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З.8.5 Recordingoflp prints with dental materials:

Various types of dental impression materials llke irreversible hydrocoloids

impression material (Alginate), Dental stone -Туре ШI &Туре

IV(Highstrengt), Dental plaster, Self cure acrylc wit monomer & Modeling

wax are used for the recording for the lip prints.

З.9 Processing and developing ofthe lp prints:

In a criminal investigation, fngerprints are one of the surest and simplest means of

identification. Although less studied than fingerprints, lp prints also offer the

possibility of providing important information. Different kinds of reagents make it

possibeto develop invisible or latent prints that may provide pieces of information of

an unquestionable value, both for the study of the characteristic lines and for

the possibility of extracting DNA to obtain a genetic profile.42

3.9.1 Basic Latent Print Dusting:

For many crime scene investgators, more han half ofthe powder they use is regular,

nonmagnetic povwder. lt can be used on windows, counter-tops, television sets and

many other items moved or touched at residential burglary scenes. At commercial

burglary scenes, it can be used on metal fle cabinets, painted doors, broken glass and

metal window frames.2 Regular powders are available in colors such as black, silver/

graу, BichromatcTM and white. Proper color is chosen to provide suffcient contrast


with the background surface if a clear photograph of the latent print has to be


3.9.2 Developing the latent lip prints

To record Lip Prints using the magna brush method,the person should impress his o

her lips against a glossy porous surface or a smooth nonporous surface.These Lip

Prints should then be subjeted to a heat source until they solidify or should be

allowed to air dry.These prints should then be powdered using a magna brush


magnetic powder

Conventional powder methods are usually unsuitable for powdering Lip Prints,in as

much as the brush tends to smear or leave streak marks on the print.These streaks

may then be interpreted as false characteristics by the comparer.Williams suggests

powdering method using magna brush and magnetic powder.These magnetic

powders and magna brush are costly as compared to that of conventional powders.A

traditional or conventional lipstick produces a print that is initially identifiable.

However,the cosmetics industry has developed long-lasting Lip Prints that often do

not leave visible prints and can thus be overlooked at the crime scene.Different

lipsticks have different compositions.During the manufacture of long-lasting lipstick,

the oil content is reduced to a minimum.Thus,development using conventional

powders and reagents becomes more dificult.Alvarez et al conducted a study on

latent Lip Prints produced by four persistent lipsticks.They concluded by stating that

the developing method is no different from that used in the case of fingerprints,so
о о

special equpmentis needed [or such a search. When the effeciveneвв оЁ вечега!

ingerpnnl powders ana reagenls on lipslck prinls was analyzed by a sudy red

Тгаgоn"s Red), Ппвегрrm Ыaсk, and slver metalic роwйегз wеге Гоипд ю Ье йе
mosl etfecive. lt was also dcterminedl lhat ublimated iodine does not produce

deyelopmen. Thus, itis necessaгylo ind olher development methods tat are more

sensive to ols and тогe easПу аррled t ocate and develop te pnns.!? А studу

conducted in 2002 , analyzed the effectiveness of three reagents that are generically

called Lysochrome (Sudan II, Oi Red O, and Sudan back) to he fngerprint


(Dragon’s Red), black, and silver metallic powders as well as to ninhydrin in

developing recent as well as older latent Lip Prints from long-lasting lpstcks on

porous paper and cloth surfaces. Lysochrome is a generic term for compounds that

have the ability to dye fatty acids. Their molecule contains a portion that dissolves in

contact with fat (lyso) and another that is responsible for color (chrome). Lysochrome

have an advantage over a chemical agent because they react with fats and


reagents. Following procedures were followed for developing a latent Lip Print using

fngerprint powders: Using a brush, a small quantity of powder was carefully applied

on the surface where the atempt was being made to locate the latent Lip. Application

contnued and extended until the print could be seen clearly. When using powder

Printg 1
Lysochrome, very ltle reagent was used, but suficient time was provided to alowit

ю work. l vas concluded lrom te above study that Lysochrome are a hgNy


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аtеп Ыр

Printg 1
е ое о с

З.9.3 Deyeopment oflatentlp prints wilh Fuorescent dye

Latentlp printsare obtained ona rough surface without applyinp any hpstck afer

cleanig le hps wihthe gauze soakedin salne water and drying wi sterle


ТЬе Пр рппв аге таде мШй зизЦашей ргеввиге ЁогЗ весопаз ТНезе рптз изиаШу аге

not seen through the naked eyes. Then the reagent powder (oil red ’O’ and Nile bшe

is sprinked over tne area determined on respectve smears o[ te same indfvidual.

