STEAL Method

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What is the S T E A L method of characterization?

What does each of the elements mean?

Groups Answers

Ishraq, Shaheer, Sammara S.T.E.A.L method is a method also known as an

acronym. The S.T.E.A.L method stands for (is
stated as)-

S= Speech
Things that are said and how they are spoken.

T= Thoughts
What people think.

E= Effect on others
The reactions people have.

A= Actions
Things people do physically.

L= Looks
How people look or live like.

Rafan, Ruhaim, and Lubab STEAL: A characterization tool that

analyzes a character's:



E=Effects on others


Avery, Namira , Mahasin , Fawad What is the S T E A L method of


Full form:

S- Speech: what the character says

T- Thoughts: What the character thinks

E- Effects: the character’s effect on others

A- Actions: Consider the characters action

L- Looks: consider the character

Steal is an acronym that helps people

understand what tool the author uses to
bring a character to life.

By paying attention to the 5 elements,The

reader can develop a better understanding
of a characters personality because for
example take speech we can know if he is well
educated if he is using good vocabulary and
we can know someone who isn't using complex
sentences and simple sentences is not well

Example- They stole thousands of dollars'

worth of jewelry from the store.

A steal method is an acronym for what a

character says, what a character thinks,
the effects a character has on other
characters, how the character acts, and
how the character looks.
Izma, Muaz, Issam STEAL method is basically how a character thinks, the
effects on other characters, how the character acts,
What actions does the character do and how does the
character look like. This method helps to understand
characters and write autobiographies and biographies.

STEAL stand for :

A= Action

Arisha Afrida Islam, Nawfel, Omarr STEAL is one acronym used for characterization . This
method is mostly used for direct characterization,
though if used properly they can be used for both
types of characterization.
S- Speech- The way a person’s speech or way they talk,
or the style they speak in can be a factor to
demonstrate their character.
T-Thoughts- The thoughts a person has, the
perspective or the way they think has a big impact on
their personality, their thoughts they have can be
impacted on the people they are around or where they
E- Effects on others- The way the person has effects on
others, like if that person is affecting others emotions
(mostly in positive ways).
A- Actions- The way the person or character talks,
reacts, or acts can be a big part of characterization as it
can show a person’s characteristic and personality
L- Looks- The way a person looks is also how a
character is because this way we can identify the type
of personality, and character a person has.

Tajree What is the S T E A L method of characterization

and What does each of the elements mean?

The steal method is a method of writing your

observations. It is an acronym that stands for
S - Speech - what the character says
T - Thoughts - What are the character's thoughts
E - Effect - The character's effect on others
A - Actions - The character's actions
L - Looks - The character's looks

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