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Dissecting Recall of Factual Associations in

Auto-Regressive Language Models

Mor Geva1 Jasmijn Bastings1 Katja Filippova1 Amir Globerson2,3

1 2 3
Google DeepMind Tel Aviv University Google Research
{pipek, bastings, katjaf, amirg}

Transformer-based language models (LMs) are MLP ATTN
known to capture factual knowledge in their
parameters. While previous work looked into
arXiv:2304.14767v3 [cs.CL] 13 Oct 2023

where factual associations are stored, only little

(C) Attribute Apple
is known about how they are retrieved internally
during inference. We investigate this question
through the lens of information flow. Given a
subject-relation query, we study how the model
aggregates information about the subject and
relation to predict the correct attribute. With in-
terventions on attention edges, we first identify (A) Subject
two critical points where information propa-
gates to the prediction: one from the relation
positions followed by another from the subject (B) Relation
positions. Next, by analyzing the information propagation
at these points, we unveil a three-step inter-
nal mechanism for attribute extraction. First,
Beats Music is owned by
the representation at the last-subject position
goes through an enrichment process, driven
by the early MLP sublayers, to encode many Figure 1: Illustration of our findings: given subject-
subject-related attributes. Second, information relation query, a subject representation is constructed via
from the relation propagates to the prediction. attributes’ enrichment from MLP sublayers (A), while
Third, the prediction representation “queries” the relation propagates to the prediction (B). The at-
the enriched subject to extract the attribute. Per- tribute is then extracted by the MHSA sublayers (C).
haps surprisingly, this extraction is typically
done via attention heads, which often encode knowledge is encoded in the network (Meng et al.,
subject-attribute mappings in their parameters.
Overall, our findings introduce a comprehen-
2022a; Dai et al., 2022; Wallat et al., 2020), it
sive view of how factual associations are stored remains unclear how this knowledge is extracted
and extracted internally in LMs, facilitating fu- from the model parameters during inference.
ture research on knowledge localization and In this work, we investigate this question through
editing.1 the lens of information flow, across layers and input
positions (Elhage et al., 2021). We focus on a ba-
1 Introduction sic information extraction setting, where a subject
Transformer-based language models (LMs) cap- and a relation are given in a sentence (e.g. “Beats
ture vast amounts of factual knowledge (Roberts Music is owned by”), and the next token is the cor-
et al., 2020; Jiang et al., 2020), which they en- responding attribute (i.e. “Apple”). We restrict
code in their parameters and recall during inference our analysis to cases where the model predicts the
(Petroni et al., 2019; Cohen et al., 2023). While correct attribute as the next token, and set out to un-
recent works focused on identifying where factual derstand how internal representations evolve across
the layers to produce the output.
Our code is publicly available at https:
// Focusing on modern auto-regressive decoder-
tree/master/dissecting_factual_predictions only LMs, such an extraction process could be
implemented in many different ways. Informally, (Fig. 1). First, information about the subject is
the model needs to “merge” the subject and relation enriched in the last subject token, across early lay-
in order to be able to extract the right attribute, and ers of the model. Second, the relation is passed
this merger can be conducted at different layers and to the last token. Third, the last token uses the re-
positions. Moreover, the attribute extraction itself lation to extract the corresponding attribute from
could be performed by either or both of the multi- the subject representation, and this is done via at-
head self-attention (MHSA) and MLP sublayers. tention head parameters. Unlike prior works on
To investigate this, we take a reverse-engineering factual knowledge representation, which focus on
approach, inspired by common genetic analysis mid-layer MLPs as the locus of information (e.g.
methods (Griffiths et al., 2005; Tymms and Kola, Meng et al. (2022b)), our work highlights the key
2008) and the recent work by Wang et al. (2022). role of lower MLP sublayers and of the MHSA
Namely, we artificially block, or “knock out”, spe- parameters. More generally, we make a substan-
cific parts in the computation to observe their im- tial step towards increasing model transparency,
portance during inference. To implement this ap- introducing new research directions for knowledge
proach in LLMs, we intervene on the MHSA sub- localization and model editing.
layers by blocking the last position from attending
2 Background and Notation
to other positions at specific layers. We identify
two consecutive critical points in the computation, We start by providing a detailed description of
where representations of the relation and then the the transformer inference pass, focusing on auto-
subject are incorporated into the last position: first regressive decoder-only LMs. For brevity, bias
the relation and then the subject. terms and layer normalization (Ba et al., 2016) are
Next, to identify where attribute extraction oc- omitted, as they are nonessential for our analysis.
curs, we analyze the information that propagates A transformer-based LM first converts an input
at these critical points and the representation con- text to a sequence t1 , ...tN of N tokens. Each token
struction process that precedes them. This is done ti is then embedded as a vector x0i ∈ Rd using an
through additional interventions to the MHSA and embedding matrix E ∈ R|V|×d , over a vocabulary
MLP sublayers and projections to the vocabulary V. The input embeddings are then transformed
(Dar et al., 2022; Geva et al., 2022b; Nostalgebraist, through a sequence of L transformer layers, each
2020). We discover an internal mechanism for at- composed of a multi-head self-attention (MHSA)
tribute extraction that relies on two key components. sublayer followed by an MLP sublayer (Vaswani
First, a subject enrichment process, through which et al., 2017). Formally, the representation xℓi of
the model constructs a representation at the last token i at layer ℓ is obtained by:
subject-position that encodes many subject-related
attributes. Moreover, we find that out of the three xℓi = xℓ−1
i + aℓi + mℓi (1)
sources that build a representation (i.e., the MHSA where aℓi and mℓi are the outputs from the ℓ-th
and MLP sublayers and the input token embeddings MHSA and MLP sublayers (see below), respec-
(Mickus et al., 2022)), the early MLP sublayers are tively. An output probability distribution is ob-
the primary source for subject enrichment. tained from the final layer representations via a
The second component is an attribute extraction prediction head δ:
operation carried out by the upper MHSA sublay-
pi = softmax δ(xL

