File Renamer System Documentation Final

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TEL: +263-054-227411



Work-Related Learning Project

Name of Organization: High Court Harare under Judicial Service
Degree: Bachelor of Business Science Honors in Information Systems
Registration Number: R214144W
Name: Leon
Surname: Nota
Level: Three (3)
Semester: Two (2)
Mode of Entry: Conventional
Work Supervisor: Principal I.C.T. Officer C. Masvosva
Supervision Lecturer: Dr. Matyokurehwa
Work-Related Learning Coordinator: Dr. M. Zhou

1. Introduction: Brief description of the System .................................................................... 1
2. System Overview and problems identified ......................................................................... 1
Problems identified ................................................................................................................ 3
3. Tools Used to develop ........................................................................................................ 4
4. System Requirements ......................................................................................................... 4
5. Installation .......................................................................................................................... 5
6. Error Handling .................................................................................................................... 6
7. Maintenance and Support ................................................................................................... 7
8. Comprehensive User Manual ............................................................................................. 7
9. Justifications ..................................................................................................................... 12
10. Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 13

File Renaming System Documentation

1. Introduction: Brief description of the System

This system started off as a brainchild as renaming a lot of documents can be a tiresome thing
and at the high court there is high need for renaming scanned documents.
The File Renaming Desktop Application is a software tool designed to simplify the process of
renaming files. It utilizes the powerful Pandas library to read Excel files and the pdf miner
library for parsing PDF documents. The application's main feature is the auto suggestion
functionality, which provides intelligent renaming suggestions to enhance user productivity.
This documentation provides an overview of the system, outlines its requirements, explains
the installation process, describes how to use the system, covers configuration options,
discusses error handling, and provides information on maintenance and support.

2. System Overview and problems identified

The File Renaming Desktop Application is built using Python programming language and
relies on several external libraries. The key components of the system are as follows:

Python: The application is written in Python, which is a versatile and widely used
programming language.
Pandas: Pandas is a popular data manipulation library for Python. It is used for reading and
processing Excel files.
Pdf miner: The pdf miner library is used for extracting text from PDF documents. It enables
the application to extract relevant information from PDF files. It utilizes the fitz lib to read
.pdf files.
Below is the code snippet for how the code miner is created while utilizing the fitz library

Auto Suggestion Algorithm: The application includes an intelligent auto suggestion
algorithm that analyzes file content and metadata to generate renaming suggestions. Below is
the code snippet for the auto suggestion algorithm

Problems identified
During the evaluation of file management and organization processes at the High Court,
several problems were identified that highlight the need for a file renaming app. These
problems include:

 Manual Renaming: Renaming files manually is a time-consuming and tedious task,
especially when dealing with a large number of files. It requires opening each file
individually and typing in new names, which can be inefficient and prone to errors.

 Inconsistent File Naming Conventions: In organizations or even personal file

management, inconsistent file naming conventions are a common issue. At the High
Court they had a file retrieving tool which can only retrieve files that are renamed in a
specific and special way thus, inconsistences in renaming led to retrieval failure as
files could be sent to a junk folder instead of the local server. This is because users
may adopt their own naming styles, leading to confusion and difficulty in locating
specific files. Inconsistent naming also hampers efficient file retrieval and

 Lack of Standardization: Without a standardized approach to file naming, there is a

lack of uniformity across files. This can make it challenging to identify files based on
their names, causing delays and frustration when searching for specific documents.

3. Tools Used to develop

 Hewlett Packard Laptop Core i5-8th generation, 12gb ram and 2tb hard drive
 Python programming language
 Excel
 Pandas and pdf miner Tkinter libraries and frameworks
 GitHub Version Control System
 YouTube
 PyCharm IDE
 Winforms
 Word for documentation

4. System Requirements
Minimum Requirements:
 Operating System: Windows 7 or later, Linux (compatible with popular distributions)
 Processor: 1 GHz or higher
 RAM: 2 GB or higher
 Storage: 100 MB of free disk space

Recommended Requirements:
 Operating System: Windows 10, Linux (compatible with popular distributions)

 Processor: 2 GHz or higher
 RAM: 4 GB or higher
 Storage: 500 MB of free disk space

Additional Requirements:
 Display: Minimum screen resolution of 1024x768 pixels
 File system access: Sufficient permissions to read, write, and rename files in the target

Note: The file renaming desktop application does not require any internet connection as it
was designed in a way that does not curb the High Court’s internet bandwidth and these
requirements are general guidelines and may vary depending on the specific features and
complexity of the file renaming application. It's always a good idea to check the application's
documentation or contact the developer for the most accurate system requirements.
Also Note that: the fully provisioned application is a plug and play for all windows desktop
and there are no pre-requisite needs for one to use it other than opening the application icon
highlighted below.

The above pic shows that you need to open the file renaming folder and click the icon with
the application only.

5. Installation

To install and set up the File Renaming Desktop Application, follow these steps:

 Install Python: Ensure that Python is installed on your system. You can download the
latest version of Python from the official Python website (
and follow the installation instructions.
You may use the command “pip install python”
 Install Required Libraries: Open a terminal or command prompt and run the following
commands to install the necessary libraries:

 Download the Application: Download the File Renaming Desktop Application from
the official repository or obtain it from a trusted source.
 Configure Environment: Create a new directory for the application and navigate to it
using the terminal or command prompt. Place the downloaded files in this directory.
 Launch the Application: Execute the main application file using Python. The exact
command may vary depending on your operating system and directory structure. For

6. Error Handling

The File Renaming system incorporates error handling mechanisms to handle various
scenarios. If any errors occur during the execution of the system, informative error messages
will be displayed, providing details about the issue encountered. The system will guide you
on how to resolve the error or suggest possible solutions.

