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shown that geometrical analysis of the anatomical parameters of the human lip can be

monitored for successful identification.33

In 2010 Lukasz Smacki has also done significant research studying the groove

patterns in the human lips for personal identification.He has also proposed a method

oflip print identification using DTWalgorithm."


Researchers have found the task of classification a difficult aspect of lip print studies.

The subjective of observation and interpretation within and between observers poses a

problem.Several classifications have been introduced by many workers.

3.7.1 Martin Santos classification:

In 1967,Santos was the first person to classify lip grooves.He divided the nature of

wrinkles and grooves into simple and compound types.Simple type were further

subdivided in to four groups

1.Straight line

2.Curved line

3.Angled lined

4.Sine-shaped curve

The compound type was further subdivided in to bifurcated,trifurcated and

anomalous groups.He also classified the lip based on its thickness as

AAKMKMMM KK Rcvicw Zcralu/C

thick and mixed type and he also reported various types of commissaries like

horizontal,flat and elevated.26,38

3.7.2Suzuki and Tsuchihashi classification:(1970)³⁵

These authors considered six different types of grooves,as seen in Table.3

Type l:Clear cut grooves running vertically across the lip.

Type l□:Straight grooves that disappear halfway in to the lip instead of covering the

entire breadth of the lip or partial-length grooves of type I.

Type ll:The grooves fork in their course or a branched groove.

Type II:An intersected groove

Type IV:A reticular groove

Type V:Grooves do not fall into any of the type I to IV(morphologically


Table.3 Classification proposed bv Suzuki and Tsuchihashi²!

Classification Groove type

Typel Complete vertical

TypeT Incomplete vertical

TypeH Branched

uype IH Intersected

type IV Reticular pattern

ОДеииеи JSiteratre

Туре l pattern Туре I pattern

Туре I pattern Туре III pattern

Туре V pattern
Туре IV pattern
Fig l. Different type ofllip_prints (Suzuki & Tsuchihashi).


3.7.3 Renaud classification:1972

Renaud was a French scientist;he studied 4000 lip prints and found that all were

diftrent except in case of uniovular twins.This is.probably,the most complete

classification.The lips are studied in halves two(left and right),and every groove,

according to its form,has a number.A formula is then elaborated using capital letters

to describe the upper lip left (L)and right (R)sides,and small letters to classify

each groove;in the lower lip,it is done the other way around,using capital

letters to classify the grooves,and small letters to separate left from right sides.

Table.4 Classification of lip prints proposed by Renaud²l

Classification Groove type

A Complete vertical

B Incomplete vertica

C Complete bifurcated

D Incomplete bifurcated

B Compete branched

F Incomplete branched

Q Reticular pattern

团 X or coma form


Others forms(ellipse,triangle)

Fig.2 Diagram showing the lip-groove types:

3.7.4 Afchar-Bayat classification:197936

This classification,dated from 1979,is based on a six-type groove organization,as

seen in Table.5

Table.5Afchar-Bayat classification of lip prints 21

Classification Groove type

the whole lip

Vertical and straight grooves,covering
A2 Like the former,but not covering the whole lip

BT Straight branched grooves

B2 Angulated branched grooves

Converging grooves

D Reticular pattern grooves

B Other grooves

3.7.5 Jose'Maria Dominguez classification'

This is a classification based on the one made by Suzuki and Tsuchihashi.In the

grooves classified as Type ll of Suzuki and Tsuchihashi,the author and his co.

workers observed,with some frequency,a slight variation,they observed that

branched grooves often divided upwards in the upper lip,and downwards in the

lower,as reported by Suzuki and Tsuchihashi;but they also realize that some grooves,

the so called II'type branched the other way around.2l

3.7.6 Vahanwala&Parekh in 2000 classified the lip patterns as seen in table.6:³”

Table.6 Classification of Vahanwala &Parekh for lip prints identification³?

Lip pafterns Regions of occurrence Predominantly seen in

a.Typel&type IH IST"quadrant(right upper lip) Female

b.TypeⅡ 2 quadrant(upper left lip Male

c.Typei Never occurs in lower lip If so then only in male

d.Varied patterns In all quadrants Male

e.Same(a like) In all quadrants Female

3.7.7.Kasprzak classification:“

Kasprzak gave a classification that has been proven in practice in which he

determined the pattern based on the numerical superiority of properties of the lines on

the fragment and after the patterns of lines had been established,a first catalogue of

individual features was prepared,23 types of individual properties were


(Table.7).As the basis for classification,the middle part of the lower lip,10 mm

wide.was taken since this fragment is almost visible in the trace.


.Reniw nSitontur

ute lodNdtftatures oficattnTypes of Features

t kzk”
rnpes of features Graphie symbol Graphie symbol
A closing bottom
4 hook

A bridge
A Delta-Like
A Simple Opening

A Line

A Dot
A Closing Top
A Rectangle-Like A Pentagonal

A Branch-Like

Top Bifurcation

A Group of dots A Star-Like


A Simple
V A Fence 升
Top Bifurcation
A Simple Boftom A Branch-Like H
BiTurcation Bottom Bifurcation
人 A
ADouble Eye A Hexagonal
◎ arrangement

Crossing Lines


3.8 Recording lip prints

Searching for prints in a crime scene investigation can be very important

in establishing the true nature of the facts.Lip prints can link a subject to a


ocation if found on clothes or other objects,such as glasses,cups or even cigarettes'


Sometimes lip prints will be seen as lipstick smears.Lipsticks are complex

substances,which have in their constitution,several compounds,oils or


color of the lipsticks is due to organic inks and inorganic pigments.?21,39

Lip prints are left in the scene of crime either as visible or latent forms.Visible lip

prints can be seen with naked eye,are produced by lipsticks,lip balms etc when they

come in contact with any surface such as cigarette butts,clothes,drinking glasses.

