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Second Quarter Learning Experience Guide: (Subject)


The learners demonstrate an understanding of…
Content Standard politics and political science, governance, political ideologies, power, states, nations, and globalization
Performance Standard The learners shall be able to… clearly identify a specific political phenomenon and how it can be studied

Quarter MELCS Essential Knowledge Essential Skills Assessment Values Duration Resources
Understanding the roles and powers of the Proverbs 11:14 (NIV) - "For lack of
President of the Philippines involves knowledge guidance a nation falls, but victory
of constitutional principles, governance is won through many advisers."
structures, and legal frameworks. It requires This verse emphasizes the
familiarity with the specific provisions of the Policy Analysis: Assessing importance of wise counsel and
Philippine Constitution and an awareness of Analyze constitutional provisions, laws, and policy the impact and leadership, emphasizing the
Analyze the roles and powers of the historical and contemporary issues in Philippine implications regariding the 3 branches of the effectiveness of President's need for a team of
2 executive branch of the government politics. government. presidential policies. knowledgeable advisers. 1-2 weeks
Proverbs 24:3-4 (NIV) - "By
wisdom a house is built, and
Understanding the roles and responsibilities of through understanding, it is
the Philippine Senate and the House of established; through knowledge,
Representatives requires knowledge of the its rooms are filled with rare and
Philippine Constitution, legislative procedures, Constitutional Quiz: beautiful treasures." This verse
and the specific functions assigned to each Testing knowledge of underscores the importance of
chamber. It involves familiarity with the principles constitutional provisions wisdom, understanding, and
of representation, lawmaking, and the related to the roles of the knowledge in building and
Differentiate the roles and responsibilities of the
Philippine checks and balances between the Evaluating constitutional provisions related to Senate and the House of establishing an effective
2 Senate and the House of Representatives two houses. legislative powers. Representatives. legislative structure. 3-4 week
Proverbs 31:8-9 (NIV) - "Speak up
for those who cannot speak for
themselves, for the rights of all
who are destitute. Speak up and
Understanding the roles and responsibilities of judge fairly; defend the rights of
the Philippine Judiciary requires knowledge of the poor and needy." This verse
the legal system, the Philippine Constitution, and aligns with the judiciary's
the specific functions assigned to the judicial responsibility to uphold justice and
branch. It involves familiarity with legal Evaluating a student's defend the rights of all, reflecting
Analyze the roles and responsibilities principles, court structures, and the processes Ability to analyze legal issues, statutes, and ability to analyze and the biblical call to advocate for the
2 of the Philippine Judiciary involved in interpreting and applying the law. constitutional provisions. interpret legal cases. vulnerable. 5-6 weeks
Philippians 2:4 (NIV) - "not looking
Understanding the roles and functions of Local to your own interests but each of
Government Units (LGUs) requires knowledge of you to the interests of the others."
local governance structures, the Local This verse emphasizes the spirit
Government Code, and the specific powers and of service and community,
responsibilities assigned to LGUs. It involves Evaluating a student's reflecting the essence of local
familiarity with local administration, fiscal Analyzing government operations and services ability to analyze and governance in looking after the
2 Explain the roles and functions of Local Government
the principles of decentralization. effectively. propose local policies. welfare of the community.
Understanding the nature of elections and Proverbs 29:2 (NIV) - "When the
political parties in the Philippines requires righteous thrive, the people
knowledge of the electoral system, election laws, rejoice; when the wicked rule, the
and the organizational structures and functions people groan." This verse
of political parties. It involves an understanding underscores the impact of political
of campaign finance, the role of the Commission Simulating a political leadership on the well-being of the
Analyze the nature of elections and on Elections (COMELEC), and the historical and campaign scenario to community, highlighting the
political parties in the Philippines cultural context influencing the Philippine political Analyzing election data, voter behavior, and party assess strategic thinking significance of fair and righteous
2 landscape. platforms. and communication skills. governance.
Understanding the concept, role, and Micah 6:8 (NIV) - "He has shown
contributions of civil society and social you, O mortal, what is good. And
movements to Philippine democracy requires what does the Lord require of
knowledge of civic engagement, advocacy, and you? To act justly and to love
the historical context of civil society in the mercy and to walk humbly with
Explain the concept, role, and Philippines. It involves an understanding of the Evaluating a student's your God." This verse aligns with
contributions of civil society societies principles of participatory democracy, the ability to analyze specific the ideals of civil society and
and social movements to Philippine functions of NGOs, and the impact of social Ability to analyze the impact of civil society and cases of civil society social movements in advocating
2 democracy movements on shaping public policy. social movements on democratic processes. impact on democracy. for justice, mercy, and humility.
Matthew 5:16 (NIV) - "In the same
Understanding the importance of active way, let your light shine before
citizenship requires knowledge of civic others, that they may see your
responsibilities, democratic principles, and the good deeds and glorify your
role citizens play in shaping their communities Father in heaven." This verse
and government. It involves awareness of the Evaluating a student's emphasizes the importance of
rights and duties of citizens, civic education, and reflection on their positive actions and contributions
Explain the importance of active an understanding of how civic engagement The ability to critically evaluate information and involvement in a civic to the community, reflecting the
2 citizenship contributes to the well-being of society. make informed decisions. engagement project. concept of active citizenship.
1 Timothy 4:12 (NIV) - "Don’t let
anyone look down on you
Understanding issues and programs related to because you are young, but set
political engagement and youth empowerment an example for the believers in
requires knowledge of political structures, youth- speech, in conduct, in love, in
oriented policies, and the challenges faced by faith, and in purity." This verse
young people in civic participation. It involves Assessing the outcomes encourages the empowerment
Explain issues and programs related awareness of government initiatives, youth and impact of a youth and positive engagement of the
to political engagement and youth advocacy, and the impact of political Evaluate programs that foster leadership skills leadership development youth, emphasizing their ability to PHILIPPINE POLITICS AND
2 empowerment engagement on societal development. among young individuals. project. make a meaningful impact. 7-8 weeks GOVERNANCE BOOK

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