ers. For a successful extraction, these sublayers rely i ), (2)
on information from both the subject representation
and the last position. Moreover, extraction is per- that projects the representation to the vocabulary
formed by attention heads, and our analysis shows space, either through multiplying by the embedding
that these heads often encode subject-attribute map- matrix (i.e., δ(xL L
i ) = Exi ) or by using a trained
pings in their parameters. We observed this extrac- linear layer (i.e., δ(xL L
i ) = W xi + u for W ∈
R |V|×d |V|
, u ∈ R ).
tion behavior in ∼70% of the predictions.
Our analysis provides a significantly improved MHSA Sublayers The MHSA sublayers com-
understanding of the way factual predictions are pute global updates that aggregate information
formed. The mechanism we uncover can be intu- from all the representations at the previous layer.
itively described as the following three key steps The ℓ-th MHSA sublayer is defined using four
parameter matrices: three projection matrices Presley play?”) or as a fill-in-the-blank query (e.g.
WQℓ , WK ℓ , W ℓ ∈ Rd×d and an output matrix
V “Elvis Presley played the ____”). While LMs often
WOℓ ∈ Rd×d . Following Elhage et al. (2021); Dar succeed at predicting the correct attribute for such
et al. (2022), the columns of each projection ma- queries (Roberts et al., 2020; Petroni et al., 2019), it
trix and the rows of the output matrix can be split is unknown how attributes are extracted internally.
into H equal parts, corresponding to the number For a factual query q that expresses the sub-
of attention heads WQℓ,j , WK
, WVℓ,j ∈ Rd× H and ject s and relation r of a triplet (s, r, a), let t =
d (t1 , ..., tN ) be the representation of q as a sequence
WOℓ,j ∈ R H ×d for j ∈ [1, H]. This allows describ-
of tokens, based on some LM. We refer by the
ing the MHSA output as a sum of matrices, each
subject tokens to the sub-sequence of t that cor-
induced by a single attention head:
responds to s, and by the subject positions to the
H   positions of the subject tokens in t. The non-subject
Aℓ,j X ℓ−1 WVℓ,j WOℓ,j
aℓi = (3) tokens in q express the relation r.
H   Data We use queries from C OUNTER FACT
Aℓ,j X ℓ−1 WVℓ,jO
:= (4) (Meng et al., 2022a). For a given model, we extract
j=1 a random sample of queries for which the model
X ℓ−1 WQℓ,j X ℓ−1 WK
ℓ,j ! predicts the correct attribute. In the rest of the pa-
Aℓ,j = γ p +M ℓ,j per, we refer to the token predicted by the model
d/H for a given query q as the attribute a, even though
(5) it could be a sub-word and thus only the prefix of
the attribute name (e.g. Wash for “Washington”).
where X ℓ ∈ RN ×d is a matrix with all token rep-
resentations at layer ℓ, γ is a row-wise softmax
Models We analyze two auto-regressive decoder-
normalization, Aℓ,j ∈ RN ×N encodes the weights
only GPT LMs with different layouts: GPT-2 (Rad-
computed by the j-th attention head at layer ℓ, and
ford et al., 2019) (L = 48, 1.5B parameters) and
M ℓ,j is a mask for Aℓ,j . In auto-regressive LMs,
GPT-J (Wang and Komatsuzaki, 2021) (L = 28,
Aℓ,j is masked to a lower triangular matrix, as each
6B parameters). Both models use a vocabulary
position can only attend to preceding positions (i.e.
ℓ,j with ∼50K tokens. Also, GPT-J employs parallel
Mrc = −∞ ∀c > r and zero otherwise). Impor-
MHSA and MLP sublayers, where the output of the
tantly, the cell Aℓ,j
rc can viewed as a weighted edge
ℓ-th MLP sublayer for the i-th representation de-
from the r-th to the c-th hidden representations at
pends on xℓ−1
i rather than on aℓi + xℓ−1
i (see Eq. 6).
layer ℓ − 1.
We follow the procedure by Meng et al. (2022a) to
MLP Sublayers Every MLP sublayer computes create a data sample for each model, resulting in
a local update for each representation: 1,209 queries for GPT-2 and 1,199 for GPT-J.
mℓi = WFℓ σ WIℓ aℓi + xℓ−1 i (6) 4 Overview: Experiments & Findings
where WIℓ ∈ Rdi ×d and WFℓ ∈ Rd×di are param- We start by introducing our attention blocking
eter matrices with inner-dimension di , and σ is a method and apply it to identify critical information
nonlinear activation function. Recent works has flow points in factual predictions (§5) – one from
shown that transformer MLP sublayers can be cast the relation, followed by another from the subject.
as key-value memories (Geva et al., 2021) that store Then, we analyze the evolution of the subject repre-
factual knowledge (Dai et al., 2022; Meng et al., sentation in the layers preceding this critical point
2022a). (§6), and find that it goes through an enrichment
process driven by the MLP sublayers, to encode
3 Experimental Setup
many subject-related attributes. Last, we investi-
We focus on the task of factual open-domain gate how and where the right attribute is extracted
questions, where a model needs to predict an at- from this representation (§7), and discover that this
tribute a of a given subject-relation pair (s, r). A is typically done by the upper MHSA sublayers, via
triplet (s, r, a) is typically expressed in a question- attention heads that often encode a subject-attribute
answering format (e.g. “What instrument did Elvis mapping in their parameters.
subject non-subject last causal tracing (Meng et al., 2022a), which checks
GPT2-xl what hidden representations restore the original
% change in prediction probability 0 prediction when given perturbed input tokens; we
20 test where critical information propagates rather
than where it is located during inference.
60 Experiment We use Attention Knockout to test
0 10 20 30 40 50 whether and, if so, where information from the
0 subject and relation positions directly propagates
to the last position. Let S, R ⊂ [1, N ) be the
subject and non-subject positions for a given input.
40 For each layer ℓ, we block the attention edges from
60 the last position to each of S, R and the last (N -
0 5 10 15 20 25 th) position, for a window of k layers around the
layer ℓ-th layer, and measure the change in prediction
probability. We set k = 9 (5) for GPT-2 (GPT-J).2
Figure 2: Relative change in the prediction probability
when intervening on attention edges to the last position,
Results Fig. 2 shows the results. For both GPT-2
for window sizes of 9 layers in GPT-2 and 5 in GPT-J.
and GPT-J, blocking attention to the subject to-
kens (solid green lines) in the middle-upper layers
5 Localizing Information Flow via causes a dramatic decrease in the prediction proba-
Attention Knockout bility of up to 60%. This suggests that critical infor-
mation from the subject positions moves directly
For a successful attribute prediction, a model to the last position at these layers. Moreover, an-
should process the input subject and relation such other substantial decrease of 35%-45% is observed
that the attribute can be read from the last position. for the non-subject positions (dashed purple lines).
We investigate how this process is done internally Importantly, critical information from non-subject
by “knocking out” parts of the computation and positions precedes the propagation of critical in-
measuring the effect on the prediction. To this formation from the subject positions, a trend we
end, we propose a fine-grained intervention on the observe for different subject-relation orders (§A.1).
MHSA sublayers, as they are the only module that Example interventions are provided in §H.
communicates information between positions, and
Overall, this shows that there are specific dis-
thus any critical information must be transferred by
jointed stages in the computation with peaks of
them. We show that factual predictions are built in
critical information propagating directly to the pre-
stages where critical information propagates to the
diction from different positions. In the next section,
prediction at specific layers during inference.
we investigate the critical information that propa-
Method: Attention Knockout Intuitively, crit- gates from the subject positions to the prediction.
ical attention edges are those that, when blocked,
result in severe degradation in prediction quality. 6 Intermediate Subject Representations
Therefore, we test whether critical information
propagates between two hidden representations at a We saw that critical subject information is passed
specific layer, by zeroing-out all the attention edges to the last position in the upper layers. We now
between them. Formally, let r, c ∈ [1, N ] such that analyze what information is contained in the sub-
r ≤ c be two positions. We block xℓr from attend- ject representation at the point of transfer, and how
ing to xℓc at a layer ℓ < L by updating the attention does this information evolves across layers. To do
weights to that layer (Eq. 5): this, we map hidden representations to vocabulary
tokens via projection. Our results indicate that the
Mrc = −∞ ∀j ∈ [1, H] (7) subject representation contains a wealth of infor-
mation about the subject at the point where it is
Effectively, this restricts the source position from transferred to the last position.
obtaining information from the target position, at
that particular layer. Notably, this is different from Results for varying values of k are provided in §A.4.
Subject Example top-scoring tokens by the subject representation
Iron Man 3, 2, Marvel, Ultron, Avenger, comics, suit, armor, Tony, Mark, Stark, 2020
GPT-2 Sukarno Indonesia, Buddhist, Thailand, government, Museum, Palace, Bangkok, Jakarta
Roman Republic Rome, Augustus, circa, conquered, fame, Antiqu, Greece, Athens, AD, Caesar
Ferruccio Busoni music, wrote, piano, composition, International, plays, manuscript, violin
GPT-J Joe Montana career, National, football, NFL, Award, retired, quarterback, throws, Field
Chromecast device, Audio, video, Wireless, HDMI, USB, Google, Android, technology, 2016

