocity, and identifying characteristics.

The system uses cameras that can cooperate using

ameras are used prolifically to precise and fast electronic pan, tilt, and zoom
monitor transportation incidents, electronics for event detection and follow up. The
introduction of multiple synchronized cameras that
infrastructure, and congestion. Traditional
communicate such information about targets to
camera systems often require human each other in real time, with wide fields of view, over
monitoring and only offer low-resolution great distances, and at high resolution, represents
a significant advance over current technology.
video. Researchers for the Exploratory
Advanced Research (EAR) Program
Coordinating Cameras
project, “Cooperating Camera Platforms
The research team has developed a system of
for Ultra-High-Resolution Traffic Surveil- coordinating cameras that can communicate with
lance and Autonomous Event Detection,” each other, zoom in, and then track significant
have developed a system that provides events using servo-stabilized platforms. The
high-resolution camera system offers powerful
continuous, high-resolution, real-time computer-controlled zoom capability, provides
simultaneous monitoring, tracking, high-resolution imagery of highway infrastruc-
and analysis of multiple events or ture over ranges potentially up to 8 km (5 mi),
and is capable of autonomously tracking objects
characteristics. The University of that are moving extremely fast. The coordinating
Maryland is conducting this research, cameras can communicate information with each
which was funded by the Federal Highway other about objects in their field of view every
50 milliseconds. This means that the system can
Administration (FHWA) in 2012. be tasked with identifying a particular object of
interest appearing in one camera view and that
information can be transmitted to all of the other
tracking cameras. The other cameras in turn pan
Enhanced Communications and tilt to track the car when it comes into their
view and record details from a distance, such
Transportation infrastructures are traditionally as license-plate numbers and small zoomed-in
monitored by cameras, often transmitting low- high-resolution objects, if required.
resolution live streaming images over dedicated
wired networks or the Internet. A human is usually
Faster Wireless Communications
tasked with monitoring a poor quality feed on a
screen that offers minimal automatic detection To meet the specific needs of this system, the
and follow-up capabilities. These video feeds are research team developed a unique communica-
also transmitted to operation centers and then tions system that is capable of transmitting infor-
viewed on multiple screens on a rotational basis. mation to a command center, over hybrid wireless
Researchers for this University of Maryland proj- and wireline networks, at wireless data rates of
ect have developed an advanced high-resolution up to 1-gigabit per second. The high-bandwidth
video system that is not only capable of transmit- communications network uses Internet technolo-
ting real-time high-resolution camera footage gies and systems to enable transmission of multi-
to remote operation centers, and to anywhere on ple complex events in high-resolution video in
a network on a “pop-up” basis as traffic events a fraction of a second. As a result, personnel in
occur, but also can autonomously record a target’s an operations center could be provided with
Coordinating High-Resolution Traffic Cameras
Developing Intelligent, Collaborating Cameras for Transportation Security and Communications

immediate detection of events and first

responders would remain connected with
command posts to enable remote, instanta-
neous, and accurate situational assessments.

Improved Accuracy What Is the Exploratory

The research team developed a new method Advanced Research Program?
to extract features or events from real-time FHWA’s Exploratory Advanced Research
video using an optical-based situational (EAR) Program focuses on longer term,
awareness approach. This method does not higher risk research with a high payoff
require the use of global positioning systems potential. The program addresses under-
Cameras that can cooperate
and enables an unrivalled level of accuracy to less lying gaps faced by applied highway
using precise and fast
electronic pan, tilt, and
than 5 cm (2 in). To achieve this accuracy, the research programs, anticipates emerg-
zoom gimbals for event camera lenses are specifically calibrated to provide ing issues with national implications, and
detection. improved long-range accuracy, potentially target- reflects broad transportation industry
Photo credit: University of ing cars that are many kilometers away. The goals and objectives.
cameras are mounted to specially developed,
To learn more about the EAR Program,
high-performance gimbals that are in turn cali-
visit the Exploratory Advanced Research
brated with much higher precision than commer-
Web site at
cial systems. Although there are existing algorithms
research. The site features information
that can instruct a camera where to point, the
on research solicitations, updates on on-
calibrated gimbals in this project can perform to
going research, links to published mate-
a far higher degree of accuracy and at much
rials, summaries of past EAR Program
longer ranges than traditional approaches. In
events, and details on upcoming events.
addition, the cameras and gimbals are calibrated
in relation to their real-world positions. This
enables the research team to incorporate map
overlays with real-time traffic movement super- targeted in less than one second after it enters
imposed to provide a bird’s eye visualization of the field of view of the fixed camera and then
feature extraction and events as they occur. successfully kept in the field of view of the
steerable, zoomable cameras. All position,
Highway Testing velocity, and identification updates are provided
to the steerable camera in milliseconds. This
The research team designed and developed a testbed can be used for subsequent hardware,
state-of-the-art testbed at the University of software, and algorithmic research, develop-
Maryland campus and on a local state highway. ment, and evaluation.
This setup emulates a highway monitoring system
with deployed cameras and real-time, video-
Learn More
based, feature and event detection. Resulting
Photo credit, page 1: information can be transmitted across campus For more information on this project, contact
University of Maryland
and fed into an operations center in the research Taylor Lochrane, FHWA Office of Operations
Real-time video feature
team’s laboratory. During testing, the research Research and Development, at 202-493-3293
team showed that an object can be automatically (email:
Publication No.

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