Common errors may include:

 Invalid file paths: If the provided file paths are incorrect or inaccessible, the system
will notify you and prompt you to provide valid paths.

 Invalid Excel table: If the specified Excel table does not exist, is not an excel type
sheet or does not contain the required data, the system will generate an error message
and guide you on how to resolve the issue.

 Naming conflicts: If the renaming process would result in naming conflicts (i.e.,two
or more files would have the same name), the system will detect this and provide
options for resolving the conflicts, such as appending a unique identifier to the file

7. Maintenance and Support

The File Renaming system is provided as-is without any warranty. However, if you encounter
any issues or have questions regarding the system, you can either revisit the documentation of
contact the developer

8. Comprehensive User Manual

To use the File Renaming system, follow these steps:

 Prepare Excel table: Create an Excel table containing the data you want to use for
renaming the files. Make sure the table has appropriate column headers. As it is for a
specific organization which is the High Court, the renaming’s tables contain
pleadings, orders, judgments, case number and other law related terms. Obtain the
data from the Case tracking report of all captured cases that paste it to the excel sheet,
this will be the suggestion sheet.

 Launch the File Renaming system

 Execute the system and it will show you the following dashboard

 Follow the on-screen instructions: The system will guide you through the renaming
process. It will prompt you to provide the path to the Excel table by selecting the load
suggestions and choose the directory of files you want to rename
Note that the excel tables are copied from the case tracking system as all processes are first
captured in it before renaming and below is how you load suggestions from an excel file.
Review auto suggestions: The system will generate auto suggestions based on the data in the
Excel table. Review the suggestions and select the desired file names for renaming.

The above dialog box pops up after clicking the select file then we traverse to the folder
containing excel files then click Generate suggestions so as to be prompted to the interface

After clicking load suggestions, it shows the number of generated suggestions from the excel
file chosen as shown above then we click load suggestions. It prompts us to the main window
as shown below

After loading the suggestions completely as it may take a bit of time depending on the size of
the excel file and shows a dialogue box written suggestions loaded successfully, we go to the
top left corner to select folder of files we want to rename

Above we can clearly see that at the left corner we see a select folder interface with files that
needs renaming and at the Centre we have our suggestions and leaves us to our right
interface which is a preview pane used for us to see the contents of our pdfs as shown

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We then click case number or document name and the suggestions for every file within the
system with that case number will pop up and we have to choose the name of the file from
the list and click rename. Confirm renaming: Once you have reviewed the auto suggestions
and made any necessary adjustments, confirm the renaming process. The system will rename
the files according to the selected names.

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9. Justifications
 Efficiency and Time Savings: the file renaming app provides significant
efficiency and time savings compared to manual renaming methods. Manually
renaming a large number of files can be a tedious and time-consuming task. With a
file renaming app, users can automate the renaming process, reducing the time
required to rename files individually. The app can analyze file content and metadata to
generate intelligent renaming suggestions, eliminating the need for users to come up
with unique names for each file. This automation significantly speeds up the renaming
process and allows users to focus on more important tasks.

 Accuracy and Consistency: Manual file renaming is prone to errors and

inconsistencies. Inconsistent file names can lead to confusion and difficulty in
locating specific files. The file renaming app ensures accuracy and consistency in file
naming by applying predefined rules or generating intelligent suggestions. By
maintaining consistent and standardized file names, the app improves file
organization and facilitates easy retrieval of files in the future.

 Enhanced Productivity: the file renaming app enhances productivity by

simplifying and streamlining the file renaming process. With automated suggestions
and customizable renaming rules, users can quickly apply consistent naming patterns
to multiple files simultaneously. The app eliminates the need for manual renaming of
each file, freeing up valuable time and allowing users to focus on more important

 Error Reduction: Manual file renaming is prone to human errors, such as typos,
omissions, or incorrect naming conventions. These errors can lead to file
misplacement, difficulty in identifying files, or even data loss. A file renaming app
reduces the risk of errors by automating the renaming process and enforcing
consistent naming patterns. Users can define renaming rules or rely on the app's
intelligent suggestions to ensure accurate and error-free file names. By minimizing the
risk of errors, the app helps mitigate potential risks and ensures the integrity and
accessibility of files.

 Scalability and Handling Large Volumes of Files: As the number of files

grows, manual renaming becomes increasingly challenging and time-consuming. The
file renaming app is designed to handle large volumes of files efficiently. It can
process and rename multiple of files within a short period, significantly reducing the
time and effort required. The app's scalability enables users to manage and organize

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files effectively, even in situations where the number of files is extensive. This
scalability is particularly beneficial for the High Court as it deals with large amounts
of data and files on a regular basis.

 Improved File Organization: The file renaming app improves file organization
and searchability by providing consistent and meaningful file names. With
standardized naming conventions and descriptive names, files become easier to locate
and manage. Users can quickly identify files based on their names, reducing the time
spent searching for specific documents. Additionally, the app may provide additional
features such as tagging or categorization, further enhancing file organization and
facilitating efficient file retrieval.

In conclusion, the file renaming app justifies its implementation by offering efficiency, time
savings, accuracy, consistency, enhanced productivity, error reduction, scalability, integration
capabilities, flexibility, customization, improved file organization, and searchability. By
automating the file renaming process and providing intelligent suggestions, the app simplifies
the task, reduces errors, and improves overall file management efficiency.

10. Conclusion

The File Renaming system is a powerful tool for automating the process of renaming files
based on data from Excel tables. By utilizing the Pandas library, it provides flexibility in
reading and manipulating the data, while the auto suggestions feature streamlines the file
renaming process. With this documentation, you should have all the necessary information to
install, configure, and use the system effectively.

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