Table 1: Example tokens by subject representations of GPT-2 (ℓ = 40) and GPT-J (ℓ = 22).

subject last subject subseq. of non-common tokens that were mentioned in the
subject first input last context of s, and are thus likely to be its attributes.
GPT2-xl 50 GPT-J
Further details on the construction of these sets are
attributes rate

40 40 provided in §C. We define the attributes rate for

30 a subject s in a set of tokens T as the portion of
20 tokens in T that appear in As .

0 10
0 20 40 0 10 20 Experiment We measure the attributes rate in the
layer layer
top k = 50 tokens by the subject representation,
Figure 3: Attributes rate at different positions across that is, the representation at the last-subject posi-
layers (starting from layer 1), in GPT-2 and GPT-J. tion, in each layer. We focus on this position as it
is the only subject position that attends to all the
subject positions, and thus it is likely to be the most
6.1 Inspection of Subject Representations critical (we validate this empirically in §A.3). We
Motivating Observation To analyze what is en- compare with the rate at other positions: the first
coded in a representation hℓt , we cast it as a distri- subject position, the position after the subject, and
bution pℓt over the vocabulary (Geva et al., 2022b; the last input position (i.e., the prediction position).
Nostalgebraist, 2020), using the same projection
applied to final-layer representations (Eq. 2). Then,
Results Fig. 3 shows the results for GPT-2 and
we inspect the k tokens with the highest probabil-
GPT-J. In both models, the attributes rate at the
ities in pℓt . Examining these projections, we ob-
last-subject position is increasing throughout the
served that they are informative and often encode
layers, and is substantially higher than at other po-
several subject attributes (Tab. 1 and §D). There-
sitions in the intermediate-upper layers, reaching
fore, we turn to quantitatively evaluate the extent
close to 50%. This suggests that, during infer-
to which the representation of a subject encodes
ence, the model constructs attribute-rich subject
tokens that are semantically related to it.
representations at the last subject-position. In addi-
Evaluation Metric: Attributes Rate Semantic tion, critical information from these representations
relatedness is hard to measure based on human propagates to the prediction, as this range of lay-
judgment, as ratings are typically of low agreement, ers corresponds to the peak of critical information
especially between words of various parts of speech observed by blocking the attention edges to the
(Zesch and Gurevych, 2010; Feng et al., 2017). prediction (§5).
Hence, we propose an automatic approximation We have seen that the representation of the sub-
of the subject-attribute relatedness, which is the ject encodes many terms related to it. A natural
rate of the predicted attributes in a given set of question that arises is where these terms are ex-
tokens known to be highly related to the subject. tracted from to enrich that representation. In princi-
For a given subject s, we first create a set As of ple, there are three potential sources (Mickus et al.,
candidate attributes, by retrieving paragraphs about 2022), which we turn to analyze in the next sec-
s from Wikipedia using BM25 (Robertson et al., tions: the static embeddings of the subject tokens
1995), tokenizing each paragraph, and removing (§6.2) and the parameters of the MHSA and MLP
common words and sub-words. The set As consists sublayers (§6.3).
40 Results Results with respect to layer ℓ̄ = 40 in
attributes rate
GPT-2 are shown in Fig. 4, showing that canceling
at layer 40
the early MLP sublayers has a destructive effect on
20 No intervention
MLP sublayers the subject representation’s attributes rate, decreas-
10 MHSA sublayers ing it by ∼88% on average. In contrast, canceling
1-10 11-20 21-30 the MHSA sublayers has a much smaller effect of
intervention layers <30% decrease in the attributes rate, suggesting
that the MLP sublayers play a major role in creat-
Figure 4: The attributes rate of the subject representation ing subject representations. Results with respect to
with and without canceling updates from the MLP and
other layers and for GPT-J show similar trends and
MHSA sublayers in GPT-2.
are provided in §C and §E, respectively. We further
analyze this by inspecting the MLP updates, show-
6.2 Attribute Rate in Token Embeddings ing they promote subject-related concepts (§F).
Notably, these findings are consistent with the
We test whether attributes are already encoded in
view of MLP sublayers as key-value memories
the static embeddings of the subject tokens, by mea-
(Geva et al., 2021; Dai et al., 2022) and extend
suring the attributes rate, as in §6.1. Concretely,
recent observations (Meng et al., 2022a; Wallat
let t1 , ..., t|s| be the tokens representing a subject s
et al., 2020) that factual associations are stored in
(e.g. Piet, ro, Men, nea for “Pietro Mennea”),
1 P|s|
intermediate layers, showing that they are spread
and denote by ē := |s| i=1 eti their mean em- across the early MLP sublayers as well.
bedding vector, where eti is the embedding of ti .
We compute the attributes rate in the top k = 50 7 Attribute Extraction via Attention
tokens by each of eti and by ē. We find that the
highest attributes rate across the subject’s token The previous section showed that the subject repre-
embeddings is 19.3 on average for GPT-2 and 28.6 sentation is enriched with information throughout
in GPT-J, and the average rate by the mean sub- the early-middle layers. But recall that in our pre-
ject embedding is 4.1 in GPT-2 and 11.5 in GPT-J. diction task, only one specific attribute is sought.
These rates are considerably lower than the rates by How is this attribute extracted and at which point?
the subject representations at higher layers (Fig. 3). We next show that (a) attribute extraction is typ-
This suggests that while static subject-token em- ically carried out by the MHSA sublayers (§7.1)
beddings encode some factual associations, other when the last position attends to the subject, (b) the
model components are needed for extraction of extraction is non-trivial as it reduces the attribute’s
subject-related attributes. rank by the subject representation considerably
(§7.2) and it depends on the subject enrichment
6.3 Subject Representation Enrichment process (§7.3), and (c) the relevant subject-attribute
We next assess how different sublayers contribute mappings are often stored in the MHSA parameters
to the construction of subject representations (§7.4). This is in contrast to commonly held belief
through causal interventions. that MLPs hold such information.

