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PRE-INTERMEDIATE UNIT 1 2 Match the sentence halves. Then connect them

using and, but, so or because.
linking words
1 I joined the university drama group.
2 I wanted to learn chess.
3 We drove to the beach.
When we write about past events, we use the past simple 4 We did an Italian cookery course.
tense to describe what happened. We use linkers to
5 They got engaged at university.
connect our ideas within sentences.
6 There wasn’t any snow.
We use and to add information.
I went to the beach every day and I went surfing twice. 7 He proposed to her aer one month.
We use but to contrast information. 8 2006 was was a great year.
I went swimming every day but I didn’t go surfing. a) It started raining so we didn’t stay long.
We use because to describe the reason for something. b) I met my boyfriend.
I moved to Spain because I wanted to learn Spanish. c) We learned how to make pasta.
We use so to describe a result. d) She didn’t accept.
I wanted to learn Spanish, so I moved to Spain. e) I joined a club at university.
We use a comma before so but not before because. f) They got married a year later.
g) I liked acting.
1 Read the text and answer the questions about h) We couldn’t go skiing.
Mary’s important year.
1 Why was 2007 important for her?
3 Complete the text with and, so, but or because.
2012 was great because we went to Mallorca. We
2 Who did she meet?
stayed in a very good hotel 1 we went
3 What activities did she do? to the swimming pool every day. We also hired a car
4 Find four examples of the past simple tense. 2
we wanted to explore the villages
near the hotel. The weather was hot in the day
in the evening it was cool. My
Mary’s important year birthday was on the last day of the holiday,
we had a party.
2007 was an important year for me
because I started to go to university. 4 Write about an important year in your life.
I met lots of new people, so it was a Write 60–80 words.
very exciting time. I worked hard and
passed all my exams. I also acted in the Plan your writing
• Think about the important year.
university drama group and played
• Why was it important? What happened?
in the women’s football team. I met my
• Give details and say what was the best thing about
future husband that year but we only
the year.
began going out later. Meeting Dave was
Check your writing
the best thing about 2007.
• Have you used some of the linkers?
• Did you check your grammar and spelling?
• Did you find any mistakes?

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PRE-INTERMEDIATE UNIT 2 3 A What word(s) does Anthony use to …

starting and ending an email 1 begin the email?
2 say why he is writing?
WRITING TIP 3 ask for an answer?
4 say goodbye?
When you write an email to someone you don’t know,
for example when you answer an advertisement for a B Match the informal and formal expressions.
job, it’s important to use formal language. We use fixed
1 Hello Andrew,
expressions to start and end emails which are different
2 It’s about …
depending on if the email is formal or informal. For
example, Dear Mr Brown is formal but Hi Jim is informal. 3 Speak soon.
4 Cheers,

1 Read the job advertisement and answer the

a) I look forward to hearing from you.
b) Yours sincerely,
c) Dear Sir,
1 Who is advertising?
d) I am writing about …
2 What is their business?
3 Who are they looking for? 4 Write a reply to the job advertisement.
Write 60–80 words.

ARE YOU A Do you


• Simon’s Place is an important restaurant
take good
group in the United Kingdom, with a photos?
reputation for fine food.
• We are looking for young people who want The Belford Recorder
to work in our kitchens. is the local newspaper
for the area of Belford.
• Write to Andrew Duncan at We are looking for a
photographer who
can take good sports
2 Read the answer to the job advertisement and
Write to David Parker at
answer the questions.
1 Why is Anthony writing?
2 What is he doing at the moment?
3 Is he a good cook? How do we know? Plan your writing
• Think about the job and why you are a good candidate.
To Say why you are writing, what you are doing now and
Dear Mr. Duncan, what makes you ideal for the job. Remember to use
I am writing about your advertisement for people to formal language.
work in your kitchens. At the moment I am working Check your writing
in a local restaurant in my home town. I am a very • Have you used formal language?
good cook, and all our customers are very happy
with the food. • Did you check your grammar and spelling?
I look forward to hearing from you. • Did you find any mistakes?
Best regards,
Anthony Dell

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PRE-INTERMEDIATE UNIT 3 3 Read the informal email and choose the correct
informal emails

