Graham Doddsville Fall 2022 Issue 46 - 0

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FALL 2022


Jacob Rubin, Philosophy Capital — P. 5

CBS Students Investment Ideas — P. 16
Connor Haley, Alta Fox Capital Management — P. 20
Christopher Bloomstran, Semper Augustus — P. 32

Jake Wheelock, MBA 2023

Matt Keating, MBA 2023
Sean Spellberg, MBA 2023
George Randt, MBA 2024
Nick Stern, MBA 2024
Page 2

Welcome to Graham & Doddsville

We are pleased to bring
you the 46th edition of We continue to bring
Graham & Doddsville. you stock pitches from
This student-led invest- current CBS students.
ment publication of Co-
lumbia Business School In this issue, we fea-
(CBS) is co-sponsored ture the winner of the
by the Heilbrunn Cen- 2022 Kawaja Growth
ter for Graham & Dodd Stock Pitch Challenge,
Investing and the Co- Shalin Doshi (’23), for
Meredith Trivedi, Man- lumbia Student Invest- his long thesis on Con-
aging Director of the Heil- ment Management As- temporary Amperex
brunn Center. Meredith sociation (CSIMA). In Technology [CATL]
leads the Center, cultivat-
ing strong relationships this issue, we were (SZSE: 300750)
with some of the world´s lucky to be joined by
most experienced value three investors who We also feature the
investors and creating have plied their craft winners of the 2022
numerous learning oppor-
tunities for students inter- across geographies, Chicago Booth Invest-
ested in value investing. asset classes, and mar- ment Conference &
ket cycles. Competition, Alan
Leite (‘24), Thomas
We first interviewed Schlabach (‘24),
Jacob Rubin, founder Cheng Jiang (‘23), and
of Philosophy Capital. Matthew West (‘24)
We discussed Mr. Ru- for their long thesis on
bin’s path to investing, Planet Fitness (NYSE:
key mentors, how prin- PLNT).
ciples from philosophy
inform his investing You can find more in-
approach, and go over depth interviews on
several notable invest- the Value Investing
ment case studies. with Legends podcast,
hosted by Tano Santos
Next, we interviewed and Michael Mabuous-
Professor Tano Santos,
Connor Haley, found- sin, Head of Consilient
the Faculty Director of the er of Alta Fox Capital Research on Counter-
Heilbrunn Center. The Management. We dis- point Global at Morgan
Center sponsors the Value cussed Mr. Haley’s ex- Stanley Investment
Investing Program, a rig-
orous academic curricu-
perience launching a Management and ad-
lum for particularly com- fund, evaluating man- junct faculty member
mitted students that is agement teams, and at Columbia Business
taught by some of the dig into his long idea School. The new sea-
industry´s best practition-
ers. The classes spon-
on IDT Corporation. son of the podcast will
sored by the Heilbrunn launch on December
Center are among the Finally, we interviewed 16th.
most heavily demanded Christopher Bloom-
and highly rated classes
at Columbia Business stran, President of We thank our inter-
School. Semper Augustus In- viewees for contrib-
vestments Group. We uting their time and
discuss Mr. Bloom- insights not only to us,
stran’s investment phi- but to the whole in-
losophy, views on capi- vesting community.
tal allocation, and dig
into his long idea on G&D Editors
Paramount Global.
Volume I, Issue
Page 23 Page 3

32nd Annual Graham & Dodd Breakfast

Todd Combs ’02 with breakfast guests Todd Combs ’02 and Michael Mauboussin

Mario Gabelli ’67 and Marc Mayer ’83 Bill Ackman asks a question

Value Investing Program Welcome Reception

Tano Santos and Matt Keating ‘23 Value Investing Program Students
Page 4

The 26th Annual

CSIMA Conference

Date: February 10, 2023

(8:00 am to 5:00 pm EST)

2920 Broadway (115th

Alfred Lerner Hall,
Columbia University,


Cliff Asness, AQR Capital Management

Thomas Gayner, Markel Corporation
Mason Morfit, ValueAct Capital
Jeff Mueller ‘13, Polen Capital
David Samra ‘93, Artisan Partners
Lauren Taylor Wolfe, Impactive Capital

Best Ideas panel

For inquiries, please contact:

Page 5

Jacob Rubin, Philosophy Capital

Jacob Rubin is the while growing the money in the Dot Com
Founder and team and capital base. crash. That didn't have
Managing Member of He traded bikes and any profound impact on
Philosophy Capital boats for trail running me, but it’s a funny
Management LLC. shoes and lives with place to start. My dad,
Philosophy invests his wife and three an assistant Attorney
long and short across children in the Bay General for California,
the capital structure Area. When not had a poker group of
with a value-oriented behind screens, Jacob guys who worked a
approach targeting can be found running range of professions,
securities with ultramarathons on doctors and lawyers and
asymmetric trails or guest accountants. At the
investment returns. teaching at Stanford table, they would trade
on subjects like game jokes – “have you heard
After graduating with theory, event-driven the one about the…” –
Jacob Rubin, a BA in Economics- investing, and and then they might
Philosophy from negotiations. mention a stock tip.
Philosophy Columbia University None of them knew what
Capital (2006), Jacob began Editor’s Note: This they were talking about,
his career with three interview took place nobody had training, it
years of banking on September 29th, was just a social thing.
(JPMorgan, 2022. Who knows, maybe that
Macquarie) followed put a kernel in my head
by an MBA at Stanford Graham & Doddsville about the stock market
(GSB 2011). During (G&D): being like poker. Aside
those years, he raced from that, the only part
bikes and I’m grateful you’re of my childhood that
accumulated a unique taking the time to speak proved relevant was the
collection of jerseys with G&D. It would be focus on math, which
as a reward for his great to learn about you, was driven by my mom,
efforts (the GFC-era your background, your who once tricked me into
Merrill Lynch- upbringing, and how you thinking algebra was fun
sponsored amateur kit became interested in with a game called
is a gem). He briefly pursuing a career in Algeblaster. I was
returned to finance at value investing. always a couple grades
Goldman Sachs only ahead and did math
to veer off course to summer camp for three
Jacob Rubin (JR): years; my parents made
further scratch the
Thanks for having me on a deal with me that if I
academic itch. He
earned an M.Phil in Graham & Doddsville. As wanted to go to tennis or
Economics at a Columbia alum, I’m soccer camp, I had to do
Cambridge University familiar with the math camp. Later, this
publication and it’s an evolved into Mathletes
(2013) while rowing
honor to be a part of it. and the American
Bumps for his college
My upbringing had Invitational Mathematics
in the M1 boat.
nothing to do with Exam. The relevant
Upon his return to the
investing. I grew up in connection to investing
States, Jacob found
California as a sports was just building
his calling at Lonestar
and math kid. I had a confidence in math and
Capital, where he
lawyer dad who worked creating an identity as a
spent six years
for the government and numbers guy.
getting at-bats,
a CPA mom. My life was
cultivating a network,
all about competition in
and developing
sports, but tempered by G&D:
pattern recognition.
parents who had a clear
Jacob hung the Looking through your
understanding that
Philosophy shingle background at Columbia,
academics was the ticket
just as Covid hit and you were an economics
to a better life. My first
spent the past few and philosophy major.
exposure to stocks was
years weathering It'd be interesting to
ironically my dad losing
endless “tail” events (Continued on page 6)
all my Bar Mitzvah
Page 6

Jacob Baker,
Rubin, Atreides Management
Philosophy Capital
learn more about how G&D: economics, and
you shifted from math Can you help translate philosophy, which feels
expert to liberal arts. that for the philosophy as if this is the beginning
newbies? of a true value investor
education. How did that
JR: shape your business
I started at Columbia in JR: school experience and
the economics inform your career path
Sure, though it’s been
department in 2002. post-graduation?
decades! One example I
This was the result of a recall involved a fruit
lack of imagination. bowl. People may state
Economics was a popular JR:
explicit rank preferences
major, I was in New of certain types of fruit The business school path
York City, business was over others, only to was boring: I was
exciting, and I went with violate those preferences following a plan I laid
the flow. In fact, the first in a seemingly out for myself years
time I used my brain for inconsistent manner. But before. If you rewind the
myself was when I rather than concluding tape, my parents grew
pivoted from economics. irrationality, it may be up with little and used
I noticed that the that the description of education to achieve
assumptions underlying choices in the graduate degrees and
the models in lower-level experiment doesn’t provide a better
classes were not capture an additional, opportunity for their
realistic. I recognized relevant factor (such as kids. My parents wanted
that people act etiquette). Assume their kids to keep
emotionally, there’s a bowl of fruit pushing forward and this
inconsistently, are prone with oranges and pears emphasis on progress
to bias or impulse, and and assume I prefer entailed planning.
have blind spots. I was oranges to pears. In a Coming out of college, I
preoccupied with the normal scenario, I’ll take had a five-year plan:
applicability of classroom the orange over the three years of “boot
learning and the pear. But if it's the last camp” banking, then a
predictive power of orange, and it’s your two-year MBA. I was
models. If something fruit bowl, maybe I’ll fortunate to get into
was strictly academic, take a pear to be polite. Stanford and returned to
that only went so far. I A more fulsome Northern California.
wanted to ask questions description of the choice For MBA students with
and poke holes. That led (I prefer oranges to my background, the next
me to the fields of pears, unless it is the step was presumed to be
decision theory, last one, in which case the buyside, but the fact
behavioral economics, I’ll take a pear) is I didn’t have a new
and game theory. preserves rationality and five-year plan yet. I
Curiosity helped me veer enhances predictability. I showed up with an open
into the philosophy also remember an mind, perhaps buoyed
department. Ultimately, example with a cocaine- by the idea that my
I wrote a dissertation on addled neighbor offering acceptance had
violations of rationality. tea, but I’ll stop here. guaranteed a decent
The focus was looking at Suffice it to say, I had worst-case outcome. The
examples of seemingly no idea this background primary effect of my two
rational human beings would result in a fund years on campus was
making irrational name. not tied to any particular
decisions. And the point profession, but instead
of my paper was trying much more general. A
to redefine experiments G&D: great way to describe
to better explain results what I got from business
Maybe to fast-forward a
without resorting to the school is to think about
bit, you’ve now spent
idea that people are that section in Us
some time in finance and
utterly unpredictable. Weekly called “They’re
then you decide to
attend business school. (Continued on page 7)
You’re combining math,
Page 7

Jacob Baker,
Rubin, Atreides Management
Philosophy Capital
Just Like Us!” If you’ve this was an ‘aha’ second moment
ever been in the grocery moment. If I went for it, happened a year later.
store and seen celebrity worked hard, had my After Stanford, I was at
magazines, there is a eyes open, and caught a Goldman, the fog was
section with photos of couple breaks, I could lifting, and I could tell
Ben Affleck grabbing become that person. banking was not right for
Dunkin Donuts or Brad me. I needed advice and
Pitt taking out the trash. two friends offered an
The message to the non- G&D: idea and perspective,
famous public is “Look, In past interviews, respectively. The first
they’re just like us!” you’ve mentioned that guy, Tyler, had done a
Stanford gave us a you began life as a risk- Gates Fellowship to
parade of portfolio averse person, which is Cambridge. He and I are
managers and Fortune a part of your brain close; he lost his dad
500 CEOs. Burbank you’ve had to rewire. young, we both raced
talked about How did you go about bikes, yadda yadda. He
commodities, Chanos this transformation, and said, “go to Cambridge
spoke about short do you think this and mix it up. Maybe
selling, and Mary Barra rewiring process is join the rowing team.”
discussed the future of replicable? The second guy, a much
automobiles. Part of the older mentor figure, was
an early partner at
“But you see that in JR: Montgomery Securities.
place of magic, it’s a Yeah, that’s true. For He broke it down like
me, it was a conscious this: “Say you have a 40
cocktail of hard work, choice. It wasn’t -year career. Consider
happenstance and, to two scenarios. Scenario
a bit of luck, and long one, you spend 40 years
answer the last question
years dedicated to a first, I do think it can be cranking and retire.
replicated. Scenario two, you spend
craft. Stir it in a pot 39 years at work, but
There were three big somewhere in there you
and voila, they’re moments. First, my dad spend a year on an
got sick and passed adventure. Which life
speaking as a CEO.” away during business sounds more
school. There’s interesting?” My decision
allure of a Columbia or something about being was made and I sent in
Stanford MBA is that confronted with my acceptance to
these institutions pull in mortality that is eye Cambridge that day.
such successful leaders. opening. You realize
you're on this planet for After Cambridge, I came
After class, you have back and didn't have a
lunch with them, they’re a while, run around, do
some things, then you job. I found my way to
hanging out, they’re Lonestar Capital, where I
feeling nostalgic and die and the world moves
on. A life takeaway is worked for Jerome
telling you stories from Simon. It was my dream
when they were that the most important
thing is who's around gig. But after a year in
students, and you the seat, and despite
realize, “Oh my God, you at the end. But
beyond that, his passing doing solid bottom-up
there's no magic here.” I research, Jerome said to
mean, don’t get me made me want to swing
the bat harder because me, “You know Jacob,
wrong, these are maybe you're really
impressive people. In “why the hell not?” At
the end of the day, who supposed to be a
place of magic, it’s a consultant. Or in
cocktail of hard work, a is going to care if you
fall on your face? If you research.” I’m not
bit of luck, and long trying to throw shade,
years dedicated to a put in honest work, what
do you have to lose? but for me, personally, I
craft. Stir it in a pot and took it as an insult, and
voila, they're speaking That realization hit me
like a ton of bricks and I I'm pretty sure it was
as a CEO at Stanford
Business School. For me, made a few concrete (Continued on page 8)
goals on the spot. The
Page 8

Jacob Baker,
Rubin, Atreides Management
Philosophy Capital
meant as an insult! His attribute names to you, legit batting average (or
point was that I was so you have to slugging percentage) to
task oriented performing communicate effectively survive, but to get there
analysis that I wasn't and figure out how to I first needed conviction,
wired for the goal, which get the decision maker that's what I figured out
is to compound the pile. onboard. For me, I'd go to keep my job.
I was going to lose my into Jerome’s office and One final note on
job if I didn't figure this would have ten seconds Lonestar. Before this
out, so with my head on of his attention. I would stop, when I was a
the chopping block I had need to turn those ten banker, if the MD
to figure out what to do seconds into two messaged on Friday
to stay. This was the minutes and then get night, I’d be annoyed.
final straw; out of him out of his chair to Like, “where is your
desperation, I had to the white board for work-life balance?” But
take calculated risk and thirty. Then you got to with Jerome, he’d
find the ability to pound know it cold – no notes, message all day,
the table. no equivocations – and anytime, every day of
At this point I figured turn that white boarding the week. But it never
out a useful formula for into a starter position bothered me! Jerome is
success as a hedge fund and the PM’s obsessed, addicted,
analyst. It’s a three- commitment to read a totally wired for
legged stool. Leg one is full memo. A benefit of investing – and it turns
goal orientation and this flow is that you out I am too. If I’m at
recognizing that learn what matters and the airport and it’s full, I
investing is a how to get to the good ping our team about
commercial endeavor. stuff fast. Dufry (“DUFN SW”)
Though it’s fun, money Leg three is simply your between changing my
management is neither a track record. Either kids’ diapers. If that
hobby nor an intellectual you're making money or bothers you, if you’re
exercise. We aren’t you’re not. You can see not obsessed, this job is
teaching. We are doing the inherent bias to do not for you.
this to grow a pile of something in those first G&D:
capital. This entails couple legs. But for me
finding things to invest at Lonestar, if there This sounds a lot like the
in. For an analyst, this were too many losers, ‘What Matters’
means getting efficient I'd be gone. I needed a framework that Kian
with your time and Ghazi teaches at
quickly determining the “I figured out a Columbia Business
probability of School, which is an
actionability up front. formula for success efficient way to boil
Then, you have to repeat down the thesis into
as a hedge fund what actually moves the
the process again and
again and never slow analyst. It’s a three- securities. The goal is
down. There’s a phrase, not to write a book
“keep pedaling the bike.” legged stool. Leg one report, it’s to figure out
You get kicked in the what the variant view is
is goal orientation and figure out what we
face? Keep pedaling. You
have a homerun and feel and recognizing that need to know to make it
like doing a victory lap? a long or a short. It
Keep pedaling. investing is a would be helpful to hear
how you’ve taken
Leg two is that you need commercial getting pushed as an
to learn to speak the analyst working with
PM’s language. The PM is endeavor...Leg two is
Jerome to becoming a
like Congress and you that you need to learn PM and implementing
need to pass some that process within
legislation. If you want to speak the PM’s Philosophy.
names in the book, if
you want your PM to go
language...Leg three JR:
down the sheets and is your track record.” (Continued on page 9)
Page 9

