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4 Sector Retired DISCOM official not less than

Expert rank of Asstt. Engineer having more than
10 years’ experience in DisCom.

The team should be led by BEE Accredited energy Auditor

6. The Bidder should be registered with the Goods and service tax (i) GST registration
department certificate
(ii) PAN Card
(iii) However, if it is
under taken by the
bidder that GST
registration is under
process, in such case
the price bid shall be
considered for
opening but the award
will not be issued till
registration under
GST not submitted
7. The bidder must submit a power of Attorney from the company Power of Attorney
authorizing a person (empanelled energy Auditor) to sign the
from the company/
documents on behalf of the company, submit technical,
commercial information and attend meetings on behalf of the firm/auditor in favour
of the authorized
signatory on Rs.500/
N.J. Stamp paper duly
8. The bidder must have successfully completed energy audit work A. Submit/upload
of similar nature/Mandatory Energy audit work for at least two relevant document i.e.
nos. power distribution utility in India in last five years. document showing
accreditation of the
bidder with BEE and
valid affiliation
certificate issued by
the certification body.
B. Copy of work order(s)
mentioning the nature
of work and
completion certificate
against the certificate


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