Synopsis and Project Report On PR Management of BIAl Airport

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Altitude : A PR
Crisis Response
Plan For BIAL
Submission of research synopsis

Team Structure(Group-10)
▪ Priyanshu Gautam in the role of Crisis Communication Lead
(Preparation of methodology and research)
▪ Priya Haldar as Media Relation Team Head and Social media Team
(Organising the Data & Interpretation of Data)
▪ Praval Chauhan as Internal Communication Team
(Preparation of final report)
▪ Priya Jha as Legal and compliance Team Head
▪ Raj as Community Relations Team

This project aims at regaining public trust and restore BIAl's reputation as a
safe, reliable and responsible airport.

➢ Address public concerns and prevent further reputational damage.

➢ Showcase transparency and accountability in addressing the incident.
➢ Implement preventive measures to avoid similar incidents in the future.

Current Scenario

Turbulence at Kempegowda: Power Outage Throws

Bengaluru Airport into Chaos

• The methodology for the research involves defining research questions and
objective like passenger mistreatment, safety hazard, security breaches
afterwards literature review is done by survey existing research on crisis
• Secondary research involved Analysis of incident happened in past and review
of incident.
• Collection of data in quantitative as well as qualitative forms.

• Organizing the Data in manner of most relevant to least relevant.

• Interpretation of Data in extend of current scenario.

• Formulation of appropriate strategy to tackle the situation.

Detailed Analysis
➢ Scope of impact
➢ Root cause investigation
➢ Media and Public Sentiment
➢ Communication Gap Analysis

Existing System Study

➢ Review the BIAL's current crisis communication plan, identifying strengths
and weaknesses in its framework and preparation.
➢ Analyzing the past crisis response by BIAL and similar airport, drawing
lessons and best practices.
➢ Assessing the available communication resources and their operational

Feasibility Report
➢ Evaluating the feasibility of implementing various crisis response strategies
(media outreach, social media engagement, community outreach, internal
communication campaigns) within given timeframes and resource
➢ Analysing the potential effectiveness and impact of each strategy in
addressing current concerns and rebuilding trust.
➢ Considering any legal, ethical, or operational limitations that may restrict
certain communication approaches.


This synopsis outlines a comprehensive approach to navigating the PR crisis
triggered by the negative incident at [Airport Name]. By implementing a well-
defined plan, effectively managing communication, and demonstrating
genuine commitment to improvement, the airport can regain public trust and
successfully re-establish its reputation as a leading air travel hub.

Managing a Public Relations Crisis at
Bengaluru International Airport
A Scenario based Research Report

A major power outage at Bengaluru International Airport (BLR)
disrupts operations for several hours, leaving thousands of
passengers stranded and frustrated. Extensive media coverage
casts a negative light on the airport’s preparedness and
emergency response, potentially damaging its reputation. The
PR team must address public concerns, manage media
inquiries, and implement strategies to rebuild trust.

Problem Domain and Detailed Analysis:

Scopes of Impact of a Power Outage at Bengaluru International Airport:

1. Operational Impact:

➢ Flight Disruptions:
Groundings, delays, and cancellations of inbound and
outbound flights, leading to passenger stranded, missed
connections, and logistical chaos.
➢ Baggage Handling Issues: Disruptions in baggage sorting,
loading, and delivery systems, resulting in lost or delayed
baggage for passengers.
➢ Security and Safety Concerns: Potential malfunctioning
of security scanners, communication systems, and
emergency lighting, raising security and safety concerns
for passengers and staff.
➢ Ground Transportation Chaos: Halt in operations of
metro, trams, and other ground transportation options
serving the airport, leading to further passenger travel

2. Financial Impact:

➢ Airline Losses: Revenue losses for airlines due to

cancelled flights, rebooking costs, and passenger
➢ Airport Revenue Loss: Reduced revenue from passenger
services, retail stores, and concessions due to operational
disruptions and passenger inconveniences.
➢ Ground Staff Costs: Overtime costs for staff managing the
crisis and assisting passengers during the outage.
➢ Infrastructure Damage: Potential damage to sensitive
electronic equipment and systems from power surges or
abrupt shutdowns.
3. Reputational Damage:

➢ Negative Media Coverage: Extensive media attention

highlighting the airport’s unpreparedness and poor crisis
management, leading to negative public perception and
potential loss of trust.
➢ Passenger Dissatisfaction: Negative reviews and social
media outrage from inconvenienced passengers,
impacting the airport’s brand image and customer loyalty.
➢ Reduced Future Bookings: Potential decline in future
travel bookings due to damaged reputation and concerns
about reliability.

4. Social and Public Impact:

➢ Disruption of Travel Plans: Stranded passengers facing

delayed reunions, missed business meetings, and personal
inconveniences caused by travel disruptions.
➢ Economic Impact on Local Businesses: Reduced footfall
and revenue for businesses near the airport due to
decreased passenger activity.
➢ Public Anxiety and Security Concerns: Potential public
anxiety and concerns about safety and security arising
from the power outage and its implications.
The severity of these impacts will depend on various
factors, including:

➢ Duration of the power outage: Short outages may cause

inconveniences but long outages can have severe
➢ Effectiveness of crisis response: Timely and transparent
communication with passengers and stakeholders can
mitigate the negative impact.
➢ Pre-existing preparedness: Existing emergency protocols
and infrastructure can significantly influence the extent
of disruptions.