Jacob Baker,
Rubin, Atreides Management
Philosophy Capital
First, any discussion isn’t any uncertainty, it’s toward fixing the
about ‘what matters’ probably not a major disconnect, if you can
should start with the mispricing. If there is no forecast a changed
question, “is this potential narrative, you have
actionable?” It’s misunderstanding, it's something.
annoying when people probably not in our Finally, we’ve got to be
on FinTwit or Substack wheelhouse at able to make objective
pitch incredible Philosophy. There are and measurable
opportunities that don’t great, fairly priced predictions that we can
trade. If there is no businesses that could track over time. This is
borrow, has a crazy rate, deliver an adequate important because if we
is super illiquid, or has a compounded IRR over violate the predictions, I
sky-high short interest, time with steady know to sell. That’s our
don’t bother researching execution. But that is framework for individual
the short. Waste of time. not what we do. ideas. There is another
That’s a big difference Third, if it's actionable dimension when it
between trading a and we think there’s a comes to portfolio
personal account and mispricing, we now ask, construction, how the
running an investment “why is this mispriced?” pieces fit together, factor
business. and “will this mispricing exposures, etc. But
Second, we start with persist indefinitely, or that’s a different puzzle.
wondering, “does this can it be corrected?” G&D:
opportunity represent a That is the crux of our
serious mispricing?” To work. We are good at You've touched on this in
answer that, we look for finding things that look past interviews, but you
a few things. We might cheap with explosive mentioned Philosophy
think about abnormal upside. But the area likes to invest in broken
upside (75% or higher) where we sharpen our markets. It would be
with reasonable pencils is differentiating great to hear about
assumptions. You might between CFAR (cheap which markets you’re
react skeptically, saying focused on, and maybe a
“if those only grew on “We are good at few examples.
trees, right?” But they finding things that JR:
do exist. You don’t find
We like investments to
them often and it's not look cheap with
fit into a fact pattern
without risk, but you can
explosive upside. But with which we are
find things that look like
familiar. Examples
they could double if the area where we include ‘survival bets,’
things break right. We
sharpen our pencils is ‘free call options’,
also think about
‘broken tech M&A’. Not
asymmetric skew. Think
differentiating to mention the
about, say, the ‘net net’
omnipresent leveraged
concept by Benjamin between CFAR (cheap packaging company.
Graham, where
for a reason) and Beyond familiarity, we
something looks like it's
typically aim for
covered by current
assets less liabilities. TCTI (too cheap to significant or inflecting
free cash flow. If cash
Theoretically you make ignore).” flow is missing, it is
money in liquidation, so
likely a distressed
it feels like covered for a reason) and TCTI
situation where we're
downside. Of course, (too cheap to ignore). Is
thinking about
you find this with it a value trap? Maybe it
underwriting through
elevated uncertainty, so is cheap merely because
bankruptcy and thinking
on a related note, we it is a dicey, commodity-
through asset values. A
hunt situations with driven cyclical – a low
final component is
ambiguity. No sell-side multiple is justified. If
catalysts; mis-pricings
coverage, obscured you can actually
don’t tend to correct out
assets, complex determine why it’s
of thin air. Usually
financials, litigation, or misunderstood and that
political risks. If there there's a credible path (Continued on page 10)
Page 10

Jacob Baker,
Rubin, Atreides Management
Philosophy Capital
there's an event path for distressed guys, these claimed this cycle would
an about-face. As you situations trade with 10- die down and the
might imagine, efficient or 20-point gaps in company would gush
markets have lots of pricing, not point-by- free cash flow and de-
eyeballs, smart people point. Oh, and tax loss lever by half a turn a
with strong incentives, selling; it’s October as year. Atlas was
combing over the we're talking, we're benefiting from secular
opportunity set. The entering prime tax-loss tailwinds like e-
good news, though, is selling season. For tax- commerce and just-in-
that markets break down paying investors, you time delivery. It had
all the time. Elections in can have big losers that ACMI business (aircraft,
Italy and Colombia are get to a point where you crew, maintenance,
scaring the market, we'll can make 100% return insurance) with
see what happens here on a realized tax loss. guaranteed minimums,
in the US with midterms Even if you think the lending stability to the
and then 2024. ESG is stock’s a double, the downside. A clear thesis
massive and not exactly benefit of the tax loss is overall: capex cliff, de-
perfect fundamentally. certain. That quirk is tied lever 0.5x per year,
The spirit might be good, to the tax code. stability to the downside,
but folks are taking and a cheap multiple.
advantage of it, puffing Fast forward to August
up bad companies and G&D: 1st, 2019 and AAWW,
harming some good You mention in other the largest position in
interviews how my sleeve, which was a
“We like investments important it is for trial balloon to see if
investors early in their Jerome would back me.
to fit into a fact Atlas whiffed hard, with
career to “be wrong” and
pattern with which to “feel wrong.” I’d be EBITDA -31% year-on-
curious to hear how year and below
we are familiar. you’ve translated that consensus by -17%. The
Examples includes into your success in your stock fell 25% and kept
career. Could you walk falling. Management
‘survival bets,’ ‘free through an experience blamed tensions in trans
that you had early on in -pacific relations, but
call options’, ‘broken your career, with an this kind of result wasn’t
tech M&A’. Beyond investment that made it supposed to happen with
through all your criteria, ACMI contractual
familiarity, we but didn't work out, and minimums. Moreover,
what you learned from they didn’t de-lever at all
typically aim for that? and when I asked them
significant or about it, they said the
company did pay down
inflecting free cash JR: debt. I was confused
I can give a couple because the metrics
flow.” didn’t change, but they
examples, both mistakes
and then successes. said, “well, we drew the
ones. I’d also argue revolver to pay down the
small caps are becoming Back at Lonestar I bonds.” I had to sell
broken because they're invested in a couple air because that was
not investable for the freight businesses, Air disingenuous and my
increasingly large Transport Service Group understanding of the
institutions that drive (“ATSG”) and later Atlas business was proven
flows. In credit markets, Air (“AAWW”). It was a wrong. A small lesson I
there are all sorts of classic levered value learned is that
technical issues. investment. This was guaranteed minimums
Whether it's CLOs who 2017/2018 and the are not a panacea.
can’t hold stressed thesis was that AAWW’s Oftentimes, guarantees
paper, or real money bad FCF was the result are priced well below
PM's needing to offload of elevated capex tied to normal run rate, so spot
stressed paper to the build-out of (Continued on page 11)
Amazon's fleet. Atlas
Page 11

Jacob Baker,
Rubin, Atreides Management
Philosophy Capital
dries up completely and deal, the converts were not protect us. We were
the contractual bit falls good. Avaya closed the below $2 billion of
to the minimum and deal, the converts secured debt. While the
earnings get smoked. jumped to 95, and we events that occurred
Sadly for me, the AAWW felt smart for about five were somewhat hard to
mistake doesn’t end seconds. Unexpectedly, predict, this was not bad
there. It gets worse! a couple weeks later, the luck but, rather, a series
During COVID, CEO was fired, the word of mistakes.
passenger flights were “removed” was in the G&D:
decimated, which killed press release, and
numbers were slashed That's a helpful
nearly half the air freight overview. The Avaya
capacity that flies in the and abandoned. I felt
physically ill and trade reminds me of an
underbelly. Ships were experience I had where
backed up at every port immediately realized we
were screwed. I've learned to not buy
and supplies were 2nd liens because of a
needed everywhere. Thankfully, it was sized
small and we took our similar dynamic. I’d be
Atlas was in the perfect remiss if I didn't give
place at the perfect time medicine fast. But it was
you an opportunity to
– and I completely “This ties in another talk about a successful
missed it. I didn't revisit investment.
it, I didn't get any Jerome-ism: “never
dollars behind the trade,
and the stock went from take your eye off a JR:
$20 to $100. This ties in ticker.” Once you've For symmetry I'll give
another Jerome-ism:
you two. We had a good
“never take your eye off learned it and you've investment in
a ticker.” Once you've
put in that time, you Bombardier (“BBD/B
learned it and you've put
CN”), which went from
in that time, you can’t can’t forget about it. 27 cents CAD to about
forget about it. The
The world is $2. In 2020, the stock
world is dynamic.
got killed on Covid and
One more mistake. dynamic.” kept falling without
Avaya (“AVYA”) is a respite during tax loss
communications painful! selling season. It was
company that ran into just getting slammed
big trouble. After the In hindsight, I made
every day. But we
stock plummeted, we three mistakes here.
realized that Bombardier
identified a trade tied to First, this was
had a catalyst on the
an impending convert asymmetric the wrong
immediate horizon.
maturity. There was a way; we could make 12
Namely, the company
small issuance due in points or lose 88, which
was selling its trains
2023, but after that it is awful unless the odds
business to Alstom. With
had four years until a are nearly certain and
the sale, Bombardier
mountain of secured I’m not someone who
would shed a complex
debt in 2027-2028. The underwrites to certainty.
minority interest, a
company was in the Second, we made money
bunch of debt, and
market raising $500 on our core prediction –
pension obligations.
million to take out this job done – and yet we
Plus, there would be a
$300 million convert. decided to hang on for
sizable cash infusion and
The books were covered five more points. The
the creation of a pure-
and even got upsized. math was even more
play private aviation
The explicit use of asymmetric the wrong
business. This catalyst
proceeds in the way and we should have
would change the
marketing of the deal called it a day. Finally, I
narrative and buy four
was to take out the had not adequately
years for optionality. We
convert. We bought scored the downside
ran a Black-Scholes
converts at 88 cents case. If things fell apart,
model where we looked
thinking that when they our convert was
at in-the-money call
closed the new money unsecured and the fact it
was first in time would (Continued on page 12)
Page 12

Jacob Baker,
Rubin, Atreides Management
Philosophy Capital
value for six months feeling giddy. It had Team’, and ‘C Team’
versus four years and chartered business, performing players. New
sixth months. Four years asset value covered by investors who can be
of runway was worth scrap, and management great at business and
almost the entire stock that seemed better than fundamental analysis
price. (And yes, I used others in the space (low might be missing this
the “runway” joke many part of their skillset,
times in LP meetings. “I had this mantra which is an ability to
Sue me.) We bought the that the number of evaluate the
stock as a survivor bet, performance of
but also picked off front folks who have done management teams.
end debt in the 70s. And well in shipping is What’s your criteria in
then the fun part was as weighing that?
we moved past the “not many” and, well,
trains sale, we realized this was art versus
Bombardier was a JR:
secular winner in a world science, and “art” told The first ingredient is
where commercial travel me to get out.” access to management.
felt unsafe. Sure At Philosophy I am
enough, they boosted bar). We had a small trying to instill a culture
orders and people got position before COVID- of not being shy. My
excited about the 19 and thankfully, unlike guess would be that if
optionality. Atlas, we put the pieces you talked to the
Another fun one was together fast. We made management teams
shipping broadly. I the position bigger post we've invested behind,
remembered that in my Covid and the stock shot they would probably
banking days from 2006 from $3.60/share to laugh and make a joke
– 2008, shipping was over $100. We didn't about how persistent
fantastic and every bank hold it all the way, but (annoying?) we are. We
had its own shipping suffice it to say we did have lots of calls, lots of
teams. But good times well. Interestingly, in meetings, we share our
led to oversupply and January 2021, an Israeli work to let them know
decade-plus period of shipping company called what we're thinking, and
nasty supply/demand. Zim (“ZIM”) IPO’ed. we offer “suggestivism.”
Everyone invested lost Danaos had a large We're not afraid to go
their shirt. I read a fun stake in Zim, which into boards or executive
book about a hedge fund caused us to take a look. teams and we try to do
PM risking everything on When the IPO broke so intelligently. For
shipping, The Shipping price, we built a position example, junior analysts
Man. But in 2019, I which also had a need to learn that if you
realized that there was meteoric rise. Colored by write cookie-cutter
nobody to talk to about the horrors of the past, messages like, “hi, I'm
shipping. It was dead. both fictional and real, from so and so, a fund
No more banking we erred on the side of that manages X dollars,
coverage, nothing. caution and sold our this is our mandate, can
These ships have 20 positions at the end of we please have a phone
year lives but tend to 2021. I had this mantra call?” then management
float even longer. Excess that the number of folks will ignore you. They are
supply loitered on the who have done well in human beings and that's
water, just wouldn't shipping is “not many” what human beings do
clear out, and every and, well, this was art to boring emails.
investor in the space versus science, and “art” Instead, make it more
sounded suicidal. But we told me to get out. casual, to the point, and
discovered one of the G&D: ideally have something
cheapest stocks that is in it for them.
You’ve discussed Then, boom, a meeting.
anywhere, well before investing in businesses
COVID-19, called Also, this is way better
with different ‘grades’ of than using an expert
Danaos (“DAC”). It was management, splitting
0.7x PE. I remember network. I went away
between ‘A Team’, ‘B
seeing that multiple and (Continued on page 13)
Page 13

Jacob Baker,
Rubin, Atreides Management
Philosophy Capital
from those services You’ve mentioned these are bad businesses
because the serendipity Philosophy looks at the and once you learn that,
in the process of getting hairy stuff that’s out of it goes in your toolbox.
to people is so valuable. favor potentially for a Going forward, the bar
You just don't know reason. How do you go
where it's going to go, about determining which “Part of this process
but all those calls usually investments should fall
produce something into the too-hard pile,
is accumulating
unexpected, and if you versus digging in and battle scars...As far as
just lazily have someone really trying to do some
scheduling expert calls creative work? One deciding if something
for you, you miss out on example is an is uninvestable
that element. Engineering &
Construction (“E&C”) broadly, we always
Once you have access,
it's just reps, at-bats, business like a ask the question, can
and years in the seat to McDermott. This was not
a good business model, this be corrected? Can
help you distinguish
between good and bad. and it was going through what everyone is
At first, all a tough time of overruns
and delays. It wasn’t seeing today be
managements will sound
compelling but over time bankrupt yet, had flipped around...We
you appreciate the runway and liquidity,
and the debt looked get it right some of
difference. In addition to
how they sound and covered on asset value the times, wrong
what their background and was yielding a juicy
coupon. It became clear other times, but when
is, you can look at
incentives. You want the business was going we get it wrong, we
alignment from an bankrupt. I did a ton of
work to underwrite ask ourselves why
ownership perspective.
You can do checks on owning it into and fill up our
them and ask around to bankruptcy, but it
proved to be a gigantic ‘Lessons Learned Scar
find out if they are well-
regarded. Listen to see if waste of time. I’m Tissue’ bucket.”
they sound capable, curious how you all think
they're articulate, they through that process and to convince me of an
don't repeat themselves, what makes you decide E&C long is going to be
they don't resort to it’s not worth the brain awfully high. Another
generic language but damage? consequence of this
instead get right into learning would be that if
specifics. A mistake I've something looks like an
JR: E&C business, and is
made is overlooking
problems with Part of this process is cheap as a result, but in
management. If there's accumulating battle reality is not such a
a governance problem scars. You say business, then that is a
and management is not McDermott and I recall reason for cheapness
trustworthy, if you get Chicago Bridge & Iron, that could pique my
checks saying they're Babcock & Wilcox, and a interest.
crooks, get out. Crooks few other E&Cs. At some As far as deciding if
gonna crook. They know point, trying a cheap something is uninvest-
how to do it and if E&C feels like a right of able broadly, we always
they're an executive at a passage. You get killed ask the question, can
publicly traded company, on spiraling cost this be corrected? Can
they are probably good overruns; you see what everyone is seeing
at it. You need to management teams today be flipped around?
respect that reality and confidently stand behind What you described with
get away from it. It's too increased cost estimates McDermott was clearly
unpredictable. – “the last time, we cheap for a reason –
promise” – and then nothing about it was a
they blow past them the
G&D: next quarter. You learn (Continued on page 14)
Page 14