Method: Sublayer Knockout To understand 7.1 Attribute Extraction to the Last Position
which part of the transformer layer “adds” the in- Recall that the critical information from the subject
formation about attributes to the representation, propagates when its representation encodes many
we simply zero-out the two key additive elements: terms related to it, and after the critical information
the MHSA and MLP sublayers. Concretely, we flow from the relation positions (§5). Thus, the last-
zero-out updates to the last subject position from position representation at this point can be viewed
each MHSA and MLP sublayer, for 10 consec- as a relation query to the subject representation. We
utive layers. Formally, when intervening on the therefore hypothesize that the critical information

MHSA (MLP) sublayer at layer ℓ, we set aℓi = 0 that flows at this point is the attribute itself.

(mℓi = 0) for ℓ′ = ℓ, ..., min{ℓ + 9, L} (see Eq. 1).
For each intervention, we measure the effect on the Experiment: Extraction Rate To test this hy-
attributes rate in the subject representation at some pothesis, we inspect the MHSA updates to the last
specific layer ℓ̄, where attribute rate is high. position in the vocabulary, and check whether the

attribute extraction rate

attribute extraction rate

no patching
MHSA 0.6
0.2 MLP
0.4 patched positions
0.2 non-subject
0.0 last
0 10 20 30 40 50 0.0
layer 0 5 10 15 20
layer used for patching
Figure 5: Attribute extraction rate across layers, for the
MHSA and MLP sublayers in GPT-2. Figure 6: Extraction rate when patching representations
from early layers at different positions in GPT-2.
Extraction # of extracting
rate layers
MHSA 68.2 2.15 attribute to the prediction (Fig. 5), with 68.2% of
- all but subj. last + last 44.4 1.03 the examples exhibiting agreement events (Tab. 2).
- all non-subj. but last 42.1 1.04 The layers at which extraction happens coincide
- last 39.4 0.97
- subj. last 37.7 0.82 with those where critical subject information prop-
- all but last 32.9 0.55 agates to the last position (Fig. 2), which further
- subj. last + last 32.8 0.7 explains why this information is critical for the pre-
- non-subj. 31.5 0.71
- subj. 30.2 0.51 diction.
- all but subj. last 23.5 0.44 Considering the knockout results in Tab. 2, at-
- all but first 0 0.01
tribute extraction is dramatically suppressed when
MLP 31.3 0.38 blocking the attention to the subject positions
(30.2%) or non-subject positions (31.5%). More-
Table 2: Per-example extraction statistics across layers,
over, this suppression is alleviated when allowing
for the MHSA and MLP sublayers, and MHSA with
interventions on positions: (non-)subj. for (non-)subject the last position to attend to itself and to the sub-
positions, last (first) for the last (first) input position. ject representation (44.4%), overall suggesting that
Extraction rate here refers to the fraction of queries for critical information is centered at these positions.
which there was an extraction event in at least one layer. Last, the extraction rate by the MLP sublayers
is substantially lower (31.3%) than by the MHSA.
Further analysis shows that for 17.4% of these ex-
top-token by each update matches the attribute pre-
amples, extraction by the MLP was preceded by an
dicted at the final layer. Formally, let
extraction by the MHSA, and for another 10.2% no
extraction was made by the MHSA sublayers. This
t∗ := arg max(pL ′ ℓ
N ) ; t := arg max(EaN )
suggests that both the MHSA and MLP implement
be the token predicted by the model and the top- attribute extraction, but MHSA is the prominent
token by the ℓ-th MHSA update to the last position mechanism for factual queries.
(i.e., aℓN ). We check the agreement between t∗ and 7.2 Extraction Significance
t′ for every ℓ ∈ [1, L], and refer to agreement cases
(i.e. when t′ = t∗ ) as extraction events, since the A possible scenario is that the attribute is already
attribute is being extracted by the MHSA. Similarly, located at the top of the projection by the subject
we conduct the experiment while blocking the last representation, and the MHSA merely propagates it
position from attending to different positions (using “as-is” rather than extracting it. We show that this
attention knockout, see §5), and also apply it to the is not the case, by comparing the attribute’s rank in
MLP updates to the last position. the subject representation and in the MHSA update.
For every extraction event with a subject represen-
Results Fig. 5 shows the extraction rate (namely tation hℓs , we check the attribute’s rank in δ(hℓs ),
the fraction of queries for which there was an ex- which indicates how prominent the extraction by
traction event) for the MHSA and MLP updates the MHSA is (recall that, at an extraction event,
across layers in GPT-2, and Tab. 2 provides per- the attribute’s rank by the MHSA output is 1). We
example extraction statistics (similar results for observe an average attribute rank of 999.5, which
GPT-J are in §E). When attending to all the input shows that the extraction operation promotes the
positions, the upper MHSA sublayers promote the specific attribute over many other candidate tokens.
7.3 Importance of Subject Enrichment Results We find that for 30.2% (39.3%) of the ex-
An important question is whether the subject repre- traction events in GPT-2 (GPT-J), there is a head
sentation enrichment is required for attribute extrac- that encodes the subject-attribute mapping in its
tion by the MHSA. Arguably, the attribute could parameters (see examples in §G). Moreover, these
have been encoded in early-layer representations specific mappings are spread over 150 attention
or extracted from non-subject representations. heads in GPT-2, mostly in the upper layers (24-45).
Interestingly, further analysis of the frequent heads
Experiment We test this by “patching” early- show they encode hundreds of such mappings, act-
layer representations at the subject positions and ing as “knowledge hubs” during inference (§G).
measuring the effect on the extraction rate. For Overall, this suggests that factual associations are
each layer ℓ = 0, 1, 5, 10, 20, with 0 being the em- encoded in the MHSA parameters.
beddings, we feed the representations at the subject
positions as input to the MHSA at any succeeding
layer ℓ′ > ℓ. This simulates the MHSA opera- 8 Related Work
tion at different stages of the enrichment process.
Similarly, we patch the representations of the last
Recently, there has been a growing interest in
position and of the other non-subject positions.
knowledge tracing in LMs. A prominent thread
Results Results for GPT-2 are shown in Fig. 6 focused on locating layers (Meng et al., 2022a;
(and for GPT-J in §E). Patching early subject rep- Wallat et al., 2020) and neurons (Dai et al., 2022)
resentations decreases the extraction rate by up to that store factual information, which often informs
50%, which stresses the importance of attributes en- editing approaches (De Cao et al., 2021; Mitchell
richment for attribute recall. In contrast, patching et al., 2022; Meng et al., 2022b). Notably, Hase
of non-subject representations has a weaker effect, et al. (2023) showed that it is possible to change an
which implies that they are “ready” very early in encoded fact by editing weights in other locations
the computation. These observations are further from where methods suggest this fact is stored,
supported by a gradient-based feature attribution which highlights how little we understand about
analysis (§B), which shows the influence of the how factual predictions are built. Our work is mo-
early subject representations on the prediction. tivated by this discrepancy and focuses on under-
Notably, for all the positions, a major increase standing the recall process of factual associations.
in extraction rate is obtained in the first layer (e.g. Our analysis also relates to studies of the pre-
0.05 → 0.59 for non-subject positions), suggesting diction process in LMs (Voita et al., 2019; Tenney
that the major overhead is done by the first layer. et al., 2019). Specifically, Haviv et al. (2023) used
7.4 “Knowledge” Attention Heads fine-grained interventions to show that early MLP
sublayers are crucial for memorized predictions.
We further investigate how the attribute is extracted Also, Hernandez et al. (2023) introduced a method
by MHSA, by inspecting the attention heads’ pa- for editing knowledge encoded in hidden repre-
rameters in the embedding space and analyzing the sentations. More broadly, our approach relates to
mappings they encode for input subjects, using the studies of how LMs organize information internally
interpretation by Dar et al. (2022). (Reif et al., 2019; Hewitt and Manning, 2019).
Analysis To get the top mappings for a token t Mechanistic interpretability (Olah, 2022; Nanda
by the j-th head at layer ℓ, we inspect the matrix et al., 2023) is an emerging research area. Re-
WVℓ,jO in the embeddings space with cent works used projections to the vocabulary (Dar
et al., 2022; Geva et al., 2022b; Ram et al., 2022)
Gℓ,j := E T WVℓ,jO E ∈ R|V |×|V | , (8)
and interventions in the transformer computation
by taking the k tokens with the highest values in (Wang et al., 2022; Haviv et al., 2023) to study
the t-th row of Gℓ,j . Notably, this is an approxi- the inner-workings of LMs. A concurrent work by
mation of the head’s operation, which is applied to Mohebbi et al. (2023) studied contextualization in
contextualized subject representations rather than LMs by zeroing-out MHSA values, a method that
to token embeddings. For every extraction event effectively results in the same blocking effect as
with a subject s and an attribute a, we then check if our knockout method. In our work, we leverage
a appears in the top-10 tokens for any of s’s tokens. such methods to investigate factual predictions.
9 Conclusion References
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subject non-subject last subject non-subject last
20 20
GPT2-xl GPT2-xl
0 0
% change in prediction probability

