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Chapter 21 Integrals 1. Answer (3) ‘2. Answer (3) * fe F(x° jax where c is an arbitrary constant. . So, option (4) is right answer. age foe) xx 5. Answer (1) 1 afpeads-axtte LI an? fre). 302 jee = 720 [f0P) 3x25 (8x2 J 10°)-3x7ax) de (ere ay Lie yee) fewitenee 3. Answer (3) dptt) 4 Spo pPtt) 200 (p(t) ( Fat)-200) =fat 2g 2 200) AO 200 = oF 6. Answer (1) Using given condition p(t) = 400 ~ 300 e#? 4. Answer (4) |, = Jtan® xdx, n>4 J(tan* x-+tan® xjax 4 = [tan* xsec? xax Let tan sec’x dx = dt frat Lec =Atan?x+e 3° °"5 “ey alia)*® ‘Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : ‘akash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 ARCHIVE - JEE (Main) MATHEMATICS 7. Answer (2) (Tx — 5x*)dx = dt f sin? x.cos* x dx {(sin? x-+c0s? x) (sin? x +c0s? x0} Dividing the numerator and denominator by cos® fx) = tan? xsec? x dx (t+ tan? xy 1 f= | x= Let, tan’x = 2 10. Answer (3) => Stan?x.sectxdx = dz “1 sec (sin" 0=sin0}? 6080 4g } sin”"0 -—2 se Let sino = t = > 31+ tan® x) en = ot 8. Answer (2) (e = « [2sinGx? 1) = 2sin(x —teos(x? 1) 4, Dsin(x? 1) + 2sin(x? —1)cos(x? 1) x ft cos(x? = 1) Tr eos(x* 1) oe dx 1 at= ferent Let tonsa A= nytrat = du eat = 1= Jhtan(e)jat ee 9. Answer (2) Fn) 5x° + 7x° (x? +442x7) " Put —4x° = t > 12x? dx = dt = Pécs “5 Let 247 + x ‘Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 MATHEMATICS a 12 [heel a= Atte -ere et? 48-140 8 = f= 48-4 12, Answer (4) An A(x) =- ay = (AWM = ae 13. Answer (2) xe vet I= [ha Let ax-T=t 2x-1=8 > dx = tdt (2x1) + ‘Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : ARCHIVE - JEE (Main) ~sori(*24).0 3 = f(x)N2x-1+¢ where f(x) = 24 14, Answer (2) 1 Joos(Inx)dx 1 = cos(inx).x = x cos(In x) +jsin(Inx)dx = x cos (In x) + sin(In x).x— 80 a 21 x(cos(in x) + sin(in x)) +. 1= Z[eostinx) + sin(innd] +6 15, Answer (3) 16. xX 2cos.sinX 22 ‘akash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 ARCHIVE - JEE (Main) MATHEMATICS in3x-+sin2x ‘sinx dx Now use sin2x = 4sin®x 'sinxcosx and sin3x = 3sinx — = J(1+2c08 x+2c082x)ax = x + 2sinx + sin2x + ¢ 417. Answer (1) oe ax t= [ae [ae ror Nae Put 1+x%=8 => -xldx = 3 at ox (exe (ex 4 2x2 => tx) 18, Answer (2) Jsec? x-cosee? a sec? xdx Put tan x tan? x = sec’x dx = dt C => I=-3(tanxy 49. Answer (2) Jo** (sec xtanxt(x) + (see xtanx + sec? x)}x =eF(x)+C We know that Jo% ((g'(x0f(x)) + Fx)) ax = 08 x(x) +E f(x) = [((sec xtanx) + sec? x)dx [x)= seexs tanx + O| 20. Answer (2) [=f (x? -2x+10F 2 ((x-1)? +97 Let (x — 1)? = 9tan*o- (i) x1 tang =%—1 ~ 3 On Differentiating (i) 2(x- 1) = 18tand sec0 a0 18tane sec? 9 de 2x3tandxBtsecO 2 1.1 1= Joos? o ao = 1x1 ((1+cos20)a 208" 0 d0= x5 (t+ c0820)40 SoA 54 fx) = 3(x=1) 21. Answer (4) I= JP ax Put-x@=t = -2xdx = dt ‘Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 MATHEMATICS 22. Answer (1) rf Put x2 +1 (2x? — t)dx ax t (2x—x2)dx = at fE-initee t ain? tole 23. Answer (3) tanx+tano, a TON x tanx=tana sin(X +0) yy sin(x—a) sin(t + 201 Dat sint 7 {cos2u + sin2a cos2a. (x — ct) - cosa + 24, Answer (2) 2cot? 0 - 2+ 2cosec?0-Scosecd =0 2cosec’#—4cosecd-cosecd+2=0 (2cosecd~1)(cosecd-2)=0 cosecd=+ or 2 2 t+ sin2o, ARCHIVE - JEE (Main) sind=2 or 4, 8 € (0, 2n) 2 x bn 0,-2 ando, =5%, «+0, <0, =F and 0, == <0, 22845 25. Answer (3) Let sinx = t = cosx dx = dt If at Casey let x— e = dx=at KY +e cot flat In [sind] + (1+sin® x)" cosec? x+¢ since «In [sin(x — ad] + 6 Qi) (SZ) ory . a= aand t(5) 26. Answer (3) dx — (x3) (x +4) ‘Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 ARCHIVE - JEE (Main) ‘dx (ray 27. Answer (2) 2 sec? ode I= bet = Fe 36 stands -j_—_seeto Tetan® 6+ 2tand =tan20 sec? 6(1-tan@) See tan sectadd = dt (1-t)at i- 142 lat =-t+2Iog(1+#) Fe Te +t) I = -tano + 2 log,|1 + tano] + = A= -1, f(0) = 1 + tand. 28. Answer (1) vx 12 fsin (4) = Jtan{ Vx) tan! Vx-1 dx = xtan! Vx - frarsf—eae 0 1+tand 30: MATHEMATICS = xtan Vx — Je + tan! = (x4 tan vx vx +6 > Alx)=(x+1), BO)=—vx Answer (1) 2 x \Karvean™ (xsinx + cos x} d SZ (xsinx+cosx) = xcosx ax xcosx ) Jax (xsinx + osx? \cosx/ " 1 x x [ 4 jest cosx| xsinx +cosx cos? x a — | xsinx + cosx SOON tanx ee xsinx+608x ‘Answer (1) K f x dx (x >0) (1+ x) Put x = tan’0 = 2xdx = 2tandsecodo i = j2tarte. sec®o sec*@ d0 = [2sin ed = [(1-cos20}48 4, 2tane f(x)=0- 421809 4g = 0) Oo ano f(x) = 0-908 6 = tan Vx wei. Tetan®o Tex 1 3 tant(ayat Now f(3)-f(1) = tan’ (¥8)-7y- tan (+5 z_V3_n,4 304° 4°2 21 Be 2°24 ‘Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 MATHEMATICS 31. Answer (3) [le% +206 14). 6 dy Let e% =t,dx= =(e% +12 40 So, g(x) = 1 + &* and g(0) = 2 ‘Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : ARCHIVE - JEE (Main) 32, Answer (3) Let sine j—# 5+7t-2+20 =A in 5 t+ +e +3 2sino+1 4 ao) = 28ino+t =i (0) Fieinoay MAAR B(0) _ 5(2sin0+1) (sind +3) ‘akash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456

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