Jacob Baker,
Rubin, Atreides Management
Philosophy Capital
mispricing. It's cheap for density and the full is triple-exposed to
clear reasons. We get it impact of supply chain rising rates: 1) the
right some of the times, ecosystems. Everyone factoring business
wrong other times, but points to solar, wind, benefits from spreads
when we get it wrong, and batteries, but they blowing out due to
we ask ourselves why neglect the rare earth increased time value of
and fill up our ‘Lessons mineral mining or how money, not to mention
Learned Scar Tissue’ you tackle the waste or the benefits of factoring
bucket. old panels or turbines. in a more uncertain
G&D: Anyway, the place that world; 2) BFF has a 6
feels interesting and billion EUR loan book
Coming off the tech early, to me, is nuclear. tied to Italian sovereigns
bubble boom and bust But we also look at LNG where 5-yr spreads are
between 2000 - 2001, as well as the fat tail of blowing out and they
many investors swore off classic oil and gas. have near-term and
investing in technology. Traditional oil and gas floating exposure that is
That myopic view was companies are so going gangbusters; and,
obviously proven wrong. unloved, they trade at 1- 3) BFF charges late
Do you think there are 2x cash flow. payment interest at a
similar sectors where the statutory floating L+800
market is meaningfully Another area of change
is that we just had a rate. So, BFF is triple-
mispricing risk today? exposed to rising rates
decade-plus of falling
interest rates or interest and as long as the entire
rates pegged to the country of Italy can fund
floor, not to mention hospital bills and the
I can think of a couple. like, it will be a major
negative in Europe. Now,
When you're doing a top beneficiary of this
rates are rising and
-down analysis, you’re environment. That’s just
regardless of when the
looking for a paradigm one example of
Fed pivots, or to what
change, for multi-year Philosophy looking
extent they turn dovish,
trends that reverse. You around an area of
the fact remains that
try and think “what are change and not knowing
rates are off the floor.
the implications?” One what we’ll stumble on.
What’s more,
area of change today is
Quantitative Easing is
energy transition. We
turning hard into G&D:
think about the
Quantitative Tightening.
proliferation of ESG In the Winter 2009
It's not just coasting in
funds and what that Graham & Doddsville
neutral; it's actually
means for longs and edition following the
reversing 180 degrees.
shorts. We think about Great Financial Crisis,
When you jam the
the dynamic problems Bruce Berkowitz stated
brakes and throw it in
that are being tackled he believed investors
reverse and interest
from governments and were “focused on most
rates rise, what
businesses globally. of the ways in which you
happens? We are asking
Power demand is only can die, which is a great
ourselves these
growing, with both signal for the future.
questions all the time
demographic trends as What is happening
and we've uncovered a
well as the need to today, as in most bear
few interesting
digitize developing markets, is that people
economies. Meanwhile, either don’t have the
classic fuel types are cash or they don’t have
killing our planet. So a For example, there’s a the stomach – hence the
wave of fund flows flood factoring business in low valuations.” The
the market trying to find Italy, BFF Bank (“BFF draconian risk during the
clean energy solutions. IM”), where the Italian GFC was the potential
But you need to think political backdrop and for total collapse of the
about complex scientific what's happening in capital markets, but the
problems, like European equities has fear in markets today
distribution, punished stocks and appears to be a scenario
transmission, energy hidden a few gems. BFF (Continued on page 15)
Page 15

Jacob Baker,
Rubin, Atreides Management
Philosophy Capital
where high inflation and mess, we have social copious cash flow.
slow growth create a efforts distorting This sounds self-serving,
decade of stagflation. markets, we are coming but if you add up the
Layer in a growing lack off free money fueling two facts I mentioned –
of confidence in central idiotic bubbles, we have the existence of cheap
banks and sovereign a brutal combination of securities tied to
debt issuers, and it’s a high inflation with strong businesses that make
nasty cocktail. At the employment, which cash and want to give it
same time, sentiment gives the Fed cover to back, against a tough
across retail, business jack up rates. We have macro-environment with
leaders, and investors is the reversal of lots of risks looming – I
quite poor. Do you see globalization, which is think you need a long/
any corollaries between inflationary. It’s a tough short strategy. Further,
the post-GFC era and backdrop when you add you want a low net, you
today? Are we closer to it up. This is consensus, want some cash on the
the ‘Roaring 20s,’ the but that doesn’t mean sidelines, and if you
1970s, or the Great want to make it really
Depression? “One of the most
interesting, you want the
JR: important risk ability to go after
One of the most management distressed credit if we're
important risk heading into a cycle.
priorities right now is
management priorities G&D:
right now is understanding your I couldn't agree more. I
understanding your think that's probably a
factor exposures. And
factor exposures. And great place to leave it.
not just Fama French not just Fama French Jacob. Thank you so
stuff. If Putin is taken much for your time.
stuff. If Putin is taken
out tomorrow, how is
your book going to out tomorrow, how is
perform? If escalation JR:
your book going to
happens with China and
perform? If escalation You’re welcome, thanks
Taiwan, how are you
for having me.
positioned? Corporate
happens with China
leverage? Wage
inflation? You need to and Taiwan, how are
think about if you are
you positioned?
balanced or imbalanced
on all these dimensions. Corporate leverage?
If you are imbalanced,
Wage inflation? You
you have to know
whether that’s need to think about if
something you want by
you are balanced or
design because you
believe in it. If not, how imbalanced on all
can you achieve better
balance? Philosophy has these dimensions.”
a lot of tools we use to it’s wrong. Two, there
think about hedging and are businesses
we tend to find creative generating cash that will
ways to offset all sorts of prove resilient. I think
risks. Peace might ding the idea of capital
our energy book, but allocation is front-and-
travel stocks probably center, more than it has
rip. Etc. etc. been in the past. You
As far as facts on the can find management
ground, two things are teams that appreciate
true simultaneously. the importance of capital
One, it's a bad macro allocation that have
setup. Geopolitics is a cheap multiples and
Page 16

Contemporary Amperex Technology Ltd. [CATL] (SZSE: 300750) - Long

First Annual Kawaja Growth Stock Pitch Challenge (1st Place)

Shalin Doshi ´23
Shalin is a second-year MBA
student at CBS and part of
the Value Investing Program.
He started his career as an
Equity Research Analyst at JP
Morgan, covering Consumer Long CATL with a Dec 2024 price target of ¥863, representing 100% upside or an IRR of 37%.
sectors. This summer, he
worked with Whale Rock
Capital, a Boston-based long- Background:
short equity hedge fund. CATL is a manufacturer of lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles (EV)
Shalin graduated from the and energy storage applications, and is the leader (33% share in 2021) in a
Indian Institute of Technolo- concentrated EV battery market (top 5 players hold ~80% share). EVs rep-
gy Madras with a Bachelors
and Masters in Technology,
resent a majority of global lithium-ion battery demand, with a large, growing
and is a CFA charterholder. TAM driven by increasing global EV penetration, which is expected to rise
from 8% in 2021 to 23% by 2025. I believe CATL is the best way to bet on
the EV growth curve.

Investment Thesis:
1. Underappreciated growth levers and market-leading positions
Expect ~10% pt. upside to Street’s FY22-25 revenue CAGR estimates
• Supplies nearly every OEM across all regions, standing
to win irrespective of which player gains share
• Retains 50% share in China, which will remain the larg-
est + fastest growing EV market this decade
• Well-positioned to grow ex-China share, the next
lever of growth, with plants in Europe, Asia, Mexico
• Pack innovation leadership (CTP) allows multiple
chemistry use-cases, growing both NMC and LFP
• ESS represents a call option, with sodium-ion a potential accelerator; low street expectations

2. Unique competitive advantages allow industry-leading margins

Expect ~250bps upside to Street’s FY24 EBIT margin estimates
• Benefits from economies of scale clearly exist in battery
manufacturing, with CATL also benefiting from large
govt. subsidies, no longer replicable
• Strong negotiating power vs supplier base, steadily built
over a decade, allows superior cost profile, with feed-
back from multiple suppliers indicating favorable fee
structures; CATL represents >50% of revenue for many
of its suppliers
• Shrewd investments in critical raw material supply
(lithium and cobalt mines, cell components) removes
bottleneck to expansion, with research indicating persis-
tent lithium undersupply till 2030
• OEM contracts were renegotiated to favor battery makers, with OEMs having high switching costs

Sources: Company Reports, Bloomberg, CapitalIQ, EV-volumes, GGII, Broker Research, Expert Network Transcripts. Pricing as of 13-Oct-22.
Page 17

Contemporary Amperex Technology Ltd. [CATL] (SZSE: 300750) - Long

3. Product innovation leadership ensures CATL remains ahead of the curve

Key driver against substitution risk in a rapidly evolving industry
• Highest R&D spend (another scale benefit) + top talent allows best product quality every
year; expert feedback suggests quality gap keeps increasing
• Ability to get a new product to market as quickly as within 2 years is well above peers
• Encouraging chemistry development pipeline, with progress being made in LMFP, Na-ion,
cobalt-free, and silicon anodes; represent optionalities
• Well-regarded management with expertise, relationships, and skin in the game - the
Chairman/CEO is the largest shareholder with a 25% stake

Valuation: 67% upside to FY25 consensus EPS; cheap P/E given growth
• Expect volumes, gross margins, and operating margins to be above consensus estimates for
• CATL offers the best value for growth among battery comps (see table below)
• Assuming a conservative 25x P/E multiple on base case FY25 EPS; multiple should arguably be
higher given 40% EPS growth CAGR expected over FY22-25
• Stock has historically traded in a wide band of 30-100x NTM P/E;
current multiple (22x FY23) is near all-time lows since IPO
• Reasonable downside protection in the event of weaker-than-
expected volumes and margins, with the current share price imply-
ing persistently low multiples and much lower EPS growth

Risks and mitigants: Concerns around margins, oversupply, geopolitics

• Geopolitics to limit global expansion: Plausible risk, not in company’s control. Recent contract wins in US (Ford, Tesla com-
ments) suggest OEMs have bigger issues. CATL’s Mexico plant could technically be eligible for IRA benefits. But US is a small
part of CATL’s story, with no US contribution at worst a 10% hit to EBIT. Strong relationships with European OEMs with large
capacity expansion projects in Germany and Hungary suggest Europe will ensure international remains a key driver by FY25.
• Margin weakness due to high raw material costs: Starting from Apr/May 2022, raw material costs have been completely passed
through to OEMs, with EV makers confirming this in subsequent earnings calls.
• Market oversupply & competition from Tier 2 players in China: On the contrary, EV makers have struggled with battery shortag-
es since last year. Conversations with battery heads at OEMs suggests they prefer battery makers with scale, high utilization,
access to raw materials, and best-in-class tech - for all of which CATL is a league above its peers.
• EV (and battery) demand falls off a cliff in a recession: EV adoption could slow temporarily, but the structural trend is unlikely to
change on a medium term time frame. Demand outlook in China remains robust, supported by favorable regulations.
• OEMs start making batteries in-house: Battery manufacturing has huge barriers to entry from capital requirements, chemical
engineering expertise, and different manufacturing capabilities vs car-making. Product cycle development takes years.
• Substitution risk from new battery technologies (read: solid-state): Any groundbreaking technology is unlikely in the near term,
as per numerous industry experts, with solid-state particularly unviable. Product innovation is likely to come from CATL itself
than any other player given its massive R&D spend.
• Low utilization rates given expected global lithium undersupply: CATL’s investments leave it better placed vs other battery mak-
ers in securing lithium supply.

Sources: Company Reports, Bloomberg, CapitalIQ, EV-volumes, GGII, Broker Research, Expert Network Transcripts. Pricing as of 13-Oct-22.
Page 18

Planet Fitness, Inc. (NYSE: PLNT)

2022 Chicago Booth Investment Conference & Competition (1st Place)
Long PLNT with a 3-year target price of $102, representing an IRR of 18%

Company Overview
Planet Fitness is the largest gym franchisor in the world, with 2,324+ units, Current Price ($BN)
where 90% are franchises and 10% are corporate owned gyms.
• Founded by the Grondahl brothers in 1992 in Dover, New Hampshire
Alan Leite, CFA ‘24 • Chris Rondeau started working at the front desk of the first ever Planet
Alan is a first-year MBA student at CBS. Prior
Fitness and became CEO in 2013.
to business school, he worked as a Proprie- • Planet Fitness present in all 50 states in the U.S., and started to expand
tary M&A/VC senior associate at Nubank in to Canada (~50 units), Mexico (~16 units), Australia (~8 units), Panama
Brazil. Before that, Alan was as a private
equity associate at Carlyle. Alan graduated in (~6 units), and Puerto Rico (13 units).
engineering at the University of Sao Paulo. • Planet Fitness has a market share of 9% in the U.S. in terms of net revenue, and international sales account for 3% of
Planet Fitness’ net revenue.

LTM 2Q22 Net Revenue Breakdown

Franchise Royalties and Fees Corporate Owned Stores Equipment Sales

42% 36% 22%

Investment Thesis
Planet Fitness is well-positioned to drive significant growth beyond current market expectations, and it is trading at an at-
tractive valuation
I. Favorable Industry Tailwinds:
Thomas Schlabach ‘24 • U.S. gym market is large ($37 billion) and is growing at 4% per year.
• The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in the closure of about 10k gyms (~25% of total number of gyms in the U.S.),
Tommy is a first-year MBA student at CBS
and AVP of CSIMA Conference. He served
and during this time PLNT did not have any store closures.
for 12 years as a US Navy veteran. He is now • International markets are an opportunity of more than $9 billion, with similar trends to those of the U.S.
a large cap strategy intern at Diamond Hill
Capital Management. • Strong performance during the 2007/2008 GFC shows Planet Fitness as a recession proof business.

Number of Gyms in the U.S. (thousands) Change in Number of Gyms by State (2019 - 2022)

Cheng Jiang ‘23

Cheng is a second-year M.S. Financial Eco-

nomics student at CBS. His previous experi-
ences were in FOF research and business
analytics. Cheng graduated magna cum laude
from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute with a
B.S. in Computer Science. II. Strong Business Model with Competitive Advantages:

Matthew West, CPA ‘24
Matthew is a first-year MBA student at CBS.
Prior to business school, he worked at
Becton Dickinson as a senior internal auditor.
Matthew graduated summa cum laude from
Rutgers Business School with a bachelor of
science in accounting and finance.
Page 19

Planet Fitness, Inc. (NYSE: PLNT) - Long

II. Strong Business Model with Competitive Advantages (Continue):
• We ran a survey and discovered that, when looking for a gym, clients value location, price, and clean-
liness, and Planet Fitness offers great values in these criteria. They have an extensive footprint, with
2,324+ locations. In addition to the $10 entry price, clients can get access to every Planet Fitness
locations with the Black Card at $25. Black card memberships account for >60% of total member-
ships. Planet Fitness also holds a high standard in terms of cleanliness, as verified by site visits and a
word cloud from 50 randomly selected Planet Fitness locations and reviews from across the US.
• Planet Fitness also has a strong value proposition to franchisees which includes great unit economics
(ROIC of 17%), thus aligning interests for expansion.
• Planet Fitness’s scale provides great competitive advantages which differentiates the company from competitors. This includes a large national adver-
tising campaign, discounts on gym equipment, better relationship with real estate agencies and network effects.