Recently,lip sticks which do not leave any visible trace have been developed.But,

these prints can be lifted with the help of materials such as aluminum or magnetic

powder.Latent lip prints are produced by secretions of sebaceous and sweat glands

present in the edges of lips.These latent lip prints can be lifted using aluminum,

graphite or magnetic powder.Chemicals such as Sudan black,Nile red,Ninhydrin

and Iodine can also be used to lift this latent lip print.4(

Collection of the Lip Prints with a suitable transferring and recording media is

important.Various methods have been followed till today for recording the Lip Prints.
Lip Prints can be recorded in a number of ways.2



Table.8 Methods for recording of lip prints!2

S.10 Methods

Photographing the suspect's lips on a non-porous flat surface such as


mirror they can be photographed enlarged and overlay tracings made of the

Applying lipstick,lip rouge,or other suitable transfer mediums to the lip

and then having the individual press his or her lips to a piece of

paper or

cellophane tape or similar surface.

Using a finger printer,preferably a roller finger printer

By having the subject impress his or her lips(without lipstick or

other recording medium)against a suitable surface and then processing

these prints with either conventional fingerprint developing powder or

with a

magna brush and magnetic powder.

Recording of lip prints with the help of dental impression materials like

irreversible hydrocolloids impression material(Alginate),Dental stone -

Type I &Type IV(High strength),Dental plaster,Self cure acrylic with

monomer &Modeling wax.


,8.1 Recording ollipprints by photography method

рhоовгарhз shошаЬе таде рпогго апу ргосessng i order b protect Ше еуiдепсг

Pholgraphng latent pnntвіба сотр!ех ргосезs Шa1 оЬеуs а stct melоdооgу.

Ассоrdngu FBI gudelnes, latent pnnts shoud be photographed indvidualy wih

an identfcauon label anda scale;eacb slep in the processing sequenee must be


l lpstick is present, the lipstick itself should be analyzed in order to determine its

constitution. About 65% o[ lipsticks share the same ingredients, however some arг

diferent and this difference can provide the identification of the lipstick

manufacturer. If lip prinls are located on a non-porous surface, lip prints can be

photographed and enlarged. Using transparent overlays, it i5 possible to make an

overlay tracing. ln some circumstances, lip pnnts can be covered with substances

alowing direct observation and photography.21

Nhen the lps are photographed, ргореr lghting should be focused on the lips atan

angle that accentuates the contrast between the white and dark areas. The resulting

1ip Print photographs should be of approximate natural size. This can be

accomplshed by placing a measuring device, idealy an ABFO scale No.2, or a rulei

50 lhat i 8how in the photograph. The photographic metnod involves

?hotographing te Lip Pnnt (eiher direct or latent and subsequenly developed), and

ФтраППВ ЙГнцп рпоюдгарПз оГше Прз оЁШе зизресБ огрЪоегарЬ оГШеТлр

Print of the suspects.Photographing of the lips can often be very tricky and subject to

crors as the central area of the lips and the angles of the lips are never in the

same plane which leads to focusing errors resulting in unsharp or blurred or partial

images of the lips.This invariably calls for recording the Lip Print and then

photographing them and then comparing the two photographs.Thus in spite of

being a reliable

method in other areas of forensics,in the recording of Lip Print images it adds to the

cost but does not enhance the clarity in the same rising proportions.With the


of digital photography,the trend is to record direct digital imaging using digital


3.8.2 Recording lip prints using lip stick or other transferring medium:

Williams suggest that after lipstick is applied to the lip,multiple records or several

“sets”of Lip Prints should be taken.A“set”consists of prints taken with the mouth in

a particular position,such as pursed.Each “set”is taken by applying a large amount

of the transfer medium,and then having the individual press his or her lips against the

recording medium(paper,glossy cards,piece of glass,etc.)in a series of Lip Prints

until all of the transfer medium is exhausted.To ensure that all parts of the lips are

recorded,several “sets”of prints should be taken.This technique would be the same

as collecting finger prints by pressing inked fingers on to special paper,which was

used early on,and the images then observed through a magnifying glass and traced

onto cellophane.sivapathasundharam collected the material for study by applying a


thin layer of lipstick stain on the lips of the subjects.After about two minute,a lip

impression was made on a strip of cellophane tape on the glued surface,which was

then stuck to a white paper,which served as a permanent record.The impression was

subsequently visualized with the use of the magnifying lens.4'There are two

recognized methods of recording Lip Prints.In the first method,Lipstick is applied

with a single motion,evenly on the lips.The subject is then asked to rub his/her lips

together to spread the lipstick uniformly.The folded piece of white bond paper is

placed between the lips,and the person is asked to press their lips gently against the

paper.Care is taken to avoid sliding of the lips,to prevent smudging of the print.The

paper is removed and the print is labeled.'2In the second method,after application of

the lipstick,the subject is asked to rub his/her lips together to spread the lipstick

uniformly.Prints are taken on a bond paper,well supported by a flat cardboard piece.

The centre portion of the lips are dabbed first by the paper and then pressing it

uniformly to the right and left corners of the lips.Care is taken to avoid sliding of the

lips to prevent smudging of the print.After obtaining the Lip Prints of the subjects,

each of them are assigned with respective name of the subject and other

details.The prints are studied carefully under a magnifying lens to analyze the

lip patterns quadrant wise,denoting the type according to Suzuki's classification.!2


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