Dear/Hi Susanna,
It’s great to hear from you/Thank you for your email. It sounds
When we write emails to our friends and family we like you had a great holiday!
use informal language. 3
Just a quick note to say/I am writing to tell you that I’m going to
We use contractions, for example, I’m, we’re, be in town this weekend and it would be great to see you! I’m
they’ve, you’d. staying at the Three Trees from Friday until Sunday. I’m going to
We also use informal expressions for starting and the Opera on Friday evening and meeting Jonathan for lunch
ending emails. on Saturday. 4In addition/Also, I’m going to watch the tennis on
Saturday afternoon, so I’m quite busy! Are you free on Saturday
night? Would you like to meet then?
1 Rewrite the sentences using contractions. 5
I look forward to hearing from you/Can’t wait to see you.
1 We are going to the cinema tomorrow; 6
Yours faithfully/Lots of love,
would you like to come? Marge

2 We are not going to the museum on Sunday. 4 Read the informal email. Find and correct six mistakes.

3 I would love to come with you. Dear Tom,

Thank you for your email! It’s been ages since I’ve seen you.
4 I am meeting Beth at 5pm. It’s exciting that you’re going to be in London next Thursday,
I would love to see you! Jason and I are meeting at 5pm and
going to an exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery. Then
5 I have not been to the new restaurant yet.
we’re going for dinner at
a new Turkish restaurant
6 He has got a brother. in Soho. Do you want to
come too? In addition,
Chelsea are playing
7 I am sorry; I am busy on Friday night.
Arsenal so we’re going
to watch the game
8 They would really like to see you too! after dinner – it’s going
to be a great night!
I look forward to
2 A Complete the informal expressions with hearing from you.
words from the box. Yours faithfully
soon care wait Hi Lots How’s
ages great
1 Take 5 Write an email to a friend inviting them to do something
2 it going? next weekend. Write 60–80 words.
3 Can’t to see you!
4 It’s to hear from you! Plan your writing
5 Pete! • Decide who you’re writing to and plan your email. Say why
6 It’s been since I heard you’re writing, ask what their plans are, invite them to do
from you! something and ask for an answer. Remember to use informal
7 See you
8 of love Check your writing
• Have you used informal language?
B Which of the expressions in 2A do you use at • Did you check your grammar and spelling?
the start (S) or end (E) of an informal email? • Did you find any mistakes?

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PRE-INTERMEDIATE UNIT 4 3 Read the text below and underline

10 mistakes.
correcting mistakes
My talent is that I can to make animal noises.
WRITING TIP i can sound like an elephant, a monkey or
a lion. I discovered this talent when I was a
It is important to check your written work for any mistakes you
might have made. Aer you write an email, an article, a report or children. I watched oen a famous animal
any other text, check and correct your writing. You should look at impersonator called jonny Morris on TV. I loved
three things in particular: grammar, punctuation and spelling. this TV programme, so I start to make animal
noises for me friends. Today I can impersonate
1 Decide if the mistakes in the sentences are grammar (gr), over 50 animals. My friends think I’am funny
punctuation (p) or spelling (sp). Then correct the really. I would like work for TV or radio one day.
1 i can sing like bruce springsteen
4 Write about a secret talent you have.
Write 60–80 words.

2 He watch cartoons never when he was young.

3 I have performed in many partys and wedings.

4 I am practising the piano every day.

5 what is your secret talent

6 I descovered my hability when I was a child.

2 A Mark the underlined Plan your writing

mistakes gr, sp, or p. • Think about your talent.
• What is it? How did you discover it?
Mi brother james can to
• Why do you have this talent? What do you do
play the violin very good. with your talent?
he start to play wen he • What would you like to do with your talent in
had four. he ussualy has the future?
practised for htree hours Check your writing
every day. He becomes • Have you checked your grammar and spelling?
professional musician in • Did you find any mistakes?
the future. And you. Did
you ever play a musical

B Write a correct version of the paragraph.