III. Attractive Valuation Caused by Overlooked Sales Growth:

• Market’s overreaction after PLNT’s 2Q22 guidance created a great entry opportunity as long-term fundamentals were unchanged. After the earnings
release on August 9, PLNT declined 23% while the S&P 500 declined only 9%. In addition, PLNT is trading at –1 standard deviation of its 5-year P/E
NTM average.
Variant Views:
• Number of stores: Management provided 4.0k stores in the U.S. prior to COVID, and the street still uses the number as a target for U.S. (+0.2k for
international). However, the street fails to incorporate what COVID caused in this industry (10k gyms closing doors). Thus, due to its strong com-
petitive advantages and best-in-class value proposition, we believe Planet Fitness is poised to capture more market share, reaching 4.6k stores in
total in 2032.
• Average Revenue per User (ARPU): Prior to the pandemic, equipment revenue per franchise was around $140k, but COVID compressed this num-
ber to $80k, and the street still forecasts a slightly higher value going forward. However, franchises have the obligation to replace their equipment
every 5-7 years. Therefore, we believe equipment revenue per franchise should return to pre-COVID levels.

Valuation — What You Need to Believe to Reach Our Target Price in 2025
• Stores: 3.0k in 2025 (vs. 2.4k in 2022) / 4.6k in 2032 — A larger opportunity due to COVID
outcome (-10k gyms)
• ARPU: $69 in 2025 (vs. 55 in 2022) — Mainly due to higher equipment sales
• Net Margin: 19% in 2025 (vs. 15% in 2022) — Back to historical levels (pre-COVID)
• 2025 Exit P/E NTM Multiple: 25x (vs. 30x entry and 23x of the street) — Higher growth until
2032 (vs. the street) and supported by trading comps

In summary, we see PLNT as a highly asymmetrical opportunity and recommend long

PLNT with a 3-year target price of $102 and an IRR of 18%.

Risk and Mitigation

• Slower Expansion: If Planet Fitness or its franchisees are not able to continue to expand, our these would be broken.
• Planet Fitness already signed ADA to expand +1,000 stores with current franchisees. Also, the COVID-19 pandemic created a great opportuni-
ty for expansion.
• Competition: If other fitness competitors start to aggressively enter Planet Fitness’ market, the number of members per gym would be affected and
returns would be lower. Also, price competition could hurt Planet Fitness’ margins.
• Planet Fitness has the best value proposition among current competitors (and other relevant competitive advantages). Also, according to a
former board observer for a franchisee at PF, because around 50%-65% of members don’t show up often, members do not go to competitors
when they arrive.
• Cannibalization: If Planet Fitness opens too many units, one unit can steal members from the other. Thus, number of members would be lower per unit,
which can hurt growth and margins.
• Planet Fitness still has a vast opportunity to expand nationally and internationally. Also, if 20k square feet units have no larger space, Planet
Fitness can reduce to 10k square feet and expand to places where the 20k square feet unit would not be viable.
• Recession: In case of a recession and/or a high interest rates, people could stop spending and franchisees could halt expansion due to high cost of debt.
• Planet Fitness has the cheapest product in the market, so people would be attracted to it. Fitness is not discretionary, and PF performed well
during the financial crisis in 2007-2008 and during COVID, whereas other gyms did not. This could create even more opportunities for PF.
Lastly, Planet Fitness’ unit economics are already attractive even without leverage.
• Lower ARPU: Planet Fitness’ value proposition is low price for a quality gym. This can result in lower pricing power with consumers; Planet Fitness is
not able to return equipment sales to pre-pandemic levels.
• Planet Fitness recently increased its Black Card price from $23 to $25 but didn’t see churn increase. Also, Black Card penetration is still ramp-
ing-up, so this would increase ARPU.
• Franchisees are obliged by contract to renew their equipment every 5-7 years. This was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic but is
returning to normal levels.
• Contracts of franchisees are converging to new 7% royalties fee (from 6.38% LTM), so this will increase ARPU over time.
• Disruption: Work out at home companies (such as Peloton) could steal members from Planet Fitness and decrease PF’s growth.
• Planet Fitness targets a different population from traditional fitness centers and has a much lower pricing point. Also, the value proposition of
Planet Fitness is attractive due to the low price, and members can have both subscriptions.
Page 20

Connor Haley, Alta Fox Capital Management

Connor Haley founded background and how you are so many resources
Alta Fox in 2018 and first became interested available today for
is responsible for in investing. investors to learn from
managing all aspects the greatest investors of
of the firm’s all time, and I tried to
investment process Connor Haley (CH): take advantage of those
and strategy. He has Thanks for having me. resources.
over ten years of I've always been pretty
investing experience analytical and into
and a passion for strategy games. I caught G&D:
investing in small-cap the investing bug when I Who are some of the
and under-the-radar was a freshman in high investors that you think
opportunities. Before school. I took an have made the biggest
founding Alta Fox, economics elective, and impact on your investing
Connor was an we had sort of a stock philosophy? Who have
Connor Haley, Analyst at Scopia market game where you looked up to and
Alta Fox Capital Management we’d compete against has that changed over
Capital LP in New York (2014- local schools through the course of your
Management 2017). Connor is an virtual stock picks. It career?
active investor on really sparked my fascination and I started
and reading everything I CH: could about investing. In There's a common
m (since 2016). high school, I created a perception that investing
Connor was an active website to generate is an apprenticeship
investor in college—he Peter Lynch style “invest business. You hear a lot
founded in what you know” of people say that. In insights. The idea was to my view, that's a bit of a
and was the President aggregate consumer pessimistic notion
of Harvard’s largest insights from high school because the odds that
undergraduate and college students into you land in a seat where
financial club, which investing insights while you are working directly
he led to its highest teaching a younger for someone who is a
ever annual return. generation about top tier investor who not
Shortly after founding investing. It was a fun only has a style that
Alta Fox, Connor won idea with very little resonates with your
the 2018 Texas Hedge demand. It turns out personality but is also
Fund Conference that most high school willing to teach you
Emerging Manager and college students everything they know is
Pitch Competition. really don't care much extremely unlikely. If
Connor received an about investing. you ended up working
A.B. in Government for Julian Robertson in
In college, I was highly
from Harvard College the early days, that's
active in investing. I ran
(magna cum laude). fantastic, but it's just
an investing blog called and very unlikely.
Editor’s Note: This Fortunately, there are
participated in numerous
interview took place more resources than
investing competitions
on October 20th, ever both online and in
while part of Harvard's
2022. print to learn from the
Financial Analysts Club. I
also sought out several greatest fundamental
Graham & Doddsville great investing investors in history. My
(G&D): internships where I greatest influences have
continued to further my been reading everything
Connor, thanks for
knowledge of investing. I I could from investors
joining us. We're really
was trying to get better like Joel Greenblatt. I
excited to talk with you
every single year. My think I've read
today. It would be
goal was to get into a everything he's ever put
helpful for our readers if
risk-taking seat as early out there, including his
you could walk us
through your as possible and catalyze
(Continued on page 21)
my own learning. There
Page 21

Rudi vanHaley,
Connor Niekerk,
AltaDesert Lion Capital
Fox Capital Management
Columbia Business about Greenblatt is his but it was probably even
School notes, frankly, ability to take very more stressful than I
which is one of the complicated situations thought, to be honest.
things I always and simplify them into Managing the fund, as a
recommend to their most essential one-person team,
investors. elements. I think he's alongside all of the
Same for Buffet, Lynch, excellent in that regard operational aspects that
et cetera. I think you and it explains a lot of go into a fund while
just really need to read his success. trying to raise capital, is
and reread the greatest all consuming.
investors of all time and Unfortunately, getting
G&D: off to a good start is
ultimately find a way to
incorporate some of their Shifting gears, walk us even more important
principles into your own through the period than it should be, in my
process, which is shortly before you left opinion, in terms of
important because there your previous fund to determining your long-
are many styles of launch Alta Fox. What term success in this
investing. There's no one gave you the confidence industry. In terms of
size fits all, and it's to go out on your own things I did well, I spent
important that you and what was the several months studying
develop your own opportunity that you saw the operational aspects
framework from first in the market that you of hedge funds before
principles so that you wanted to capitalize on? launching Alta Fox. I
know and have knew what I wanted to
confidence in your own do and was well-
CH: prepared on the
style in times of market
turbulence because the I've always been research side, but from
market will inevitably entrepreneurial by an operational
test you. And if you're nature. It was always perspective, I'd never
uncertain about how you my dream to move back worked on that side of a
want to invest, you're to Texas and launch a hedge fund. But when
likely to make costly fund with a flexible you launch a firm and
mistakes. mandate and long-term you're doing it as a one-
capital. I had been fairly man team, you must
successful investing my study that. I spent
“I think you just really personal account for several months prior to
many years, and I had a launch really studying
need to read and reread that aspect seriously.
strong desire to
the greatest investors of implement my investing That knowledge helped
philosophy at an me make informed
all time and ultimately institutional scale. decisions that I think put
Alta Fox in a better
find a way to position today than if I
incorporate some of G&D: had solely relied on
You launched Alta Fox in external advisors like I
their principles into see many people do. You
2018. What are some of
your own process.” the takeaways from that really have to own every
period? Anything that aspect of the process if
surprised you, things you're going to launch
you would do differently, your own fund. I see a
G&D: lot of aspiring fund
things you'd do the
Anything in particular same? managers gloss over this
that stood out about Joel detail. It may not be fun
Greenblatt? or sexy, but it can be the
CH: difference between
success or failure
CH: I knew launching the because if you overlook
fund would be an some of the operational
A lot of things, but if I enormous amount of
had to say one, what I aspects, you can have
work and very stressful.
think is exceptional This was not lost on me,
(Continued on page 22)
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Rudi vanHaley,
Connor Niekerk,
AltaDesert Lion Capital
Fox Capital Management
costly, unforced errors. G&D: CH:
I've been very blessed What are some of the When you launch a fund,
with supportive and long ways that you found there are a thousand
-term focused LPs and helpful to de-stress? different decisions you
people who believed in have to make. Many of
me early, and I'm very them are operational
thankful and certainly CH: and if you've never
will never forget that. worked on that side of a
There are a lot of things.
In terms of mistakes, I I mean the biggest thing hedge fund (which
think I would've is just having a team, basically describes
benefited from being able to talk everyone who's trying to
developing ways to de- through things, having launch a fund) you will
stress and remove people who are aware of have no expertise in that
myself from the day-to- what you're dealing with area. Many times, you
day strains of the job. that share the highs and won't even understand
Today, I have a the lows. I think that's the question that the
tremendous team that I really important, and lawyer is asking you.
can bounce ideas off of we've got a great team The lawyer may not
and share the day-to- culture at Alta Fox and even be asking you the
day grind of managing a tremendous individuals question because they
fund. But when you are that comprise the team. have a default and
a one-man investment But when you're they're just kind of
team, it can be very managing it by yourself, answering it implicitly for
lonely. And I think that's you've got so much in you. I think it's
something that if I had your head and you're important if you're going
fully understood, just the dealing with all these to launch your own fund
level of stress, especially other things, even to own all aspects of the
early on, I would've outside the portfolio, it fund and that includes
wanted to develop, in can be really daunting. operations. You should
advance, ways of And I think I manage not take for granted the
managing that. that reasonably well. But default answers that
if someone were 99% of investors will go
“You really have to own with. You really need to
launching a fund by
every aspect of the themselves, I would ask those questions
encourage them to have starting from a first
process if you're going contacts that they're principles basis.
to launch your own checking in with on at I spoke to a lot of other
least a monthly basis people who had
fund. I see a lot of and chatting through launched funds. I tried
their own highs and to learn from both their
aspiring fund lows. You can share successes and their
managers gloss over some of that journey mistakes. And while this
with someone else. was a very fruitful
this detail. It may not process, I also did a lot
be fun or sexy, but it of research myself. I
read about fund
can be the difference You mentioned studying operations, I built
the operational aspects decision trees around
between success or when starting your own whether to structure the
failure because if you fund, and we wanted to fund this way or that
double click into that. way. What are the pros
overlook some of the Could you talk a little bit and cons? I forced
more about what you myself to ask these
operational aspects, were studying and what questions, which then
you can have costly, your learnings were on led to more questions,
the operational side of which led to greater
unforced errors.” things. Any advice discovery of the process.
there? I had an end goal in
(Continued on page 23)
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Rudi vanHaley,
Connor Niekerk,
AltaDesert Lion Capital
Fox Capital Management
mind for what I wanted strong view of the risk a very systematic
Alta Fox to look like. I and reward. That is not process for analyzing the
think understanding always the sexiest pitch risk / reward. It would
those operational in a world where many not be unusual for us to
aspects from the allocators want drop everything and take
beginning allowed me to increasing levels of as long as it takes to get
make the right choices specialization, but it has clarity on the risk and
on vendors, for example. benefited returns. I think reward. So, we can go
Depending on where you our LPs understand that very wide and very
want your fund to be five I've got the vast deep. Across our four-
and ten years from majority, 90% plus of person investment team,
launch, you're going to my net worth, in the we look at about 25
make different choices fund. I eat my own companies a week. It's a
about which vendors you cooking, and we are KPI we track religiously.
choose on day one. That going to go where we I am very much a
can be a big mistake I think the best risk believer of the Peter
see people make. adjusted returns are, Lynch view, that the
There are difficult trade- even if it doesn't fit a person who turns over
offs. If you launch with a pigeonholed marketing the most rocks is likely
relatively small amount narrative. to win the game. We
of money and you have Searching for good turn over a lot of rocks
to balance the budget businesses with at Alta Fox and once we
plus the long-term competitive advantages find one that fits what
growth, these are and long growth we're looking for, we
difficult decisions. runways is not have the ability to go
However, if you fully particularly unique deep.
understand the pros and among fundamental
cons and have studied investors. We're “Across our four-
the operational cognizant of that. What I person investment
questions sufficiently, think Alta Fox has done
which I see very few well since inception is team, we look at
people launching do, having the ability to go
frankly, I think you're in both very wide and very about 25 companies a
a better position to make deep in our research week. It's a KPI we
those decisions. process. This is difficult
to do, but every single track religiously. I
aspect of our investing
G&D: process is designed with am very much a
Give us an overview of this goal in mind. For believer of the Peter
Alta Fox. What’s your example, we have a very
investment philosophy high velocity of ideas, Lynch view, that the
and investable universe? but we kill ideas very
quickly. For every person who turns
And is there anything
else that you think is analyst that has joined over the most rocks is
unique about your firm? our team, this has been
quite an adjustment. We likely to win the
are not a firm where you
CH: get one idea and you
game. We turn over a
Alta Fox has a flexible come back two weeks lot of rocks at Alta
mandate by design. We later and tell us whether
invest globally. We you think it's interesting Fox and once we find
invest in both public or not. It's more like, one that fits what
companies and private here are six ideas and
companies. We invest as let's talk about them two we're looking for, we
passive holders, activists days from now, for an
initial level of analysis. have the ability to go
and everything in
between. Nothing is off Once we identify a deep.”
limits if the business is in business that potentially
our circle of competence, fits our criteria, we have (Continued on page 24)
and we can develop a
Page 24

