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Text: Luke 23:24

The word "forgive"—the Greek word aphiemi—is the picture of totally freeing and releasing
someone. A modern paraphrase of this Greek word would simply be to let it go!

A famous saying, I can forgive but I can’t forget! My dear brothers and sisters it is so clear that
if you want to forgive someone Let it go. You have to release for it. Set them free.

God has a thousand reasons that we will not be forgiven, but what God said in his prayer, Father
forgive them for they don’t know what to do.

The word charidzomai comes from the Greek word, charis, which means grace.

Elohay Selichor — God of Forgiveness, In Nehemiah 9:17 He has called Elohay Selichor It means,
“He is the God of Forgiveness. Our God forgave us those things even we don’t deserve and that
is called GRACE!

1) Forgiveness is not an optional part of the Christian life. It is a necessary part of what it means
to be a Christian. If we are going to follow Jesus, we must forgive. We have no other choice. And
we must forgive as God has forgiven us—freely, completely, graciously, totally. The miracle we
have received is a miracle we pass on to others.

2) We will forgive to the extent we appreciate how much we have been forgiven. The best
incentive to forgiveness is to remember how much God has already forgiven you. Think of how
many sins he has covered for you. Think of the punishment you deserved that did not happen to
you because of God’s grace. Jesus said, “He who has been forgiven little loves little” (Luke 7:47).
Your willingness to forgive is in direct proportion to your remembrance of how much you have
been forgiven.

Mark Twain said it this way: “Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet gives to the heel that has
crushed it.” You are never more like Jesus than when you forgive. And you will never be set free
until you forgive.
Release them, and you will be set free.
The only question that remains is the most basic one: Have you ever been forgiven by God or
are you still carrying the heavy burden of your own sin?

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