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PRE-INTERMEDIATE UNIT 5 2 A Match the places to the things.

using sequencers 1 Salzburg a) beer
2 Innsbruck b) Mozart
WRITING TIP 3 Munich c) museums
4 Vienna d) skiing
When we describe past events, we usually use the past
simple. We also use sequencers, such as first, then, B Circle five irregular and one regular verb in the
after that/after a while and finally, to order events. past simple.
We use first at the start of a description or story.
Last summer I went backpacking round Europe. First, we C Underline five different words/phrases that help us
took the train to Paris. to understand the order of events.
We use then, after that and after a while to describe what
happens next. 3 Complete the description with these words.
We spent a few days in Paris. Then we took the bus to Then Finally while that First
We use finally at the end of the description. Last summer my husband and I went to Spain on
Finally, we spent a week at the beach in Sicily. holiday. 1 , we flew to Madrid. Aer
we spent three or four days looking
round the city. We visited lots of museums and ate
1 Read Sally’s email about her trip to Austria and put delicious food. 3 we took the fast train
the places in the correct order. to Seville. Aer a 4 the weather got
a) Innsbruck very hot, so we went to the coast. We spent a few
b) Salzburg days relaxing at the beach and swimming in the sea.
c) Munich
, we flew back home from Malaga. It
was a fantastic holiday!
d) Vienna
4 Write an email to a friend about a trip or a weekend
Hi Liz, away. Write 60–80 words.
I’ve just got back from my trip to Austria. I went with Tracy
and Ella. First, we took the plane to Vienna. It wasn’t a long
flight – about two and a half hours. Then we spent four days
there. We visited lots of museums and drank lots of delicious
coffee in traditional Viennese cafés. After that, we went to
Salzburg by train. It’s a beautiful town; Mozart was born
there! There were a lot of tourists because we were there
during the Mozart music festival! Then we took the train to
Innsbruck and we went skiing. After a while the weather got
really bad, so we took another train (!) to Munich in the
south of Germany. The beer was great but I didn’t like the
sausages! Finally, we caught the plane back home from
Munich. It was a fantastic trip, but I spent too much!
Hope to see you soon!

Plan your writing

• Think about your trip. Where did you go? Who did you
go with? What did you do? What was the weather like?
Did you enjoy the trip? Why?/Why not?
• Remember to use informal language in your email.
Check your writing
• Have you used the past simple tense to describe
what you did?
• Have you checked your grammar and spelling?
• Did you find any mistakes?

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PRE-INTERMEDIATE UNIT 6 3 Rewrite each sentence as two sentences. Use also in

the second sentence.
sentence structure
1 We ate pasta, we drank Italian wine and we had
ice cream.
When you write sentences, you can use words such as
when, and and also to connect your ideas and to make 2 He is a good cook, he is an excellent photographer
longer sentences. Longer sentences sound better but very and he is a fantastic pianist.
long sentences are difficult to understand. Use and only
once in a sentence and also in the next sentence to add
more information. 3 We walked in the park, we went on the boats and
we had a meal in a café.
1 A Read the description of the meal. Predict the
missing words when, and, and also.
4 Sean cleaned his room, he washed the dishes and
It was eight o’clock 1 we arrived at the Greek he watered the plants.
restaurant. I was with my sister. We were tired
thirsty. We were 3 very hungry. 4
the waiter came, we ordered quickly. I ordered a
5 Claire did the shopping, she went to the dentist’s
Greek salad 5 a steak. I 6 ordered some
and she went to the beauty salon.
roasted vegetables. The meal was delicious!

B Match the sentence halves.

1 It was eight o’clock 6 We visited the museums, went sightseeing and
went shopping in the markets.
2 We were tired
3 We were
4 I ordered a Greek salad
7 He had a headache, a sore throat and a high
5 I temperature.
6 When the waiter came,
a) and thirsty.
b) also ordered some roast vegetables. 8 Mark does karate, yoga and goes surfing on the
c) we ordered quickly. ocean.
d) also very hungry.
e) when we arrived at the Greek restaurant.
f) and a steak. 4 Write sentences about a meal you had in a
restaurant. Write 60–80 words.
2 Connect the sentences using when.
1 He ran. He saw the police.

2 We were walking along the street. It started

to rain.

3 Maria finished the exam. She felt very happy.

4 He passed his driving test. David bought a new car.

Plan your writing
5 Mum called us. We came into the dining room. • Think about the meal you had in a restaurant. Where
did you go? Who did you go with? What did you order?
6 I started playing basketball. I was twelve. Did you enjoy the meal? Why/Why not?
Check your writing
7 We came back from our run. We were thirsty.
• Have you used a sentence with and followed by a
sentence with also?
8 He asked me to marry him. I felt excited.
• Have you checked your grammar and spelling?
• Did you find any mistakes?