Rudi vanHaley,
Connor Niekerk,
AltaDesert Lion Capital
Fox Capital Management
G&D: process, and we move adjacent industry. So,
An analyst at your firm on to the next. Once we we try not to get
gets assigned a name or find something that is pigeonholed by dictating
comes across a company potentially interesting “we're looking for this.”
that seems potentially within those guardrails, For every company we
interesting. What does again, we'll drop research, there are
that one- or two-day everything and sharpen dozens of companies
initial research process our pencils. that interact with it in
look like? some way as suppliers,
“There are a lot of competitors, etc. We will
businesses, even high hop from one company
CH: to the next, wherever
quality businesses our research leads us.
Well, we have a very
high bar for what IRRs with good
are interesting. So, management teams, G&D:
we're typically looking
for 25% plus on a three- that you can quickly You made an interesting
year IRR basis. There observation in one of
eliminate in the first your quarterly letters
are a lot of businesses,
even high quality couple of hours of that Alta Fox had done
businesses with good better in the small cap
work if the setup does space versus the micro-
management teams,
that you can quickly not exist to potentially cap space. Many
eliminate in the first investors are under this
generate a 25% IRR.” impression that the
couple of hours of work
if the setup does not micro-cap space is the
exist to potentially most inefficient of any
G&D: market cap bucket. Can
generate a 25% IRR. On
the first level of analysis, For your idea funnel, are you talk about why you
the analysts are trying to you using screens? Or is moved away from micro-
put guardrails around it sort of a bespoke caps and into bigger
what is reasonable from process? How do you names and why you
a revenue perspective, a typically find most of think that’s a better
margin expansion your interesting ideas? hunting ground for Alta
perspective, a multiple Fox?
perspective, and a CH:
balance sheet utilization CH:
perspective. The various We source ideas through
levers to generate an a combination of Well, I do believe that
IRR, what are methods. Screening is micro-caps are
reasonable, and is there an important part of the inefficient as is the
the potential to generate process. A strong entire Small-to-Mid cap
a very attractive, 25% network of contacts and space. However, at Alta
plus IRR over the next boots on the ground Fox we often like to cut
three years? If the research is also our losers quickly and let
answer is no, then we'll important. However, our winners ride. I think
file away that probably our favorite that is a difficult
information. It doesn't method of generating approach with micro-
get lost. We have ideas is talking to caps because even the
software that captures companies and industry most successful micro-
all of this information experts and then having caps inevitably run into
and will alert us to when that organic process lead various bumps in the
these companies are us to other leading road; they’re less
approaching price companies. It could be a diversified businesses. It
targets that start to get competitor or a supplier. happens. So, if you are
interesting. So, we don't We often find that is one cutting exposure during
ever lose that of the most organic ways that time, it’s
information, but we of researching ideas, challenging to generate
quickly kill the idea in whether it's in the same
terms of our research industry or in an (Continued on page 25)
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Rudi vanHaley,
Connor Niekerk,
AltaDesert Lion Capital
Fox Capital Management
the long-term results hip, if you will. And I
that we are targeting at G&D:
Alta Fox. As a result, for “In my opinion,
our own investing We spend a lot of time
process, we have found at Columbia Business position sizing should
it more fruitful to focus School thinking about be much more of a
on high growth security selection,
companies in a slightly obviously very science than how
more mature phase of important, but as you most investors
their growth. You might know, it's only half the
miss the first double or job. As portfolio approach it. We use
triple, but in many cases manager, you have to software that we have
the business has been size the positions as
significantly de-risked, well. How do you customized over the
so you have higher approach that aspect of last four and a half
conviction to hold the investing and what's
business for the long your framework for years that takes our
term. position sizing? projected IRRs as well
as our quantifiable
G&D: CH:
scores across several
Maybe we could touch I believe investing is
both an art and a important investing
on the private side of the
book as well. Is every science. In my opinion, criteria that we've
analyst looking at position sizing should be
much more of a science identified to generate
private ideas as well as
public? What does the than how most investors optimal position
time allocation between approach it. We use
software that we have sizing.”
those two books look
like? customized over the last think that's a significant
four and a half years mistake.
that takes our projected
CH: IRRs as well as our
quantifiable scores G&D:
Not every analyst is
looking at both. Some across several important You've written publicly
are. However, every investing criteria that about several long ideas,
analyst is having we've identified to but you also short. Could
conversations about generate optimal you talk about your
what we’re seeing as the position sizing. There are overall framework for
most attractive returns obviously top-down shorts? Any common
on the public side versus constraints as well, short setups that you
the private side. And married with our bottom could walk us through?
that’s important. And so, -up qualitative decisions.
we’re sharing insights While we do not follow
across the team and this process religiously, CH:
we’ve found significant we do have very high We tend to be risk
synergies. Being a public correlation. So, roughly averse on the long side,
investor makes it easier 80% plus. It is a forced but extremely risk
for us to diligence check on our analysis. It averse on the short side.
private companies, and instills position-level As a result, we typically
diligence in private discipline, and it allows avoid high short interest
companies often yields us to track hundreds of or otherwise crowded
insights valuable on the ideas on our watch list in shorts. Typically, we're
public side. So we found a very efficient manner. looking for structurally
it helpful in both Investing is both art and challenged businesses,
directions. But we do science, but I think this cyclical peaks or fads, as
have some analysts that is a particular area an example. Our
are focused more on the where a lot of underwriting process for
private side than public fundamental investors
and vice versa. kind of shoot from the (Continued on page 26)
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Rudi vanHaley,
Connor Niekerk,
AltaDesert Lion Capital
Fox Capital Management
shorts is similar to the activism. It's a lot of game to take on that
underwriting process for hard work and expensive capital allocation
longs, but our sizing and from a capital thoughtfulness, even
trading around the perspective and even when it is likely to
positions is a bit more so from a time unlock significant
different primarily for perspective. However, I shareholder value.
risk management do think it fulfills a We typically do not
purposes. necessary role in the screen for activist ideas.
market to combat We try to approach
entrenched directors everything from a
G&D: looking out for constructive manner
In 2020, you initiated themselves instead of alongside management
two notable activist fulfilling their fiduciary teams and boards. It's
campaigns, Collectors duties. only when we identify a
Universe and Enlabs AB In terms of whether it's really exceptional
(NLAB SS). What were worth the time and how opportunity where the
some of your takeaways we think about that, we only way to unlock the
from that period? And try to find good highest possible return is
how do you decide when businesses that should through change that we
to go activist versus be great rather than would consider engaging
when to just pass and looking for bad
maximize your return on businesses that could be “I'm passionate about
time? okay. It would be very
corporate governance.
unlikely for you to see us
involved in an activist I think it's extremely
situation that involves
I'm passionate about important and bad
some massive
corporate governance. I turnaround in corporate governance
think it's extremely operations. I think
important and bad hurts everyone except
Collectors Universe is a
corporate governance great example. It was a a small few; typically
hurts everyone except a really good business, but
small few; typically entrenched directors
they were paying out
entrenched directors or most of their cash flow or members of
members of as dividends instead of
management. I think it's management. I think
reinvesting in their
actually a real societal business around their it's actually a real
concern and an issue core competencies and
with market integrity. societal concern and
competitive advantages
We always strive to to unlock additional an issue with market
engage in a constructive shareholder value. So, it
manner with integrity.”
was sort of this mindless
management teams and capital allocation policy. from of an activist
have excellent perspective.
I think activists often get
relationships with the
a little bit of a stigma of
vast majority of our
“they just want to cut G&D:
portfolio companies.
costs, they just want to
Unfortunately, there are What are some
fire people”, etc. In
instances in which examples of typical
many of our cases, it's
management teams and capital allocation
the exact opposite. We
boards are unwilling to mistakes that
want to invest more, we
do the right thing for management teams
want to unlock higher
shareholders. But the make?
growth, and, ultimately,
value that can be
that rewards all
unlocked is tremendous.
stakeholders. But you
In these situations, CH:
sometimes have
activism is a valuable Well, I think a lot of
entrenched directors or
tool that can benefit all management teams and
management that have
stakeholders. I do not
very little skin in the
particularly enjoy (Continued on page 27)
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Rudi vanHaley,
Connor Niekerk,
AltaDesert Lion Capital
Fox Capital Management
boards do not G&D: that was an unfortunate
understand how public Do you typically have situation and it never
securities are valued. For this engagement needed to lead to
example, if you're just mindset before initiating activism. Additionally,
thinking about growing a position? the company tried to sell
your profits but you at a very low price,
don't understand across which we then had to
various segments that CH: oppose. We are
some segments will be confident that our
It can be both. We don't
valued higher than involvement helped lead
go looking for fights. In
others, it can lead you to to a much better
the case of Collectors,
make bad capital outcome for
for example, we invested
allocation choices. I shareholders than
in the business because
think even great would've come to pass
we thought it was a
operators of businesses otherwise. In the case of
good business that
do not necessarily have something like Enlabs,
would generate
that investor mindset, the fight kind of found
attractive returns even
which is really important us. We were big fans of
on a standalone, no
because if your goal is to the management team,
change basis. We also
increase shareholder but the company
thought it could
value, you need to accepted a takeover
generate extraordinary
understand how offer that was
returns with capital
shareholders value your completely inadequate.
allocation changes, and
business. Many The circumstances
we started to engage
management teams and around that acceptance
with the company about
boards do not were questionable in our
how they could create
understand this, and it view, that this might
more value, not in a
“I think even great hostile way, but in a have been best for some
collaborative way: “we particular individuals,
operators of businesses own a lot of shares, we but not for shareholders.
want to see your And we had to take a
do not necessarily have stance as a large
company succeed, and
that investor mindset, here are some of the shareholder that had the
ideas we have”. In those capability of blocking the
which is really situations, we hope that deal to say we're not
the management team going to allow this to
important because if happen. Within a couple
and the board will
your goal is to increase interact in a days of their initial
collaborative manner for lowball offer, we had
shareholder value, you the benefit of all drafted a press release
shareholders, as they announcing our public
need to understand opposition alongside
are supposed to do in
how shareholders the spirit of their other major
fiduciary duty. shareholders, which
value your business. collectively represented
In the case of Collectors,
Many management a blocking vote. We told
unfortunately, the
the buying group to
Chairman of the
teams and boards do come back with
company basically
something that
not understand this, questioned why he
represents closer to fair
should listen to us and
and it leads to serious value or this deal will get
told us to stop bothering
blocked. Our actions
him and that we could
capital allocation manufactured a much
sell our shares if we
better outcome for all
errors.” disagreed with his
shareholders. But I think
decisions. The Chairman
both of these examples
leads to serious capital owned very few shares
and many others
allocation errors. of the business (so it
illustrate that if activism
was really more our
business than his), but (Continued on page 28)
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Rudi vanHaley,
Connor Niekerk,
AltaDesert Lion Capital
Fox Capital Management
is done in the right way, our wall of fame. treats it that way
it does not deserve any Another would be because he is a
sort of stigma. In fact, it Howard Jonas at IDT shareholder himself.
should be celebrated. It (NYSE: IDT). IDT is a There was even a time
requires extraordinary conglomerate, but it has early on where he had to
effort, time, and cost for had 20% plus annualized put some expenses on
a single shareholder to share returns for the last his own personal credit
create positive outcomes decade inclusive of all card for the business.
for all shareholders. And spinoffs. They've done You don't see that level
that is extremely an exceptional job of of dedication from most
beneficial to the market incubating businesses executives who are
ecosystem. I think it's with their legacy cash getting paid millions
very much needed today flows and then spinning without really taking on
because corporate off those businesses to any personal risks. So, I
governance is in such a investors. We have great think he's been all in
bad state in the US. respect for that alongside shareholders
management team and and he's really focused
the leaders inside their on the long-term value
G&D: respective businesses. creation and that's
You wrote in one of your refreshing.
past letters that Alta Fox
was in the process of G&D: In the case of Howard
compiling this wall of What are some of the Jonas, he is incredibly
fame of successful things that stand out thoughtful about capital
capital allocators. Could about Ryan Pape and allocation at IDT, the
you share any of the Howard Jonas? Are there parent company that he
names on that list that certain tells that you see founded. It's a relatively
you think readers and when you're reading small market cap today,
investors out there about them or speaking but that's only because
should be following more with them that make you they have spun off
closely? think that these guys are multiple businesses
great capital allocators? successfully that they've
incubated over time.
CH: There are a lot of empire
CH: builders in corporate
There are some that
America today that want
would be well known by The first thing is that
to have their business be
your readers that are they're all-in on their
bigger and more
extraordinary value business. They're not
noticeable and collect a
creators, but I'll give a there to just collect a
bigger salary, as a
couple off the beaten salary. They have the
result. At IDT, they’ve
path exaples. Ryan majority of their net
sort of done the
Pape, the CEO at XPEL worth invested in the
opposite. They're
(NASDAQ: XPEL) is one business and every
extremely frugal on
who comes to mind. He's single day they're fired
costs. They don't have
done an extraordinary up to create shareholder
any sell-side coverage,
job. XPEL has had some value. XPEL is a business
and they don't
of the highest value that doesn't issue
particularly care. They
creation of any public shares. It's very easy to
just want to compound
security in the markets forecast their shares
value per share at
during his tenure. And outstanding for the next
attractive rates over
he has the right capital quarter because it's the
time. And they're very
allocation mindset. He's same every quarter,
thoughtful about how
fully invested in his every year. They treat
they allocate capital,
business with a majority shares like gold, like a
whether it be for
of his net worth. He has valuable currency. That
acquisitions or spinoffs,
been rewarded, as have behavior is rare in an era
and it shows up in the
investors, for his where stock-based
long-term results.
excellent leadership. So, compensation and
I think he's one to study rampant dilution is quite
and he is certainly on common. Ryan Pape (Continued on page 29)
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Rudi vanHaley,
Connor Niekerk,
AltaDesert Lion Capital
Fox Capital Management
in excess of 20% over break into the
“The first thing is that the last decade. We investment management
they're all-in on their believe this story is business? And when
about to repeat. IDT has you're hiring an analyst,
business. They're not one business in what are the things
particular, NRS, National you're looking for?
there to just collect a Retail Solutions, which
salary. They have the we believe is spectacular
and, on our numbers, is CH:
majority of their net worth substantially more In terms of advice, I
than the entire would say start from first
worth invested in the enterprise value of IDT principles. Don't assume
business and every today. NRS is a point-of- you will find the world's
sale system for greatest mentor who will
single day they're fired individual convenience teach you everything
stores. It is essentially a they know. Study the
up to create monopoly and has 90% greatest investors of all
shareholder plus gross margins on time and weave in their
non-hardware revenue. many teachings with
value...They treat In the last two years, your own personality to
the business has gone find what makes sense
shares like gold, like a from negative EBITDA for you. Really take
valuable currency. margins to over 36% in control of your own
the last quarter. investing journey. There
That behavior is rare in are many ways to make
In a couple of years, we
an era where stock- believe this will be a money but having a
60% EBITDA margin defined process that you
based compensation business. It is also can personally rely on in
currently growing times of market
and rampant dilution is turbulence is essential.
revenue in excess of
quite common.” 130% year-on-year. We So, that would be my
are unaware of any advice on the investing
asset in the public side.
markets that has such
an exceptional
In terms of what I look
combination of top line
for when hiring analysts,
G&D: growth and profitability.
first and foremost, I look
That’s a good segue for We expect NRS will be
for people who are
us to dive into IDT. spun off to shareholders
highly passionate about
Could walk us through sometime in the next
investing and who are
the thesis on IDT? two or three years and
ultra-competitive. I want
that investors at today's
people who eat, sleep
prices will be greatly
and breathe investing
CH: rewarded. There has
and recognize it as the
been some concern over
Sure. IDT is a small cap greatest game in the
a pending lawsuit. Our
conglomerate that lacks world and have a deep
diligence suggests that
any sell-side coverage or desire to win. Second,
you are being more than
a natural investor base. they have to be team
compensated for this
Historically, the players. We win and lose
risk at today's prices.
company has used their as a team at Alta Fox,
But as for any position
legacy business cash and having that team
with a left tail risk it is
flows from their telecom approach with
important to size the
business to incubate competitive individuals
position appropriately.
businesses and then spin can yield incredible
them off. The strategy outcomes. I'm very
has been extremely G&D: blessed to have an
successful as IDT has extraordinarily talented
compounded inclusive of Do you have any advice team at Alta Fox.
spinoffs value per share for undergrad or MBA
(Continued on page 30)
students that want to
Page 30