The excess pоwder is removed to visualize the hidden print.43

3.9.4 Development with Sudan Black:

Using a brush, a small quantity of powder was carefully applied on the surface where

te attempt was being made to locate the latent lp print. When using Lysochrome in

powder it is advisable to use very little reagent and leave it to work. A few minutes

aler applicaton it can be seen how the development becomes increasingly clearer to

present a better quality image. Application was continued until the print was clearly

seen. When using Lysochrome, very litle reagent was used, but suficient time was

providedto alow itto work. With tme, the development became clearer, presenting a

beter qualty image. Beyond the iniial 2 minutes of development, develop i5

observed and the result is adding to the chart.42

3.9.5 Development with Yelowscent Fluorescent Latent Print Powder:

Usng abrush,a small quantity of powder was carefuly applied on the surface where

te attempt vvas being made to locate the latent lp print. WWith the lghts off, te
sample was exposed to the Bluemaхх TM lght until the pnnt was seen clearly. Wilh

is processing technique, it was necessaгylo work in a dark room. The pnnts

were developed on multicolored papeг. The same process was used with the

UV light.
Check iftusing red or yellow glasses, visualization is better.4

3,9.6 Development with Nile Red:

The same process described in the previous secton was followed, ln a dark room,

latent printson multicolored surfaces were developed. Using a brush a very small

amount of reagent was applied and allowed to work for two minutes. Beyond he

inital 2 minutes of development, development became clearer, presentng a better

qualiy image. Afer two minutes from the reagent applcation, develop is observed

and the result is adding to the chart.42

3.10 Limitations of recording and analyzing the lip prints:

1. As the lp print is produced by a substantially mobile portion of the lp. So the

same person can produce different-shaped lip prints according to the pressure,

directon and method used in taking the print.21

2. Lip prints are affected by te type of lpstick used. The red or brown, non-

glossy, non-metallic lip stck conyey clear lip print, while the glossy or the

metalic lp stcks brng apparently good prints but their photographs are

luminous and not clear for examination. Persistent lipsicks do not


УвЫе smеагз огmarкs when leу come in conact wi dfferen НетвЗб

3.Existence of some pathological conditions(lymphangiomas,congenital lip

fistula,lip sclerodermia,Merkelson-Rosenthal syndrome,syphilis,lip

cheilitis,among others),can invalidate the Cheiloscopy study .44

4.Lip prints from cadavers may get affected with post-mortem changes.Utsuno

et al.have studied these changes and concluded that a satisfactory

identification rate was achieved.However,this study was carried out under a

laboratory environment and what happens to lip prints obtained from


exposed to the natural environment is still not known.45

5.Also,due to the lack of antemortem data referring to lip prints,it is difficult

to perform a comparative study where necroidentification is

concerned. Therefore,the only use of Cheiloscopy will be to relate lip prints

to the lips that produced them.21

6.The habits of people in different localities should be respected in analyzing lip

prints as it could affect the shape of the print.In areas where males usually

have moustache,it is occasionally difficult to determine the philtrum in male

prints.This would be a character in the print that could help identifying


3.11 Methods for analysis of lip prints:

Most commonly two methods are used for the analysis for the lip prints.
1.Examination of the lip prints with magnifying glass

2.Digital approach
Rcview t LSiterature

3.11.1 Examination of the lip prints with magnifying glass:

The lip prints are divided into six topographic arcas(each lip was divided into three

areas)and each area is studied alone to determine the ype of he grooves:a transverse

line is drawn betveen the wo highest points of the phitrum angles,two perpendicular

lines are drawn on that transverse line at the points of its meeting with the angles of

the philtrum.The perpendicular lines are extended to cut the upper and lower lips.

Therefore,each lip print is divided into the following six areas:upper right (UR),

upper middle (UM),upper left (UL),lower right (LR),lower middle (LM)and lower

left(LL)(Fig.8).During the analysis of prints,the most lateral part of the lip print

(near the angles of the mouth)was excluded as it is usually wrinkled.

In the male specimens,it was occasionally difficult to determine the philtrum so the

middle area of each lip(about 15 mm)is considered as upper middle and lower

middle areas.The obtained prints are first examined by magifying hand lenses (with

diret light focused on it)to choose the best clear complete print where the groove

types could be analyzed.Only the best complete print of each individual i

photographed by a digital camera and examined by the picture manager and the

Viewer programs for the predominant groove type in the specified areas.4
wicw g Atcratwe



Fig.8 A diagram showing the topographic areas of the lip.UR,upper right;UM

upper middle;UL,upper left;LR,lower right;LM,lower middle;LL,lower

3.11.2 Analysis of lip prints by digital method:

The lip prints of each individual are scanned using an image scanner set at a

resolution of 600 ppi.The images are inverted and scanned in grayscale.They are

stored as TIFF(Tagged Image File Format)files for maximum details.The most

legible prints of both lips taken together on cellophane tape are cropped and vertical

lines drawn to divide the left and the right sides.Each side is further divided into

two equal parts using Adobe@Photoshop@7.0 sofiware (Fig.9)as suggested by


and Johansen.4
Fig.9 Adobe Photoshop software used for analysis of lip prints


Mamy Sudies done previously have shown that Lip prints are unigue to indiwiduals

and remain unchanged throughout life.Identifiable lip prints can be obtained up to 30

days after being produced.Lipstick smears are frequently encountered in forensic

science laboratories as one important form of transfer evidence.The presence of

lipstick stains on a suspect's clorhing can be considered indirect evidence of a

relationship between the suspect and the cosmetic-using victim.Smears can also

be found in other places,such as glasses,cups,spoons or cigarette

butts,therefore indicating some kind of relationship between a suspect and the

crime scene.Some classic works have contributed to the study of lip prints as a

means of personal


R.C.Coward conducted a study on 85 subjects to find out the stability of lip prints

over a time.He studied the lip prints of 85 subjects over a seven-month period.The

patems of the vermilion zone were shown to be stable with the passage of time.The

number of matching features needed to prove concurrence between two prints was

determined to be eight.Features of the lip print relative to the surrounding anatomy

were also examined and found to be stable,recordable and to contribute to the

usefulness of lip prints as a forensic tool.48

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