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PRE-INTERMEDIATE UNIT 7 2 A Unjumble the words to make phrases for writing about a
change in someone’s life.
1 example, / spent / I / a / For / all day / in front of /
Most texts are divided into paragraphs, a group of 2 my / love / I / Now / job!
sentences about one main topic. When we start
writing about a different topic, we start a new 3 hated / work. / I / going to / Before that,
When you write a paragraph, it should present 4 a teacher. / and / become / was / best decisions /
information clearly. A typical paragraph presents One of the / my office job / I ever made / to quit
the main idea, gives information to support the
main idea and finishes with a conclusion. 5 back / to / went / So / college. / I

1 A Read the two paragraphs and put the 6 I wanted to / as a primary / decided to train /
sentences in the correct order (1–8). school teacher. / not just make money, / help people, / so I
a) Finally, I decided that the only way
to learn English quickly was to
go abroad.
B Which sentences …
b) Because I didn’t know any foreign 1 present the main idea?
languages, it was hard to find a job. 2 give information to support the main idea?
c) I used to look everywhere for jobs, 3 provide a conclusion.
for example online, but they always
asked for English. 3 Write two paragraphs about a change in your life. Use the
paragraph plan for ideas. Write 80–100 words.
d) One of the best decisions I ever
made was to learn English abroad.
e) Now, I have a great job and I speak
English everyday.
f) Aer three months my English was
much better.
g) I went to a language school in the
morning, and I worked in a hotel in
the aernoon.
h) I wanted to go to a big city, so I
decided to go to Dublin in Ireland.

B Which sentences …
1 present the main idea?
Plan your writing
2 give information to support the main idea?
• Think about the life change you are going to write about.
3 provide a conclusion.
• What was it?
• Try to use some of the phrases below:
One of the best decisions I ever made was …
I wanted to …, so I …
Before that, I used to …
For example, I …
Because I didn’t …
So I went …
Now, I …
Check your writing
• Do you have a main idea in each paragraph with information
to support it?
• Have you finished or concluded each paragraph?
• Have you checked your grammar and spelling?
• Did you find any mistakes?

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PRE-INTERMEDIATE UNIT 8 4 Choose the options so that the sentences are true
for you.
adding emphasis
1 I am fairly/very/extremely good at English.
2 My mobile phone was fairly/very/really expensive/
When you write a description of a product or place, or 3 My home town is fairly/very/really small/big.
give your opinion about something, it is a good idea to 4 I think that football is a fairly/really/
include adverbs of degree (fairly, really, extremely, etc.) to extremely interesting/boring sport.
add emphasis. These words make your description more
5 Clothes today are very/really/extremely expensive/
precise. They are followed by adjectives.
It is extremely hot in Seville in the summer.
It is really difficult for young people to get a job after 6 It’s fairly/really/extremely easy/difficult to learn
university. another language.
I think tennis is fairly easy to play. 7 It’s fairly/really/extremely important to have a job
with a high salary.
8 I’m very/really/extremely interested in health
1 Read the product description in the advertisement and fitness.
below. What is the person selling?
5 Choose one of the products
from the list below and
Excellent Stereo System for sale write an advertisement.
Write 80–100 words.
❍ I’m selling my stereo system. • mp3 player
❍ It’s in extremely good condition because • laptop computer
I haven’t used it much. • leather jacket
❍ It has very high sound quality because the • mobile phone
speakers are really excellent.
• DVD player
❍ It’s really easy to use.
❍ The price is £500. You may think that’s fairly
expensive, but the price was £1,000.

2 Complete the table with adjectives from the

advertisement. Which is the strongest and which
is the weakest?

Condition 1
Sound quality 2
Speakers 3
Price 4
expensive Plan your writing
• Think about the product you are going to write about.
3 Unjumble the sentences about the products • What’s it called? What are its features?
for sale.
• What is the price and why is it a good deal?
1 bad / The weather / today. / is / extremely
Check your writing
2 playing the piano. / good at / I’m fairly
• Have you used language to add emphasis?
3 your English / to do / It’s / important / really /
homework. • Have you mentioned the price and why it is a
good deal?
4 in August. / is / quiet / extremely / My town
• Have you checked your grammar and spelling?
5 It’s / in another country. / to study /
really expensive • Did you find any mistakes?
6 extremely / Nurses are / in most countries. /