% change in prediction probability

20 20
40 40
60 60
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
0 0
25 20
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
layer layer

Figure 7: Relative change in the prediction probability Figure 8: Relative change in the prediction probability
when intervening on attention edges to the last position, when intervening on attention edges to the last position,
for 9 layers in GPT-2 and 5 in GPT-J, for the subset of for 9 layers in GPT-2 and 5 in GPT-J, for the subset
examples where the subject appears at the first position of examples where the subject appears after the first
in the input. position in the input.

A Additional Information Flow Analysis A.2 First-position Bias

We observe that blocking the last position from
A.1 Subject-Relation Order
attending to the first position, regardless of which
We break down the results in §5 by the subject- token corresponds to it, has a substantial effect on
relation order in the input query, to evaluate the prediction probability (see examples in §H).
whether we observe the same trends. Since the We quantify this observation and show that it
relation is expressed by all the non-subject tokens, does not change our main findings in §5. To this
we split the data into two subsets based on the the end, we conduct the same experiment in §5, but
subject position: (a) examples where the subject without blocking the attention edges to the first po-
appears in the first position (i.e. the subject ap- sition. Results are provided in Fig. 9, showing the
pears before the relation), and (b) examples where same trends as observed when blocking the atten-
it appears at later positions (i.e. the subject appears tion to the first position as well; in both GPT-2 and
after the relation). We conduct the same attention GPT-J, there are clear peaks of critical information
blocking experiment as in §5, and show the results from subject and non-subject positions propagating
for the two subsets in Fig. 7 (a) and Fig. 8 (b). to the last position at different layers, which when
In both figures, subject information passes to the blocked reduce the prediction probability drasti-
last position at the same range of layers, showing cally.
that this observation hold in both cases. However, Nonetheless, the decrease in probability at these
when the relation appears before the subject, block- peaks is smaller in magnitude when the first po-
ing the attention to its positions has a more promi- sition is not blocked compared to when it is. For
nent impact on the prediction probability. Also, example, blocking the subject positions leads to a
its effect is more spread-out across all the layers. decrease of up to 40% when the last position can at-
We suggest that this different behavior is a result tend to the first position, compared to 60% when it
of a positional bias encoded in the first position cannot (Fig. 2). Likewise, blocking the non-subject
in GPT-like models: regardless of which token ap- positions (which correspond to the relation) leads
pears in the first position, blocking attention to this to greater impact across the early-intermediate lay-
position typically results in a substantial decrease ers when the first position is blocked compared
in the prediction probability. The examples in §H to when it is not. For instance, intervening on
demonstrate this. We further verify this in §A.2. layers 5-20 in GPT-J constantly decreases the out-
subject non-subject last

in prediction probability

relative change (%)

% change in prediction probability
40 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 100
last first before last
GPT-J non-blocked subject position
Figure 10: Relative change in the prediction probability
20 when intervening on attention edges to the last position
from different subject positions in GPT-2.
0 5 10 15 20 25 subject non-subject last
layer 5
k=1 k=5
Figure 9: Relative change in the prediction probability
5 20
when intervening on attention edges to the last position, % change in prediction probability
for 9 layers in GPT-2 and 5 in GPT-J. Here, we do not 10 40
block attention edges to the first position in the input. 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
20 20
k=9 k=13
0 0
20 20
put probability by ∼20% when the first position is 40
blocked (Fig. 2) compared to <5% when it is not. 60
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
0 0
A.3 Information Flow from Subject Positions k=17 k=21
20 20
40 40
We conjecture that, due to auto-regressivity, sub-
60 60
ject representations with critical information for 80
the prediction are formed at the last-subject posi- 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
tion. To verify that, we refine our interventions in layer
§5, and block the attention edges to the last posi-
tion from all the subject positions except one. We Figure 11: Relative change in the prediction probabil-
then measure the effect of these interventions on ity when intervening on attention edges from different
the prediction probability, which indicates from positions to the last position, for windows of k layers in
GPT-2. The plots show the analysis for varying values
which position critical information propagates to
of k.
the prediction.
Fig. 10 depicts the results for GPT-2, showing
that indeed the prediction is typically damaged of critical information flow to the last position –
by 50% − 100% when the last subject-position is one from the relation positions in the early layers,
blocked (i.e. “first” and “before-last”), and usually followed by another from the subject positions in
remains intact when this position is not blocked the upper layers. An exception, however, can be
(i.e. “last”). observed when knocking out edges from the re-
lation positions using just a single-layer window
A.4 Window Size in GPT-2; in this case, no significant change in
We examine the effect of the window size hyperpa- the prediction probability is apparent. This might
rameter on our information flow analysis, as con- imply that critical information from the relation
ducted in §5 for the last position in GPT-2 and positions is processed in multiple layers. Moreover,
GPT-J. Results of this analysis with varying win- the decrease in the prediction probability becomes
dow sizes of k = 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21 are provided in more prominent when for larger values of k. This
Fig. 11 for GPT-2 and Fig. 12 for GPT-J. Over- is expected, as knocking out more attention edges
all, the same observations are consistent across in the computation prevents the model from con-
different window sizes, with two prominent sites textualizing the input properly.
subject non-subject last tion of this method3 , and apply it not just to the in-
20 k=1 k=5
0 put (sub)word embeddings (ℓ = 0), but also to each
20 intermediate transformer layer (ℓ = 1, . . . , N ).4
40 Fig. 13 shows the per-layer gradient-times-input
% change in prediction probability

