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Lipid Worksheet Dymphna Ann Alonzo

Name: ______________________________
Block: ___________________
1. What are the 3 major groups/types of lipids; and, what are their main functions?
List the three groups of lipids. What are the main functions of each type of lipid?
serve as a main energy storage form in organisms.
1. Triglycerides a. The double nature of phospholipids (hyprophilic head and hydrophilic tail)
allows them to form the lipid bilayer of cell membranes, creating a semi-
2. Phospholipids b. permeable barrier.
lipids that are characterized by four ring structure. Cholesterol is common steroid
3. Steroids c. and a precursor of other steroids, including hormones like estrogen and testerone
. Steriods play a crucial role in cell structure, signaling, and regulation of different
physiological processes.
2. Lipids are not polymers, but they are organic marcromolecules. The three main types
vary in chemical structure. But, what common characteristics do all lipids have that
result in placing these three diverse groups of molecules in the same class of Organic
Molecules (i.e., Lipids)?
The common characteristics of lipids that classify lipids into the same class of organic molecules are
hydrophobicity,Insolubility in Water, Energy Storage, Structural Diversity,
______Biological Membranes, and
Hormone Precursors.
3. What causes fatty acids to be saturated and unsaturated? ________________________
The saturation or unsaturation of fatty acids is the presence or absence of double bonds between carbon atoms in the hydrocarbon chain of the fatty acid. The cause of fatty acid to be saturated
and unsaturated, for saturated fatty acids include biosynthesis,enzymatic action where they catalyze the stepwise addition atoms to a growing hydrocarbon chain, and saturation with Hydrogen,
because there are no double bonds formed during this proces. Unsaturated fatty acids biosynthesis, enzymatic action, has double bonds into the hydrocarrbon chain is catalyzed by enzymes
called desatures, and Bends in the chain.
4. What does it mean that lipids are nonpolar and how does this affect their relationship
In nonpolar molecules it shows no significant separation of positive and negative charges, resulting in an overall neutral charge. It affects their relationship
with water? with
water by hydrophobic interaction which they have an affinity for water, since water is a polar and nonpolar lipids cannot form desirable interaction due to
incompatability in polarity. Low solubility in Water lipids are generally insoluble in water. Formation of Lipid Bilayers, Phospholipids, a type of lipid, have both
hydrophilic (water-attracting) and hydrophobic (water-repelling) regions. This amphipathic nature allows phospholipids to form lipid bilayers, such as in cell
membranes. Role in cell Membranes, it is crucial for the structure and function of cell membranes. The lipid bilayer creates a semi-permeable barrier that
separates the internal and external environment ofcells.
5-8. For the three pictures below, write the kind of lipid shown. For oils specify saturated
and unsaturated fats.
Bottles of Vegetable Oil

Candles made
Comes From from Waxes

5. Phospholipids 6. Triglycerides ____ 7. Esters

8. Fats are used in living organisms . Circle the appropriate answer(s).

a. as semi-permeable biological membranes.
b. to store energy.
c. to give plants rigidity.
d. as chemical messengers.
e. A & C
f. A & B
g. C & D
h. A, B & C
i. B, C & D
j. A, B & D
9. Is butter a saturated or unsaturated fat? Butter is a saturated fat.
Is margarine a saturated or unsaturated fat? Margarine is unsaturated fat.
Which is better for your diet/health and why?
Both butter and margarine are beneficial to dietary consumption in your body. Some margarines has reduction on
transfats and lower saturated fats that may be a better choice from a heart health perspective. Also Unsaturated fats
such as olive oil, avocadoes, and nuts is also give benefits in your body.
10. Label the following parts of a Phospholipid in the boxes provided: Two fatty acid
chains, glycerol, phosphate group and choline. Identify which part of the molecule is
polar (hydrophilic) and which part is nonpolar (hydrophobic)


Glycerol Backbone Fatty acid Chains

11. Circle the parts of the molecule that need to combine through dehydration synthesis
to form a saturated fat. Label which are fatty acids and which is glycerol.

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