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PRE-INTERMEDIATE UNIT 9 3 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
similar sounding words their they’re too by to your you’re buy
1 Is anyone in family vegetarian?
2 Many people think it’s expensive to
English has many words that sound the same but that are eat organic food.
spelt differently. For example, pear and pair, to and too, 3 I think people should locally-grown
write and right. food.
You need to be careful to use the correct spelling when 4 Living the coast is healthier than
you write them. living in the city.
5 People drive cars too much. They
1 Choose the correct option. should walk more.
6 My friends say too busy to recycle.
1 Can you tell me the write/right answer?
It makes me angry!
2 Their/There are a lot of people who grow their own
7 Do you usually walk work or take
the bus?
3 I can sea/see a lot of rubbish in the street.
8 You should turn off the lights when
4 You’re/Your not doing enough for the environment
not in the room, it saves lots of
5 Can you hear/here me? electricity.
6 She road/rode the horse very well.
7 She’s a vegetarian so she doesn’t eat meet/meat. 4 Write a web comment about: ‘What we can do
8 It’s cold so you should where/wear a jacket. at home to protect the environment?’ Write
80–100 words.
2 Find and correct six spelling mistakes.
I think everyone should grow there own food. It wood
be better for the environment. We need to learn how
to eat the write way and to grow food. I grow a lot of
fruit and vegetables, and I get very angry when I sea
people paying a lot of money at supermarkets. A lot
of the food we by is brought from distant countries.
This food is also grown with the help of harmful
chemicals which are bad for the environment. There
is nothing as tasty and natural as potatoes from
you’re own garden. Plan your writing
• Think about the points you want to make about the
• What examples can you give to illustrate your points?
• Try to use some of the phrases below:
I think everyone …
There are lots of things we can …
For example …
Check your writing
• Have you made clear suggestions about what we can
do at home to protect the environment?
• Have you checked your grammar and spelling?
• Did you find any mistakes?

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PRE-INTERMEDIATE UNIT 10 3 Complete the reply with the appropriate formal

using formal expressions
about your letter about the teachers
Formal language is very different from informal language. at our school. I believe all the teachers are extremely
We use different expressions depending on the person profession. 3 , I would like to say that
that we are writing to. our school is one of the best in the country.
For example, we usually start a formal letter with Dear … 4
and will be happy to meet to discuss
and end it with Yours faithfully … this.
1 Is it more appropriate to use formal (F) or informal Julian Redpath (head teacher)
language (I) in the situations below?
1 a note to your brother
4 Write a formal letter
to the local council.
2 a report your boss The rubbish bins
3 a text message to a good friend have not been
4 a letter to your daughter’s teacher collected for three
5 a post-it on your desk weeks and you
want to complain
2 A Read a letter from a parent to a head teacher. about the rubbish
Underline any words and expressions that are not on the streets.

Hey Jules,
qual¡ty of
Just a qu¡ck word about the poor
teachers at Church ¡ll School. Many of them
.ect very badly and do not
expla¡n the¡r subj
son to
mot¡vate their students. I take my
I see that your teachers
school everyday and
ly. Also , they ofte n com e late
dress very bad
et ¡mes stud ents have noth ¡ng
to class, som
her to
to do wh¡le they wait for the teac
guys to
arr¡ve. I think it’s ¡mportant for your
show a good example to the k¡ds.
r¡ght now
Anyway, you need to contact me
about th¡s.
Cheers mate,
Mr. John Greene
Plan your writing
(father of Em¡ly Greene, year 10)
• Think about your letter of complaint.
• What points do you want to make? What do you want
the council to do?
• What language should you use: formal or informal?
B Match the formal expressions in the box below to
• Explain why you are writing then outline the main
their informal equivalents.
points with examples.
I look forward to hearing from you. I am writing to • Ask for some action and close.
Yours faithfully Dear Sir In addition • Close in a formal way.
1 Just a quick word Check your writing
2 Hey Jules • Have you used formal language and organised your
3 Also letter appropriately?
4 Anyway, you need to contact me right now • Have you checked your grammar and spelling?
5 Cheers mate • Did you find any mistakes?

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PRE-INTERMEDIATE UNIT 11 2 Rewrite the travel blog. Replace the words in bold
with pronouns.

WRITING TIP Prague or bust!

We use pronouns (he, my, them, etc.) to subsitute nouns
so that we don’t repeat them. Pronouns help to avoid
unnecessary repetition of words and to write longer
My sister and I went to a concert last night. My sister and
I had a great time.
My sister and I went to a concert last night. We had a
great time.
I’ve never been to Berlin. What’s Berlin like?
I’ve never been to Berlin. What’s it like?