Rudi vanHaley,
Connor Niekerk,
AltaDesert Lion Capital
Fox Capital Management
everything and develop the firm for long-term
a really good baseline. outperformance and
Once you get a good where we should be
G&D: baseline, you need to investing our resources,
Do you have any advice start really practicing the many iterations from
for young people looking and developing models that first document are
to become better and get out of the still highly relevant.
investors? What are the theoretical world into the I think it's really starting
things that you did that practical world. From from there. Don't have
you think really there, I think you'll learn any preconceptions
accelerated your with every investment about how you should
learning curve? you make or pass on. invest. Go look at who
has succeeded in the
G&D: past and how they
succeeded. What lessons
I would read everything You mentioned first are still relevant today?
Joel Greenblatt has ever principles a few times Who is the most forward
put out. I'd read and we were wondering thinking today? What
everything that Peter if you could talk a little can you learn from
Lynch has ever put out. bit more about how you them? What strengths or
I'd read the old Warren incorporate first weaknesses do you have
Buffet partnership letters principles into your that you can bring to the
as well as all of the process and your table? So, it's really
Berkshire Hathaway thinking. Additionally, starting with a blank
annual reports. Read could you provide some sheet of paper and
everything that investors advice for students on saying, how do I hope to
with exceptional long- how to develop mental outperform? Then,
term track records of frameworks around first iterating on that over
alpha and principles? time based on your
outperformance have practical experiences
put out there. And try and implementing that in
and really understand CH:
a systematic, scalable,
how those principles I'm a big believer in
resonate with you. You'll having clear outlines. “I think it's important
take the best of each of Anytime I wrote a paper, to develop an outline,
them and weave them in I had a really detailed
with your own outline going from the a detailed framework
personality and style. first thesis to the sub for how you hope to
In addition to reading, I bullets to the next. I
think it's important to outperform in the
think it's important to be
a practitioner. Start a develop an outline, a markets. And that
small personal account. detailed framework for
how you hope to should be a living,
Start investing on your
own. If you can't do outperform in the breathing document
that, start a virtual markets. And that
should be a living, that changes over
account, but take the
positions seriously, breathing document that time and incorporates
manage it as if you are changes over time and
incorporates all your all your experiences
managing a fund. Get on
the quarterly conference experiences and your and your learnings.”
calls, have a model that learnings. I started with
you compare your own one when I was in high and repeatable
expectations versus school and it wasn't that investment process.
reality and sort of good, but it got better
recognize what you're every single year. It is
still something that I There's this ongoing
good at and what you're
think about, analyze, debate in the investment
not, and make mistakes
and tweak. When I think community, whether it's
over time. There's no
about my role at Alta better to be a generalist
substitute for that. I
think you've got to read Fox and how to position (Continued on page 31)
Page 31

Rudi vanHaley,
Connor Niekerk,
AltaDesert Lion Capital
Fox Capital Management
or whether it's better to you're not investing?
be a very focused
specialist. Depending on
who you talk to, they'll CH:
have very different I have an 18-month-old
opinions. What is your daughter who takes up a
take on that debate? lot of my extraneous
time, but beyond that, I
love to compete in pretty
CH: much anything. Strategy
I don't think it's black or games, sports, video
white. There are merits games, ping pong. I'm
to both. I think either currently the Alta Fox
can be successful and I ping pong champion. I
think it would be wrong play something called
to come to any other Bughouse, which is like a
conclusion because there 2v2 fast-paced chess
are obviously numerous variant, which is very
examples of success in niche but fun. On the
both camps. I think it sports side, I enjoy golf
also varies by sector. and pick-up basketball.
There are some sectors Video games, I enjoy
that lend themselves to playing Apex Legends
specialization more so with friends. It's a fun
than others. I think if way to stay in touch with
you're a generalist, you friends, but also has
need to really think skill, strategy, and
about how you can teamwork elements. I'm
maximize the value of usually game for any
being a generalist by type of competition, and
having a really that's certainly a
systematic process to consistent theme at Alta
compare the relative Fox.
investment merits across
very different industries
and geographies. If you G&D:
develop that really clear Thanks Connor, this was
approach, you can great.
consistently put yourself
in interesting positions.
You can be successful in CH:
either camp. However, I Thanks for having me.
think the issue that
generalists sometimes
run into is when they
don't have a defined
process to make sure
they're maximizing their
return on time by
focusing on really
interesting things that
are likely to be mispriced
by the market in a
variety of industries.

Last question before we
let you go. What do you
like to do for fun when
Page 32

Christopher Bloomstran, Semper Augustus

Christopher P. on October 28th, always came easily but I
Bloomstran, CFA, is 2022. was an effort minimalist
the President and CIO in the classroom. Back
of Semper Augustus Graham & Doddsville then the finance
Investments Group (G&D): curriculum was all
LLC. Chris has three academic. It was very
decades of Could you walk us Chicago school efficient
professional through your market hypothesis. You
investment background and how you had finance classes, but
experience with a first got interested in they were all taught
disciplined, value- investing? from the corporate
driven approach to finance side. If you were
fundamental equity doing DCFs, they were
and industry research. all project related. There
Bloomstran (CB):
Semper Augustus was no investing angle.
Christopher manages I was going to be a You had nobody
Bloomstran, concentrated equity mechanical engineer. breaking down financial
Semper portfolios of well-run, Lots of my family were statements. Your
well-capitalized engineers of sorts, accounting classes were
Augustus mechanical and
businesses with share cost accounting and
prices trading below petroleum, and I was financial statement prep,
conservative going to mesh not use. None of it
appraisals of intrinsic engineering with applied to how to
value. football. I was a football analyze or value a
player in college and business, how to invest
Prior to forming never enjoyed the and allocate capital. I
Semper Augustus in engineering classes. I’d came to that on my own
1998, Chris was a VP taken a business class in and was reading all the
and Portfolio Manager high school that had the investing books that I
at UMB Investment students track things like could find and just fell in
Advisors where he the DOW and the S&P love with investing. I
managed the Trust and the price of gold and knew I wanted to make
Investment offices in interest rates and all the money by investing. I
St. Louis and Denver big stocks like Coca-Cola was counting cards in
and the Scout and IBM. I found myself blackjack so thought
Balanced Fund from looking at the financial with a system you could
the fund’s inception pages and back then you probably have an
until he left to found had all the daily changes advantage in the stock
Semper Augustus. in stock prices listed in market like you can at
Chris received his the local newspaper. As the blackjack table. Only
Bachelor of Science in a kid I was always as later did I come to
Finance from the fascinated with the stock appreciate how much of
University of Colorado tables as I was the a casino the market is to
at Boulder, where he baseball statistics and speculators or the
also played football. other sports lines. I uninitiated but how it’s
He served as found myself reading the not at all for investors.
President of the Board Wall Street Journal in
Investors Business
of Directors for the the engineering school
Daily’s founder, Bill
CFA Society of St. library and ultimately
O'Neal, had this
Louis from 2006-2007 moved next door to the
CANSLIM system which
and as a Director on business school where
was an acronym that
the Board from 2001 things seemed more
basically meant buy
to 2021. He has also interesting.
stocks when earnings
served on various not- When the football career are breaking out, when
for-profit boards in St. ended with a broken foot sales are breaking out,
Louis where resides and knee surgeries in when the stock is
with this family. my junior year I saw the breaking out. It's a very
light and the wisdom of momentum-based
Editor’s Note: This applying myself more in
interview took place the classroom. Grades (Continued on page 33)
Page 33

Christopher Bloomstran, Semper Augustus

application. And so I was cash flows and just lousy you ever wanted a job,
tracking and charting all assets and depreciation let me know.” And I
these quarterly earnings charges didn’t match the said, well, I really want
numbers and sales life of the ships. I to manage money. At
earnings numbers and learned right there to that point I'd signed up
overlaying it with read the financial for CFA Level 1 exam,
technical analysis doing statements before you and I thought that the
candlestick charting, invest! coolest thing in the
none of which had to do The thing was so world would be to run a
with actually levered. It couldn't mutual fund. When the
understanding or valuing withstand any kind of an commercial paper
a business. I got to the economic downturn and venture stalled I called
point where I thought I was going to go to zero back the CEO of the
knew what I was doing. regardless. bank, Crosby Kemper,
I had some money saved who said, “let me put
up from college summer So that kind of lit my fire you on our investment
jobs, high school jobs to figure out how to read operation of the trust
and some scholarship financial statements, company and if you work
money and wound up which I started doing in out we'll get you a fund
putting all my money in earnest, all the time. I within a couple of
on a stock on a tip in an wound up writing up a years.”
article I'd read in the business idea involving
commercial paper for an Which they did. I was
Heard on the Street running one of the
column of the Journal, a entrepreneurship class
the final semester of my mutual funds and
Norwegian very large working with pension
crude carrier business senior year. Chrysler
was being downgraded systems in the state and
that was essentially a all kinds of wealthy
self-liquidating structure. again and with a recent
SEC ruling 2a-7 which families. It was great
The company had very limited money market and a great learning
old vessels that were funds to owning no more experience. Got to wear
going to run for a few than 5% of their assets a lot of different hats.
years, distribute all the in less than top rated Learned about trust law,
cash flow to the paper, Chrysler Finance trust tax, employee
shareholders and then was essentially being benefits, 401k design,
scrap the ships at the booted from issuing profit sharing, defined
end for whatever they commercial paper. I benefit design, a lot of
could get, all at a profit theorized they could co- things that wouldn't
of course. It was going issue with top rated have interested me as a
to wind down and issuers and pick up the young, very wet behind
everybody was going to lines of credit cost for the ear investor, but
get rich. Well, it didn't those guys, lowering turned out to be a great
work out that way, and their cost of issuance experience. They gave a
six months or so after I and also allowing young investor a lot of
bought the thing, it was Chrysler continued authority, or rope. And I
bankrupt. And I thought, access at a cheaper cost pushed and had
geez, this is a really bad than bank lines. The assignments delegated
hobby - you put all your project evolved and to me just because I was
money in something and ultimately had Jerry York energetic and on a
it goes to zero. You're at Chrysler on board. We learning curve and loved
going to need to figure ultimately couldn't get what I was doing.
out what happened, or any banks to do the lines
you need to find a better or letter of credit.
hobby, so I wrote over G&D:
However, I'd met some
to Norway to get the bankers in Kansas City You started your firm in
financial statements. It and the head of the bank late 1998 in the midst of
hadn’t dawned on me to said, ”We don't do the technology bubble,
do that before investing. anything in commercial what are some of the
I didn't really know what paper, but we think learnings that kind of
I was doing, but you you're a smart kid. If
could see with declining (Continued on page 34)
Page 34

Christopher Bloomstran, Semper Augustus

stick with you today in at 1932’s lows with what the core of the portfolio.
the current market Ben Graham ultimately GE is still down 80%
environment? called net-nets. Then from where we sold it,
later Warren Buffet into things that from a
closing his partnership to value perspective were
CB: new capital in 1966 and really cheap, and that
Well, you've got to seize eventually closing down bifurcation in the market
opportunity when it and giving all the money fixed itself from 2000 to
comes. That's no back in 1969. Between 2002. There are a lot of
different in managing an those two points, he'd parallels today with that
investment portfolio. It’s already, in 1965, gotten period. You are seeing
through the lens of control of Berkshire much of the speculative
opportunity cost that Hathaway but bought excess and overvaluation
you allocate capital. If National Indemnity in beginning to be cleansed
you can be rational and 1967. So he had a from the system.
understand when the platform now that had
herd has gone off the the float derived from
rails, that's when there's premiums and “Ignoring the macro
enormous value to be investment reserves to
added. You've been invest and took and the herd most of
trending for several advantage of the brutal
years toward a secular 1970s when the market the time serves you
peak. I think 2021 is traded sideways with well. But
going to wind up being tremendous volatility
on par with 1929, the until 1982. He had a understanding when
late 1960s and 2000. chance to buy the
Washington Post and you're at an inflection
But these secular tops
don't simply emerge Gillette and GEICO and point, I think you can
overnight. You just don't General Foods and a
go from, well, bunch of other things at do things very
everything's fairly valued rock bottom prices.
to all of a sudden, things Then in 1998 our client,
are overvalued. You're Bob Smith, and I joined
usually very early to forces and tax efficiently
figure it out as the crowd sold very expensive
comes in and pushes shares at secular high
things to excess, which G&D:
prices and reinvested in
can be very painful. undervalued smaller and That was super helpful
Ignoring the macro and mid cap businesses at and maybe this is a good
the herd most of the fire-sale prices at the time to step back and
time serves you well. same time Warren just talk about your firm
But understanding when Buffett was pivoting at a high level. Could
you're at an inflection away from a heavy you tell us a little bit
point, I think you can do concentration in stocks about your investment
things very by buying bond-heavy philosophy and the
opportunistically. I tried GenRe and using investible universe that
to weave the story of Berkshire’s very you look at and what
our anchor client and overvalued shares as your stock selection
what he did at various currency in the deal. We process is?
secular peaks and pivoted from all of those
troughs with what blue chips at 40 times to
Warren Buffett did at 50 times earnings, many
others into my letter this of whom were no longer We're very eclectic.
year in a chapter titled earning their cost of Having worked in a bank
“Benign Neglect” that capital, into better trust environment, we
talked about his pivot in balance sheets and were running a lot of
1928, getting out of the better businesses. We defined benefit money
market entirely, but a sold overvalued assets for the big state pension
year and a half early, like the GE bought at the
and then getting back in low in 1932, which was (Continued on page 35)
Page 35

Christopher Bloomstran, Semper Augustus

systems in Missouri. I average, I'd say over the portfolio
got to see the 24 years that we've run opportunistically for
encroachment of the Semper and my 30 plus valuation reasons where
consultant industry years as an investor, I'm a lot of value is added.
which wedged itself only getting two or I'm of a mind that if you
between the pension three, four names that assess the profitability of
systems and the are worth bringing into the companies that you
investors, the money the portfolio on average own properly, you
managers, and they in a given year. Brand should earn the earnings
carved everything up new names. Typically, yield of the companies.
into style boxes, which when I bring something In a classic Graham &
have now been carved in, it's offsetting Dodd sense, if you're
up further and allocated something that's fully buying dollar bills for
into more and more gone out that’s been some fraction of a dollar,
asset classes. You didn't sold completely or if you're paying 66 cents
have a lot of venture acquired, which happens on the dollar, you've got
cap, you didn't have a a fair amount. 50% upside. If you're
lot of private equity, but capable of finding
now you've gotten “You really need the businesses that trade for
myriad asset classes on less than what we'd all
the efficient frontier. flexibility to go buy
call intrinsic value, it can
When we started the things where they take a bunch of years for
firm, I don't want to get that discount to accrete,
pigeonholed into being a make sense. We do or sometimes it happens
small cap value manager get pigeonholed as a suddenly. I've always
or midcap or whatever. said, take the earnings
You really need the value investor. But yield and generally add
flexibility to go buy 2% or 3% to it, and you
things where they make we love growth as get the expected return
sense. We do get much as anybody but over time. I think the
pigeonholed as a value best way to look at that
investor. But we love recognize it as only dynamic, if you're not a
growth as much as hyperactive trader, is to
anybody but recognize it
part of the valuation start with the
as only part of the equation. In our expectation of earning
valuation equation. In the earnings yield.
our world, price is the world, price is the
You're going to get the
paramount driver of dividend portion of the
paramount driver of
what we do. We yield paid to you as
approach investing with what we do.” cash. In my world, we've
a dual margin of safety, got about 18% of our
which is business quality We run a very low profits today earned by
and the price you pay for turnover portfolio. 15% the collection of
that business quality, on average over time, businesses that we own
which kind of goes but the majority of coming to us as
without saying, right? trading is not bringing in dividends. Meaning I've
That's what you guys do the new name. If we got 82% of profits that
at Columbia. Without bring in two new names are retained by the
intent, we've always run at position sizes of 2% companies that we own.
a very concentrated or 3% a year each, And my job, essentially a
portfolio and that's an that's 4% to 6% of large part of what we do,
evolution of position capital. The majority of is to discern how well
sizing. trading, maybe 10% or the managers of the
You don't get that many more of the portfolio businesses we own
good ideas. We’ve never value per year is among invest retained earnings.
had more than 30 stocks existing holdings. Some If most of profits are
in the portfolio at any years it's a lot more, retained, a long-term
given time. Again, not some a lot less, but it's owner will see returns
by design, but on shifting capital around
the companies in the (Continued on page 36)
Page 36