20 analysis for the input “Beats Music is owned by”
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
k=9 0
k=13 for GPT-2 and GPT-J. This analysis supports our
25 25 earlier findings (§6, Fig. 6) that shows the “readi-
50 50 ness” of subject vs. non-subject positions: We
75 75 observe both for both models that the subject po-
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 sitions remain relevant until deep into the com-
k=21 putation, while the subject is being enriched with
25 25 associations. Moreover, the input for ‘owned’ is
50 50
75 75
relevant for the prediction in the first few layers,
after which the plot suggests it is incorporated into
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
the final position. That final position becomes more
layer relevant for the prediction the deeper we get into
the network, as it seemingly incorporates informa-
Figure 12: Relative change in the prediction probabil-
ity when intervening on attention edges from different
tion from other positions, before it is used as the
positions to the last position, for windows of k layers in point to make the final prediction for target ‘Apple’
GPT-J. The plots show the analysis for varying values at layer 48 (28). At that point, the final position has
of k. virtually all relevance, in line with what we would
expect for an auto-regressive model.
In Fig. 14 we go beyond a single example, and
B Gradient-based Analysis show per-layer gradient-times-input aggregated
over the dataset (a subset of C OUNTER FACT, cf.
Gradient-based feature attribution methods, also §3) for each model. We can see that the observa-
known as saliency methods, are a way to inspect tions we made for the single example in Fig. 13
what happens inside neural models for predictions also hold in general: the subject tokens remain rel-
of specific examples. Typically, they result in evant until about 23 into the network depth, and the
a heatmap over the input (sub)tokens, i.e., high- relation (indicated by “further tokens”) is relevant
lighted words. We distinguish between sensitivity in the first few layers, after which it becomes less
and saliency (Ancona et al., 2019; Bastings and relevant to the prediction.
Filippova, 2020): methods such as Gradient-L2 (Li
et al., 2016) show to which inputs the model is C Attributes Rate Evaluation
sensitive, i.e., where a small change in the input
would make a large change in the output, but a C.1 Evaluation Details
method such as Gradient-times-Input (Denil et al., We provide details on the construction process of
2014) reflects salience: it shows (approximately) candidate sets for attributes rate evaluation (§6.1).
how much each input contributes to this particular Given a subject s, first we use the BM25 algorithm
logit value. The latter is computed as: (Robertson et al., 1995) to retrieve 100 paragraphs
from the English Wikipedia5 with s being the query.
∇xℓ fcℓ (xℓ1 , xℓ2 , . . . , xℓN ) ⊙ xℓi (9) From the resulting set, we keep only paragraphs for
Concurrently, the use of per-layer gradient-times-input,
also called gradient-times-activation, was also proposed by
where xℓi is the input at position i in layer ℓ (with Sarti et al. (2023) for computing contrastive (Yin and Neubig,
ℓ = 0 being the embeddings which are used for 2022) per-layer explanations.
Gradient-times-Input), and fcℓ (·) the function that We add an Identity layer to the output of each trans-
former layer block, and capture the output and gradient there,
takes the input sequence at layer ℓ and returns the after the attention and MLP sublayers have been added to the
logit for the target/predicted token c. To obtain a residual. This is important especially for GPT-J, where the
scalar importance score for each token, we take the attention and MLP sublayers are computed in parallel, so cap-
turing the output and gradient only at the MLP would result
L2 norm of each vector and normalize the scores to in incorrect attributions.
sum to one. For our analysis we use a generaliza- We use the dump of October 13, 2021.
Gradient*Activation for logit "Apple" 1.0
Average attributions for target attribute
Be First input token
ats 0.8 First subject token 0.8
Music 0.6 Last subject token 0.6
All subject tokens
is 0.4 First subsequent token 0.4
owned 0.2 Further tokens 0.2
by Last input token
0.0 0.0


(a) GPT-2 (a) GPT-2
Gradient*Activation for logit "Apple" 1.0 Average attributions for target attribute
Be First input token
ats 0.8 First subject token 0.8
Music 0.6 Last subject token 0.6
All subject tokens
is 0.4 First subsequent token 0.4
owned 0.2 Further tokens 0.2
by Last input token
0.0 0.0


(b) GPT-J (b) GPT-J

Figure 13: Gradient-times-Activation analysis for the Figure 14: Gradient-times-Activation averaged over all
example “Beats Music is owned by Apple”. examples.

GPT2-xl, MLP
which the subject appears as-is in their content or 1
first intervention layer