2. Literature Review

As we don’t have access to Bengaluru International Airport’s

(BLR) specific crisis communication plan. However, we
prepared a general framework for reviewing such plans and
apply it to the scenario we discussed, identifying potential
strengths and weaknesses in BLR’s approach based on the
available information.

Framework for Reviewing Crisis Communication Plans:

1. Proactive Measures:
➢ Does the plan outline potential crisis scenarios relevant
to airports (e.g., lost baggage, security breaches, natural
➢ Are preventative measures and protocols in place to
minimize the likelihood of such incidents?
2. Detection and Response:
➢ Does the plan define clear channels for identifying and
reporting crisis situations?
➢ Are roles and responsibilities within the airport
authority clearly defined for crisis management?
➢ Is there a rapid response protocol in place to contain
the situation and initiate communication?
3. Communication Channels:
➢ Does the plan identify diverse communication channels
to reach various stakeholders (passengers, media,
government) quickly and effectively?
➢ Are designated spokespersons prepared to deliver clear
and consistent messages?
➢ Does the plan include contingencies for offline
communication or social media engagement?
4. Information Flow and Transparency:
➢ Does the plan prioritize transparency and timeliness in
providing information to affected stakeholders?
➢ Are procedures in place to verify information before
dissemination to avoid misinformation?
➢ Does the plan acknowledge mistakes and offer sincere
apologies when necessary?
5. Post-Crisis Recovery:
➢ Does the plan outline steps to address passenger
concerns and compensate for losses incurred during the
➢ Is there a mechanism for reviewing the incident and
learning from it to improve future crisis preparedness?
➢ Does the plan include measures to rebuild trust and
reputation with stakeholders?

Power plan project of KIA

Project details

Project Type Solar PV

Total Capacity

Capacity 3.35

Capacity 5

Project Status Partially Active

Karnataka, India
Project details

Bosch; CleanMax
Enviro Energy

The project is being developed by Bosch, CleanMax Enviro

Energy Solutions and Sunshot Technologies. The project is
currently owned by Sunshot Technologies with a stake of

Bangalore International Airport Limited Solar PV Park is a

ground-mounted & roof-mounted solar project.

The project is expected to supply enough clean energy to

power 18,000 households.

We applied the Framework to the Scenario in order to find

strength and weakness:

The Bangalore scenario highlights the airport’s initial silence
as a key weakness. However, if BLR’s plan addresses the
framework components, it could have strengths in:
➢ Proactive measures for baggage handling procedures
and system redundancy.
➢ Defined roles and responsibilities for crisis
management teams.
➢ Diverse communication channels including a
dedicated website, social media presence, and trained

The scenario suggests potential weaknesses in:
➢ Lack of immediate acknowledgment and
communication in the initial stages of the crisis.
➢ Delayed updates and inconsistent information
provided to passengers.
➢ Lack of proactive support and assistance for affected
➢ Absence of clear channels for feedback and addressing
passenger concerns.

3. Objectives and Methodology:

Primary Objective:
➢ Regain public trust and restore BLR’s reputation as a
reliable and efficient airport.
Secondary Objectives:
➢ Address public concerns and prevent further reputational
➢ Showcase transparency and accountability in addressing
the power outage.
➢ Implement preventive measures to avoid similar
incidents in the future.
➢ Developing a crisis communication plan tailored to the
specific incident and its impact.
➢ Establishing a dedicated crisis response team with clear
roles and responsibilities for communication, media
relations, internal communication, etc.
➢ Crafting transparent and empathetic messages
addressing public concerns directly and acknowledging
the inconvenience caused.
➢ Utilizing appropriate channels (press releases, website
updates, social media posts, passenger announcements)
to reach various stakeholders.
➢ Implementing proactive measures to address concerns
and rebuild trust (e.g., passenger outreach programs,
airport tours, improved communication during future
➢ Continuously monitor progress, adjust strategies as
needed, and adapt to changes in monitoring landscape
and public sentiment.

4. Recommendations by our team based on

our research :
Based on the scenario and framework analysis, BLR could

➢ Developing a comprehensive crisis communication plan

addressing all aspects of the framework, including
potential scenarios, response protocols, communication
channels, and post-crisis recovery strategies.
➢ Conducting regular simulations and training exercises to
test the plan’s effectiveness and ensure all personnel are
familiar with their roles and responsibilities.
➢ Prioritizing transparency and clear communication
during crisis situations, acknowledging problems
promptly, providing regular updates, and addressing
concerns honestly.
➢ Investing in technology and infrastructure to improve
baggage handling efficiency and minimize the risk of
similar incidents.
➢ Building strong relationships with stakeholders by
proactively engaging with passengers, media, and
government through regular communication and open

By implementing these recommendations and proactively

preparing for potential crises, BLR can ensure a more effective
response and minimize the reputational damage caused by
such incidents.
5. Team Structure:

➢ Crisis Communication Lead: Oversees the overall strategy

and communication efforts.
➢ Media Relations Team: Manages media inquiries, press
releases, and media briefings.
➢ Social Media Team: Manages social media channels,
monitors online conversations, and addresses concerns.
➢ Passenger Services Team: Provides real-time information
and assistance to affected passengers.
➢ Operations Team: Coordinates with airlines and ground
staff to minimize disruptions.
➢ Legal and Compliance Team: Advises on legal and ethical
considerations in communication.


This project outlines a comprehensive approach to managing

the PR crisis triggered by the power outage at BLR. By
implementing a well-defined plan, effectively managing
communication, and demonstrating genuine commitment to
improvement, BLR can regain public trust and successfully re-
establish its reputation as a leading airport in India.

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