Christopher Bloomstran, Semper Augustus

gravitate to the because not that many advantage here.
underlying return on places can do it well We’ll do some merger
equity of the business. sustainably and durably. arb and occasionally
What kind of And a lot of times the special situations come
opportunities do they opportunity sets will along where you can’t
have to invest in growth change to where now help but make money
capex, growth R&D, bolt you've hit a point where and take no risk doing
-on acquisitions? Do you can't continue to so. Those are rare but
they understand the reinvest, and you either fun. If you don't live in a
value of their share? If pivot and get into style box and you just
they're conducting share different business lines try to go find places that
purchases, are they or you've got to change you understand where
being done at intelligent your capital allocation you can make a bunch of
prices or are they simply strategy. And so that's money and take very
offsetting dilution? How at the core of what we little risk in doing so,
do they utilize the do by recognizing where that's our investment
balance sheet? it’s done well and where philosophy. Just be an
Our businesses return it’s not. Not many public aware generalist, I
almost as much on company executives get guess, is a decent way
capital as they do on it. We seek the ones that to describe it.
equity at about 15% as do.
a group. A Costco or a I also own cyclical “And my job,
Dollar General that are businesses, which are a
retaining fair amounts of totally different animal.
essentially a large
capital every year and There I've lived long part of what we do, is
have opportunities to enough, in the energy
open new stores that patch for example, to to discern how well
generate over 20% know that if you're going
the managers of the
returns on those units, to buy an asset, you've
that’s a brilliant use of generally got to sell it at businesses we own
capital. A lot of a point. We got a lot of
businesses don't have money invested in invest retained
the ability to reinvest. energy in 2020. I bought earnings. If most of
And I've got some refiners for the first time
companies that pay most in my career, never profits are retained, a
of what they earn as thought I would ever
dividends because they buy a refiner, but long-term owner will
don't have an realized scarcity was see returns gravitate
opportunity set to developing because of
reinvest but recognize the world's green energy to the underlying
that. If you can figure shift. We were closing
that out, it's a huge net refining capacity in return on equity of
advantage. Costco only Europe and North the business.”
opens 20-25 new America, despite
warehouses per year. population growth and
The stock is rarely cheap growing demand for
so as the proportion of much of the products G&D:
retained earnings that are refined from Given that pretty broad
needed to grow each crude. During the mandate, could you talk
year dwindles, they pay pandemic, capacity was about your approach to
special dividends when taken down and some position sizing?
cash builds up. We’ve was converted to making
earned as much in renewable diesel,
special dividends since creating shortages in CB:
we bought the stock much of the stack. If you I think about the
initially as we paid for believe that Europe and portfolio in terms of
the shares. North America are not number of bullets and
Return on reinvested going to build another each point of capital
capital means a lot refinery, you've got a
durable long-term (Continued on page 37)
Page 37

Christopher Bloomstran, Semper Augustus

being a bullet. If idea in front of you, You are seeing that with
something new was don’t screw around with media content today and
coming into the 1%. There's no rule, but an expensive scramble
portfolio, I'd bring it in I like to at least get at to change distribution.
at one bullet, especially least 2% in general with
early on. If I really liked a new idea. “You know the
it, my hope was that it We’re happy investing
would get cheaper and
business. You know
up to 3% or 4% very
take it to two. As long as quickly, oftentimes in the valuation. When
the fundamental case the first week of trading,
was intact, you wanted the two mesh and it’s
because now I’ve spent
to get it cheaper and buy 30 plus years doing this. the best idea in front
it at three. So if you're And we've got a pretty
starting off buying good sense about the of you, don’t screw
something at 80 cents investment universe.
on the dollar, I'm going around with 1%.
There are a few hundred
to add to the position at companies that we There's no rule, but I
70 or 60. I've gotten a follow pretty closely.
lot better at getting We're obviously going to like to at least get at
more capital working follow any of the
early because often least 2% in general
competitors of the
you’d get 1% into businesses that we own. with a new idea.”
something only to see it I've got a wish list of
run up to fair value. companies that we'd Berkshire sits at the top
In the first two years of always like to buy at of the portfolio. It's
the firm, oil got down to certain prices. grown into that a bit. I
10 bucks. The deep- Oftentimes what try to bring clients into
water drillers were in happens is you get a Berkshire at 20%, but
trouble, nobody was March 2020 or you get a only when it's cheap. I
making any money, 2008-2009 when was buying the heck out
assets were cold everything gets cheap. of it two and three and
stacked. I spent a couple There you've got to four weeks ago. With a
weeks in Houston and figure out if you really lot of new clients here in
discerned that if the want to bring in a wish the last six months, this
depressed oil price were list company or are you downturn in Berkshire
to last another month, good with what you've has given us a chance to
companies like Rowan got. And more often get them fully invested.
were going to go out of than not, you're good It's still so sufficiently
business. And so having with what you've got undervalued to intrinsic
done all that work and because you’ve done all value and so
knowing the high-quality the work on the portfolio conservatively run. The
assets at that time were names and especially the earning power is so
Transocean and ones you want to own predictable that I almost
Diamond Offshore, I got forever. look at Berkshire as
1% of our capital in each But we will bring names though it's a fixed
and didn't expect that in during those periods income holding that
the oil price was going to because rarely do you happens to yield 10 to
recover quickly. We get a chance to buy a 12% when bought
wound up tripling our Costco or do you get a intelligently. The
money on each of those chance to buy a great business earns 10 to 12
positions, but I did it business. They're just on equity and trades at a
with only 2% of our never on sale. Often it nominal premium to
money, which barely takes an overall market equity. It's got the
moves the needle. We’re selloff to give you an ability to reinvest. It's
a lot better now about opportunity to buy a got the ability to buy
getting more money in great business. shares back, but only
early. You know the Sometimes an industry when they're cheap. The
business. You know the is down and priced in as capital allocation levers
valuation. When the two though it’s dead forever.
mesh and it’s the best (Continued on page 38)
Page 38

Christopher Bloomstran, Semper Augustus

inside of Berkshire are running 75% in the top the traps, but there a
as well executed as they 10 on average, plus or number of gems to be
are anywhere. Most minus 5% for a long had despite what
CEOs ought to pay more time. Again, none of remains an expensive
attention to what that's methodical or by market.
Berkshire does and how design, it's just the way
they allocate capital. The the process works. You “The advantage of
energy and the railroad have your two or three
bear most of the percenters outperform living in the world of
company’s debt, but for a while, they get to intrinsic value, if you
with those two groups be bigger, or you like
their debt is non- something a lot and you have a good sense of
hypothecated to the get 4% or 5% in it and
parent. If you look at now all of a sudden it's what’s undervalued
how Berkshire termed 15% and you've got to and what’s less
out its debt, when scale it back. We just did
interest rates were low that with Olin. The undervalued and
over the last few years, advantage of living in
they're huge the world of intrinsic
what’s working, is the
beneficiaries of very low- value, if you have a ability to move
cost financing. Compare good sense of what's
that with companies undervalued and what's capital around.”
utilizing a lot of less undervalued and
commercial paper or what's working, is the G&D:
floating rate debt, with a ability to move capital
lot of paper coming due around. What it's You have previously
in the next couple three allowed us to do is talked about "Learning
years. A lot of generally keep the the lesson of being able
businesses are going to overall portfolio to pay a much higher
be in trouble because valuation at a fairly low price for something that
they're going to have to price to value regardless you bought recently." I
refinance what was low- of overall market think this is a really
cost debt. The way Elon valuation. important lesson, but
Musk just financed the just one that's really
Today the portfolio hard to implement.
Twitter deal with $13 trades at nine times
billion in high-yield Could you talk a little bit
earnings, which is more about this? And
floating rate debt is a absurd. I've only had a
disaster. Interest then maybe if you could
portfolio this cheap on a provide an example of
expense, which will handful of occasions in
grow, is chewing up a where you implemented
the last quarter century. this.
quarter of revenues on a March 2020 and the lows
business with an EBITDA in 2008, 2009. You have
margin less than 25%. a stock market that's CB:
Think about that. If rolled over a bit, but at
interest rates stay high That's a very important
year end 2021 was very
and inflation stays high, question. It took me a
expensive. Lots of
who knows what's going while to get to this
parallels between end of
to happen on the because as human
2021 and 1999, but an
inflation front, lots of beings, we anchor. If
enormous amount of
companies will be in you've paid a price for
value under the surface.
trouble. an asset and you can't
You've got a whole
get it for the same price
I have a lot of names in bunch of the market
six months on or 12
the portfolio that run that's still very, very
months on, more often
between 3% and say dangerous and
than not, you're going to
6%. That's where a core expensive, but a lot of
want to get it back to
of our capital shakes companies are really
that price. Or if you've
out, I've always tended cheap. Any value
missed something at a
to have the majority of investor is going to know
price and you're
our capital in our top 10 the term value trap. Part
holdings We've been of the key is avoiding (Continued on page 39)
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Christopher Bloomstran, Semper Augustus

frustrated because you perfect balance sheet count. Has capital
didn't get it bought, you that was unencumbered moved around? Has the
wanted to buy it, you by debt with the balance sheet changed?
might anchor into that exception of capitalizing Working capital
price. I think about Bob the operating leases, changes? Where's our
Smith's philosophy of which we did before it profitability coming
benign neglect and how became a mandate here from? What do we think
that served him so well, a few years ago under the business is supposed
and I also think about GAAP accounting. to look like a year out,
my history with Ross I thought, "Well, it'd be two years, three years
Stores. easy to come back and out? Were we right or
I’ve written and talked buy it again when it gets were we wrong? So I'm
about Ross, as one of cheaper." Well, it never updating intrinsic values
my biggest mistakes. I traded again at 10 and that allows a
bought the company in times. I don’t think I was calculation of discount or
the late 90s period of necessarily anchored to premium to intrinsic
bifurcation. Paid 10 10 times, but I never value and then apply
times earnings for a came back to it. And if that discount around the
retailer that I knew very you look at the stock portfolio
well that had terrific unit chart, it's been one of opportunistically. I've
economics and a very the best performing become comfortable
long runway to open stocks in the market paying higher prices for
new stores that then since I sold it in 2004. companies over time
were already earning It's more than a 20 plus when the value of the
high teens returns at the bagger after I sold it. business grows.
unit level. I’ve done the math on
the dollars not gained “A tiny overvalued
During the bear market
that took the S&P down after sale relative to the position can’t kill
by half, we made two little bit that I made and
and a half times our its painful. Shame on you. You've always
money with Ross. The me, but that was an
important lesson. With got to adjust your
overall portfolio was up
when the market was the businesses that I intrinsic values. I
down, but companies want to own for 20, 30,
40 years, I’ve gravitated adjust all values
like Ross led the charge.
All of a sudden, I had to trimming them in the
portfolio but never
quarterly, not that
this problem of Ross now
not trading at 10 times eliminating them from I'm trying to do it
earnings but somewhere the portfolio.
with precision, but it
in the mid-20s. I was I took Nike down to one
still grounded to classic half of 1%, I've taken forces me to look at
fundamental price to Costco way back. But
earnings, price to sales, those names exist in the what's changed in a
price to cash flow, portfolio because I will quarter, what’s the
dividend yields. And my come back to them
God, if you've paid 10 opportunistically when change in the share
times for something and they get cheaper. A tiny
it's now at 25, I’ve got overvalued position can’t count. Has capital
to get out of this thing kill you. moved around? Has
and into things that are You've always got to
cheaper, right? So I sold adjust your intrinsic the balance sheet
one of the best values. I adjust all
businesses that I'd ever changed?”
values quarterly, not
found knowing it was that I'm trying to do it
going to be a much When you get away from
with precision, but it price anchoring and you
bigger business, knowing forces me to look at
that they had the ability can really think
what's changed in a opportunistically about
to retain capital, quarter, what’s the
knowing that they had a change in the share (Continued on page 40)
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Christopher Bloomstran, Semper Augustus

upside, downside share-based money, put it on a table
valuation, relative compensation came into and light it on fire. And
strength, position sizing, being and evolved. In that's what most
it all comes together and the 80s and 90s option companies have done
it becomes very easy to comp was not expensed. over the last decade or
look past the fact that It was contentious, I saw two because we've not
you've sold something, the harm in dilution, and had an undervalued
or you made a mistake, eventually Warren stock market. If you're
"It's a business I still Buffett railed against it. the CEO of a public
want to own or I was Ultimately the company, you're on the
wrong on some accounting profession job for four or five years,
fundamental concern," saw the light that if you have a window to
and it makes it easy to you're giving away get rich, you may have
buy at any time if we shares, whether valued come out of engineering
know it well and if the under Black-Scholes or if or marketing, you don't
valuation discount gives you hypothetically run all come out of the capital
us some margin of your expenses, not with allocation department
safety. cash by paying but by thinking about how to
issuing new stock to pay optimize the balance
your vendors, there is a sheet, what the share is
G&D: cost. So now it's an worth, whether you
Yeah, that makes a lot of expensed item. should issue, whether
sense. And I think even The number of shares you should buy back.
what you said at the end outstanding drove You're not trained in the
there, buying what you materially higher during art of business valuation
know well and having the 1990s. The majority so you lean on your
the competence in that of that was Silicon Valley bankers to tell you if it’s
valuation, and you know giving away huge a good or a bad deal to
if the underlying factors percentages of the go into an acquisition,
change and the company each year to but generally it's going
valuation change, buying the employees and to be a good deal for
again, I think that's a executives. Only later them because you’re
really important lesson. did they get around to paying them a fee, and
Switching gears a little masking dilution with it’s a good deal for you
bit, what do you think repurchases. because it makes the top
about the state of stock- Done right, if you're line bigger and that
based compensation buying your company makes your
today? And how do you shares back and you compensation bigger.
recommend investors don't have a better use Too often, share based
think about stock-based for the capital and the comp is now done
compensation when stock is trading at a through a lens that
attempting to value high discount to what we'd all incentivizes short term
tech or human capital- call intrinsic value, that's thinking. I think far too
intensive businesses? a great capital tool to be often, especially in the
And maybe any able to shrink your share tech world, Silicon
examples along those count accretively. Valley, some of these
lines that you might be folks running these
able to share. You're adding value and businesses still have a
not taking advantage of venture cap mindset
anybody or anything, where they're thinking
CB: but if you're using the about funding rounds
share repurchase to and they don't have a
Silicon Valley learned
offset the dilution that regard for what the
how to use stock options
comes from giving away share actually
in the 1980s. Options
the company and you represents, which is the
weren't really a
have no regard for the ownership of the
compensation tool prior
price that you're paying, company by all of your
to that. I've got a history
well that's a destruction shareholders and what
in one of my older
of value, you might as
letters on the evolution
well take a giant pile of (Continued on page 41)
of how stock options and
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Christopher Bloomstran, Semper Augustus

the business is worth. no regard for the for the money, I'd rather
They think about shareholder and really you not create a use for
ownership and how easy no regard for the price it by making bad
it was to have been you were paying for the acquisitions or simply
given shares to be the stock, "Hey, we don't buying the share back
CEO of a private need the money in the even though it’s not
business before it went business. We're cap cheap but because some
public. Giving the ship light." What do you do consultant told you it is
away is just with it? Do you pay a returning money to
commonplace in that dividend? Do you go stakeholders. Give me
world. invent a bunch of stuff the money. I'll take it
with R&D? and I'll find places that
Here we have Facebook make more sense, right?
blowing up and
so...yesterday afternoon, “Done right, if you're
I looked at Facebook's G&D:
share repurchases over buying your
That is a very pertinent
time. I wanted to see company shares back example, especially over
how much they've given the past few days here
away and bought back and you don't have a with what's been going
despite little change in on. And I think tying
the share count over better use for the
that into the share base
time. It turns out they capital and the stock compensation is really
started buying the stock helpful in terms of
back at the beginning of is trading at a informing our readers
2017. From their first along the lines of how
share repurchases discount to what we'd
important capital
through Q3 here this all call intrinsic allocation decisions are.
year, you've got $112 I think that that's really
billion repurchased value, that's a great enlightening and really
against $144 billion in timely right now.
profit. They spent 78% capital tool to be able
of their profits buying So, I'm going to jump
to shrink your share ahead a little bit here,
the stock back and 50%
of their cash flow from count accretively.” and maybe we could talk
operations. Now, when about one of the
you get on most Very few contemplate positions here,
companies' calls or you how disastrous a Paramount Global, and
read their adjusted repurchase is when it's get your thoughts on
EBITDA disclosures in undertaken at a price that name.
their press releases or that far exceeds the
investor decks, not in underlying value of the
business, and so who CB:
the Qs, but in the press
releases and decks, knows what the value of Paramount is the old
they'll tell you that share Meta or Facebook's Viacom, which merged
based compensation is going to wind up being. with CBS four or five
not a cash item, so you You guys tell me if years ago. You have
really ought to ignore it. there's a moat in the these streaming wars
It makes my blood boil. business, I've never going on and you’ve got
found the moat, I get the content guys going
Well, Facebook winds up durable advertising over the top with
paying something like revenues, but I'm not distribution, which
250 bucks a share for sure I get the platform. Netflix really drove. It’s
their average
Now I don't mind a a combination of cord
repurchases. The
business paying me cutting and younger
repurchases in 2021
profit as dividends. I generations leaving
were done at $330 vs.
don't like paying taxes traditional consumption
$97 today. That’s share
on dividends in taxable of content (cable, free
based comp done badly
accounts. But if you TV, or satellite). We’re
with an eye toward
getting yourselves rich, don't have a better use (Continued on page 42)
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Christopher Bloomstran, Semper Augustus