in the title of the page/section they are in. This is to 7 40

avoid noisy paragraph that could be obtained from 13 30
partial overlap with the subject (e.g. retrieving a 19
paragraph about “2004 Summer Olympics” for the 22 20
subject “2020 Summer Olympics”). This process 28 10
results in 58.1 and 54.3 paragraphs per subject on 34
average for the data subsets of GPT-2 and GPT-J,
respectively. subject representation layer
Next, for each model, we tokenize the sets of
Figure 15: The attributes rate of the subject representa-
paragraphs, remove duplicate tokens, and tokens tion at different layers, when intervening on (canceling)
with less than 3 characters (excluding spaces). The different 10 consecutive MLP sublayers in GPT-2.
later is done to avoid tokens representing frequent
short sub-words like S and ’s. For stopwords re-
moval, we use the list from the NLTK package.6 effect is observed when canceling MHSA updates.
This yields the final sets As , of 1154.4 and 1073.1
candidate tokens on average for GPT-2 and GPT-J,
D Projection of Subject Representations
respectively. We provide additional examples for top-scoring
tokens in the projection of subject representations
C.2 Additional Sublayer Knockout Results
across layers, in GPT-2 and GPT-J. Tab. 3 (Tab. 4)
We extend our analysis in §6.3, where we analyzed shows the tokens for the subject “Mark Messier”
the contribution of the MLP and MHSA sublay- (“iPod Classic”) across layers in GPT-2 and GPT-
ers to the subject enrichment process. Specifically, J, excluding stopwords and sub-word tokens.
we now measure the effect of knocking out these
sublayers on the attribute rate at any successive E Additional Results for GPT-J
layer, rather than on a single upper layer. Results
We supply here additional results for GPT-J.
for GPT-2 are presented in Fig. 15 (MLP sub-
Fig. 17 shows the effect of canceling updates from
layers knockouts) and Fig. 16 (MHSA sublayers
the MHSA and MLP sublayers on the attributes
knockouts), showing similar trends where cancel-
rate of the subject representation at layer 22 (§6.3).
ing updates from the MLP sublayers decreases the
Fig. 18 and Tab. 5 provide the extraction rate by
attributes rate dramatically, while a more benign
the MHSA and MLP across layers and per-example
6 extraction statistics, respectively (§7). Last, Fig. 19
ℓ Top-scoring tokens by the subject representation
25 Jr, Sr, era, Era, MP, JR, senior, Clarence, final, stars, Junior, High, Architects
GPT-2 35 Hockey, hockey, Jr, NHL, Rangers, Canucks, Sr, Islanders, Leafs, Montreal, Oilers
40 NHL, Hockey, Jr, Canucks, retired, hockey, Toronto, Sr, Islanders, Leafs, jersey, Oilers
13 Jr, Archives, ice, ring, International, Jersey, age, Institute, National, aged, career
GPT-J 17 hockey, NHL, Jr, Hockey, ice, Canadian, Canada, Archives, ice, Toronto, ring, National
22 NHL, National, hockey, Jr, Foundation, Hockey, Archives, Award, ice, career, http

Table 3: Top-scoring tokens by the subject representations of “Mark Messier” across intermediate-upper layers (ℓ)
in GPT-2 and GPT-J.

ℓ Top-scoring tokens by the subject representation

25 Edition, Ribbon, Series, Mini, version, Card, CR, XL, MX, XT, Cube, RX, Glow, speakers
GPT-2 35 iPod, Bluetooth, Apple, Mini, iPhone, iOS, speaker, Edition, Android, Controller
40 iPod, headphone, Bluetooth, speakers, speaker, Apple, iPhone, iOS, audio, headphones
13 Series, device, Apple, iPod, model, Music, iPhone, devices, models, style, music
GPT-J 17 Series, model, device, style, Music, series, Archives, music, design, interface, models
22 iPod, Music, music, song, Series, iPhone, Apple, songs, Music, review, series, Audio

Table 4: Top-scoring tokens by the subject representations of “iPod Classic” across intermediate-upper layers (ℓ) in
GPT-2 and GPT-J.


attributes rate at layer 22

4 50
first intervention layer

13 30 40
16 No intervention
22 20 30 MLP sublayers
25 MHSA sublayers
28 10
31 1-10 6-15 11-20 16-22 21-22
0 intervention layers

subject representation layer Figure 17: The attributes rate of the subject representa-
tion with and without canceling updates from the MLP
Figure 16: The attributes rate of the subject representa- and MHSA sublayers in GPT-J.
tion at different layers, when intervening on (canceling)
different 10 consecutive MHSA sublayers in GPT-2.
Eq. 6 to a linear combination of parameter vectors
of the second MLP matrix:
shows the effect of replacing intermediate represen-
tations with early layer representations at different dX
(ℓ,j) ℓ (ℓ,j)
positions on the attribute extraction rate (§7). mℓi = σ wI ai + xℓ−1
i · wF ,
Overall, these results are consistent with those j=1
for GPT-2 described throughout the paper.
where dinner is the MLP inner dimension, and
(ℓ,j) (ℓ,j)
F Analysis of MLP Outputs wI , wF are the j-th row and column of
WIℓ , WFℓ , respectively. We then take the 100 vec-
Following the observation that the early MLP sub- tors in WFℓ with the highest contribution to this
layers are crucial for attribute enrichment of subject sum, for ℓ = 1, ..., 20 in GPT-2, and inspect the
representations, we further analyze their updates top-scoring tokens in their projections to E.
to these representations. To this end, we decom- From manual inspection, we indeed were able to
pose these updates into sub-updates that, accord- identify cases where concepts related to the input
ing to Geva et al. (2022b), often encode human- subject are promoted by the dominant sub-updates.
interpretable concepts. Concretely, We decompose Examples are provided in Tab. 6. We note that
no patching

attribute extraction rate

attribute extraction rate

0.4 MHSA
MLP 0.6
0.2 0.4 patched positions
0.1 subject
0.2 non-subject
0.0 last
0 5 10 15 20 25 0.0
layer 0 2 4 6 8 10
layer used for patching
Figure 18: Attribute extraction rate across layers, for
the MHSA and MLP sublayers in GPT-J. Figure 19: Extraction rate when patching representa-
tions from early layers at different positions in GPT-J.
Extraction # of extracting
rate layers Intervening on flow to: the
window: 10, base probability: 0.1373
MHSA 76.7 1.9 L 0.18
- last 46.7 0.8 ud 0.16
- non-subj. 45.6 0.8 wig
von 0.14
- all non-subj. but last 44.4 0.9 M 0.12
- subj. last 41.1 0.7 ises
- subj. last + last 40.3 0.7 's 0.10
- all but subj. last + last 34.8 0.5 domain 0.08
- all but subj. last 31.3 0.5 work 0.06
- subj. 27.8 0.3 is 0.04
- all but last 24.8 0.3 the*
- all but first 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 p(economics)
MLP 41 0.6
Figure 20: Example intervention on information flow
Table 5: Per-example extraction statistics across layers, to the last position of the input Ludwig von Mises’s
for the MHSA and MLP sublayers, and MHSA with domain of work is the, using a window size 10, in
interventions on positions: (non-)subj. for (non-)subject GPT-2.
positions, last (first) for the last (first) input position.