1 Read the travel blog. Match the pronouns in bold to

the things they refer to in the box.

the Golden Gate Bridge the hotel

the weather San Francisco his cousin
walk along the Golden Gate Bridge
his mother Well, here we are in Prague! 1 (Prague) is
the historical capital of Bohemia and the modern capital
of the Czech Republic. There are so many things to see
(in Prague)! Unfortunately, we aren’t the
Gary’s America Blog only tourists in the city. There are thousands of
26-09-16 Posting 1
(tourists)! I’m not sure what to do first.
Perhaps we’ll go up Petrin Hill. They say that
It’s now the 15th of June and I’ve finally arrived in 4
(Petrin Hill) gives you a wonderful view of
San Francisco. It’s a beautiful city! The people who the city. The problem is, my boyfriend wants to go to a
live here are very lucky. I phoned my mum on bar first. 5 (My boyfriend) likes beer, and in
Skype, and she said that I have a cousin here.
(my boyfriend’s) opinion 7 (the
beer) is exceptionally good here. Well, I don’t care! 8
She gave me his number and I’m going to phone
(Me and my boyfriend) aren’t going to spend all the time
him later. I’ve checked into a hotel with a great in bars. Sometimes I wonder why I’m going out with
view of the bay. It’s expensive, but it’s really relaxing 9
(my boyfriend)!
and comfortable. Everyone says that you have to
walk along the Golden Gate Bridge, so I’m going to
do that. I hope the weather is OK because it is
sometimes very misty there. 3 Imagine you are visiting a foreign city. Write a
travel blog about it. Write 100–120 words.

Plan your writing

• Think about the foreign city you are visiting. Where
Comment you are? What are the main things to see and do?
What are your plans?
• What are your a personal views/opinions of the city?
Check your writing
• Have you used pronouns to avoid repetition?
• Have you checked your grammar and spelling?
• Did you find any mistakes?

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PRE-INTERMEDIATE UNIT 12 2 Put the information in the correct

order (1–6).
a) Garbo le Sweden.
b) Garbo stopped acting.
c) Garbo starred in her first film.
When we write longer texts, we divide them into different d) Garbo became famous.
paragraphs. When you write something like a personal profile,
e) Garbo received several Oscar
each paragraph should have a clear focus and a different topic.
The first sentence of each paragraph should introduce the topic of
the paragraph. Most texts have an introduction, two or three main f) Garbo started to do speaking
paragraphs, and a conclusion. roles.

3 Match the titles to the paragraphs (1–4)

1 Read the profile of Greta Garbo. Who was she and why is in exercise 1.
she famous? a) Rise to fame
b) Achievements and later life
c) Introduction
1 d) Childhood and education

Greta Garbo was a Swedish

film actress and an 4 What tense is used in the text? Why?
international star during
Hollywood’s silent and 5 Write a profile of a famous person.
classic periods. She was
nominated four times for
an Oscar, and received an
honorary one in 1954.


Greta Garbo was born in

Stockholm in 1905. She
was the youngest of three
children. Her family was
poor and lived in a small
flat with no hot water. She
became interested in the
theatre when she was
very young, and dreamed of becoming an actress. Greta finished
school when she was 13 and did not go to secondary school
because she had to work to earn money for her family.
Plan your writing
• Think about the person you’re going to write

about? Who is he/she? What is/was he/she

When she was 17, she started studying at drama school in
famous for?
Stockholm, and she starred in her first film when she was only 19.
When she was 20, she went to the United States to look for fame • What can you say about his/her early life and
and fortune. In 1926, at the age of 21, she acted in her first silent education? How did he/she rise to fame?
film. In the following years she made eight more silent films and • What are his/her achievements? What
became an international star. happened to him/her later in life?
Check your writing
• Does each paragraph have a clear focus?

In 1930 she took her first speaking role, in the film Anna Christie.
• Have you used the past simple tense to
In the next eleven years she starred in many classic films. She
was nominated for an Oscar for several of these roles. Then,
describe the events of the person’s life?
mysteriously, she retired in 1941 at the age of only 36. She never • Have you checked your grammar and
acted again. Greta Garbo died in 1990 in New York. spelling?
• Did you find any mistakes?

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