now getting our content Disney+ app, on the content, it opened the
now through apps, Hulu app, and on their investment community's
certainly my kids are. ESPN+ app. eyes to Netflix as to
Netflix decided they My suggestion was, whether they were
wanted to compete in don't necessarily listen actually going to get a
the content creation to the investment return on a lot of the
world. Disney realized community as what you ephemeral content that
that no longer was ought to do with capital they were putting out.
Netflix just a pipe, but a and what you ought to How many series on
content competitor, and do with spending. You television, like a Cheers
so they said, "Whoa, guys do a good job and or a Seinfeld, that get
we're going to pull back are the pros. You might into syndication, are
all of our content from think about not paying a going to be seen for
you guys and take it dividend at a regular decades? Well, if you're
back inhouse, and we'll rate and paying specials spending a mountain of
create our own apps and like Costco does, but money making a
we'll go over the top." In beyond that, I wouldn't mountain of content,
the midst of all that, get caught up in the some of it doesn’t even
we've got this free for arms race because the get through even a
all, because you've got a last thing you want to do season, and very, very
declining set of eyeballs is make a bunch of crap little of it's going to get
through traditional cable that's going to sit there into the repeat of a
and a growing amount of that nobody's going to second, third, fourth,
expensive to produce watch and diminish the fifth, where you're going
content that's looking for value of the brand. to watch it again and
whichever outlet winds again and again. You're
up winning in terms of I equate high level of not going to get paid for
how you view your great content coming out syndication. Too many
content. of a Disney or coming shows. Not enough
out of a Showtime, eyeballs and a race to
Thus you've had an which is Paramount, to a
ongoing nuclear arms sign up subscribers.
high-end watch. You
race on content spend. I might pay $22,000 or Now you're in a place
sent a letter to the $300,000 for a watch, where a lot of what had
Disney board a couple and the company's got a been content that came
years ago suggesting 65%-70% gross margin. as a byproduct of
they not necessarily You're not paying for the content... If you think
reintroduce their jewelry content or the about all of the old
dividend at the pre- diamonds. You're paying Viacom assets managed
pandemic rate because for the scarcity of the under Sumner Redstone,
they'd taken on a bunch watch and the brand, well, there was a lot of
of debt to finance their the creation by hand, milking of the cash flow
own acquisition of all the the artistry. Well, cow. I would say under-
21st Century Fox assets. Showtime's a brand. investment in some of
My suggestion was, Your viewers know their properties like MTV
"Look, you guys make you're making great and maybe Nick, BET...
better content than shows. If you're Disney, They didn't maintain the
anybody. Out of your you know your kids’ spend on those
movie studios, you put content is great. ESPN is properties at a high
out fewer films per year, great. Don't diminish the enough level and the
but they're all brand by overbuilding. brands there got
blockbusters." There was Rolex now might be diminished.
a push by other making too many But lo and behold, you
investors that were more watches, right? You're get this merger with CBS
activist in nature that starting to see some before the pandemic,
were encouraging Disney weakness in the and I don't know, they
to spend essentially secondary market for were doing $14 billion in
everything they had, watches. revenue, so combined
making more and more they should have done
content so there was In the world of all this
more stuff on the overspending on (Continued on page 43)
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Christopher Bloomstran, Semper Augustus

double that. You've now billion in revenues at a could take longer and
got the business only 10 to 12% margin, you there may be so much
doing about as much can get to a $50 billion spend that nobody gets
profitability as Viacom market cap, four times a return on forcing the
was doing alone prior to where you are today. consumer to the app
the purchase of the CBS If we're wrong, and we that we think they're
assets, even though the simply muddle along and going to get, and we
business size doubled. margins are permanently could be wrong, but we
The profit margin is depressed at current have a margin of safety
down from 10% to 5%. levels, the stock’s at with price and a margin
You're bringing on a lot eight times earnings. of safety with the repair
of subscribers, but a lot Recapitalize it at double of the balance sheet.
of the value of those the multiple and And who would've
subscribers is back-end contemplate the known that two quarters
loaded. You're not going business throwing off a after we came into it,
to see really high lot of free cash. Berkshire would come
durable cash flows for a into it.
couple, three years. I like the management
team. I like the CEO, “But the question
But the question comes Bob Bakish. Since the
down, who's making the acquisition, net debt has comes down, who's
best content, and who come down from $20
survives all of this, and billion to $13 billion. A making the best
who are we all going to lot of the free cash has
pay for? As we content, and who
gone to repairing the
consolidate the apps, balance sheet. Wall survives all of this,
you're going to probably Street's looking at the
have consolidation of the current quarter, they're and who are we all
industry. Any business looking at the projection
growing customers in a going to pay for? As
six months out. They're
subscription world needs not looking at where this we consolidate the
to watch churn. I'm here is going to wind up. This
to say the Paramount looks a lot to me like apps, you're going to
movie studio, Showtime, Nike, which is in the
CBS, particularly with probably have
midst of doubling their
CBS Sports, those are margins because they're consolidation of the
trophy assets and you're taking more and more of
going to get paid for their business direct to industry. Any
them. In my world, I've consumer through the
got revenues growing business growing
apps. Investors hate it.
from today's $28 or $29 Well, they hated customers in a
billion to $33 or $34 Microsoft at 10 times
billion. You're going to earnings after the stock subscription world
get mid-single-digit fell 75% over six or
growth on top line, you'll needs to watch
seven years.
get price. But I've got churn.”
profits which are I would never buy a
depressed at a 5% net business for likely
today. I've got the consolidation, but I think G&D:
margin doubling back up these assets belong with
the top content Do you have any advice
to where they were pre- that you would give to
pandemic, so 10 to 12%. producers in some
format. It's worth way younger investors or
You're looking at $3 or MBA graduates who
$4 billion net income, more than the current
bid, but you just don't want to learn more
and as we do the math, about value investing?
and think where see it during the period
everything shakes out in where they're fixing the
four or five years, we business, repairing the CB:
have a market cap today balance sheet and
transitioning the I get asked all the time,
that's 12.5 billion. You
capitalize that on $34 customer base. Now, it (Continued on page 44)
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Christopher Bloomstran, Semper Augustus

what one book should I earnings, you can see data and be able to see
read that's going to where an acquisition was how the balance sheet,
make me a great done and how it was income statement, and
investor? My answer to financed, spinoffs, all in cash flow statement
that is there's no book. just a handful of figures all interact with
I'd read The Intelligent numbers, and in a each other. You can’t
Investor, no doubt about format that you can invest based on a tear
that. The light went on orient yourself with in a sheet, but when I'm
for me when I read it. short period of time. going to go analyze a
But just turn over rock There’s no getting business and break
after rock after rock. around dissecting a 10-Q something down,
Read as many Ks and Qs or a 10-K. It’s a great especially when I was
as you can. Continuously starting point for the younger, if I didn't really
add to the arsenal of research process having know a business that
companies that you all of that that data all well and I wanted to get
know well and get on one page. When you myself oriented in a
deeper and deeper get oriented to the hurry, I'd spend 5 or 10
understandings of format and you condition minutes with the Value
businesses. There's no your brain, you start Line page and pages for
substitute for reading thinking about where are the industry, then I
about companies, and I returns on equity being would read several
think too many investors driven? Is it coming from years’ worth of annual
don’t get to that. leverage? Where's my reports and Ks and Qs.
I don't want to do a cash going? Is it building But I'd start with the
commercial for Value up? How are working tear sheet and then I've
Line, but one of the most capital components got a better long-term
valuable things that I do, changing? sense about where this
and I've done for my business has been.
entire career, which I “I’d read The It's allowed me to
started doing in college, maintain a universe in
and which I didn't realize Intelligent Investor, my head of a lot of
would become a lifelong no doubt about that. different industries and a
discipline, but I get the lot of different
large cap and the small But just turn over businesses. And then,
cap print editions of the when you start investing
Value Line. I've always rock after rock after more and more abroad
gotten the hard copies. rock. Read as many and you don't have the
And I read them every Value Line page, now I
week. Ks and Qs as you can. can pull up a company
The discipline of looking on the Bloomberg and
Continuously add to I've got some templates
at the data, you're not
reading the Value Line the arsenal of where I get 10, 20
page for their summary years’ worth of data and
companies that you figures, and I know
of what's going on, but
you're looking at 10 to know well and get what's important from a
15 years of figures on a high level to be able to
per share basis, on a deeper and deeper generally discern in just
dollar basis. You're a few minutes whether
understandings of you've got a decent
looking at the share
count change, you're businesses.” business or a bad
looking at how returns business, at least
on equity and capital historically, based on
change over time, Whether you do that how it's evolved. It
current snapshot of using the Value Line, or doesn't tell you how it's
working capital. You can whether you have access going to change over the
see when businesses are to platforms like next five or ten years.
increasing leverage, you Bloomberg or FactSet or That's where your
can summary one-off Sentio, create your own analysis comes in and
charges against templates where you can
look at a lot of years of (Continued on page 45)
Page 45

Christopher Bloomstran, Semper Augustus

that's where you're “But I would say get a called Million Dollar
going to do the work, Blackjack. Uston was the
when you really get into lot more of your daily president of the Pacific
the business, do all your Stock Exchange and was
reading, talk to calendar oriented banned for counting,
competitors, talk to toward turning over skill in a game of
managements. chance, but sued and
But I would say get a lot
as many rocks as you settled for a large
more of your daily undisclosed sum.
can and reading Counting cards is easy.
calendar oriented toward
turning over as many about as many You have a count system
rocks as you can and where you're assigning a
companies as you positive count to your
reading about as many
companies as you can, low cards and a negative
can, and read them in
and read them in depth. number to your high
If you're just starting depth. If you're just cards. And so, two
out, for the first ten through six could be a
starting out, for the plus one, seven through
years of your career, you
have to live in the first ten years of your nine would be neutral,
footnotes. I live in the they'd be a zero, and
footnotes. But read all career, you have to your 10 and all your face
the footnotes. All the cards and your aces
live in the footnotes.” would be a negative one.
new accounting
pronouncements that You keep a running
are coming. Read the G&D: count. And you could get
definitions of how That’s super helpful, and into a lot of decks by
revenue recognition I think our readers will using a divisor.
takes place, boring, really appreciate that. Essentially the way
pedestrian stuff. But It's different than what counting works is you
then when you get a we've heard, but it's a want to know when the
GAAP or an IFRS good reinforcement of unplayed deck is rich in
accounting change, and you've got to put in the high cards, because you
you've got six or seven work, you've got to learn don't ever want to hit
companies talking about about the history of your hand and bust if
the same change, and companies, in a sense, the dealer's going to
"We're going to and really see a lot of draw a card or cards and
implement it now," pitches. And I like bust. You get more
"We're going to do it in a maintaining a universe money out when the
year," then some of in your head. I think odds are in your favor
these nuances really that's really helpful. and change your play
start to make sense.. based on the count. It’s
All right, wrapping up easy but incredibly
I don't have to read as here. What do you like boring.
much boilerplate now, to do for fun outside of
because I've done it for investing? Any hobbies I would play a bunch of
so long, but it was or passion projects or poker, especially when I
advantageous to me, big things you're involved was in my 20s and 30s.
time, to have taken my with that you want to Then I was trying to play
time, not going as fast enlighten our readers golf once a week,
as I could but spent a lot on? sometimes twice a week
of time, company by when not on the road. I
company. And if you're had a regular golf game
reading a lot of books CB:
on Saturdays at my club
and listening to a lot of Well, as I mentioned
with all the older guys
podcasts, nobody's earlier, when I was in
and had a lot of fun. It
drilling into that kind of college, I got into
was competitive and
minutiae that you can, counting cards. Ed Thorp
enjoyed the
because it takes time to had a book called Beat
do it. It takes a lot of the Dealer. There was a
When my kids came
time to do it well. guy named Ken Uston
(Continued on page 46)
that had a book out
Page 46

Christopher Bloomstran, Semper Augustus

along, I scrapped the your friend group
golf and poker and carefully. Find those
basically lived my non- smarter than you, some
investing life through older, some younger,
their lens. My hobby for but above all else find
all those years that the good people with moral
kids were under the roof compasses. Outside of
was them... We just kids and family, there is
went empty nest this no more fun than having
year. So far the silence a group of colleagues
is deafening. They say that you enjoy spending
you eventually relish it. time with, on the phone
My baby boy is a and getting together.
freshman in college, my Thirty of us are getting
daughter's a senior, so together for three days
that changed the next week to talk stocks.
dynamic. If you like investing,
hang out with great
A reflection on what I investors. When you
learned was important meet bad people,
was give your children unethical or who treat
time. They grow so others badly, you should
quickly it’s a blur. Think know who they are and
back to when you were get rid of them. Bad
15 or 16 and started people can drag you up.
driving. How much time Good ones lift you up.
did you hang out with
your parents? You didn't.
So you don't have 18 “But professionally
years with your kids. It's
it’s mission critical to
a short window.
I coached a bunch of choose your friend
their sports teams –
group carefully. Find
basketball, softball,
baseball. Coaching my those smarter than
son's football teams
you, some older, some
from 2nd to 8th grade
was a joy and privilege. younger, but above all
I loved that. If you look
else find good people
at the Semper website –
I know some of you read with moral
my annual letters, you'll
see a window where I
did not write a big, long
annual letter. It was
more important to run
the portfolios but to be
there for the kids. For a
time my priority in
January was not writing
a big annual letter. I
have no regrets about
doing that whatsoever.
I’d add that as you have
a family your friend
group will evolve around
their school and
activities. But
professionally it’s
mission critical to choose
Get Involved:
To hire a Columbia MBA student for an internship or a full-time position, please
contact Dan Gabriel, Director, Employer Relations, in the Office of MBA Career
Services at (212) 854-6057 or

Alumni should sign up via the Alumni website. Click here to log in.
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Graham & Doddsville Editors 2022-2023
Jake Wheelock ’23
Jake is a second-year MBA student at Columbia Business School
and a member of the Value Investing Program. He recently in-
terned as a Summer Research Analyst at Caveat Emptor Capital
Management in New York, NY. Prior to Columbia, Jake was an
Investment Analyst with a generalist mandate at Focused In-
vestors, a long-only value-oriented fund in Los Angeles, CA.
Jake graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles
with a B.A. in Business Economics and is a CFA charterholder.
He can be reached at

Matt Keating ’23

Matt is a second-year MBA student at Columbia Business School
and is member of the Value Investing Program. He started his
career at Apple in 2012 working in finance and program man-
agement roles. In 2019, he joined Saratoga Research and In-
vestment Management and works there as a portfolio manager
covering the healthcare and consumer staples industries. He
studied Economics and Finance at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo,
CA and has earned the CFA designation. He can be reached at

Sean Spellberg ’23

Sean is a second-year MBA student at Columbia Business
School. During the summer, Sean worked as an investment
professional at The Ferrante Group in Naples, Florida. Prior to
Columbia, Sean worked at Stonepeak Partners and Cerberus
Capital Management investing across the capital structure. Sean
graduated from Colgate University with a B.A. in English Litera-
ture. He can be reached at

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