top mappings encoding hundreds of factual asso-

quantifying this process is non-trivial (either with ciations that cover various relations. Tab. 8 shows
human annotations or automatic methods), and so example mappings by these heads.
we leave this for future work.
H Example Interventions on Information
G Subject-Attribute Mappings in Flow
Attention Heads
Example interventions in GPT-2 are shown in
In §7, we showed that for many extraction events, Fig. 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and in GPT-J in
it is possible to identify specific heads that encode Fig. 25, 26, 27, 28, 29.
mappings between the input subject and predicted
attribute in their parameters. We provide examples
for such mappings in Tab. 7.
As a further analysis, we inspected the heads
that repeatedly extract the attribute for different in-
put queries in GPT-2. Specifically, for the matrix
WVℓ,jO of the j-th head at the ℓ-th layer, we analyze
its projection to the vocabulary Gℓ,j (Eq. 8), but
instead of looking at the top mappings for a spe-
cific subject-token (i.e. a row in Gℓ,j ), we look at
the top mappings across all rows, as done by (Dar
et al., 2022). In our analysis, we focused on the
heads that extract the attribute for at least 10% of
the queries (7 heads in total). We observed that
these heads act as “knowledge hubs”, with their
Subject Description Layer, Top tokens in the projection
United American spacecraft 1, 5394 jet, flights, aircraft, Cargo, passenger, plane,
Launch Al- launch service provider rockets, airspace, carrier, missiles, aerospace
Yakuza 2 Action-adventure video 2, 4817 Arcade, pixels, arcade, Wii, Fighters, pixels,
game Minecraft, Sega, Sonic, GPUs, Hardware,
downloadable, multiplayer, Developers, livestream
Leonard Bern- American composer, pi- 4, 248 violin, rehearsal, opera, pian, composer, Harmony,
stein anist, music educator, ensemble, Melody, piano, musicians, poets,
and author Orchestra, Symphony
Brett Hull Canadian–American 4, 5536 discipl, athlet, Athletics, League, Hockey, ESPN,
former ice hockey former, Sports, NHL, athleticism, hockey, Champions
Bhaktisiddhanta Spiritual master, instruc- 5, 3591 Pradesh, Punjab, Bihar, Gandhi, Laksh, Hindu, Hindi,
Saraswati tor, and revivalist in Indian, guru, India, Tamil, Guru, Krishna, Bengal
early 20th century India
Mark Walters English former profes- 10, 1078 scorer, offence, scoring, defences, backfield,
sional footballer midfielder, midfield, striker, fielder, playoffs,
rebounds, rushing, touchdowns
Acura ILX Compact car 19, 179 Highway, bike, truck, automobile, Bicycle,
motorists, cycle, Motor, freeway, vehicle, commute,
Route, cars, motorcycle, Tire, streetcar, traffic
Beats Music Online music streaming 20, 5488 Technologies, Technology, Apple, iPod, iOS, cloud,
service owned by Apple Appl, engineering, software, platform, proprietary

Table 6: Top-scoring tokens in the projection of dominant MLP sub-updates to the subject representation in GPT-2.

Matrix Subject Top mappings

WOV Barry Zito Baseball, MLB, infield,
Bethesda, RPGs, pitching,
outfield, Iw, pitcher
WOV iPod Classic Macintosh, iPod, Mac,
Perse, Apple, MacBook,
Intervening on flow to: of
Beck, Philipp window: 10, base probability: 0.4321
WOV Philippus van Dutch, Netherlands, ab 0.5
Limborch van, Amsterdam, Holland, ern
Vanessa et
Franc 0.4
Table 7: Example mappings between subject-tokens which 0.3
(underlined) and attributes (bold) encoded in attention named
parameters (tokens for the same word are not shown). for 0.2
of* 0.1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Intervening on flow to: in
window: 10, base probability: 0.9702
The Figure 22: Example intervention on information flow to
head 0.8
quarter the last position of the input Cabernet Franc, which
of 0.6 is named for the region of, using a window size
is 0.4 10, in GPT-2.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 p(Stamford)

Figure 21: Example intervention on information flow

to the last position of the input The headquarter of
WWE is in, using a window size 10, in GPT-2.
Matrix Top mappings
Intervening on flow to: the
(Finnish, Finland) window: 10, base probability: 0.6915
(Saskatchewan, Canadian) The 0.8
(Finland, Finnish) currency
of 0.6
(Saskatchewan, Alberta) the
(Helsinki, Finnish) United 0.4
(Illinois, Chicago) States
WOV (Chicago, Illinois) , 0.2
(Blackhawks, Chicago) the*
(Australia, Australians) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 p(dollar)
(NSW, Sydney)
(Minneapolis, Minnesota) Figure 24: Example intervention on information flow
(Auckland, NZ) to the last position of the input The currency of the
(Texas, Texans)
United States, the, using a window size 10, in GPT-
(Japanese, Tokyo) 2.
(Koreans, Seoul)
(Korean, Seoul)
(Haiti, Haitian)
(Korea, Seoul) Intervening on flow to: in
window: 5, base probability: 0.6748
(Mexican, Hispanic) Com 0.8
(36,20) (Spanish, Spanish) mer
WOV (Japanese, Japan) zb 0.6
(Hawai, Honolulu) ank
, 0.4
(Dublin, Irish) whose
(Norwegian, Oslo) headquarters
(Israelis, Jewish) are 0.2
(Vietnamese, Thai) in*
(Israel, Hebrew) 0 5 10 15 20 25 p(Frankfurt)

(oglu, Turkish) Figure 25: Example intervention on information flow

(Tsuk, Japanese)
(Sven, Swedish) to the last position of the input Commerzbank, whose
(Tsuk, Tokyo) headquarters are in, using a window size 5, in GPT-
(Yuan, Chinese) J.
(stadt, Germany)
(von, German)
WOV (Hiro, Japanese)
(Sven, Norwegian) Intervening on flow to: the
window: 5, base probability: 0.4273
(stadt, Berlin) Ed
(Yuan, Beijing) vard 0.4
(Sven, Danish) Gri
(oglu, Erdogan) eg 0.3
(Fei, Chinese) , 0.2
(Samurai, Japanese) playing
the* 0.1
0 5 10 15 20 25 p(piano)
Table 8: Example top mappings encoded in the parame-
ters of attention heads that extract the attribute for many Figure 26: Example intervention on information flow to
input queries. the last position of the input Edvard Grieg, playing
the, using a window size 5, in GPT-J.
Intervening on flow to: of
window: 10, base probability: 0.3715
S 0.6
iat 0.5 Intervening on flow to: of
window: 5, base probability: 0.6688
c 0.4 Queen 0.8
ze Elizabeth
is 0.3 Land 0.6
located belongs
in to 0.4
0.2 the
country continent 0.2
0.1 of*
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 p(Antarctica)
Figure 27: Example intervention on information flow to
Figure 23: Example intervention on information flow to the last position of the input Queen Elizabeth Land
the last position of the input Siemiatycze is located belongs to the continent of, using a window size
in the country of, using a window size 10, in GPT- 5, in GPT-J.
Intervening on flow to: by
window: 5, base probability: 0.4543
Stat 0.6
istical 0.5
for 0.4
Social 0.3
Sciences 0.2
created 0.1
0 5 10 15 20 25 p(IBM)

Figure 28: Example intervention on information flow

to the last position of the input Statistical Package
for the Social Sciences was created by, using
a window size 5, in GPT-J.

Intervening on flow to: is

window: 5, base probability: 0.2988
mother 0.4
of 0.3
ro 0.2
nea 0.1
0 5 10 15 20 25 p(Italian)

Figure 29: Example intervention on information flow to

the last position of the input The mother tongue of
Pietro Mennea is, using a window size 5, in GPT-J.

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